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6 Step Phonics With Lesson Plans

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6 Step Explicit Phonics Sequence – Explicit Procedures*

*Used DAILY in whole group instruction based upon grade level skills,
and in small group instruction based upon phonics survey and/or
literacy screener data.

It can be taught in a 15 to 30 minute block of time, and all 6 steps

should be done DAILY.

Within the 6 Step Phonics lesson, the skills build upon each other in a
logical progression to support decoding (reading) and encoding
(spelling). Thus, no step should be skipped. If lesson needs to be
shortened, less words can be done in step 1, step 3, and step 6.

The repetition in this sequence is important because high poverty and

struggling students need lots of repetition to build NEURAL pathways.

The sequence might also be used as a lens to examine your current

instructional practices.

Step 1: Phonemic Awareness 1-2 minutes

WHY? In order for children to begin mastery of written language, they must develop the
understanding that words can be divided into smaller units of sound and be able to detect,
identify, and manipulate sounds in spoken words. The focus sound for the phonemic
awareness instruction should be the sound that you will be blending, reading, and spelling
that day.

HOW? Depending upon grade level, teacher may have students identify syllables, identify
sounds in words, blend sounds into words, or tap out sounds in individual words. By mid-
year kindergarten, students should begin tapping out individual sounds in words.

Teacher- orally says word. (THE WORD IS _______. )(cat)

Students- ECHO word. (CAT)
Teacher and Students- Tap out sounds in word. (/c/ /a/ /t/).

Note: This activity is to be done orally. Students should NEVER see the words in a phonemic
awareness activity. Words chosen for phonemic awareness should have review skills
AND/OR the focus skill (sound) for today’s lesson.

For additional strategies, see CORE Sourcebook pages 118, 119.

Step 2: Introduce/Review and Practice Sound/Spellings 1-2 minutes

WHY? The automatic association of letters to sounds is the foundation for other literacy
instruction. This activity reinforces sound/symbol correspondences. The sounds that are
practiced are any new sounds and any review sounds that students are struggling with.

HOW? Teacher uses letter cards to drill letter/sound correspondences in the words that they
will be practicing today.

Teacher- shows letter/sound card to students and says letter-sound (T SAYS /t/)
Students- look at card and echo what teacher says (T SAYS /t/)

Note: Used to introduce new letter/sound spellings and review previously taught
letter/sound spellings. Practice with NO MORE than 30 cards daily. This should be a
TEACHER LED activity because teachers need to listen for correct pronunciation of sounds.
Teachers also need to be very careful of their own sound production. You don’t want to add
a schwa to your sounds. It’s not buh or duh. When introducing a new letter/sound, teacher
may also teach/review/reinforce letter formation in this step.

For additional strategies, see CORE Sourcebook pages 196-207.

Step 3: Blend Words 12-15 words

WHY? Blending provides explicit instruction and practice in sounding words out and blending
the sounds together. Blending helps students to acquire the skill of automatic word reading.

HOW? See CORE Teaching Reading Sourcebook pages 181-182.

Sound-by-Sound Blending Lesson Model pages 209-211.
Continuous Blending Lesson Model pages 215-217.
Whole Word Blending Lesson Model pages 222-224.
Spelling Focused Blending Lesson Model pages 227-228.

Note: Students and teacher should blend 12-15 words daily containing the week’s phonics
skill and/or review skills.

Step 4: Build Automatic Word Recognition 1-2 minutes

WHY? Students need to be able to decode words quickly and effortlessly.

HOW? Using the words that were previously blended in Step 3:

Teacher- Points to the left of the first word.
Students- Read word in their heads.
Teacher- (waits 2 seconds) Sweeps hand quickly under the word.
Students- Read the whole word aloud in unison.

Irregular words may also be practiced at this step.

Step 5: Apply to Decodable Text 1-2 minutes

WHY? Reading and rereading decodable text helps to develop automaticity in reading and it
emphasizes that the whole purpose of doing steps 1-4 is so that the child can read connected

HOW? Teacher writes one or two sentences which contain this week’s phonics focus, words
with earlier learned phonics skills, and/or previously taught irregular words.

First read: Students whisper read sentence(s) to themselves.

Second read: Teacher and students choral read sentence(s) together.
Third read: Teacher discusses phrasing, and “scoops” sentences into phrases by drawing
“scoops” below each phrase in the sentence (see example). Teacher and students read
sentences again with proper phrasing.

Note: Teachers DO NOT read the decodable text to students. Instead of complete
sentences, phrases may also be used. In addition to practicing decodable text in the phonics
lesson, children also need to practice reading decodable text independently and in small
group instruction using decodable readers.

Step 6: Word Work for Decoding and Encoding. 2-5 minutes

WHY? Word work leads students to practice/apply sound/spelling patterns by building
words and sentences using the studied phonics pattern. WORD WORK is one part of your
phonics lesson, not the entire phonics lesson.

Sound dictation:
* supports the development of the alphabetic principle
* helps students solidify both sound-symbol correspondence and
* helps students to solidify letter formation

Word dictation:
*helps students to develop independent spelling
*reinforces their understanding of word structure
*gives teachers a quick formative assessment to see if students have mastered the phonics
skill taught to date

Sentence dictation:
*helps students to visualize
*supports listening comprehension
*develops a student’s proofreading skills and reinforces capitalization and punctuation
*reinforces handwriting
*reinforces current concepts
*reviews previously taught concepts


Sound dictation:
Teacher-Dictates sound /t/
Students- Echo Sound /t/
Teacher- “Write the letter(s) that says /t/”
Students- Write Letter on dry erase board, in notebook, or on paper
Teacher- “What letter says /t/?”
Students- t
Students- Check that they wrote the correct letter(s) from teacher or student model

Word dictation:
Teacher- Dictates word “car”
Students- Echo word. “car”
Teacher- “Tap the sounds in the word “car”
Teacher and students- Tap out the sounds together “/c/ /ar/”
Students- Write word on dry erase board, in notebook, or on paper
Teacher- “What are the sounds in ______?” OR “How do you spell _____?”
Students- Orally give sounds or letters in word
Teacher- Writes the word on the board
Students- Check word written on paper from teacher or student model and corrects word if

Sentence dictation:
Teacher- Dictates sentence “I like green beans and peas.”
Students- Repeat sentence. “I like green beans and peas.”
Teacher- Asks students to repeat sentence again.
Students- Repeat sentence.
Teacher- “How many words are in the sentence?”
Students- Repeat sentence and count the words.
Students- Write sentence on dry erase board, in notebook, or on paper
Teacher- Monitors students and repeats sentence to students who ask.
Teacher- “Read the sentence back to me.” Writes sentence on board.
Students- Read sentence back to teacher.
Teacher- Writes the sentence on the board. Discusses punctuation, handwriting, spacing,
spelling, etc.

For additional strategies and additional word work activities, see CORE Sourcebook pages

Doing all of these activities daily is what leads to automatic word

Explicit Phonics Lesson Sequence Focus Sound(s): -ful, -ly, -y
1st Grade Lesson: 29
1. Develop Phonemic Awareness 1-2 minutes
Phoneme awareness: practice segmenting Segmenting Syllables: I will say a word.
syllables I want you to clap and say each syllable
watches (watch-es) turkey (tur-key) in the word.
telling (tell-ing) downstairs (down-stairs) Example: The word is watches, you
sadly (sad-ly) helpful (help-ful) would clap twice and say watch-es
tricky (trick-y) dusty (dust-y) Let’s do some more:
2. Introduce/Practice Sound/Spelling 1-2 minutes
Warm up with letter cards (less than 30 sounds Introduce new sound: -ly, -ful, -y
cards) Review last week’s sounds: igh, y, ie
Vowels, digraphs, igh, y, ie,
Endings: -ing, -ed, -er, -est *new endings: -ly, Start with echo: u says _____ and
-ful,-y ______

-ful (full of); -ly (like); -y (full of or like). When you

add a suffix, you add a syllable
3. Blend Words 12-15 words
Blend words: words in phonics lesson (10-15 WHOLE WORD blending
words) -point to each sound-spelling
-What’s the word?
-ful -ly -y cup cupful
slow slowly cloud cloudy trick
tricky peace peacefu point pointy
4. Build Automatic Word Recognition 1-2 minutes
Point to words, think, read the word (on poster Point to the left-THINK
that you have blended) Run finger under the word-SAY WORD
5. Apply to Decodable Text 1-2 minutes
Read a decodable text, a couple of sentences  Whisper read
(small group=decodable book)  Choral read
1. This peaceful, furry animal can purr softly. Scooping, then read w/ fluency

6. Word Work for Decoding and Encoding 2-5 minutes

Say a sound. Students echo. Students write Listen
graphemes (letters) that make that sound. Say it, say it again
1. –ful Tap it
2. -ly Write it
Blend it
Say a word, (s)tap out the word, (s) write the
word, blend the word:
3. cupful 4. tricky 5. hopeful 6. slowly Listen
Dictation sentence Say it, say it again
1. The sky was spotty and cloudy. Count the words
Write it

-ful -ly -y cup cupful slow

slowly cloud cloudy trick tricky

peace peaceful point pointy

Explicit Phonics Lesson Sequence Focus Sound(s): -ful, -ly, -er
_3_ Grade Lesson: 23
7. Develop Phonemic Awareness 1-2 minutes
Phoneme awareness: practice saying and The word is---------.
tapping out: What’s the word?
*tap the words with the syllables. Let’s tap it out
1. loud, joy, teach, fight, close, farm, quick, friend, How many sounds?
speak, true (can do less words)
*only the sounds, not the letters
8. Introduce/Practice Sound/Spelling 1-2 minutes
Warm up with letter cards (less than 30 sounds Introduce new sound
cards) Review last week’s sounds: __________
a, e, i, o, u, (vowel diagraphs) er, ea, igh, ar, oy,
ch, ou, ie, y *stay the same all week long.
Start with echo: u says _____ and
9. Blend Words 12-15 words
Blend words: words in phonics lesson (10-15 WHOLE WORD blending
words) -point to each sound-spelling
1. -ful, -ly, -er, loud, loudly, joy, joyful, teach, -What’s the word?
teacher, fight, fighter, close, closely, farm, farmer,
quick, quickly, friend, friendly, speak, speaker,
true, truly,
10. Build Automatic Word Recognition 1-2 minutes
Point to words, think, read the word (on poster Point to the left-THINK
that you have blended) Run finger under the word-SAY WORD
11. Apply to Decodable Text 1-2 minutes
Read a decodable text, a couple of sentences  Whisper read
(small group=decodable book)  Choral read
1. The officer quickly rushed after the helpful Scooping, then read w/ fluency
12. Word Work for Decoding and Encoding 2-5 minutes
Say a sound. Students echo. Students write Listen
graphemes (letters) that make that sound. Say it, say it again
(skip to next part) Tap it
Write it
Say a word, (s)tap out the word, (s) write the Blend it
word, blend the word:
1. teacher, truly, closely, fighter, careful (can do
less words) Listen
Say it, say it again
Dictation sentence Count the words
1. The powerful teacher was a joyful speaker. (can Write it
do less sentences)
Explicit Phonics Lesson Sequence Focus Sound(s): Variant
_4th_ Grade Lesson: Vowels
ew, eu, oo, ue
13. Develop Phonemic Awareness 1-2 minutes
Phoneme awareness: practice saying and The word is---------.
tapping out: (do not show the words to the What’s the word?
students) Let’s tap it out
Model with cat, How many sounds?
1. dew, chew, flew, threw, feud, blue, skew,
*tap the words with the syllables. (can shorten) *only the sounds, not the letters
14. Introduce/Practice Sound/Spelling 1-2 minutes
Warm up with letter cards (less than 30 sounds Introduce new sound
cards) Review last week’s sounds: __________
ew, eu, oo, ue, a, e, i, o, u Start with echo: u says _____ and
15. Blend Words 12-15 words
Blend words: words in phonics lesson (10-15 WHOLE WORD blending
words) -point to each sound-spelling
1. dew, chew, flew, threw, feud, blue, skew, -What’s the word?
strewn, slew, nephew, neutral (can shorten)
16. Build Automatic Word Recognition 1-2 minutes
Point to words, think, read the word (on poster Point to the left-THINK
that you have blended) Run finger under the word-SAY WORD
1. dew, chew, flew, threw, feud, blue, skew,
strewn, slew, nephew, neutral
17. Apply to Decodable Text 1-2 minutes
Read a decodable text, a couple of sentences  Whisper read
(small group=decodable book)  Choral read
1. Who drew that large shrew on the wall? Scooping, then read w/ fluency

18. Word Work for Decoding and Encoding 2-5 minutes

Say a sound. Students echo. Students write Listen
graphemes (letters) that make that sound. Say it, say it again
ew, eu, oo, ue Tap it
Write it
Say a word, (s)tap out the word, (s) write the Blend it
word, blend the word:
1. flew, threw, feud, blue, strewn Listen
Say it, say it again
Dictation sentence Count the words
1. His nephew will view the book. (can shorten) Write it

Explicit Phonics Lesson Sequence Intervention Lesson

6th Grade Lesson: blends and
19. Develop Phonemic Awareness 1-2 minutes
Phoneme awareness: practice saying and The word is---------.
tapping out: What’s the word?
zip, rich, wax, hush, then, whig, quiz, blot, lamp, Let’s tap it out
best, stamp How many sounds?
*only the sounds, not the letters
20. Introduce/Practice Sound/Spelling 1-2 minutes
New sounds: blend/digraph Introduce new sound:
Review last week’s sounds: __________
Warm up with letter cards (less than 30 sounds
cards) short vowels, digraphs, all consonants, -ck.
(Say: Letter/Sound) Start with echo: u says _____ and
21. Blend Words 12-15 words
Blend words: words in phonics lesson (10-15 WHOLE WORD blending
words) -point to each sound-spelling
quag, fez, hush, yak, sprig, brim blush, thrush, -What’s the word?
pulp, mend, grunt, stump
22. Build Automatic Word Recognition 1-2 minutes
Point to words, think, read the word (on poster Point to the left-THINK
that you have blended) Run finger under the word-SAY WORD
23. Apply to Decodable Text 1-2 minutes
Read a decodable text, a couple of sentences  Whisper read
(small group=decodable book)  Choral read
Grant wept when he swept up the mess in the Scooping, then read w/ fluency
You can tap it, tamp it, stamp it, and then send it.
24. Word Work for Decoding and Encoding 2-5 minutes
Say a sound. Students echo. Students write Listen
graphemes (letters) that make that sound. Say it, say it again
1./e/ Tap it
2. /i/ Write it
Say a word, (s)tap out the word, (s) write the Blend it
word, blend the word:
3. brim 4. mend 5. stump
Dictation sentence Say it, say it again
Slim will grunt if you drop the milk. Count the words
Write it
6 – Step Phonics – November 6
Flexible Syllabication Strategy 5th Grade

Step #1
Develop Phonemic Awareness. (1-2 minutes) Tap it out (4 words) The word
Blending (6 words) is____
What’s the word? Let’s tap it out.
How many sounds?
Spelling words Break into syllables: dismay, export, prevention, subtraction, reflection,
From inspection, disruption, exception, retention
s chart

Step #2
Intro/Review of sound/spelling (1-2 minutes) **no more than 30 cards daily
Echo: u says _____ and _______
Review New this week
Mon-Fri pre-, dis-, ex-, re-, sub-, in-,

Step #3
Blend Words – Words written on board. WHOLE WORD BLENDING – Point to each sound-
spelling- what’s the word?
Introduce flexible syllabication strategy: 1. Circle prefixes and suffixes. 2. Underline the
vowels in the uncircled part(s) of the word. 3. Determine what the vowel says. 4. Read the
word by parts or syllables. 5. Read the word and confirm its pronunciation.
WORDS: dismay, export, prefix, subway, regain, prevention, subtraction, reflection,
inspection, disruption, exception, retention

Step #4
Build Automatic Word Recognition – Use words from step #3 (1-2 minutes)
Point to left of first word [think] sweep hand under. Students read aloud in unison

Step #5
Apply to decodable text: sentences containing this week’s phonics focus.
First read: Students whisper read sentences to themselves
Second read: Teacher and students choral read.
Third read: Teacher discusses phrasing and scooping.
The distortion of the reflection caused dismay in the subtraction lesson.

Step #6
Word work for decoding and encoding – Students at desk.
Step 1: Teacher dictates sound, students repeat, tap out together, then write sound
Step 2: Teacher dictates sentence. Students repeat sentence and write it down.
Letters Words (3)
-tion, disruption, exception, retention
Word work – continued (sentence dictation)
The inspection caused a disruption.

Explicit Phonics Lesson Sequence

Kindergarten Lesson: 19
25. Develop Phonemic Awareness 1-2 minutes
Phoneme awareness: practice saying and The word is---------.
tapping out: What’s the word?
BLEND: cup/cups; net/nets; pad/pads; win/wins; Let’s tap it out
mop/mops; run/runs How many sounds?
SEGMENT: fun, rim, did, ran, hat, bun, bat, pin
*only the sounds, not the letters
26. Introduce/Practice Sound/Spelling 1-2 minutes
Introduce new sound: d Introduce new sound
Review last week’s sounds: __________

Warm up with letter cards ((less than 30 sounds

cards) s, m, a, t, c, p, n, f, b, I, g, r, i, d Start with echo: u says _____ and
27. Blend Words 12-15 words
Blend words: words in phonics lesson (10-15 WHOLE WORD blending
words) -point to each sound-spelling
dig, pig, fig, big, rig, dim, dip, dig, did, pin, pit, pig, -What’s the word?
did, dad, tin,
28. Build Automatic Word Recognition 1-2 minutes
Point to words, think, read the word (on poster Point to the left-THINK
that you have blended) Run finger under the word-SAY WORD
Irregular words: Intro: they, soon Practice: go,
soon, here, up, for
29. Apply to Decodable Text 1-2 minutes
Read a decodable text, a couple of sentences  Whisper read
(small group=decodable book)  Choral read
Swooping, then read w/ fluency
Pat can dig and dig. Sid can pat the big pig.
30. Word Work for Decoding and Encoding 2-5 minutes
Sound dictation with handwriting reinforcement: Listen
r, n, p, m, i, a, d Say it, say it again
Tap it
Say a word, (s)tap out the word, (s) write the Write it
word, blend the word: Blend it

did, mad, pan, fig, sat, bid

Sentence dictation:

The cat is sad.

Explicit Phonics Lesson Sequence
2nd Grade Lesson: 23
31. Develop Phonemic Awareness 1-2 minutes
Phoneme awareness: practice saying and The word is---------.
tapping out: What’s the word?
Let’s tap it out
help, thank, hope, slow, wish, kind, pain, mouth How many sounds?

*only the sounds, not the letters

32. Introduce/Practice Sound/Spelling 1-2 minutes
Warm up with letter cards (less than 30 sound Introduce new sound
cards) Review last week’s sounds: __________
Intro: -ful, -ly, -y

long and short vowels, ea, ee, b, d, p, qu, ough Start with echo: u says _____ and
(oo), ______
33. Blend Words 12-15 words
Blend words: words in phonics lesson (10-15 WHOLE WORD blending
words) -point to each sound-spelling
-ful, -ly, hope, hopeful, sad, sadly, stick, sticky, -What’s the word?
pain, painful, soft, softly, hair, hairy, joy, joyful,
bright, brightly, sand, sandy
34. Build Automatic Word Recognition 1-2 minutes
Point to words, think, read the word (on poster Point to the left-THINK
that you have blended) Run finger under the word-SAY WORD
35. Apply to Decodable Text 1-2 minutes
Read a decodable text, a couple of sentences  Whisper read
(small group=decodable book)  Choral read
It is a good idea to be friendly and helpful. Swooping, then read w/ fluency

36. Word Work for Decoding and Encoding 2-5 minutes

Say a sound. Students echo. Students write Listen
graphemes (letters) that make that sound. Say it, say it again
ly, ful, Tap it
Write it
Say a word, (s) tap out the word, (s) write the Blend it
word, blend the word:
hopeful, sadly, sandy
Dictation sentence Say it, say it again
He pet the cat softly. Count the words
Write it

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