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Test Series: March, 2021


SECTION – A: Enterprise Information Systems
Time Allowed – 1½ Hours Maximum Marks: 50 Marks
Part I : Multiple Choice Questions
Total Marks: 15 Marks
Question Nos. 1 to 5 carries 2 marks each.
M/s TAS & Sons is an automobile manufacturer of spare parts of four wheelers in India. The company has
four manufacturing units in various locations across the country. It also has two branch offices located in
Pune and Hyderabad to handle activities like orders, delivery, complaints and stock operations. The
company maintains its account with ABC Bank from where it also has taken various loans and advances.
Sometime ago, the company’s business processes like accounting, purchase, sales and inventory were
maintained in manual mode. The management of the company observed that the manual processing of
these activities hinder the overall working of the business related daily operations. This resulted in huge
gap in the flow of information, pending orders, delayed deliveries, and delayed decision making due to lack
of business reports and therefore overall non-performance. Thus, the management committee decides to
adopt the process of automation for its various business operations so that information flow would be timely
and consolidated within its branches and manufacturing units. To attain this objective, the service models of
Cloud Computing are proposed to be adopted so that the branches and manufacturing units are
interconnected with centralized mechanism of data sharing and storage. The proposed system with well-
implemented access controls will provide robust data security among its systems of branches and
manufacturing units. Not only the record keeping, but also data maintenance and reports generation would
become simpler after the implementation of proposed system. The management is also looking for better
prospects of adhering to the legal compliances of the country and also to initiate its business operations
through online mode.
Subsequently, the company hires a consultant Mr. Sumit to carry out the feasibility study of its proposed
system who prepares a feasibility report and submits to the management. Based on the go ahead report of
Mr. Sumit’s report, a project team is scheduled to be constituted who will work under him to execute the
project and ensure its delivery on time.
1. The Management committee of M/s TAS & Sons decides to automate its entire business processes
anticipating reaping better benefits for the company. Which of the following does not come under the
category of benefits of Automation?
(a) Consistency of automated processes
(b) Automating Redundant processes
(c) Reduction of turnaround time
(d) Better utilization of employees’ time

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2. In purview of above case scenario, the management of M/s TAS & Sons decides to adopt the process
of automation for its various business processes so that information flow within its units and branches
would be timely and consolidated. The data is centralized and in case of loss of any set of data from
this location, whole business may come to stand still. Identify from the following control s that may be
useful to overcome the aforementioned risk.
(a) It can be controlled by removing redundant data.
(b) Back up arrangement needs to be strong.
(c) To allocate some funds in case of contingencies.
(d) Overhauling of organizational structure is required.
3. If the company hires XYZ Ltd. as its Cloud Computing service provider, which of the following model of
Cloud Computing would be useful for M/s TAS & Sons if XYZ Ltd. proposes to host company’s
application at its data center over the internet to make it accessible to the customers of M/s TAS &
(a) Infrastructure as a Service
(b) Platform as a Service
(c) Software as a Service
(d) Database as a Service
4. In purview of the above case scenario, the company decides to install various internetwork processors
like routers and firewalls etc. for its business application through online mode in order to make its
whole network secure. Which type of control the company is planning to work on?
(a) Corrective Control
(b) Preventive Control
(c) Network Control
(d) Detective Control
5. M/s TAS & Sons maintains its account in ABC Bank which faces the application risk of incorrect
classification and provisioning of Non Performing Asset (NPA) resulting in financial mismanagement,
of company’s account. Which control would be best suggested to take care of this?
(a) Access for changes made to the configuration, parameter settings should be restricted to
authorized user.
(b) Unique Id should be created for each asset.
(c) The system parameters need to be set up as per business process rules of the bank.
(d) To ensure existence of configuration/customization in the application to perform NPA
classification as per relevant RBI guidelines.
Question No(s) 6 to 10 carries 1 mark each.
6. Except one, following are the means through which protection can be achieved in case an internet
connection exposes an organization to the harmful elements of the outside world . Identify it.
(a) Security of network services
(b) Call back devices

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(c) Access Token
(d) Segregation of Networks
7 A company on the occasion of Diwali offers to provide an additional discount of 15% to its customers
on online bulk purchase of products worth Rs. 5,000 through its website. Which of the following
business model of e-commerce is being followed in this?
(a) Consumer to Business e-Commerce
(b) Business to Consumer e-Commerce
(c) Business to Business e-Commerce
(d) Consumer to Consumer e-Commerce
8. Money Laundering is commonly used by criminals to make dirty money appear legitimate. In this
context, which stage of Money Laundering involves the bank transfers between different accounts in
different names in different countries making deposit and withdrawals?
(a) Placement
(b) Layering
(c) Integration
(d) Financing
9. Which of the following statement is not correct for eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)?
(a) XBRL runs on XML technologies such as XML schema, and ensures that financial and non -
financial data is tagged to form a comparable reporting format.
(b) XBRL has the capability to allow the tagging of transactions that can themselves be aggregated
into XBRL reports.
(c) To publish performance information and allow straight through information processing are key
features of XBRL.
(d) XBRL is an open standard reporting language which is governed by XBRL, a non -profit
10. In the office of HNK Ltd., a master swipe access card is maintained at the front desk to enter into
executive’s cabin, in case of any emergency. In this case, the possibility of same may be misused by
an unauthorized employee to gain unauthorized access of the executive’s cabin would be categorized
(a) Asset
(b) Vulnerability
(c) Accepted residual risk of exposure to potential risk of data theft
(d) Likelihood of compromise on CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability)
Part II: Descriptive Questions Total Marks: 35 Marks
Question No. 1 is Compulsory.
Attempt any three questions out of remaining four questions.
1. (a) Banking has played a vital and significant role in development of economy. In the light of this
statement, explain the key features of banking business. (3 Marks)

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(b) Identify the disadvantages of Database Management System. (2 Marks)
2. (a) ERP system integrates all business components and updates the data between related business
functions. However, its implementation is a huge task that may require lot of time, money and
energy and its success majorly depend upon issues related to factors like people, process, and
technology. Briefly explain other implementation risks, if any, apart from the issues related to the
factors mentioned above. (6 Marks)
(b) With promotion of cashless economy, most of the businesses are using e-commerce and
m-commerce transactions. Enlist the commercial laws that are applicable to these transactions.
(4 Marks)
3. (a) ABC Ltd., a Delhi based financial consultant company has huge clientele having crucial data
about its clients. Therefore, the company has robust implementation of Logical Access Controls
to ensure that access to its systems, data and programs is restricted to authorized users to
safeguard information against unauthorized use. Describe all the technical exposure s against
which these Logical Access Controls provide security to the data and software of the company.
(6 Marks)
(b) XYZ Ltd. is the manufacturer of herbal medicines which is under the process of implementing
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in its head office and various manufacturing units located
across the country. Explain the technological risks related to the implementation of ERP.
(4 Marks)
4. (a) During the pandemic Covid 19, the Government of India emphasized on the usage of various
digital mode of payments by the public at large. In light of this statement, explain various types of
cards that are provided to the account holders by the banks or companies to be used as digital
payment mode. (6 Marks)
(b) Though Business Process Automation (BPA) provides many benefits to companies which tend to
automate their business processes, however automation of the business processes is susceptible
to many challenges. Discuss these challenges. (4 Marks)
5. (a) Mr. Amar is the chief IT manager of a company who designed a new advisory for all employee s
mentioning the various cyber-crimes which may attract prosecution as per penalties and offences
prescribed in Information Technology Act, 2000. Describe the various cybercrimes that Mr. Amar
could have incorporated in his advisory. (6 Marks)
(b) DFK corporative bank of Uttar Pradesh decided to implement Core Banking System (CBS) to
facilitate integration of its entire business applications. Briefly explain how the deployment and
implementation of CBS can be controlled at various stages to ensure that objectives of DFK
corporative bank are achieved. (4 Marks)

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Time Allowed – 1½ Hours Maximum Marks – 50
Question 1 and 2 are compulsory.
Attempt any three questions out of remaining four questions.

1. (A) Rohansh Bakshi a 22-year-old from Maharashtra, started a gaming equipment company called
TEEMOX, which specialises in gaming chairs, gaming consoles, controllers, wireless keyboard,
and touchscreen mouse pads. Rohan has been an innovator and loves building products. Hence,
to prioritise his time more on development, he insisted Mr. N. Muniyappa, his mentor, to be the
CEO of the company and spearhead business from the front.
Rohansh has always believed in bringing something new to the consumer and that is clearly
projected in the products offered by TEEMOX. His designs reflect youth with exciting colors and
comfort, and they match the quality of global big brands. However, to make hi s products worth the
money that his customers are paying, the procurement is done from Indonesia and Vietnam, where
the materials are easily available at low costs.
Interestingly, Rohansh’s AI based gaming chairs have been a huge hit for the company, bringing
in the maximum revenue and margins. The business has gone from 200 units sold to over 5000
units sold in just six months. To add to it, a famous FMCG Brand approached TEEMOX to
collaborate for a sports drink focused on gamers. The team is excited about this collaboration as
the deal shall bring in more awareness and open newer markets for them. But Mr. Muniyappa
insists that this might as well displease the existing consumers who relate to TEEMOX as a
customer-oriented brand rather than yet another money minting business.
Nonetheless, the plans seem to be working in the company’s favour for now and the future seems
bright. To put in context, the gaming industry is booming with a Compound Annual Growth Rate
(CAGR) of 190%, adding over 20 million new customers every quarter. Clearly, o pportunities are
enormous, and the brand is on track. A well-established vision and mission for the company could
be a strong strategic advantage for challenging times to come.
Based on the above Case Scenario, answer the Multiple-Choice Questions which are as follows:
1. Based on the above case which of the following seems true above the Strategy of TEEMOX?
(a) Strategy was unified and comprehensive.
(b) Strategy was comprehensive and integrated.
(c) Strategy was integrated and unified.
(d) Strategy was integrated, unified and comprehensive. (1 Mark)
2. Gaming chair business of TEEMOX is a cash cow. Which of the following strategies helped
it become such an influential business?
(a) Organisation differentiation
(b) Product differentiation
(c) Focused differentiation
(d) Low-cost product provider (1 Mark)

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3. By routing its products from Indonesian and Vietnam, TEEMOX was able to achieve which of
the following strategies on the holistic level of business?
(a) Product differentiation
(b) Horizontal integration of business
(c) Best cost provider in the industry
(d) Globalisation of business (1 Mark)
4. With the appointment of Mr. N. Muniyappa, Rohansh can be designated as which of the
(a) Vice President
(b) CEO Emeritus
(c) Chairman
(d) Functional Head (1 Mark)
5. Which Ps of marketing have been the winning Ps for TEEMOX?
(a) Product and Place
(b) Promotion and Price
(c) Price and Product
(d) Promotion and Place (1 Mark)
(B) The Specialist Clothing Company (SCC) is a manufacturer of a wide range of clothing. Fashion is
one of the five divisions of SCC. Fashion is operating in a market with high growth and is a market
leader. By the next year, it is predicted to have 10% of the market share in a growing market.
Fashion should be classified as which of the following according to the BCG matrix.
(a) Star
(b) Dog
(c) Cash cow
(d) Question mark (2 Marks)
(C) Beta Company, a car manufacturer is buying up a supplier so that it gets a dedicated supplier with
both guaranteed quality and price. The material could be manufactured when required by Beta
Company leading to lower inventory levels. Which strategy has Beta Company adopted?
(a) Backward integration
(b) Forward integration
(c) Conglomerate diversification
(d) Horizontal integrated diversification (2 Marks)
(D) Developing vision and mission, identifying an organisation’s external opportunities and threats,
and determining internal strengths and weaknesses are:
(a) SBU planning
(b) Strategy formulation

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(c) Strategy implementation
(d) Business process reengineering (2 Marks)
(E) As the head of an MNC, you have been asked to bring in radical changes in your organisation
through BPR. Which of these is the thrust area you would focus on reducing:
(a) Total cycle time
(b) Total order time
(c) Total inventory time
(d) None (2 Marks)
(F) Which of the following is correct?
(a) Strategy is always pragmatic and not flexible
(b) Strategy is not always perfect, flawless and optimal
(c) Strategy is always perfect, flawless and optimal
(d) Strategy is always flexible but not pragmatic (1 Mark)
(G) A corporation organized in network structure is often called
(a) Virtual organization
(b) Hierarchical organization
(c) Structured organization
(d) Simple organization (1 Mark)
2. X-Olympus is a gaming software company specializing in developing games for ZBox and GameStation-
4. The company is facing stiff competition due to saturation of market and price wars, which h as
excessively favor and highlight their dependence on gaming console manuf acturers. Thereby, the
company desires to establish a competitive advantage over industry rivals by enhancing the gaming
experience by expanding into Edge-Cloud Gaming Service on a monthly subscription basis. This service
offering does not require dedicated gaming consoles yet provide customers game streaming in 4K
resolution with an ample range of games to select from. This move is expected to insulate X -Olympus
from price wars and provide a competitive advantage. Identify and explain the generic strategies
adopted by X-Olympus? (5 Marks)
3. (a) "Strategy is partly proactive and partly reactive." Elaborate. (5 Marks)
(b) Examine the significance of KSFs (Key Success Factors) for competitive success. (5 Marks)
4. (a) Shri Alok Kumar is having his own medium size factory in Aligarh manufacturing hardware
consisting handles, hinges, tower bolts and so on. He has a staff of more than 220 in his
organisation. One of the leading brand of Hardware seller in India is rebrandi ng and selling the
material from his factory. Shri Alok Kumar, believes in close supervision and takes all major and
minor decisions in the organisation.
Do you think Shri Alok should take all decisions himself? What should be the nature of decisions
that should be taken by him. (5 Marks)
(b) How can management communicate that it is committed to creating a new culture assuming that
the old culture was problematic and not aligned with the company strategy? (5 Marks)

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5. (a) Justify the statement "Stability strategy is opposite of Expansion strategy". (5 Marks)
(b) Explain the three major R & D approaches to implement strategic decisions. (5 Marks)
6. Distinguish between the following:
(a) Market Development and Product Development under Ansoff’s Product Market Growth Matrix.
(5 Marks)
(b) Distinguish between Strategy Formulation and Strategy Implementation. (5 Marks)

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