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Valley People Dyna-Mite Manualde Dina

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User Manual

Valley People Dyna-mite

Rev. Aug 05, 2013

Softube User Manual
© 2007-2013. Amp Room is a registered trademark of Softube AB, Sweden. Softube is a registered trade-
mark of Softube AB, Sweden. All visual and aural references to the Valley People Dyna-mite, Tonelux and
Tilt are trademarks being made with written permission from PMI Audio. The Tonelux and Tilt logo, the
Valley People, Dyna-mite and associated logos, are trademarks of PMI Audio Group, used under license.
All specifications subject to change without notice. All Rights Reserved.
Other company and product names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective companies. Men-
tion of third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement
nor a recommendation. Softube assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance or use of these
Softube products are protected by patents SE526523 and SE525332, and related patents/patent ap-
plications, including WO06054943, US11/667360, US2004­0258250, EP1492081, EP1815459, and
Your rights to the software are governed by the accompanying software license agreement (End User Li-
cense Agreement).

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. However, there are a
chance that we have made mistakes, and we hope that you understand that we are only humans. Please let
us know about the mistake, and we’ll fix it in the mix (or in the next version of this manual).

On the Softube website (www.softube.com) you will find answers to common questions (FAQ) and other
topics that might interest you.
Support questions can be posted at http://www.softube.com, where we will help you as fast as we can!
Web: www.softube.com
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +46 13 21 1623 (9 am – 5 pm CET)


1 User Interface 5
Menu Row. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Key Commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 Valley People Dyna-mite 7

Basic Limiting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Basic Expanding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Switches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Knobs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Limiting Modes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Expanding Modes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Mono and Stereo Operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Buying Recommendations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Credits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
iv |  Table of Contents
  | 5

1 User Interface

Softube plug-ins are “what you see is what you

get” products. You should be able to intuitively learn Enable Enable/Activate the plug-in.
the products within minutes, so that you can work Set to off for bypass.
fast and efficient with them. There are a couple of
things that remain the same for all of our plug-ins,
Setup Changes global options for all
such as the menu row. These will be explained in
instances of that plug-in.
this chapter. For detailed information of a particular
plug-in, please see its chapter.

Menu Row
In the bottom of the plug-in interface, you will see
a thin black row with some buttons. We’ll use the
Dyna-mite plug-in as example, but the same goes
for all plug-ins.
About Box Opens the “About” Box with When the Enable switch is set to on (I), the plug-
version info. in is active and will process audio. When set to off
(0), it will be bypassed and not process any audio. It
Value Display Displays the knob value when will take considerably less CPU when it is bypassed.
the mouse is hovering over a

“About” Box Value Display Enable Setup


Setup Key Commands

In the Setup window you can change settings that All numbers and labels in the plug-in are clickable.
will affect all instances of that particular plug-in. If This allows you to easy select a setting by clicking
you for example de-select the “Show Value Display” on the wanted value. Hovering above a label will
option in the Bass Amp Room plug-in the value turn the mouse pointer into a pointing hand.
display will be off for all Bass Amp Rooms on your
system until you select that option again.
The different options vary between Windows and
Mac, and also different formats and plug-ins. The
most common options are: Up/Down or
Mouse Wheel Change a parameter, such as a
Show Value Display: Enables the parameter and knob or a switch.
value display in the bottom row of the plug-in.
Reverse Mouse Wheel Direction: (Mac OS
Only) Changes if the a knob is turned up or down
when the mouse wheel is turned up or down. (Mac
OS Only) Fine Adjust ⌘ (Mac) or Ctrl (Win),
while changing the parameter
You need to restart your host software (DAW) before the value.
changes to fully take effect!
Reset to Default Alt, while clicking on the
If you messed something up and manually need to knob or fader.
set these options, you’ll find them in text format in
the following locations:
Mac OS: ~/Library/Application Support/
Plug-In Specific Key Commands
Softube In many plug-ins, you can shift-click on a knob or
a switch to get some extra functionality
Windows: username\Application Data\
Metal Amp Room
Shift-click and drag a mic will move both mics

All Amp Rooms

Shift-click in the cabinet background will change
cabinet (or amp) without any animations
  | 7

2 Valley People Dyna-mite

If you haven’t used the Dyna-mite before, you will how to use it, it’s just that the first 15 minutes can
feel extremely confused. be a bit confusing.
DON’T PANIC! Final word from the developers: Expanding is the
new black!
As soon as you have acquainted yourself with the
slightly weird layout and panel labels, you will learn
how to master this powerful tool, and soon you will About the Valley People Dyna-mite
feel comfortable in knowing that you belong to the
The Dyna-mite was designed for two main pur-
music industry’s version of the “Trekkies”, ie., the
poses: limiting and expanding. You choose limiting
Valley People fanatics.
or expanding by setting the Mode switch in either
Take your time to look through this chapter (start the limit or Exp mode.
with “About the Valley People Dyna-mite” and
Threshold, Release and Output works as in any
“User Interface Overview”) to get acquainted with
limiter or expander. Range is a nice addition that
the normal modes of operation). During the learn-
enables you to limit the maximum amount of gain
ing period you will go through these steps:
1. Utter confusion. Desparation. Did I really pay
You can set the type of detector with the Detector
for this?
Type switch (the switch closest to the Range knob).
Solution: Read “Basic Limiting”, “Basic Expand-
AVG is smoother and slower than PEAK. GATE is a
ing” and “User Interface”. It’s just three pages. Lis-
mode that works best in the exp mode.
ten to the sound examples on the Softube web site.
With the Det Source switch you select if you
2. Pride. You have learned what the controls do.
want to use the un-altered normal, internal, source
You think you master every aspect of it.
(int) or an pre-emphasized de-essing filter on the
Solution: Read the entire manual, as well as the
internal source (ds-fm). External side-chain (ext)
manual for the original hardware (it’s available on
is not available.
You will always get a brief explanation about the
3. Awe. You realize all the potential that is in this
current mode in the “Modes Display” beneath the
little thing, and start to think about all the cool
things you can do with it.
Solution: Do it!
But don’t despair. It doesn’t take much time to learn

Detector Detector
Threshold Release Source Mode Type Range Output

Clip LED

Modes Display

Gain Reduction
User Interface Overview Range Sets maximum amount of gain
reduction. Advanced. Leave at
Threshold Adjusts the level at which the 60 dB as a start.
Dyna-mite starts to expand or
Output Sets output volume. Lower the
volume if the output clips to
Release Adjusts the time it takes to much.
restore the gain after expan-
Modes Display Shows quick help and param-
Detector Source Set it to INT (normal operat- eter values.
ing mode) as a start.
Gain Reduction Meter Displays the current amount
Mode Selects main mode. of gain reduction.
OUT=Bypass, LIMIT=Limiter.
Clip LED Lights up when the output
signal is clipping.
Detector Type Three different ways to detect
the signal. Play around and try For more detailed explanations of each knob, please see
them out. the following chapters.

Basic Limiting
Limiting is a hard Inf:1 ratio compression that can be used to increase the apparent volume, or to even out dynamic
differences in a track. It works by reducing the gain for passages that are louder than the selected threshold. The
limiting mode on the Dyna-mite is often used to squash drum tracks.
Mode: limit (limiting)
Detector Source: INT (internal source)
Detector Type: AVG (slow attack) or PEAK (fast attack)
Threshold: Adjust to set amount of limiting (as read from the GAIN REDUCTION meter).
Release: Adjust to set release time
Range: 60 dB
Output: 0—15 dB

1. Set Threshold until you get the desired amount of limiting, as red on the LED array.
2. Set the Output volume until you get the desired output volume.
3. Set the Release control by ear. If you get too much pumping, increase the release time.
4. Toggle the Detector Type between avg and peak to get different attack times.

Basic Expanding
Expanding is when you let the Dyna-mite reduce the gain for passages that are below the select threshold. You can
use it as a soft noise gate, use it more aggressively as a hard guitar/drum gate, or you can use to expand the total
dynamics of a track.
Mode: EXP (expanding)
Detector Source: INT (internal source)
Detector Type: AVG (slow attack), PEAK (fast attack), or gate (hard noise gate, fast attack)
Threshold: Adjust to set the threshold of expansion
Release: Adjust to set release time
Range: 60—20 dB
Output: –15—0 dB

1. Set the Release and Range to their min positions (CCW).
2. Adjust the Threshold so that the desired signals don’t light up any LEDs (no gain reduction), while the
undesired signals (noise) cause gain reduction (LED array lights up).
3. Set the Release control by ear: too fast release time can cause unwanted, abrupt, effects when the signal
goes down below the Threshold.
4. Set the Range to get the desired amount of maximum attenuation.
5. Toggle the Detector Type (avg, peak, gate) to get different kinds of gating effects.

All three switches work independently of each other, so don’t be alarmed. Once you know what each switch
does, the Dyna-mite will be easy to operate.

Detector Source (INT, DS-FM, EXT)

Determines the source of the detector.

INT Internal source, normal operating mode for noise gating, expanding or limiting. The
gain reduction circuit acts upon the same signal that is fed to the detector.

DS-FM Internal source, but with a detector filter that boosts the high frequencies, thus mak-
ing it easier for high frequencies to trig the detector.
This mode can be used for de-essing, or it can be used rather creatively when in-
creased sensitivity to high frequencies is desirable.

EXT External source. This option is not available.


Determines if the Dyna-mite should expand or limit the sound.

EXP Expander mode. Reduce gain for signals below Threshold.

OUT Bypass. Output volume knob and output stage clipping still active.

LIMIT Limiting mode. Reduce gain for signals increasing above Threshold.

Detector Type (GATE, PEAK, AVG)

This switch determines the ratio and attack times of the detector.

GATE Fast and aggressive attack. This is the most extreme mode. Fast attack time (about
50 µs). In LIMIT mode, the ratio is negative (1:–20), which means that for every dB
above threshold, the output signal will be reduced by 20 dB! In EXP mode, you’ll have
a hard noise gate with a 1:20 ratio. So for every dB below the threshold, the signal will
be reduced by another 19 dBs.

PEAK Fast attack time (about 50 µs), useful for hard limiting of transient material. Inf:1
ratio in LIMIT mode, and 1:2 ratio in EXP modes (for soft noise gating).

AVG Slow attack. A slower and more complex attack time (about 1–15 ms). Inf:1 ratio in
LIMIT mode, and 1:2 ratio in EXP modes (for soft noise gating).

Detector Type=GATE can be confusing in the beginning, but you can see it this way: In EXP mode, the signal gets gated
when the level drops below the threshold (that’s normal). In LIMIT mode, the signal gets gated when the level goes above the
threshold (that’s weird).

Knobs Range
This innovative control limits the maximum gain
Threshold reduction. It varies from 0 dB (no gain reduction)
to 60 dB possible gain reduction.
Classic threshold control. Determines the signal
level above which Limiting, or below which Ex- This control is very useful when expanding or gat-
panding action begins. ing. If you for example use the Gate mode (int,
exp, gate) on toms, you can set the Range to
Variable from –40 dBv to +20 dBv, which in a 30 dB to prevent the gate from reducing the gain by
plug-in translates to about –60 dBFS to 0 dBFS. A more than 30 dB, and thus avoid the most audible
full scale (0 dBFS) sine wave, with Threshold set artifacts from when the gate open and closes.
at max (+20 dBv), will cause the Dyna-mite to just
start to limit or expand. The exact values depends on In the original hardware, the Range control was only
the mode selected. available in the EXP mode and left out in the LIMIT
mode. This was probably due to implem­enta­tion difficul-
VCA Gain Coupling (a.k.a. Auto Make-Up Gain) ties, so we decided to intro­duce the Range knob to the
In internal limit and DS-FM modes, the Dyna-mite en- other modes as well. (To get the plug-in to beh­ave exactly
gages the VCA Gain Coupling which acts like an automatic like the hardware, just set the Range knob back to
make-up gain. 60 dB in the limit modes.)

OUT (dB) ZONE 2 Advanced: Range Knob in Limiting Mode (Zones)

FULL LIMITING When limiting, the Range control gives you a very
powerful tool to create a “zone” in which the limit-
ing occurs. If you for example limit a drum track
ZONE 1 and the Gain Reduction meter reads 40 dB in the
NO LIMITING peaks, you can set the Range control to 25 dB and
ZONE 3 thus get three different zones:
NO LIMITING 1. No limiting when the drums are below –40 dB
2. Inf:1 limiting in the range –40 dB to –15 dB
-40- 15 IN (dB) 3. No limiting for peaks exceeding –15 dB

Since the peaks in the third zone would cause a gain Threshold control) without disturbing the balance
reduction above the limit of 25 dB, and the Range of the mix.
is set at 25 dB, no further gain reduction will occur.
The effect is that you have a very effective limiting Clip Indicator
in zone 2, but with the transients of zone 3 being let The plug-in features an accurate model of the
through. It’s different, but sounds somewhat similar output stage in the hardware. So whenever the
to that of a paral­lel or “New York style” compression. hardware would clip, the plug-in will as well. This
is indicated by a clip LED, and just as with the
hardware, it is possible for the clip LED to flash,
Release even with very heavy limiting, because the transients
Classic release time control. Determines the rate at will in some cases slip through (for example in the
which a gain is restored after Limiting or Ducking, AVG mode).
as well as the rate at which gain is reduced after The original manual states: “The clipping signal is
Gating, Keying or Expansion attacks. [often] of exceedingly short duration, and is, in all
Variable from 50 ms to 5 sec/20dB. probability, fully inaudible. Any decision to lower the
output level because of sporadic flashing of the clip LED
Anticipatory Release Computation. With should be based upon what you hear. If the signal sounds
fast release time settings and certain material, the gain “clean”, you are probably better off to leave the output
reduction will follow the signal envelope too tightly, and level alone.”
“pumping” will occur. To escape these effects, yet still Times change, and today we often strive for a
allow the user to select rapid release times, Valley Inter- “dirtier” sound with distortion and clipping, so feel
national developed a proprietary circuit scheme known free to crank up the Output volume and experi-
as Anticipatory Release Computation (ARC). It analyzes ence the brutal distortion of the original Dyna-mite
the program input and anticipate conditions which would hardware...
cause either waveform gain modulation or excessively
rapid pumping, and computes a different release enve-
lope in order to prevent, or greatly diminish, these effects.
Technical explanations apart, the ARC circuit is definitely a
big part of the famous Dyna-mite sound.

Output volume control. Ranges from –15 dBv to
+15 dBv. In limiting modes (limit and ds-fm),
the output volume will be automatically corrected
to fit with the chosen Threshold level. In all other
modes, the Output volume will act as a simple gain
control. You will soon find that this auto make-up
feature is very handy, since it is extremely easy to
make changes to the amount of limiting (with the

Limiting Modes Classic Limiting

There are two basic limiting modes: the AVG and Mode: limit
PEAK detection. On top of this, you can use the Detector Type: AVG/PEAK
built-in pre-emphasis high frequency filter (Detec- Detector Source: INT
tor Source = DS-FM) together with the internal Threshold: Adjust to material
signal. Finally, you can set the Detector Type to Release: Usually short, 0.05-0.5 sec
gate, which will give you negative limiting. Range: Typically 60 dB (see section about “Zones”
In theory, the difference between AVG and PEAK for usage)
lies basically in the way the detector calculates the Output: Adjust to material, typically above 0 dB.
envelope of the signal. AVG uses Linear Integration These are the classic limiting modes. If the detector
OUT (dB) is in PEAK mode, you will be able to raise the total
volume more than in AVG mode, but the waveforms
will be more distorted than in AVG mode. In AVG
AVG and PEAK mode: mode it is easier to get a more transparent limiting,
Inf:1 Limiting but it is also easier to get
lots of punch in a drum The limiter will let the fastest
track since the slower tran­sients slip through,
GATE mode: espec­ially in AVG mode. These
1:-20 Limiting attack time will let the
transients through. The tran­sients will be caught by
original manual recom- the out­put clipping, and if they
mends the AVG position are very short in duration, the
except when you have very effect of the clipping will be
THRESHOLD IN (dB) transient sounds. inaudible.

Level Limiting (INT, LIMIT,

Detection, a proprietary method that Valley Interna- AVG)
tional developed, while PEAK uses a more tradi- Peak Limiting (INT, LIMIT, PEAK)
tional “log-of-the-absolute-value” method. Ratio = Inf:1, Automatic make-up gain during lim-
In practice, the differences lies in the timing. AVG iting. Range control forced to 60 dB on hardware
is a bit slower, has a more natural sound, but can unit, but active in the plug-in.
be tricky to work with. PEAK is faster and behaves
more like a traditional limiter. AVG mode is good for transparent limit-
ing, or added punch to a bass line or drum track.
You can always toggle between the peak and avg
modes and listen to the difference.
PEAK mode is good for hard limiting, for
example adding length to a snare drum sound or to limit
fast transients.

De-Essing and Classic Limiting With De-essing (DS-FM, LIMIT, AVG)

Limiting High Frequency Sounds (DS-FM, LIMIT, PEAK)
Pre-Emphasis Filtering Ratio = Inf:1. Automatic make-up gain during lim-
iting. High frequency EQ inserted in detector path.
Mode: limit
Range control forced to 60 dB on hardware unit.
Detector Type: AVG/PEAK
Detector Source: ds-fm
AVG mode: Good for vocal de-essing. The
Threshold: Adjust to material, normally about original manual says: “It is important to note that
6—10 dB of gain reduction. the use of Linear Integration Detection [ie.
Release: Usually short, 0.05-0.5 sec the AVG mode] provides a much more effec-
Range: Usually 60 dB tive mechanism for de-essing than does the
Output: Adjust to material conventionally used peak detection.” The rea-
son for this is that the AVG mode’s slower response time
This is a setting The DS-FM filter only boosts
won’t limit transient high frequency sounds (like a ‘t’), but
that’s very useful for the high frequencies on the
will limit longer high frequency sounds (like in ‘sss’).
vocal de-essing, but signal that enters the detector.
also whenever you The main signal (the one you
need to limit high can listen to) is not affected by PEAK mode: Good for drum track limit-
frequency sounds this filter. ing, if you want to limit the cymbal sibliants. Setup a
(such as controlling good limiting without using the DS-FM mode, and then
cymbal levels). toggle between INT and DS-FM to hear which one you
like the best.

Expanding Modes
The expansion modes is operated in a very similar
way to the limiting modes, with the big exception
that it is, well, expanding rather than limiting.
Another exception is that the gate mode actually
gates the signal in the exp mode, while it in the
limit mode acts like a negative ratio limiter.

OUT (dB)

AVG and PEAK mode:

Weird Limiting 1:2 Expanding

Mode: limit
Detector Type: gate GATE mode:
Detector Source: DS-FM or INT 1:20 Expanding
In the category “Weird Limiting” we can find the
negative ratio stuff. The negative limiting mode is GATE mode used
with Range control
a very special case, and is normally used together
with longer release times and the Range control. In
some settings, specifically with long release times THRESHOLD IN (dB)
and a Range at about 10–15 dB, you can get a very
crackling sound. Increase the Range or the Release
time to avoid this. Classic Expansion/Noise Gating
Negative Limiting for “Organ Effects” (INT, LIMIT, GATE) Mode: Exp
Modified Negative Limiting (DS-FM, LIMIT, GATE) Detector Type: avg/peak/gate
Ratio = 1:-20. As input signal exceeds Threshold, Detector Source: INT/DS-FM
a 1 dB increase causes a 20 dB decrease in output Threshold: Adjust so that the desired sound levels
level. extinguish all lights on the Gain Reduction LED
This is the mode that is the hardest to find some use for. Release: Start with minimum setting, and then
It crackles and pops a lot, and one might suspect when adjust “by ear”.
reading the original manual that this is a mode that Range: Start with 60 dB, adjust to decrease the ef-
wasn’t planned when designing the gear. More like “Wait, fect caused by the gating.
what happens if you use the gate together with the limit- Output: Usually below 0 dB
ing mode? Ahh...”
In the classic noise gating mode you have three
different settings of the Detector Type: avg, peak
and gate. The gate mode is the most brutal mode,

and is pretty efficient to use on drums or heavy met- If the attack of the instrument is moderate to fast,
al guitar if you want a more aggressive sound, but such as with drums or certain types of guitar, it is
it should be regarded more as a creative tool rather better to use this peak mode. The faster attack time
than a problem solver. in peak mode assures that the gain is fully restored
when the transient strikes.
In all of these modes you can toggle between
int and ds-fm to get different weighting of the
This mode can be pretty nice to use if you want to shorten
frequencies. Setting the Detector Source in ds-
the decay of a sound, such as a bass line or steel stringed
fm mode will make the expander trig more easily
acoustic guitar. With this mode you can get a standard
on high frequencies, which can be a good thing if
Jazz Bass to sound like a damped Hofner string bass, or a
you for example are gating a drum beat and want
steel stringed $3000 Martin to sound like a $30 banjo...
to avoid gating the high frequency cymbals. Since
Just set the Release time so that you get the right
noise often have a lots of high frequency content,
amount of decay.
you should set it to int if you want to do actual
noise gating. But you probably want to use it more
creatively anyway...

GATE MODE: Hard Noise Gating (INT/DS-FM, EXP, GATE)

Ratio = 1:20, PEAK detection of input signal. A
AVG MODE: Soft Noise Gating (INT/DS-FM, EXP, AVG) signal x dB below Threshold, will be attenuated
Ratio = 1:2. A signal x dB below Threshold, will be another x dBs.
attenuated another x dBs.
Use this setting as a traditional, boring hard noise gate,
The least obtrusive noise gate. Good for classic noise or... use it to create hard hitting beats from almost any
gating with sources that doesn’t have strong transients drum track! Set a short release time and aggressive
(such as voice and strings). Use on slow to medium attack gating, and set the Output volume high to get some
sounds. distortion. Stack up many Dyna-mites with different
amounts of distortion and release times to get fat snare
and bass drum sounds... Toggle the DS-FM switch to
include/exclude cymbals.

PEAK MODE: Soft Noise Gating with Faster Attack Time

Ratio = 1:2. A signal x dB below Threshold, will be
attenuated another x dBs.

Mono and Stereo Operation Credits

Inserting the Dyna-mite in Stereo mode makes Oscar Öberg – modeling, Niklas Odelholm –
it behave just as the real unit in “Stereo Couple” graphics programming. Torsten Gatu – framework
mode. programming. Arvid Rosén – modeling and frame-
work programming. Ulf Ekelöf – 3D rendering.
Buying Recommendations Original hardware was designed by Valley People
The Valley People Dyna-mite is a very cool and ALL VISUAL AND AURAL REFERENCES TO THE
affordable hardware limiter/expander. Many people VALLEY PEOPLE DYNA-MITE ARE TRADE-
don’t know how to use it and say they don’t like it MARKS BEING MADE WITH WRITTEN PERMIS-
just because they cannot operate it. Once you’ve SION FROM PMI AUDIO. THE VALLEY PEOPLE,
learned the plug-in you will have no problem at all DYNA-MITE AND ASSOCIATED LOGOS ARE
to operate the real hardware, so if you find a unit— TRADEMARKS OF PMI AUDIO GROUP, USED
(The thing on top of the unit is a description of all TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. ALL RIGHTS
the different modes, the same texts that are dis- RESERVED.
played in our nifty little display.)
be AB, S:t Larsgatan 10c, 582 24 Linköping, Sweden. www.softube.com

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