Annelida and Arthropoda Are Not Sister Taxa: A Phylogenetic Analysis of Spiralian Metazoan Morphology
Annelida and Arthropoda Are Not Sister Taxa: A Phylogenetic Analysis of Spiralian Metazoan Morphology
Annelida and Arthropoda Are Not Sister Taxa: A Phylogenetic Analysis of Spiralian Metazoan Morphology
41(3):305-330, 1992
Abstract.—Annelids and arthropods have long been considered to be each other's closest
relatives, as evidenced by similarities in their segmented body plans. In the first cladistic analysis
of metazoan morphology accompanied by an explicit data matrix, Schram (Meglitsch and Schram,
1991, Invertebrate zoology, 3rd edition, Oxford Univ. Press, New York) suggested tentative
Grobben (1909) on the basis of certain em- tebrate zoology textbooks (Lutz, 1986;
bryological similarities, especially spiral Barnes, 1987; Pearse et al., 1987; Brusca and
cleavage of the blastomeres, derivation of Brusca, 1990; Kozloff, 1990; Meglitsch and
the mesoderm from a single (4d mesen- Schram, 1991) revealed that the Articulata
toblast) cell, and protostomous mouth for- hypothesis continues to dominate discus-
mation. sions of animal relationships. Although
The overt segmental arrangement of these texts differ in their treatment of hy-
parts in the adult body plan of Annelida potheses on the origin of character systems
and Arthropoda, but not Mollusca, led Cu- such as the coelom and mesoderm, there
vier (1817:508) to erect "Les articules" as is an apparent unanimity regarding the or-
"le troisieme grande division du regne an- igin of spiralian segmentation. The union
imal." Later, Haeckel (1866) popularized of Annelida and Arthropoda, exclusive of
the use of "articulates" as an evolutionary Mollusca, is one of the few consistent el-
short-bodied segmented animals with very from the text of Willmer (1990) was un-
small coelomic sacs and an open circula- dertaken by Wheeler (1990), who failed to
tory system. find unambiguous support for the Articu-
Objections to viewing molluscs as prim- lata depicted in graphical form.
itively metameric have come from advo- Our goal in this paper was to abstract
cates for an unsegmented, possibly acoe- from primary reports a representative ac-
lomate, flatwormlike ancestor (Clark, 1964, counting of embryological and morpho-
1979; Stasek, 1972; Salvini-Plawen, 1980a, logical evidence bearing information on
1985), perhaps similar to the wormlike spiralian metazoan phylogeny. It was not
aplacophoran molluscs. Recent treatments our intent to present an exhaustive survey
of molluscan evolution (Runnegar and Po- of this literature but rather a fair approx-
jetta, 1985; Salvini-Plawen, 1985; Barnes, imation of the current state of knowledge
1987; Scheltema, 1988) have tended to re- in the zoological community. The main
purpose of this work is to recover from the
etition, a few of the more general refer- not related to metamerism. We suspect that
ences utilized for specific taxonomic groups such asymmetries, whether or not meta-
are listed at the start of Appendix 1. meric in origin, could instead be due to the
Two assumptions regarding character nondeterministic consequences of induc-
independence and weighting are central tive cues during development (Hall, 1992).
to this analysis. The independence of char- If characters are hypotheses of phylo-
acters was assessed by spatial or topological genetic transformation, then they are also
segregation within an organism, temporal ontologically equivalent as heritable
discoupling in ontogeny, or hierarchical changes that occur in the evolution of a
distinction (e.g., organs, cells, molecules). lineage. Accordingly, we weighted all
We accepted at face value the indepen- characters equally and avoided using prob-
dence of characters with unique distribu- abilistic models of character evolution
tions across taxa. Complex morphological (sensu Ghiselin, 1991) to guide us in
systems such as "trochophore larvae" and weighting characters a priori. Some, no
ployed to make explicit each hypothesis of ation for the question of this study must
transformation (e.g., characters 5-8). not have been reported within its repre-
A rather broad selection of terminal taxa sentatives unless that variation could be
was chosen for the analysis, rather than polarized unambiguously. No attempt was
restrict the analysis to only major spiralian made to restrict or otherwise balance the
phyla, because the relationships of spirali- selection of terminal taxa according to Lin-
an phyla to other metazoans remain high- naean rank, numbers of species, or ecolog-
ly controversial (e.g., Nielsen, 1987; Lake, ical diversity. For example, Conchifera
1990). Inclusion of multiple outgroup taxa (sensu Wingstrand, 1985) includes the di-
increases the likelihood of resolving par- vergent monoplacophorans, gastropods,
ticular ingroup relationships of interest cephalopods, bivalves, and scaphopods;
(Swofford and Olsen, 1990). We did not Pogonophora includes the hot-vent inhab-
attempt to address the putative monophyly iting vestimentiferans; and Clitellata in-
cludes oligochaetes and leeches. Conven-
consistent with all three character opti- TABLE 1. Summary of constraint analyses of some
mization methods available in PAUP metazoan phyla.
(ACCTRAN, DELTRAN, and MIN F). The Length Consis-
analyses were duplicated in entirety, with Analy- (no. of tency
polymorphic terminal taxa first treated as sis Constraint8 trees) index
polymorphic (Tables 1, 2) and then as un- 1 None 384(6) 0.458
certainties, with nearly identical results ex- Articulata clade
cept for a proportionate increase of length 2 (6, 17) 400 (13) 0.440
estimates in the polymorphic analysis. The 3 (6, 16) 399(4) 0.441
heuristic search algorithm of PAUP was 4 (6, 15) 401(12) 0.439
used for all analyses because the large 5 (5, 16) 394(2) 0.447
6 (5 + 14) 393(2) 0.448
number of taxa precluded practical use of
the branch-and-bound algorithm. Using Arthropods as eutrochozoans
software by Eernisse (1992), we processed 7 (7 + 14 + 18) 400(3) 0.440
groupings that resulted from uncon- strict consensus tree. A special case was our
strained searches (analysis 1). replacement of Solenogastres, Caudofove-
To compare the results of this study with ata for Brusca and Brusca's (1990) Aplaco-
those of previous efforts, we present cer- phora, Caudofoveata, which we attributed
tain published hypotheses in the form of to typographical error. Once the topologies
cladograms, with taxa limited to those in were created, we calculated tree statistics
our analyses. Because the original trees as optimized on our data matrix using Cni-
were drawn in diverse styles, we did our daria as an outgroup. Figure 5 presents the
best to recreate the trees as cladogram in- assembled topologies, with all but one
terpretations of the original drawings, with rooted with Cnidaria; Hadzi (1953, 1963)
the following caveats. We entered unre- (Fig. 5b) advocated Acoelomorpha as the
solved groupings as polytomies and used root, but because our characters were all
the accompanying text discussions to clar- binary (albeit in some cases additive bi-
ify uncertainties or to confirm the place- nary) and undirected, the tree length was
ment of unresolved basal taxa. Some au- independent of rooting in this case.
thors clearly postulated paraphyletic Table 2 presents tree lengths that were
concepts for certain taxa, which often led computed for Figures 5a-k and Figure 2a
to difficulties in translating their diagrams as depicted when optimized on our data
into cladograms. Depending on the case, matrix. These values are sometimes mis-
we either reduced resolution to a polytomy leading because various authors often (but
or treated them as if the authors had in- not always) intended polytomies to rep-
tended them to be monophyletic concepts. resent their uncertainties of relationships
In other cases, we found no reference to rather than explicit hypotheses of inde-
certain taxa (Hyman, 1951: Tardigrada, On- pendent character evolution. To make
ychophora; Salvini-Plawen, 1982, 1985: comparison of these cases with our mini-
Priapula, Tardigrada, Gnathostomulida, mum-length results more meaningful, we
Pogonophora, Nematoda). To make tree- also computed tree lengths of the most re-
length comparisons possible, we added solved hypothesis or hypotheses resulting
these taxa in a position consistent with our from an analysis in which only the clades
they depicted were used to constrain the (and many more than 10,000 alternative
search for shorter length trees. trees of length 140). As expected from this
During completion of our study, large number of minimum-length trees, a
Schram's (Meglitsch and Schram, 1991; strict consensus of all trees of length 139
Schram, 1991) analysis of metazoan phy- (Fig. 2a) expressed little resolution within
logeny was published. Concurrent with our the spiralian phyla, leaving no support for
own analysis, we entered Schram's matrix either the Articulata or Eutrochozoa hy-
and performed an independent analysis of pothesis or for the proposed placements of
his data matrix. Because the reanalysis of Onychophora and Pogonophora. A major-
Schram's matrix resulted in multiple min- ity-rule consensus tree (Fig. 2b) showed
imum-length trees, we calculated strict and support for the Eutrochozoa hypothesis
50% majority-rule consensus trees (Swof- (including Echiura and Sipuncula) in 96%
ford and Olsen, 1990) as result summaries of the 1,422 trees.
(Fig. 2).
(a) (b)
Ancestor Ancestor
Mesozoa 541 Mesozoa
Placozoa Placozoa
Porifera Porifera
Cnidaria Cnidaria
Ctenophora — Ctenophora
Gnathostomulida Gnathostomulida
Platyhelminthes C Platyhelminthes
Gastrotricha Mollusca
Rotifera Sipuncula
Acanthocephala Echiura
FIGURE 2. Consensus cladograms for our reanalysis of the Schram (Meglitsch and Schram, 1991) data
matrix. All 77 characters for 38 taxa were binary and treated as unordered, with a hypothetical ancestor
declared as an outgroup to root each otherwise unrooted network topology, (a) Strict consensus diagram for
the 1,422 equal and minimum-length trees found, each with a length of 139 and a consistency index of 0.554.
(b) The 50% majority-rule consensus diagram, depicting only those nodes supported in at least 50% of the
minimum-length topologies. Only nodes supported in less than 100% of the 1,422 trees are labeled with the
percentage value.
• 1 • 2 * 3 • 4 * 5 * 6 • 7
Cnidaria 00100000000?OmJNNNNNNNN11100110000010000000000000000000000000000000000
Chordata 11101000000 1 P 1-1 1-1-1
Echlnodermata 11110100100 1 1--P—1 1
Phoronlda ?—10110100100 1-0 PI—1—11 1 1 1
Brachiopoda ?—1111PP00100 1-0 PI 1-1—11-? P 1 1-
Nematoda -101 7-10000000001 1100 0? P—1
Acoelomorpha -101 110-0000000000 10-11-11-? ?
Rhabditophora 11011—P-110-0000000000 110-11-11 1-11P-P-P-P-P
Gnathostomulida ?10?????—7-10000000000 1 1-?—1 P-?
Nemertea 11011-1 7-10001000000 l-0-ll-?l-?-l-l-l-l 1-1-1-1-1 PI
Prlapula •>•>—10000000100 1?0 7-1-1-7 1-
Sipuncula 11011111—1010001000100 1-0-1 7—11-1111—1 1-
Solanogattrea 1101 7010001001710 1-0-111-1-1 111—1-1111-1111-1 1 11-?
Polyplacophora 11011111—1010001011010 1-0-111-1-l l l l - l — l l l l l P l l l - l - l - l 1-11-1
Conchlfera 11011111—1010001011010 1-0-111-1-P l l P P l l - l l l l l P l l l - l l l - l — 1 - 1 - 1 1 - 1
* 8 • 9 • 0 * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4.
Cnidaria 70111110000000000000000000000111000000000000000000000000000000001000000
Chordata 0000 1 P 11-1 1 1 PI 1 1
Echlnodermata 0000 1 1 11-1 1 1 1 1
Phoronlda 00 1 1-1—7—1 1 1 11 1
Brachiopoda 0 11 1 11-1—7—71 1 1 1 1
Nematoda o-ll—l ?-i 0-1-1111—7 1—1 1 1—1 1
Acoelomorpha 0000 1 0-1 1-1 111 PP 1-1
Rhabditophora 0000 1 1-0-1PP-P—P-l 111 1-1
Gnathoatomulida 000 1??-?-? 1-? 1111 1-1 — 1
Nemertea 000 1 0-1—IP-?-? IP 11 1
Priapula 0—1 1-1-11-7-1-1 ? 1 1 11 1
Sipuncula 00 11 1-1-1—0-1-11 ?-l 1 1 11 1
Caudofoveata -1-00?? 1 1 1— 1 0-17111-17-1 1 1 11 1
Solenogaatrea -1-000? 1 1-1-1—1 0-l?lll-l?-l 1 1 11 1-1-1-
Polyplacophora 11-000? 11--7-111 — 1 0-11111-11-1 1—11 1 1-1-1-
Conchifera 11-000 11 111—1 0-11111-11-1 P-P1--11 P-l 1-1-1-
Echlura 0—1 7—1-1-1—7-1-1 ?-l 1 11 1
Pogonophora ?1 o P—1-? 1 ?-l 1 — 1 11 1
Polychaeta 0—1—1-1 1-1-1—0—111—1P1—11—1 1 11—11
Clltellata 0—1 7-1-1—0—11 1 11-1 11 1
Onychophora 00—1—17 1-111—7—11 11—1-11 1-11-1-11
Crustacea 0—00—11-1111-111 1-111—0—111 1-1111—1111 1111—11-11-1-1
Uniramla 0—00—11-1111-111 1-111—0—111 1-1111—1-11 1111—11-11-1 —
Chelicerata 0—00—11-1111-111 1-111—0—111 1-11—1111 11—11-11-1-1
Tardigrada 00—11-71? 1-1 7—111 7—71—1 1 1-171-11
Kinorhyncha 0—1-7-17? 1 ?-l 7—11 7 1—1 1 71111—1
FIGURE 3. Data matrix of 141 morphological characters (Appendix 1) for 26 taxa selected for their relevance
to our investigation of higher spiralian relationships. All characters are binary, assigned states of 0, 1, P
(polymorphic; 0 and 1), N (inapplicable), or ? (unknown). Inapplicable states were analyzed as if they were
unknown. The 141 columns correspond to the character numbers used in Appendix 1; dashes denote a match
to the observed state in the first taxon, Cnidaria.
15-18), depending again on the composi- posed polytomies (Figs. 5a-k) were re-
tion of the arthropod clade. Enforcing con- solved by branch swapping to minimize
straints to join molluscs and flatworms as required steps on our matrix, these trees
a clade (Table 1: analyses 19-22) required remained substantially longer than the
3-12 extra steps, depending on the inclu- best-fitting hypotheses, requiring no fewer
siveness of "flatworms." The shortest of than 26 additional steps (Table 2: Brusca
these trees (Table 1: analysis 22) included and Brusca, 1990).
Nemertea as the sister taxon to molluscs, a
result that was topologically equivalent to DISCUSSION
that of analysis 23 (Table 1), which was In certain respects, our results were an-
generated by imposing a converse con- ticipated by Ghiselin (1988), whose paper
straint, searching for only those trees that should be consulted for historical aspects
did not satisfy the monophyly of clade 12 of the Articulata versus Eutrochozoa con-
(Fig. 4). Shorter trees, requiring only a sin- troversy. Ghiselin and other authors (Field
Caudofoveata Onychophora
Solenogastres Crustacea
Polyplacophora Uniramia
Conchifera Chelicerata
Echiura Tardigrada
Polychaeta Clitellata
Clitellata Nematoda
Onychophora Gnathostomulida
Crustacea Priapula
Uniramia Kinorhyncha
Chelicerata Rhabditophora
Tardigrada Nemertea
Acoelomorpha Caudofoveata
Rhabditophora Solenogastres
Sipuncula "-HE Polyplacophora
Brachiopoda Acoelomorpha
(e) Nielsen, 1985,1987 (f) Barnes, 1987
Cnidaria Cnidaria
Chordata Chordata
Echinodermata Echinodermata
Phoronida Phoronida
Brachiopoda Brachiopoda
Nematoda Nematoda
Priapula Priapula
Kinorhyncha Kinorhyncha
Acoelomorpha Acoelomorpha
Rhabditophora Rhabditophora
Nemertea Gnathostomulida
Gnathostomulida Nemertea
Sipuncula Echiura
Echiura Pogonophora
Caudofoveata Polychaeta
Solenogastres Clitellata
Polyplacophora Onychophora
Pogonophora Crustacea
Polychaeta Uniramia
Clitellata Chelicerata
Onychophora Caudofoveata
Crustacea Solenogastres
Uniramia Polyplacophora
Tardigrada Conchifera
Chelicerata Tardigrada
FIGURE 5. Summary of topologies translated from published figures into cladogram hypotheses. Taxon
composition of each cladogram has been adjusted to compare to Figure 4. Tree statistics, optimized on the
ferent concepts of evolutionary entities age mere comparison of our results with
held by each author. Taxa considered an- those inferred from molecules. Like Kluge
cestral to other higher taxa were treated as (1989) and Eernisse (unpubl. manuscript),
terminal taxa to make comparison with our we advocate that ultimately, the best esti-
results meaningful. Because of these con- mates of branching order for metazoans
cerns, Figures 5a-k cannot be used to judge will come from combined analyses of all
the relative merit or worth of these works. relevant data, whether classical in nature
Rather, they are presented to make eval- or a site-by-site comparison of nucleic acid
uation of the relative support for different or peptide sequences. Ghiselin (1988) ob-
tree topologies possible. These disclaimers served that molecules have morphology
aside, we believe we have established a and can be analyzed as such. In this spirit,
more rigorous precedent for reporting sup- we have coded variation in the structure
port for alternative hypotheses of meta- of the hemocyanin molecule as characters
other deuterostomes in four of the six min- luscs, sipunculans, and echiurans descend-
imum-length trees of Figure 4 as the result ed from a segmented ancestor, our under-
of the difficulty of comparing larval char- standing of the biology of these groups
acters in these taxa. Although considera- will be deepened. We hope that the data
tion of all the data available for this anal- matrix compiled for this study will serve
ysis does not support these interpretations, as a nucleus from which further discus-
close scrutiny of the characters in question sions of animal relationships can grow.
could lead to a reappraisal of the present
notions of phenotypic similarity.
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al., 1986) [a/p] [a/p]
11. Apical and intermediate micromere quartet 35. Coordinated cilia with ciliated necklace
form cross (Meglitsch, 1972) [a/p] (Nielsen, 1987) [a/p]
12. Cross pattern (Meglitsch, 1972; Brusca and 36. Motile somatic cilia or flagella (Nielsen, 1987)
Brusca, 1990) [radiate/interradiate] [a/p]
13. Triploblastic tissue organization (Hanson, 37. Chemoreceptor cells with paddle-shaped
1977; Brusca and Brusca, 1990; Meglitsch and discociliab (Haszprunar, 1985a) [a/p]
Schram, 1991; cf. Nelson and Weisblat, 1991)
[a/p] E. Larval
38. Upstream collecting bands of cilia in larvae
B. Coelom with separate cilia on monociliate cellsb
14. Bilaterally paired coelomic anlagenb (Brusca (Nielsen, 1987) [a/p]
and Brusca, 1990; Meglitsch and Schram, 1991) 39. Swimming/feeding band(s) of cilia in larvae
[a/p] with compound ciliab (Nielsen, 1987) [a/p]
15. Longitudinally metameric coelomic cavities 40. Prototroch; locomotory equatorial ciliary
with mesodermal contribution to mesenteric band(s) with two or four rows of broad cilia
55. Serially repeated nerve gangliab (Beklemi- domains with one oxygen-binding dinuclear
shev, 1969; Wingstrand, 1985) [a/p] copper site per domain]
56. Serially repeated transverse discrete muscle 72. Mesodermal origin of pericardioducts (Sal-
bundles (Beklemishev, 1969; Wingstrand, vini-Plawen, 1985, 1988) [a/p]
1985) [a/p] I. Integumentary
57. Serially arranged series of excretory ducts; 73. Cellular production of collagenous proteinsb
nephridiopores (Brusca and Brusca, 1990) (Brusca and Brusca, 1990; Meglitsch and
[a/p] Schram, 1991) [a/p]
58. Serially arranged ectodermal filamentous or 74. Cuticle; continuously secreted, nonliving ex-
lamellar respiratory surfaces'* (Brusca and ternal layer(s) containing protein11 (Brusca and
Brusca, 1990) [a/p] Brusca, 1990; Meglitsch and Schram, 1991)
59. Serially arranged series of gonads (Brusca and [a/p]
Brusca, 1990) [a/p] 75. Collagenous proteins sequestered in cuticleb
60. Atria; serially arranged muscularized regions (Brown, 1975; Bereiter-Hahn et al., 1984;
of a dorsal blood vessel (Salvini-Plawen, 1985; Brusca and Brusca, 1990; Meglitsch and
Wingstrand, 1985) [a/p] Schram, 1991) [a/p]
76. Chitinous proteins invested in cuticle b
91. Crystalline stylus and associated ciliated 110. Endon; median cerebral ganglion and adja-
midgut digestive organs (Brusca and Brusca, cent aboral statocyst organ (Beklemishev,
1990)[a/p] 1969)[a/p]
92. Pharyngeal diverticulae (Salvini-Plawen, 111. Three pairs of cerebral ganglia; an anterior
1988) [a/p] one receiving ocular input, a second receiv-
93. Esophageal pouches (Salvini-Plawen, 1988) ing palpar or antennal input, and a third con-
[a/p] tributing to circumenteric connectives (Bek-
94. Terminal alimentary zones of cuticle (Boud- lemishev, 1969; Brusca and Brusca, 1990) [a/
reaux, 1979)[a/p] P]
95. Secondary mouth formation (Meglitsch and 112. Paired olfactory fossae of preoral lobes (Bek-
Schram, 1991) [a/p] lemishev, 1969) [a/p]
96. Anus with proctodeum; complete unidirec- 113. Compound eyes with ommatidia (Paulus,
tional alimentary canal b (Meglitsch and 1979; Brusca and Brusca, 1990; Meglitsch and
Schram, 1991) [a/p] Schram, 1991) [a/p]
K. Excretory 114. Ommatidium consisting of a cornea with two
97. Antennal gland excretory ducts; mandibular corneagen cells, a tetrapartite eucone crys-
130. Cross striated muscle fibersb (Brusca and 38. Characters of larval morphology: taxa with ex-
Brusca, 1990) [a/p] clusive direct development coded 0 if absent
131. Dermal circular (or "external transverse") 39. Lack of compound cilia in oweniids (Polychaeta)
muscular fibers (Salvini-Plawen, 1978, 1985; considered a derived exceptional case (Nielsen,
Brusca and Brusca, 1990) [a/p] 1987)
132. Longitudinal muscle sheet(s) or band(s) (Sal- 42. Sipunculans and nemerteans without opposed
vini-Plawen, 1978, 1985; Brusca and Brusca, band mechanism (Strathmann, 1978)
1990) [a/p] 43. Uniramia coded 1, although myriopods possess
133. Intersegmental tendon system (Brusca and direct development (Brusca and Brusca, 1990)
Brusca, 1990) [a/p] 46. Sipunculan "serosa larva"; polychaete "endo-
134. Locomotor coxae with extrinsic and intrinsic larva" (Salvini-Plawen, 1988)
muscles (Brusca and Bursca, 1990) [a/p] 47. Characters of paired lateral structures sharing
135. Myofilaments (Hanson, 1977; Nielsen, 1985) similar relative topology and ultrastructure
[a/p] 48. Solenogastres (Salvini-Plawen, 1985)
136. Smooth muscle fibers (Hanson, 1977; Niel- 51. Uniramia coded present; Diplopoda present,
sen, 1985; Brusca and Brusca, 1990) [a/p] Chilopoda variable, Pauropoda females have
single ovary, all with paired gonoducts