Classic Rotary Switch Range 2020 v1
Classic Rotary Switch Range 2020 v1
Classic Rotary Switch Range 2020 v1
In this data sheet we show the basic building blocks only; so if you need a standard format it’s
here, but please be aware that a special version is only a phone call away.
R6/R16 The R6 & R16 rotary switches are built upon a common frame, the R16 deriving its increased rating from larger contacts. These items lend
themselves to the more common rotary switch functions such as ‘isolation’ and ‘Ammeter and Voltmeter’ selectors. Due to their small size
they are also ideal for the specialist OEM user.
Mini-rotary The mini-rotary switch is one of the most versatile items in the rotary switch families. Its design permits the addition of a wide range of
accessories. The switch is well proven in arduous conditions, being particularly favoured for Rail applications with its ability to withstand the
required ‘shock & vibration’ tests.
R40 Control panel manufacturers favour the mini-rotary switch for its rear facing terminals which can be useful in terminating in confined spaces.
The R40 rotary switch represents the ultimate in versatility. To this frame size we have added the facility of both 300 & 600 indexing. With
excellent switching performance and a high level of mechanical strength, the R40 is the choice for isolation duties.
Technical Specification
Data supplied against tests to IEC/BS EN 60947-3
Position indexing options 90° & 45° 90° & 45° 90° & 45° 90°, 60°, 45° & 30°
Mechanical life >0.5 x 106 >0.5 x 106 >0.5 x 106 >0.5 x 106
Restricted - 900 Two Position Stayput- 1/2 Restricted - 900/450 Two Position Stayput - 1/2
Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No
6A 1 31 R6S12/1 6A 1 31 R6S12/2
Sequence - SEQ2/1 6A 2 42 R6D22/1 Sequence - SEQ2/2 6A 2 42 R6D22/2
6A 3 52 R6T32/1 6A 3 52 R6T32/2
1 6A 4 63 R6Q42/1 6A 4 63 R6Q42/2
6A 5 73 R6X52/1 1 2 6A 5 73 R6X52/2
6A 6 84 R6Y62/1 6A 6 84 R6Y62/2
2 16A 1 31 R16S12/1 16A 1 31 R16S12/2
16A 2 42 R16D22/1 16A 2 42 R16D22/2
16A 3 52 R16T32/1 16A 3 52 R16T32/2
16A 4 63 R16Q42/1 16A 4 63 R16Q42/2
16A 5 73 R16X52/1 16A 5 73 R16X52/2
16A 6 84 R16Y62/1 16A 6 84 R16Y62/2
20A 1 31 MS12/1 20A 1 31 MS12/2
20A 2 41 MD22/1 20A 2 41 MD22/2
Options for this Options for this
sequence:- 20A 3 51 MT32/1 20A 3 51 MT32/2
MBB - Make before 20A 4 62 MQ42/1 20A 4 62 MQ42/2
MBB - Make before
break contacts 20A 5 72 MX52/1 20A 5 72 MX52/2
break contacts
(Add suffix /MBB 20A 6 82 MY62/1 20A 6 82 MY62/2
(Add suffix /MBB
e.g. MS12/1/MBB) 40A 1 35 RS3212/1 40A 1 35 RS3212/2
e.g. RT3232/2/MBB)
NC - Electrically 40A 2 49 RD3222/1 NC - Electrically 40A 2 49 RD3222/2
separate contacts. 40A 3 62 RT3232/1 separate contacts. 40A 3 62 RT3232/2
(Add suffix /NC 40A 4 74 RQ3242/1 (Add suffix /NC 40A 4 74 RQ3242/2
e.g. R6X32/1/NC) 40A 5 87 RX3252/1 e.g. MQ42/2/NC) 40A 5 87 RX3252/2
40A 6 100 RY3262/1 40A 6 100 RY3262/2
Restricted - 450 Two Position Spring Return- 1<2 Restricted - 450 Three Position Spring Return- 1>Off<2
Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No
6A 1 31 R6S12/SR 6A 1 31 R6S13/SR
Sequence - SEQ2/SR 6A 2 42 R6D22/SR Sequence - SEQ3/SR 6A 2 42 R6D23/SR
6A 3 52 R6T32/SR 6A 3 52 R6T33/SR
1 6A 4 63 R6Q42/SR Off 6A 4 63 R6Q43/SR
2 6A 5 73 R6X52/SR 1 2 6A 5 73 R6X53/SR
6A 6 84 R6Y62/SR 6A 6 84 R6Y63/SR
16A 1 31 R16S12/SR 16A 1 31 R16S13/SR
16A 2 42 R16D22/SR 16A 2 42 R16D23/SR
16A 3 52 R16T32/SR 16A 3 52 R16T33/SR
16A 4 63 R16Q42/SR 16A 4 63 R16Q43/SR
16A 5 73 R16X52/SR 16A 5 73 R16X53/SR
16A 6 84 R16Y62/SR 16A 6 84 R16Y63/SR
20A 1 31 MS12/SR 20A 1 31 MS13/SR
20A 2 41 MD22/SR 20A 2 41 MD23/SR
20A 3 51 MT32/SR 20A 3 51 MT33/SR
20A 4 62 MQ42/SR 20A 4 62 MQ43/SR
20A 5 72 MX52/SR 20A 5 72 MX53/SR
Options for this 20A 6 82 MY62/SR Options for this 20A 6 82 MY63/SR
sequence:- 40A 1 35 RS3212/SR sequence:- 40A 1 35 RS3213/SR
NC - Electrically 40A 2 49 RD3222/SR NC - Electrically 40A 2 49 RD3223/SR
separate contacts. 40A 3 62 RT3232/SR separate contacts. 40A 3 62 RT3233/SR
(Add suffix /NC 40A 4 74 RQ3242/SR (Add suffix /NC 40A 4 74 RQ3243/SR
e.g. MQ42/SR/NC) 40A 5 87 RX3252/SR e.g. MQ42/SR/NC) 40A 5 87 RX3253/SR
40A 6 100 RY3262/SR 40A 6 100 RY3263/SR
2 6A 6 84 R6Y65/SR
16A 1 31 R16S15/SR
16A 2 42 R16D25/SR
16A 3 52 R16T35/SR
16A 4 63 R16Q45/SR
16A 5 73 R16X55/SR
16A 6 84 R16Y65/SR
20A 1 31 MS15/SR
20A 2 41 MD25/SR
20A 3 51 MT35/SR R40 rotary switch
20A 4 62 MQ45/SR assembled with an
‘SALHC’ locking handle
20A 5 72 MX55/SR
Options for this 20A 6 82 MY65/SR
sequence:- 40A 1 35 RS3215/SR
NC - Electrically 40A 2 49 RD3225/SR
separate contacts. 40A 3 62 RT3235/SR
(Add suffix /NC 40A 4 74 RQ3245/SR
e.g. MQ45/SR/NC) 40A 5 87 RX3255/SR
40A 6 100 RY3265/SR
Restricted - 450 Five Position Stayput - Off/1/1+2/1+2+3/1+2+3+4 Restricted - 450 Six Position Stayput - Off/1/1+2/1+2+3/1+2+3+4/1+2+3
Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No +4+5
6A 1 63 R6S4CUM3 Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No
Sequence - SEQ CUM3 6A 2 105 R6D8CUM3 6A 1 73 R6S5CUM4
Sequence - SEQ CUM4 6A 2 126 R6D10CUM4
16A 1 63 R16S4CUM3
1+2 1+2
1 1+2+3 16A 2 105 R16D8CUM3 16A 1 73 R16S5CUM4
1 1+2+3
20A 1 62 MS4CUM3 16A 2 126 R16D10CUM4
Off 1+2+ Off 1+2+
3+4 20A 2 103 MD8CUM3 3+4 20A 1 72 MS5CUM4
Off 40A - 74 R32AM1 Leakage or 40A - 74 R32AM2
Out of Balance
L3 L1
L3 L1
For C/T connection.
L2 For C/T connection. To meter the current in each phase with leak-
To meter the current in each phase with Off L2 age or out of balance current
Unrestricted - 900 Four Position Stayput - Neutral/L1/L2/L3 Unrestricted - 450 Eight Position Stayput - Off/L1-N/L2-N/L3-N/Off/L1-
Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No L2/L2-L3/L1-L3
6A - 63 R6AM3 Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No
Sequence - SEQ AM3 20A - 62 MAM3 6A - 84 R6V1
40A - 74 R32AM3 Sequence - SEQ V1 20A - 82 MV1
Off 40A - 100 R32V1
L1-L3 L1-N
L3 L1
L2-L3 L2-N
For C/T connection.
L2 To meter the current in each phase and L1-L2 L3-N Meters voltages between
neutral, with neutral C/T. Off phases & between phases & neutral with Off
Unrestricted - 900 Four Position Stayput - Off/L1-N/L2-N/L3-N Unrestricted - 900 Four Position Stayput - Off/L1-L2/L2-L3/L1-L3
Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No
6A - 52 R6V3 6A - 52 R6V5
Sequence - SEQ V3 20A - 51 MV3 Sequence - SEQ V5 20A - 51 MV5
Off 40A - 74 R32V3 Off 40A - 74 R32V5
b Connect as shown
c SEQ V1 & V3
Connect ‘a’ only SEQ AM1 No neutral connection
Connect ‘b’ only SEQ AM2 SEQ V5
Connect ‘a’ & ‘c’ only SEQ AM3
Application Schematic for Ammeter Switches Application Schematic for Voltmeter Switches
Restricted - 900 Two Position Stayput - For/Rev Restricted - 450 Three Position Stayput- For/Off/Rev
Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No
6A 2 42 R6D29/3
Sequence - SEQ 8/2 6A 2 42 R6D28/2 Sequence SEQ 9/3 6A 3 52 R6T39/3
16A 2 42 R16D29/3
Rev For
16A 2 42 R16D28/2 Off
For Rev 16A 3 52 R16T39/3
20A 2 41 MD29/3
20A 2 41 MD28/2
20A 3 51 MT39/3
40A 2 49 RD3229/3
40A 2 49 RD3228/2
40A 3 62 RT3239/3
Restricted - 450 Two Position Spring Return - For<Rev Restricted - 450 Three Position Spring Return - For>Off<Rev
Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No
6A 2 42 R6D29/SR
Sequence - SEQ 8/SR 6A 2 42 R6D28/SR Sequence SEQ 9/SR 6A 3 52 R6T39/SR
16A 2 42 R16D29/SR
16A 2 42 R16D28/SR Off
For 16A 3 52 R16T39/SR
For Rev
Rev 20A 2 41 MD29/SR
20A 2 41 MD28/SR
20A 3 51 MT39/SR
40A 2 49 RD3229/SR
40A 2 49 RD3228/SR
40A 3 62 RT3239/SR
Unrestricted - 900 Four Position Stayput- Off/1/1&2/2 Restricted - 450 Three Position Stayput - 1/2/3
Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No
6A 1 42 R6S2 6A 1 42 R6S24/3
Sequence - SEQ 6 6A 2 63 R6D46 Sequence - SEQ 4/3 6A 2 52 R6D34/3
6A 3 84 R6T66 6A 3 73 R6T54/3
6A 4 105 R6Q86 1
2 6A 4 84 R6Q64/3
6A 5 126 R6X106 6A 5 105 R6X84/3
2 1
6A 1 42 R16S26 6A 6 115 R6Y94/3
16A 2 63 R16D46 16A 1 42 R16S24/3
16A 3 84 R16T66 16A 2 52 R16D34/3
1&2 16A 4 105 R16Q86 16A 3 73 R16T54/3
16A 5 126 R16X106 16A 4 84 R16Q64/3
16A 1 42 MS26 16A 5 105 R16X84/3
16A 2 62 MD46 16A 6 115 R16Y94/3
20A 3 82 MT66 20A 1 41 MS24/3
20A 4 103 MQ86 20A 2 51 MD34/3
20A 5 124 MX106 20A 3 72 MT54/3
20A 1 49 RS3226 20A 4 82 MQ64/3
20A 2 74 RD3246 20A 5 103 MX84/3
20A 3 100 RT3266 Options for this 20A 6 113 MY94/3
40A 4 125 RQ3286 sequence:- 40A 1 35 RS3224/3
40A 5 150 RX32106 NC - Electrically 40A 2 49 RD3234/3
40A 6 175 RY32126 separate contacts. 40A 3 62 RT3254/3
(Add suffix /NC 40A 4 74 RQ3264/3
e.g. MQ64/3/NC) 40A 5 87 RX3284/3
40A 6 100 RY3294/3
Switches with a greater number of poles than those shown are available to
R40 rotary switch special order. Please contact our sales staff for details.
assembled with an
‘SALHC’ locking handle
Craig & Derricott Ltd
Page 8
Hall Lane, Walsall Wood,
Walsall, West Midlands WS9 9DP
t: +44(0)1543 375541 f: +44(0)1543 361619 e: [email protected]
T e c h n i c a l D a t a S h e e t
Classic Hand Operated Rotary Switches
Issue 1
Classic Rotary Switches - Multi-Position
Restricted - 450 Five Position Stayput - 1/2/Off/3/4 Restricted - 450 Five Position Stayput - 1/2/3/4/5
Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No
6A 1 42 R6S25/4 6A 1 52 R6S36/4
Sequence - SEQ 5/4 6A 2 63 R6D45/4 Sequence - SEQ 6/4 6A 2 73 R6D56/4
Off 6A 3 84 R6T65/4 3 6A 3 105 R6T86/4
2 3 6A 4 105 R6Q85/4 2 4 6A 4 126 R6Q106/4
6A 5 126 R6X105/4 16A 1 52 R16S36/4
1 4 16A 1 42 R16S25/4 1 5 16A 2 73 R16D56/4
16A 2 63 R16D45/4 16A 3 105 R16T86/4
16A 3 84 R16T65/4 16A 4 126 R16Q106/4
16A 4 105 R16Q85/4 20A 1 51 MS36/4
16A 5 126 R16X105/4 20A 2 72 MD56/4
20A 1 41 MS25/4 20A 3 103 MT86/4
Options for this
20A 2 62 MD45/4 20A 4 124 MQ106/4
20A 3 82 MT65/4 40A 1 62 RS3236/4
NC - Electrically
20A 4 103 MQ85/4 40A 2 87 RD3256/4
separate contacts.
Options for this 20A 5 124 MX105/4 40A 3 125 RT3286/4
(Add suffix /NC
sequence:- 40A 1 49 RS3225/4 e.g. MD56/4/NC) 40A 4 150 RQ32106/4
NC - Electrically 40A 2 74 RD3245/4 40A 5 188 RX32136/4
separate contacts. 40A 3 100 RT3265/4 40A 6 213 RY32156/4
(Add suffix /NC 40A 4 125 RQ3285/4
e.g. MQ85/4/NC) 40A 5 150 RX32105/4
Restricted - 450 Six Position Stayput - 1/2/3/4/5/6
40A 6 175 RY32125/4
Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No
6A 1 52 R6S38/4
Restricted - 450 Six Position Stayput - Off/1/2/3/4/5
Sequence - SEQ 8/4 6A 2 84 R6D68/4
Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No 3 6A 3 115 R6T98/4
6A 1 52 R6S37/4 2 4 16A 1 52 R16S38/4
Sequence - SEQ 7/4 6A 2 84 R6D67/4 16A 2 84 R16D68/4
2 6A 3 115 R6T97/4 1 5 16A 3 115 R16T98/4
1 3 16A 1 52 R16S37/4 20A 1 51 MS38/4
16A 2 84 R16D67/4 6 20A 2 82 MD68/4
Off 4 16A 3 115 R16T97/4 Options for this 20A 3 113 MT98/4
sequence:- 40A 1 62 RS3238/4
20A 1 51 MS37/4
5 NC - Electrically
20A 2 82 MD67/4 40A 2 100 RD3268/4
Options for this separate contacts.
20A 3 113 MT97/4 40A 3 138 RT3298/4
sequence:- (Add suffix /NC
40A 1 62 RS3237/4 40A 4 175 RQ32128/4
NC - Electrically e.g. RT3298/4/NC)
40A 2 100 RD3267/4 40A 5 213 RX32158/4
separate contacts.
40A 3 138 RT3297/4 40A 6 250 RY32188/4
(Add suffix /NC
40A 4 175 RQ32127/4
e.g. R6T97/4/NC)
40A 5 213 RX32157/4
Restricted - 450 Seven Position Stayput - 1/2/3/Off/4/5/6
40A 6 250 RY32187/4
Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No
6A 1 52 R6S39/4
Restricted - 450 Seven Position Stayput - 1/2/3/4/5/6/7
Sequence - SEQ 9/4 6A 2 84 R6D69/4
Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No Off 6A 3 115 R6T99/4
Sequence - SEQ 10/4 6A 1 63 R6S410/4 2 3 16A 1 52 R16S39/4
4 6A 2 94 R6D710/4 16A 2 84 R16D69/4
3 5
16A 1 63 R16S410/4 2 4 16A 3 115 R16T99/4
2 6 16A 2 94 R16D710/4 20A 1 51 MS39/4
1 5
20A 1 62 MS410/4 20A 2 82 MD69/4
1 7 20A 2 93 MD710/4 Options for this 20A 3 113 MT99/4
Options for this 40A 1 74 RS32410/4 sequence:- 40A 1 62 RS3239/4
sequence:- NC - Electrically
40A 2 112 RD32710/4 40A 2 100 RD3269/4
NC - Electrically separate contacts.
40A 3 163 RT32110/4 40A 3 138 RT3299/4
separate contacts. (Add suffix /NC
40A 4 200 RQ321410/4 40A 4 175 RQ32129/4
(Add suffix /NC e.g. R6S39/4/NC)
40A 5 250 RX321810/4 40A 5 213 RX32159/4
e.g. RX321810/4/NC)
40A 6 288 RY322110/4 40A 6 250 RY32189/4
Unrestricted - 600 Six Position Stayput - 1/2/3/4/5/6 Unrestricted - 600 Six Position Stayput - Off/1/2/3/4/5
Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No
Sequence - SEQ 1/6 40A 1 62 RS3231/6 Sequence - SEQ 2/6 40A 1 62 RS3232/6
1 Off
6 2 5 1
40A 2 100 RD3261/6 40A 2 100 RD3262/6
5 3 4 2
40A 3 138 RT3291/6 40A 3 138 RT3292/6
4 3
Unrestricted - 600 Six Position Stayput - Off/1/2/Off/3/4 Unrestricted - 450 Eight Position Stayput - 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8
Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No
6A 1 63 R6S41/8
Sequence - SEQ 3/6 40A 1 49 RS3223/6 Sequence - SEQ 1/8 6A 2 105 R6D81/8
Off 1 16A 1 63 R16S41/8
8 2 16A 2 105 R16D81/8
4 1 40A 2 74 RD3243/6 20A 1 62 MS41/8
7 3 20A 2 103 MD81/8
3 2 40A 1 74 RS3241/8
6 4
40A 3 100 RT3263/6 40A 2 125 RD3281/8
Off 5 40A 3 175 RT32121/8
Unrestricted - 300 12 Position Stayput - 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12 Unrestricted - 300 12 Position Stayput - Off/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11
Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No
Sequence - SEQ 1/12 40A 1 100 RS3261/12 Sequence - SEQ 2/12 40A 1 100 RS3262/12
1 Off
12 2 11 1
11 3 10 2
40A 2 175 RD32121/12 40A 2 175 RD32122/12
10 4 9 3
9 5 8 4
8 6 40A 3 250 RT32181/12 7 5 40A 3 250 RT32182/12
7 6
Unrestricted - 300 12 Position Stayput - Off/2/3/4/5/Off/7/8/9/10 Option for all sequences on this page:- NC - Electrically separate contacts.
Add suffix /NC e.g. RT32153/12/NC
Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No
Restricted - 900/450 Two Position Stayput- Off/On Restricted - 900 Two Position Spring Return- Off/On
Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No Posn. Diag Rating Poles ‘L’ Cat. No
6A 1 31 R6S11/2 6A 1 31 R6S11/SR
Sequence - SEQ1/2 6A 2 31 R6D11/2 Sequence - SEQ1/SR 6A 2 31 R6D11/SR
6A 3 42 R6T21/2 6A 3 42 R6T21/SR
Off On 6A 4 42 R6Q21/2 6A 4 42 R6Q21/SR
6A 5 52 R6X31/2 On 6A 5 52 R6X31/SR
6A 6 52 R6Y31/2 6A 6 52 R6Y31/SR
16A 1 31 R16S11/2 16A 1 31 R16S11/SR
16A 2 31 R16D11/2 16A 2 31 R16D11/SR
16A 3 42 R16T21/2 16A 3 42 R16T21/SR
16A 4 42 R16Q21/2 16A 4 42 R16Q21/SR
16A 5 52 R16X31/2 16A 5 52 R16X31/SR
16A 6 52 R16Y31/2 16A 6 52 R16Y31/SR
20A 1 31 MS11/2 20A 1 31 MS11/SR
20A 2 31 MD11/2 20A 2 31 MD11/SR
Options for this 20A 3 41 MT21/2 20A 3 41 MT21/SR
sequence:- 20A 4 41 MQ21/2 20A 4 41 MQ21/SR
EB - Early break aux. 20A 5 51 MX31/2 20A 5 51 MX31/SR
contact. 20A 6 51 MY31/2 20A 6 51 MY31/SR
(Add suffix /1EB 40A 1 35 RS3211/2 40A 1 35 RS3211/SR
e.g. MT21/1EB) 40A 2 35 RD3211/2 40A 2 35 RD3211/SR
40A 3 49 RT3221/2 40A 3 49 RT3221/SR
Padlocking Handles 40A 4 49 RQ3221/2 40A 4 49 RQ3221/SR
See page 3 for details 40A 5 62 RX3231/2 40A 5 62 RX3231/SR
40A 6 62 RY3231/2 40A 6 62 RY3231/SR
x = Not available, = OK
x 22Z/