S.no Floor Appt Name of Buyer Cell - 1 Email 1 SQ - FT Mr. Roshan Lal Jain Priority No. Tower No

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S.no Prior ity N o. Tower No. Floor Appt Name of Buyer Cell -1 email 1 Sq.


1 GA10 10 G A Mr. Roshan Lal Jain +91-9829377877 [email protected] 2350

2 GB10 10 G B In-Stock
3 1A10 10 1 A Mr. Puneet Dewan & Mrs. Simran Dewan 9810361793 [email protected] 2350
4 1B10 10 1 B Mr. Amar Nath Sehgal & Mrs. Urmil Sehgal 9501163390 [email protected] 2350
5 1C10 10 1 C Mr. Ne el Ka mal Verma & Mrs. Ve ena 9811030901 [email protected] 2550
Mr. T. Pa dman abh a Rao & Ms. T. N .
6 2A10 10 2 A Anu radh a Rao 9810255113 [email protected] 2350

7 2B10 10 2 B In-Stock

8 2C10 10 2 C Ms.Divya Burman 0112614138 [email protected] 2550

9 3A10 10 3 A Mr. Vijay Kumar Gupta 01127453421 2350

Mr. Arun Kumar Gand otra & Ms. Meen a
10 3B10 10 3 B Ga nd otra & Mr. Bhara t Gand otra & Mr 9810045126 [email protected] 2350
11 3C10 10 3 C Ga
Mr.ura v Gan dotra
Narender Nath & Mrs. Manisha Jindal 9810323875 [email protected] 2550
12 4A10 10 4 A Mr. Tarun Bhatia & Ms. Dipika Bhatia 8184345103 [email protected] 2350

13 4B10 10 4 B Mr. Kewal Krishan & Ms. Reena Anand 9560398965 [email protected] 2350
14 4C10 10 4 C Mr. Ravi Dutt Sharma & Mrs. Divya Sharma 9818668777 2550
15 5A10 10 5 A Mrs.Sunanda Chaudhury 9810190644 [email protected] 2350

16 5B10 10 5 B Mr. Vijay Kumar Nasa & Mr. Piyush Nasa 9810024532 2350

17 5C10 10 5 C Mr. Subodh Kumar Garg 9810091126 [email protected] 2550

18 6A10 10 6 A Mr. Gautam Ahuja 9810269201 2350
19 6B10 10 6 B Capt. Rahul Puri 9811692223 [email protected] 2350
20 6C10 10 6 C Mr. Rajesh Kumar Saraf 9873344887 2550
21 7A10 10 7 A Mr. Kul pre et Su nde rlal & Mrs. Su priya 9811045056 2350
[email protected]
Sun derl al
22 7B10 10 7 B M/s Siddharth Infra Builders Pvt. Ltd. 9717465290 2350

23 7C10 10 7 C Mr. Ramakant Agrawal +852-9094-6077 [email protected] 2550

Mr. Bal jit Sin gh Mal hi & Mr. Gurmin der
24 8A10 10 8 A 9810209950 2350
Th ind
25 8B10 10 8 B Mr.Aditya Awasthi 2350
26 8C10 10 8 C Ms. Ru pa Sa mrow & Mr. Gurpre et Si ngh 2550
27 9A10 10 9 A Mrs. Niamat Bakshi 2350
28 9B10 10 9 B Mr. Akhil Ghambhir & Mr. Naresh Kapahi 01125768977 [email protected] 2350

29 9C10 10 9 C Mr. Joginder Singh Roperia 2550

Mr. Krish an L al Wadh wa & Mrs. Kusu m
30 10A10 10 10 A Wa dh wa in Gup ta & Mrs. Ko mal Gupta & 2350
31 10B10 10 10 B Mr. Sach 9910532255 [email protected] 2350
Mrs. Uma R ani Gu pta
32 10C10 10 10 C In-Stock
33 11A10 10 11 A Mr. Narendra Verma 9312432246 [email protected] 2350
Mr.R oop ak Vasi shtha & Mrs. Shu bhl ata
34 11B10 10 11 B 9810224576 [email protected] 2350
Vasish tha
Mr. Avin ash Ku mar Verma & Ms. Ra ksha +44 -
35 11C10 10 11 C [email protected] 2550
Devi 772 97 728 29
36 12A10 10 12 A Ms. Jagmohan Sahni 9810170342 [email protected] 2350

37 12B10 10 12 B Mrs. Mee na Sri vastava & Mrs. Juh i 9452273253 2350
Srivasta va

38 12C10 10 12 C Mr. Manish Jain & Mrs. Archana Jain 9810140691 2550

39 14A10 10 14 A Mr. K.L. Jain 9810000247 [email protected] 2350

40 14B10 10 14 B Mr. K. L. Jain & Ms. Sunita Jain 9810000247 [email protected] 2350

41 14C10 10 14 C Mrs. Jyoti Bhatia 2550

42 15A10 10 15 A Mr.Madan Lal Malhotra 9811986208 m/[email protected] 2350

43 15B10 10 15 B Mr. Paresh Chandra Pradhan 9810163490 2350

44 15C10 10 15 C In-Stock
45 16A10 10 16 A In-Stock
46 16B10 10 16 B Ms. Sanam Bakshi 4455
47 GA11 11 G A In-Stock
48 GB11 11 G B In-Stock
49 1A11 11 1 A Mr. Ravi Mehra & Mrs. Neeru Mehra 9818427010 [email protected] 2350
50 1B11 11 1 B Mr.Nishchae Suri 9810119382 [email protected] 2350
51 1C11 11 1 C Mrs. Anita Jaluka & Mr. Rajiv Jaluka 9818565704 flexipol@gmail,com 2550
Ms.N ayan ika Vi vek Mathan i & Vi vek Gu l
52 2A11 11 2 A Matha ni [email protected] 2350
Mr. Iqb al Sin gh Dh adw al & Ms. Vee na
53 2B11 11 2 B 447771858439 [email protected] 2350
Dha dw al
54 2C11 11 2 C Ms.Malvinder Kaur [email protected] 2550
55 3A11 11 3 A Ms. Rama Verma & Mr. Sher Singh Verma 9416047327 [email protected] 2350
56 3B11 11 3 B Mr. Vish wan ath Prasa d Sah & Ms.D evki 9953990660 2350
Sah [email protected]

57 3C11 11 3 C Mr. Sanjay Hanslas & Ms. Indu Hanslas 9810293773 [email protected] 2550
58 4A11 11 4 A In-Stock
Mrs. Gurmit Kau r Ohri & Mr. Su nna nda n
59 4B11 11 4 B Sing h Ohri 9999908222 2350
60 4C11 11 4 C Mr. Ankur Bhatia & Mrs. Ambika Raina 9811552445 [email protected] 2550
Mr. Sud hi r Bh usha n & Mrs. Parvee n
61 5A11 11 5 A 9911171568 [email protected] 2350
Bhu shan
62 5B11 11 5 B Mrs. Vee na U pad hyaya & Dr. Raj esh 9810703595 [email protected] 2350
Upa dh yaya & Mr. Ri shab U pad hyaya
63 5C11 11 5 C Mr. Sunandan Kapoor 9999664491 [email protected] 2550
64 6C11 11 6 C Mr. Jogindra Singh Sethi 9811034817 2550
65 6A11 11 6 A Mr. Pradeep Handa 9659742577 [email protected] 2350

66 6B11 11 6 B Mr. Maneesh kumar & Mrs. Shipra kumar [email protected] 2350

67 7A11 11 7 A Mr. Kuldip Singh 9811866000 [email protected] 2350

Mr. Ra jvin de r Si ngh Be di & Mrs. Anu
68 7B11 11 7 B 9971794737 [email protected] 2350
Sha rma

69 7C11 11 7 C Mr. Rajesh Takiar & Mrs. Aprajita Takiar 9811011366 2550

70 8A11 11 8 A Mr. Ashok Kumar Khattar 9810299763 2350

71 8B11 11 8 B Mr. Prab ha t Kuma r Si nha & Mrs. N een a 2350
Sinh a & Mrs. Ra jni sh Sinh a
72 8C11 11 8 C Mr. Deepak Gupta & Mrs. Anupama Gupta 9811566866 [email protected] 2550

73 9A11 11 9 A L.T Overseas Ltd 9810997893 [email protected] 2350

Ms. Ru chi Vya s & Ms. Ka nta Vyas & Mr.
74 9B11 11 9 B 9810837327 2350
Ved Va ts
75 9C11 11 9 C Mr. Govind Gulati & Ms. Keerti Gulati 9990803815 [email protected] 2550
76 10A11 11 10 A Mr. Swaranjit Singh & Mrs. Paramjit Kaur 7184680713 [email protected] 2350
77 10B11 11 10 B Mr.Dinesh Mor +18686332215 [email protected] 2350

78 10C11 11 10 C Mr. Shivaji Chatterjee & Mrs. Runita Verma 8800391095 [email protected] 2550

79 11A11 11 11 A Mr. Para mjit Sin gh Kan g & Mrs. Kamal jit 02085604032 [email protected] 2350
Kau r Ka ng

80 11B11 11 11 B Mrs. Savitri Yadav 9818867979 2350

81 11C11 11 11 C Mr. Sukirat Singh Kocher [email protected] 2550

82 12A11 11 12 A Mr. Bish aw Na rraya n John Ka lia & Mrs. +0044-7930638800 [email protected] 2350
Anu ja Kal ia

83 12B11 11 12 B Mr.Devashish Sarkar & Mr.Shuchi Sarkar 2350

84 12C11 11 12 C Ms.Seema Jalal & Mr.Sayed Jalaluddin 97143510629 [email protected] 2550

Mr. Basa v Ray Ch aud huri & Ms. N upu r
85 14A11 11 14 A 9999839754 [email protected] 2350
Ray Ch au dhu ri
86 14B11 11 14 B Mr. Mahmood Ahmed & Mr. Naved Ahmed 9810109233 2350
Cap t. Sume et Sa hraw at & Mrs. An shu l
87 14C11 11 14 C 9810498497 sumeetsahrawat@gmail,com 2550
Sah rawa t
88 15A11 11 15 A Mr. Yanmendra Kalyan Chakrabarti 9899692909 [email protected] 2350

89 15B11 11 15 B Mr. Ajay Yadav 9717183355 [email protected] 2350

90 15C11 11 15 C In-Stock

91 16A11 11 16 A In-Stock

92 16B11 11 16 B Ms. Noor Bakshi 4455

93 GA12 12 G A In-Stock
94 GB12 12 G B In-Stock
95 1A12 12 1 A Mr. Rakesh Malhotra 3820
96 1B12 12 1 B Mr. S. C. Jain 3820
97 1C12 12 1 C In-Stock
98 2A12 12 2 A Mr. Mangat Sharma & Mrs.Renu Sharma 9812003371 [email protected] 3820

99 2B12 12 2 B Ms. Birender Garg 9810709993 3820

M/s Orien tal Structural En gin eers Priva te

100 2C12 12 2 C 2590
Limi te d
M/s Orien tal Structural En gin eers Priva te
101 3A12 12 3 A 3820
Limi te d
102 3B12 12 3 B Mrs. Shabnam Singh 9312176999 3820
103 3C12 12 3 C Mr. Kapil Kumar Agarwal 9810798178 kapil.agarwal 2590
104 4A12 12 4 A M/s Orien tal Structural En gin eers Priva te 3820
Limi te d

105 4B12 12 4 B Mrs. Ind erbi r Ka ur Kalsi & Mr. Ba lvin der 987 16 663 79 [email protected] 3820
Sing h Kal si (Mr. Aruju n Kalsi )

106 4C12 12 4 C Mr. Anil Kumar Agarwal 00977-9851025057 [email protected] 2590

107 5A12 12 5 A Mr. Kava l Na in Obero i & Mrs. Neh ad Atef 3820
Ta wfik

108 5B12 12 5 B Ms. Promila Taneja 9811320886 [email protected] 3820

109 5C12 12 5 C Mrs. Sindhu Goel & Mr. Mukul Goel 9999971758 [email protected] 2590
Mrs. Ru pa li Sha rma & Mr. Jeeten der
110 6A12 12 6 A Sha rma 9818049797 [email protected] 3820
M/s Orien tal Structural En gin eers Priva te
111 6B12 12 6 B 3820
Limi te d
112 6C12 12 6 C Mrs. Sonia Sethi & Mr. Pankaj Sethi 9958580101 [email protected] 2590
113 7A12 12 7 A Mr. Rajnish Sarna & Ms. Simi Sarna 3820
114 7B12 12 7 B Mr. Bal vind er Sin gh Kal si & Mrs. In derb ir 9810191806 ba lvin der- 3820
Kau r Ka lsi si ngh .ka lsi@ ind .d upo nt.co m
115 7C12 12 7 C Ms. Alena Brar & Mr. Satwant S. Brar 9871871965 [email protected] 2590

116 8A12 12 8 A Mr. Rajinder Kumar 3820

117 8B12 12 8 B Mrs. Smita Singh & Mrs. Veena Singh 9811140739 3820
118 8C12 12 8 C Mr. Ankur Bhandari 9910105590 [email protected] 2590
Mr. Swa ran Si ngh Ma yal & Ms. Simra nji t
119 9A12 12 9 A 9810110285 [email protected] 3820
Kau r Ma yal
120 9B12 12 9 B Mr. Chakrapani G K & Mrs. Rajani G 9899691617 [email protected] 3820

121 9C12 12 9 C Mr. Rishi Mehra & Ms. Dipti Mehra 9811918882 [email protected] 2590
122 10A12 12 10 A Mr. Amitabh Nangia 9818099110 3820
123 10B12 12 10 B Ms. Jasjit Singh 9560387547 3820
M/s Orien tal Structural En gin eers Priva te
124 10C12 12 10 C Limi te d 2590

125 11A12 12 11 A Ms. Anushree Choudhary 3820

126 11B12 12 11 B Mr. Vas Dev Loond 3820

127 11C12 12 11 C M/s Envee Engg. Pvt. Ltd. [email protected] 2590

128 12A12 12 12 A Mr. Suresh Kumar & Ms. Indu Aggarwal [email protected] 3820

129 12C12 12 12 C Mrs. Indira Vashishta & Mr. Marc Carena 9811743777 [email protected] 2590

Ms. Sh eel a Sehg al & Mr. Krish an Pa rkash

130 12B12 12 12 B 9910768816 3820
Seh gal
131 14A12 12 14 A Ms. Raunaq Kohli 3820

132 14B12 12 14 B PACE Buildtech Pvt. Ltd. 3820

133 14C12 12 14 C Mr. Ind ercha nd Aga rwal a , Mr. N iran jan 9830089933 [email protected] 2590
Jain & Mr. Raj esh Jai n
134 15A12 12 15 A Mr. Narendra Verma & Mrs. Santosh Verma 9312432246 3820

135 15B12 12 15 B Mr. Manoj Kumar Prithani 3820

136 15C12 12 15 C In-Stock

137 16A12 12 16 A In-Stock
138 16B12 12 16 B In-Stock
139 GA14 14 G A Mr. Harbaksh Singh & Ms. Achint Kaur 9871900123 [email protected] 3820
140 GB14 14 G B In-Stock
141 1A14 14 1 A M/s Orien tal Structural En gin eers Priva te 3820
Limi Orien
M/s te d tal Structural En gin eers Priva te
142 1B14 14 1 B 3820
Limi Orien
M/s te d tal Structural En gin eers Priva te
143 1C14 14 1 C 2590
Limi te d
144 2C14 14 2 C Mr. Pankaj Malhotra & Mrs. Anjali Saihgal 8800603737 [email protected] 2590
145 2A14 14 2 A Mr. Santanu Chakrabarty 7838320000 [email protected] 3820
146 2B14 14 2 B Mr. Anju Surana 9844152214 [email protected] 3820
147 3A14 14 3 A Mr. Ashish Kumar & Mrs. Devna Kumar 9871547171 [email protected] 3820
148 3B14 14 3 B Mr. Kawaljeet Singh Rekhi 9810139644 3820
149 3C14 14 3 C Mininder Singh 9899714798 [email protected] 2590
M/s Orien tal Structural En gin eers Priva te
150 4A14 14 4 A 3820
Limi te d
151 4B14 14 4 B Dr. Anita Dhar & Dr. Anil Bhan 9810198239 [email protected] 3820
Ms. Ap arna D ua Ms. Su parn a Dua & Ms.
152 4C14 14 4 C Son al Du a 9810064952 [email protected] 2590
153 5A14 14 5 A Ms. Arti Asrani 9810016425 [email protected] 3820

154 5B14 14 5 B Mr.Yashi kant & Ms.Divya Kant 3820

155 5C14 14 5 C Mrs. Keerthi Sharma & Mr. Rakesh Sharma 9810287362 [email protected] 2590
156 6A14 14 6 A M/s Orien tal Structural En gin eers Priva te 3820
Limi te d
157 6B14 14 6 B Dr. Lily Verma & Dr. Jitender Nath Verma 9810455879 [email protected] 3820

158 6C14 14 6 C Mrs. Shalini Shroff 9811006103 2590

159 7A14 14 7 A Mrs. Priya Sawhney 3820

160 7B14 14 7 B Mr. Neeraj Kanwar 3820

161 7C14 14 7 C Mr. Rohit Malhotra & Ms. Seema Malhotra 9871226116 [email protected] 2590
162 8A14 14 8 A M/s Apollo Tyres Ltd. 01126876613 3820
Mr. Krish an Ku mar Yada v & Mrs. Ash a
163 8B14 14 8 B 9811094900 [email protected] 3820
Yad av
Mrs. Ne en a Sinh a & Mr. Prabh at Ku mar
164 8C14 14 8 C 9899000423 2590
Sinh a swan
Ms.Ja & Mr.t Ra jni sh
ka ur Sinh a ir Sing h &
& Mr.Jasb
165 9A14 14 9 A 9417300508 [email protected] 3820
Mr.Ka ran bir S Dha liw al
166 9B14 14 9 B Mr. Rajneesh Juneja & Ms. Jyoti Juneja 9999989000 [email protected] 3820

167 9C14 14 9 C Mr. Di nesh Ashok Vazi rani & Mrs. H een a 9650110062 [email protected] 2590
Din esh Va ziran i
168 10A14 14 10 A Mr. Sanjay Jain 9812043114 [email protected] 3820

169 10B14 14 10 B Mr. Prem Puri 3820

Mr.R adh a Krish nan a & Mr.Vij ayrag hvan

170 10C14 14 10 C (361)-2887949 [email protected] 2590
Krishn an
171 11A14 14 11 A M/s Orien tal Structural En gin eers Priva te 3820
Limi te d
M/s Ra jlo k D iag no sti c System Priva te
172 11B14 14 11 B Limi te d 3820
173 11C14 14 11 C Mr. Murari Lal Mittal 9821117490 [email protected] 2590
174 12A14 14 12 A M/s KRM Exports Pvt. Ltd. 3820

175 12B14 14 12 B Mr. Rahul Kohli & Mrs. Vinita Kohli 3820

176 12C14 14 12 C Mr. Sai vija y K han aga v & Mrs. Me ghn a 9899986303 [email protected] 2590
Saivi jay Kh ana gav
Mr. Sun il Ku mar Sharma & Mrs. Ma mta
177 14A14 14 14 A 9350053600 3820
Sha rma

178 14B14 14 14 B M/s QH Talbros Ltd. [email protected] 3820

179 14C14 14 14 C M/s Orien tal Structural En gin eers Priva te 2590
Limi te d
180 15A14 14 15 A Mr. Vivek Krishna Tankha 9811229933 [email protected] 3820
181 15B14 14 15 B M/s. GEO Tech International Pvt. Ltd. 3820
182 15C14 14 15 C In-Stock
183 16A14 14 16 A In-Stock
184 16B14 14 16 B In-Stock
185 GA15 15 G A In-Stock
186 GB15 15 G B In-Stock
187 1A15 15 1 A Mr. Arjun Segan & Mrs. Kamlesh Segan 9871747042 [email protected] 2350
188 1B15 15 1 B Mr. Vipin Modi & Vandana Modi 9811912247 [email protected] 2350
Mr. Sun il Ku mar Han slas & Mr. Man moha n
189 1C15 15 1 C La mb a 9810167363 [email protected] 2550
190 2A15 15 2 A Mr. Pankaj Sehgal 9910444769 2350

191 2B15 15 2 B Mr. Pankaj Sehgal 9910444769 [email protected] 2350

192 2C15 15 2 C Mr. Deepak Jain & Mrs. Neha Jain 9810725971 2550
Mr. Vire nd er Kumar Ch opra & Mrs. Ma dhu
193 3A15 15 3 A 989988016 [email protected] 2350
Cho pra
Shri Ad itya Vikram Sin gha l & D r. Sud hir
194 3B15 15 3 B 9811055123 [email protected] 2350
Kuma r & Smt. Mamta Sud hir Kuma r
195 3C15 15 3 C Mrs. Himani Verma 9810059206 [email protected] 2550

196 4A15 15 4 A Mr. Tapan Tripathi & Mrs. Niyati Tripathi 9999610000 [email protected] 2350
197 4B15 15 4 B Capt. Prit Mann & Mrs. Mona Basant Mann 9810617164 [email protected] 2350
198 4C15 15 4 C Mr. Ankush Jain & Mrs. Sonal Jain 9910345422 [email protected] 2550
199 5A15 15 5 A M/s. Sareen Arts & Design Pvt. Ltd. 2350
200 5B15 15 5 B Mrs. Nirmala Agrawal 9810085698 [email protected] 2350
201 5C15 15 5 C Mr. Ni shan t Si nga l & Mrs. Il a Sing al & Mr. 9953629321 [email protected] 2550
Vija y K umar Sin gal
202 6A15 15 6 A Mr. Ashish Gupta 9818354221 2350
203 6B15 15 6 B Mr. Sandeep Anand & Mrs. Renu Anand 9910024306 [email protected] 2350
204 6C15 15 6 C Ms. Arti Lall Gupta 9811848248 [email protected] 2550

205 7A15 15 7 A Ms. Suman Gupta 9810221516 [email protected] 2350

206 7B15 15 7 B Mr. Upjit Singh Monga 9810421290 2350
Shri Ad itya Vikram Sin gha l & D r. Sud hir 00 44-
207 7C15 15 7 C Kuma r & Smt. Mamta Sud hir Kuma r 792 15 899 70 [email protected] 2550
208 8A15 15 8 A Ms. Shamshad 2350
209 8B15 15 8 B Mr. Tarun Gupta & Mrs. Archana Gupta 9811011895 [email protected] 2350

210 8C15 15 8 C Mr. Sharad Gupta & Mrs. Megha Gupta 9810132393 [email protected] 2550

211 9A15 15 9 A Mr. Devendra Singh Dabas & Mrs. Neelam 9711179790 2350
212 9B15 15 9 B Mr. Nitin Gupta & Ms. Virnda Gupta 2350

213 9C15 15 9 C Mr. Arun Kamra 9899762000 2550

214 10A15 15 10 A Mr. Hari Haran & Ms. Neeraja Hari Haran 9810001583 2350
Mr. Sau na k Gho sh & Mrs. Subh ad ra
215 10B15 15 10 B 9990655663 [email protected] 2350
Cha tte rjee
Mr. Vive k K umar Sin gh & Mrs. Van dan a
216 10C15 15 10 C 8066553468 [email protected] 2550
Sing h
217 11A15 15 11 A Mr. Gursharan Singh 510-225-8058 [email protected] 2350

218 11B15 15 11 B Mr. Neeraj Bansal & Dr. Rajni Gupta 65-92988707 [email protected] 2350

219 11C15 15 11 C Mr. Amit Ahuja 9810007346 [email protected] 2550

220 12A15 15 12 A Mrs. Venu Vashista & Mr. Dheeraj Vashista 9910990928 [email protected] 2350

221 12B15 15 12 B Mr. Padam Chandra Bindal 9810013280 [email protected] 2350

222 12C15 15 12 C Mr. Roop Singh Kuntal Mrs. Pertiksha Singh 9811110144 2550
223 14A15 15 14 A Mrs. Sangeeta Sabharwal 2350
224 14B15 15 14 B Ms. Nuriya Ansari 9810505890 [email protected] 2350
225 14C15 15 14 C Ms. Arshi Ma da n & Ms. Afsh an Mad an & 9816022220 [email protected] 2550
Mr. Asho k Kumar Mad an
226 15A15 15 15 A Mr. Arun Kumar Batra & Mrs. Vibha Batra 9810071396 [email protected] 2350
227 15B15 15 15 B Mr. Mohit Narula & Ms. Vandana Narula 9888018600 [email protected] 2350

228 15C15 15 15 C In-Stock

229 16A15 15 16 A Mrs. Mir a M. Gidwani & Ms . Nisha. M. 832-2931617 miragidwani@yahoo,com 4455
Gidwa ni

230 16B15 15 16 B In-Stock

231 GA16 16 G A In-Stock
232 GB16 16 G B In-Stock

233 1A16 16 1 A Mr. Kapil Agarwal 2350

234 1B16 16 1 B Mr. Raj Singh Tanwar & Mrs. Rakhi Tanwar 2350
235 1C16 16 1 C Mr. Bhuvanesh Khanna & Mrs. Isha Khanna 9810305524 [email protected] 2550
236 2A16 16 2 A Mr. S. K. Chhabra & Ms. Janki Chhabra 2350

237 2B16 16 2 B Mr. Sushil Kumar Aggarwal 9811022792 [email protected] 2350

238 2C16 16 2 C Mr. Nitesh Singal & Ms. Nautasha Singhal 9953629321 [email protected] 2550
239 3A16 16 3 A Mr. T Satish U Pai 0824-2520866 [email protected] 2350
240 3B16 16 3 B Mr. Dushant Kumar & Ms. Deepa Tyagi 9810075705 [email protected] 2350
241 3C16 16 3 C Abinash
Mr. Manghani
Sub ha sh Cha nde r Me hta & Mrs. 9899155660 [email protected] 2550
242 4A16 16 4 A Vee na Sub hash Me hta & Ms. Shu chi 9810152974 2350
243 4B16 16 4 B Mehta
Mrs. Reema Kathuria 9810034433 2350
244 4C16 16 4 C Mr. Sumeer Kher & Ms. Renu Kher 9971796824 [email protected] 2550
245 5A16 16 5 A Mr. Raj Kumar Rishi & Mrs. Renuka Rishi 9810077074 [email protected] 2350
246 5B16 16 5 B Mr. Mohit Kumar & Ms. Indu Amar 9999021930 [email protected] 2350
247 5C16 16 5 C Mr. Gaurav Dave & Ms. Mini Dave 9711166587 [email protected] 2550

Mr. Jamsh ed R ustomji D esai & Mr. R ustom

248 6A16 16 6 A 9958716078 [email protected] 2350
Jamshe d De sai
249 6B16 16 6 B Mrs. Mini Wahi & Lt. Col Y.K. Wahi 9810189127 [email protected] 2350

250 6C16 16 6 C Mr. Jishnu Sharma & Ms. Debjani Sharma 9967606507 [email protected] 2550

251 7A16 16 7 A Mr. Manoj Khurana & Mrs. Nisha Khurana 9810144325 [email protected] 2350

252 7B16 16 7 B Mr. Anuj Sansi & Mrs. Pushp Sansi 9811662920 [email protected] 2350

253 7C16 16 7 C Ms. Shikha Jain 9818427021 [email protected] 2550

reshma .n agp al@ dyna micvestica ls.
254 8A16 16 8 A Mrs. Reshma Nagpal 9958977333 2350
co m
255 8B16 16 8 B Mr. Nitin Kaushal & Ms. Neelu D. Kaushal [email protected] 2350
Mr. Mah esh C han dra Sin gh Bha kun i & Ms.
256 8C16 16 8 C Meen aksh i Mahe sh Bhaku ni 9312493830 [email protected] 2550
257 9A16 16 9 A Mr. San de ep Arora & Mrs. Sub ha dra 9899196999 [email protected] 2350
Cha tte rjee
258 9B16 16 9 B Mr. Dev Arora 9899196999 [email protected] 2350

259 9C16 16 9 C Mr. Sanjay Burman 413-212-2206 [email protected] 2550

260 10A16 16 10 A Ms. Ri cha Ch au dhri Ah uja & Mr. N ipu un 9871517016 2350
Ahu ja
261 10B16 16 10 B Mr.Shekhar Bhansali & Ms.Neera Bhansali 813176653 [email protected] 2350
Mr. Ra vi Sub raman yam Nistal a & Ms.
262 10C16 16 10 C 9716299429 [email protected] 2550
Visha li Ni sta la

263 11A16 16 11 A Mr.Puran Chand Mittal [email protected] 2350

264 11B16 16 11 B Dr. Priya Choudhury 9810896544 [email protected] 2350

Mr. Ra wat Na har Sin gh & Ms. Vee rbha dra
265 11C16 16 11 C Sing h 9314664807 [email protected] 2550
266 12A16 16 12 A Mr. Aniruddh Kumar & Ms. Meenu Sharma 9971511755 [email protected] 2350
267 12B16 16 12 B Mrs. Sangeeta Panda 2350

268 12C16 16 12 C M/s Vidya Ice & Cold Storage Pvt. Ltd. 9811022903 [email protected] 2550

269 14A16 16 14 A Mr. Ajay Singh & Ms. Shiromani T. Singh 9717048339 [email protected] 2350

270 14B16 16 14 B Mrs. Neera Bahadur & Ms. Radhika Bahadur 9818429449 [email protected] 2350
Mrs. La ta Go yal & Cap t. V. K. Go yal & Ms.
271 14C16 16 14 C Nup ur Goyal 2550

272 15A16 16 15 A Mr. Kumar Rajul 9818056386 [email protected] 2350

Mr. Adi tya Baha dur & Ms. Ne ha Sh anke r
273 15B16 16 15 B 9818429449 [email protected] 2350
Bah adu r
274 15C16 16 15 C In-Stock

275 16A16 16 16 A In-Stock

276 16B16 16 16 B Mr.Raj Mohan & Ms.Sudha Mohan 4175
277 GA17 17 G A Ms. Raunaq Kohli 3820
278 GB17 17 G B Ms. Amrita Bakshi 3820
279 1A17 17 1 A Mr.Rummy Chabbra 3820
280 1B17 17 1 B Mrs. Noor Sehgal & Mrs. Heena Sehgal 9891674343 3820
281 1C17 17 1 C Ms. Reenu Uberoi 9810074886 [email protected] 2590
282 2A17 17 2 A Mr. Karan Chandna 9910029000 [email protected] 3820
Mr. S.K. Sri vastava & Ms. She ela
283 2B17 17 2 B Srivasta va & Mr. Yashi Ka nt 9811119300 rishis@microsoft,com 3820
284 2C17 17 2 C Mr. Amit Ahuja 9810007346 [email protected] 2590

285 3A17 17 3 A M/s Kay Sons Electricals Pvt. Ltd. 3820

Mr. Gau ra v Agarw al & Mr. Man ish Aga rwal
286 3B17 17 3 B & Ms. Nish i Ch and ra 9701370750 3820
287 3C17 17 3 C Mr. Deepak Garg & Neha Singal 9899976230 [email protected] 2590

288 4A17 17 4 A Mr.Manjit Singh Shihn & Ms. Neenu Shihn +44 - [email protected] 3820
208 56 932 81
289 4B17 17 4 B Mr. Arun Kumar Anand 9560308688 [email protected] 3820
290 4C17 17 4 C Mr. Vishnu Kumar & Ms. Geeta Jaswal 9899004014 [email protected] 2590
Mrs. Sukh wa rsha Voh ra & D r. Ra j Vohra &
291 5A17 17 5 A 9891190547 [email protected] 3820
Mr.Aksh ay Voh ra
292 5B17 17 5 B Mr. Harsh Agrawal & Mrs. Shaleen Agrawal 9987707510 harsh.agarwa;@morganstanley.com 3820

293 5C17 17 5 C In-Stock

294 6A17 17 6 A Ms. Kumud Jain & Ms. Indu Jain 3820

295 6B17 17 6 B Ms. Suchali Berry & Mr. Rohit Berry 3820
296 6C17 17 6 C Ms.Renu Goel 518-238-4688 [email protected] 2590
297 7A17 17 7 A Ms.Seema Swami [email protected] 3820
298 7B17 17 7 B Mr. Amit Bhayana & Dr. Niraj Bhayana 9210044444 [email protected] 3820
299 7C17 17 7 C Ms.Preeti Shah 2590

Ms. Ra shmi Sin gh & Mr. Kri shan Ku mar

300 8A17 17 8 A 9810078727 [email protected] 3820
Sing h
301 8B17 17 8 B Mr. Sub ha sh Cha nde r Sa luj a & Mrs. 3820
Nirma la Sal uja
302 8C17 17 8 C Mr. Amit vohra & Neeti Vohra 9811141172 [email protected] 2590

303 9A17 17 9 A Mr. Vipin Pruthi & Ms. Vandana Pruthi 9711335571 [email protected] 3820
304 9B17 17 9 B M/s JPK Value Reality Private Limited 9810076565 [email protected] 3820
305 9C17 17 9 C In-Stock

306 10A17 17 10 A Mrs. Suman Lata Goel 9810018532 3820

307 10B17 17 10 B Mrs. Suman Lata Goel 9810018532 3820

308 10C17 17 10 C Mrs. Suman Lata Goel 9810018532 2590

M/s. Paci fi c Bl uet Engi nee ring &
309 11A17 17 11 A 9810155725 [email protected] 3820
In fra structure Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Ra jen dra Ku mar Jhun jhu nwa la & Ms.
310 11B17 17 11 B Usha Devi Jh unj hun wal a & Mr. Uman g 9838072191 [email protected] 3820
Jhu njh unw ala
311 11C17 17 11 C Mrs. Swati Aggarwal & Mr. Vipin Aggarwal 9999456350 [email protected] 2590

Ms. Min aksh i Ma lh otra & Ms. Moni ca

312 12A17 17 12 A Malh otra & Mr. Vij end ra Nath Mal hotra 97150-6450706 [email protected] 3820

Mr. R.S. S hah rawa t & Mrs. San to sh

313 12B17 17 12 B Sha hraw at 9810404039 3820

314 12C17 17 12 C Mrs. Shakuntla Vohra & Mrs. Swati Dave +15704068147 [email protected] 2590

315 14A17 17 14 A Mr. Jai Prakash Menon 9810979620 3820

316 14B17 17 14 B Mr. Jai Prakash Menon 9810979620 3820

317 14C17 17 14 C Mr. Jai Prakash Menon 9810979620 2590

318 15A17 17 15 A Mr. Kanwal Khurana & Mrs. Anu Khurana 3820
319 15B17 17 15 B Ms.Amita Vijayvergiya 441-236-5352 [email protected] 3820
320 15C17 17 15 C In-Stock

321 16A17 17 16 A Ms.Arushi Gupta 6744

322 16B17 17 16 B Ms.Tanushree Gupta 6744
323 GA18 18 G A In-Stock
324 GB18 18 G B In-Stock
325 1A18 18 1 A Ms. Ne eti Agg arwa l & Mr.Amit Agga rwal & 9811111186 [email protected] 3820
Mr. Ani l Kuma r Ag garw al
326 1B18 18 1 B Ms. Smita Behl & Mr. Lokesh Khanna 234-8084340916 [email protected] 3820
Mrs. Kama l Ch aud hry & Mr. Varun
327 1C18 18 1 C 99997987712 [email protected] 2590
Cha ud hry
328 2A18 18 2 A Mr. Ashish Mehta 9560000010 [email protected] 3820
Mr. Paw an Kr. Kaush al & Mrs. Nid hi
329 2B18 18 2 B 9810203130 [email protected] 3820
Sha rma
330 2C18 18 2 C Mr. Raj Kamal Jain & Mrs. Rajni Jain 9848848928 [email protected] 2590

331 3A18 18 3 A Ms. Pooja Jain 9811777224 [email protected] 3820

332 3B18 18 3 B Ms. Nira Anand & Mr. Naveen Anand 9811657297 [email protected] 3820
333 3C18 18 3 C Mr. Ra jag op ala n Kann an & Mrs. Va ndh ana 9910053408 [email protected] 2590
Srini vasa n
Ms. An upre et K. Lamb a & Mr. Raj ne esh
334 4A18 18 4 A 9868711720 [email protected] 3820
Ta lwa r & Mr. S uresh Ku mar Ta lwa r

335 4B18 18 4 B Mr. Mahendra Goyal & Mrs. Seema Goyal 3820

336 4C18 18 4 C Ms. Preeti Arora & Mr. Pushkar Arora 9810011818 [email protected] 2590

337 5A18 18 5 A Mr. Amrish Garg & Ms. Charu Garg 9560894833 [email protected] 3820
338 5B18 18 5 B Mr. Vikram Chadha & Mrs. Surbhi Chadha 9810032838 3820
339 5C18 18 5 C Mr. Vivek Prakash 9717007137 [email protected] 2590

340 6A18 18 6 A Mr. Rajan Cham & Ms. Swati Cham 9711988354 3820

341 6B18 18 6 B Ms. Rashmi Nayar 9810209950 naya r. ra jiv @gmail.com 3820

342 6C18 18 6 C Col. Ris Mehta 9999328012 [email protected] 2590

343 7A18 18 7 A M/s Radiance Realtors Pvt. Ltd. 9899196999 [email protected] 3820

344 7B18 18 7 B M/s Radiance Realtors Pvt. Ltd. 9899196999 [email protected] 3820

345 7C18 18 7 C Mr. Abhijeet Singh 9999918494 2590

346 8A18 18 8 A Mr. Amit Cha turved i & Mrs. Nad ira 9810440506 [email protected] 3820
Cha turved i
347 8B18 18 8 B Mr. Praveen Kumar Jain 9810011450 [email protected] 3820

348 8C18 18 8 C Mr. Joyo tu Sharma & Ms. C han dan a 2590
Patha k Sh arma
349 9A18 18 9 A Mr. Manoj Kumar & Mr. Sudhir Chandra 9811122560 [email protected] 3820
350 9B18 18 9 B Mr. Mukul Arora 9999400957 [email protected] 3820
351 9C18 18 9 C Mr. Nitin Dham & Ms. Preeti Dham 9811806819 [email protected] 2590
352 10A18 18 10 A Mr. Rajan Bhalla & Ms. Bhavna Bhalla 9810270137 [email protected] 3820
353 10B18 18 10 B Mr. Ajay Verma & Ms. Shweta Verma 3820
354 10C18 18 10 C Mrs. Deepika Bajaj & Mr. Manoj Kumar Bajaj 9810270448 [email protected] 2590
355 11A18 18 11 A Mrs. Ashima Raj Ahuja 9810064996 [email protected] 3820
356 11B18 18 11 B Mrs. Kala Gupta & Mr. Om Prakash Gupta 3820

357 11C18 18 11 C Mr. Chirayu Motial & Mrs. Shubhangi Motial 9654698322 [email protected] 2590

358 12A18 18 12 A Mr. Sanjay Kedia & Mrs. Sunita Kedia 9810047446 [email protected] 3820

359 12B18 18 12 B M/s. Red Rose Estates Pvt. Ltd. 3820

360 12C18 18 12 C Mr. Ha rish Ku ma r Dha m & Mrs. Sa tya 9811806819 [email protected] 2590
Dha m
361 14B18 18 14 B Ms. Gau ri Padma nab han & Tela kat Rama n 9873399733 [email protected] 3820
Kuttan Pad mana bha n

362 14A18 18 14 A Mr. Samir Chopra [email protected] 3820

363 14C18 18 14 C Mr. Abhimanyu Singh 2590
Mr. Vij end ra Na th Ma lho tra & Ms. Mi naksh i
364 15A18 18 15 A Malh otra & Mr. Aja y Ma lho tra 97150-6450706 [email protected] 3820
Mr. Vij end ra Na th Ma lho tra & Ms. Mi naksh i
365 15B18 18 15 B 97150-6450706 [email protected] 3820
Malh otra & Mr. Aja y Ma lho tra
366 15C18 18 15 C In-Stock

367 16A18 18 16 A In-Stock

368 16B18 18 16 B Mr. Sanjit Bakshi 7200

369 GA19 19 G A In-Stock
370 GB19 19 G B In-Stock
371 1A19 19 1 A Mr. Tejasvi Chugh & Ms. Ritu Bhatia 9146489965 [email protected] 3820
Ms. Man ja re e Ch owd hary an d Mrs. Kaml a
372 1B19 19 1 B 9811807159 [email protected] 3820
Cho wd hary
373 1C19 19 1 C Mr. Pavan Datta & Ms. Reeta Datta 2590

374 2A19 19 2 A Mr. Hari Kumar Somalraju 9971747799 [email protected] 3820

375 2B19 19 2 B Mr.Arun Mathur & Ms.Rakhi Mathur 9818684165 [email protected] 3820
Mr. Ajo y K isho re & Mrs. Archan a Ga uba &
376 2C19 19 2 C 9910236216 [email protected] 2590
Mr. Kish ore Si ngh
377 3A19 19 3 A Mr. Ankur Gulati 9812645000 3820
378 3B19 19 3 B Mr. Parvesh Ghai & Mrs. Nisha Ghai 9560022133 [email protected] 3820

379 3C19 19 3 C Mr. Tanuj Mangla 9810217911 2590

Mr. Ashi t Sa xena & Mrs. Tara ng Gauta m
380 4A19 19 4 A Saxe na 9810049887 [email protected] 3820
381 4B19 19 4 B Mrs. Swati Aggarwal & Mr. Vipin Aggarwal 9999456350 [email protected] 3820

382 4C19 19 4 C Mr. Gaurav Arya 9811235001 [email protected] 2590

383 5A19 19 5 A Ms. Samita Prasad & Mr. Anupam Mathur 3820
384 5B19 19 5 B Mr. Sanjay Chadha & Mrs. Neha Chadha 9810087776 3820
Mr. Ra jiv K. L akh anp al & Ms. Ashi ma
385 5C19 19 5 C Cho pra 7838368520 [email protected] 2590

386 6A19 19 6 A M/s. Aryabandhu Herbs & Drugs Pvt. Ltd. 9810317381 3820

387 6B19 19 6 B Mr. Abhishek Jain & Mrs. Geetika Jain 9971033636 [email protected] 3820

388 6C19 19 6 C Mr. Nitin Mahohar Lal Malhotra 9650500266 [email protected] 2590

389 7A19 19 7 A Grotech Landscape Developer Pvt LTD 9811177060 [email protected] 3820

390 7B19 19 7 B Mr. Vipul Jain & Mrs. Suman Lata Jain 9910012262 [email protected] 3820

391 7C19 19 7 C Mr. Rajesh Gupta & Ms. Nidhi Gupta 9810480078 [email protected] 2590
392 8A19 19 8 A M/s. Pasupati Barter Pvt. Ltd. [email protected] 3820

393 8B19 19 8 B Mr. Ramesh Khuller 9810930555 gurgaonclick@gmail,com 3820

Mr. Prem Sa gar Arora & Mrs. Mi ni La ta
394 8C19 19 8 C 9811058901 2590
395 9A19 19 9 A Mr. Vinod Yadav & Mrs. Nirmala Yadav 3820
396 9B19 19 9 B Mrs. Neha Lal 3820

397 9C19 19 9 C Ms. Urmil Dhattarwal 9818187086 2590

398 10A19 19 10 A Theme Music Company Pvt Ltd 9811088350 [email protected] 3820
399 10B19 19 10 B Mr. Sameer Sood & Mr. Kuldeep Sood 3820
400 10C19 19 10 C Mrs. Gunjan Vij 9650923482 2590
401 11A19 19 11 A Mr. Gurbinder Singh Hira 9871622544 [email protected] 3820
402 11B19 19 11 B Mr. Gursharan Singh 510-225-8058 [email protected] 3820
403 11C19 19 11 C Mr. Balwan S. Kaushik & Ms. Asha Kaushik 8860444084 [email protected] 2590

404 12A19 19 12 A Mr. Amit Ahuja 9810007346 [email protected] 3820

405 12B19 19 12 B Mr. Satwinder Singh 9871686000 [email protected] 3820

406 12C19 19 12 C Mr. Gurpre et Sing h Kochh ar & Mrs. Roo pa 9899866557 [email protected] 2590
Koch har

407 14A19 19 14 A M/s Sharman Enterprises 9810000247 [email protected] 3820

408 14B19 19 14 B M/s Sharman Enterprises 9810000247 [email protected] 3820
409 14C19 19 14 C M/s Sharman Enterprises 9810000247 [email protected] 2590
410 15A19 19 15 A Mr. Kau shi k Vard hara jan & Ms. 9717266899 [email protected] 3820
Nee la yathatchi Ka ushi k
411 15B19 19 15 B Mr. Vneet S Jaain & Mrs. Anky Jain 9925230124 3820
412 15C19 19 15 C In-Stock

413 16A19 19 16 A In-Stock

414 16B19 19 16 B Mr. Shiv Bakshi 7200
S.no Priority Tower NFloor Apartment Name of Buyer Cell -1 email 1 Size (Sq.Ft)
1 GA20 20 G A Ms. Chhavi Dhawan & Mr. Neeraj Dhawa 9810110080 1960
2 GB20 20 G B Ms. Natasha Dhawan & Mr. Neeraj Dhaw 9810110080 1960
3 1A20 20 1A Mr. Tarun Kumar Das & Ms. Yojana Das 971567789207 [email protected] 1960
4 1B20 20 1B Mr. Dinesh Kumar 9999189192 [email protected] 1960
5 1C20 20 1C Mr. Saurabh Wadhen & Mrs. Preeti Wad 9810908536 [email protected] 1700
6 1D20 1D20 1D Mr. Aditya Nagpal & Mrs. Shivani Nagpal 9818882593 [email protected] 1700
7 2A20 20 2A Mrs. Manju Singh & Mr. Anil Kumar Sin 9958956665 [email protected] 1960
8 2B20 20 2B Mr. Ranjan Kant 9873637900 [email protected] 1960
9 2C20 20 2C Mr. Anil Gupta 9416024535 1700
10 2D20 20 2D Mr. Vikram Riar & Mrs. Preeti Riar 9811510042 1700
11 3A20 20 3A Mr. Karandeep Singh & Mrs. Arshdeep Kaur [email protected] 1960

12 3B20 20 3B Mr. Puspender & Mrs. Geeta Raghav 9810253510 1960

13 3C20 20 3C Mr. Harpreet Singh Bagga & Mrs. Amarjee 9810112019 [email protected] 1700
14 3D20 20 3D Mrs. Kaushalya Yadav 9811411261 [email protected] 1700
15 4A20 20 4A Mr. Mukesh Kumar Garg 9810309689 [email protected] 1960
16 4B20 20 4B Ms. Medha Jain 9810330267 [email protected] 1960
17 4C20 20 4C Mr. Sachin Kumar & Ms. Cheenu Mittal 9891572627 [email protected] 1700
18 4D20 20 4D Mr. Deepak Bhatnagar & Mrs. Deepa Bhat 9999311264 [email protected] 1700
19 5A20 20 5A Mr. Ritesh Pandey & Mrs. Sweta Pandey 1960
20 5B20 20 5B Mr. Naveen Dewan & Ms. Neena Dewan 9818282798 [email protected] 1960
21 5C20 20 5C Mr. Sandeep Maheshwari 9899874759 1700
22 5D20 20 5D Mr. Raj Ahuja 9911903456 1700
23 6A20 20 6A Mr. Anurag Rajpal & Ms. Rani Rajpal 9958895591 [email protected] 1960
24 6B20 20 6B Mr. Nitesh Piplani & Mrs. Shivani Arora 9971940000 [email protected] 1960
25 6C20 20 6C Mr. Sachin Dhingra & Mr. Ravi Kumar Dhingra 1700
26 6D20 20 6D Mr. Deepak Katyal & Mrs. Nidhi Katyal 9871720348 [email protected] 1700
27 7A20 20 7A Mrs. Shikha Gera Saran & Mr. Sauhard Sa 9910058925 1960
28 7B20 20 7B Col. Prem Prakash Sharma & Mrs. Alika 9971603456 [email protected] 1960
29 7C20 20 7C Mr. Kamal Kumar Khatwani & Mrs. Pooj 9312072034 [email protected] 1700
30 7D20 20 7D Mr. Ranjan Mohnot & Mrs. Anju Mohno 9311152260 [email protected] 1700
31 8A20 20 8A Mrs. Renu Gambhir & Mr. Suresh Kumar 9650132107 [email protected] 1960
32 8B20 20 8B Mr. Sanjeev Kaushik 9310791548 [email protected] 1960
33 8C20 20 8C Ms. Mehak Bharti 9810076565 [email protected] 1700
34 8D20 20 8D Mr. Pradeep Kumbhat & Mrs. Vineeta K 9876741898 [email protected] 1700
35 9A20 20 9A Mrs. Sindhu Kumar & Mr. Prem Ranjan 9650547788 1960
36 9B20 20 9B Mr. Vimal Dhar 9953548480 [email protected] 1960
37 9C20 20 9C Mr. Vijay Mahendru & Mrs. Tania Mahen 9958424244 [email protected] 1700
38 9D20 20 9D Mr. Rajesh Mittal & Mrs. Sushma Mittal 9717133055 [email protected] 1700
39 10A20 20 10 A Ms. Aashima Garg & Mrs. Mithlesh Garg 9811731989 [email protected] 1960
40 10B20 20 10 B Ms. Shibani Jajodia & Mrs. Uma Jajodia 9810262325 [email protected] 1960
41 10C20 20 10 C Mr. Raj Kumar Arora & Mrs. Nisha Arora 9833287778 [email protected] 1700
42 10D20 20 10 D Mr. Raj Kumar Verma & Mrs. Archana Verma 1700
43 11A20 20 11 A Mr. Satya Pal 9811322905 [email protected] 1960
44 11B20 20 11 B Mr. Kumar Anish 9958966617 [email protected] 1960
45 11C20 20 11 C Mr. Shivanand Sardana 9871535960 [email protected] 1700
46 11D20 20 11 D Mrs. Arti Joshi & Mr. Nitin Joshi 9971996051 [email protected] 1700
47 12A20 20 12 A Ms. Asha Gupta & Ms. Kamal Manchand 9810013300 [email protected] 1960
48 12B20 20 12 B Mrs. Nisha Pahwa & Mr. Mahesh Chande 9811800004 [email protected] 1960
49 12C20 20 12 C Mrs. Archana Sharma & Mr.Vivek Sharma 8527843609 [email protected] 1700
50 12D20 20 12 D Mr. Ashok Kakkar & Ms. Vibha Kakkar 9769906565 [email protected] 1700
51 14A20 20 14 A Mrs. Santosh Dhingra 9999900861 [email protected] 1960
52 14B20 20 14 B Mrs. Jayshree Khemka 8800592788 [email protected] 1960
53 14C20 20 14 C Mr. Saurabh Chaudhary & Mrs. Neha Jain 9560086620 [email protected] 1700
54 14D20 20 14 D Mr. Hemant Sharma & Mrs. Nidhi Sharm 9769994233 [email protected] 1700
55 15A20 20 15 A Mrs. Rochana Mehta & Mr. Sameer Meht 9840995454 [email protected] 1960
56 15B20 20 15 B Mr. Bharat Singh Hada & Mrs. Luthika Si 9783806222 [email protected] 1960
57 15C20 20 15 C Mr. Yogesh Kumar 9958810205 [email protected] 1700
58 15D20 20 15 D Mr. Abhimanyu Singh 9991177729 1700
59 16A20 20 16 A Mr. Rajesh Kumar & Mrs. Anita Singhal 9560592211 [email protected]
60 16B20 20 16 B In-Stock
61 16C20 20 16 C Mr. Rohit Ohri & Ms. Vanessa Ohri 9811109312 [email protected] 1700
62 16D20 20 16 D Mr. Amit Suri 9810307306 1700
63 GA21 21 G A In-Stock
64 GB21 21 G B Mr. Rajesh Kumar 9560592211 [email protected]
65 1A21 21 1A Mr. Rajesh Juneja 9999777162 [email protected] 1495
66 1B21 21 1B Mr. Sajit Menon & Mrs. Preeti Gupta 9560526001, 9899773593 [email protected] 1495
67 1C21 21 1C Mr. Lokesh Sharma & Mr. Prit Pal Arora 9811500123 1255
68 1D21 21 1D Mr. Sanjeev Kumar & Mrs. Renu Goyal 9416159331 [email protected] 1255
69 2A21 21 2A Mr. Deepak Gupta & Ms. Jyoti Gupta 09871301883 [email protected] 1495
70 2B21 21 2B Mr. Rajiv Bakshi & Mrs. Meenakshi Baksh 9810999796 [email protected] 1495
71 2C21 21 2C Mr. Manas Taneja & Mrs. Priyanka Taneja 9350626101 [email protected] 1255
72 2D21 21 2D Mrs. Raj Bala & Mr. Pradeep Sheokhand 1255
73 3A21 21 3A Mr. Puneet Garg & Mrs. Supriya Agarwal 9416042672 1495
74 3B21 21 3B Mr. Dhananjay Misra & Mrs. Geetha Misr 9818852681 [email protected], m 1495
75 3C21 21 3C Ms. Sunita Gulati 9810604110 1255
76 3D21 21 3D Mr. Robin Bansal 7738009554 [email protected] 1255
77 4A21 21 4A Mrs. Indu Chhabra 9818689292 [email protected] 1495
78 4B21 21 4B Mr. Navneet Prasad 9560477466 [email protected] 1495
79 4C21 21 4C Mr. Rajat Sood & Mrs. Rajni Sood 9873341370 [email protected] 1255
80 4D21 21 4D Ms. Samita Prasad 09811311270 [email protected] 1255
81 5A21 21 5A Mr. Nitin Arora & Mrs. Komal Marwaha A 9899098880 [email protected] 1495
82 5B21 21 5B Ms. Neelam Khosla & Mr. Satish Kumar 9971391910 1495
83 5C21 21 5C Mrs. Usha Madan & Mr. Madan Lal Arora 9812054738 1255
84 5D21 21 5D Mrs. Achint Kaur Sandhu 09814020801 [email protected] 1255
85 6A21 21 6A Mr. Suvit Synghal 9818952025 1495
86 6B21 21 6B Mrs. Kamlesh Kalra & Mr. Ashok Kumar 9999317156 1495
87 6C21 21 6C Mrs. Ritoo Arora & Capt. Anup Arora 9958988547 [email protected] 1255
88 6D21 21 6D Mr. Devender Singh 09810691555 [email protected] 1255
89 7A21 21 7A Mr. Ambrish Sharma & Ms. Nisha Sharm 9460517678 [email protected] 1495
90 7B21 21 7B Mrs. Preeti Budhraja & Mr. Deepak Budhr 9811153191 [email protected] 1495
91 7C21 21 7C Mr. Rishi Khanna 9815025092 [email protected] 1255
92 7D21 21 7D Mr. Vinod Kumar Deswal 9416062299 [email protected] 1255
93 8A21 21 8A Mr. Nitin Pulyani & Mrs. Neha Jain 9560368899 [email protected] 1495
94 8B21 21 8B Mr. Anil Gupta 09810955228 1495
95 8C21 21 8C Mr. Lalit Taluja & Ms. Honey Taluja 09911898928 [email protected] 1255
96 8D21 21 8D M/s. Hysel India Pvt. Ltd. (Vijay Chugh) 9810150825 [email protected] 1255
97 9A21 21 9A Mr. Manul Agarwal 9837075956 [email protected] 1495
98 9B21 21 9B Mr. Benu Parashar & Mr. Ashish Parasha+971(0)507284989 [email protected] 1495
99 9C21 21 9C Mr. Rajiv Srivastava 9312418262 [email protected] 1255
100 9D21 21 9D Mrs. Nancy Dhar 9811832348 1255
101 10A21 21 10 A Mrs. Madhu Singh & Mr. Kunal Singh 9867581441 [email protected] 1495
102 10B21 21 10 B Mr. Bharat Ji Agrawal 9910038324 [email protected] 1495
103 10C21 21 10 C Mr. Vivek Bhatia & Mrs. Sangeeta Bhatia 9999473703 [email protected] 1255
104 10D21 21 10 D Mrs. Anju Mehta 9818000575 [email protected] 1255
105 11A21 21 11 A Mr. Anuj Srivastava 9871620385 [email protected] 1495
106 11B21 21 11 B Mr. Parveen Kumar Gupta & Mrs. Jyoti Ra 9811058168 [email protected] 1495
107 11C21 21 11 C Mr. Rahul Maroli 9899808705 [email protected] 1255
108 11D21 21 11 D Mrs. Shipra Nath & Mr. Anuj Nath 9716000023 1255
109 12A21 21 12 A Mrs. Bajrangidevi Bagadia & Mr. Madal L 9999575712 [email protected] 1495
110 12B21 21 12 B Mr. Kapil Kumar Monga 9810195220 1495
111 12C21 21 12 C Mr. Kewal Kishan Nayyar & Mrs. Madhu 9899588874 [email protected] 1255
112 12D21 21 12 D Mr. V.K. Nasa 9810024532 [email protected] 1255
113 14A21 21 14 A Mr. Vivek Mahendru 9899988015 [email protected] 1495
114 14B21 21 14 B Mr. Ashwani Bansal & Mrs. Sujata Bansa 9871603422 [email protected] 1495
115 14C21 21 14 C Mr. Rajiv Arora & Mrs. Alka Arora 9971234377 [email protected] 1255
116 14D21 21 14 D Wg. Cdr (Dr) Shambu Nath Jaiswal 8882526888 1255
117 15A21 21 15 A Mrs. Santosh Verma 09312432246 [email protected] 1495
118 15B21 21 15 B Mrs. Neelam Sharma & Mr. Shresht Shar +97143850773 [email protected] 1495
119 15C21 21 15 C Mrs. Meena Ohlyan 9999288284 [email protected] 1255
120 15D21 21 15 D Mrs. Anushi Goyal 9957553000 [email protected] 1255
121 16AB21 21 16 AB Dr. Surender Kumar Grover & Mr. Amit Gr 9811059326 [email protected] 2900
122 16C21 21 16 C Mr. Vishal Bhatia & Mrs. Shaila Bhatia 6128894590 [email protected] 1255
123 16D21 21 16 D Mr. Ashish Gupta 9873355233 [email protected] 1255
124 17PH21 21 17 PH Mrs. Kailash Arora, Mr Dinesh Arora & M 9313499910 [email protected] 2450
125 GA22 22 G A In-Stock
126 GB22 22 G B In-Stock
127 1A22 22 1A Mr. Piyush Prakash 9811673060 [email protected] 1495
128 1B22 22 1B Mrs. Gurinder Singh 5102258058 [email protected] 1495
129 1C22 22 1C Mr. Ashok Kumar Aggarwal 9818441688 [email protected] 1255
130 1D22 22 1D Mr. Jagdeep Singh Sacha 9810301306 [email protected] 1255
131 2A22 22 2A Ms. Smita Prasad 9811311270 1495
132 2B22 22 2B Mrs. Mini Lata Arora & Mr. Prem Sagar Ar 9811058901 1495
133 2C22 22 2C Mr. Nishant Garg 9811731989 [email protected] 1255
134 2D22 22 2D Mr. Jagdish Chander & Mrs. Nirmal Kum 9818540054 [email protected] 1255
135 3A22 22 3A Mr. Sukhminder S. Lobana 0015102258058 [email protected] 1495
136 3B22 22 3B Ms. Anju Sharma 9810407829 1495
137 3C22 22 3C Mr. Rishi Saluja & Mrs. Anjali Saluja 9811144260 1255
138 3D22 22 3D Mosiacs Studio (Ajay Mittal) 9899988228 1255
139 4A22 22 4A M/s. Anack Sales Private Ltd. 9810311183 [email protected] 1495
140 4B22 22 4B Mr. Ashish Gupta 9810014511 1495
141 4C22 22 4C Mrs. Krishna Jaisani & Mr. Manish Jaisan 9953506027 [email protected] 1255
142 4D22 22 4D Dr. Latika Agarwal 9927822088 1255
143 5A22 22 5A Mr. Abhishek Sharma & Mr. Jitender Kumar 1495
144 5B22 22 5B Mr. Vikram Nandrajog 9811663382 [email protected] 1495
145 5C22 22 5C Mr. Bhanwar Singh Jagarwal & Ms. Sumitr 9560646669 [email protected],[email protected]
146 5D22 22 5D Mr. Sanjay Loyalka & Ms. Sandhya Loyal 9430373518 [email protected] 1255
147 6A22 22 6A Mr. Balbir Singh & Mrs. Paramjeet Kaur 8527511334 [email protected] 1495
148 6B22 22 6B Mr. Sunil Bajaj 9810331884 [email protected] 1495
149 6C22 22 6C Mr. Anuj Nath & Mrs. Shipra Nath 9716000023 [email protected] 1255
150 6D22 22 6D Mr. Sukhbir Singh 9313066256 [email protected] 1255
151 7A22 22 7A Mr. R.N.Katyal 9958181427 [email protected] 1495
152 7B22 22 7B Mrs. Shipra Nath & Mr. Anuj Nath 9716000023 [email protected] 1495
153 7C22 22 7C Mrs. Kalpana Minda & Mr. S.L. Khetarpal 1255
154 7D22 22 7D Mr. Adish Dhawan & Mrs. Seema Nanda 9876800007 [email protected] 1255
155 8A22 22 8A Mr. Naresh Kumar & Mr. Vikrant Sachdev 9812068853 1495
156 8B22 22 8B Mr. Vikas Gupta 9811149040 [email protected] 1495
157 8C22 22 8C Mr. Mohit Suneja 9810036330 [email protected] 1255
158 8D22 22 8D Mr. Triptjeet Singh Bachhal & Mr. Gurme 8800722003 [email protected] 1255
159 9A22 22 9A Mrs. Lalita Vashisht & Brig. (Retd.) Sure 9810432969 [email protected] 1495
160 9B22 22 9B Ms. Kusum Lata & Mr. Vishal Relhan 9873678870 [email protected] 1495
161 9C22 22 9C Dr. Ravinder Singh Joon 9810438393 [email protected] 1255
162 9D22 22 9D Mrs. Monica Bhutani 9212003444 [email protected] 1255
163 10A22 22 10 A Mr. Brijendra Kumar & Mrs. Puspanjali S 9899522607 [email protected] 1495
164 10B22 22 10 B Dr. Pratap Gupta 9810076565 1495
165 10C22 22 10 C Mr. Praveen Kumar Aggarwal 9312831911 1255
166 10D22 22 10 D Mr. Iqbal Singh Maan 9811102680 [email protected] 1255
167 11A22 22 11 A Mr. Mudit Kumar & Mrs. Shobhna 9910038324 1495
168 11B22 22 11 B Mr. Vikas Bansal 9811025048 [email protected] 1495
169 11C22 22 11 C Mr. Rajpal Ahlawat 9899695467 [email protected] 1255
170 11D22 22 11 D Mr. Sukhbir Singh 9313066256 [email protected] 1255
171 12A22 22 12 A Smt. Krishna Goel 9810371502 1495
172 12B22 22 12 B Mrs. Shalu & Mrs. Roshni Devi 9818221826 [email protected] 1495
173 12C22 22 12 C Mr. Ashish Thakral & Ms. Shweta Bajaj 9873579300 [email protected] 1255
174 12D22 22 12 D Mr.Janak Raj Gupta & Shakti Singh 9810267926 1255
175 14A22 22 14 A Mr. Suresh Chawla 9416084448 1495
176 14B22 22 14 B Mrs. Bindu Malhotra & Mr. Vivek Malhot 9810099817 [email protected] 1495
177 14C22 22 14 C Mrs. Pooja Gupta 9811229902 [email protected] 1255
178 14D22 22 14 D Mr. Aditya Joshi & Mr. Atul Chabra 9818091788 1255
179 15A22 22 15 A Mr. Amit Ahuja 9810007346 [email protected] 1495
180 15B22 22 15 B Mrs. Anshula Kant & Mr. Sanjay Kant 9311747380 1495
181 15C22 22 15 C Ms. Rajender Kaur 9999578004 [email protected] 1255
182 15D22 22 15 D Mr. Nitesh Dhingra 9810412612 [email protected] 1255
183 16AB22 22 16 AB Capt. Prabhat Tyagi 9810059653 [email protected] 2900
184 16C22 22 16 C Mrs. Roopsi Seth & Mr. Ankur Seth 9711252655 [email protected] 1255
185 16D22 22 16 D Mr. Vivek Kumar Gupta & Mrs. Samta Gu 9354276282 [email protected] 1255
186 17PH22 22 17 PH Mr. Sandeep Hota & Mrs. Sucharita Hota 6597862915 [email protected] 2450
187 GA23 23 G A In-Stock
188 GB23 23 G B In-Stock
189 1A23 23 1A Mr. Nishant Gupta 9811313215 [email protected] 1495
190 1B23 23 1B Mr. Sanjay Dua 9999105480 [email protected] 1495
191 1C23 23 1C Mr. Kalu Ram 9891715091 1255
192 1D23 23 1D Dr. Satish Kumar & Mrs. Renu 9416155946 1255
193 2A23 23 2A Dr. Harshaa Datta & Ms. Shilpi 9810376308 [email protected] 1495
194 2B23 23 2B Mr. Vikrant Chhabra & Ms. Rupa Sachde 9215287910 [email protected] 1495
195 2C23 23 2C Mrs. Indresh Batra 9810067343 [email protected] 1255
196 2D23 23 2D M/s. Advent Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. 8800373337 [email protected] 1255
197 3A23 23 3A Mr. Anant Mital & Mrs. Indu Mital 9811178142 [email protected] 1495
198 3B23 23 3B Mr. Sunil Arora 9810060612 [email protected] 1495
199 3C23 23 3C Mr. Sanjiv Dhingra 9971488648 [email protected] 1255
200 3D23 23 3D Mr. Vijay Chugh & Mrs. Indira Chugh 9810150825 [email protected] 1255
201 4A23 23 4A Mr. Bhuvan Kumar Gupta & Mrs. Monica 9810002584 [email protected] 1495
202 4B23 23 4B Mr. Asha Narula & Ms. Alka Narula 9312288988 [email protected] 1495
203 4C23 23 4C Mr. Kushal Kumar Arora & Mrs. Sangeeta 9872998369 [email protected] 1255
204 4D23 23 4D Mr. Anil Sehdev & Mrs. Raminder Sehdev 9818108676 [email protected] 1255
205 5A23 23 5A Mr. Gursharan Singh 1495
206 5B23 23 5B Mrs. Pushpa Yadav 9810263509 [email protected] 1495
207 5C23 23 5C Mr. Pradeep Kumar & Mrs. Rashmi Shar 9811178777 1255
208 5D23 23 5D Mrs. Shakuntla Yadav 1255
209 6A23 23 6A M/s. Advent Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. 8800373337 [email protected] 1495
210 6B23 23 6B Mrs. Krishna Yadav 9958132864 1495
211 6C23 23 6C Mr. Rajnish Bali & Mrs. Vijay Lakshmi Ba 9811333752 [email protected] 1255
212 6D23 23 6D Mr. Rajan Sapra 9416026061 [email protected] 1255
213 7A23 23 7A Mrs. Rajeshwari Salhotra & Mr. Puneet Sa 9810588888 1495
214 7B23 23 7B Mr. Gagan Dua & Ms. Stella Mallik 9899292075 [email protected] 1495
215 7C23 23 7C Ms. Neetu Sharma & Ms. Taruna Khetarpal 1255
216 7D23 23 7D Mr. Swati Gupta 9811900358 [email protected] 1255 ni
217 8A23 23 8A Mr. Dharmbir Singh 001-510-225-8058 1495
218 8B23 23 8B Mr. Kawal Arora & Ms. Anuradha Arora 1495
219 8C23 23 8C Mr. Jai Parkash Ahuja 9811036025 [email protected] 1255
220 8D23 23 8D Mr. Bharat Gulati 9999509511 [email protected] 1255
221 9A23 23 9A M/s. Ratio Vincom Pvt. Ltd. 9811404540 [email protected] 1495
222 9B23 23 9B Mr. Sukhminder S. Lobana 001-510-225-8058 slobana@sandisk,com 1495
223 9C23 23 9C Ms. Inayat Chaudhry 9711273614 [email protected] 1255
224 9D23 23 9D Ms. Pooja Batra & Ms. Neera Batra 9810620747 [email protected] 1255
225 10A23 23 10 A Mr. Mohit Gauriar 9810672463 [email protected] 1495
226 10B23 23 10 B Mr. Sube Singh 9355611884 [email protected] 1495
227 10C23 23 10 C Mr. Praveen Khandelwal 9810007199 [email protected] 1255
228 10D23 23 10 D Mr. Rohit Malik & Mrs. Deepti Malik 9971900817 xs2rohit@gmail,con 1255
229 11A23 23 11 A Mr. Rohit Khosla & Mrs. Maya Khosla 9811659496 1495
230 11B23 23 11 B Mr. Sunil Malhotra & Mrs. Alka Malhotra 9811012890 [email protected] 1495
231 11C23 23 11 C Ms. Deepti singh & Mr. Naveen Kumar S 8884015522 1255
232 11D23 23 11 D Mr. Vikas Gujral & Mrs. Ruchira Gujral 9873403049 [email protected] 1255
233 12A23 23 12 A Mr. Gaurav Chandna 9650923482 1495
234 12B23 23 12 B Mr. Pankaj Kumar & Ms. Bhawna Aggarwa 9873269165 1495
235 12C23 23 12 C Mr. Gudla Venkata Rao & Mrs. Gudla Kri 9999310875 [email protected] 1255
236 12D23 23 12 D Mr. Atma Prakash Harlalka & Ms. Babita H 9334732142 [email protected] 1255
237 14A23 23 14 A Mrs. Shalini Narender Singh / Mr. Narender Singh 1495
238 14B23 23 14 B Mrs. Ashmita Talwar & Mrs. Asheesh Tal 9868711720 rajneesh.talwar@bankofamerica. 1495
239 14C23 23 14 C Dr. Bhupinder Singh Sandhu 1255
240 14D23 23 14 D Mr. Balvinder Singh 9810301306 [email protected] 1255
241 15A23 23 15 A Mr. Amit Jhingan & Mrs. Shikha Jhingan 9811155655 [email protected] 1495
242 15B23 23 15 B Mr. Ramphal Ahalawat 1495
243 15C23 23 15 C Mrs. Shakuntala Yadav & Dr. Rahul Yadav 9811204222 [email protected] 1255
244 15D23 23 15 D Mr. Ajay Kumar Jagnani 6123260722 1255
245 16AB23 23 16 AB Mr. Hitesh Yadav & Mr. Ritesh yadav 9811997779 2900
246 16C23 23 16 C Mrs. Ritu Khullar 9810020168 1255
247 16D23 23 16 D Mr. Satish Kumar Gupta 416-666-7773 [email protected] 1255
248 17PH23 23 17 PH Mrs. Tripti Pensi & Mr. Surendra Kumar 9899986870 [email protected] 2450
249 GA24 24 G A Ms. Ranjana Verma & Ms. Smriti Verma 9811155536 [email protected] 1960
250 GB24 24 G B Mr. Tejveer Sidana 9928813363 [email protected] 1960
251 1A24 24 1A Mr. Ajay Gulati 9871329445 [email protected] 1960
252 1B24 24 1B Mr. Parag Goyal & Ms. Ekta Agarwal 9818143474 [email protected] 1960
253 1C24 24 1C Mr. Ajit Singh 7781005327 [email protected] 1700
254 1D24 24 1D Mr. Rajesh Yadav & Mrs. Poonam Yadav 9811006760 [email protected] 1700
255 2A24 24 2A Mr. Sushil Kumar Bansal & Mrs. Rashmi 7838710380 1960
256 2B24 24 2B Mr. Ajai Singh Mehandru & Mrs. Anubh 9810126102 1960
257 2C24 24 2C Mr. Mukul Suri 9810131617 [email protected] 1700
258 2D24 24 2D Mrs. Sushma Bhatia & Mr. Sidhartha Bhat 9896271987 [email protected] 1700
259 3A24 24 3A Mr. Tarun Kabra & Ms. Aarti Kabra [email protected] 1960
260 3B24 24 3B Mr. Ranjeet Chawla 1960
261 3C24 24 3C Ms. Mayuri Bansal 9871603422 1700
262 3D24 24 3D Mr. Shailesh Kumar Singh & Ms. Poona 9971602047 [email protected] 1700
263 4A24 24 4A Mr. Karan Chopra & Mrs. Audrey Chopra+971506517691 [email protected] 1960
264 4B24 24 4B Mr. Arun Kumar Saraf (Huf) & Mrs. Anita 9810588888 1960
265 4C24 24 4C Dr. Ramphal Narwal & Mrs. Nirmal Narw 9416044450 1700
266 4D24 24 4D Dr. Surender Singh Sindhu & Mrs.Dimple 9416044450 1700
267 5A24 24 5A Mr. Sameer Chawla & Mrs.Bhawna Chawla 1960
268 5B24 24 5B Ms. Richa Samant 1960
269 5C24 24 5C Mr. Tanveer Kwatra 8860601068 [email protected] 1700
270 5D24 24 5D Mrs. Sonia Monga 9810195220 1700
271 6A24 24 6A Mr. Subhash Badkul 9301155932 [email protected] 1960
272 6B24 24 6B Mrs. Mamta Gupta & Ms. Rita Poonia 9811109917 [email protected] 1960
273 6C24 24 6C Mr. K. Venkatachalam & Mrs. Seetalaksh 9818184999 [email protected] 1700
274 6D24 24 6D Mr. Vimal Nagrath & Mrs. Sangeeta Nagrath 1700
275 7A24 24 7A Mrs. Nisha Rana & Lt. Col. Rajeev Singh 9910837822 1960
276 7B24 24 7B Mrs. Mahua Hazra & Mr. Niloy Hazra 9811141864 [email protected] 1960
277 7C24 24 7C Mrs. Bharti Aggarwal 9810033586 [email protected] 1700
278 7D24 24 7D Mr. Ramesh Kumar Joshi & Ms. Sujata J 9899851675 [email protected] 1700
279 8A24 24 8A Mr. Rajiv Sharma & Mrs. Pratibha Sharm 9899121077 [email protected] 1960
280 8B24 24 8B Mr. Krishanu Vats 9999800442 [email protected] 1960
281 8C24 24 8C Mr. Suresh Chandra & Mr. Sulabh Govila 9910067960 [email protected] 1700
282 8D24 24 8D M/s. Pasupati Barter Pvt. Ltd. 9811696101 1700
283 9A24 24 9A Mr. Rakesh Kumar Gupta & Mr. Umesh G 9899988020 1960
284 9B24 24 9B Mr. Pradeep Vats & Mrs. Radha Vats 8800556020 [email protected] 1960
285 9C24 24 9C Ms. Swati Paul/ Dr. N.K.Kataria 9888883352 1700
286 9D24 24 9D Mr. Satish Kumar & Mrs. Amrit Taneja 9810686340 1700
287 10A24 24 10 A Mrs. Pushpa Malik & Mr. Mahesh Kumar 9810123366 [email protected] 1960
288 10B24 24 10 B Ms. Aarti Raheja & Mr. Anil Raheja 9820721080 [email protected] 1960
289 10C24 24 10 C Mr. Vikas M. Verma & Mrs. Monika Verm 9818663663 [email protected] 1700
290 10D24 24 10 D Ms. Praveen Goyal & Mr. Vinod Kumar G 9717118844 1700
291 11A24 24 11 A Mr. Amit Tyagi & Ms. Komal Tyagi 1960
292 11B24 24 11 B Mr.Raman Nijhawan 9810057501 [email protected] 1960
293 11C24 24 11 C Mr. Ajay Poonia & Mr. Ajay Poonia HUF 9996001213 [email protected] 1700
294 11D24 24 11 D Mr. Dinesh Kumar 9811080590 [email protected] 1700
295 12A24 24 12 A Mrs.Kanta Gupta 1960
296 12B24 24 12 B Dr. Anup Thakur & Mrs. Gunjan Sachdeva 8800565956 [email protected] 1960
297 12C24 24 12 C Mr. Ajay Bagga & Mrs. Kajal Bagga 9910091205 [email protected] 1700
298 12D24 24 12 D Mr. Ashok Tyagi 9855992211/ 9650625526 [email protected] 1700
299 14A24 24 14 A Mr. Omkar Yadav 9810100000 1960
300 14B24 24 14 B Mr. Manik Gulati 9811265554 [email protected] 1960
301 14C24 24 14 B Mrs. Shakuntala Devi 1700
302 14D24 24 14 D Mrs. Sumana Mitra 1700
303 15A24 24 15 A Mrs. Meena Ahuja & Mr. Mohan Lal Ahu 9810269201 [email protected] 1960
304 15B24 24 15 B Group Cap. Unish Malik & Ms. Kavita Ma 9167200419 [email protected] 1960
305 15C24 24 15 C Mr. Rajan Monga 9810030513 [email protected] 1700
306 15D24 24 15 D Mr. Ranjeet Kumar Anand 9899975920 [email protected] 1700
307 16A24 24 16 A In-Stock
308 16B24 24 16 B In-Stock
309 16C24 24 16 C Mr. Prem Ojha & Ms. Aradhana Ojha 9872660088 [email protected] 1700
310 16D24 24 16 D In-Stock
311 GA25 25 G A Mr. Rohit Aggarwal & Mr. Praveen Kumar 9818441688 1960
312 GB25 25 G B Mr. Rohit Aggarwal & Mr. Praveen Kumar 9818441688 1960
313 1A25 25 1A Mrs. Nirmal Gupta 9312265551 [email protected] 1960
314 1B25 25 1B Mrs. Jyoti Gupta 9312265551 [email protected] 1960
315 1C25 25 1C Mr. Sunil Kumar 9811098391 [email protected] 1700
316 1D25 25 1D Ms. Priyanka Saluja 9810666392 [email protected] 1700
317 2A25 25 2A Mr. Mohit Yadav & Mr. Rohit Yadav 9654545454 [email protected] 1960
318 2B25 25 2B Mr. Narendar Singh 9999970901 [email protected] 1960
319 2C25 25 2C Mr. B.N. Prasad Anand & Mr. Ranjeet K 9899975922 1700
320 2D25 25 2D Mrs. Anushi Goyal & Ankit Goyal 9957553000 1700
321 3A25 25 3A Mr. Mohit Yadav 9810076565 1960
322 3B25 25 3B Mr. Darshan Lal Sindwani & Ms. Nishi S 9810854945 [email protected] 1960
323 3C25 25 3C Mr. Montek Mayal & Mrs. Jyoti Mayal [email protected] 1700
324 3D25 25 3D Ms. Kamaldeep Kaur & Mr. Sarbjeet Sing 9810703363 [email protected] 1700
325 4A25 25 4A Mr. Praveen Sehgal & Mrs. Chand Sehgal 9818376400 1960
326 4B25 25 4B Mr. Sumit Datta & Mrs. Harshaa Datta 9810080636 [email protected] 1960
327 4C25 25 4C Mr.Deepak Chhabra 9740099885 [email protected] 1700
328 4D25 25 4D Mr. Lakhinder Singh Chaudri 9810609633 [email protected] 1700
329 5A25 25 5A Mrs. Neelam Pasricha & Mr. Yatin Thakur 9811045224 [email protected] 1960
330 5B25 25 5B Mr. Ajay Jain 9841378748 [email protected] 1960
331 5C25 25 5C Mr. Neeraj Kalra & Ms. Taruna Rani 9811500123 1700
332 5D25 25 5D Mr. Sanjeev Chander Sharma & Mrs. Ritu 9971273756 [email protected] 1700
333 6A25 25 6A Ms. Kamlesh Gupta & Mr. Nitin Gupta & 9896127045 [email protected] 1960
334 6B25 25 6B Mr. Sanil Juneja & Mrs. Rashmi Juneja 9872873736 / 9316234224 [email protected] 1960
335 6C25 25 6C Mr. Tishey Sharma 9650010299 [email protected] 1700
336 6D25 25 6D Mr. Naresh Kumar Aggarwal 9810042960 1700
337 7A25 25 7A Mr. Deepak Oberoi & Ms. Meena Oberoi 9818354221 1960
338 7B25 25 7B Mr. Rajat Kumar Arora & Mrs. Suresh Kum 9873733777 [email protected] 1960
339 7C25 25 7C Mr. Rajesh Juneja 9999777162 [email protected] 1700
340 7D25 25 7D Mr. Vishal Suri & Mrs. Sushila Suri 9818698451 [email protected] 1700
341 8A25 25 8A Mr. Mukul Bhatia & Mrs. Neeru Bhatia 9850998060 1960
342 8B25 25 8B Mr. Anupreet Lamba & Rajneesh Talwar 9868711720 1960
343 8C25 25 8C Mrs. Chandra Kala & Mr. Vikas Gupta 9810762590 [email protected] 1700
344 8D25 25 8D Mr. Jagdish Chander & Mrs. Nirmal Kum 9871107711 [email protected] 1700
345 9A25 25 9A Ms. Mona Choudhuri 9818316760 [email protected] 1960
346 9B25 25 9B Mr. Vikas Bhakri & Mrs. Aradhana Bhakri 9015377910 9818148112 [email protected] 1960
347 9C25 25 9C Mr. Manoj Kumar Vijay /9833946380 [email protected], manoj.vija 1700
348 9D25 25 9D Mr. Ravinder Singh & Smt. Kamla Singh 9013036393 [email protected] 1700
349 10A25 25 10 A Mr. Suresh Arora & Dr. Preeti Arora 9810236528 1960
350 10B25 25 10 B Mrs. Gunjan Nayyar & Mr. Mukul Nayyar 9810980762 [email protected] 1960
351 10C25 25 10 C M/s. UMA Buildtech P. Ltd. 1700
352 10D25 25 10 D Mr. Rajeev Gopal 9811018374 [email protected], ram_gopal_gupt 1700
353 11A25 25 11 A Mr. Ravi Kumar Patkar 9811277577 [email protected] 1960
354 11B25 25 11 B Mr. Surender Singh 9831336641 [email protected] 1960
355 11C25 25 11 C Mr. Harish Kumar Chadha & Mrs. Lubha 9810039629 1700
356 11D25 25 11 D Mr. Praveen Kumar 9416195680 [email protected] 1700
357 12A25 25 12 A Mr. Sant Lal Khetarpal 9811500123 1960
358 12B25 25 12 B Ms. Taruna 9811500123 1960
359 12C25 25 12 C Mr. S. Mohan & Mrs. Mala Mohan 9717770155 [email protected] 1700
360 12D25 25 12 D Mr. Alok Arya 9810236539 [email protected] 1700
361 14A25 25 14 A Mrs. Neha Kumar & Mr. Rishi Kumar 9873708855 [email protected] 1960
362 14B25 25 14 B Mr. Sandeep Prakash Sharma & Mrs. Monika Sharma 1960
363 14C25 25 14 C Mr. Om Parkash Taneja & Mr. Sanjeev Tan 9811119631 1700
364 14D25 25 14 D Ms. Neelam Pasricha 9811045224 [email protected] 1700
365 15A25 25 15 A Mr. Rajesh Sharma 1960
366 15B25 25 15 B Ms. Avtar Kaur Basara [email protected] 1960
367 15C25 25 15 C Mr. Manish Yadav 7567860009 1700
368 15D25 25 15 D Dr. Ravinder Kumar & Mrs. Shakuntala Ya 9811204222 [email protected] 1700
369 16A25 25 16 A In-Stock
370 16B25 25 16 B In-Stock
371 16C25 25 16 C Mr. Jyoti Prakash Sharma 9818441688 1700
372 16D25 25 16 D Mr. Avtansh Sharma 9971273355 [email protected] 1700
373 GA26 26 G A In-Stock
374 GB26 26 G B In-Stock
375 1A26 26 1A M/s. Pasupati Barter Pvt. Ltd. 9811696101 3800
376 1B26 26 1B Mrs. Renu Dhingra & Mrs. Ameena Bhati 9810077446 [email protected] 3800
377 1C26 26 1C Mr. Ajay Singh Yadav & Mrs. Rajni Yadav 9871546702 [email protected] 2600
378 1D26 26 1D Mr. Parag Jain & Mrs. Mona Jain 9891273651 2600
379 2A26 26 2A Mr. Rishab Jain 9560394921 [email protected] 3800
380 2B26 26 2B Mr. Abhishek Garg & Mr. R.C. Garg 9811731989 [email protected] 3800
381 2C26 26 2C Mr. Brijlal Bansal & Mr. Rajpal Bansal 9813367031 [email protected]
[email protected]/ 2600
382 2D26 26 2D Mr. Sunil Kumar & Mrs. Nirmala Yadav 9711114015 [email protected] 2600
383 3A26 26 3A Mr. Mahesh Chand Goel & Mrs. Kailash W 9818899896 [email protected] 3800
384 3B26 26 3B Mr. Kumud Kumar Handa & Mr. Bhupind 9871189790 [email protected] 3800
385 3C26 26 3C Mr. Sapan Talwar & Mrs. Nisha Talwar 9958974422 2600
386 3D26 26 3D Mr. Vijay Singh Yadav & Mrs. Rekha Yada 9818480232 [email protected] 2600
387 4A26 26 4A Mr. Sanjiv Yadav 9818651303 [email protected] 3800
388 4B26 26 4B Mrs. Asha Choudhary 9896845585 [email protected] 3800
389 4C26 26 4C M/s. Sonata Commercial Pvt. Ltd. 9910052355 [email protected] 2600
390 4D26 26 4D Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Bhardwaj & Mrs. Ritu 9818221194 sanjeev_bhardwaj2000@yahoo. 2600
391 5A26 26 5A Mrs. Ruby Vaish 9811122277 [email protected] 3800
392 5B26 26 5B Mrs. Sarita Jain 9560394921 [email protected] 3800
393 5C26 26 5C Mrs. Kiran Arora & Mr. Girish Kumar Aro 9837247319 [email protected] 2600
394 5D26 26 5D Mr. Sarvdeep Garg 9717097200 [email protected] 2600
395 6A26 26 6A Mrs. Ragini Devi 9811041520 [email protected] 3800
396 6B26 26 6B Mr. Sanjiv Sud & Mrs. Dipali Sud 9650098801 [email protected] 3800
397 6C26 26 6C Mr. Sandeep Khatri & Mrs. Falguni Khatri 9899009800 [email protected] 2600
398 6D26 26 6D Dr. Kapil Arneja & Dr. Ruchi Arneja 9899660227 2600
399 7A26 26 7A Mr. Navneet Goel 9711178639 [email protected] 3800
400 7B26 26 7B Mrs. Chanchal Sharma & Mr. Sunil Shar 9415042787 [email protected] 3800
401 7C26 26 7C M/s. NU-Foam Rubber Industries P. Ltd. 9810066036 [email protected] 2600
402 7D26 26 7D Mr. Amit Ahuja 9810007346 [email protected] 2600
403 8A26 26 8A Mr. Surender Goel 0 [email protected] 3800
404 8B26 26 8B Mr. Rakesh Goel 9810522801 [email protected] 3800
405 8C26 26 8C Mr. Gaurav Kapoor & Mrs. Neha Kapoor 9999388318 [email protected] 2600
406 8D26 26 8D Mr. Vidya Darshan Batra & Mrs. Sudesh B 9810675578 [email protected] 2600
407 9A26 26 9A Mr. Praveen Khandelwal 9810007199 [email protected] 3800
408 9B26 26 9B Mrs. Rita Aggarwal & Mr. Sharan Aggarwa 9811335021 [email protected] 3800
409 9C26 26 9C Mrs. Arti Prakash 2600
410 9D26 26 9D Mr. Rajeev Jain & Ms. Shilpa Jain +971505579912 [email protected] 2600
411 10A26 26 10 A Mrs. Tarana Pahwa 9873607650 [email protected] 3800
412 10B26 26 10 B Mr. Rajesh Kumar Saraf 9582555222 3800
413 10C26 26 10 C Mr. Puneet Dua & Mrs. Bindiya Dua 9811625574 2600
414 10D26 26 10 D Mr. Gobind Ahooja & Mrs. Madhu Ahooj 9818564287 [email protected] 2600
415 11A26 26 11 A Mr. Siddharth Jain 9560394921 [email protected] 3800
416 11B26 26 11 B M/s. Dream Valley Vinimay Private Limit 9711178605 0 3800
417 11C26 26 11 C Mr. Rewant Abhijat 9910530716 [email protected] 2600
418 11D26 26 11 D Mr. Aman Dhingra 9810077446 2600
419 12A26 26 12 A Mr. Raj Ahuja 9911903456 [email protected] 3800
420 12B26 26 12 B Mr. Naveen Gulati 9812032860 3800
421 12C26 26 12 C Mrs. Archana Laroia 9810077702 [email protected] 2600
422 12D26 26 12 D Mr. Rajiv Kapur & Mrs. Asha Kapur 9999388318 [email protected] 2600
423 14A26 26 14 A Mr. Arvind Bhargava & Mrs. Nisha Bharga 9899981703 [email protected] 3800
424 14B26 26 14 B Mr. Raj Ahuja 9911903456 [email protected] 3800
425 14C26 26 14 C Mrs. Monica Mehra & Mr. Ashok Kumar 9358914279 2600
426 14D26 26 14 D Mr. Jasvinder Singh & Mrs. Jatinder Kaur 9899168099 [email protected] 2600
427 15A26 26 15 A Mr. Vijay Chibber & Mr. Amitabh Chibbe9811660897 9818294121 [email protected] 3800
428 15B26 26 15 B Mr. Gurjit Singh & Mrs. Gurvinder Kaur (Mr. Vineet Handa) [email protected] 3800
429 15C26 26 15 C Mr. Rajiv Kapur & Mr. Chetan Kapur 9999388318 2600
430 15D26 26 15 D Mr. Rahul Khosla 9810293715 [email protected] 2600
431 16A26 26 16 A In-Stock
432 16B26 26 16 B In-Stock
433 16C26 26 16 C Capt. Vikram Singh Bal & Ms. Jagjit Kau 9988828281 2600
434 16D26 26 16 D Mr. Rachin Dewan & Mr. Dipika Dewan 9899988015 [email protected] 2600
435 17C26 26 17 C Mr. Sandeep Dhawan 9810296481 [email protected] 2600
436 17D26 26 17 D Mr. Kunal Choudhary 9811830550 [email protected] 2600
437 18A26 26 18 A In-Stock
438 18B26 26 18 B In-Stock
439 18C26 26 18 C Mr. Manish Kumar Manish & Mrs. Jaya S 9899380674 [email protected] 2600
440 18D26 26 18 D Mr. Govind Pathak & Mrs. Sudha Pathak 9971699051 [email protected] 2600
S.no Code Tower Tower No. Name of Buyer Cell -1 email 1 Size
No. (Sq.Ft)

1 GFA1 1 GFA In-Stock

2 GFB1 1 GFB In-Stock

3 GFC1 1 GFC In-Stock

4 2A1 1 2A In-Stock

5 2B1 1 2B In-Stock

6 2C1 1 2C In-Stock

7 2D1 1 2D In-Stock

8 2E1 1 2E In-Stock

9 2F1 1 2F In-Stock

10 3A1 1 3A Mr. Krishan Rathee & Mrs. Ravita Rathee 9818187086 1035

11 3B1 1 3B Mr. Bimal Kumar Aggarwal 9811014930 [email protected] 786

12 3C1 1 3C Ms. Nirmal Lather 715
13 3D1 1 3D Ms. Palki Dattarwal 1244
14 3E1 1 3E Mr. Rajesh Kumar Jain 9810958328 [email protected] 1246
15 3F1 1 3F Ms. Anita Dhull 9811227101 1221

16 3G1 1 3G Mrs. Phoolwati Devi 9818187086 [email protected] 786

17 3H1 1 3H Dr. Iqbal S. Dahiya 9810659230 [email protected] 1321

18 3I1 1 3I Mr. Saurabh Sarna 9810387140 [email protected] 935

19 4A1 1 4A Mrs. Ruma Chatterji 9745598865 [email protected] 1035
20 4B1 1 4B Mr. Manish 762

21 4C1 1 4C Ms. Jyoti Mahendru 715

22 4D1 1 4D Mr. Shravan Dhingra 9899299961 1244

Mrs. Man moha n Sethi & Mr. Arvi nde r
23 4E1 1 4E 9212332362 1246
Sing h Sethi
24 4F1 1 4F Mrs. Baldevi & Mr. Prayag Dabas 9711179790 1221

25 4G1 1 4G Mr. Abhimanyu Singh 9991177729 786

26 4H1 1 4H Mr. Manish Mehra 1321

27 4I1 1 4I Capt. S.S. Kohli 9810047083 [email protected] 935
28 5A1 1 5A Mrs. Pooja Singh 9311777807 [email protected] 1035
29 5B1 1 5B Dr. Kalpana Shekhawat 9899147100 762
30 5C1 1 5C Ms. Shakuntala Yadav 715
31 5D1 1 5D Mr. Gurjeet Singh Bhambra 9899299961 1244

32 5E1 1 5E Dr. Sneh Lata Kaushal 9996332777 [email protected] 1246

33 5F1 1 5F Mr. Sahil Choudhary 1221
34 5G1 1 5G Mr. Suraj Jindal 8860400001 786
35 5H1 1 5H Mr. Deepak Luthra & Mrs. Archana Luthra 1321
Ms. Meh era nge z Sa rid & Mrs. Bakh ta war
36 5I1 1 5I Khu rsh ed Bh aruch a 9811050555 935
37 6A1 1 6A Mr. Sun il Ku mar Sehg al & Mrs. Mee naksh i 1035
Seh gal
38 6B1 1 6B Mrs. Shipra Nath & Mr. Anuj Nath 9716000023 762
39 6C1 1 6C Mrs. Archana Baghla 9887075100 [email protected] 715
Mr. San jiv Mal ho tra &Mr. Soura bh
40 6D1 1 6D 9810681647 [email protected] 1244
Malh otra & Mrs. Ani ta Ma lho tra
41 6E1 1 6E Mr. Niket deep Kalra 9810576613 [email protected] 1246
42 6F1 1 6F Mr. Amit Jindal & Mrs. Sarika Jindal 8860400001 1221
43 6G1 1 6G Mrs. Anita Bahl 9811991623 786
44 6H1 1 6H Mr. Prem Prakash Arora 9810108268 1321

45 6I1 1 6I Mr. Manak Chand Jain 9317867000 935

9 810 148 497 /9 87 1

46 7A1 1 7A Mrs. Sonia Choudhary 1 99 570 [email protected] 1035

47 7B1 1 7B Mr. Vij ind er Sin gh Ahl awa t & Mr. He mant 9413344342 [email protected] 762
Ahla wa t

48 7C1 1 7C Mr. Anuj Nath & Mrs. Shipra Nath 9716000023 715

49 7D1 1 7D In-Stock

50 7E1 1 7E Mr. Inder Mohan Singh Khurana 9811020330 1246

51 7F1 1 7F In-Stock
52 7G1 1 7G Ms. Sunita Yadav 9810200774 [email protected] 786
Mr.An up C han dra Sriva sta v & Mrs. D eep a
53 7H1 1 7H 9811630306 [email protected] 1321
Srivastav 9 810 201 849 /9 81 0
54 7I1 1 7I Mr. Bikram Basu & Mrs. Sharmila Basu 3 01 493 bikram.basu@pernod_ricard.com 935
55 8A1 1 8A Ms. Rajeshwari Rana & Mr. Anirudh Rana 9871913264 [email protected] 1035
56 8B1 1 8B Mr. Rohit Kumrah & Mrs. Ritu Kumrah 9811224255 [email protected] 762
57 8C1 1 8C Brig. Ravi nd er Sing h Tu shir & Mrs. Biml a 9818651376 [email protected] 715
Tu shir & Mr. Vive k Tu shir
58 8D1 1 8D Mr. Yogender Vasisht 9811123331 1244
59 8E1 1 8E Mr. Yogender Vasisht 9811123331 1246
Mr. Anu p Ch and ra Srivastav & Mrs. De epa
60 8F1 1 8F Srivastav 9811630306 [email protected] 1221
Mr. San ja y Ku mar (Huf) & Mr. Ravi nde r Bi r
61 8G1 1 8G 9811181953 786
Sing h
62 8H1 1 8H Ms. Sushil Mrig 9899058000 [email protected] 1321
63 8I1 1 8I Mr. Venkatraman Krishnan 9810259943 935
Ms. Sap na Fow ler & Mr. Sun dee p Kuma r
64 9A1 1 9A 447973314645 [email protected] 1035
Dha ll
65 9B1 1 9B Mr. Vaibhav Vohra 9996200009 [email protected] 762
66 9C1 1 9C Mr. H.S. Bhatia 9971440000 [email protected] 715
67 9D1 1 9D Mr. Kunal Goyal & Mrs. Kiran Goyal 9872000917 [email protected] 1244
68 9E1 1 9E Mr. Parveen Ahlawat & Mrs Anita Ahlawat 9996061000 [email protected] 1246
Mrs. Son ya Sin gh Verma & Mr. Sa mir
69 9F1 1 9F 9811022327 1221
70 9G1 1 9G Mrs. Noor Sehgal 786
71 9H1 1 9H Mr. Pramod Kumar & Mrs. Snehlata Ahlawat 9996187000 [email protected] 1321
72 9I1 1 9I Mr. Vijai Kumar Singh & Mrs. Neerja Singh 9871514722 [email protected] 935
73 10A1 1 10A M/s Capsons Co. 9810022622 [email protected] 1035
74 10B1 1 10B Mrs. Anju Sud & Mr. Rajeev Sud 9815260200 [email protected] 762
75 10C1 1 10C Mr. Puneet Gaur & Mrs. Raj Rani 9818358315 [email protected] 715
Mr. Bha rat Ga ndo tra & Mrs. R osel ine
76 10D1 1 10D 9810045126 gandotra.b@gmail,com 1244
Ezun g Ga ndo tra
77 10E1 1 10E Mr. Pavan Datta 9810657250 [email protected] 1246
Mr. Mah ind er Kuma r Ba hl & Mrs. Suri nde r
78 10F1 1 10F 9311777807 [email protected] 1221
Mohi ni Ba hl 9 810 019 412 /7 83 8
79 10G1 1 10G Mr. Deepak Dewan [email protected] 786
0 90 581
80 10H1 1 10H M/s. Haryana Leather Chemicals Ltd. 1321
81 10I1 1 10I Mr. Ankur Gulati 9812645000 935
Mrs. Ne ela m Sh arma & Mr. Sh resht
82 11A1 1 11A 971504253854 [email protected] 1035
Mr. rmavind er Bir Sin gh & Mrs. Jag moha n
83 11B1 1 11B 9810311183 762
Sah ni
84 11C1 1 11C Mrs. Rashmi Virk & Mr. Ashwani Singh Virk 9818394724 [email protected] 715
85 11D1 1 11D Mr. Naveen Mohan & Mrs. Shalini Mohan 9845220000 1244
86 11E1 1 11E Mr. Sameer Oberoi 9810084087 1246
87 11F1 1 11F Mr. Ajay Chadha 9810609633 1221
88 11G1 1 11G Mrs. Nalini Vats & Mr. Dharamvir Sharma 9873166610 [email protected] 786
89 11H1 1 11H M/s. Paramount Polymers P. Ltd. 0 0 1321
90 11I1 1 11I M/s. Cantabil Retail India Ltd. 9810027689 935
91 12A1 1 12A Mr. Sanjay Kirpal & Mrs. Poonam Kirpal 9910107726 [email protected] 1035
92 12B1 1 12B Ms. Rohini Singh 9818900459 762
93 12C1 1 12C Mrs. Rani Rajpal & Mr. Anurag Rajpal 9312318249 0 715
94 12D1 1 12D Mr. Hitesh Yadav 9811997779 [email protected] 1244
95 12E1 1 12E Mr. Prem Sagar Arora 9811058901 [email protected] 1246
96 12F1 1 12F Mr. Manthena Venkata Rama Raju 9354276282 [email protected] 1221
Mrs. Sha mpa Gan C how dhu ry & Mr.
97 12G1 1 12G 9810356056 786
Sidh wa rth a Ga n Cho wdh ury
98 12H1 1 12H Mr. Vikas Ahuja 9871421515 [email protected] 1321
99 12I1 1 12I Mr. Sanjay Kirpal & Mrs. Poonam Kirpal 9910107726 [email protected] 935
100 14A1 1 14A M/s. Cantabil Retail India Ltd. 9810027689 0 1035
101 14B1 1 14B Mr. Rony S. Kaula 9811103160 [email protected] 762
102 14C1 1 14C Mr. Alok Bhushan & Mrs. Nimish Jha 9871246363 715
103 14D1 1 14D Mr. Paramjit Singh Gill (HUF) 8860456000 1244
104 14E1 1 14E Mr. Pramod Kumar & Mrs. Deepti Kumar 9971977111 [email protected] 1246
105 14F1 1 14F Mrs. Anita Yadav 9971817040 1221
106 14G1 1 14G Mr. Indu Shekhar P.N. Singh (HUF) 9818900459 786
107 14H1 1 14H Ms. Sapnaa Chaman 9811401133 1321
108 14I1 1 14I Ms. Sapnaa Chaman 9811401133 935
109 15A1 1 15A Mr. Raj Mohan & Mrs. Sudha Mohan 9810315255 [email protected] 1035
110 15B1 1 15B Mrs. Yogita Wadhwa 0 0 762
111 15C1 1 15C Mrs. Yogita Wadhwa 0 0 715
112 15D1 1 15D In-Stock
113 15E1 1 15E Mr. Vijay Yadav 9818867979 1246
114 15F1 1 15F Ms. Neelam Saigal 9953141281 1221
115 15G1 1 15G Mr. Neeraj Bansal & Mrs. Geetika Bansal 9910098958 [email protected] 786
M/s. Kha nna Pro pertie s & Infrastructure P.
116 15H1 1 15H 1321
117 15I1 1 15I Dr. Naval Kumar Verma 9868210017 935
118 16A1 1 16A Mrs. Aruna Bajaj 9810034332 [email protected] 1035
119 16B1 1 16B Dr. Anil Sachdeva 9999876633 762
120 16C1 1 16C In-Stock
121 16D1 1 16D In-Stock
122 16E1 1 16E In-Stock
123 16F1 1 16F In-Stock
124 16G1 1 16G In-Stock
125 16H1 1 16H Mrs. Sapnaa Chaman 9899401133 [email protected] 1321
126 16I1 1 16I In-Stock
127 17A1 1 17A Col. Rampal Suhag & Mrs. Santosh Suhag 9811177346 [email protected] 1035
128 17B1 1 17B In-Stock
129 17C1 1 17C In-Stock
130 17D1 1 17D In-Stock
131 17E1 1 17E In-Stock
132 17F1 1 17F In-Stock
133 17G1 1 17G In-Stock
134 17H1 1 17H M/s. Intec Infocom Private Limited 9899195981 1321
135 17I1 1 17I In-Stock
136 18A1 1 18A In-Stock
137 18B1 1 18B In-Stock
138 18C1 1 18C In-Stock
139 18D1 1 18D In-Stock
140 18E1 1 18E In-Stock
141 18F1 1 18F In-Stock
142 18G1 1 18G In-Stock
143 18H1 1 18H In-Stock
144 18I1 1 18I In-Stock

145 GFA2 2 GFA K L Hotels Pvt. Ltd. 9899088922 865

146 GFB2 2 GFB K L Hotels Pvt. Ltd. 9899088922 854

147 GFC2 2 GFC K L Hotels Pvt. Ltd. 9899088922 1048

148 GFD2 2 GFD In-Stock

149 GFE2 2 GFE In-Stock

150 GFF2 2 GFF In-Stock

151 2A2 2 2A In-Stock

152 2B2 2 2B In-Stock

153 2C2 2 2C In-Stock

154 2D2 2 2D In-Stock

155 2E2 2 2E In-Stock

156 2F2 2 2F In-Stock

157 3A2 2 3A Mrs. Asha Kaushik 8860444084 [email protected] 1035
158 3B2 2 3B Mrs. Anita Devi Narayan 762
159 3C2 2 3C Mr. D. P. Monga 9810030513 715
160 3D2 2 3D Mr. Vijay Pal & Mrs. Dhiraj Bedi 810695-8863 1244
161 3E2 2 3E Mr. Gursharan Singh 510-225-8058 [email protected] 1246
162 3F2 2 3F Mr. Vikram Gill ,+8613788993935 [email protected] 1221
163 3G2 2 3G Mr. Kapil Gujral 9810002789 [email protected] 792
164 3H2 2 3H Ms. Gurinder Singh 510-225-8058 1316
165 3I2 2 3I Ms. Gurinder Singh 510-225-8058 935
166 4A2 2 4A Mr. Hemant Kumar Choudhary 9416065975 [email protected] 1035
167 4B2 2 4B Mr. Iqbal Singh Maan 762
168 4C2 2 4C M/s. Anack Sales Private Ltd. 715
169 4D2 2 4D Mr. Manish Kumar Aggarwal 9811155523 1244
170 4E2 2 4E Dr. Rakesh Sood 9540748143 1246
171 4F2 2 4F Mr. Vikas Dahiya & Mrs. Anjlee Dhaiya 9818093343 [email protected] 1221
172 4G2 2 4G Mr. Kunal Sharma & Ms. Nancy Sharma 9711403030 792

173 4H2 2 4H Ms. Saroj Jaipal & Mr. Jaipal Singh Dendsay 8901258993 1316
174 4I2 2 4I Mrs. Shaveta Bhargava 9810287442 935
175 5A2 2 5A Mrs. Usha Chandrasekar 9840056315 [email protected] 1035
176 5B2 2 5B Ms. Alka Chandra 9899400842 762
177 5C2 2 5C Mrs. Geeta Khanna 9811118453 [email protected] 715
178 5D2 2 5D Mr. Akhilesh Kumar Rastogi 9873803457 1244
179 5E2 2 5E Mr. Manu Singh 9811907926 [email protected] 1246
Mr. Ra kesh Ku mar Bansa l & Mrs. Madh u
180 5F2 2 5F 9811854851 [email protected] 1221
Ban sal
181 5G2 2 5G Ms. Bharti Hiranandani 9810039458 [email protected] 792
182 5H2 2 5H Mrs. Vasudha Gulati 9876043323 [email protected] 1316
Mr. Vip in Ku mar Bhatia & Mrs. Su nita
183 5I2 2 5I 9717224555 935
Bha ti a
Mr. Ha rban s Lal Pa sricha & Mr. Ash utosh
184 6A2 2 6A 9999876704 [email protected] 1035
Pasrich a
185 6B2 2 6B Mr. Bharat Gulati 9999509511 762
186 6C2 2 6C Mrs. Anita Saraf 715
187 6D2 2 6D Mr. Azad Dabas & Mrs. Bimla Dabas 9711179790 [email protected] 1244
188 6E2 2 6E Mr. Irvinder Singh 1246
189 6F2 2 6F Dr. Sneh Lata Kaushal 9899196999 [email protected] 1221
190 6G2 2 6G Mr. Kalu Ram 9891715091 792
191 6H2 2 6H Ms. Pavanjeet Goyal & Jaya Goyal 9810274498 [email protected] 1316
Ms. Sad ha na Sha rma & Mrs. Mano rama
192 6I2 2 6I 9811234111 [email protected] 935
Satya Pal
Mr. Asho k Kumar Kakka r & Mrs. Vi bha
193 7A2 2 7A 9810596565 [email protected] 1035
Kakka r
194 7B2 2 7B Mr. Narinder Kaur 9872833838 [email protected] 762
Mrs. Mura la Gosw ami & Mr. Arun ava
195 7C2 2 7C Go swami 9650106076 [email protected] 715
196 7D2 2 7D Mrs. Gurinder Singh 862160905588 1244
Mr. Arun K umar Gand otra & Mrs. Meen a
197 7E2 2 7E 9419481453 [email protected] 1246
Ga nd otra
198 7F2 2 7F Mr. Subash Bhatia 1221
199 7G2 2 7G Praveen Agarwal 09412110720 792
200 7H2 2 7H Mr. Vijay Kumar Kalra 9811227555 1316
201 7I2 2 7I Ms. Ritu E. Bhayana 9899106796 [email protected] 935
202 8A2 2 8A Mr. Himanshu Goyal & Mr. Abhishek Goyal 9568984222 [email protected] 1035
203 8B2 2 8B Mr. Mahendra Singh 9811427230 762
204 8C2 2 8C Mr. Naunihal Singh Mann 9811227101 715
205 8D2 2 8D Mr. Navneet Arora 9215366400 1244
206 8E2 2 8E Mr. Vive k Jh un jhu nwa la & Mr. Vikra m 9811055400 1246
[email protected]
Jhu njh unw ala
207 8F2 2 8F Mr. Bhupinder Singh Julka 9810008550 1221
208 8G2 2 8G M/s Satish Mehta Cl ini c & Re search 9873807771 792
[email protected]
Cen tre Pvt. Ltd.
209 8H2 2 8H Mr. Mahipal Singh Raghav 9266626000 1316
210 8I2 2 8I Mr. Raghubir Singh Shahrawat 9810404039 935
211 9A2 2 9A Mr. Abh ai Ku mar Sing h & Mrs. Shaku n 9873356877 [email protected] 1035
Sing h
212 9B2 2 9B Mrs. Sudesh Kumari 9812434139 762
213 9C2 2 9C Mr. Rajesh Narula 9810518513 715
214 9D2 2 9D Mr. Siddharth Kapur & Mr. Sushant Kapur 1244
215 9E2 2 9E M/s. J.C.Fenasia Exports Pvt. Ltd. 1246
216 9F2 2 9F Mr. Ajay Mehra & Mrs. Meenakshi Sawhney [email protected] 1221

217 9G2 2 9G Mr. Vineet Nanda 9871966299 792

218 9H2 2 9H M/s Quik Solutions 9810076565 [email protected] 1316
219 9I2 2 9I Mr. Navist Lal 9971009753 935
Mrs. Re ena Agarw al & Mr. Ud ay Kumar
220 10A2 2 10A 7607684317 1035
Aga rw al
221 10B2 2 10B Mr. Joginder Lal Khatri 9810320312 762
222 10C2 2 10C Mr. Yash Pal Sardana 9760041306 715
223 10D2 2 10D Mr. Siddharth Rastogi 9958788822 [email protected] 1244
224 10E2 2 10E M/s. MVS Engineering Ltd. [email protected] 1246
225 10F2 2 10F Mrs. Prem Dalal 9416052763 [email protected] 1221
226 10G2 2 10G Mr. Surinder Kumar Sarin 9711993363 [email protected] 792
227 10H2 2 10H Mr. Dal Chandra Rastogi 9810117188 [email protected] 1316
228 10I2 2 10I Mrs. Sud ha rshan Ba nsal & Mrs. N atisha 9971115895 935
[email protected]
Ban sal
229 11A2 2 11A Mrs. Swati Singh & Mr. Shelesh Pal Singh 9811236453 [email protected] 1035
230 11B2 2 11B Mr. Aman Dhingra 762
231 11C2 2 11C Mr. Yogender Vasisht 9811123331 715
232 11D2 2 11D M/s. Big Bro Holdings 9810092265 1244
233 11E2 2 11E Mr. Ra j Kumar Va ts & Mrs. Ra dha Va ts & 9466477509 [email protected] 1246
Mr. Prad ee p Vats
234 11F2 2 11F Mrs. Sonia Jain 9910041263 1221
Mr. Amar Prata p Sing h & Mrs. Bhup ind er
235 11G2 2 11G 9871832652 [email protected] 792
Kau r
236 11H2 2 11H Mr. Vikram Mehra 1316
237 11I2 2 11I M/s. Jai Gajanan Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. 9810035526 935
238 12A2 2 12A Mr. Sunil Pahilajani 8800222731 [email protected] 1035
239 12B2 2 12B Mrs. Re nuka Gu pta & C apt. R aji v Gup ta & 9871431261 [email protected] 762
Mr. Tarun Gu pta

240 12C2 2 12C Mrs. Krishna Sharma & Mrs. Bindu Sharma 9650595076 715

241 12D2 2 12D Mrs. Madhulika Goel & Mrs. Sunita Goel 9896400009 [email protected] 1244
242 12E2 2 12E Mr. Satinder Singh Oberoi 9810084087 1246
243 12F2 2 12F Mr. Ganesh Chandra Mrig 9810058286 [email protected] 1221
244 12G2 2 12G Mr. Vishal Dogra 008801713016378 792

245 12H2 2 12H Mrs. Vunnava Aparna 001-925-719-2126 [email protected] 1316

246 12I2 2 12I Mr. Randeep Lather 9315522222 [email protected] 935
247 14A2 2 14A Mr. Aman Dhingra & Mrs. Nandita Dhingra 1035
248 14B2 2 14B Ms. Payal Chawla 9811777786 [email protected] 762
Mr. Pad al a Prade ep Ra o & Mrs. Pad ala
249 14C2 2 14C 9716117007 715
Pad ma Rao
250 14D2 2 14D Mrs. Neerja Batra & Mrs. Sangeeta Batra 9811110548 1244
251 14E2 2 14E M/s A.K. Associates 9958522229 1246
252 14F2 2 14F M/s A.K. Associates 9958522229 1221
Mr. Vive k Sh riva sta va & Mr. Saura bh
253 14G2 2 14G 9818190000 [email protected] 792
Shriva sta va
254 14H2 2 14H Mr. S.K.Chhabra 8878882882 1316
255 14I2 2 14I Mr. Surinder Kumar Chhabra 9810076565 935
256 15A2 2 15A Mr. Sanjiv Gupta & Mr Nakul Gupta 9811023500 [email protected] 1035
257 15B2 2 15B Mrs. Deepika Khanna 9818238000 762
258 15C2 2 15C Mr. Sanjay Gaur 9811178777 715
259 15D2 2 15D M/s. Cantabil Retail India Ltd. 9810027689 1244
260 15E2 2 15E Mr. Harish Gupta & Mr. Raval Gupta 9815333552 [email protected] 1246
Mr. Ra kesh Ku mar Sharma & Mrs. N eel am
261 15F2 2 15F 9810016019 [email protected] 1221
Sha rma
262 15G2 2 15G Mr. Amit Khanna 9818238000 792
263 15H2 2 15H Lt. Col Warun Nayar & Mrs. Minu Nayar 9830565656 [email protected] 1316
264 15I2 2 15I Mr. Sachin Gupta 9810335076 935
265 16A2 2 16A Ms. Raj Bala 9466475464 [email protected] 1035
266 16B2 2 16B In-Stock
267 16C2 2 16C In-Stock
268 16D2 2 16D In-Stock
269 16E2 2 16E In-Stock
Mr. Ra vind er Sin gh Ra th ore & Mrs. Savi ta
270 16F2 2 16F Ratho re 9582555225 [email protected] 1221
271 16G2 2 16G In-Stock
272 16H2 2 16H In-Stock
273 16I2 2 16I In-Stock
274 17A2 2 17A In-Stock
275 17B2 2 17B In-Stock
276 17C2 2 17C In-Stock
277 17D2 2 17D In-Stock
278 17E2 2 17E In-Stock
279 17F2 2 17F In-Stock
280 17G2 2 17G In-Stock
281 17H2 2 17H M/s Pace Buildtech Private Limited 1316
282 17I2 2 17I In-Stock
283 18A2 2 18A In-Stock
284 18B2 2 18B In-Stock
285 18C2 2 18C In-Stock
286 18D2 2 18D In-Stock
287 18E2 2 18E In-Stock
288 18F2 2 18F In-Stock
289 18G2 2 18G In-Stock
290 18H2 2 18H In-Stock
291 18I2 2 18I In-Stock
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