CSSIE 450-The Graphical Display of Information: [email protected] - Edu

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CSSIE 450-

The Graphical Display of Information

University of Washington, Bothell
Computing and Software Systems
Autumn 2001
Room: UW2-205; MW 5:45pm – 7:50pm
Name: Kelvin Sung Office Hours: T 3:00-5:00 pm
Phone: (425) 352-5420 Or by appointment
Email: [email protected] Office: UW1-339

We will be learning:
In this class, we will introduce the hardware devices available to, review the mathematics related to the
understanding of, and discuss the fundamental areas of, computer graphics in two-dimensional space. After
this class, students are expected to understand the basic computer graphics terminology, concepts,
algorithms, and be able to design and implement 2D interactive computer graphics related programs.
NOT GOALS: We are not here to learn OpenGL, GLUT, FLTK, MFC (Microsoft Foundation Classes), C,
C++, VC++, Windows Programming, etc. These are all specific applications!
GOALS: The primary goal of this class is to ensure that, given a standard 2D graphics API, students will
be able to implement 2D interactive applications based on real life user requirements. Also covered in this
class are the fundamental theories and algorithms behind implementing a standard 2D graphics API.
Prerequisites: CSS343 with a grade of C of better.

Homework Assignments (1) 0%
Programming Assignments (4) 35%
Mid Term Exam 35%
Final Project 30%


Required Text:
1. Computer Graphics (Partial Draft), Peter Shirley, to be published in 2002, A K Peters Ltd. (A
copy of this partial draft will be given to you).
2. Programming Guide, 2nd Edition: The Official Guide to Learning OpenGL, Version 1.1, Mason
Woo, Jackie Neider, and Tom Davis, Addison Wesley.

Software Manuals:
1. The OpenGL Utility Toolkit (GLUT) Programming Interface, API Version 3, Mark J. Kilgard,
Silicon Graphics, Inc. November 13, 1996. The pdf (or ps) file of this menu is located at
2. The FLTK 1.0.10 Programming Manual (Revision 16), Michael Sweet, Craig P. Earls, and Bill
Spitzak, 2000. The pdf version of this manual is located at
http://faculty.washington.edu/ksung/OpenGL_Stuff/FLTK/documentation/fltk.pdf . The on-line
html version is located at:

Reference Texts:
1. Computer Graphics – C Version, second edition, Donald Hearn and Pauline Baker, Prentice Hall,
2. Introduction to Computer Graphics, James Foley, Andries Van dam, Steven Feiner, John Hughes,
and Richard Phillips, Addison Wesley, 1994.

Week Topics Reading Date NOTE:

Introduction, OpenGL, GLUT

GLUT Manual Assign: MP #1
1 Event Driven Programming FLTK Manual
Oct 1, 3

Output primitives and attributes

Shirley1: Chap1&2 (P15-45) Due: MP #1
2 Essential hardware knowledge OpenGL2: Chap 1
Oct 8, 10 Assign: MP #2

Object-Oriented Programming and

OpenGL: Chap 2 (P27-64)
3 Computer Graphics Objects Oct 15, 17

Coordinate Transformation
OpenGL: Chap 3 (P93-114, Due: MP #2
4 The OpenGL Matrix Stack P127-131, P135-138)
Oct 22, 24 Assign: MP #3

Shirley: Chap 4 (P77-84, Due: MP #3

5 Transforming graphics objects P87-93, P103-105)
Oct 29, 31 Assign: MP #4

OpenGL: Chap 7 Due: MP #4

6 Hierarchical Modeling Shirley: Chap 11 (P200-201)
Nov 5, 7 Assign: Final
Veteran’s Day (no class)
Due: Final Project
7 Catch up and Mid Term Review Nov 12, 14 Proposal

Mid Term Exam

Shirley: Chap 3
8 Raster Devices: pixels & gamma Nov 19, 21

Shirley: Chap 3 Due: Final Project

9 Raster Algorithms: lines & triangles Nov 26, 28 UI Prototype

Human Vision
Shirley: Chap 16 Due: Final Project
10 Final Project: UI prototype demo Dec 3, 5 Prototype

Shirley: Chap 17
11 Final Project: Prototype Demo Dec 10, 12

12 Final Project Presentation Starting 5:45pm Dec 17

Submitting Programming Assignments (MPs):

All programming assignments must be submitted electronically as an attachment to an email. Please create
a zip file including all your source files and the VC++ dsp/dsw (and opt) files. I must be able to unzip your
files, load your dsp/dsw project specification, compile and run your program. You are responsible for
ensuring the correctness of the files you sent. It is usually a good idea to try things out by sending the
attachment to yourself first. Each person can only submit one set of solutions. In all cases, I will simply use
the solutions from your first email. Please do not submit hard copies of your solutions. Let’s try to safe
some trees, I will read your submitted code on-line. Remember to document your code, and practice the
good programming skills you learned in CSS 343. You will be graded on your programming styles.

‘‘Shirley’’ is the Computer Graphics textbook by Peter Shirley (required text #1).
‘‘OpenGL’’ is the Open GL programming guide by Mason Woo et. al. (required text #2).
General Policies:
Assignment Deadlines: There will be no late assignments accepted. Let me put this in another way, there
will be no late assignments accepted. These apply to both homework assignments and machine problems.
Pay attention to the deadline on the assignments (including the time), there will be no late assignments
accepted. Let me explain this again, there will be no late assignments accepted. I am actually a reasonable
person, come talk to me about exceptional circumstances. You know the deadlines now please plan ahead.

Lateness to classes: It does not bother me, just don’t disturb anyone. On the days the homework
assignments are due, the due time will be 10 minutes after class time. So you may wish to make sure you
are not more than 10 minutes late for those classes. If you want to leave early, it would be very nice if you
could give me advance warning. If that’s too much trouble, or if you forgot, don’t worry, just don’t disturb
anyone and leave quietly.

Commitments and such: I am usually very easy going. I like relaxed classrooms for learning and will try
my best to create such an environment. Please do not confuse relax environment with relax requirements. I
work very hard, and expect students to work as hard. On average, each percentage of your assignments
should represent one-two hours of outside-of-class time. For example, MP#1 worth 5%, so on average, you
will probably need about 5-10 hours to finish this assignment. Please use this as a reference and let me
know if you are spending too much time on the assignments. If most of you are experiencing the same
problem, then we will have to adjust the amount of work. Please seriously consider if you have the time this
quarter for this class. If you do have the time, please stay in this class, I will work very hard and try my best
to make this class a worthwhile learning experience for you.

Collaboration: You are expected to do your own work, including homework, programming assignments
and the final project. Discussions of problems with fellow students are ok, provided you do not exchange
algorithms, or copy code. You may always discuss any problem with me. You are expected to subscribe to
the highest standards of honesty. Failure to do this constitutes plagiarism. Plagiarism includes copying
assignments in part or in total, debugging computer programs for others, verbal dissemination of
algorithms, and results, or using solutions from other students, solution sets, other textbooks, etc. without
crediting these sources by name. Plagiarism will not be tolerated in this class, any more than it would be in
the “real world”. Any student guilty of plagiarism will be subject to disciplinary action3. In the “real
world”, you are responsible for the security of your intellectual properties. In our case, you are responsible
for the security of your source code (either on public hard disk, or on printed copies). Remember to erase
your work from all public hard disks, and to dispose the hard copies of your source code with care. If
someone did not break any law, and has identical solution as yours, you are a suspect of plagiarism.

If you have any problem with this course, please come talk to me as soon as possible. I would like to help
in anyway I could, but I have to know there is a problem. If you fall behind in this class, it will be difficult
to catch up.

Special Needs
If you have a disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations, please contact Kathleen Bernhard
(425-352-5307) at Student Affairs as soon as possible. I will coordinate with the University to ensure that
the appropriate accommodations are made in this class.

This paragraph is copied in its entirety from Dr. Michael Stiber’s CSSIE-450 syllabus from Autumn of 1998.

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