TIB Bwce 2.6.2 Error Codes
TIB Bwce 2.6.2 Error Codes
TIB Bwce 2.6.2 Error Codes
Container Edition
Error Codes
Version 2.6.2
May 2021
Contents 2
Bindings 6
SOAP Binding Error Codes 6
REST Binding Error Codes 18
Core 23
Engine Error Codes 23
Design Time Error Codes 103
Palettes 106
File Palette Error Codes 106
FTP Palette Error Codes 109
General Palette Error Codes 111
HTTP Palette Error Codes 113
Java Palette Error Codes 117
JDBC Palette Error Codes 124
JMS Palette Error Codes 129
Mail Palette Error Codes 132
Parse Palette Error Codes 136
TCP Palette Error Codes 141
XML Palette Error Codes 143
The following table lists the component IDs and their descriptions.
Component Id Description
Note: The Engine layers with component IDs BX and PVM do not follow this
The following table lists the log levels used by the software and the corresponding
message code range.
The message describes the issue. Sometimes, the message can contain parameters
shown as ({N}), where N is an integer.
This section describes the error messages that can be reported by the SOAP and REST
Binding types.
TIBCO-BW- Failed to parse binding meta data file [{0}] Ensure that the xml file
BINDING- in bundle [{1}] due to exception [{2}]. contents are valid and well
SOAP- formed.
TIBCO-BW- Failed to process File [{0}] in bundle [{1}]. Ensure that the 'name'
BINDING- BindingName is not specified. attribute of the service
SOAP- element contains a unique
001050 Binding Name.
TIBCO-BW- Failed to process File [{0}] in bundle [{1}]. Ensure that Binding Name of
BINDING- A Binding with name [{2}] is already the SOAP Interceptor is
SOAP- registered. unique and it does not match
001060 with any Binding Name
(service/reference) in the
Application Module
TIBCO-BW- Failed to deploy the SOAP Interceptor Ensure that the SOAP
BINDING- Module [{0}], due to exception [{1}]. Root Interceptor deployed follows
SOAP- exception message is [{2}]. the Axis2 Module protocol.
TIBCO-BW- Failed to initialize SOAP Binding. Binding Make sure the Binding in the
BINDING- Name is not specified for port [{0}]. application Module has a
SOAP- Name.
TIBCO-BW- Failed to locate WSDL definition for port Ensure that the a WSDL exist
BINDING- type [{0}]. with port type [{0}] in the
SOAP- application module.
TIBCO-BW- MEP [{0}] is not supported. Review the Ensure that the MEP definition
BINDING- WSDL definition for Port type [{1}]. for Port type [{1}] is either IN-
TIBCO-BW- Failed to recognize the MEP for Port type Ensure that the MEP definition
BINDING- [{0}]. for Port type [{0}] is either IN-
TIBCO-BW- Failed to find message receiver for MEP Ensure that the MEP definition
BINDING- [{0}] for port type [{1}]. for Port type [{1}] is either IN-
TIBCO-BW- SOAP Binding [{1}] for portType [{0}] is Ensure that the SOAP Binding
BINDING- missing Transport Configuration. [{1}] for port type [{0}] is
SOAP- configured with a Transport.
TIBCO-BW- Failed to load WSDL definition for Make sure the WSDL with
BINDING- namespace [{0}]. namespace [{0}] exists in the
SOAP- application module.
TIBCO-BW- Unable to parse model version of the Ensure the SOAP Model
BINDING- SOAP Binding. version in .bwm file is of
SOAP- format [0-9].[0-9].[0-9]
TIBCO-BW- Failed to process Reply message for Ensure that the Binding
BINDING- Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding [{1}], configuration and Context
SOAP- Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. Configuration, if any, done on
500070 Sending Undeclared Fault message to the SoapServiceBinding [{1}] are
consumer of this service. Root Exception correct.
message: [{5}]
TIBCO-BW- Error occurred while processing Service Ensure that the Context
BINDING- Request messages Context Information Mapping done on
SOAP- for Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding SoapServiceBinding [{1}] are
500080 [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception correct.
[{4}]. Root Exception message: {5}
TIBCO-BW- Error occurred while processing Service Ensure that the Message part
BINDING- Request message for Operation [{0}], configuration and header
SOAP- SoapServiceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}]: configuration, if any, done on
500090 {3}] due to exception [{4}]. Root Exception SoapServiceBinding [{1}] are
message: {5} correct.
TIBCO-BW- Error occurred while processing Service Ensure that the Message part
BINDING- Request message for Operation [{0}], configuration and header
TIBCO-BW- Error occurred while processing Service Ensure that the Message part
BINDING- Request message for Operation [{0}], configuration and header
SOAP- SoapServiceBinding [{1}], Application [{2}: configuration, if any, done on
500105 {3}] due to exception [{4}].Root Exception SoapServiceBinding [{1}] are
message: {5} correct.
TIBCO-BW- Failed to process Declared Fault Message Ensure that the Context
BINDING- for Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding Mapping and configuration
SOAP- [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception done on SoapServiceBinding
500110 [{4}]. Sending Undeclared Fault message [{1}] are correct.
to the consumer of this service. Root
Exception message: {5}.
TIBCO-BW- Error occurred while processing Service Ensure that the Context
BINDING- Request messages Context information Mapping and configuration
SOAP- for Operation [{0}], SoapServiceBinding done on SoapServiceBinding
500170 [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{1}] are correct.
[{4}]. Sending Undeclared Fault message
to the consumer of this service. Root
Exception message: {5}
TIBCO-BW- Failed to start JMS transport primitive for This is an internal product
BINDING- SoapServiceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}: error. Contact TIBCO support.
SOAP- {2}] due to exception [{3}]
TIBCO-BW- Failed to stop JMS transport primitive for This is an internal product
BINDING- SoapServiceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}: error. Contact TIBCO support.
SOAP- {2}] due to exception [{3}]
TIBCO-BW- Failed to Initialize JMS transport primitive Ensure that the transport
BINDING- for SoapServiceBinding [{0}], Application configuration done on
SOAP- [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}] SoapServiceBinding [{0}] are
500210 correct.
TIBCO-BW- Failed to read incoming JMS raw message This is an internal product
BINDING- due to exception [{0}]; error. Contact TIBCO support.
TIBCO-BW- Failed to create JMS Reply Handler for Ensure that the transport
BINDING- SoapServiceBinding [{0}], Application [{1}: configuration done on
SOAP- {2}] due to exception [{3}] SoapServiceBinding [{0}] are
500240 correct.
TIBCO-BW- Failed to send Service Reply message for This is an internal product
BINDING- Operation [{0}], SoapServiceeBinding error. Contact TIBCO support.
SOAP- [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception
500260 [{4}]
TIBCO-BW- Received SOAP Fault from the service This is an internal message
BINDING- provider of the Operation [{0}], sent to the framework for
SOAP- SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application server error. Resolution not
550100 [{2}:{3}]. SOAP Fault received: [{4}] required.
TIBCO-BW- Received SOAP Fault from the service This is an internal message
BINDING- provider of the Operation [{0}], sent to the framework for
SOAP- SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application client error. Resolution not
550101 [{2}:{3}]. SOAP Fault received: [{4}] required.
TIBCO-BW- Error occurred while processing the Ensure that the declared fault
BINDING- declared fault message from the service send back by the Service
SOAP- provider of the Operation [{0}], Provider is valid and well
550110 SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application formed SOAP Fault.
[{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]
TIBCO-BW- Error occurred while processing reply Ensure that Message Part and
BINDING- message from the service provider of the Header Configuration done on
SOAP- Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding SoapReferenceBinding [{1}]
550120 [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception are correct.
TIBCO-BW- Failed to Initialize JMS transport primitive Ensure that the Transport
BINDING- for SoapReferenceBinding [{0}], Sender configurations are
SOAP- Application [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}] correct.
TIBCO-BW- Failed to process reply message from the Ensure that the Message
BINDING- service provider of the Operation [{0}], Configuration done on
SOAP- SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application SoapReferenceBinding [{1}]
550180 [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}] are correct
TIBCO-BW- Failed to update HTTP Transport Ensure that the port number
BINDING- configurations before sending the configuration for
SOAP- Reference Request message for SoapReferenceBinding [{1}] is
550190 Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding valid
[{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception
TIBCO-BW- Failed to create the HTTP Client required Ensure that the Endpoint URL
BINDING- for sending the Reference Request is in correct format.
SOAP- message for Operation [{0}],
550210 SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application
TIBCO-BW- Failed to serialize JMS transport message Ensure that the configuration
BINDING- due to exception [{1}]. done on Reference Binding
SOAP- are correct.
TIBCO-BW- Failed to convert JMS message to string Ensure that the configuration
BINDING- due to exception [{1}]. done on Reference Binding
SOAP- are correct.
TIBCO-BW- Failed to create Endpoint URL for Ensure that the Endpoint URI
BINDING- Operation [{0}], SoapReferenceBinding configuration on
SOAP- [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}] due to exception SOAPRefernceBinding [{1}] is
550240 [{4}] correct.
TIBCO-BW- Unable to receive response from the Ensure that the Service
BINDING- service provider for Operation [{0}], Provider is available.
SOAP- SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application
555000 [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. Message
Received: [{5}]
TIBCO-BW- Unable to receive response from the Ensure that HTTP Client
BINDING- service provider for Operation [{0}], configurations are configured
SOAP- SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application as per service provider
555010 [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. Message requirements.
Received: [{5}]
TIBCO-BW- Unable to receive response from the Ensure that HTTP Client
BINDING- service provider for Operation [{0}], configurations are configured
SOAP- SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application as per service provider
555020 [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. Message requirements.
Received: [{5}]
TIBCO-BW- Unable to send request the service Ensure that HTTP Client
BINDING- provider for Operation [{0}], configurations are configured
TIBCO-BW- Unable to send request the service Ensure that the COOKIE
BINDING- provider for Operation [{0}], format is correct.
SOAP- SoapReferenceBinding [{1}], Application
555040 [{2}:{3}] due to exception [{4}]. Message
Received: [{5}]
TIBCO-BW- Creating REST Resource with HTTP This is a debug message and
BINDING- Connector Name [{0}] at Resource Path: resolution is not applicable.
REST- [{1}]
TIBCO-BW- Creating REST Resource for conflicting This is a debug message and
BINDING- path spec resolution is not applicable.
TIBCO-BW- Adding REST operation [{0}] with HTTP This is a debug message and
BINDING- Method[{1}] for [{2}] at resource path [{3}] resolution is not applicable.
TIBCO-BW- Request Received for Operation [{0}] This is a debug message and
BINDING- resolution is not applicable.
TIBCO-BW- Invoking BW Endpoint [{0}] for Operation This is a debug message and
BINDING- [{1}] resolution is not applicable.
TIBCO-BW- BW Endpoint [{0}] for Operation [{1}] has This is a debug message and
BINDING- been invoked. Waiting for Reply to be resolution is not applicable.
REST- generated
TIBCO-BW- Creating XML Message for JSON This is a debug message and
BINDING- Message. Element details - resolution is not applicable.
REST- targetnamespace [{0}] and name is [{1}]
TIBCO-BW- Destroying REST Binding with pathspec This is a debug message and
BINDING- [{0}] and binding name [{1}] resolution is not applicable.
TIBCO-BW- JSON-> XML Conversion Result: \n {0} This is a debug message and
BINDING- resolution is not applicable.
TIBCO-BW- Expected JSON Content-Type. Got XML The Client needs to be notified
BINDING- Instead. Replying with error to client to use the right Content-Type
REST- Header or the binding
400001 configuration can be changed
to allow multiple content-types
TIBCO-BW- Expected XML Content-Type. Got JSON The Client needs to be notified
BINDING- Instead. Replying with error to client to use the right Content-Type
REST- Header or the binding
400002 configuration can be changed
to allow multiple content-types
TIBCO-BW- Unable to start REST Binding with name Check configuration of the
BINDING- [{0}] REST binding specified in the
TIBCO-BW- Unable to stop REST Binding with name Check configuration of the
BINDING- [{0}} REST binding specified in the
REST- error message
TIBCO-BW- Error Occurred while parsing and Invalid values were sent by the
BINDING- creating HTTP Headers. Responding to client in the HTTP headers.
REST- client with error message.
TIBCO-BW- Error Occurred while creating Invalid values were passed for
BINDING- Parameters Part. Responding to client the Parameters element. Check
REST- with error message. the client request and the
500007 configuration of the REST
TIBCO-BW- Error Occurred while creating User Part. Invalid values were passed for
BINDING- Responding to client with error message. the Parameters element. Check
REST- the client request and the
500008 configuration of the REST
TIBCO-BW- The HTTP Connector failed to deploy the Check the HTTP Connector
BINDING- REST Service Binding. Check the exception for possible reasons
REST- exception thrown by the HTTP Connector of failure. For example, Some
500009 for possible configuration issues of them could be related to
overlapping context paths or an
address in use.
BINDING- Authentication failed for client request. A
REST- 401 status code has been sent to the
500012 client with the realm as [{0}].
BINDING- error occurred while trying to retrieve the
REST- WSDL/XSD's for the REST binding [{0}].
500013 Please check the underlying exception
thrown by the WSDL/XSD Cache for the
root cause.
TIBCO-BW- No WSDL Operation found. Please re- This is an internal product error.
BINDING- validate the application module and try Contact TIBCO Support.
REST- deploying again.
This section lists the error codes returned by the core components such as runtime.
TIBC The operation [{0}] is not This is an internal product error. Contact
O- supported for the BX Non- TIBCO Support.
BW- Executable Module.
COR ModuleName={0},
E- ModuleVersion={1}
TIBC The operation [{0}] is not This is an internal product error. Contact
TIBC The operation [{0}] is not This is an internal product error. Contact
O- supported for the BW Job Shared TIBCO Support.
BW- Variable.
TIBC The BX operation [{0}] failed due This is an internal product error. Contact
O- to exception [{1}]. TIBCO Support.
COR "BundleContext.getServiceRefere
E- nce" for BW module [{1}:{2}]
00012 returned exception [{3}]
TIBC Unable to obtain XSD cache This is an internal product error. Contact
O- service [{0}] for the BW module TIBCO Support.
BW- [{1}:{2}]. The operation [{3}]
COR returned "null".
TIBC Unable to obtain XSD cache This is an internal product error. Contact
O- service [{0}] for the BW module TIBCO Support.
BW- [{1}:{2}]. The operation [{3}]
COR returned exception [{4}]
TIBC Unable to obtain WSDL cache This is an internal product error. Contact
O- service [{0}] for the BW module TIBCO Support.
BW- [{1}:{2}]. The operation [{3}]
COR returned "null".
TIBC Unable to obtain WSDL cache This is an internal product error. Contact
O- service [{0}] for the BW module TIBCO Support.
BW- [{1}:{2}]. The operation [{3}]
COR returned exception [{4}]
TIBC Unable to obtain GenXDM WSDL This is an internal product error. Contact
O- Module for the WSDL namespace TIBCO Support.
BW- [ {0} ] that is associated with the
COR BW Module [{1}:{2}],
E- DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. The
00013 operation "{5}" returned exception
7 [{6}]
TIBC Unable to obtain GenXDM WSDL This is an internal product error. Contact
O- Module for the WSDL namespace TIBCO Support.
BW- [ {0} ] that is associated with the
COR BW Module [{1}:{2}],
E- DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}]. The
00013 operation "{5}" returned "null".
8 Ensure the BW Module [{6}] is
dependent on a BW shared
module which contains the WSDL
file for this WSDL namespace or
the BW Module [{7}] itself
contains the required WSDL file.
TIBC Unable to obtain WSDL Message This is an internal product error. Contact
O- details from the GenXDM WSDL TIBCO Support.
BW- Module for the WSDL namespace
COR [ {0} ] that is referenced in the BW
E- Module [{1}:{2}] due to exception
00014 [{3}].
TIBC Unable to obtain WSDL Definition This is an internal product error. Contact
O- namespace details from the TIBCO Support.
BW- GenXDM WSDL Module for the
COR WSDL namespace [ {0} ] that is
E- associated with the BW Module
00014 [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}].
TIBC Unable to obtain WSDL Target This is an internal product error. Contact
O- namespace from the GenXDM TIBCO Support.
BW- WSDL Module for the WSDL
COR namespace [ {0} ] that is
E- associated with the BW Module
00014 [{1}:{2}] due to exception [{3}].
TIBC Unable to obtain WSDL Interface This is an internal product error. Contact
O- details from the GenXDM WSDL TIBCO Support.
BW- Module for the PortType [{0}], that
COR is associated with the BW Module
E- [{1}:{2}]. The operation "{3}"
00014 returned exception [{4}].
TIBC Unable to obtain WSDL Interface This is an internal product error. Contact
O- details from the GenXDM WSDL TIBCO Support.
BW- Module for the PortType [{0}], that
COR is associated with the BW Module
E- [{1}:{2}]. The operation "{3}"
00014 returned null.
TIBC The initial value mode [{0}] This is an internal product error. Contact
TIBC The QName value [{0}] specified This is an internal product error. Contact
O- for the {1} [{2}] in BW Module [{3}] TIBCO Support.
BW- is invalid or malformed.
E- ComponentName={1},
00020 ComponentVersion={2}
TIBC Error occurred while creating This is an internal product error. Contact
O- ServiceEndpointRequestHandler TIBCO Support.
BW- for service [{0}], BW Component
COR [{1}], Application [{2}:{3}].
E- Exception[{4}].
TIBC Unable to obtain GenXDM WSDL This is an internal product error. Contact
O- Module for the WSDL namespace TIBCO Support.
BW- [{0}] that is associated with the
COR BW Component [{1}], Application
E- [{2}:{3}]. The operation "{4}"
00022 returned exception [{5}]
TIBC Unable to obtain GenXDM WSDL This is an internal product error. Contact
O- Module for the WSDL namespace TIBCO Support.
BW- [{0}] that is associated with the
COR BW Component [{1}], Application
E- [{2}:{3}]. The operation "{4}"
00022 returned "null".
TIBC Unable to obtain WSDL Interface This is an internal product error. Contact
O- details from the GenXDM WSDL TIBCO Support.
BW- Module for the PortType [{0}], that
TIBC Unable to obtain cache service This is an internal product error. Contact
O- [{0}]. The operation "{1}" returned TIBCO Support.
BW- "null".
TIBC Unable to obtain cache service This is an internal product error. Contact
O- [{0}]. The operation "{1}" returned TIBCO Support.
BW- exception [{2}].
TIBC Unable to obtain ModuleCache for This is an internal product error. Contact
O- the BW Component [{0}]. The TIBCO Support.
BW- operation "{1}" returned "null".
TIBC Failed obtain value for the BW framework layer encountered errors
O- component level property [{0}], when accessing the component level
BW- BW Component [{1}], Application property. Contact TIBCO Support.
COR [{2}:{3}]. Encountered exception
E- [{4}]
TIBC Error occurred when accessing This is an internal product error. Contact
O- the ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in TIBCO Support.
BW- process [{1}], module [{2}] from
COR the BWActivityManager. Error=
E- {3}.
TIBC Error occurred when configuring This is an internal product error. Contact
O- the ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in TIBCO Support.
BW- process [{1}], module [{2}].
TIBC HotUpdate operation not This error can occur if the BW process file
O- supported for ProcessStarter has been corrupted.
BW- activity [{0}] in process [{1}],
COR module [{2}]. The ProcessStarter
E- already exists for activitId [{3}].
TIBC Failed to obtain activity [{0}] in This is an internal product error. Contact
O- process [{1}], module [{2}] from TIBCO Support.
BW- the BWActivityManager due to
COR exception [{3}]. ActivityId [{4}].
TIBC Error occurred when configuring This is an internal product error. Contact
O- the activity [{0}] in process [{1}], TIBCO Support.
BW- module [{2}]
TIBC Unable to configure activity [{0}] in This is an internal product error. Contact
O- process [{1}], module [{2}] due to TIBCO Support.
BW- crypto service access error.
TIBC Unable to execute [{0}] operation This is an internal product error. Contact
O- for an activity. Failed to lookup TIBCO Support.
BW- activity [{1}] in process [{2}],
COR module [{3}] from the
E- BWActivityManager. ActivityId
00060 [{4}].
TIBC Activated Application[{0}], Module This is a trace message and resolution is not
O- [{1}] in AppNode[{2}], applicable.
BW- ActivationAlias[{3}].
TIBC Initialized BW Engine successfully This is a debug message and it indicates the
TIBC INITIATE: install BW Module [{0}: This is a debug message and it indicates the
O- {1}], DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}]. BW Engine is starting to create the BW
BW- Module. Resolution is not applicable for this
COR message.
TIBC Installed BW Module [{0}:{1}], This is a debug message and it indicates the
O- DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}]. BW Engine has completed creating the BW
BW- Module. Resolution is not applicable for this
COR message.
TIBC INITIATE: release-resources for This is a debug message and it indicates the
O- BW Module [{0}:{1}], BW Engine is starting to release the BW
BW- DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}]. Module resources. Resolution is not
COR applicable for this message.
TIBC INITIATE: undeploy BW Module This is a debug message and it indicates the
O- [{0}:{1}], DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}]. BW Engine is starting to un-deploying the
BW- BW Module. Resolution is not applicable for
COR this message.
TIBC Undeployed BW Module [{0}:{1}], This is a debug message and it indicates the
O- DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}]. BW Engine has completed un-deploying the
BW- BW Module. Resolution is not applicable for
COR this message.
TIBC INITIATE: install BW Component This is a debug message and it indicates the
O- [{0}], Application[{1}:{2}]. BW Engine is starting to create the BW
BW- Component. Resolution is not applicable for
COR this message.
TIBC Installed BW Component [{0}], This is a debug message and it indicates the
O- Application[{1}:{2}]. BW Engine has completed creating the BW
BW- Component. Resolution is not applicable for
COR this message.
TIBC Initialized BW Component [{0}], This is a debug message and it indicates the
O- Application[{1}:{2}]. BW Engine has completed initializing the BW
BW- Component. Resolution is not applicable for
COR this message.
TIBC INITIATE: start BW Component This is a debug message and it indicates the
O- [{0}]. BW Engine is starting the BW Component.
BW- Resolution is not applicable for this message.
TIBC Started BW Component [{0}]. This is a debug message and it indicates the
O- BW Engine has stated the BW Component.
BW- Resolution is not applicable for this message.
TIBC Started ServiceBinding [{0}] for This is a debug message and resolution is
O- BW Component [{1}], Application not applicable.
BW- [{2}:{3}].
TIBC Stopped ServiceBinding [{0}] for This is a debug message and resolution is
O- BW Component [{1}], Application not applicable.
BW- [{2}:{3}].
TIBC Started all ProcessStarters and This is a debug message and resolution is
O- ServiceBindings for BW not applicable.
BW- Application [{0}:{1}].
TIBC Stopped all ProcessStarters and This is a debug message and resolution is
O- ServiceBindings for BW not applicable.
BW- Application [{0}:{1}].
COR {4}].
TIBC INITIATE: initialize Activity [{0}] in This is a debug message and resolution is
O- Process[{1}], Module [{2}], not applicable.
BW- DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}].
TIBC Initialized Activity [{0}] in Process This is a debug message and resolution is
O- [{1}], Module [{2}], not applicable.
BW- DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}].
TIBC INITIATE: destroy Activity [{0}] in This is a debug message and resolution is
O- Process[{1}], Module [{2}], not applicable.
BW- DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}].
TIBC Destroyed Activity [{0}] in Process This is a debug message and resolution is
O- [{1}], Module [{2}], not applicable.
BW- DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}].
TIBC Activity input data validation This is a debug message and resolution is
O- details. ActivityName={0}, not applicable.
BW- ProcessName={1}, Module={2}:
COR {3}, Schema={4}, Data={5}
TIBC Activity output data validation This is a debug message and resolution is
O- details. ActivityName={0}, not applicable.
BW- ProcessName={1}, Module={2}:
COR {3}, Schema={4}, Data={5}
TIBC Activity resource release The activity resource release operation must
O- operation not raise an exception. This is considered to
BW- [com.tibco.bw.runtime.ActivityRes be an activity resource implementation error.
COR ource.release()] called at the end
E- of the execution of the BW group
40000 or BW Process instance
4 encountered error. The Activity
resource release operation
[{0}.release(boolean)] raised
exception: {1}
TIBC CatchAll fault details formating Received unexpected data when formating
O- issue. Expected [{0}], but received the CatchAll fault details.
BW- [{1}]
TIBC The BW process [{0}] instance This message is generated when the
TIBC Unable to close the file [{0}] The BW Engine was unable to close the file
O- configured for the initial value of that contains initial values for the Module or
BW- the {1} [{2}] in the BW Module [{3}: Job Shared variables. This error occurred
COR {4}], DeploymentUnit [{5}:{6}]; when attempting to close the file, but after
E- encountered exception [{7}]. reading the file contents.
TIBC Failed to initialize BW Engine due The BW Engine did not successfully initialize,
TIBC Failed to initialize BW Engine due The BW Engine was not able to establish
O- to database access error connection or access the engine database
BW- instance. Ensure the database driver,
COR connection, user name and password details
E- are correctly specified. Also ensure database
50001 instance has been started.
TIBC Failed to initialize BW Engine due The BW Engine failed to establish connection
O- to engine group connection with the engine group connection provider.
BW- provider error Ensure the group connection provider entity
COR (bw.engine.groupProvider.technology)
E- specified in the BW AppNode or BW
50001 AppSpace configuration file has been started
2 and accessible to the BW Engine.
TIBC Failed to initialize BW Engine due The BW Engine was not able to initialize due
O- to database schema configuration to the engine database schema configuration
BW- error. The BW Engine database error. Create a new engine database using
COR does not contain the required the database scripts provided in the TIBCO
E- tables. Ensure the BW Engine BusinessWorks product and this will
50001 database has been created with configure the database with the appropriate
3 the table schemas required by the schemas required by the engine.
TIBC Failed to initialize BW Engine due This error can occur when the BW Engine is
O- to incompatible engine group configured to use a group name that does not
BW- name. The group name [{0}] match the group name in the engine
COR configured for the BW Engine database. To resolve these issues change
E- does not match the group name the engine group name to match the group
50001 value in the BW Engine database. name in the engine database, use a different
6 Try using a different engine engine database that contains the matching
database or change the engine engine group name or create a new engine
group name to match the value in database. Furthermore if the group name is
the database not specified then the BW Engine uses a
default group name. Refer to documentation
for more details on naming convention used
for the default engine group name.
TIBC Failed to initialize BW Engine due This error can occur if the engine database
O- to incompatible persistence mode was previously used by a BW Engine
BW- between the engine and the configured to execute in persistence mode
COR engine database. This error can 'datastore'
E- occur if the BW Engine is (bw.engine.persistenceMode=datastore).
50001 configured to execute in When a BW Engine uses the database for
7 persistence mode [group]; the first time, the database is updated with
TIBC Failed to initialize BW Engine due This error can occur if the engine database
O- to incompatible persistence mode was previously used by a BW Engine
BW- between engine and the engine configured to execute in persistence mode
COR database. This error can occur if 'group' (bw.engine.persistenceMode=group).
E- the BW Engine is configured to When a BW Engine uses the database for
50001 execute in persistence mode the first time, the database is updated with
8 [datastore]; however the engine the engine execution persistence mode.
database is configured for the Subsequently the persistence mode value
persistence mode [group]. Try stored in the database cannot be altered and
using a database that is the same database cannot be used for
configured for the persistence different engine persistence mode. To
mode [datastore] or create a new resolve this issue ensure the engine and the
engine database database persistence mode match or create
a new database using the database scripts
provided by the TIBCO BusinessWorks
TIBC Failed to initialize BW Engine due This error can occur if the BW Engine is
O- to missing or incorrect group configured to execute in persistence mode
BW- connection provider configuration [group] and the engine is not correctly
COR data. The BW Engine persistence configured with the group connection
E- mode property [{0}] is set to provider data. Ensure the BW Engine is
50001 [group] and this option requires configured with the required group
9 valid engine group connection connection provider details.
TIBC Failed to initialize BW Engine due This error can occur if the BW Engine is
O- to incorrect engine group name. configured to execute in persistence mode
BW- The BW Engine persistence mode [group] and an empty or invalid engine group
COR property [{0}] is set to [group] and name is specified. Ensure the engine group
E- this option requires a valid engine name is not empty or contains a valid name.
50002 group name specified via property
0 [{1}].
TIBC Failed to initialize BW Engine. Ensure the BW Engine thread count is not
O- The BW Engine thread count configured to be empty or null. Furthermore
BW- value is configured incorrectly. the thread count value must be an integer
COR Ensure the thread count value is that is greater than zero.
E- set to an integer that is greater
50002 than zero
TIBC Failed to initialize BW Engine. Ensure the BW Engine step count is not
O- The BW Engine step count value configured to be empty or null. Furthermore
BW- is configured incorrectly. Ensure the step count value must be "-1" or an
COR the step count value is set to "-1" integer that is greater than zero.
E- or an integer that is greater than
50002 zero
O- The BW Engine property [{0}] not configured to be empty or null. The value
BW- contains incorrect value [{1}]. configured for this property must be an
COR Ensure the value is an integer that integer that is greater than zero.
E- is greater than one.
TIBC Failed to initialize BW Engine due This error can be reported when multiple BW
O- to exception [{0}]. This error can Engines configured for 'datastore'
BW- occur if the BW Engine persistence mode is attempting to use the
COR persistence mode is set to [{1}] same database configuration. Ensure
E- and the same database different database configuration specified for
50002 configuration is used by multiple each BW Engine when the persistence option
7 BW Engines. When a BW Engine is 'datastore'. This is also applicable when
is configured for the persistence multiple BW Engines (BW AppNodes) are
mode [{2}], then each BW Engine part of the same BW AppSpace.
must have a unique database
configuration. This is applicable
even if the BW Engines (BW
TIBC BW Engine stop operation An error was encountered when stopping the
O- encountered exception [{0}] BW Engine. For more details, refer to the
BW- additional exception message or the
COR "CausedBy" statements reported as part of
E- this error message.
TIBC Unable to enable Event Publisher Error was encountered when attempting to
O- in the BW Engine, encountered enable the Event Publisher in the BW
BW- exception [{0}] Engine. Contact TIBCO Support.
TIBC Attempt to disable the Event Error was encountered when attempting to
O- Publisher in the BW Engine, disable the Event Publisher in the BW
BW- encountered exception [{0}] Engine. Contact TIBCO Support.
TIBC Reference Binding configured for The Reference Binding configured for the
O- the process reference [{0}], in process provided an invalid message data
BW- process [{1}], module [{2}] model. This error can occur due to the
COR provided unsupported message Reference Binding implementation error.
E- data model [{3}].
TIBC Invocation of the Process This error indicates the Reference Binding
O- Reference's operation [{0}] failed. configured for the process reference failed
BW- The BW Reference Binding [{1}] and returned a fault.
COR configured for the process
E- reference [{2}] in process [{3}],
50004 module [{4}] returned fault [{5}].
TIBC Invalid activity name. The activity The error indicates the specified activity
O- name [{0}] is not found in process name is not contained within the BW
BW- [{1}], module [{2}:{3}], process. Ensure a valid activity name is
COR DeploymentUnit [{4}:{5}]. specified for this operation.
TIBC The BW process [{0}] instance This error message indicates the process
O- faulted, JobId [{1}], instance did not complete successfully;
BW- ProcessInstanceId [{2}], instead it terminated due to an error that
COR ParentProcessInstanceId [{3}], occurred during the execution of the process
E- Module [{4}:{5}], Application [{6}: instance. For more details on the process
50005 {7}]. {8} instance failure, refer to the additional
0 exception message or the "CausedBy"
statements reported as part of this error
TIBC Activity [{0}] fault. {1} This message indicates the potential activity
O- that raised the fault and caused the process
BW- instance to fail.
TIBC Invoke activity [{0}] fault. {1} This message indicates the potential invoke
O- activity that raised the fault and caused the
BW- process instance to fail.
TIBC XSLT transformation error. {0} This message indicates the cause of the
O- failure could be due to a XSLT transformation
BW- error.
TIBC Activity [{0}] XSLT transformation This message indicates the cause of the
O- error. {1} failure could be due to an Activity XSLT
BW- transformation error.
TIBC XPATH error. {0} This message indicates the cause of the
O- failure could be due to a XPATH error.
TIBC Activity [{0}] XPATH error. {1} This message indicates the cause of the
O- failure could be due to an Activity XPATH
BW- error.
TIBC XML related error. {0} This message indicates the cause of the
O- failure could be due to a XML error.
TIBC Activity [{0}] XML related error. {1} This message indicates the cause of the
O- failure could be due to an Activity XML error.
TIBC Reply activity [{0}] error. The reply This error message is reported when a
O- activity cannot be associated with process is implemented to execute more than
BW- the ProcessService request one Reply activity for the same operation, the
COR message. This error can occur if caller of this process (Service Binding, Parent
E- the process is implemented to Process) has terminated before Reply activity
50005 send reply multiple times for the can be executed or on recovery from a
9 same request, the caller of this check-point the Reply activity is executed but
process is no longer available or the caller of this process did not recover
on recovery from a check-point because it was not part of the check-pointed
the caller did not recover because job. Ensure the process is not implemented
it was not part of the check- to reply to same request multiple times.
pointed job. {1}
TIBC The process instance terminated This message is reported when a process
O- without replying to the caller of instance terminates without replying to the
BW- this process. {0} request of a ProcessService operation. This
COR can occur if the process is implemented
E- incorrectly to end the process execution
50006 without performing a reply operation or when
0 the process instance is canceled. Ensure the
process in implemented correctly and there is
no validation errors.
TIBC Reply activity [{0}] error. The reply This error message can be reported for the
O- activity [{1}] encountered error on following reasons: the caller of this process
BW- sending the response to the caller (Service Binding, Parent Process) raised a
COR of this process. This error can fault when processing the reply message, the
E- occur if the caller of this process caller of this process is no longer available.
50006 raised a fault when processing the
1 reply message, the caller of this
TIBC Activity [{0}] error. {1} This message indicates the potential activity
O- that raised the fault and caused the process
BW- instance to fail.
TIBC Throw activity [{0}] fault. Fault: {1} This message indicates the name of the
O- Throw activity that raised the fault and
BW- caused the process instance to fail.
TIBC Invoke activity faulted due an This message indicates the Invoke activity
O- error from the invoked failed due to an unexpected error received for
BW- subprocess. {0} the invoked subprocess. This error can occur
COR if the subprocess terminated without replying,
E- the subprocess faulted, the invoked
50006 subprocess does not exist, etc. Ensure the
6 invoked subprocess is implemented correctly
and confirms to the invoked operation
TIBC Activity [{0}] faulted due to an This error can occur when the BW Engine is
O- object serialization error. This attempting to serialize a Java object to
BW- error can occur if an object that support the persistence feature and the
COR must be serialized as part of the object cannot be serialized. Ensure the Java
E- BusinessWorks process object is Serializable and the Java package
50006 execution is not Serializable or that contains the class is exported.
7 the Java package that contains
the class is not exported correctly.
TIBC Fault occurred due to an object This error can occur when the BW Engine is
O- serialization error. This error can attempting to serialize a Java object to
BW- occur if the Java class that must support the persistence feature; however the
COR be serialized as part of the Java object cannot be serialized. Ensure the
E- BusinessWorks process Java object is Serializable and the Java
50006 execution is not Serializable or package that contains the class is exported.
8 the Java package that contains
the class is not exported correctly.
TIBC Failed to confirm the request This error message can be reported for the
O- message from the receive activity following reasons: the process is
BW- [{0}], in process [{1}], module [{2}: implemented to execute more than one
COR {3}], application [{4}:{5}]. This confirm activity for the same request, the
E- error can occur if the process is caller of this process instance (Service
50008 implemented to confirm multiple Binding, Parent process) has terminated
9 times for the same request before the confirm activity can be executed or
message, the caller of this on recovery from a check-point the confirm
process is no longer available, on activity is executed; however the caller of this
recovery from a check-point the process did not recover because it was not
caller did not recover because it part of the check-pointed job. Ensure the
was not part of the check-pointed process is not implemented to confirm to
job or the specified receive same request for multiple times or the activity
activity name is incorrect. name configured in the confirm activity is
TIBC Invalid argument value. The BW The BusinessWorks Application specified for
O- Application name cannot be null. this operation can not be null or empty.
BW- Ensure valid application name is specified for
COR this operation.
TIBC Unable to get BW Process Error occurred when obtaining the process
O- instances information for the BW instance details for the specified
BW- Application [{0}] due to exception BusinessWorks application.
COR [{1}].
TIBC Unable to get BW Process Error occurred when obtaining the process
O- instance information for the BW instance details for the specified
BW- ProcessIntanceId [{0}] due to BusinessWorks ProcessIntanceId.
COR exception [{1}].
TIBC Unable to get BW Process Error occurred when obtaining the process
O- instance summary information for instance details for the specified
BW- the BW ProcessIntanceId [{0}] BusinessWorks ProcessIntanceId.
TIBC Failed to resume the BW Process Error occurred when attempting to resume
O- instance for the BW the process instance for the specified
BW- ProcessIntanceId [{0}] due to BusinessWorks ProcessIntanceId.
COR exception [{1}].
TIBC Failed to cancel the BW Process Error occurred when attempting to cancel the
O- instance for the BW process instance for the specified
BW- ProcessIntanceId [{0}] due to BusinessWorks ProcessIntanceId.
COR exception [{1}].
TIBC BW AppNode name [{0}] exceeds BW AppNode name exceeds 250 characters
O- 250 characters and it is possible this is not possible create unique engine
BW- to create the internal engine alias name. Ensure AppNode name is less than
COR name. 250 characters.
TIBC Failed to install BW Module [{0}: The BW Module did not get installed in the
O- {1}], DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}] BW Engine, and this could be due to many
BW- reasons. For more details, refer to the
COR additional exception message or the
E- "CausedBy" statements reported as part of
50010 this error message.
TIBC Encountered error(s) when un- The BW Engine encountered error(s) when
O- deploying the BW Module [{0}: un-deploying the BW Module and this could
BW- {1}], DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}] be due to many reasons. For more details,
COR refer to the additional exception message or
E- the "CausedBy" statements reported as part
50010 of this error message.
TIBC Failed to install BW Module [{0}: The BW Module or the process is using a
O- {1}], DeploymentUnit [{2}:{3}]. The persistence feature, module shared variable
BW- module or a process is configured with persistence option, etc..; however the
COR to utilize the BW Engine BW Engine persistence mode is not set
E- persistence feature; however the appropriately for this feature. Ensure the BW
50011 BW Engine is not configured with Engine persistence mode
0 a correct engine persistence (bw.engine.persistenceMode) is set to
mode. Ensure the BW Engine is "datastore" or "group" and the required
configured for the engine engine database configuration is specified.
TIBC Failed to start BW Module due to This error is reported when the BW Activity in
O- an activity start error. CausedBy the process fails to initialize and start. For
BW- more details, refer to the additional exception
COR message or the "CausedBy" statements
E- reported as part of this error message.
TIBC Unable to obtain WSDL Failed to get the WSDL ModuleCache for the
O- ModuleCache (Namespace={0}, WSDL required by the BW Module.
BW- Location={1}) for BW Module [{2}:
COR {3}]. The WSDLCacheService
E- operation [{4}] returned "null".
TIBC Unable to obtain WSDL Failed to get the WSDL ModuleCache for the
O- ModuleCache (Namespace={0}, WSDL required by the BW Module and this
BW- Location={1}) for BW Module [{2}: could be due to many reasons. For more
COR {3}]. The WSDLCacheService details, refer to the additional exception
E- operation [{4}] returned exception message or the "CausedBy" statements
50012 [{5}] reported as part of this error message.
TIBC Unable to resolve Schema Failed to resolve the schema required by the
O- (Namespace={0}, Location={1}, BW Module. Ensure the schema is valid, the
BW- BaseURI={2}) for BW Module [{3}: schemas imported/referenced by this
COR {4}]. The SchemaCacheService schema are valid, the schemaLocation of the
E- operation [{5}] returned "null". schemas imported by this schema is valid,..
TIBC Invalid or empty file name is The module shared variable or the job shared
O- specified for the initial value of the variable contains incorrect value or is empty.
BW- {0} [{1}] in BW Module [{2}:{3}], Ensure the module or the job shared variable
COR DeploymentUnit [{4}:{5}]. has been initialized or assigned with a correct
E- value.
TIBC The file [{0}] configured for the The module shared variable or the job shared
O- initial value of the {1} [{2}] is not variable has been initialized with a file URL
BW- found in BW Module [{3}:{4}], that is not found in the BW Module. Ensure
COR DeploymentUnit [{5}:{6}]. the specified file name is valid or the file is
E- contained within the BW Module.
TIBC Unable to access the file [{0}] Failed to access the file specified in the
O- configured for the initial value of module or job shared variable and this could
BW- the {1} [{2}] in BW Module [{3}: be due to many reasons. For more details,
COR {4}], DeploymentUnit [{5}:{6}]; refer to the additional exception message or
E- encountered exception [{7}]. the "CausedBy" statements reported as part
50013 of this error message.
TIBC Unable to open the file [{0}] Failed to open the file specified in the module
O- configured for the initial value of or job shared variable and this could be due
BW- the {1} [{2}] in BW Module [{3}: to many reasons. For more details, refer to
COR {4}], DeploymentUnit [{5}:{6}]; the additional exception message or the
E- encountered exception [{7}]. "CausedBy" statements reported as part of
50013 this error message.
TIBC Unable to read the file [{0}] Failed to read the file specified in the module
O- configured for the initial value of or job shared variable and this could be due
BW- the {1} [{2}] in BW Module [{3}: to many reasons. For more details, refer to
COR {4}], DeploymentUnit [{5}:{6}]; the additional exception message or the
E- encountered exception [{7}]. "CausedBy" statements reported as part of
50013 this error message.
TIBC The contents of the file [{0}] Ensure the file specified for the module or job
O- configured for the initial value of shared variable is not empty.
BW- the {1} [{2}] in BW Module [{3}:
COR {4}], DeploymentUnit [{5}:{6}] is
E- empty.
TIBC Invalid BW Module property. The Ensure the module property correctly defined
O- module property [{0}] is not in the BW Module.
BW- defined in the BW Module [{1}:
COR {2}], DeploymentUnit [{3}:{4}].
E- Therefore the XPath function
50014 "getModuleProperty({5})"
1 contained in the XSLT is not able
to resolve this module property.
TIBC Unable to resolve the BW Module Ensure the module property correctly defined
O- property [{0}] defined in the BW in the BW Module.
BW- Module [{1}:{2}], DeploymentUnit
COR [{3}:{4}] via the XPath function
E- "getModuleProperty({5})"
50014 contained in the XSLT.
2 Encountered exception [{6}].
TIBC Unable to obtain WSDL Interface Error occurred when attempting to obtain
O- details for the PortType [{0}], that WSDL details for the specified PortType, and
BW- is associated with the BW Module this could be due to many reasons. For more
COR [{1}:{2}]. Encountered exception details, refer to the additional exception
E- [{3}] message or the "CausedBy" statements
50014 reported as part of this error message.
TIBC Failed to install BW Component The BW Component did not get installed in
O- [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] the BW Engine, and this could be due to
BW- many reasons. For more details, refer to the
COR additional exception message or the
E- "CausedBy" statements reported as part of
50020 this error message.
TIBC Encountered error(s) on release- Error occurred when releasing the resources
O- resource operation for the BW associated with the BW Component, and this
BW- Component [{0}], Application [{1}: could be due to many reasons. For more
COR {2}] details, refer to the additional exception
E- message or the "CausedBy" statements
50021 reported as part of this error message.
TIBC Encountered error(s) when un- Error occurred when un-deploying the BW
O- deploying the BW Component Component and this could be due to many
BW- [{0}], Application [{1}:{2}] reasons. For more details, refer to the
COR additional exception message or the
E- "CausedBy" statements reported as part of
50021 this error message.
TIBC Failed to start ServiceBinding [{0}] Error occurred when starting the
O- for the BW Component [{1}], ServiceBinding that is associated with the
BW- Application [{2}:{3}] due to BW Component. For more details, refer to
COR ServiceBinding lifecycle error the additional exception message or the
E- "CausedBy" statements reported as part of
50025 this error message.
TIBC The job flow limit property [{0}] for The BW application or component's job flow
O- the application or the component limit property is configured with an incorrect
BW- is configured incorrectly. Ensure value. The job flow limit property value must
COR the job flow limit property value is be an integer that is greater than zero.
E- set to an integer that is greater
50025 than zero.
TIBC The job priority property [{0}] for The BW application or component's job
O- the application or the component priority property is configured with an
BW- is configured incorrectly. Ensure incorrect value. The job priority property can
COR the job priority property value is only be configured with the string value "low",
E- set to "low", "normal" or "high". "normal" or "high".
TIBC The property to enable activity The property that is used to determine the
O- input validation for the application enabling of the activity output validation for
BW- or the component is configured the application or the component is
COR incorrectly. Ensure properties that configured with an incorrect value. This
E- are prefixed with [{0}] are set with property can only be configured with the
50026 value "true" or "false". string value "true" or "false".
TIBC The property that specifies the The property that specifies the default wait
O- async activity default wait time is time (timeout) value for an asynchronous
BW- configured incorrectly. Ensure the activity is configured incorrectly. The value
COR property [{0}] or the properties for this property must be a zero or positive
E- prefixed with [{1}] are configured number. This property can be configured the
50026 with a zero or positive numeric AppSpace/AppNode configuration file
5 value 'config.ini'
TIBC Failed to start BW Application [{0}] The BW Application did not start and this
O- due to exception [{1}] could be due to many reasons. For more
BW- details, refer to the additional exception
COR message or the "CausedBy" statements
E- reported as part of this error message.
TIBC Failed to start BW Application [{0}: Error occurred in an activity that is associated
O- {1}] due to an activity error with the BW Application; therefore the BW
BW- Application did not start. For more details,
COR refer to the additional exception message or
E- the "CausedBy" statements reported as part
50030 of this error message.
TIBC Encountered error when Error occurred when attempting to stop the
O- attempting to stop BW Application BW Application and this could be due to
BW- [{0}:{1}] many reasons. For more details, refer to the
COR additional exception message or the
E- "CausedBy" statements reported as part of
50030 this error message.
TIBC Unable to start ServiceBinding(s) Error occurred when attempting to start the
O- or ProcessStarter(s) associated ServiceBinding(s) or ProcessStarter(s)
BW- with the BW Application [{0}:{1}] activity that is associated with the BW
COR Application. For more details, refer to the
E- additional exception message or the
50031 "CausedBy" statements reported as part of
2 this error message.
TIBC Unable to stop ServiceBinding(s) Error occurred when attempting to stop the
TIBC Failed to start the ProcessStarter Error occurred when attempting to start the
O- activity [{0}] in process [{1}], ProcessStarter activity in a process. For
BW- module [{2}] due to activity more details, refer to the additional exception
COR lifecycle error message or the "CausedBy" statements
E- reported as part of this error message.
TIBC Failed to start the ProcessStarter Unexpected error occurred when attempting
O- activity [{0}] in process [{1}], to start the ProcessStarter activity in a
BW- module [{2}] due to unexpected process. For more details, refer to the
COR activity lifecycle error additional exception message or the
E- "CausedBy" statements reported as part of
50041 this error message.
TIBC The stop operation for the Unexpected error occurred when attempting
O- ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in to stop the ProcessStarter activity in a
BW- process [{1}], module [{2}] failed process. The ProcessStarter activity stop
COR with unexpected exception [{3}] operation
E- "com.tibco.bw.runtime.EventSource.stop()"
50041 failed and returned unexpected exception.
4 The ProcessStarter stop operation must not
raise a fault and it is considered to be a
ProcessStarter activity implementation error.
TIBC The destroy operation for the Unexpected error occurred when attempting
O- ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in to destroy the ProcessStarter activity in a
BW- process [{1}], module [{2}] failed process. For more details, refer to the
COR with unexpected exception [{3}] additional exception message or the
E- "CausedBy" statements reported as part of
50041 this error message.
TIBC The release operation for the Unexpected error occurred when attempting
O- ProcessStarter activity [{0}] in to release resources for the ProcessStarter
BW- process [{1}], module [{2}] failed activity in a process. For more details, refer
COR with unexpected exception [{3}] to the additional exception message or the
E- "CausedBy" statements reported as part of
50041 this error message.
TIBC Failed to process the event from BWEngine failed to process the new events
O- the ProcessStarter activity [{0}] from the ProcessStarter activity. For more
BW- details, refer to the additional exception
COR message or the "CausedBy" statements
E- reported as part of this error message.
TIBC Failed to execute event from the This error message is reported when the
TIBC The BWEngine is unable accept The ProcessStarter generated new events
O- new events from the when it is in the stopped state. A
BW- ProcessStarter activity [{0}], in ProcessStarter must not generate new
COR process [{1}], module [{2}] since events during the stopped state and it will be
E- the ProcessStarter is in the considered as ProcessStarter activity
50042 stopped sate. When the implementation error. The ProcessStarter is
4 ProcessStarter is in the stopped in the stopped state once the BWEngine
state, the BWEngine will not invokes the ProcessStarter operation
accept new events. "com.tibco.bw.runtime.EventSource.stop" or
before the invocation of the ProcessStarter
TIBC The model or the runtime class for This error message is generated if the BW
O- the activity [{0}] in process [{1}], activity is not implemented correctly. Ensure
BW- module [{2}] is implemented the BW activity model class contains the
COR incorrectly. The activity model required attribute or property.
E- class [{3}] does not contain the
50060 configuration property [{4}] as
2 defined in the annotation for the
member variable [{5}] declared in
the activity runtime class [{6}].
TIBC The model or runtime class for the This error message is generated if the BW
O- activity [{0}] in process [{1}], activity is not implemented correctly. Ensure
BW- module [{2}] is implemented the BW activity model class contains the
COR incorrectly. The activity model property of a supported data type.
E- class [{3}] associated with the
50060 activity runtime class [{4}] has a
4 configuration property which is of
unsupported data type. The
activity configuration property
data type [{5}] is not supported.
TIBC The model or runtime class for the This error message is generated if the BW
O- activity [{0}] in process [{1}], activity is not implemented correctly. Ensure
BW- module [{2}] is implemented the BW activity runtime class member
COR incorrectly. Unable to set member variable is defined correctly.
E- variable [{3}] declared in the
50060 activity runtime class [{4}].
5 Encountered exception [{5}].
TIBC The resource specified for the A resource assigned to the process property
O- process property [{0}] in process is not accessible or resolvable at runtime.
BW- [{1}], module [{2}] is not available Ensure the process property is configured
COR in the runtime environment. This correctly and the required resource is
E- process property is used by the resolvable at runtime.
50060 activity [{3}] in process [{4}].
6 Ensure the resource is configured
and installed correctly.
TIBC The process property [{0}] in The process property is configured with a
O- process [{1}], module [{2}] has an incorrect value. Ensure the process property
BW- incorrect value [{3}]. This process is configured correctly, specially for a
COR property is used by the activity DateTime data type.
E- [{4}] in process [{5}]. For
50060 DateTime, ensure the value has
7 the format [{6}].
TIBC The resource obtained from the The value assigned to the process property
O- framework for the process did resolve to the data type excepted by the
BW- property [{0}] in process [{1}], process property . Ensure the process
COR module [{2}] is not compatible with property contains the correct value or the
E- the data type of the process module property assigned to the process
50060 property. Encountered exception property is contains the correct value.
8 [{3}].
TIBC One or more required fields of the The activity is not configured correctly.
O- activity [{0}] in process [{1}], Ensure the all required fields for the activity
BW- module [{2}] is not configured at design time are populated correctly.
COR correctly. Ensure the required
E- fields of the activity contains valid
50061 data.
TIBC Failed to create the activity [{0}] in Unexpected error occurred when attempting
O- process [{1}], module [{2}] due to to create an instance of an activity. For more
BW- exception [{3}] details, refer to the additional exception
COR message or the "CausedBy" statements
E- reported as part of this error message.
TIBC Failed to initialize the activity [{0}] Error occurred when attempting to initialize
O- in process [{1}], module [{2}] due an instance of an activity. For more details,
BW- to activity lifecycle error refer to the additional exception message or
COR the "CausedBy" statements reported as part
E- of this error message.
TIBC Failed to initialize the activity [{0}] Unexpected error occurred when attempting
O- in process [{1}], module [{2}] due to initialize an instance of an activity. For
BW- to unexpected activity lifecycle more details, refer to the additional exception
COR error message or the "CausedBy" statements
E- reported as part of this error message.
TIBC The execute operation for the The activity execution failed and raised an
O- activity [{0}] in process [{1}] failed unexpected exception. For more details, refer
BW- with unexpected exception [{2}] to the additional exception message or the
COR "CausedBy" statements reported as part of
E- this error message.
TIBC The cancel operation for the The cancel operation for an asynchronous
O- activity [{0}] in process [{1}], activity failed and raised an unexpected
BW- module [{2}] failed with exception. For more details, refer to the
COR unexpected exception [{3}] additional exception message or the
E- "CausedBy" statements reported as part of
50062 this error message.
TIBC The destroy operation for the The destroy operation for an activity failed
O- activity [{0}] in process [{1}], and raised an unexpected exception. For
BW- module [{2}] failed with more details, refer to the additional exception
COR unexpected exception [{3}] message or the "CausedBy" statements
E- reported as part of this error message.
TIBC The process property [{0}] is not Unable to resolve the specified process
O- defined in the BW Process [{1}] property. Ensure this process property is
BW- correctly defined in the BW Process.
TIBC The process property [{0}] has not The specified process property has not been
O- been registered with the activity correctly registered with the activity context.
BW- context or the event source This error can occur if the BW activity is not
COR context. implemented correctly to register the process
E- property via method
50063 [com.tibco.bw.runtime.ActivityContext.registe
1 rProcessProperty].
TIBC Failed to resolve process property Failed to resolve the specified process
O- [{0}] from the BW Process [{1}] property. Ensure the specified process
BW- property is defined in the process. For more
COR details, refer to the additional exception
E- message in the cause.
TIBC The module property [{0}] is not Unable to resolve the specified module
O- defined in the BW Module [{1}:{2}] property. Ensure this module property is
BW- correctly defined in the BW Module.
TIBC The module property [{0}] has not The specified module property has not been
O- been registered with the activity correctly registered with the activity context.
BW- context or the event source This error can occur if the BW activity is not
COR context. implemented correctly to register the module
E- property via method
50063 [com.tibco.bw.runtime.ActivityContext.registe
4 rModuleProperty].
TIBC Failed to resolve module property Failed to resolve the specified module
O- [{0}] from the BW Module [{1}:{2}] property. Ensure the specified module
BW- property is defined in the module. For more
COR details, refer to the additional exception
TIBC Activity [{0}] timed out. The activity wait or execution time has
O- exceeded the timeout value specified for the
BW- activity.
TIBC Activity input data validation error. This error message is reported when the data
O- The input data for activity [{0}] in that is provided as an input to the activity
BW- process [{1}], module [{2}] does does not comply with the input schema of the
COR not conform to the activity input activity. This error can occur if the previous
E- schema. {3} {4} activity in the process generated incorrect
50063 data or the activity input XSLT transformation
8 generated data that does not comply with the
input schema of the activity.
TIBC Activity output data validation This error message is reported when the
O- error. The output data from output data generated by the activity does
BW- activity [{0}] in process [{1}], not comply with the output schema of the
COR module [{2}] does not conform to activity. Some activities can generate in-
E- the activity output schema. {3} {4} compliant output if it receives incorrect data
50064 from the external entity it is interacting. In
0 these scenarios, ensure the external entity
provides or returns the correct data excepted
by the activity.
TIBC Activity input/output data This error message is reported when the data
O- validation error. The input/output that is provided as an input to the activity or
BW- data for activity [{0}] in process the output data generated by the activity
COR [{1}], module [{2}] does not does not comply with the output schema of
TIBC Unable to obtain activity input This error message is reported when an
O- data. The BW Engine has not entity such as the event subscriber attempts
BW- been initialized or started. to obtain an activity input data before the BW
COR Engine has been initialized or started. Ensure
E- the BW Engine has started before performing
50064 this operation.
TIBC Unable to obtain activity input This error message is reported when an
O- data. The specified ActivityEvent entity such as the event subscriber attempts
BW- object is invalid, the ActivityEvent to obtain an activity input data; however the
COR can not be null. specified ActivityEvent
E- (com.tibco.bw.runtime.event.ActivityAuditEve
50064 nt) object is invalid or null. Ensure the
3 ActivityEvent object is valid.
TIBC Unable to obtain activity input Unexpected error occurred when an entity
O- data due to exception [{0}] such as the event subscriber is attempting to
BW- obtain activity input data. For more details,
COR refer to the additional exception message or
E- the "CausedBy" statements reported as part
50064 of this error message.
TIBC Unable to obtain activity output This error message is reported when an
O- data. The BW Engine has not entity such as the event subscriber attempts
BW- been initialized or started. to obtain an activity output data before the
COR BW Engine has been initialized or started.
E- Ensure the BW Engine has started before
50064 performing this operation.
TIBC Unable to obtain activity output This error message is reported when an
O- data. The specified ActivityEvent entity such as the event subscriber attempts
BW- object is invalid, the ActivityEvent to obtain an activity output data; however the
COR can not be null. specified ActivityEvent
E- (com.tibco.bw.runtime.event.ActivityAuditEve
50064 nt) object is invalid or null. Ensure the
6 ActivityEvent object is valid.
TIBC Unable to obtain activity output Unexpected error occurred when an entity
O- data due to exception [{0}] such as the event subscriber is attempting to
BW- obtain activity output data. For more details,
COR refer to the additional exception message or
E- the "CausedBy" statements reported as part
50064 of this error message.
TIBC Unable to obtain XPath functions Error was encountered when attempting to
O- associated with the obtain the list of XPath functions associated
BW- BusinessWork Activity, with the BW Activity.
COR encountered exception [{0}]
TIBCO-BW-DT- One or more sources Delete existing links and create links
VALIDATION- mapped for activity {0} again before deploying to runtime.
500024 contain invalid references.
TIBCO-BW-DT- Folder : '' {0} '' contains Replace the special characters with
VALIDATION- special characters. alphanumeric characters, ''-'', ''_'', or
500027 whitespaces.
This section describes the error messages that can be reported by the activities or
entities associated with palettes.
TIBCO-BW- File name [{0}] is not valid. Ensure that file name must not be
PALETTE- empty or null string.
TIBCO-BW- File [{0}] was not found. Ensure that File indicated by
PALETTE- fileName exists at the given
FILE-500001 location.
TIBCO-BW- An exception [{0}] occurred when Ensure the file name is valid and
PALETTE- attempting to write to the file [{1}]. the access permissions are set
FILE-500003 appropriately.
TIBCO-BW- Cannot read the binary content from Ensure the file name is valid and
PALETTE- the file [{0}]. the access permissions are set
FILE-500005 appropriately.
TIBCO-BW- Cannot read the string content from Ensure the file name is valid and
PALETTE- the file [{0}]. the access permissions are set
FILE-500006 appropriately.
TIBCO-BW- The file encoding [{0}] is not valid. Ensure the encoding provided is
PALETTE- valid.
TIBCO-BW- Unable to rename the file from [{0}] to Ensure the file or directory name
PALETTE- file [{1}]. is valid and the access
FILE-500009 permissions are set appropriately.
TIBCO-BW- Unable to rename the file from [{0}] to Ensure the source file and
PALETTE- file [{1}]. The destination file exists destination file both are of same
FILE-500010 and its type is different then the type type.
TIBCO-BW- The file activity [{0}] cannot be used to Ensure the directories can't be
PALETTE- move a directory. moved unless they have same
FILE-500011 parent Directory.
TIBCO-BW- Cannot remove the file [{0}]. Ensure the file or directory name
PALETTE- is valid and the access
FILE-500012 permissions are set appropriately.
TIBCO-BW- An exception [{0}] occurred when Ensure the file or directory name
PALETTE- attempting to create the file [{1}]. is valid and the access
FILE-500013 permissions are set appropriately.
TIBCO-BW- Cannot overwrite the file [{0}] to file Ensure the Overwrite checkBox
PALETTE- [{1}], when the overwrite flag is not on general tab is checked or
FILE-500014 selected in the activity configuration. delete the already existing file
TIBCO-BW- Cannot copy a directory [{0}] to an Ensure that source should not be
PALETTE- existing file [{1}]. a directory when destination
FILE-500015 exists and is a File.
TIBCO-BW- Cannot copy multiple files [{0}] to an Ensure that when using pattern in
PALETTE- existing file [{1}]. source it should not match with
FILE-500016 multiple files to copy into a single
destination file.
TIBCO-BW- Cannot copy from file [{0}] to file [{1}]. Ensure the file or directory name
PALETTE- is valid and the access
FILE-500018 permissions are set appropriately.
TIBCO-BW- The file name value provided for the Ensure that fileName must not be
TIBCO-BW- File [{0}] was not found due to fault Ensure that File indicated by
PALETTE- [{1}]. fileName exists at the given
FILE-500020 location.
TIBCO-BW- The ProcessStarter activity [{0}] failed This is an internal product error.
PALETTE- to a generate a new event due to Contact TIBCO Support.
FILE-500502 exception [{1}].
TIBCO-BW- The File Poller ProcessStarter activity This is an internal product error.
PALETTE- [{0}] failed to a generate a new event Contact TIBCO Support.
FILE-500021 due to exception [{1}] since it is in the
stopped state.
TIBCO-BW- Error in PUT or MPUT command. Ensure the local file is specified
PALETTE- Local file specified cannot be found for PUT or MPUT command.
FTP-500010 [{0}].
TIBCO-BW- File [{0}] does not exist. Ensure File exist at given location.
TIBCO-BW- Error establishing active data socket. Please Contact TIBCO Support.
PALETTE- Reason [{0}].
FTP-500024 Proxy
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE- Sleep interval value [{0}] is not Ensure the sleep interval is
GENERALACTIVITIES- valid. a positive long value.
TIBCO-BW- The Http Server replied with a [{0}] status Check the status code to
PALETTE- code. know the reason for the
HTTP- error.
TIBCO-BW- The Http Server replied with a [{0}] status Check the status code to
PALETTE- code know the reason for the
HTTP- error.
TIBCO-BW- A POST Method cannot send parameters if Correct the input data of
PALETTE- the message body is specified Send Http Request
HTTP- activity.Make sure message
500005 body is not specified when
parameters are used.
TIBCO-BW- A GET Method doesn't have a message Correct the input data of
PALETTE- body Send Http Request activity.
HTTP- Make sure that the message
500006 body is not specified for a
GET request.
TIBCO-BW- Invalid input data. The encoding is not Correct the input data. Make
PALETTE- supported sure the encoding is
HTTP- supported. See the
500008 documentation.
TIBCO-BW- The http method [{0}] is not valid Correct the input data of
PALETTE- Send Http Request activity.
TIBCO-BW- An exception was thrown while trying to url- Correct the input data. See
PALETTE- encode the data the documentation.
TIBCO-BW- Attachment not supported for HTTP method Check input of Send Http
PALETTE- [{0}]. Only HTTP 'POST' can send Request activity. Only
HTTP- attachments 'POST' method can send
500011 attachments.
TIBCO-BW- Error serializing attachment data, Cause: Check the exception and
PALETTE- [{0}] correct the attachment data.
TIBCO-BW- The header [{0}] is defined as non- Correct the input data.
PALETTE- Repeating Header in Input Headers. This
HTTP- header cannot have multiple occurrences in
500019 DynamicHeaders.
TIBCO-BW- The HTTP ProcessStarter [{0}] failed to Check the exception and
PALETTE- generate a new event due to exception [{1}] correct the configuration of
HTTP- Http connector or Http
500020 Receiver.
TIBCO-BW- Value not specified for the DynamicHeader Correct the input data.
PALETTE- [{0}].
TIBCO-BW- Reply For field cannot be blank. Select a value for Reply For
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE- Internal error occurred. Class= Make sure the Java Global
JAVA-501005 [{0}], Method=[{1}], Cause=[{2}] Instance resource has
properly referenced.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE- Input data error in field [{0}] Ensure that the correct
JAVA-500504 because [{1}]. values are provided for the
method parameter elements
that are in the activity input
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE- Output data error in field [{0}] Ensure that the getter
JAVA-500604 because [{1}]. methods are returning the
correct values to display the
activity output tab.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE- Output data error in field [{0}] Ensure that the getter
JAVA-500605 value cannot be null. methods are not returning
null to display the activity
output tab.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE- Output data error in field [{0}] Ensure that the getter
JAVA-500606 value is not serializable. method returns a serializable
Java class to display the
activity output tab.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE- The Java class [{0}] is not Ensure that that the specified
JAVA-500017 found in the classpath. class file is contained in the
Encountered classpath.
ClassNotFoundException [{1}].
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE- Activity input error. The activity Ensure that the correct
JAVA-500019 received an incorrect value for values are provided for the
the method parameters. constructor parameter
IllegalArgumentException elements that are in the
occurred while trying to activity input tab.
construct an instance of the
Java class [{0}]: [{1}]
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE- The constructor for the Java The exception was raised by
JAVA-500021 class [{0}] raised exception the constructor of the
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE- Activity input error. The activity Ensure that the correct
JAVA-500031 received an incorrect value for values are provided for the
the method parameters. When method parameter elements
attempting to invoke the that are in the activity input
method [{0}], encountered tab.
IllegalArgumentException [{1}].
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE- Activity input error. The activity Ensure that the correct Java
JAVA-500032 received an incorrect Java object reference is provided
object for the declared Java for the declared Java class
class [{0}]. The activity required element shown in the input
an instance of the Java class tab of this activity. Ensure
[{1}], but received an instance that the classpath refers to
of the Java class [{2}]: [{3}] the correct declared class.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE- Activity input error. The activity Ensure that the correct Java
JAVA-500033 received an incorrect Java object reference is provided
object for the declared Java for the declared Java class
class [{0}]. The Java object element shown in the input
received is not compatible with tab of this activity. Ensure
the Java object required by this that the classpath refers to
activity. The activity required an the correct declared class.
instance of the Java class [{1}]:
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE- Activity input error. The activity Ensure that the correct Java
JAVA-500034 received 'null' value for the for object reference is provided
the declared Java class. The for the declared Java class
activity required an instance of element shown in the input
the class [{0}], but received a tab of this activity.The
'null'. preceding activity that
provides the input value for
this activity should not
produce a null for its output.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE- Activity input error. The activity Ensure that the correct Java
JAVA-500042 required instance of class [{0}], object reference is provided
but received a 'null' value for for the declared Java class
the declared Java class. element shown in the input
tab of this activity.The
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE- Activity input error. The activity Ensure that the correct Java
JAVA-500043 received incorrect Java object object reference is provided
for the declared Java class. for the declared Java class
The activity required an element shown in the input
instance of a class [{0}], but tab of this activity. Ensure
received instance of a class that the classpath refers to
[{1}]. the correct declared class.
TIBCO-BW-PALETTE- Activity input error. The activity Ensure that the input content
JAVA-500070 does not receive proper input. is not empty.
TIBCO-BW- The JDBC activity [{0}] is NOT part of a JDBC This is an internal product
PALETTE- Transaction Group. However the activity error. Contact TIBCO
JDBC- references the same shared resource as used Support.
000001 in the group
TIBCO-BW- The JDBC activity [{0}] is first activity in the This is a debug message
PALETTE- JDBC Transaction. and resolution is not
JDBC- applicable.
TIBCO-BW- Executing SQL Statement [{0}] for activity This is a debug message
PALETTE- [{1}]. and resolution is not
JDBC- applicable.
TIBCO-BW- Parameters set for activity [{0}] with sql This is a debug message
PALETTE- statement [{1}]. and resolution is not
JDBC- applicable.
JDBC- applicable.
TIBCO-BW- Executing SQL Statement for activity [{0}]. This is a debug message
PALETTE- and resolution is not
JDBC- applicable.
TIBCO-BW- Successfully executed sql statement [{0}] for This is a debug message
PALETTE- activity [{1}]. and resolution is not
JDBC- applicable.
TIBCO-BW- Last subset reached for activity [{0}]. This is a debug message
PALETTE- and resolution is not
JDBC- applicable.
TIBCO-BW- Process in subset output for activity [{0}] with This is a debug message
PALETTE- noofRecords [{1}] is [{2}]. and resolution is not
JDBC- applicable.
TIBCO-BW- Number of updates for JDBC Update activity This is a debug message
PALETTE- is [{0}]. and resolution is not
JDBC- applicable.
TIBCO-BW- Number of updates for JDBC Update activity This is a debug message
PALETTE- is 0. Executing Insert Statement [{0}] since and resolution is not
JDBC- activity is in Upsert mode. applicable.
TIBCO-BW- Batch updates failed on update number [{0}]. Check the activity
PALETTE- configuration and if the
JDBC- database is up.
TIBCO-BW- {0} input parameters declared in the SQL Check the activity
PALETTE- statement but no input parameters provided. configuration Prepared
JDBC- Parameters table.
TIBCO-BW- Duplicate field name [{0}] found. Modify the Modify the query and
PALETTE- query and create unique aliases for duplicate create unique aliases for
JDBC- fields. duplicate fields.
TIBCO-BW- Improper SQL statement used. {0} Check the syntax of the
PALETTE- SQL Statement specified.
TIBCO-BW- Missing Input Value for required Column [{0}]. Check the input tab of the
TIBCO-BW- SQL Exception occurred (SQL STATE = {0}) - Check the activity
PALETTE- detailMessage - {1} configuration and the
JDBC- state of the database the
500009 activity is connected to.
TIBCO-BW- Could not create Connection to server using Check the JDBC
PALETTE- Shared Resource [{0}]. Connection Shared
JDBC- Resource configuration
500011 which is configured on the
TIBCO-BW- Unable to find destination [{0}] on JMS Check JMS Server if it the
PALETTE- server destination name specified in
JMS-500008 the error message exists.
TIBCO-BW- Failed to Reply for JMS ProcessStarter There is no resolution for this
PALETTE- [{0}]. This error can occur if the JMSReply error.
JMS-500015 activity is executed after recovering from a
check-pointed BusinessWorks process
TIBCO-BW- Invalid input data. Reason: Error Ensure the destination addresses
PALETTE- parsing input data. given are valid.
TIBCO-BW- Invalid input data. Reason: Both the Ensure that both the comma and
PALETTE- comma and semicolon cannot be used semicolon cannot be used at
MAIL-500007 at same time to separate addresses: same time to separate
[{0}] addresses.
TIBCO-BW- Error connecting to the mail server. Ensure the host provided is valid.
PALETTE- Reason: unknown host - connection
MAIL-500020 parameters: [{0}].
TIBCO-BW- Error building mail message. Cause: Ensure the input message details
PALETTE- [{0}]. are properly given.
TIBCO-BW- From address [{0}] is not valid. Ensure the From address must
PALETTE- not be empty or null string
TIBCO-BW- The system cannot find the file Ensure the file exists at a given
PALETTE- specified: [{0}]. location.
TIBCO-BW- Host can not be null Ensure the host must not be null
PALETTE- value.
TIBCO-BW- Username can not be null when using Ensure the username value must
PALETTE- Authentication not be null when using
MAIL-500002 authentication.
TIBCO-BW- Password can not be null when using Ensure the password value must
PALETTE- Authentication not be null when using
MAIL-500003 authentication.
TIBCO-BW- Error closing mail server connection. Ensure the Mail receiver
PALETTE- Cause: [{0}]. configuration is appropriately
MAIL-500004 given.
TIBCO-BW- Mail provider for protocol [{0}] not Ensure that the mail provider jar
PALETTE- found. Make sure that the provider jar is in java classpath.
MAIL-500008 is in java classpath.
TIBCO-BW- Configuration error in field [{0}] the Ensure the host name for mail
PALETTE- value must be a valid Host Name. receiver must be valid.
TIBCO-BW- Error connecting to the mail server - Ensure the mail server is up or
PALETTE- connect exception; connection check whether the connection
MAIL-500010 parameters: [Host:{0}, Port:{1}, User: parameters are properly
{2}]. configured.
TIBCO-BW- Could not connect to mail server - Ensure the username and
PALETTE- invalid username in field [{0}] and/or password provided are valid.
MAIL-500011 invalid password.
TIBCO-BW- The default mail folder was not found Ensure the Mail receiver
PALETTE- on mail server. configuration is appropriately
MAIL-500012 given.
TIBCO-BW- The INBOX mail folder was not found Ensure the Mail receiver
PALETTE- on mail server. configuration is appropriately
MAIL-500013 given.
TIBCO-BW- Error getting folder on mail server. Ensure the Mail receiver
PALETTE- configuration is appropriately
MAIL-500014 given.
TIBCO-BW- Mail is already deleted, Receive Mail Ensure the delete mail option on
PALETTE- activity has 'Delete Mail' turned on. Receive Mail activity general tab
MAIL-500015 is unchecked or don't use explicit
TIBCO-BW- Error connecting to the mail server Ensure the mail server is up or
PALETTE- using connection parameters: [{0}] verify connection parameters.
TIBCO-BW- Error while polling mail server: cannot Ensure the mail server is up or
PALETTE- open INBOX folder. verify connection parameters.
TIBCO-BW- Error while polling mail server: cannot Ensure the mail server is up or
PALETTE- close INBOX folder. verify connection parameters.
TIBCO-BW- Unexpected error while polling mail Ensure the mail server is up or
PALETTE- server. verify connection parameters.
TIBCO-BW- Cannot find data format Check if Data format shared resource is
PALETTE- schema resource [{0}] configured.
TIBCO-BW- Exception in parse eval: [{0}] An error occurred while processing, refer
PALETTE- to the exception thrown and correct the
PARSE- activity configuration or input.
TIBCO-BW- Line length must be > 0 Check if line length is greater than zero.
TIBCO-BW- Hit EOF on row [{0}] field [{1}] Check the configuration of number of
PALETTE- spanning columns [{2}] to [{3}] records in input of Parse Data activity. It
PARSE- .... last row contents was: [{4}] may be more than the records present in
500004 the file.
TIBCO-BW- Please specify the Input type Check configuration of Input type on
PALETTE- field. Parse Data activity. Ensure either File or
PARSE- String is configured.
TIBCO-BW- Data format resource not Check if Data format shared resource is
PALETTE- specified. configured on the activity.
TIBCO-BW- Specify the data format Check if Data format shared resource is
PALETTE- resource. configured on the activity.
TIBCO-BW- Format Type must be selected. Ensure that Format type is configured on
PALETTE- Data Format shared resource.
TIBCO-BW- Line is too long. Specified Line Check field offsets configuration on Data
PALETTE- Delimiter may not match file Format shared resource.
PARSE- content.
TIBCO-BW- There are not enough data for Check field offsets configuration on Data
PALETTE- the number of required fields in Format shared resource.
PARSE- a row.
TIBCO-BW- Error while parsing headers in Ensure that the input message has
PALETTE- the mime message. MIME headers.
TIBCO-BW- An I/O exception occurred Ensure that the SOAP payload is well
PALETTE- while parsing SOAP payload in formed and valid.
PARSE- the root part.
TIBCO-BW- The SOAP Message doesn't Ensure that the input message has
PALETTE- exist in the Root part. SOAP payload in it.
TIBCO-BW- Soap Envelope has invalid Ensure that the SOAP payload is valid
PALETTE- XML content. and well formed.
TIBCO-BW- One or more mime parts have Ensure that in input message does not
PALETTE- same Content-Id value in the have same content id for different mime
PARSE- Mime Message. parts.
TIBCO-BW- The xop:Include element must Ensure that in the SOAP payload, the
PALETTE- have an 'href' attribute. xop:Include element has href attribute.
TIBCO-BW- Content_Id header is not found Ensure that the each mime part has
PALETTE- in mime part of the Mime content-id header and corresponding
PARSE- Message. value.
TIBCO-BW- Invalid Content Type Field in Ensure that media type starts with
PALETTE- the Mime Message. 'multipart'.
TIBCO-BW- Boundary attribute not found in Ensure that the 'boundary' attribute is not
PALETTE- the Mime Message. missing in the mime header.
TIBCO-BW- Content Type header is not Ensure that the mime message has
PALETTE- found in the Mime Message. 'content-type' header.
TIBCO-BW- Media type of root part is not Ensure that the root part's media type is
PALETTE- 'application/xop+xml' in the 'application/xop+xml'
PARSE- Mime Message.
TIBCO-BW- 'type' parameter is not present Ensure that the root part has 'type'
PALETTE- in root part of the Mime parameter.
PARSE- Message.
TIBCO-BW- startInfo parameter and type Ensure that the value of startInfo
PALETTE- parameter, of root part, does parameter and type parameter is same
PARSE- not match in the Mime in the root part of the Mime Message.
500029 Message.
TIBCO-BW- Cannot start TCP Please correct Host and Port and retry.
PALETTE- Receiver on Host [{0}],
TCP-500001 Port [{1}]. Reason: [{2}].
TIBCO-BW- No value specified for the Please specify value in the 'data' input field.
PALETTE- 'data' input field.
TIBCO-BW- Error reading TCP data. This is an internal product error. Contact
PALETTE- Reason: [{0}]. TIBCO Support..
TIBCO-BW- Error opening TCP Invalid Host, Please correct the error and retry.
PALETTE- Connection. Reason:
TCP-500009 Host [{0}] unknown.
TIBCO-BW- Could not read from TCP The input connection is either invalid or closed.
PALETTE- connection. The input Please correct the error and retry.
TCP-500014 connection is either
invalid or closed.
TIBCO-BW- Could not write to TCP The input connection is either invalid or closed.
PALETTE- connection. The input Please correct the error and retry.
TCP-500015 connection is either
invalid or closed.
TIBCO-BW- Cannot start TCP Check Host and Port and retry.
PALETTE- Receiver on Host=[{0}],
TCP-500016 Port=[{1}]. Another TCP
Receiver is already
running with the same
TIBCO-BW- Error closing TCP Match the input connection key while closing
PALETTE- connection. Reason: No connection.
TCP-500017 connection is available
which matches the input
connection key.
TIBCO-BW- Timeout while reading Possible causes for this error are:(1)The data
PALETTE- TCP data is being read before it is written.(2)If the data
TCP-500021 that is written is text/binary and it is being read
as binary/text.(3)If the data is written
with/without separator and is being read
without/with separator.
TIBCO-BW- The Wait For TCP This is an internal product error. Contact
PALETTE- Request activity [{0}] TIBCO Support.
TCP-500024 failed to a generate a
new event due to
exception [{1}] since it is
in the stopped state.
TIBCO-BW- Unable to serialize the XML Ensure the input XML node is properly
PALETTE- due to exception [{0}]. given.
TIBCO-BW- Unable to parse the XML due Ensure the provided input XML is well
PALETTE- to exception [{0}]. formed and valid.
TIBCO-BW- Exception [{0}] occurred Ensure the provided input XML and input
PALETTE- during XSLT transformation. XSLT is properly given.
XML-500003 Exception detail [{1}].
TIBCO-BW- The XSLT transformation Ensure to provide the XSLT either in the
PALETTE- Stylesheet provided for the configuration or in the activity input.
XML-500004 activity input is empty or null.
TIBCO-BW- The selected encoding [{0}] is Ensure the provided encoding is valid.
TIBCO-BW- The encoded bytes content is Ensure that the input content is not empty.
PALETTE- empty.
TIBCO-BW- Encountered error [{0}] while Ensure the provided input byte content is
PALETTE- trying to detect the encoding correct.
XML-500008 from the XML.
TIBCO-BW- Activity input error. The Ensure that the input content is not empty.
PALETTE- activity does not receive
XML-500009 proper input.
Shared Resources
This section describes the error codes that can be reported by various shared resources.
TIBCO-BW-SR- No matching time unit found for {0}, possible values are
TIBCO-BW-SR- No matching rejection policy found for {0}, possible values are
TIBCO-BW-SR- Maximum Pool Size should be greater then zero and less then or
THREADPOOL- equal Core pool size.
TIBCO-BW-SR- Failed to {0} FTP Please correct the error and retry.
FTP-500004 Connection resource [{1}]
TIBCO-BW-SR- Failed to {0} HTTP Client resource Check the configuration of Http
HTTP-CLIENT- [{1}] Client resource.
TIBCO-BW-SR- User name or Password is not set in Check if user name and
HTTP-CLIENT- identity resource for basic Http password is specified in Identity
500002 authentication shared resource.
TIBCO-BW-SR- Failed to get URL for HTTP Check the host and port
HTTP- endpoint [{0}] configuration on Http Connector
CONNECTOR- resource.
TIBCO- Unable to construct an instance of the Java Correct the error stated in the
BW-SR- class [{0}]. Encountered exception [{1}] [{2}]. exception message and retry.
TIBCO- Activity input error. The activity received an Ensure that the correct values
BW-SR- incorrect value for the method parameters. are provided for the
JAVA- IllegalArgumentException occurred while constructor parameter
500004 trying to construct an instance of the Java elements that are in the
class [{0}]: [{1}] activity input tab.
TIBCO- The constructor for the Java class [{0}] The exception was raised by
BW-SR- raised exception [{1}]. [{2}] the constructor of the declared
JAVA- Java class. Please refer to the
500005 Java class implementation for
TIBCO- The Java class [{0}] is not found in the Ensure that the specified class
BW-SR- classpath. Encountered file is contained in the
JAVA- ClassNotFoundException [{1}]. classpath.
TIBCO- Unable to obtain information for the method Reconfigure this activity or
BW-SR- [{0}] from the class [{1}]. Encountered verify that the declared Java
JAVA- NoSuchMethodException [{2}]. class has not changed since
500007 the last configuration.
TIBCO- Unable to obtain information for the cleanup Reconfigure this activity or
BW-SR- method [{0}] from the class [{1}]. verify that the declared Java
JAVA- NoSuchMethodException occurred. [{2}] class has not changed since
500008 the last configuration.
TIBCO- The cleanup method [{0}] raised exception The exception was raised by
BW-SR- [{1}]. [{2}] the method of the specified
JAVA- Java class. Please refer to the
500009 declared class implementation
for details.
TIBCO- Unable to invoke the cleanup method [{0}]. Correct the error stated in the
BW-SR- Exception [{1}] occurred. [{2}] exception message and retry.
TIBCO- Unable to invoke the cleanup method [{0}]. The exception was raised by
BW-SR- Encountered exception [{1}] [{2}]. the method of the specified
JAVA- Java class. Please refer to the
500012 declared class implementation
for details.
TIBCO- Received an incorrect value for the method Ensure that the correct values
BW-SR- [{0}] parameter to get access the BW Module are provided for the method
JAVA- properties. Exception occurred: [{1}] parameter to get access the
500014 BW Module properties.
TIBCO- Exception occurred while This is a warning message and does not a. A
BW-SR- closing a bad connection JDBC connection was marked invalid by the
JDBC- with [Vendor ErrorCode:{0}] driver and was removed from the pool. This
400001 and SQL STATE[{1}] connection could not be closed successfully.
TIBCO- Exception occurred while Check the connection configuration and if the
BW-SR- trying to retrieve a database is up and running.
JDBC- connection from the JDBC
500001 Connection pool
TIBCO- Failed to create a new Check the connection configuration and if the
BW-SR- connection to database database is up and running.
JDBC- server. Database URL [{0}],
500002 UserName [{1}],
TIBCO- The database driver [{0}] is Run the appropriate script using bwinstall from
BW-SR- not found. Ensure that the bin folder to add the JDBC driver to the
JDBC- DataSourceFactory bundle runtime environment
500003 providing this driver is
available in the
TIBCO- Destroying all Unused This is a debug message and resolution is not
BW-SR- connections. applicable.
TIBCO- Published Event to Event This is a debug message and resolution is not
BW-SR- Admin on topic {0} applicable.
TIBCO- Problem extracting mail SSL Ensure the SSL shared resource is
BW-SR- information from Trinity for appropriately configured.
MAIL- JNDI [{0}].
TIBCO- Mail Session creation failed. Ensure the smtp shared resource is
BW-SR- appropriately configured.
TCP Connection
This section describes the error messages that can be reported by the TCP Connection
shared resource.
TIBCO-BW-SR- Failed to {0} TCP Please correct the error and retry.
TCP-500004 Connection resource [{1}]
Product-Specific Documentation
Documentation for TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition is available on the TIBCO
BusinessWorks™ Container Edition Product Documentation page.
To directly access documentation for this product, double-click the following file:
TIBCO_HOME/release_notes/TIB_bwce_2.6.2_docinfo.html where TIBCO_HOME is the top-level
directory in which TIBCO products are installed. On Windows, the default TIBCO_HOME
is C:\tibco. On UNIX systems, the default TIBCO_HOME is /opt/tibco.
The following documents for this product can be found in the TIBCO Documentation site:
l TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition Release Notes
l TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition Application Development
l TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition Application Monitoring and
l TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition Bindings and Palettes Reference
l TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition Concepts
l TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition Error Codes
l TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition Getting Started
l TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition Migration
l TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition Performance Benchmarking and
l TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition REST Implementation
l TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition Refactoring Best Practices
l TIBCO BusinessWorks™ Container Edition Samples
This document is subject to U.S. and international copyright laws and treaties. No part of this
document may be reproduced in any form without the written authorization of TIBCO Software Inc.
TIBCO, the TIBCO logo, the TIBCO O logo, TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks, TIBCO
ActiveSpaces, TIBCO Business Studio for BusinessWorks, TIBCO Designer, TIBCO Enterprise
Message Service, TIBCO Hawk, TIBCO Rendezvous, and TIBCO Runtime Agent are either
registered trademarks or trademarks of TIBCO Software Inc. in the United States and/or other
Java and all Java based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle
Corporation and/or its affiliates.
This document includes fonts that are licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1,
which is available at: https://scripts.sil.org/OFL
Copyright (c) Paul D. Hunt, with Reserved Font Name Source Sans Pro and Source Code Pro.
All other product and company names and marks mentioned in this document are the property of
their respective owners and are mentioned for identification purposes only.
This software may be available on multiple operating systems. However, not all operating system
platforms for a specific software version are released at the same time. See the readme file for the
availability of this software version on a specific operating system platform.
This and other products of TIBCO Software Inc. may be covered by registered patents. Please
refer to TIBCO's Virtual Patent Marking document (https://www.tibco.com/patents) for details.