Forest Goblin V.01

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Forest Goblin Army selector

WMR Conceptual v01, date 28-04-2021, by andys

GOBLINS INFANTRY 2/1 3 0 - 3 30 2/- *1
SPIDERS INFANTRY 3 3 0 - 3 30 -/- -
TROLLS INFANTRY 4 4 5+ - 3 105 -/3 *2
OGRES INFANTRY 4 4 5+ - 3 105 -/1 *3
SPIDER INFANTRY 3/1 3 6+ - 3 60 2/4 *4
GIANT MONSTER 10/3 10 4+ - 1 250 -/1 *5
GENERAL GENERAL +1 - - 8 1 80 1 -
HERO HERO +1 - - 7 1 45 -/4 -
SHAMAN WIZARD 0 - - 6 1 30 -/2 *6
SPIDER MONSTER +1 - - - 1 +10 -/2 *7
GIANT MONSTER +5 - - - 1 +90 -/1 *8

ARMY RULES 5. Giant Spider. Giant Spiders are mounted onto a base
Giant Spiders and Characters riding any kind of spider may 40mm frontage and 60mm depth.
enter dense terrain, even though they are classed as The Giant Spider causes terror in its foes.
Monsters. Characters riding any kind of spider only move The Giant Spider can only be brigaded with Spider and
at Infantry speed in dense terrain, except when being Spider Rider units. It cannot be brigaded with any other
displaced by an enemy unit. units including with other Giant Spiders.
The dense terrain command penalty only applies to Troll The Giant Spider has a shooting range of 15cm. It can shoot
and Ogre units in the Forest Goblin army. venom from any edge without turning stands to face it’s
target. Just measure the range from any stand edge, front,
1. Goblins. A unit of Goblins is allowed to shoot with a
side or rear. Note that this enables it to shoot at enemies
range reduced to 15cm.
charging from any direction.
2. Trolls. Trolls are especially stupid creatures that find it Because the Giant Spider has so many hits we must
difficult to walk or spit straight, let alone think. consider the possibility of hurting the beast and reducing
Consequently, when trying to issue an order to a unit of its effectiveness. Therefore, if a Giant Spider has
Trolls or to a brigade that contains a unit of Trolls, there isaccumulated 6-9 hits by the end of the Shooting or Combat
always a -1 Command penalty. phase and is no longer engaged in combat it is deemed to
By way of compensation, Trolls have a remarkable ability. have been badly hurt. Once a Giant Spider is badly hurt all
They can regenerate their bodies and repair the most accumulated hits are discounted and its Hits and Attack
horrendous injuries. To represent this, in each round of values are halved for the remainder of the battle to 5/2
combat after whole stands have been removed Trolls Attacks and 5 Hits.
automatically regenerate one outstanding hit. If no hits are
6. Shaman. Shamen can cast spells chosen from the Forest
left over after removing stands then regeneration has no
Goblin spells list.
effect. Regenerated hits still count towards the combat
result for the round. 7. Spider. Characters may ride Spiders. The Spider adds +1
Attack to those of its rider. See also Army Rules.
3. Ogres. If an Ogre unit can use its initiative to charge an
enemy unit of humans at the start of the Command phase 8. Giant Spider. Otherwise known as the Arachnarok.
then it must do so. This happens automatically and their Characters may ride Giant Spiders. A Giant Spider adds +2
commander can do nothing about it. 'Humans' encompasses Attacks to those of its rider. A unit that includes a Giant
all 'men' including Chaos Warriors and Marauders, but not Spider rider causes terror in its enemies. See also Army
Dwarfs, Elves etc. Rules.
4. Spider Riders. Spider Riders’ bows have only a short
range compared to other shooting weapons, so their fire is
restricted to 15cm. However, because their weapons are so
handy they can shoot behind or to the side without turning
stands to face their target. Just measure the range from any
stand edge. They can therefore shoot at enemy charging
them from any direction.
5+ to cast ................................................... Range 30cm 5+ to cast ................................................... Range 30cm
The Shaman summons the power of Mork to protect the A fearsome bolt of pure Waaagh! energy issues from the
greenskins from the enemy. Shaman’s outstretched hand and strikes an enemy unit.
This spell can be cast on any friendly unit within 30cm of The Shaman must be able to see his target to use this spell
the Shaman. The unit gains a 5+ save worked out in the and it cannot be directed at a unit engaged in combat. Brain
usual manner until the beginning of their next turn. If the Busta is treated like three ordinary shooting attacks except
unit already has a saving roll then it can choose which one that armour saves have no effect (all targets count as having
to make, but may not take both. no armour). A unit can be driven back by Brain Busta as
with ordinary shooting.
5+ to cast ................................................... Range 60cm WAAAGH!
The voice of Gork booms out across the battlefield, forcing 4+ to cast ................................................... Range 30cm
back his foes with a rancid gale force bellow. The Shaman summons the power of the mighty Waaagh!,
This can be cast on any enemy unit within 60cm, whether invigorating the greenskins.
the Shaman can see it or not. It cannot be cast on a unit This spell can be cast on any friendly unit of Goblins, or
engaged in combat or cast successfully on a unit more than Spider Riders engaged in combat and within range, whether
once per turn. the Shaman can see the unit or not. Every stand in the unit,
The enemy unit is driven back by the blast of the bellow including character stands, adds +1 to its Attacks value
5xD6cm towards its own table edge. This is treated in the during the following Combat phase. A unit can only have
same way as a driveback from shooting except the direction one Waaagh! cast successfully on it at a time.
is established by determining the shortest route to the table
edge. A unit cannot be routed by a drive back from
Gerroff!!! spell. If the unit leaves the table edge it must roll
as described in the main rules.

Figure sources:
Forest Goblins – Games Workshop, Polar Fox (Grotlings)? or STLs?
Spiders - Small plastic Halloween spiders, come in pack of 50 or more, very cheap from Amazon.
Trolls – Games Workshop, Polar Fox, Cibo’s Little Dudes or STLs?
Ogres – Games Workshop, Blackgate Miniatures or Cibo’s Little Dudes or STLs.
Spider Riders – Games Workshop, Cibo’s Little Dudes or STLs?
Giant Spider – Pendraken code FAN-MON7 (pack of 3)
Characters – STLs?

This list is a variant of the Goblin list.

Only two types of Forest Goblin units are mentioned in Warhammer, the infantry and spider riders, which are usually
classed as cavalry. So how can creatures of the forest have cavalry that isn’t allowed to enter dense terrain – either the basic
rules of Warmaster regarding cavalry are broken or the spider riders are classed as infantry and given an extra attack to
make up for wider basing. So I decided to go the infantry route - they are now effectively medium infantry. Also spiders
probably can’t move as quickly as horses/wolves/boars/etc, so having them move at infantry pace may be more realistic?
I’ve put a maximum on the number of Spider Rider units to prevent players taking an army with few basic Goblin units.

To make the army a little easier to command, I’ve replaced one of the four maximum Troll units from the Goblin list with
a unit of Ogres.

It also seems perverse to not allow Giant Spiders, even though they are monsters, to not enter dense terrain, so the rules are
broken for them. They are a direct copy of the Stegadon.

Allowing the Monsters to enter dense terrain and having Ogres, goes some way to making up for the lack of artillery and
flyers as it gives opponents something unusual to have to counter,

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