Ejercicio Icfes Oficial 21
Ejercicio Icfes Oficial 21
Ejercicio Icfes Oficial 21
Versión : D
Fecha: 18-01-2016
Área/asignatura Inglés
Docente: Maria Antonia Lizcano Ruiz Grado: 11-
Periodo: Tercero
Titulo Ejercicio Icfes
Estudiante: Curso:
1. 2.
Do not give A. in a garden Get two robots A. in a playground
chips or fruit to B. in a park and a car for $3 B. in a store
the animals C. in a zoo today C. in a library
3. 4.
Nice stories for A. on a test A. on a camera
children under B. on a handbag This is not a toy B. on a doll
5 C. on a book C. on a shoe
Today our A. on a door
English class is B. on a cupboard
in computer C. on an armchair
room 2
II. Relacione las siguientes definiciones con su respectiva palabra:
A. Cold
6. You do this when somebody hits you.
B. Cough
7. You are tired and have a temperature when you get this. C. Cry
D. Doctor
8. You see this person when you are not well.
E. Hospital
9. You can go to this place when your body isn’t o.k. F. Hurt
G. Stomachache
10. You can have this when you are hungry.
H. Toothache
A. Good idea
11. I like the new student in my class. B. Keep right
C. That’s nice!
Language of confidence
The language we use programs our minds. Choosing the right words gives us a great ability
(16)______ our lives.
Even the (17)______ word matters. “Try” is a short word (18)______ it has a great impact
on us. (19)_____ someone says, “I’ll try to do that,” they are not going to work on it, and
they (20)______ not even do it at all. How (21)______ do you use “try” to talk about
important things to you?
Think about something that you want to do; say it to (22)______ in two ways: First, say
“I’ll try to do it.” Next, say “I will do it”, and see how you feel. The second sentence
(23)______ you feel you will do it. Forget the word “try” and see how your life improves.
22. 23.
A. Themselves A. Makes
B. Yourself B. Making
C. Myself C. Made
A. Some plants
B. Too much gas
24. What puts the world in danger?
C. A little air
25. How many people use electric cars in the UK? A. Few people
B. No people
C. Many people
28. To make electric cars, the British have A. Opened new companies
B. Used much money
C. Brought car parts
29. More British people will have electric cars A. Quite soon
B. In two years
C. In a long time
Life is short! Who has time to waste? Not I. If you are really honest with yourself you’ll
notice that you may be spending too much time on television and there are better things you
could be doing. Whether you watch television or not is your decision. But consider this
Some people say TV is educational, but it is an ineffective medium for learning. Though
there is a great variety of programs and sometimes they are interesting, many TV shows
offer information that is not accurate. If you really want to learn something, you should
read it for yourself.
TV can help you keep informed and it is necessary to know what is happening with people
and places around you. However, if you watch the average news program, you have to
waste a long time on useless information. If you really want to be up-to-date, read the
newspaper; it is more detailed and you can choose which stories you read.
The average adult spends about 2 hours a day watching TV. Let’s say you lived to age 60;
you would have spent 5 years of your life in front of the television. Not only could you be
catching up with your family during that time, since watching TV with them it is not real
interaction, but you are also preventing yourself from having new experiences. Do you
know what you could do with those extra years? Here’s some advice: create some art, talk
to people, exercise, learn a foreign language or how to play an instrument.
Using those two hours a day for something you “don’t have time for” will make you have
time for a lot more.
31. What is the author trying to do with the text?
A. Warn about consequences after a long time watching TV.
B. Explain why television is important to keep up-to-date.
C. Describe people who spend hours in front of the screen.
D. Suggest that there are better leisure activities than TV.
32. What might a person decide to do after reading this article?
A. Watch less TV.
B. Consider visual learning.
C. Try to become an artist.
D. Keep informed by watching TV
33. According to the text, knowledge from TV
A. Is always useful for learning.
B. Is limited since it does not have diverse topics.
C. Gives specific descriptions of events.
D. Contains many things not worth learning.
34. In the text, “5 years” refers to the time that
A. An average person watches TV in a lifetime.
B. You need to become an expert TV viewer.
C. Someone takes to become addicted to TV.
D. TV needs to teach us something interesting.
35. Which of the following statements would the writer make?
A. I must admit sometimes I am so busy that I watch TV instead of reading the
B. I can speak Italian and cook French food thanks to TV shows I used to watch.
C. One day I realized I needed more contact with real people and situations than
with television.
D. I believe true artists should take advantage of television as a resource to learn and
VII. Responda las preguntas de acuerdo con el siguiente texto:
1 A B C
3 A B C D
2 A B C
3 A B C
3 A B C D
4 A B C
5 A B C
3 A B C D
6 A B C D E F G
7 A B C D E F G
3 A B C D
8 A B C D E F G 4
9 A B C D E F G 3 A B C D
1 A B C D E F G 5
0 3 A B C D
1 A B C 6
1 3 A B C D
1 A B C 7
2 3 A B C D
1 A B C 8
3 3 A B C D
1 A B C 9
4 4 A B C D
1 A B C 0
5 4 A B C D
1 A B C 1
6 4 A B C D
1 A B C 2
7 4 A B C D
1 A B C 3
8 4 A B C D
1 A B C 4
9 4 A B C D
2 A B C 5
2 A B C
2 A B C
2 A B C
2 A B C
2 A B C
2 A B C
2 A B C
2 A B C
2 A B C
3 A B C