Walking Bass
Walking Bass
Walking Bass
Blues in F
All of the following exercises are based on typical 12 bar jazz blues in the key of F :
This first exercise shows a walking line consisting of each chord’s arpeggio with
occasional scale passages. Although it works and doesn’t sound “wrong”, it doesn’t
sound particularly jazzy.
Although Bars 11 & 12 are based on the F major scale, if you compare them to the
chord changes you will see that they also outline the chords by using the roots thirds
and fifths.
The next example is almost identical but this time we use “chromatic approach notes”
at the end of each bar. This basically means that we use notes outside the normal
harmony which move by a semitone either up or down to the next note. This creates a
tension ( the unexpected “out” note ) and release ( the resolution to the expected note )
which is the key to making a line sound jazzier. Note that the downbeat of each bar is
still a strong chord tone, in this case always the root. This means that, even though
we’ve added some unusual notes, you are still clearly outlining the chord changes.
There may be times where you want to intentionally “blur” the harmony but it is best
to start by learning the rule of clearly outlining the harmony at all times.
1 © A Vaughan 2004
A common way to change the chords in a jazz progression is to change functioning
Dominant chords into II-V progressions.
A II-V progression is one that moves, not surprisingly, from the second chord of a
scale to the fifth chord. This usually then resolves to the root chord of the scale. An
example of this can be found in bars 9-11 where the Gm7 ( second chord in F major )
moves to C7 ( fifth chord in F major ) before resolving to F. The II-V progression is
one of the building blocks of jazz harmony so you should try to become as familiar
with it as possible. All jazz players have a mental directory of II-V patterns.
So, by using this principle, we can create the following progression ( the new chords
are in bold):
The following example uses this progression. Note that the pianist or guitarist may not
play these substitutions but the bass line will still work.
You can also turn the 11th bar into a II-V by substituting Am7 for the F resulting in
Am7-D7 resolving to the Gm7 at the start of Bar 12.
2 © A Vaughan 2004
Another simple change is to make the second bar of Bb7 ( the 6th bar of the
progression) into B diminished 7. How does this work? If we look at the spelling of
these two chords we can see that the only difference is the root:
Bb7 – Bb D F Ab
Bdim7 – B D F Ab
Again this is a common substitution but should be used with caution as the semitone
difference can be a little unpleasant if the chordal instrument happens to play a low Bb
as you play B! The next example shows a chorus with the sixth bar played as Bdim7:
As I’m sure you can imagine, this only scratches the surface of what can be done with
the blues form. Later lessons will look at other variations.
3 © A Vaughan 2004