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CPR One Shot - Special Delivery Ver3.0 (Colored)

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Cyberpunk Red is owned by

Synopsis/Background ..............................................4 Chapter 3: Eat my dust! ..........................................10
Chapter 1: First Opportunity...................................5 Prime Time Players ..........................................11

Questions for Collar ...........................................5 Appendix ......................................................................11

Hacking the chip .................................................6 Resources ..........................................................11

Chapter 2: Welcome to Night City ......................6 Collar’s Flyer ........................................12

Club Atlantis ........................................................7 Battle Maps .........................................13

Drinks at Club Atlantis .......................................8 Vehicle Stat Cards ..............................16

Netrunning the club ...........................................8 NPC Stat Cards ...................................17

Where the hell is Trucker? ...............................8 Additional NPC names ....................................20

Lawmen are prowling ........................................9 Acknowledgements ................................................21

Author: Emanuel “Mr. Stidz” Garcia • Map Designer: Valstoys

For more adventures, go here: www.patreon.com/mrstidz. For more maps, go here: www.patreon.com/valstoys
You must understand the Cyberpunk Red Combat Rules to run this one shot. Different terminology, abbreviations,
and wording will be used from the Core Rulebook. There is also mature language used throughout the adventure…
this is Cyberpunk after all.

This adventure will need little preparation to provide enough detail to the players for a rich experience. Please
see below for important details found throughout the adventure.

• Bolded keywords will be highlighted to show important points or actions.

• Items, NPCs, tech, and more from the Core Rulebook will be highlighted and shown in this adventure.
• Bullet points emphasizing step-by-step actions and/or information.
• Redesigned NPC cards for ease of use during gameplay.
• Newly designed cards for vehicles used in this adventure.
• Short description and narrations for certain areas.
• Easy to use mechanics for random encounters and car chases.
• Provide different interests on how the PCs get involved with the adventure.

This adventure is organized in three parts where the PCs can explore and complete encounters. This does not
mean that they cannot explore other areas of Night City.

Stay safe and have fun, choomba!


Cyberpunk Red is owned by R. Talsorian Games (RTG) and this is an unofficial module created by Mr. Stidz. If
you’re looking for official content made by RTG, go to this link: rtalsoriangames.com/downloads/

There you’ll find free content from templates, DLCs, NPCs, settings, and more. For rulebooks and other products
by RTG, go to their store on the website.

Thanks again for checking out Special Delivery!

The PCs only have a month to pay their rent or they Collar’s request is lowkey and not many know about
will be evicted by the end of the month. They need to the job he’s offering. Of course, money is the main
come up with 1,100 eb. Their apartments are located drive for most gigs like this. Here are a few ways
on the outskirts of Heywood. that you can introduce the PCs to this adventure:

The PCs will get in contact with Collar, a local fixer LOCAL AREA GOSSIP
that requires a few edgerunners. Once the PCs meet
Collar, he will then explain a simple trade that needs • Collar has gone through every local bar or
to be done at Club Atlantis. club asking about interested parties in
partaking in this job.
The PCs must deliver a chip to the club and make the • Bartenders are aware of Collar’s job. No one
trade with Trucker. To everyone’s surprise, lawmen is biting due to the lack of information from
are on the prowl and are looking for Trucker. The the chip. But they won’t mention that.
lawmen received details that a murderer is roaming • They’ll mention his location: Condominio De
around the club. Los Cielos, apartment 17C.
• The pay is nice… for a newcomer. If you
Once the PCs realize that the lawmen are looking for want to get your feet wet, this is your gig.
Trucker, they have no choice to make a run for it.
They all get in their vehicles and burn rubber to the POSTED FLYERS
Combat Zone.
• Collar will be posting simple, and kind of
Towards the end of the chase, the lawmen’s AV gets scam-looking, flyers in the local area.
blown up, crashes the side of a building, and causes • These flyers can be found as well in the
mayhem nearby. The PCs find themselves between lobby area of the condominium that he is
two groups of boosters. Will they keep going or stay staying.
for the show?

Collar received a job from a double agent that works
at Militech, which he is unaware of. The details were
to decrypt the data inside the chip and send it back
to the mysterious contact’s courier. If the job was
done within a few days, Collar might get lucky and
get a follow-up job.

Collar was desperate and could not find a netrunner

that he could trust… until Trucker called. He then FRIEND OF A FRIEND
needed edgerunners to make sure the chip doesn’t
get lost on the way. That’s where the PCs come in. • The PCs may have friends that know Collar
through some simple jobs they’ve done or
The lawmen at Club Atlantis were hired by a Militech met at a club.
corpo to bring back Trucker. The corpo seems to have • That friend might get a call from a desperate
gotten detes about some stolen information within the Collar. He/she might relay the message to
company. And someone had a loose tongue on Collar. the PCs.

”Let’s get to know each other... My

CONDOMINIO DE LOS CIELOS name is Collar, you know, small-
time Fixer. What about you?”
• The gray-looking halls, and wonky tech,
justifies the level of poverty that encompasses “Remember… find the guy with
the neighborhood and this building. the truck logo on his back. That’s
• Each floor shows a different story: a Trucker!”
murdered loved one, a passed-out junkie, a
beaten wife, and other glimpses of common, “This is an easy job… you fuck
dark, sights in Night City. up, it’s going to reflect on your
paycheck. Alright, choom?”
Once the PCs reach apartment 17C, read, or
paraphrase, the following text:


You knock on the door a few times and you hear muffled
steps shuffling towards the door. The shrieks of light Here are a few questions that the PCs might ask
beaming through the cracks of the doorway suddenly go during the conversation with Collar:
dark. The knob creaks, the door slowly becomes ajar and a
glowing green cybereye peaks out. “Can I help you?”. • What’s in the chip?
o “We don’t know. That’s where Trucker
comes in. Don’t ask too many questions.”
Collar will let the PCs in once they mention the job or • When do we do the job?
flyer, specifically about a delivery. o “Tonight. No questions asked. It needs to
be delivered ASAP. Understand?”
• Collar will welcomely let the PCs inside his • Why can’t you take it yourself?
apartment. o “This is a time-sensitive matter with
• Inside is a standard get-up of a studio sensitive information on hand. I need to
apartment: a small kitchen to one end, a make sure it gets there safe. So, make
living room on the other, and a bedroom area sure you’re armed and ready, alright?
with a closet nearby. Fuckin’ boosters might be prowlin’.”
• Collar will start doing small talk: Want a
drink? What’s your name? Where did you Collar will meet the PCs at 10 pm in the parking lot
hear about the job? Where you from? A good once everyone is ready to go. He’ll then give the
way to introduce the PCs character and chip at that moment.
show them off to the party.
• As mentioned in the synopsis, Collar wants
his chip to be delivered to Club Atlantis, at
the Glen. The chip does not have
• The chip needs to be delivered specifically to any particular features or
Trucker. signs that can be
• Collar will offer 4,500 eb for the job (not distinguished from other
individually). Half will be given from Trucker chips. To hack it, go to page 6.
and the other half from Collar.
• If the PCs do not have a car, Collar will offer
his compact groundcar. Need to return it!

Using a cyberdeck, or any portable computer, a PC

can hack the chip using an Electronic/Security Tech THE DRIVE TO THE GLEN
Check (DV 22).
On the way to Club Atlantis, the PCs might get in
Once it’s hacked, the following information is some kind of trouble. Please refer to the random
unveiled. encounter table below:

• Logo of Militech with a list underneath with • Roll 1d6, or choose, to determine what
classified information. encounter occurs:
• A list containing a variety of blueprints that o 1 – 2: Four boostergangers will head
are ready to manufacture. towards the PCs car and start asking
o Exotic Weapons questions like: “What you are doing
o Unique never-before-seen weapons here?” and “What are your plans
and armor tonight?”
• Dozens of accounts ready to access to o 3 – 4: Two boostergangers will
obtain personal information, bank accounts, attempt to blow the PCs car’s tires.
and more from Militech employees. They will continue to shoot until they
are successful in stopping the car.
Once the PCs attempt to hack the chip once and fail, o 5 – 6: Two boostergangers will stand
they cannot attempt it again. They’ll need someone in the way of the PCs and ask for a
else experienced in Netrunning to attempt to hack it. fee to pass through.

QUICK GM TIP! Make sure to have the PCs roll a Drive Land Vehicle
Check (DV11) if they attempt to sprint off or do any
Have ready a music playlist with different songs that maneuvering with their vehicle.
would set the mood in Night City. Have this as the
radio station in the car. This can also play a vital role Once the PCs are nearby The Glen, read, or
as you pass by the Combat Zone. paraphrase, the following text:

It’s night and day entering the Glen from Heywood, cleaner
streets, more lawmen presence, and more life. This all
sprouted after what happened in 2023. Corporate execs
scurried their way to the south during reconstruction.

As you get closer to the establishment, you notice a crowd

near the entrance of the club. The front is packed with cars
but going around the back, you find a few spots that you
For example, passing by gang territory that dislikes can leave your car.
hearing electronic music, they’ll start appearing and
roam around the streets.
Make sure to have ready a list of random NPC
Whatever the case may be, either loud music or names in case the PCs tend to talk or ask strangers
distaste of a certain genre, use the random encounter on the street.
table in the following section and see what happens.
• The list is available in the Appendix.
CLUB ATLANTIS Here are the areas that the PCs can explore inside
Club Atlantis:
A bouncer will be inspecting everyone entering the
club, mostly for weapons or smuggled drugs. First Floor (F1)

• The PCs can attempt to conceal their A. Storage Room: adjacent to the entrance.
weapons with a Conceal/Reveal Object Contains four poor-quality weapons stashed
Check (DV12). away.
• No bags or briefcases can be carried inside B. Elevators
the club. C. Dance Floor
• There will be a line to get in with an D. Bar: there will be two bartenders attending
approximate wait time of 15 min. The PCs customers.
can attempt to persuade someone to cut in, E. NET Accesses: there are two accesses on
Persuasion Check (DV10). this floor. There is one near the stage and
another in one of the offices, a laptop.
Make sure to have the bouncer roll a Perception F. Stage: Phoenix Rise is playing electro-rock
Check to see if PCs concealed any weapons. and techno. There are two members:
Righteous, the singer, and Axel, the drone
G. Lounge Areas
H. Offices: this is an area for fixers and mercs
sealing a deal or for VIPs. There are two
located near the stairs.

Second Floor (F2)

A. Rectangular Bar: there will be four

bartenders attending customers on this
large rectangular bar that sits in the middle
of the second floor. Trucker will be located
Once the PCs are inside Atlantis, read, or
paraphrase, the following text:
B. NET Accesses: there are two accesses on
this floor. There is one near the stairs and
another one in one of the offices.
You enter the club and you immediately get the rhythmic
C. Lounge Areas
pounding of the bass hit your gut. A cerulean color lights up
D. Offices
areas inside: the dance floor, public booths, and
countertops filled with drinks. The floor is shaking beneath
you from all the brouhaha and dancing from the center
“Who? Trucker? No idea…
ask someone else.”
From a glance, you don’t seem to notice an individual that
“I got extra airhypos if you
might be Trucker. “Hey, honey. Do you need a Boost?” A
need em… 60 eddies. Take
young lady comes up to you, legs cybered up and airhypo
it or leave it.”
ready on hand.
“I saw some lawmen pass
by here earlier. Wonder
what happen…”
If the PCs are roaming around the club, searching for NETRUNNING THE CLUB
Trucker, or just mingling with the bartenders, here
are a few random encounters that could occur • Difficulty Rating: Standard (PW/File/Control
inside the club: Node: DV8) (Recommended Interface: more than
• Roll 1d6, or choose, to determine what • Number of Floors: 12
encounter occurs: o Floor #1: Password (DV6)
o 1 – 2: A drunken punk bumps into the
o Floor #2: File (DV8)
PCs and thinks they did it on purpose.
▪ Information about the staff: Wed
He will pick a fight with the PCs.
– Sunday, 5 pm until 3 am. Guards
o 3 – 4: Near the bar, a woman will buy
Smash for all the PCs for free. posted Sat and Sun on the back,
Rejecting might piss her off and 9 pm until 1 am.
cause a commotion. o Floor #3: Wisp
o 5 – 6: A junkie will offer the PCs o Floor #4: Skunk x2
drugs, specifically Boost. He does not o Floor #5: Killer
sell airhypos, but someone in the o Floor #6: Password (DV8)
crowd might have extras. o Floor #7: Hellhound
o Floor #8: File (DV8)
DRUGS AND DRINKS AT ATLANTIS ▪ Information about another
access point hidden in the
• Smash: Cost 10 eb. It’s a yellow, foamy,
beverage sold in cans everywhere. Its
o Floor #9: Control Node (DV8)
effects last 4 hours.
▪ Have access to security
• Hard liqueur: Cost 20 eb. They have a variety
of alcohol such as whiskey, vodka, rum, beer, cameras, lights, access to doors,
mixed drinks, and more. flooring (elevation), elevators,
• Boost: Cost 50 eb. A drug using an airhypo for appliances, music, alarms
optimal effect. The effect lasts 24 hours. (sprinklers), and smoke.
• Airhypo: Cost 50 eb. Drug distribution o Floor #10: Scorpion
platform that uses compressed air. o Floor #11: Liche, Raven
• Glow Stick: Cost 10 eb. o Floor #12: Raven x3
• Kibble Pack: Cost 10 eb. One foil package of
dry, pet food like cereal.

Trucker will be located on the second floor, having

a few drinks at the rectangular bar. And yes, he will
have on his infamous jacket with a trucker logo
shining neon on his back.

• He will most likely be alone, sipping on his

• The PCs can roll a Conversation Check
(DV14) and ask around about Trucker.
“Kick his fuckin’ ass, choomba!”
Someone will eventually know where he is.
“Show em’ how it is done down in the Atlantis!”
Once the PCs has found Trucker, read, or LAWMEN ARE PROWLING
paraphrase, the following text:
After the PCs arrival to the club, roughly around 20
to 25 minutes five lawmen officials will arrive, three
You see directly ahead of you, the punk rock, scrawny, security operatives, and two security chiefs.
lonely man that is Trucker sitting and sipping his drink.
Nothing else can confirm that is him except for his glowing
trucker logo on his back, changing from red to orange and “Sorry to
to yellow. interrupt all the
fun but this is an
“Are you Collar’s?” Trucker exclaims. “A’ight. I got us a emergency.
lounge to hang out. Come with.” He then struts to one of We’re here for an
the private lounges on that same floor. The room is across investigation and
the bar suited with a door for privacy. Inside you see a need to weed out
couch and a desk across from it. “A’ight, let’s see it. C’mon, our murderer.
you know I need to know if it’s a virgin. You can’t fool me, Everybody stay
man.” put and stay

Trucker would want to confirm if the chip has been

compromised whether from the PCs or Collar
himself. Adjust accordingly depending on the size of the
• Trucker will not complete the deal until he
confirms the authenticity of the chip. • 5 PCs = 4 operatives and 2 chiefs
• If the PCs did not Cloak out of the NET, he • 4 PCs = 3 operatives and 2 chiefs
will know that it was the PCs that entered. • 3 PCs = 3 operatives and 1 chief
• Trucker will not care if the PCs saw what • 2 PCs = 2 operatives and 1 chief
was inside or not. He is there to get paid and
get the hell out. Two of these operatives will stand by behind the
• Once the inspection is done, Trucker will establishment in case anyone tries to be sneaky
then close the deal on his end. He will give and escape.
the PCs 2,250 eb.
• He will mention that the other half is with • The lawmen will disrupt the party and shut
Collar. down all speakers and music.
• They’ll be searching for Trucker and will
“He had to send not one… but all of take him in for questioning.
you mothers to bring this chip… • Trucker will not allow the officers to take
heh.” him and he will make a run for it.
• The lawmen came in an AV-4, stationed out
“I’m just here to do my job… the front.
give him clean data with no • The two operatives will have a compact
bugs. A’ight?” groundcar ready at the back.
• The lawmen will open fire on whoever starts
“Fuck! Is this about the running away from them.
chip? Why are they here
3. If both drivers drove straight and succeeded
in their rolls, they stay in their starting
At some point, the PCs and Trucker would have to a. If one succeeded and one failed, the
escape. There may be five lawmen now, but they one that succeeded will move one
can always call for backup. square up.
i. If the one succeeded has a
You can use the NPC and Vehicle cards in the better performing car, they
Appendix for ease of use during gameplay. move two squares.
4. If both drivers succeeded but one driver
• Trucker will have his high-performance attempted to do a maneuver, as in to shake
groundcar parked across the street from the the chaser off, and the other driver decided
club’s entrance. to do a normal turn, the one that did the
• Trucker will mention having the PCs come maneuver will move one square up.
with him… the more the merrier, right? a. Does not matter what you do, if you
• If no one mentions anything, Trucker will say fail and the other succeeded, the one
to drive towards the Combat Zone, hoping to that succeeded will move one square
have any gang supporting in their endeavor. up.
• The lawmen will chase them down with their 5. It will continue like this until the car chase is
AV-4 and their compact groundcar. over!

Here is an easy-to-use car chase mechanic: Here are some DVs for certain actions:

• There are two categories: the chasers and • Driving through light traffic = DV10
the escapee. In this scenario, the lawmen • Driving through heavy traffic = DV12
are the chasers, and the PCs are the • Driving into a sharp turn = DV13
escapee. • Maneuvering a bootleg turn = DV17
• As a rough estimate, the GM must determine • Maneuvering a swerve = DV13
the distance between the chaser and the • Maneuvering a fake turn = DV14
escapee after the first mile. • Doing an Emergency stop = DV13
o Once the distance is set, that will be
your starting position of the car Once the PCs have reached the Combat Zone, read,
chase. or paraphrase, the following text:
▪ Each square on a car chase is
10 m.
o You can lay them out using either the You take a quick turn on this street and you hear something
cards, miniatures, or VTT tokens. whizzes you by, like a firework. Up ahead, you see a row
of cars and a group of gangers blocking the way. Moments
Here is the sequence that should be taken during a later, you only hear your car’s engine going then
car chase: suddenly… BOOM! A loud explosive goes off behind you.
A bright flash blinds you for a second. You get a quick
1. The escapee will be first on the initiative glimpse from the rear-view mirror and see a fiery AV-4
order and the chasers come next. crashing into the side of a building and lands 20 m behind
2. Does not matter if the driver attempts to do a you. You notice more gangers are coming up from the
maneuver or just drive straight, all drivers south.
must roll a Drive Land Vehicle Check.
a. The DV will change depending on the
action done.


The gang will take hostage of this block, where the

PCs are located. They will surround them and block
every entrance and exit.
“You miss 100% of the shots you
don’t take, am I right? Haha!”
This gang in particular is the Prime-Time Players.
They will not shoot the PCs, at least at first sight.
“That is a shame… really. I
They planned to catch the lawmen and take care of
wouldn’t want you guys to
them on their block.
miss out. But oh well…”
• If the PCs stop their car, one of the gangers
“For our premium, top of the
will come up to the vehicle and mention their
line, services… fifteen
hundred. How about it?”
• They would want the PCs to talk to Flex
about their little adventure with the lawmen.
• If the PCs refuse, they might have to go
down in a firefight with them.
Adjust accordingly depending on the size of the
• There will be a total of seven gangers taking
hold of the block.
o Six Boostergangers and one
• 5 PCs = 7 boosters and 1 Reclaimer chief
Reclaimer Chief.
• 4 PCs = 6 boosters and 1 Reclaimer chief
• Flex would want to hear the story and then
• 3 PCs = 5 boosters and 1 Reclaimer chief
would ask the PCs a fee for their help, 1,500
• 2 PCs = 4 boosters and 1 Reclaimer chief
o The PCs can renegotiate, Persuasion
Check (DV14), and he will lower the
fee to 1,000 eb.
For big NPC groups, make sure to either pre-roll
• If the PCs end up in a firefight with the
your initiatives or roll once for a group. You can
Prime-Time Players, six rounds later two 6th
break down the groups if they are too big. To cut
Street gangers will come and aid the PCs.
time, you can also dish out an average on the
• The PCs have a chance to ally with the
damage. This will not require any roll. It is important
Prime-Time Players. This is an option for the
to keep the flow of the game going and fast-paced.
future if the PCs need help.
o This goes for 6th Street as well.

Collar’s Flyer
Use this as a handout to the players. This will lead them to Collar’s apartment and eventually start the gig.



To 2nd Floor

Club Atlantis First Floor

PCs will enter the club through the elevators (B). There are currently two functioning elevators that are
constantly being used to enter and exit. The PCs can also go up to the second floor as shown in the map, bottom

The club will be filled with people dancing, drinking, and mingling with others. Anyone walking through the club
will have to go through a crowd of people. Keep in mind that Trucker is located on the second floor.
To 1st Floor B



Club Atlantis Second Floor

Trucker will be sitting down drinking in the rectangular bar in the middle looking to the large window.
PTP Gangers

Crashed AV-4

Combat Zone – Prime Time Players Gang

Male Names Female Names Handles
• Billy McLeod • Marilyn Owens • Smoke
• Ed Mercer • Ida Shepard • Lefty
• Ronald Ferguson • Judy Bows • Blade
• James Daniels • Mildred Robbins • Tortilla
• Jon Morrison • Janice Rowland • Misty
• Calvin Hampton • Jody Ferguson • Clobber
• Shane Maxwell • Michelle Ortiz • Vanilla
• Charlie Beach • Natalie Bond • Cloud
• Allan White • Natalia Shelton • Lizzie
• Max Atkinson • Margie Hatfield • Jewel
• Willie Norton • Delores Mathews • Rose
• Johnny Banks • Ida Wade • Mag
• Trenton Rose • Alice Walls • Thorn
• Jonathan Flynn • Deborah Jenkins • Smite
• Colby Rhodes • Sonya Woods • Voxel
• Wesley Lamb • Rachael Riggs • Fox
• Morris Sanders • Anne McDaniel • Wolf
• Luke Goff • Lilly Flowers • Gent
• Douglas Rollins • Hannah William • Zee
• William Mathis • Seo Kanna • Chan
• Allen Young • Takaki Oki • Dizzy
• Kaya Junzo • Tokuda Chiho • Mountain
• Matsuzaki Fumio • Homura Mitsuyo • Chuck
• Taira Montaro • Kawata Aoba • Flaw
• Kawaguchi Sekien • Naya Mie • Brainy
• Kusumoto Ekiken • Yabe Tooka • Flow
• Yashida Roku • Kyoya Shoko • Cardinal


Unlike the NPCs shown in the Core Rulebook, these are similar to the Trauma Team member's stats that contain
Combat Numbers. There are two additional bonuses: Will and Intelligence. These bonuses are used mainly for
Perception, Concentration, Resist Torture, Gambling, and similar skills. The Combat bonus is used for shooting,
melee, initiative, dodging, and similar skills during combat. Having these bonuses completes an NPC, whether
you want them to be throwaway bad guys or in-depth characters.

These cards also have a short description of looks, quirks, and secrets. These are handy during roleplay and
even in combat, when you want to use one of your cyberware or show off a certain scene.


If the PCs abandon the job and take Collar’s chip or let the NCPD take Trucker with no resistance, the PCs will
have a hard time getting around the next few days. Collar will hire mercenaries to eliminate the PCs. Collar’s
mysterious contact will enforce this method and retrieve the chip.
Thank you to everyone that left a comment or messaged me directly for their feedback and thoughts! Every
comment counts and I’ll make sure to read them as they come in. So please, if you have any additional feedback
or comments about this adventure or anything related to it, please go to poluspr.com or visit one of our social
media pages. Thanks again!

Thanks to Valstoys for their contribution in creating custom maps for this adventure! Please check them out
here for more awesome maps: www.patreon.com/valstoys


Version 1.0 – Document created.

Version 1.1 – Replaced red block design from page 1. Created a new section: “Changes”. Page 13.

Version 2.0 – Rewritten adventure for a more streamlined experience, NPC descriptions were changed to NPC
Cards with shorter descriptions and added stats, Changed font design and size from 11 to 12, Added Vehicle
Cards for ease of use, Added a Cover Page, Added a Table of Contents, Reorganized document in chapters,
Redesigned document with consistent artwork.

Version 2.2 – Added a Credits page, Added Maps from Solution Maps, Added “A Word to Artists and Players”
section, Tweaked the Table of Contents, Tweaked the wording in some areas, Tweaked layout design,

Version 3.0 – Added custom battle maps from Valstoys, Changed Layout design, Edited errors and removed some
bolded words, Changed “Credits” section to “Acknowledgments”, Added a new section “CHECK OUT MORE OF
OUR ADVENTURES”, Redesigned Netrunning Architectures, Added a BACK button to go back to the Table of
Contents, Added hyperlinks to the Table of Contents

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