This recommendation has been approved by the AFTES Technical Committee following a critical review of the text by:
Table of contents
Bolting technology, the subject of this recommendation, represents one of the In addition, this type of bolt can be installed in the case of water seepage in
most fundamental elements participating in tunnel support techniques using the borehole.
conventional methods.
The standard characteristics are 16 to 20 mm diameters for lengths of between
The recommendation concerns (Fig. 1): 1.50 and 3.00 m.
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Fig. 2 - Diagram
showing the Screwing in the groove
end-anchored bolt.
End-anchored bolting consists in linking the plan area of the excavated surface nut
single bearing plate
to a deep intact rock point. The anchoring is generally carried out using a
mechanical system (Fig. 2) but can occasionally be associated with the fixing
of the bar at the base of the hole using resin.
Fig. 3 - Distributed anchor bolt diagram.
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This sealing consists in driving the bolt into the anchorage hole which has first The mixed bolt is one that is
been filled with a thixotropic mortar. This allows the mortar to be held in posi- locally anchored and, in a
Mechanical anchorage
tion, even in vertical holes bored into the roof, as well as an excellent filling of system second stage, sealed by
the borehole. injecting a sealing product.
These bolts present the
Steel rod
This type of sealing is generally used for bolts less than 5 m long. Its efficiency advantage of providing
depends on the time it takes for the mortar to set. immediate efficiency thanks
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Certain friction bolts can be equipped with a lost drill which is used for drilling
1.2.4 - Particular case of self-drilling bolts (Fig. 4) (self-drilling) and become mixed by injection (Fig. 6).
These types of bolts consist of a hollow metal rod with, at its end, a lost drill
used to bore out the anchorage hole. The sealing is carried out by injecting the
sealing product through the interior of the bolt.
Its efficiency depends on the time it takes for the sealing product to set (cement
1. Friction bolt 4. Drilling rod
grout, mortar or resin). 2. Anchor plate 5. Strike ring
3. Drill bit 6. Sleeve
This type of bolt is also used for threading. Fig. 6 - Diagram of a self-drilling friction bolt.
Bearing plate
Fig. 4 - Diagram of a self-drilling bolt, type MINOVA SDA®. Fig. 7 - Diagram of a Swellex® type bolt.
• Or by forced pushing of a split tube in the borehole, with the initial diameter Other systems aiming to absorb brutal rock deformations have been developed
of the split profile being greater than that of the hole (Fig. 8). using, for example, the deployment of angled elements forming several
segments of the “D-Bolt®” rod (Fig.11).
The friction bolt works by rubbing against the hole walls. In the case of the
Split Set®, the possibility of injecting and bedding the profile increases the
anchor’s capacity.
The sliding of the rod in the bedding results in the punching of the grout by
1.7 - Raft bolting
the anchor and permits a bolt movement that retains its efficiency (Fig.10).
In certain cases, rafts can receive reinforcement provided by radial type bolting,
metal bolts or fibreglass bolts for excavations carried out in several phases in
swelling ground.
Before rockburst After rockburst Fig. 10 - Diagram showing the operation of the "cone bolt®".
(based on McKenzie, R, Use of Cone Bolts in Ground Prone to Rockburst,
Coal Operators' Conference, University of Wollongong & the Australasian
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2002).
2 - Drilling-
In accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, the recommended drilling diameters are as follows:
Type of bedding Local Resin Mortar
Split Set® Swellex®
Nominal diameter (mm) 31 to 80 28 to 37 28 to 37 20 to 32 20 to 32
Drilling diameter (mm) 32 to 89 33 to 46 32 to 45 28 to 41 38 to 64
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For bolts bedded in mortar, the drilling diameter depends on the quality of the 2.1.3 - Other drilling methods
ground and the length of the bedding. It varies between 1.5 to 2 times the rod
diameter. - Rotary – rotative drilling by grinding (Fig. 14)
This drilling method, which uses a tricone bit as a tool, is for large diameters
For bolts bedded in resin, it is necessary to pay attention to the drilling per- holes not used for bolting.
formance to respect the optimum cover for the bolt rods.
Fig. 14 - Rotary
2.1 - Drilling techniques drilling bit.
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In “normal drillability” ground, being one that can be drilled without excessive
wedging or loss of fluids, and within which the holes can be left open for the
time needed to install bolts without any deterioration, the main drilling methods
are as follows (Fig. 15 and Fig. 16):
Rotary percussion drilling (Fig. 12) is generally carried out using “jumbos” - Down-the-hole hammer drilling
equipped with hydraulic drills. The tool is a bar with a drill bit screwed onto This type of drilling, not much used for bolting, is reserved for large hole dia-
the end. meters. This type of hammer transmits the percussion energy straight through
to the drill bit without the intermediary of rods. These are compressed air ham-
A manual method using pneumatic hammers allows small diameter holes with mers and have standard dimensions ranging from 80 to 500 mm.
a limited length to be drilled.
Movement direction
Impact force
Hammer outside hammer
AFTES rating uniaxial RC
compression resistance
Free surface
Crushed zone
Fractured zone
Bolting area
2.1.2 - Rotary drilling (with scaling)
Drilling diameter in mm
Fig. 15 - Eimco-Secoma Nomagram no.1.
The rotary drilling boring rigs (Fig. 13) do not have a striking system. The drill
bit generally has two tungsten carbide or polycrystalline diamond inserts.
This method, reserved for certain types of ground, is highly productive and
Drilling area
permits relatively small drilling diameters. STRIKING
AFTES AIN abrasivity rating
Two-lipped PCD
drill bit
Drill bit
Rotative drilling area
2.1.4 - Summary: indicative data applicable to bolting However, the current trend is towards drilling further with parallel blast holes
and using jumbos with two or three arms. However, the kinetics of the arms
permitting deeper drilling then becomes incompatible with the radial drilling
Standard min. Standard max.
Drilling method Commentaries of bolt holes. To that end, specific machines are now available, either with
diameter diameter
Rotary percussion drilling mechanical drilling and manual positioning, or that completely automate the
32 mm 89 mm Ø max = 127 mm
(drill bits) process for positioning the bolts.
Rotary percussion drilling Ø min = 24 mm
(monobloc borer) 28 mm 34 mm Length limited to 3 m
There are therefore machines equipped both with an arm provided with a
Rotary percussion drilling Possibility of 15 m long
(monobloc borer) 22 mm 55 mm holes drilling guide for blasting and a cradle arm from which the operators install
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the bolts.
2.1.5 - Tools
There are also rock bolting rigs that fully mechanise the installation operation.
Drilling tools comprise drill bits, rods and connection accessories (couplings, These are equipped with a guide on which is positioned the drilling tools, a
fittings, etc.). bolt rack and the mechanism for installing the bolts. The magazine is generally
limited to 10-12 bolts (Fig. 18). The size of the plates that can be positioned
For standard bolting, the holes to be made have small diameters (less than in the rack is limited. There are also racks and installation systems suitable
50 mm) and lengths of no more than 4 to 6 m. As from 6 m, the bars shall be to several types of bolts.
coupled and have much larger drilling diameters.
The hole is cleared either by cleaning out and/or blow-out using compressed
air when the bar is removed. Cleaning is necessary for all ground reinforcement
systems. However, it is necessary that cleaning be carried out very carefully
in the case of sealed bolting and, in particular, resin sealings.
Expressed simply, the installation of a bolt requires three stages: Currently, automated rock bolting rigs are used for:
• The drilling of a bolt hole • Local mechanical anchor bolts
• The installation of the bolt • Distributed anchor bolts, resin sealed
• The tightening and/or sealing • Split Set® type friction bolts
• Swellex® type friction bolts
There are several possible ways to mechanise the installation of the bolts and
several levels of mechanisation. For mechanical anchor bolts and resin sealed distributed anchor bolts, the bol-
ting turret is equipped with a rotative device to tighten the bolt or turn the rod
It is possible to use the same “jumbo” for drilling both blast holes and bolting in the resin. Certain automated bolting rigs permit the simultaneous placing
holes (Fig. 17). These “jumbos” can be equipped with telescopic guides to of a mesh.
adapt the drilling lengths to the blasting and bolting boreholes. The equipment
can be provided with articulations to ensure that the (radial) bolt can be posi- For Split Set® type friction bolts, the rotative device is replaced by a hammer.
tioned with perfectly adapted kinetics. For Swellex® type friction bolts, it is replaced by an insert and an end fitting
permitting the injection of water into the bolt.
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of the type of bolt to be installed helps in specifying the type of drilling to be 2.3 - Special works
envisaged, especially in terms of diameters.
In ground that is “difficult to drill", it is necessary to either envisage drilling
Given the overall dimensions, especially of the rock-hammer and hoses, it with pipe driving, or to use bolts from the self-drilling range.
is important that the length of bolts that can be installed in a gallery of a It is also possible to envisage using a grout type borehole fluid during drilling.
given size be determined during the design phase. Depending on the equip-
ments used, the length of the boom is equal to the length of the bolts plus For these special applications, non-standard machines specially equipped for
1 to 2 m. these works are used.
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3 - Bolts-
This chapter is devoted to the properties of the bolt, including its accessories 3.2 - Tip or anchorage device
and particularities (thread, flanges, head, and bearing plate).
This term designates the end of the bolt at the end of the borehole.
The following must be defined for each type of bolt: Its function varies according to the types of bolts considered:
• The materials used for the rod and its accessories • Straight cut for bolts sealed by injection.
• The mechanical characteristics of the rod and its accessories (see §3.1) • Tip or bevelled cut for cartridge sealed bolts: it permits the piercing of the
• The geometrical characteristics of the rod and its accessories resin or mortar cartridges and favours a good mix.
• Truncated cone end with reduction of diameter to simplify the introduction
The main materials used are steel alloys, fibreglass or, exceptionally, carbon of friction bolts.
fibre. The choice of materials used must be adapted to the sought-after per- • Equipped with a drill bit, it permits the hole to be drilled for self-drilling
formances (elastic limit, elongation at rupture, destructibility, etc.). bolts: the various versions of the drill bits can be treated or equipped with
carbide inserts or teeth in the form of a cross, an arch, etc.
• Equipped with a shell, it provides local anchorage for the bolt: these ancho-
3.1 - The rod
rages are formed from a central plug into which, depending on the contact
This is the central part of the bolt. Depending on the type of bolt, it either has surface being sought on the borehole wall, between 2 and 6 leaves are
a solid or hollow section. inserted. They are constructed from steel or an aluminium alloy. Traction
exerted on the rod causes the shell to expand. The choice of type of shell
The rod can be smooth in the case of friction bolts and local anchor bolts or must be adapted to the geological conditions encountered and be validated
ribbed in the case of distributed sealing bolts. In the latter case, the flanges by tests (see § 6).
improve the mixing of the sealing resin and thus the sealing itself.
fibre bolts with threaded profiles, the bolt heads are simply equipped with through the intermediary of the head, with tightening of the nut using an impact
a nut. wrench or, where required, a torque wrench. The tightening torque must be
adapted to the type of bolt and nut.
Friction bolts either have a ring or a welded end fitting that bears on the
anchorage plate installed prior to prior to driving the bolt. The dished plate permits a certain adaptation to deformation.
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The rod characteristics can theoretically be ascertained from the geometrical bolts. This is why it is always better to privilege the knowledge of characte-
characteristics of the bolt and the mechanical characteristics of its parts, such ristics that can be directly measured on the bolt.
• The resistant section of the rod, in m² Bolting in a rock mass also implies the mobilisation of the shearing charac-
• The elastic limit stress at the traction strength of the material, in MPa teristics of the bolts, in other words under the action-effect of relative move-
• The elastic deformation module (Young module) of the material, in MPa ment transversal to the rod axis. This would seem to be a complex operation
• The maximum tensile stress of the material, in MPa involving the combined characteristics of shearing and the traction of the bolt
• The deformation at maximum tensile stress, in % itself, as well as those of the rock and, where applicable, the sealing
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4 - Anchorages-
4.1 - End-anchorage or mechanical anchorage Two branches Three branches Six branches
The anchorage of the bolt is carried out using a shell that generally comprises
2 to 6 leaves and a central plug. A threaded rod is inserted into the groove (Fig.
20 and Fig. 21).
The shell branches are spread during the tightening of the bolt. The shell
wedges are positioned up against the hole walls and the rod is prestressed.
The bolt is installed by tightening the coupling nut located on the plate to a
torque recommended by the manufacturer. Fig. 21 - Examples of expansion shell.
The choice of the type of anchorage depends on the nature of the rock and The main advantage of local anchorage is to produce an immediate contain-
should be decided in accordance with the results of preliminary tests. ment after installation and thus immediate safety. Its installation is simple and
The anchorage depends on the following parameters:
• The quality of the rock around the anchorage point (min. compressive During installation, the adequate tightening of the bolt should be checked
strength): below a compressive strength of 10 MPa, it is necessary to use alongside making sure that the plate is in very close contact with the ground.
special shells. In this case, local anchor bolting is not recommended Time and/or vibration caused by blasting can result in scaling around the plate.
•The shell surface in contact with the ground: it progresses in inverse propor- The efficiency of the bolt is reduced to zero if the plate is no longer in contact
tion to the ground strength with the ground.
• The materials forming the shell
• The respective diameters of the shell and the drilling hole Where possible, it is worthwhile checking and retightening the plate at least
• The initial tightening of the nut once.
4.2 - Resin or grout sealing
4.2.1 - Resin sealing
Fig. 20 - Operating principle for
mechanical anchorage. Resin permits the sealing of the bolt over its entire length. This type of sealing
is only adapted to rock permitting a good anchorage hole calibration. There - Mixing: maintain the rotation of the rod once it has reached the rear of
are “fast” and “slow” resin setting times. the hole to permit a good mix between the resin and the hardener
- Tightening once the resin has set
The resin is generally provided in the form of cartridges containing a catalyser
and a hardener (Fig. 22). Using an automated rock bolting rig, the introduction of the cartridges in the
hole is generally carried out using a compressed air “blowpipe”. This requires
Currently, given the materials available and the high viscosity of the resins, a hole that is clean and free from any elements that might damage or prevent
the mechanical installation of the sealed bolts can be carried out over a length the installation of the cartridges. This is often the most delicate aspect of the
of up to 5 m. This limit is imposed on the resistance of the resin during mixing. installation sequence.
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The resin hardening time, and thus the sealing, is generally between 5 and 15 The following parameters must be checked:
min (depending on the product and the temperature) and provides this type of • The mixing time which depends on the type of resin: insufficient time will
bolt with extremely rapid efficiency. This is a vital choice factor for the type of not allow the resin to harden in a proper manner, but an excessive mixing
bolting used. time will impair the polymerisation of the resin and consequently the satis-
factory anchorage of the bolt.
• The rotation speed which needs to be checked and the mixing time must be
Catalyser adapted to the envisaged speed.
• The installation temperature influences the resin setting time.
The storage of the resin cartridges must be taken into consideration when set-
Resin ting up and managing the work site:
Fig. 22 - Resin cartridge. • Storage life is short: maximum of a few months at an average temperature
of 20-25°C. This storage period reduces if this average temperature is not
The important parameters for installing the resin bolt are: maintained. It is recommended that the stock be rotated.
The diameter of the bolt hole and its good performance over the entire length • The storage temperature must not fall below 0°C.
The annular space between the hole and the chosen rod (Fig. 23). • The cartridges should preferably be stored in a cool, dry environment pro-
tected from direct sunlight.
Diameter of drill • During installation procedures, if the storage temperature is too different
hole D Fig. 23 - Annular space
from the installation temperature, it will be necessary to leave sufficient time
between the hole and the rod.
for the resin temperature to attain that of the installation temperature.
• The elimination of residues and waste must use adapted channels.
The resin cartridges are delivered in boxes containing 20 units. The packaging
shall bear at least the following information:
• Supplier / Origin
• Type of product and contents of individual cartridges
• Pictograms and, where applicable, safety notices
Diameter of rod Annular • Date of manufacture
d space e
• Expiry date
• Lot number
• The cleaning of the hole which must have had all borehole residues (cuttings)
removed For certain applications, the resin
• The depth of the hole: excessive depth will result in an increased consump- can be injected by pumping.
tion of resin and inefficient mixing
• The resin loads must be introduced and pushed to the rear of the hole and
the position of the loads in the hole must be checked. A parachute can be
used to retain the resin loads in the hole while awaiting the introduction of
the rod
• The installation of the bolt must comply with the supplier’s recommendations.
The various stages in the procedure are as follows (Fig. 24) :
Fig. 24 - Stages for the installation
- The introduction of the rod, turning it while pushing it towards the rear of a resin bolt.
of the hole
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4.2.2 - Mortar or grout sealing on the characteristics of the chosen product and the installation tempera-
This sealing product takes the form of mortar cartridges, dry mortar in sacks Injection after the installation of the bolts can also be envisaged.
or pumpable grout.
The parameters influencing the installation of the sealing products are:
The mortar used (cartridge or sack) incorporates a high resistance, rapid set- • The time between the mixing and the installation (max. 15 to 20 mn), which
ting cement. For the grout, the sand used must be fine to be pumpable. Unless depends on the ambient temperature and the temperature of the mixing
expansive, its shrinkage must be limited. water
• The time between the injection and the installation of the bolt bar
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The cement, additives and water based grout is generally more liquid and its • The ambient installation temperature and the rock temperature. Installation
installation more complicated than the mortar-based operation. It can be pre- is not recommended if the temperature is too low (below 5°C)
pared on site • The water dosage
Parameters to be checked for grout or mortar specifications: - Composition of site mortars
• The setting times must be adapted to the required work For basic mortars prepared on side, the weight batched dose is as follows:
• The product thixotropy must permit pumping • 1 cement
• The product must be of the limited shrinkage type and even be slightly • 1 sand (0-3 mm or less)
expansive • 0.3-0.35 (water/cement)
• The steel corrosion protection must not be attacked by the product
• Mechanical compression and bending It is possible to obtain mortars presenting considerable early strength by
using rapid setting hydraulic binders (Vicalpes® type) or quick-setting - Pumped anchorage mortars cement.
Pumped mortars are mixes specifically prepared for the work site or dry pre- Example of a one hour quick-setting mortar composition:
mixed, ready-to-use and prepared by the formulators. • Sand 0-2mm: 55%
• Filler: 11%
The ready-to-use mortars have had additives added and generally have cha- • Vicalpes® R 17%
racteristics that make their installation easier and improve the quality of the • CEM I 52.5 R 17%
anchorage: thixotropy, lack of shrinkage, pumpability. They can provide rapid • Water
hardening, allowing the bolts to be tensioned after 4 or 5 h depending on the • Additives
objectives being sought. At 24 h and depending on the product, strengths can
attain between 15 and 35 MPa. This mortar has a strength of 6 MPa at 3h and 18 MPa at 24h.
Setting time
Standard installation procedure: Type of mortar Rc 2 h Rc 1 day Rc 1 day
(à 20°C)
a) Preparation of the mortar:
Fast 28 - 30 min 5 -10 MPa 20 - 35 MPa 35 - 70 MPa
- Mixing of the mortar in compliance with the manufacturer’s recom-
mendations, especially insofar as the quantity of water is concerned Standard 1-2h 25 - 40 MPa 35 - 70 MPa
- Mixing
Slow 4-8h 25 - 40 MPa 35 - 70 MPa
b) Mortar injection using a pump, filling from the base of the hole towards
the head:
- An injection hose is introduced to the rear of the hole - Anchorage mortars in cartridges
- The mortar injected by the pump pushes the hose towards the exterior. The cartridges contain a ready-to-use dry mortar packaged in permeable
There must be a certain resistance to the rising of the hose to ensure packing permitting water absorption. Their use is limited to small quantities
the filling of voids and gaps of bolting works and for short bolts. The cartridges are positioned by tamping
c) Introduction of rods simply by pushing: (rammer). The bolts are then introduced by being simply pushed in.
- The introduction of the bolt permits the distribution of a certain quantity
of mortar in any gaps in the ground
4.3 - Hydraulically expandable friction bolts
- At the end of the operation, the mortar should normally come out at
the head of the bolt via the annular space between the rod and the These bolts are steel folded in on themselves. They are introduced into the
hole hole and then inflated using high pressure water.
- A wooden wedge is occasionally used to maintain the bolt in the hole
during the setting of the sealing (for sub-vertical bolts) The expansion pressure for the installation is around 30 MPa. It is necessary
d) Tighten the bolts once the mortar has set: the mortar setting time depends to check its compatibility with the quality of the rock. In all cases, it is essential
that it be defined and described in the site bolting procedures (preliminary tests). • Insertion of the bolt equipped with its plate in the hole
• The hammer is positioned and the bolt thrust into the hole. The thrust must
The high pressure inflation pumps must be inspected and revision works car- be maintained until contact is made between the plate and the facing
ried out on a regular basis.
• End of installation
Bolt installed
- Radial forces
- Considerable
plate pressure
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© Metal Service
- 35 à 38 mm (SS39)
- 41 à 46 mm (SS46)
Fig. 25 - Installation of a expandable rock bolt.
Characteristics of the friction bolt: While this is often a combination of local and distributed anchorages, other
• Easy installation (by percussion hammer) combinations exist, such as:
• Active and dynamic friction reinforcement system. The bolt controls the • End-anchored bolt + injection of resin or cement between the hole and the bolt
expansion of the ground thanks to its considerable elongation and failure- • Friction + injection of cement in the bolt tube
free shearing
• Corrosion resistance: hot-dipped galvanised bolts can be obtained 4.5.1 - End-anchored bolt + cement Injection
• Currently, its length is limited to around 4 m
It is possible to simultaneously obtain the advantages of a mechanical ancho-
Installation procedure (Fig.26): rage and a distributed anchorage by using mechanical anchor bolts with a
• Drilling of the hole subsequent injection of a resin or cement grout into the bolt hole.
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Certain types of bolts have a hollow rod into which the sealing product can
be injected (as per self-drilling bolts) between the bar, the local anchorage
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and the ground. Other bolts (CT Bolts®) permit the injection of the sealing
product between a PVC casing and the bolt rod up to the head of the ancho-
rage (Fig. 27).
The thrust friction bolt (§ 4.4) can be injected with a mortar or grout after ins- Fig. 29 - Installation of a self-drilling bolt.
Installation procedure (Fig.29):
There is also a percussion type of thrust driven friction bolt that can receive • Drilling of the hole using the bolt rod
cartridges containing a slightly expansive cement-based binder (Fig. 28). • Potential adding of a length through the use of a sleeve
When setting, the cement produces a pressure on the tube forming the bolt • Injection
and reinforces its keying in the ground, thus increasing the force needed to • Installation of the plate
slide the anchorage (10 to 15t/m).
4.6.2 - Glass fibre bolts
Glass fibre self-drilling bolts are available. Their main advantages are:
• They are injectable
• They are not heavy
• They do not suffer from corrosion
• They are easily destructible and therefore well adapted for temporary
supports in areas that will subsequently be excavated.
They are installed in the same way as the rotary drilling method.
Fig. 28 :- Example of a mixed anchorage (friction +
cement injection), injected Split Set® type.
4.6.3 - Self-drilling friction bolts
4.6 - Self-drilling bolts
This type of bolt operates in the same way as the pipe driving method, but in
4.6.1 - Steel bolts this case, the pipe is split, similarly to the rammed Split Set® type friction bolt.
The hammer, used for the drilling, also pushes the pipe into the hole, resulting
Self-drilling bolts are formed from hollowed rods, equipped at their base with in a friction anchorage immediately after its installation (Fig. 30).
a lost drill. Having drilled with the fluid returning through the annular gap, grout
is then injected via the rod providing the bolt sealing. Power Set drill bit
AT - Pc
These systems directly replace the drilling bar and the drill bit. They are des-
igned to be positioned alongside standard rotary percussion machinery.
As the anchorage is of the distributed type, the factors influencing the quality
of the anchorage will be the same, although with certain additional difficulties:
the diameter of the drill bit must be sufficiently small to allow the annular Power Set Fig. 30 - Procedure for
space to have a good mortar or grout sealing. However, it must also be suffi- drill the installation of a self-drilling
ciently large to permit the good evacuation of the cuttings. Power friction bolt (DSI®).
Set adapter
Water, air or grout drilling is possible.
The bolt installation phase presents risks that are common to all types of
5.1 - Reference texts
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bolts as well as other risks specific to the types of bolts used. The handling
The "Guide des bonnes pratiques pour la Sécurité et la protection de la Santé of the bolt and its introduction in the drilling hole can result in injuries to
lors de travaux sousterrains" (guide to good safety and health protection prac- hands and impacts resulting from the use of sledgehammers. Concerning
tices when carrying out underground works) published by CARSAT-RA is a vault bolts, working on a cradle can be the cause of various tools and ins-
reference document used by the client, the project manager and the contractor truments falling onto lower areas.
to draw up engineering and site works documents relative to safety (SPS,
SSHPP, Procedures, etc). The installation of distributed bedded anchor bolts presents risk linked to
the use of injection pumps. The preparation of sealing products can lead to
Reminder of the logic to be respected for the implementation of the PGP (gene- risks of skin burns, inhalation and even ingestion of dust (fines). During the
ral prevention principles) such as defined in article L 4121-2 of the French injection phase, the breakage of a hose can take place, leading to the same
Labour Code: risks discussed for the preparation phase.
• Avoid professional and environmental risks
• As far as possible, evaluate unavoidable risks During the installation of local anchor bolts, the risks are essentially linked
• Privilege inherent protections by using operational methods adapted to the to the handling of accessories and the positioning of the anchorage shells,
workplace, using adequate equipment and materials and always take care plates and tightening nuts.
to respect the following rule which consists in adapting the work to the labour
force and not the other way round For friction anchorages, the risks depend on the types of bolts. Bolts whose
• Always privilege collective protection systems and, where needed, install efficiency is only effective once they have absorbed water, alongside bolts
adapted individual protection systems rammed into the ground, present risks linked to the installation materials
• Provide personnel with training concerning the risks they are liable to encounter. and equipment; with water injection pump for the former and striking system
machinery for the second.
Risks linked to the ground must be taken into consideration as excavations The stakeholders involved in the construction (specifier, client, project mana-
that have not yet been provided with supports present serious dangers, espe- ger, health, protection and safety coordinator and contractors), as well as
cially rock falls. infrastructure managers shall refer to paragraph 6.4 of the present recom-
mendation – “Surveillance des boulons” (bolt monitoring) during the works.
The analysis of the “bolting” activity begins as from the supply of the materials
and equipment. It is a phase during which the workers carry out repetitive The measures to be envisaged insofar as risks linked to the ground are
handling tasks that can occasionally call for physical efforts that can lead to concerned are:
bad posture. The locations of materials and equipment delivery and return • Ground monitoring: assignment of a person responsible for inspecting the
areas shall be organised in such a way that these movements do not cause supports
any traffic accidents. • Systematic preliminary purge, privileging the use of mechanical purging.
The drilling phase can be the source of several risks, some of which linked The measures to be envisaged with regard to risks linked to materials and
to the materials and equipment. They can concern: equipment during drilling are:
• Hand or fingers getting caught while, for instance, installing a rod or chan- • Set up training courses covering the use and maintenance of drilling
ging drill bits machinery
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• Ensure that cradles meet the needs of safety regulations and their specific • Avoid generating dust and any projection of materials: privilege water or
uses. air/water mix drilling. In granular ground or ground whose nature presents
• As far as possible, mechanise jobs (when the section and number bolts to health risks, install a dust collection system and ventilation in the work
be installed make it possible): delivery of bolts, changing the borehole rods area.
and bars • Concerning noise: privilege electrohydraulic and soundproofed machinery
• If drilling is carried out manually, provide for supports on which to place and equipment, but without reducing the requirements of wearing indivi-
materials and equipment (tripod) and lay out the work space at the base dual protection gear.
of the wall to be bolted to avoid any risk of employees falling
• Prevent other employees from approaching: to guard against the risk of The measures to be envisaged concerning the risks linked to the installation
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personnel becoming involved in collisions or entanglements next to the of the bolt are:
drilling machine should there be a sudden movement of the guide, it is • Privilege the use of bolting robots.
necessary to define a safety perimeter around the machines as well as • If the bolting is to be carried out manually, provide training adapted to the
certain safety rules to attract the attention of the operator when someone various types of bolts.
enters his working vicinity. • Wear adapted individual protection gear.
It is necessary to cover oneself against the risk of counterfeits: destructive in order to measure the resistance of the sealing necessary for
• Traceability the dimensioning of the support. However, preliminary tests and suitability
• Marking tests are not necessary underground. They are carried out in the same way
• Standardisation system as the inspection tests and in the same bolt and ground conditions as those
• Compliance certificate for the structure where they will be used. (see below).
In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the quality control covers all the However, in certain cases, the Engineer can ask for destructive tests in order
bolt manufacturing stages and that the test bolts are the same as those that to evaluate the Tu (in kN) resistance of the anchorage in the ground. This is
are installed. generally in function of the anchorage length (or qs expressed in kPa which
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For mortar or resin sealed bolts, testing must be carried out as soon as the
setting of the sealing allows it (7 to 28 days for the mortar, 8 to 24 hours for
the resin, in accordance with information provide by the supplier and in
accordance with contract requirements).
Fig. 31 - Tensile test system.
Deferred testing can also be carried out to check the service life of an ancho-
For the mechanical anchor bolts, tests can be carried out with the torque rage (see § 6.4).
wrench used to place them in tension.
6.3.2 - Standards and recommendations
The movement of the bolt head is measured using a comparator. This makes
it possible to trace the load-movement curve characterising the behaviour For anchorages bedded into the rock (mortar or resin), the pull test procedure
of the bolt and its anchorage. as well as the testing procedure is described by the XP P 94-444 (December
2002) standard – Static pull test under an axial traction load for an anchorage
Tensioning is carried out in stages. At each stage, the changing displacement sealed in a rock mass – Staged tests:
or tension loss if applicable, defines a tensile creep resistance (or slipping) • The bolts are tensioned by incremental loads and/or movements and mea-
of the anchorage. It is therefore possible to define a peak resistance and, in sures are taken at each increment once the load and movement have been
certain cases, a residual resistance. stabilised (noting the stabilisation period). The stages are set at 5 minutes.
• The breaking strength test comprises two loading/unloading cycles per
The preliminary tests and suitability tests are to be carried out on specific stage, with the 1st cycle up to the estimated stress limit and the 2nd cycle
anchorages that do not form part of the structure support system or that do up to twice this stress. The test provides the Tu limit traction force asso-
not participate in the stability of the operational structure. ciated with the length L of the reinforcement bedded into the rocky mate-
For open-air supports, the preliminary tests and suitability tests are generally • The inspection test (Fig. 32) is carried out over a single load cycle subdi-
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vided into five 5 minute stages until Te is obtained followed by an unloading of the qs limit friction value. The qs value can increase under the effect of
over three 1 minute stages (see figure 2). It might also be necessary to ground movements around the excavation.
maintain the last Te stage over a longer period (20 or 30 minutes) prior
to carrying out the inspected unloading. The test is deemed conclusive if Apart from bolts in tunnels, being the subject of the present recommendation,
the average resistance of the tests is greater than either Ts or 1.1 times there are other test procedures concerning micropiles and nails or ancho-
Ts (in accordance with contract requirements). rages in loose ground. This results in adding the concept of creep to that of
tensile strength, alongside anchorage ties. These tests are generally intended
to determine the qs limit side friction value necessary for the dimensioning
of the concerned structures (stability of studded slopes, foundations, etc.)
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If when tensioning a local anchorage bolt or if, after a certain time span, Water circulation, flow above all when particularly aggressive, can result in
there is a rock scaling or break-up and that there is no longer any contact the steel rusting. This reduces the efficiency of the bolt and its anchorage. In
between the anchorage plate and the ground, then the bolt becomes ineffi- this case, it is recommended that corrosion protection products are used, or
cient and must be replaced. to use distributed anchor bolts, or seal local anchor bolts over their entire length
once tensioned, and to protect the plate and nut. However, these precautions
In structures where the support remains surface-mounted, it is necessary, in no way replace the need to carry out periodic inspections.
to ensure the long service life of the support. To that end, the contractor, up
to the handover of the structure, or the client over the entire working life of
the structure, must perform periodic inspection measures and carry out the
All reproduction, translation and adaptation of articles (partly or totally) are subject to copyrigth.
required actions.
7 - Interpretation matrix-
Distributed anchorage bolts Mixed bolts Hybrid bolts Self-drilling bolts Friction bolts
BOLTS Occasional "Cone
(occasional friction Glass fiber
local anchor Bolt®" * Carbon bolts
anchorage + anchorage + Type "Alwag" bolts
bolts bolts Mortar Resin type bolts Type Type
sealing) sealing) "Minova type AT
DATA sealing sealing "Swellex®" "Split Set®"
SDA®" Power®
Mediocre ground
o + + o o + ++++ ++++ + o + +
+ ++++ +++ ++++ +++ ++++ +++ o ++ ++ + ++
Immediate action ++++ o +++ ++++ ++++ +++ ++ ++++ ++++ ++++ +++ +++
Delayed action ++ +++ ++++ +++ +++ ++++ ++ +++ +++ +++ +++
Nuisance caused by
the presence of ++++ + +++ R ++ ++ ++ + ++++ ++++ +++ ++ R ++ R
Waterproofing o ++ +++ R ++ ++ ++ ++ o + + ++ ++
Installation time ++++ ++ +++ +++ ++ +++ +++ ++++ ++++ +++ +++
++++ Recommended
Traction: Ability to retain or carry: also depends on the bolt's mechanical characteristics
Shear: Resistance to side movements: also depends on the bolt's mechanical characteristics
+++ Good
Fractured ground: Ground with low RQD: risk of jamming
++ Average
Action: Immediate or delayed action
+ Acceptable
Water: Drilling flow
o Not recommended
Need for waterproofing or drainage
To be checked
R: Aqua-reactive resin t
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Bolting technology, the subject of this recommendation, represents one of the In addition, this type of bolt can be installed in the case of water seepage in
most fundamental elements participating in tunnel support techniques using the borehole.
conventional methods.
The standard characteristics are 16 to 20 mm diameters for lengths of between
The recommendation concerns (Fig. 1): 1.50 and 3.00 m.
All reproduction, translation and adaptation of articles (partly or totally) are subject to copyrigth.
Fig. 2 - Diagram
showing the Screwing in the groove
end-anchored bolt.
End-anchored bolting consists in linking the plan area of the excavated surface nut
single bearing plate
to a deep intact rock point. The anchoring is generally carried out using a
mechanical system (Fig. 2) but can occasionally be associated with the fixing
of the bar at the base of the hole using resin.
Fig. 3 - Distributed anchor bolt diagram.
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This sealing consists in driving the bolt into the anchorage hole which has first The mixed bolt is one that is
been filled with a thixotropic mortar. This allows the mortar to be held in posi- locally anchored and, in a
Mechanical anchorage
tion, even in vertical holes bored into the roof, as well as an excellent filling of system second stage, sealed by
the borehole. injecting a sealing product.
These bolts present the
Steel rod
This type of sealing is generally used for bolts less than 5 m long. Its efficiency advantage of providing
depends on the time it takes for the mortar to set. immediate efficiency thanks
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Certain friction bolts can be equipped with a lost drill which is used for drilling
1.2.4 - Particular case of self-drilling bolts (Fig. 4) (self-drilling) and become mixed by injection (Fig. 6).
These types of bolts consist of a hollow metal rod with, at its end, a lost drill
used to bore out the anchorage hole. The sealing is carried out by injecting the
sealing product through the interior of the bolt.
Its efficiency depends on the time it takes for the sealing product to set (cement
1. Friction bolt 4. Drilling rod
grout, mortar or resin). 2. Anchor plate 5. Strike ring
3. Drill bit 6. Sleeve
This type of bolt is also used for threading. Fig. 6 - Diagram of a self-drilling friction bolt.
Bearing plate
Fig. 4 - Diagram of a self-drilling bolt, type MINOVA SDA®. Fig. 7 - Diagram of a Swellex® type bolt.
• Or by forced pushing of a split tube in the borehole, with the initial diameter Other systems aiming to absorb brutal rock deformations have been developed
of the split profile being greater than that of the hole (Fig. 8). using, for example, the deployment of angled elements forming several
segments of the “D-Bolt®” rod (Fig.11).
The friction bolt works by rubbing against the hole walls. In the case of the
Split Set®, the possibility of injecting and bedding the profile increases the
anchor’s capacity.
The sliding of the rod in the bedding results in the punching of the grout by
1.7 - Raft bolting
the anchor and permits a bolt movement that retains its efficiency (Fig.10).
In certain cases, rafts can receive reinforcement provided by radial type bolting,
metal bolts or fibreglass bolts for excavations carried out in several phases in
swelling ground.
Before rockburst After rockburst Fig. 10 - Diagram showing the operation of the "cone bolt®".
(based on McKenzie, R, Use of Cone Bolts in Ground Prone to Rockburst,
Coal Operators' Conference, University of Wollongong & the Australasian
Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 2002).
2 - Drilling-
In accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, the recommended drilling diameters are as follows:
Type of bedding Local Resin Mortar
Split Set® Swellex®
Nominal diameter (mm) 31 to 80 28 to 37 28 to 37 20 to 32 20 to 32
Drilling diameter (mm) 32 to 89 33 to 46 32 to 45 28 to 41 38 to 64
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For bolts bedded in mortar, the drilling diameter depends on the quality of the 2.1.3 - Other drilling methods
ground and the length of the bedding. It varies between 1.5 to 2 times the rod
diameter. - Rotary – rotative drilling by grinding (Fig. 14)
This drilling method, which uses a tricone bit as a tool, is for large diameters
For bolts bedded in resin, it is necessary to pay attention to the drilling per- holes not used for bolting.
formance to respect the optimum cover for the bolt rods.
Fig. 14 - Rotary
2.1 - Drilling techniques drilling bit.
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In “normal drillability” ground, being one that can be drilled without excessive
wedging or loss of fluids, and within which the holes can be left open for the
time needed to install bolts without any deterioration, the main drilling methods
are as follows (Fig. 15 and Fig. 16):
Rotary percussion drilling (Fig. 12) is generally carried out using “jumbos” - Down-the-hole hammer drilling
equipped with hydraulic drills. The tool is a bar with a drill bit screwed onto This type of drilling, not much used for bolting, is reserved for large hole dia-
the end. meters. This type of hammer transmits the percussion energy straight through
to the drill bit without the intermediary of rods. These are compressed air ham-
A manual method using pneumatic hammers allows small diameter holes with mers and have standard dimensions ranging from 80 to 500 mm.
a limited length to be drilled.
Movement direction
Impact force
Hammer outside hammer
AFTES rating uniaxial RC
compression resistance
Free surface
Crushed zone
Fractured zone
Bolting area
2.1.2 - Rotary drilling (with scaling)
Drilling diameter in mm
Fig. 15 - Eimco-Secoma Nomagram no.1.
The rotary drilling boring rigs (Fig. 13) do not have a striking system. The drill
bit generally has two tungsten carbide or polycrystalline diamond inserts.
This method, reserved for certain types of ground, is highly productive and
Drilling area
permits relatively small drilling diameters. STRIKING
AFTES AIN abrasivity rating
Two-lipped PCD
drill bit
Drill bit
Rotative drilling area
2.1.4 - Summary: indicative data applicable to bolting However, the current trend is towards drilling further with parallel blast holes
and using jumbos with two or three arms. However, the kinetics of the arms
permitting deeper drilling then becomes incompatible with the radial drilling
Standard min. Standard max.
Drilling method Commentaries of bolt holes. To that end, specific machines are now available, either with
diameter diameter
Rotary percussion drilling mechanical drilling and manual positioning, or that completely automate the
32 mm 89 mm Ø max = 127 mm
(drill bits) process for positioning the bolts.
Rotary percussion drilling Ø min = 24 mm
(monobloc borer) 28 mm 34 mm Length limited to 3 m
There are therefore machines equipped both with an arm provided with a
Rotary percussion drilling Possibility of 15 m long
(monobloc borer) 22 mm 55 mm holes drilling guide for blasting and a cradle arm from which the operators install
All reproduction, translation and adaptation of articles (partly or totally) are subject to copyrigth.
the bolts.
2.1.5 - Tools
There are also rock bolting rigs that fully mechanise the installation operation.
Drilling tools comprise drill bits, rods and connection accessories (couplings, These are equipped with a guide on which is positioned the drilling tools, a
fittings, etc.). bolt rack and the mechanism for installing the bolts. The magazine is generally
limited to 10-12 bolts (Fig. 18). The size of the plates that can be positioned
For standard bolting, the holes to be made have small diameters (less than in the rack is limited. There are also racks and installation systems suitable
50 mm) and lengths of no more than 4 to 6 m. As from 6 m, the bars shall be to several types of bolts.
coupled and have much larger drilling diameters.
The hole is cleared either by cleaning out and/or blow-out using compressed
air when the bar is removed. Cleaning is necessary for all ground reinforcement
systems. However, it is necessary that cleaning be carried out very carefully
in the case of sealed bolting and, in particular, resin sealings.
Expressed simply, the installation of a bolt requires three stages: Currently, automated rock bolting rigs are used for:
• The drilling of a bolt hole • Local mechanical anchor bolts
• The installation of the bolt • Distributed anchor bolts, resin sealed
• The tightening and/or sealing • Split Set® type friction bolts
• Swellex® type friction bolts
There are several possible ways to mechanise the installation of the bolts and
several levels of mechanisation. For mechanical anchor bolts and resin sealed distributed anchor bolts, the bol-
ting turret is equipped with a rotative device to tighten the bolt or turn the rod
It is possible to use the same “jumbo” for drilling both blast holes and bolting in the resin. Certain automated bolting rigs permit the simultaneous placing
holes (Fig. 17). These “jumbos” can be equipped with telescopic guides to of a mesh.
adapt the drilling lengths to the blasting and bolting boreholes. The equipment
can be provided with articulations to ensure that the (radial) bolt can be posi- For Split Set® type friction bolts, the rotative device is replaced by a hammer.
tioned with perfectly adapted kinetics. For Swellex® type friction bolts, it is replaced by an insert and an end fitting
permitting the injection of water into the bolt.
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of the type of bolt to be installed helps in specifying the type of drilling to be 2.3 - Special works
envisaged, especially in terms of diameters.
In ground that is “difficult to drill", it is necessary to either envisage drilling
Given the overall dimensions, especially of the rock-hammer and hoses, it with pipe driving, or to use bolts from the self-drilling range.
is important that the length of bolts that can be installed in a gallery of a It is also possible to envisage using a grout type borehole fluid during drilling.
given size be determined during the design phase. Depending on the equip-
ments used, the length of the boom is equal to the length of the bolts plus For these special applications, non-standard machines specially equipped for
1 to 2 m. these works are used.
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3 - Bolts-
This chapter is devoted to the properties of the bolt, including its accessories 3.2 - Tip or anchorage device
and particularities (thread, flanges, head, and bearing plate).
This term designates the end of the bolt at the end of the borehole.
The following must be defined for each type of bolt: Its function varies according to the types of bolts considered:
• The materials used for the rod and its accessories • Straight cut for bolts sealed by injection.
• The mechanical characteristics of the rod and its accessories (see §3.1) • Tip or bevelled cut for cartridge sealed bolts: it permits the piercing of the
• The geometrical characteristics of the rod and its accessories resin or mortar cartridges and favours a good mix.
• Truncated cone end with reduction of diameter to simplify the introduction
The main materials used are steel alloys, fibreglass or, exceptionally, carbon of friction bolts.
fibre. The choice of materials used must be adapted to the sought-after per- • Equipped with a drill bit, it permits the hole to be drilled for self-drilling
formances (elastic limit, elongation at rupture, destructibility, etc.). bolts: the various versions of the drill bits can be treated or equipped with
carbide inserts or teeth in the form of a cross, an arch, etc.
• Equipped with a shell, it provides local anchorage for the bolt: these ancho-
3.1 - The rod
rages are formed from a central plug into which, depending on the contact
This is the central part of the bolt. Depending on the type of bolt, it either has surface being sought on the borehole wall, between 2 and 6 leaves are
a solid or hollow section. inserted. They are constructed from steel or an aluminium alloy. Traction
exerted on the rod causes the shell to expand. The choice of type of shell
The rod can be smooth in the case of friction bolts and local anchor bolts or must be adapted to the geological conditions encountered and be validated
ribbed in the case of distributed sealing bolts. In the latter case, the flanges by tests (see § 6).
improve the mixing of the sealing resin and thus the sealing itself.
fibre bolts with threaded profiles, the bolt heads are simply equipped with through the intermediary of the head, with tightening of the nut using an impact
a nut. wrench or, where required, a torque wrench. The tightening torque must be
adapted to the type of bolt and nut.
Friction bolts either have a ring or a welded end fitting that bears on the
anchorage plate installed prior to prior to driving the bolt. The dished plate permits a certain adaptation to deformation.
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The rod characteristics can theoretically be ascertained from the geometrical bolts. This is why it is always better to privilege the knowledge of characte-
characteristics of the bolt and the mechanical characteristics of its parts, such ristics that can be directly measured on the bolt.
• The resistant section of the rod, in m² Bolting in a rock mass also implies the mobilisation of the shearing charac-
• The elastic limit stress at the traction strength of the material, in MPa teristics of the bolts, in other words under the action-effect of relative move-
• The elastic deformation module (Young module) of the material, in MPa ment transversal to the rod axis. This would seem to be a complex operation
• The maximum tensile stress of the material, in MPa involving the combined characteristics of shearing and the traction of the bolt
• The deformation at maximum tensile stress, in % itself, as well as those of the rock and, where applicable, the sealing
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4 - Anchorages-
4.1 - End-anchorage or mechanical anchorage Two branches Three branches Six branches
The anchorage of the bolt is carried out using a shell that generally comprises
2 to 6 leaves and a central plug. A threaded rod is inserted into the groove (Fig.
20 and Fig. 21).
The shell branches are spread during the tightening of the bolt. The shell
wedges are positioned up against the hole walls and the rod is prestressed.
The bolt is installed by tightening the coupling nut located on the plate to a
torque recommended by the manufacturer. Fig. 21 - Examples of expansion shell.
The choice of the type of anchorage depends on the nature of the rock and The main advantage of local anchorage is to produce an immediate contain-
should be decided in accordance with the results of preliminary tests. ment after installation and thus immediate safety. Its installation is simple and
The anchorage depends on the following parameters:
• The quality of the rock around the anchorage point (min. compressive During installation, the adequate tightening of the bolt should be checked
strength): below a compressive strength of 10 MPa, it is necessary to use alongside making sure that the plate is in very close contact with the ground.
special shells. In this case, local anchor bolting is not recommended Time and/or vibration caused by blasting can result in scaling around the plate.
•The shell surface in contact with the ground: it progresses in inverse propor- The efficiency of the bolt is reduced to zero if the plate is no longer in contact
tion to the ground strength with the ground.
• The materials forming the shell
• The respective diameters of the shell and the drilling hole Where possible, it is worthwhile checking and retightening the plate at least
• The initial tightening of the nut once.
4.2 - Resin or grout sealing
4.2.1 - Resin sealing
Fig. 20 - Operating principle for
mechanical anchorage. Resin permits the sealing of the bolt over its entire length. This type of sealing
is only adapted to rock permitting a good anchorage hole calibration. There - Mixing: maintain the rotation of the rod once it has reached the rear of
are “fast” and “slow” resin setting times. the hole to permit a good mix between the resin and the hardener
- Tightening once the resin has set
The resin is generally provided in the form of cartridges containing a catalyser
and a hardener (Fig. 22). Using an automated rock bolting rig, the introduction of the cartridges in the
hole is generally carried out using a compressed air “blowpipe”. This requires
Currently, given the materials available and the high viscosity of the resins, a hole that is clean and free from any elements that might damage or prevent
the mechanical installation of the sealed bolts can be carried out over a length the installation of the cartridges. This is often the most delicate aspect of the
of up to 5 m. This limit is imposed on the resistance of the resin during mixing. installation sequence.
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The resin hardening time, and thus the sealing, is generally between 5 and 15 The following parameters must be checked:
min (depending on the product and the temperature) and provides this type of • The mixing time which depends on the type of resin: insufficient time will
bolt with extremely rapid efficiency. This is a vital choice factor for the type of not allow the resin to harden in a proper manner, but an excessive mixing
bolting used. time will impair the polymerisation of the resin and consequently the satis-
factory anchorage of the bolt.
• The rotation speed which needs to be checked and the mixing time must be
Catalyser adapted to the envisaged speed.
• The installation temperature influences the resin setting time.
The storage of the resin cartridges must be taken into consideration when set-
Resin ting up and managing the work site:
Fig. 22 - Resin cartridge. • Storage life is short: maximum of a few months at an average temperature
of 20-25°C. This storage period reduces if this average temperature is not
The important parameters for installing the resin bolt are: maintained. It is recommended that the stock be rotated.
The diameter of the bolt hole and its good performance over the entire length • The storage temperature must not fall below 0°C.
The annular space between the hole and the chosen rod (Fig. 23). • The cartridges should preferably be stored in a cool, dry environment pro-
tected from direct sunlight.
Diameter of drill • During installation procedures, if the storage temperature is too different
hole D Fig. 23 - Annular space
from the installation temperature, it will be necessary to leave sufficient time
between the hole and the rod.
for the resin temperature to attain that of the installation temperature.
• The elimination of residues and waste must use adapted channels.
The resin cartridges are delivered in boxes containing 20 units. The packaging
shall bear at least the following information:
• Supplier / Origin
• Type of product and contents of individual cartridges
• Pictograms and, where applicable, safety notices
Diameter of rod Annular • Date of manufacture
d space e
• Expiry date
• Lot number
• The cleaning of the hole which must have had all borehole residues (cuttings)
removed For certain applications, the resin
• The depth of the hole: excessive depth will result in an increased consump- can be injected by pumping.
tion of resin and inefficient mixing
• The resin loads must be introduced and pushed to the rear of the hole and
the position of the loads in the hole must be checked. A parachute can be
used to retain the resin loads in the hole while awaiting the introduction of
the rod
• The installation of the bolt must comply with the supplier’s recommendations.
The various stages in the procedure are as follows (Fig. 24) :
Fig. 24 - Stages for the installation
- The introduction of the rod, turning it while pushing it towards the rear of a resin bolt.
of the hole
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4.2.2 - Mortar or grout sealing on the characteristics of the chosen product and the installation tempera-
This sealing product takes the form of mortar cartridges, dry mortar in sacks Injection after the installation of the bolts can also be envisaged.
or pumpable grout.
The parameters influencing the installation of the sealing products are:
The mortar used (cartridge or sack) incorporates a high resistance, rapid set- • The time between the mixing and the installation (max. 15 to 20 mn), which
ting cement. For the grout, the sand used must be fine to be pumpable. Unless depends on the ambient temperature and the temperature of the mixing
expansive, its shrinkage must be limited. water
• The time between the injection and the installation of the bolt bar
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The cement, additives and water based grout is generally more liquid and its • The ambient installation temperature and the rock temperature. Installation
installation more complicated than the mortar-based operation. It can be pre- is not recommended if the temperature is too low (below 5°C)
pared on site • The water dosage
Parameters to be checked for grout or mortar specifications: - Composition of site mortars
• The setting times must be adapted to the required work For basic mortars prepared on side, the weight batched dose is as follows:
• The product thixotropy must permit pumping • 1 cement
• The product must be of the limited shrinkage type and even be slightly • 1 sand (0-3 mm or less)
expansive • 0.3-0.35 (water/cement)
• The steel corrosion protection must not be attacked by the product
• Mechanical compression and bending It is possible to obtain mortars presenting considerable early strength by
using rapid setting hydraulic binders (Vicalpes® type) or quick-setting - Pumped anchorage mortars cement.
Pumped mortars are mixes specifically prepared for the work site or dry pre- Example of a one hour quick-setting mortar composition:
mixed, ready-to-use and prepared by the formulators. • Sand 0-2mm: 55%
• Filler: 11%
The ready-to-use mortars have had additives added and generally have cha- • Vicalpes® R 17%
racteristics that make their installation easier and improve the quality of the • CEM I 52.5 R 17%
anchorage: thixotropy, lack of shrinkage, pumpability. They can provide rapid • Water
hardening, allowing the bolts to be tensioned after 4 or 5 h depending on the • Additives
objectives being sought. At 24 h and depending on the product, strengths can
attain between 15 and 35 MPa. This mortar has a strength of 6 MPa at 3h and 18 MPa at 24h.
Setting time
Standard installation procedure: Type of mortar Rc 2 h Rc 1 day Rc 1 day
(à 20°C)
a) Preparation of the mortar:
Fast 28 - 30 min 5 -10 MPa 20 - 35 MPa 35 - 70 MPa
- Mixing of the mortar in compliance with the manufacturer’s recom-
mendations, especially insofar as the quantity of water is concerned Standard 1-2h 25 - 40 MPa 35 - 70 MPa
- Mixing
Slow 4-8h 25 - 40 MPa 35 - 70 MPa
b) Mortar injection using a pump, filling from the base of the hole towards
the head:
- An injection hose is introduced to the rear of the hole - Anchorage mortars in cartridges
- The mortar injected by the pump pushes the hose towards the exterior. The cartridges contain a ready-to-use dry mortar packaged in permeable
There must be a certain resistance to the rising of the hose to ensure packing permitting water absorption. Their use is limited to small quantities
the filling of voids and gaps of bolting works and for short bolts. The cartridges are positioned by tamping
c) Introduction of rods simply by pushing: (rammer). The bolts are then introduced by being simply pushed in.
- The introduction of the bolt permits the distribution of a certain quantity
of mortar in any gaps in the ground
4.3 - Hydraulically expandable friction bolts
- At the end of the operation, the mortar should normally come out at
the head of the bolt via the annular space between the rod and the These bolts are steel folded in on themselves. They are introduced into the
hole hole and then inflated using high pressure water.
- A wooden wedge is occasionally used to maintain the bolt in the hole
during the setting of the sealing (for sub-vertical bolts) The expansion pressure for the installation is around 30 MPa. It is necessary
d) Tighten the bolts once the mortar has set: the mortar setting time depends to check its compatibility with the quality of the rock. In all cases, it is essential
that it be defined and described in the site bolting procedures (preliminary tests). • Insertion of the bolt equipped with its plate in the hole
• The hammer is positioned and the bolt thrust into the hole. The thrust must
The high pressure inflation pumps must be inspected and revision works car- be maintained until contact is made between the plate and the facing
ried out on a regular basis.
• End of installation
Bolt installed
- Radial forces
- Considerable
plate pressure
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© Metal Service
- 35 à 38 mm (SS39)
- 41 à 46 mm (SS46)
Fig. 25 - Installation of a expandable rock bolt.
Characteristics of the friction bolt: While this is often a combination of local and distributed anchorages, other
• Easy installation (by percussion hammer) combinations exist, such as:
• Active and dynamic friction reinforcement system. The bolt controls the • End-anchored bolt + injection of resin or cement between the hole and the bolt
expansion of the ground thanks to its considerable elongation and failure- • Friction + injection of cement in the bolt tube
free shearing
• Corrosion resistance: hot-dipped galvanised bolts can be obtained 4.5.1 - End-anchored bolt + cement Injection
• Currently, its length is limited to around 4 m
It is possible to simultaneously obtain the advantages of a mechanical ancho-
Installation procedure (Fig.26): rage and a distributed anchorage by using mechanical anchor bolts with a
• Drilling of the hole subsequent injection of a resin or cement grout into the bolt hole.
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Certain types of bolts have a hollow rod into which the sealing product can
be injected (as per self-drilling bolts) between the bar, the local anchorage
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and the ground. Other bolts (CT Bolts®) permit the injection of the sealing
product between a PVC casing and the bolt rod up to the head of the ancho-
rage (Fig. 27).
The thrust friction bolt (§ 4.4) can be injected with a mortar or grout after ins- Fig. 29 - Installation of a self-drilling bolt.
Installation procedure (Fig.29):
There is also a percussion type of thrust driven friction bolt that can receive • Drilling of the hole using the bolt rod
cartridges containing a slightly expansive cement-based binder (Fig. 28). • Potential adding of a length through the use of a sleeve
When setting, the cement produces a pressure on the tube forming the bolt • Injection
and reinforces its keying in the ground, thus increasing the force needed to • Installation of the plate
slide the anchorage (10 to 15t/m).
4.6.2 - Glass fibre bolts
Glass fibre self-drilling bolts are available. Their main advantages are:
• They are injectable
• They are not heavy
• They do not suffer from corrosion
• They are easily destructible and therefore well adapted for temporary
supports in areas that will subsequently be excavated.
They are installed in the same way as the rotary drilling method.
Fig. 28 :- Example of a mixed anchorage (friction +
cement injection), injected Split Set® type.
4.6.3 - Self-drilling friction bolts
4.6 - Self-drilling bolts
This type of bolt operates in the same way as the pipe driving method, but in
4.6.1 - Steel bolts this case, the pipe is split, similarly to the rammed Split Set® type friction bolt.
The hammer, used for the drilling, also pushes the pipe into the hole, resulting
Self-drilling bolts are formed from hollowed rods, equipped at their base with in a friction anchorage immediately after its installation (Fig. 30).
a lost drill. Having drilled with the fluid returning through the annular gap, grout
is then injected via the rod providing the bolt sealing. Power Set drill bit
AT - Pc
These systems directly replace the drilling bar and the drill bit. They are des-
igned to be positioned alongside standard rotary percussion machinery.
As the anchorage is of the distributed type, the factors influencing the quality
of the anchorage will be the same, although with certain additional difficulties:
the diameter of the drill bit must be sufficiently small to allow the annular Power Set Fig. 30 - Procedure for
space to have a good mortar or grout sealing. However, it must also be suffi- drill the installation of a self-drilling
ciently large to permit the good evacuation of the cuttings. Power friction bolt (DSI®).
Set adapter
Water, air or grout drilling is possible.
The bolt installation phase presents risks that are common to all types of
5.1 - Reference texts
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bolts as well as other risks specific to the types of bolts used. The handling
The "Guide des bonnes pratiques pour la Sécurité et la protection de la Santé of the bolt and its introduction in the drilling hole can result in injuries to
lors de travaux sousterrains" (guide to good safety and health protection prac- hands and impacts resulting from the use of sledgehammers. Concerning
tices when carrying out underground works) published by CARSAT-RA is a vault bolts, working on a cradle can be the cause of various tools and ins-
reference document used by the client, the project manager and the contractor truments falling onto lower areas.
to draw up engineering and site works documents relative to safety (SPS,
SSHPP, Procedures, etc). The installation of distributed bedded anchor bolts presents risk linked to
the use of injection pumps. The preparation of sealing products can lead to
Reminder of the logic to be respected for the implementation of the PGP (gene- risks of skin burns, inhalation and even ingestion of dust (fines). During the
ral prevention principles) such as defined in article L 4121-2 of the French injection phase, the breakage of a hose can take place, leading to the same
Labour Code: risks discussed for the preparation phase.
• Avoid professional and environmental risks
• As far as possible, evaluate unavoidable risks During the installation of local anchor bolts, the risks are essentially linked
• Privilege inherent protections by using operational methods adapted to the to the handling of accessories and the positioning of the anchorage shells,
workplace, using adequate equipment and materials and always take care plates and tightening nuts.
to respect the following rule which consists in adapting the work to the labour
force and not the other way round For friction anchorages, the risks depend on the types of bolts. Bolts whose
• Always privilege collective protection systems and, where needed, install efficiency is only effective once they have absorbed water, alongside bolts
adapted individual protection systems rammed into the ground, present risks linked to the installation materials
• Provide personnel with training concerning the risks they are liable to encounter. and equipment; with water injection pump for the former and striking system
machinery for the second.
Risks linked to the ground must be taken into consideration as excavations The stakeholders involved in the construction (specifier, client, project mana-
that have not yet been provided with supports present serious dangers, espe- ger, health, protection and safety coordinator and contractors), as well as
cially rock falls. infrastructure managers shall refer to paragraph 6.4 of the present recom-
mendation – “Surveillance des boulons” (bolt monitoring) during the works.
The analysis of the “bolting” activity begins as from the supply of the materials
and equipment. It is a phase during which the workers carry out repetitive The measures to be envisaged insofar as risks linked to the ground are
handling tasks that can occasionally call for physical efforts that can lead to concerned are:
bad posture. The locations of materials and equipment delivery and return • Ground monitoring: assignment of a person responsible for inspecting the
areas shall be organised in such a way that these movements do not cause supports
any traffic accidents. • Systematic preliminary purge, privileging the use of mechanical purging.
The drilling phase can be the source of several risks, some of which linked The measures to be envisaged with regard to risks linked to materials and
to the materials and equipment. They can concern: equipment during drilling are:
• Hand or fingers getting caught while, for instance, installing a rod or chan- • Set up training courses covering the use and maintenance of drilling
ging drill bits machinery
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• Ensure that cradles meet the needs of safety regulations and their specific • Avoid generating dust and any projection of materials: privilege water or
uses. air/water mix drilling. In granular ground or ground whose nature presents
• As far as possible, mechanise jobs (when the section and number bolts to health risks, install a dust collection system and ventilation in the work
be installed make it possible): delivery of bolts, changing the borehole rods area.
and bars • Concerning noise: privilege electrohydraulic and soundproofed machinery
• If drilling is carried out manually, provide for supports on which to place and equipment, but without reducing the requirements of wearing indivi-
materials and equipment (tripod) and lay out the work space at the base dual protection gear.
of the wall to be bolted to avoid any risk of employees falling
• Prevent other employees from approaching: to guard against the risk of The measures to be envisaged concerning the risks linked to the installation
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personnel becoming involved in collisions or entanglements next to the of the bolt are:
drilling machine should there be a sudden movement of the guide, it is • Privilege the use of bolting robots.
necessary to define a safety perimeter around the machines as well as • If the bolting is to be carried out manually, provide training adapted to the
certain safety rules to attract the attention of the operator when someone various types of bolts.
enters his working vicinity. • Wear adapted individual protection gear.
It is necessary to cover oneself against the risk of counterfeits: destructive in order to measure the resistance of the sealing necessary for
• Traceability the dimensioning of the support. However, preliminary tests and suitability
• Marking tests are not necessary underground. They are carried out in the same way
• Standardisation system as the inspection tests and in the same bolt and ground conditions as those
• Compliance certificate for the structure where they will be used. (see below).
In addition, it is necessary to ensure that the quality control covers all the However, in certain cases, the Engineer can ask for destructive tests in order
bolt manufacturing stages and that the test bolts are the same as those that to evaluate the Tu (in kN) resistance of the anchorage in the ground. This is
are installed. generally in function of the anchorage length (or qs expressed in kPa which
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For mortar or resin sealed bolts, testing must be carried out as soon as the
setting of the sealing allows it (7 to 28 days for the mortar, 8 to 24 hours for
the resin, in accordance with information provide by the supplier and in
accordance with contract requirements).
Fig. 31 - Tensile test system.
Deferred testing can also be carried out to check the service life of an ancho-
For the mechanical anchor bolts, tests can be carried out with the torque rage (see § 6.4).
wrench used to place them in tension.
6.3.2 - Standards and recommendations
The movement of the bolt head is measured using a comparator. This makes
it possible to trace the load-movement curve characterising the behaviour For anchorages bedded into the rock (mortar or resin), the pull test procedure
of the bolt and its anchorage. as well as the testing procedure is described by the XP P 94-444 (December
2002) standard – Static pull test under an axial traction load for an anchorage
Tensioning is carried out in stages. At each stage, the changing displacement sealed in a rock mass – Staged tests:
or tension loss if applicable, defines a tensile creep resistance (or slipping) • The bolts are tensioned by incremental loads and/or movements and mea-
of the anchorage. It is therefore possible to define a peak resistance and, in sures are taken at each increment once the load and movement have been
certain cases, a residual resistance. stabilised (noting the stabilisation period). The stages are set at 5 minutes.
• The breaking strength test comprises two loading/unloading cycles per
The preliminary tests and suitability tests are to be carried out on specific stage, with the 1st cycle up to the estimated stress limit and the 2nd cycle
anchorages that do not form part of the structure support system or that do up to twice this stress. The test provides the Tu limit traction force asso-
not participate in the stability of the operational structure. ciated with the length L of the reinforcement bedded into the rocky mate-
For open-air supports, the preliminary tests and suitability tests are generally • The inspection test (Fig. 32) is carried out over a single load cycle subdi-
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vided into five 5 minute stages until Te is obtained followed by an unloading of the qs limit friction value. The qs value can increase under the effect of
over three 1 minute stages (see figure 2). It might also be necessary to ground movements around the excavation.
maintain the last Te stage over a longer period (20 or 30 minutes) prior
to carrying out the inspected unloading. The test is deemed conclusive if Apart from bolts in tunnels, being the subject of the present recommendation,
the average resistance of the tests is greater than either Ts or 1.1 times there are other test procedures concerning micropiles and nails or ancho-
Ts (in accordance with contract requirements). rages in loose ground. This results in adding the concept of creep to that of
tensile strength, alongside anchorage ties. These tests are generally intended
to determine the qs limit side friction value necessary for the dimensioning
of the concerned structures (stability of studded slopes, foundations, etc.)
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If when tensioning a local anchorage bolt or if, after a certain time span, Water circulation, flow above all when particularly aggressive, can result in
there is a rock scaling or break-up and that there is no longer any contact the steel rusting. This reduces the efficiency of the bolt and its anchorage. In
between the anchorage plate and the ground, then the bolt becomes ineffi- this case, it is recommended that corrosion protection products are used, or
cient and must be replaced. to use distributed anchor bolts, or seal local anchor bolts over their entire length
once tensioned, and to protect the plate and nut. However, these precautions
In structures where the support remains surface-mounted, it is necessary, in no way replace the need to carry out periodic inspections.
to ensure the long service life of the support. To that end, the contractor, up
to the handover of the structure, or the client over the entire working life of
the structure, must perform periodic inspection measures and carry out the
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required actions.
7 - Interpretation matrix-
Distributed anchorage bolts Mixed bolts Hybrid bolts Self-drilling bolts Friction bolts
BOLTS Occasional "Cone
(occasional friction Glass fiber
local anchor Bolt®" * Carbon bolts
anchorage + anchorage + Type "Alwag" bolts
bolts bolts Mortar Resin type bolts Type Type
sealing) sealing) "Minova type AT
DATA sealing sealing "Swellex®" "Split Set®"
SDA®" Power®
Mediocre ground
o + + o o + ++++ ++++ + o + +
+ ++++ +++ ++++ +++ ++++ +++ o ++ ++ + ++
Immediate action ++++ o +++ ++++ ++++ +++ ++ ++++ ++++ ++++ +++ +++
Delayed action ++ +++ ++++ +++ +++ ++++ ++ +++ +++ +++ +++
Nuisance caused by
the presence of ++++ + +++ R ++ ++ ++ + ++++ ++++ +++ ++ R ++ R
Waterproofing o ++ +++ R ++ ++ ++ ++ o + + ++ ++
Installation time ++++ ++ +++ +++ ++ +++ +++ ++++ ++++ +++ +++
++++ Recommended
Traction: Ability to retain or carry: also depends on the bolt's mechanical characteristics
Shear: Resistance to side movements: also depends on the bolt's mechanical characteristics
+++ Good
Fractured ground: Ground with low RQD: risk of jamming
++ Average
Action: Immediate or delayed action
+ Acceptable
Water: Drilling flow
o Not recommended
Need for waterproofing or drainage
To be checked
R: Aqua-reactive resin t
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