Islamic Fintech Report 2018
Islamic Fintech Report 2018
Islamic Fintech Report 2018
Report 2018
Current Landscape
& Path Forward
1 Executive Summary 4
2 Summary infographics 6
6 Roadmap 31
7 Acknowledgements 32
8 Glossary 33
9 Appendix 35
The fourth industrial revolution has driven tremendous innovation in
the global financial services industry, with over 12,000 startups emerging
globally to disrupt every aspect of finance. The Islamic Finance industry
has begun experiencing unprecedented innovation, but Islamic Fintech
has a long journey ahead.
he Global Financial services industry has peer technology solutions to facilitate consumer and
T seen unprecedented change bought about business financing, and a further 14 of which enable
by three core technological drivers, all deposits and transfers via blockchain technology.
linked closely to the fourth industrial revolution – Indonesia, followed by the U.S., UAE and the UK, host
automation, disintermediation and decentralization. the largest number of Islamic Fintech startups.
Young, digitally native customers are the main
stakeholders driving change, and startups are Islamic Fintech has substantial room for growth,
responding – there are now over 12,000 startups however, with largely unaddressed opportunities in
globally, with fintech investments reaching $57.9 several areas, the three most significant of which
billion in the first half of 2018. are: (1) the leveraging of big data and AI in providing
Islamic banking services; (2) the use of blockchain
The large established financial institutions are in facilitating the growth of Islamic trade finance,
embracing the change, with 74% of financial which at $186 billion is a fraction of the global $12
institutions investing in data analytics, 34% in trillion trade finance industry; and (3) the use of AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI), and with 77% expecting to in facilitating investments, in particular addressing
adopt blockchain by 2020. institutional investor needs
The Islamic Finance Industry holds much promise, There are many promising government-led initiatives
with assets expected to reach $3.9 trillion by 2023 such as DIFC’s $100 million Fintech Fund, and
according to Thomson Reuters, however, Islamic Bahrain’s regulatory sandbox, to support Islamic
Fintech is at the very beginning of an exciting, Fintech. Exciting private sector initiatives have also
transformative journey for the industry, one still been launched, such as the Islamic Fintech Alliance
dominated by largely domestic and OIC-based in Singapore, and Turkey-based Al Barakah Banks
financial institutions. A young, digitally native Muslim Accelerator arm to support Islamic Fintech.
demographic that is on average younger than the
worlds non-Muslim population, is driving the growth As the industry develops, a concerted effort will
of Islamic Finance. be needed across government entities, financial
investors and financial institutions, to help fill the
This report has identified 90 Islamic Fintech startups many gaps in the Islamic Fintech ecosystem – doing
globally that are delivering customer-facing financial so is strategically important for many OIC countries,
service solutions, 65 of which are providing peer-to- as well as existing Islamic Finance Institutions.
$58 bill
Wealth 20,000 812 1000
Management 638
476 13,337
raised in 10,000 338 500
Insurance H1 2018 3,231
1,889 2,548
0 0
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Key takeaway: Fintech is disrupting every area of the financial services industry, empowered by
Number of Islamic Fintech
Startups by country 2
Number of startups
31 Indonesia 1 3
by core function
12 US 2 5
93 65
11 UAE 3 Business and consumer financing 65
Key takeaway: There is an emerging global Islamic Fintech ecosystem, with a strong focus to
date on P2P finance.
Deposits A
And Lending
Trade B
Wealth C
Insurance D
- high adoption - trend is substentially - moderate adoption - trend is - very limited - very high
adopted by service area partially adopted by service area
- low adoption adoption potential impact
Key takeaway: There is substantial room for growth across the Islamic Fintech Ecosystem.
Key takeaway: Stakeholders stand to benefit substantially from supporting Islamic Fintech, with
important commitment already seen from a budding ecosystem.
Global Fintech
4th Industrial Revolution* driven technologies exponentially enhancing and/or
disrupting 20th century banking services, operations, business models, and customer engagement.
Back Office Middle Office Front Office
* The term “Fourth Industrial Revolution” was coined by Klaus collectively referred to as cyber-physical systems . It is marked by
Schwab, the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic emerging technology breakthroughs in a number of fields, including
Forum. It is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, quantum computing,
the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres, biotechnology, and the Internet of Things (IoT).
1 Schwab, Klaus. “The Fourth Industrial Revolution: What It Means and How to Respond.” World Economic Forum. January 14, 2016. Accessed
March 20, 2018.
• Consumers: Key retail customers with core segments of low income,
middle income, high income, ultra-high net worth, and youth
• Businesses: Corporate/business customers including large corporates,
SMEs and social organizations
• Financial institutions: Asset managers, pension funds, insurance companies
and hedge funds
• Customer lifecycle/front office: Customer origination/acquisition;
due diligence; customer servicing; service delivery; advisory
• Middle office: Risk management; treasury; payments
• Back office: Collections; data storage/ security; portfolio management;
risk management
Global Market Size & Investments the KPMG Pulse of Fintech report, global
Fintech investment reached $57.9 billion
In Fintech’s most rudimentary area of in the first half of 2018, across 875 deals.
digital/mobile banking, an estimated 2 This is a significant increase from the
billion users worldwide were accessing $38.1 billion invested in all of 20174.
retail banking services via smartphones,
tablets, PCs and smartwatches, and that Payments, Regtech and blockchain
number is projected to reach 3 billion by investments have been the most prominent
2021 (Juniper Research2). in H1 of 2018. In payments, a number
of large exits in the first half of the
In terms of adoption, 33% of consumers year included successful IPOs by EVO
in 20 major markets are estimated to use Payments and GreenSky, Paypal’s $2.2
Fintech services (EY)3. This rate is higher at billion acquisition of iZettle, and Vantiv’s US$100
46% across the emerging markets of Brazil, acquisition of WorldPay in the UK. In the BILLION
China, India, Mexico and South Africa. Regtech sector, $1.37 billion were invested, HAS FLOWED
surpassing the 2017 total5. In blockchain,
Investments across Fintech space is on investments included $100 million+ rounds
SINCE 2010
the rise and are also a good indicator of to R3 and Circle Internet Finance in the US,
Fintech’s size and scale. According to and $77 million to Ledger in France.
1,805 2,000
21,170 23,255 1,500
812 1,000
10,000 476
338 500
2,548 3,231
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
2 "Digital Banking Users to Reach Nearly 3 Billion by 2021, Representing 1 in 2 Global Adult Population." Digital Banking Users to Reach Nearly 3
Billion by 2021. February 8, 2017.
3 EY FinTech Adoption Index 2017. EY, 2017.$FILE/ey-fintech-
4 The Pulse of Fintech – 2018. H1 2018. KPMG, 2018.
5 ibid
Technology megatrends impacting finance • Open banking gaining momentum: Open banking is
continuing to grow worldwide. In Hong Kong, the (SAR)
• Blockchain is coming to life: The hype around Monetary Authority recently published its open API
blockchain, a type of distributed ledger technology, framework. In Australia, a new open-banking regime
is beginning to gain real traction in its applications for has been agreed to by their federal government.
financial services. This is being driven by widespread All major banks will need to make data available
applicability of blockchain to help harness operational on credit and debit card, deposit, and transaction
efficiencies. According to a PwC industry survey, accounts by July 1, 20199.
77% expect to adopt blockchain as part of an in-
production system or process by 2020. The most • Artificial intelligence (AI) & data analytics gaining
likely business use cases of blockchain, as seen by attention: According to the PwC industry survey,
55% of respondents, is in payments infrastructure, 74% of large financial Institutions are investing
followed by fund transfer infrastructure (50%), and in data analytics and 34% in artificial intelligence
digital identity management (46%)6. (AI). AI is expected to drive unprecedented levels of
personalization for financial consumers. It is also
• Regtech is experiencing big growth: Financial being applied in advanced risk management.
institutions’ need to manage compliance in all aspects
of business is getting complex and Fintech solutions Customers are driving substantial change
are coming to the rescue to bring efficiency and cost
effectiveness in its management. Besides existing • The young 'digital natives': There is now a generation,
regulations such as Basel and Comprehensive Capital Generation Z (up-to-22-years-old this year10) that has
Analysis and Review (CCAR), newer regulations such been born and raised completely with the internet,
as the General Data Protection (GDPR) and Revised and as such, have very strong expectations of digital
Payment Service Directive (PSD2) are further driving financial services. This is further driven by the fact that
the need for innovative solutions. According to a 70% of the world’s youth are online, compared to total
PwC survey, 54% of incumbents see data storage, population at 48% in 201711.
privacy, and protection as the main regulatory barrier
to innovation.7 • The unbanked: While a big percentage of global
adult population is still unbanked (31% of global adult
• InsureTech is also growing: Fintech solutions population in 2017, approx. 1.6 billion people) the rate
addressing the insurance sector are also gaining of financial inclusion is rapidly rising. 515 million adults
traction. The banking consortium R3 expanded its obtained an account since 2014. Fintech is expected to
mandate to include insurance companies while the continue to drive this and is key to achieving the World
key insurance consortia B3i has also expanded. Bank goal of universal financial access by 202012.
Insurtech companies attracted a significant amount
of investment, including $100 million+ megarounds • Heightened expectations: Customers are harder to
to Oscar and Lemonade8. acquire and retain due to heightened expectations
of banks resulting from the digital technologies they
regularly make use of in other areas of their lives.
• Banks responding to digital disruption: Banks are • Startups forcing banks to move at a faster
responding to customer demands by adapting their pace: The increased number of Fintech startups
core business models to become more "digital" - in existence, driving developments such as mobile
combining digital services with incumbent physical payments through non-bank institutions, is forcing
offerings. According to a PwC industry survey, 77% banks to move at a faster pace in responding to
of financial institutions are increasing internal effort technology changes.
to innovate, and 82% expect to increase Fintech
partnerships in the next 3-5 years13. Banks' responses • Startups posing a considerable threat to incumbent
are being driven by the threat of digital disruption and banks: Startups can innovate at a faster, more agile
the need to keep costs down, as well as the motivation pace and more efficiently create mobile-focused
to attract customers and increase profits. services or products at a fraction of banks' cost, due
to advantages such as being free of legacy technology
• Banks seeking efficiency gains: Banks are systems and having to cope with significantly less
also looking to offer fewer branches with more regulation than banks.
differentiated functions to cater to different regions and
customer functions and are looking to make efficiency • Fintech firms are disrupting established players:
gains and reprioritize their service offerings. This Fintech firms have developed a reputation for offering
includes effectively leveraging third-party technologies accessible, convenient and tailored services and
such as cloud computing, mobility, big data. products that pose considerable disruption to the
existing financial services industry players.
TransferWise lets expats, UK-based Monzo Bank is a bank that In China, all peer-to-peer lending
foreign students and offers current accounts and was funded firms must have a custodian
businesses move money through crowdfunding14. bank by August 2017. City
Peer 2 Peer globally at a substantially commercial banks are taking up
Finance lower-cost alternative Zopa, the UK's oldest peer-to-peer lender, this role, and the banks would
to traditional transfer applied for a UK banking license in 2016. be responsible for safeguarding
services. It will then be able to offer customer billions of Chinese yuan in
deposits and credit cards, offering peer-to-peer assets. This will
customers a cheaper alternative to increase consumer confidence
incumbent banks. in peer-to-peer finance in China
and likely result in increased
customer acquisition.
Simple is a web- and- Capital One has launched a developer Mizuho Financial Group
mobile application that portal and three new open APIs, increasing Partnered with Fintech startup
unifies various accounts the provision of open banking services for Moneytree to use Moneytree's
Open into one accessible bank customers. API technology.
Banking card.
Deutsche Bank have developed "Autobahn",
an app market that gives clients access
to apps to meet their banking needs, thus
improving customer servicing through
infrastructure development.
Mint is a financial planning Capital One is a heavy user of cloud Indian bank HDFC uses
app that made extensive computing service Amazon Web Services, software-as-a-service-based
use of cloud computing to reducing the cost of its servers and cloud services to more
Cloud save on costs and scale potentially creating cost savings for end efficiently run its entire
Adoption quickly. customers. e-commerce business, its credit
card acquiring business, and
Deutsche Bank is investing heavily in cloud its merchant services, thus
computing with a 10-year deal with HP providing customers with more
Enterprise. efficient services.
M-Pesa, a Kenyan US-based Montgomery County Employees Japan's E-Bank provides
startup, enables users to Federal Credit Union introduced fingerprint 24-hour real-time electronic
make and receive mobile authentication for users of their mobile banking services without any
Mobility payments using their app, increasing security for existing physical branches or ATMs,
smartphones, increasing customers. creating a truly branchless
financial inclusion to experience for time-pressed
underserved communities Swiss-based Postfinance, in co-operation customers who wish to
and increasing customer with other Swiss banks such as UBS and avoid engaging with physical
convenience. Credit Suisse, has launched Twint, a mobile branches.
payments solution that provides a viable
and serious alternative to Apple Pay and
increases customer choice in Switzerland.
Australia-based Goldman Sachs is investing in leading Australia-based
QuintessenceLabs has developers of quantum computing QuintessenceLabs has created
created a set of data technology, such as Canadian quantum a set of data technology
Quantum technology products computing firm D-Wave, to create better products and solutions based
Computing and solutions based on portfolios for clients. on quantum computing
quantum computing Deutsche Bank Securities and the CME technology to enable secure
technology to enable Group partnered with quantum computing data transfer and storage,
secure data transfer firm D-Wave Systems to develop "Quantum enhancing customer service
and storage. for Quants", a program that allows through infrastructure
financial industry analysts to use quantum development.
computing tools to analyze large, complex
data sets and better solve financial
problems such as portfolio optimization
for existing customers.
Islamic Fintech
slamic Fintech promises to be a disruptive CAGR to reach $3.8 trillion in 2023. The disruption
I force in the Islamic finance industry, and innovation that can be observed across the
spearheading necessary innovation. global finance industry is also impacting Islamic
The Islamic finance Industry has been estimated at finance, with notable developments in particular
$2.4 trillion in 2017 and is projected to grow at 7.7% in the last few years.15
4.1 Islamic Fintech Overview The segmentation of Islamic finance services, which
comprises twelve categories as outlined in the
Islamic Fintech has potential to disrupt all aspects below diagram, correlates to the six broad service
of the industry. The Islamic Fintech industry has areas identified globally, serving the same underlying
emerged robustly since 2010, mirroring the growth needs of retail consumers and businesses, as
of the broader global Fintech ecosystem, with well as the institutional needs of financial service
the focus of development on shariah-compliant providers, adjusted of course for the Islamic faith-
business and consumer financing. based requirements of customers.
Islamic Fintech
Fintech technologies exponentially enhancing and disrupting 20th century
Islamic financial services, operations, business models, and customer engagement.
15 “State of the Global Islamic Economy Report, 2018/19”, Thomson Reuters, 2018
$100 million planned
fund by DIFC (Dubai International Young demographic: 24 years
Financial Center) to invest in median age of Muslims worldwide
Fin-tech start-ups. Bahrain and (compared to 32 globally)
Malaysia have setup ‘regulatory
sandbox’ for Fintech growth 15 of top 50 countries w/Smartphone
penetration are Islamic economies
72% unbanked population in OIC member
93 Islamic FinTech players countries (core Islamic finance markets)
globally compared to 49% worldwide. (Global Findex)
The digital Islamic economy is a broader area of strategic importance that several OIC companies are
prioritizing, with a particular focus on Islamic Fintech.
UAE Dubai International Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), a leading international
Finance Center financial hub announced a $100 million FinTech-focused fund to
investing in Fintech start-ups from incubation through to growth stage.
Bahrain Bahrain Fintech Bay Bahrain’s Fintech Bay is a dedicated co-working space dedicated to
attracting and developing Fintech and particularly works with. Islamic
Fintechs in partnership with leading Islamic finance institutions that
operate in Bahrain and across the GCC17
Indonesia Financial Services While startups are driving Islamic fintech growth in Indonesia Government
Authority (OJK) agencies are realizing their impact and starting to facilitate. The Financial
Services Authority (OJK), has established a regulatory framework for P2P
lending platforms.
Other UK, Kazakhstan, UK regulators have been supportive of its domestic Islamic Fintech Panel
IDB, Saudi Arabia and startup ecosystem. The launch of Astana International Financial
Center is also seeking to develop Islamic finance and fintech. Similarly,
Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority has recently launched FintechSaudi.
Finally, the multi-lateral Islamic Development Bank has launched a
Fintech Challenge supporting Islamic Fintech startups.
The global Muslim population is expected to rise Muslim consumers are younger, on average, than non-
from 1.7 billion in 201418 to 2.2 billion by 2030 Muslims20, and a large portion of the world’s unbanked
(26.4%), according to Pew Research Center’s are Muslims21. According to a Pew Research Center
Forum on Religion & Public Life, growing at about survey in 2011 of over 38,000 Muslims22, 76.3% of
twice the rate of the non-Muslim population over Muslims consider religion to be ‘very important’.
the next two decades – with an average annual
growth rate of 1.5% for Muslims, compared with With 15 of the top 50 countries with smartphone
0.7% for non-Muslims19 penetration being OIC countries, the demand for
practical, digital Islamic finance solutions are emerging.
Islamic Fintech startups have represented the first line of response for providing innovative digital Islamic
finance solutions, with a rapidly emerging ecosystem. Most notably, to support startups, dedicated
accelerators and incubators are emerging, which offer the promise of catalyzing funding and sharpening
business propositions.
Singapore Islamic Fintech Alliance The Islamic Fintech Alliance (IFT Alliance), a global collaboration
of Islamic Fintech startups was launched in 2016 to “facilitate
the adoption of finance technology among Muslims”.
Turkey Al Baraka Bank The Islamic Fintech Alliance (IFT Alliance), a global collaboration
of Islamic Fintech startups was launched in 2016 to “facilitate
the adoption of finance technology among Muslims”.
UAE Goodforce labs Goodforce Labs, established in 2018, is the first social impact
foundry in the MENA region, and is working with and supporting
10 startups focused on the Islamic and ethical economy
18 Derived from 2010 baseline and 1.5% growth estimated by The Future of the Global Muslim Population, Pew Research Forum, 2011.
19 The Future of the Global Muslim Population, Pew Research Forum, 2011. Accessed 8 August 2016.
20 "Why Muslims Are the Fastest-Growing Religious Group." Pew Research Center. April 23, 2015.
21 2017 Global Findex Database. World Bank, 2017.
22 According to a Pew Research Center survey in 2011 of over 38,000 Muslims in the Middle East, North Africa, Southeast Asia, South Asia,
Central Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and South-Eastern Europe.
23 Augustin, Stephanie. “Albaraka Turk Expanding Fintech Footprint with Own Accelerator, Launching Digital-only Islamic Bank in Germany.”
Salaam Gateway. September 19, 2018.
4.3 Islamic Fintech Landscape that provide software or supporting technologies for
Islamic financial services, which have been included
This report has identified 93 Islamic Fintech in other lists of the Islamic Finance Ecosystem.
companies predominantly leveraging peer-to-
peer technology to disrupt personal and business Indonesia has the most Islamic Fintech startups,
finance and excludes supporting service providers. followed by the US and the UAE.
The focus on Islamic Fintech companies has been Indonesia, which has the world’s largest Muslim
very concentrated on making consumer and business population, is home to 31 out of 93 startups identified,
finance more accessible, addressed by 66 of the with a readily increasing number of Islamic Fintech
startups, while simultaneously opening market companies registering with the country’s Islamic Fintech
access to individual retail and institutional investors. Association. The UAE and Malaysia follow as the next
two largest Muslim-majority countries by number
Blockchain, and in particular cryptocurrencies, is of startups, reflecting the broad Islamic Economy
beginning to make headway, with 14 startups identified. strategies that both countries have put in place.
The list only includes companies that are active, Interestingly, the US and UK together host 21
providing front office, customer facing solutions, and startups despite having a small combined share of
recognized by an Association or through an external the global Muslim population, both reflecting a robust
credible source. It does not include companies that venture financing ecosystem that has recognized and
have not been identified as shariah compliant, or supported the business case for Islamic Fintech.
Deposits, 8
Business & Consumer
P2P finance, 65 Other, 14 Financing, 65 Other, 5
Breakdown by geography
12 11
Indonesia USA UAE UK Malaysia Other
24 The list has been compiled based on a review of over 60 sources, including a comprehensive list of 120 Islamic finance companies,
and a review of associations, top freezones and accelerators in leading Islamic finance markets.
25 The list has been compiled based on a review of over 60 sources, including a comprehensive list of 120 Islamic finance companies,
and a review of associations, top freezones and accelerators in leading Islamic finance markets.
Opportunity • The global market for Islamic Finance assets has been estimated at $2.4 trillion in 2017
being and is expected to grow by 7.7 percent CAGR and reach $3.8 trillion in 2023. Islamic
addressed banking assets are expected to grow from $1.7 trillion in 2017 by 6 percent CAGR to reach
$2.4 trillion in 2023.27
• Although the global Islamic Finance sector is maturing, the American market still has
a number of gaps and opportunities. The Muslim Green: American Muslim Market Study
2014/15 has surveyed the Muslim market to find that the demand for Islamic Finance
offerings has increased between 2010 and 2014. However, credible and authentic Islamic
Finance offerings and Shariah-compliant investment options have not been readily
available. Muslim consumer surveys in America have also found that 58 percent of
respondents are asking for clarity in Islamic Finance concepts and contracts as Islamic
Finance services are complex and difficult to understand.
Opportunity • According to Pew Forum statistics in 2011, Muslim-majority countries are among the
being poorest countries in the world, measured by GDP per capita.29 The average GDP per capita
addressed in OIC countries stands at $4,000, which is substantially less than $33,700 of developed
countries in 2011, according to Pew Research statistics. Muslims in OIC countries that
live below the poverty line are in dire need of services, but struggle to access Shariah-
compliant investment opportunities due to high minimum investment requirements.
• Wahed Invest seeks to make Shariah-compliant investing more efficient, charging lower
fees than existing Islamic Finance investment managers, and more accessible, planning
to make the platform available to Muslims globally, with low minimum investment
amounts required.
Company • Funding: Wahed Invest raised over $12.6 million from investors including Cue Ball Capital,
trajectory BECO Capital, and Other Institutional Investors30
• The company most recently launched its automated investment service in the United
Key • Wahed represents a successful case of innovation, learning from mainstream fintech to
takeaways address unique needs for Muslim consumers
• The company was able to build a powerful case for investment among conventional
investment firms
29 The Future of the Global Muslim Population - Pew Forum, 2011,
30 The State of the Global Islamic Economy Report 2018/19, by Thomson Reuters, DinarStandard and DIEDC, 2018.
EthisCrowd is the world’s first real estate Islamic crowdfunding platform, investing
in entrepreneurial, business, trade and real estate activities in ‘Emerging Asia’. Based
in Singapore, and with a presence in Indonesia, Malaysia and Australia, the company
crowdfunds the construction of affordable and commercial housing, mostly in Indonesia,
through private and institutional investors, as well as Islamic banks.
Opportunity • According to the Global Impact Investment Network, impact investing assets - investing
being made into enterprises, organizations and funds with the intention to generate social
addressed and environmental returns, alongside financial ones, are currently valued at $228 billion
in 2018.31
• According to McKinsey Global Institute in 2014, it was estimated that approximately
330 million households did not have access to affordable housing, and that this figure
could increase to 440 million households in 2025—the equivalent of 1.6 billion people.
Addressing this gap could cost up to $16 trillion.32
• EthisCrowd seeks to address the affordable housing gap, capitalizing on a booming
Indonesian real estate market and an increasingly accessible pool of social and ethical
small and medium-sized investors through real-estate crowdfunding, a $3.5 billion
industry in 2016 (according to research and advisory firm Massolution), linking such
investors directly with contractors and real estate developers.33
Company • Funding: The company has 24,373 community members with $5.59 million in crowd-
trajectory investments made and $1.64 million of payouts to crowd-investors. The total value of
projects by EthisCrowd in 2018 is $52.8 million.34
Key • Ethis has been an impressive innovator, and shows how an original idea, around Shariah-
compliant real estate, can be expanded to cover a range of product areas
31 Global Impact Investor Network, Annual Impact Investor Survey, GIIN, 2018,
32 Tackling the world’s affordable housing challenge, McKinsey Global Institute, 2014,
33 The World Bank’s Indonesia Economic Quarterly, Closing the Gap, October 2017,
34 EthisCrowd, company website, accessed on October 15th 2018,
Company trajectory • Adab Solutions is launching the project’s Initial Coin Offering in
September and will be guided by an in-house Shariah Advisory
Board to ensure the exchange will be in full compliance with
Shariah law.36
35 Total cryptocurrency market cap shrinks to $186 billion, Mashable, September 2018,
36 UAE Startup Launches First-Ever Sharia-Compliant Islamic Crypto Exchange, August 2018, CCN,
Company trajectory • Funding: Waqfe has raised seed capital and has
a POC developed in Bahrain with the platform’s
first banking customer signed up.
Description of partnership and impact • Core challenge: Alizz Islamic Bank in Oman
seeks to become a fast growing and dynamic
bank in the GCC. The company aims to enhance
customer experiences using real-time analytics.
• Solution: Islamic banking is growing in appeal
across the globe and Ubanquity is very excited to
cater to this segment, bringing leading technology
innovation for the further and ongoing prosperity
of Alizz Islamic Bank customers. Ubanquity will
provide Alizz Islamic Bank with an integrated and
rich set of Omnichannel banking solutions. This
will grant the bank unique control over its existing
systems, using extensive real-time analytics
enabling augmented banking experiences.
Gaps and
While the Islamic Fintech ecosystem has evolved substantially, there has been a clear concentration
in peer-to-peer finance, to address the critical need of making shariah-compliant financing more accessible
for businesses and consumers. Relative to demand and market potential, however, many gaps remain.
Ecosystem gaps
Reviewing the ecosystem in more detail, there are five particular areas of opportunity that this report
identifies, with substantial variation in the extent to which each has been addressed.
Deposits A E
And Lending
Trade B
Wealth C
Insurance D
- high adoption - trend is substentially - moderate adoption - trend is - very limited - very high
adopted by service area partially adopted by service area
- low adoption adoption potential impact
Analytics and big data have played substantial roles in disrupting the global banking system – from identifying
and engaging customers to reducing operating costs through deploying machine-learning capabilities.
Islamic finance institutions have sought to incorporate AI and big data into their operations – notably,
Maybank has a group finance office that employs analytics, and Emirates Islamic using HR Panda,
an AI program that could automate 50% of the bank’s recruitment processes.40
However, there remains substantial room for greater application of AI and big data across the Islamic finance
B. The critical and varied need for Islamic trade financing – enter the blockchain
Global trade finance is a $12.3-trillion industry in 2016, representing 75% of global trade41, with total intra-OIC
trade at $250 billion in 2017, with $1.8 trillion in imports across the OIC. Despite substantial potential, the
Islamic trade finance industry was estimated at only $186 billion in 2016, with substantial room for growth.42
It is clear Islamic trade finance is a critical priority – and is linked to facilitating greater trade across the OIC,
and there is a need for more startups, as well as better investment in innovation among Islamic finance
institutions, to fill a substantial funding gap.
Blockchain’s use in trade finance – where there is a need for substantial documentation and independent
verification, all of which can be simplified through smart contracts, has been strongly validated. Most notably,
HSBC issued a letter of credit for US food and agriculture firm Cargill via a smart contract earlier in 2018.
The trade finance transaction involved a bulk shipment of soybeans from Argentina to Malaysia. The letter
of credit was issued from HSBC to Dutch lender ING.43
By becoming more competitive, Islamic finance can position itself at the forefront of the broader ethical
finance industry, with ethical screening applied to $15 trillion of assets in 2016.44
The success story of Wahed Invest is a particularly important development, with the company raising $12
million across Seed and Series A rounds45, solving a fundamental problem for Muslim consumers around the
world – providing cost-effective access to shariah-compliant equity investments.
The company has taken an important step towards making Islamic investing more accessible and more
automated. However, there remains substantial room for development in this segment of Islamic Fintech
– in particular, broadening access to equity investments, as well as introducing innovative models – such
as depositing spare change from users’ accounts and directly investing in a range of assets – such as
Acorns, a US-based startup, or providing a comprehensive and automated assessment of user financial
management, as provided by US-based Fintech companies, such as Mint.
40 "Emirates Islamic Fosters Innovation in Islamic Finance." MENA Herald. December 27, 2016.
41 Shariah-compliant Trade Finance:Developments and Opportunities. Salaam Gateway, 2017.
42 Ibid.
43 Browne, Ryan. "HSBC Says It's Made the World's First Trade Finance Transaction Using Blockchain." CNBC. June 01, 2018.
44 McKenna, John. "Here's What You Need to Know about Ethical Investment." World Economic Forum. August 23, 2017.
45 Takahashi, Dean. "Wahed Raises $7 Million for Halal-based Investment Platform." VentureBeat. November 01, 2017.
The Takaful industry has seen very limited Fintech activity, with a substantial role for startups to address
a range of needs. The development of a mutual health insurance scheme in India, which is seen as an
alternative to healthcare, is promising , and needs to be built upon, given the varied needs of Muslim
consumers from healthcare and auto to travel and home ownership.
With 80 startups identified globally as substantial disrupters to the conventional trillion-dollar insurance
industry47, Takaful is a hot area of focus in Islamic Fintech.
P2P finance has been a substantial focus to date for Islamic Fintech – with notable and exciting success
stories such as the rapid evolution of Ethis Ventures, among several other examples. P2P finance also plays
a critical link to the social development promise of Islamic Finance – connecting the unbanked to the financial
system and bringing economic benefits to the poor.
The next stage of P2P Islamic Fintech is scaling up – to that end, there is a substantial role for government
investment vehicles, as well as venture capitalists, as well as Islamic finance institutions – to provide the
financing, as well as the global platform, for established P2P finance startups to have a global impact.
Islamic Fintech has much to offer – and there position to improve their service offering. Failing
is an important role of collaboration between to do so could lead to any number of unideal
startups and the established Islamic finance outcomes – existing banks could be relegated
institutions. The case of Al Barakah establishing to providing back office support, or could lose
an accelerator is an important example to substantial ground to either existing startups,
learn from – banks that work with Fintechs to or conventional financial institutions plugging
accelerate innovation are in a much stronger the gap for market demand.
45 Takahashi, Dean. "Wahed Raises $7 Million for Halal-based Investment Platform." VentureBeat. November 01, 2017.
46 Kader, Syed Ameen. "Muslims in India Develop Mutual Health Insurance Scheme as Alternative to Takaful." Salaam Gateway. May 24, 2018.
47 "80 Hottest InsuranceTech Companies Shaking up the Trillion-Dollar Insurance Industry." Medici. March 09, 2016.
Given the tremendous opportunity identified earlier, Islamic Fintech is poised to drive Islamic Finance industry
to its next phase of evolution and opportunity. It is also the biggest platform to leapfrog the industry beyond
its current market penetration in Islamic economies that ranges from 5% to 30% in most Islamic economies.
Below is a high-level roadmap for the Islamic Fintech development for different stakeholders.
• Government agencies:
- Regulatory sand boxes: Many of the fintech driven business models are new to the regulators, peer-to-
peer lending, blockchain/cryptocurrency, data protection and security challenges arising etc. While UAE,
Malaysia, Bahrain are driving fintech sandboxes, there is much acceleration needed around these efforts
to be competitive with the conventional fintech markets
- Fintech innovation hubs & knowledge sharing: Again, as fintech entrepreneurs and established
institutions are seeking to innovate, government support through incentives and sharing best practices
are critical to developing consistency and generating best-in-class operating models
- Cybersecurity/ ML & KYC: Identifying and assessing money laundering (ML) and Know-your-customer
(KYC) risks associated with fintech firms and technology providers.
- Consumer protection/ awareness: A key consideration to enabling the Islamic fintech opportunity is
to support consumer protection policies and regulations and at the same time promoting consumer
awareness of Islamic fintech’s viability and trustworthiness. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
compliance and other trust factors should be promoted.
- Incumbent institutions engaging with startups/ innovation hubs: Established Islamic financial
institutions have woken up to the reality of the Fintech opportunity. CEO’s and their Boards need to treat
this as mission critical for the future of the organization and growth. The proven strategy worldwide
is driving corporate venture investment by identifying and engaging with startups and innovation hubs.
- Startups: Effectively engaging with incumbent institutions is key to the success of Islamic fintechs.
FinTech startups don’t just need capital, they need customers. At the same time, incumbents need
new approaches to drive change and deliver innovation. This is the current global fintech success trend
as highlighted by PwC in a 2017 survey showing worldwide, 82% of participants on average, expect to
increase partnerships with FinTech companies over the next three to five years.48
- Customer awareness: The general market, especially retail ambivalence towards Islamic finance, could
be seriously addressed with enhanced customer experience, engagement and Islamic finance’s social
impact potential through fintech adoption.
• Investments
- VC/PE Opportunity: Relative to a fast growing global fintech universe, Islamic fintech has seen only
a miniscule of investments. While this report has not exactly sized Islamic fintech VC/PE investments,
it is a fraction of the $38.1 billion invested globally in all of 2017 (see Global section).
- Corporate investments: Established Islamic banks are now investing in fintech projects. While this
is a good sign, the scale and scope of the investments need to be accelerated relatively to global trends.
The Dubai Islamic Economy Development Centre and financial services sector, as well as the non-
(DIEDC) was established in December 2013 to financial sector. In this capacity, it will conduct
make Dubai the ‘Capital of Islamic Economy’, as research and specialist studies to determine the
envisioned by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed contribution of shariah-compliant activities to the
Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Emirates’ gross domestic product and explore
Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai. The DIEDC how to extend this contribution to boost the
is equipped with the financial, administrative economy. The DIEDC is also mandated to create
and legal tools to promote economic activities new products and lines of service to law firms
compatible with Islamic law in Dubai’s goods specializing in finance structuring.
Email: [email protected]
Dinar Standard™ is a USA based growth strategy sectors. Since 2008, DinarStandard has been global
research and advisory firm with branch office in thought leader on future innovation foresight and
Dubai and partner offices in Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, strategies, the Islamic economies, as well social
Cairo and Istanbul. Its vision is to empower entrepreneurship. Its market insights are recognized
organizations for profitable and responsible global regularly in global media (CNN, BBC, Economist, etc.)
impact. Dinar Standard specializes in innovation, It has delivered over 50 high impact consultancy
investments and marketing strategies with a focus projects for clients from 12 different countries
on halal/Tayyab food, Islamic/ethical finance, halal representing most dynamic global corporates and
travel, Islamic NGOs and OIC-member country innovative government entities.
• Artificial Intelligence (AI): A set of technologies to • Mobility: Describes the ability to access
enable computers to execute “smart” tasks through information or applications in an untethered manner,
technologies such as natural language processing, usually through portable, networked computing
expert systems and machine learning, a process devices such as smartphones.
that applies algorithms to analyze data to generate
insights and make predictions. • Mudaraba: A contract between a capital provider
and a mudarib (skilled entrepreneur or managing
• Big Data: Uses analytical tools to process large partner), whereby the Islamic financial institution
data sets from multiple different sources driving provides capital to an enterprise or activity to
business decisions. be managed by the mudarib. Profits generated
by such an enterprise or activity are shared in
• Blockchain: Tracks and records data using a accordance with the terms of the mudaraba
distributed digital ledger system - verifying and agreement, while losses are borne solely by the
storing data across hundreds or thousands of capital provider, unless the losses are due to the
computers globally. mudarib’s misconduct, negligence, or breach of
contractual terms.
• Cloud Adoption: Stores resources on the internet (in a
“cloud”) and retrieves them using web-based tools and • Murabaha: The financing of a sale at a determined
applications instead of on a direct server connection. markup (cost plus profit margin).
• Peer 2 Peer Finance: A technology-based service • Wakalah: An agency contract where the
that connects businesses directly with investors, investment account holder (principal) appoints an
through a web-based platform for a fee. Islamic financial institution (agent) to carry out an
investment on its behalf, either with or without a fee.
• Quantum Computing: Applies principles from
quantum theory to develop computers with • Wealth/Investment Management: Platforms
significantly more processing power. whose primary business involves the offering of
wealth management or investment management
• Regtech: The use of information technology services using technology to increase efficiency,
to enhance regulatory processes. It puts a lower fees or provide differentiated offerings
particular emphasis on regulatory monitoring, compared to the traditional business model. Also
reporting and compliance and is thus benefiting includes technology platforms for retail investors
the finance industry. to share ideas and insights both via quantitative
and qualitative research.
• Retakaful: A form of Islamic reinsurance that
operates on the takaful model. • Zakat: One of the five pillars of Islamic, a
religious obligation for all Muslims who meet the
• Robo-advisors: Applications that combine digital necessary criteria of wealth. It is a mandatory
interfaces and algorithms, and can also include charitable contribution, the right of the poor to find
machine learning, in order to provide services relief from the rich, and is considered to be a tax,
ranging from automated financial recommendations or obligatory alms.
to contract brokering to portfolio management
to their clients, with limited human intervention
or none. Such advisors may be standalone firms
and platforms, or can be the in-house applications
of incumbent financial institutions.
List of Islamic Fintech companies identified for this report: