Hive Partitions and Buckets Exercises

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The key takeaways are about partitioning and bucketing tables in Hive to organize data.

Partitioning in Hive is a way to organize tables into partitions by dividing tables into different parts based on partition keys like state.

Bucketing in Hive is used to further segregate partitioned data into multiple files or directories based on a hash of selected columns for efficient querying.


Hive Partitions & Buckets with Example

Tables, Partitions, and Buckets are the parts of
Hive data modeling.

What is Partitions?
Hive Partitions is a way to organizes tables into
partitions by dividing tables into different parts
based on partition keys.

Partition is helpful when the table has one or more

Partition keys. Partition keys are basic elements for determining how the data is stored in
the table.

For Example: -

"Client having Some E –commerce data which belongs to India operations in which each
state (38 states) operations mentioned in as a whole. If we take state column as partition key
and perform partitions on that India data as a whole, we can able to get Number of
partitions (38 partitions) which is equal to number of states (38) present in India. Such that
each state data can be viewed separately in partitions tables.

Sample Code Snippet for partitions

1. Creation of Table all states

create table all states(state string, District string,Enrolments string)

row format delimited

fields terminated by ',';

2. Loading data into created table all states

Load data local inpath '/home/hduser/Desktop/AllStates.csv' into table all


3. Creation of partition table

create table state_part(District string,Enrolments string) PARTITIONED BY

(state string);

4. For partition we have to set this property

set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict

5. Loading data into partition table


SELECT district,enrolments,state from allstates;

6. Actual processing and formation of partition tables based on state as partition key
7. There are going to be 38 partition outputs in HDFS storage with the file name as state
name. We will check this in this step

The following screen shots will show u the execution of above mentioned code





From the above code, we do following things


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1. Creation of table all states with 3 column names such as state, district, and enrollment
2. Loading data into table all states
3. Creation of partition table with state as partition key
4. In this step Setting partition mode as non-strict( This mode will activate dynamic
partition mode)
5. Loading data into partition tablestate_part
6. Actual processing and formation of partition tables based on state as partition key
7. There is going to 38 partition outputs in HDFS storage with the file name as state name.
We will check this in this step. In This step, we seeing the 38 partition outputs in HDFS

What is Buckets?
Buckets in hive is used in segregating of hive table-data into multiple files or directories. it is
used for efficient querying.

The data i.e. present in that partitions can be divided further into Buckets
The division is performed based on Hash of particular columns that we selected in the
Buckets use some form of Hashing algorithm at back end to read each record and place it
into buckets
In Hive, we have to enable buckets by using the set.hive.enforce.bucketing=true;

Step 1) Creating Bucket as shown below.


From the above screen shot

We are creating sample_bucket with column names such as first_name, job_id,

department, salary and country
We are creating 4 buckets overhere.
Once the data get loaded it automatically, place the data into 4 buckets

Step 2) Loading Data into table sample bucket

Assuming that"Employees table" already created in Hive system. In this step, we will see the
loading of Data from employees table into table sample bucket.

Before we start moving employees data into buckets, make sure that it consist of column
names such as first_name, job_id, department, salary and country.

Here we are loading data into sample bucket from employees table.


Step 3)Displaying 4 buckets that created in Step 1


From the above screenshot, we can see that the data from the employees table is
transferred into 4 buckets created in step 1.

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view-example.html) subquery.html) table.html)
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example.html) table.html)


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functions.html) configuration-mysql.html)
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Hive Tutorials
1) Introduction to Hive (/introduction-hive.html)

2) Install and Configuration (/installation-configuration-hive-mysql.html)

3) Metastore Configuration (/hive-metastore-configuration-mysql.html)

4) Data operations in Hive (/data-operations-hive.html)

5) Create, Alter & Drop Table (/hive-create-alter-drop-table.html)

6) Partitions & Buckets (/hive-partitions-buckets-example.html)

7) Indexes and View (/hive-indexes-view-example.html)

8) Queries and Implementation (/hive-queries-implementation.html)

9) Join & SubQuery (/hive-join-subquery.html)

10) Query Language & Operators (/hive-query-language-built-operators-functions.html)

11) Function: Built-in & UDF (/hive-user-defined-functions.html)

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