Gait & Posture: Fabio Scoppa, Roberto Capra, Michele Gallamini, Riccardo Shiffer
Gait & Posture: Fabio Scoppa, Roberto Capra, Michele Gallamini, Riccardo Shiffer
Gait & Posture: Fabio Scoppa, Roberto Capra, Michele Gallamini, Riccardo Shiffer
Short Communication
Article history: Several statements on the still debated issue of stabilometry standardization were agreed upon by the
Received 18 July 2011 ISPGR Standardization Committee.
Received in revised form 2 July 2012 A set of metrological characteristics for stabilometric platforms was defined.
Accepted 7 July 2012
Relying both on practice and experimental verification it was agreed that, to obtain appropriate
accuracy and sensitivity in the Romberg Test:
Clinical Static Stabilometry * The acquisition interval should not be less than 25 s.
Force Platform * The sampling frequency should be at least 50 Hz.
Romberg Test After careful consideration it was decided that the recommendations made in the previous
Standardization proposal in 1983 regarding environmental conditions should be maintained.
ß 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Posturographic standards X ¼ xðCOPÞ ðtÞ
COPðtÞ !
Y ¼ yðCOPÞ ðtÞ
During the last Meeting of the International Society for Posture
and Gait Research (ISPGR) (Bologna, Italy 2009) a new Interna- This topic has been widely discussed [2–4].
tional Standardization Committee was set up to address the still The conventional definition whereby
unresolved issue of standardization in posturographic or static
stabilometry. the X axis is the horizontal trace of the Latero-Lateral plane
Agreement was reached on the following topics. aimed towards the right side of the patient,
the Y axis is the horizontal trace of the Antero-Posterior plane
aimed ahead of the patient
2. Metrological characteristics is recognized and accepted.
The origin of the coordinates is placed on the posterior left
It is strongly felt that there should be an agreement on standard corner of the platform with reference to the subject’s position
requirements for instrumental measurement performance during the test.
(Technical Performance) rather than on device design. According to the stated principle, the time functions
Since Force Platforms, regardless of the number, type and
characteristics of the chosen sensors, provide the COP Sway Signal X ¼ xðtÞ
[1], it has been agreed that Technical Performance parameters for
stabilometric measurement instruments should be based on the Y ¼ yðtÞ
COP Sway Signal measurement.
should be produced by the measuring device with the following
The ‘‘COP Sway Signal’’, consists of the X, Y time plot of the COP
Technical Performances:
during the test.
Accuracy: better than 0.1 mm.
Precision: better than 0.05 mm.
* Corresponding author at: RGMD SpA R&D Department, Italy.
Tel.: +39 10 8594434; fax: +39 10 8601304.
Resolution: higher than 0.05 mm.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Gallamini). Linearity: better than 90% over the whole range of measure-
These authors contributed equally to this work. ment parameters.
0966-6362/$ – see front matter ß 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Please cite this article in press as: Scoppa F, et al. Clinical stabilometry standardization. Gait Posture (2012),
G Model
GAIPOS-3652; No. of Pages 3
Anthropometric range:
* Weight: 20–200 kg,
* Height: 80–250 cm,
* Foot size: up to 35 cm.
Frequency bandwidth: 0.01–10 Hz.
3. Clinical parameters
6. Environmental test conditions (1) any task requires an ‘‘adaptation phase’’ and will be affected by
fatigue or lack of attention;
It is recommended that the test conditions as defined in (2) the constantly changing conditions of the living body affect
paragraph 8 of the aforesaid work on standardization [8] (except performances that can never be thought of as ‘‘steady’’
for item a) (feet position), which will be examined further, should whatever the recording time used. This would cast doubt on
be accepted. the applicability of the Fourier Transform.
There is no technical advantage in reducing either the sampling (1) Ellipse Area – although the area is constantly increasing, there
rate or the digital resolution (a 2 GB USB memory stick could store is an indication of convergence towards a ‘‘stable’’ value for
more than 15,000 COP acquisition tests (60 s, 100 Hz, 16 bits). recording intervals equal to or greater than 30 s.
Please cite this article in press as: Scoppa F, et al. Clinical stabilometry standardization. Gait Posture (2012),
G Model
GAIPOS-3652; No. of Pages 3
Please cite this article in press as: Scoppa F, et al. Clinical stabilometry standardization. Gait Posture (2012),