Product Guide: Protection and Control
Product Guide: Protection and Control
Product Guide: Protection and Control
Product Guide
Protection and Control
n EPDM Molded Rubber Construction with n Fully sealed
Stainless Steel Hardware and Mechanism n Fully submersible
n Vacuum Switching and Vacuum n Maintenance-free
Interruption n Small foot-print
n Lightweight
n NO gas, NO oil, NO hassle
n Motor operators for remote/local open/ n Allow remote reconfiguration of loops and
close operation of three-phase switched sectionalizing of feeders
or interrupter ways n Allow automatic or manual source transfer
n Can be used with a wide variety of RTUs and
communication devices
Elastimold® Switchgear is the result of extensive field experience in underground distribution systems
combined with state of the art know-how, and top-notch customer support. The result? Equipment that
fits multiple application needs and contributes to improve the reliability and operating performance
of underground distribution systems up to 35kV. Elastimold Switchgear is fully submersible and
features deadfront construction. Solid EPDM insulation and vacuum switching/interruption translate
into small footprint, no maintenance products. With a wide range of configurations suitable for feeder
sectionalizing/protection, loop sectionalizing/protection, riser pole installations, and automatic source
transfer, Thomas & Betts is able to provide the right solutions to overcome your underground distribution
system performance challenges.
Building Blocks
Approx. Weight 30 lbs.
Available with 600 amp one piece bushings Available with 600 amp one piece bushings
or 200 amp wells on either/both terminals or 200 amp wells on either/both terminals
Building Blocks
Open Closed
position position
C Spring operating
mechanism contained D Insulated A Vacuum interrupter
within 304 stainless steel drive rod contact system
housing assembly
Building Blocks
Building Blocks
MVI Molded Vacuum Fault Interrupters have Voltage Class 15.5 kV 27 kV 35 kV
been designed and tested per applicable Maximum Design Voltage 17 kV 29 kV 38 kV
portions of IEEE, ANSI, NEMA and other Frequency 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz 50/60 Hz
industry standards, including: BIL Impulse Withstand 95 kV 125 kV 150 kV
One Minute AC Withstand 35 kV 60 kV 70 kV
n ANSI C37.60 Standard for Fault Interrupters
Fifteen Minute DC Withstand 53 kV 78 kV 103 kV
n ANSI C37.71 Standard for Subsurface and Load Interrupting & Loop Switching 600 A 600 A 600 A
Vault Load Interrupting Switches Transformer Magnetizing Interrupting 21 A 21 A 21 A
Capacitor or Cable Charging Interrupting 40 A 40 A 40 A
n ANSI C37.72 Standard for Padmounted
Sym./Asym. Momentary and Fault Close 12.5/20 kA 12.5/20 kA 12.5/20 kA
Load Interrupting Switches
Symmetrical One Second Rating 12.5 kA 12.5 kA 12.5 kA
n IEEE 386 Standard for Separable Continuous Current 600 A 600 A 600 A
Connectors and Bushing Interfaces Sym./Asym. Interrupting Capability 12.5/20 kA 12.5/20 kA 12.5/20 kA
n IEC 265 International Standards for Load
n ANSI C57.12.28 Standard for Padmounted Endurance:
Enclosures 2,000 Amperes Sym. Interrupting
(15-20% of maximum rating) 44 operations
6,000 Amperes Sym. Interrupting Amps
(45-55% of maximum rating) 56 operations
12,500 Amperes Sym. Interrupting Amps
(90-100% of maximum rating) 16 operations
Mechanical 2000 operations
Construction: Submersible, corrosion resistant, fully shielded
Ambient Temperature Range: -30 to +40 degrees centigrade
Building Blocks
The Molded Vacuum Interrupters are provided with self-powered electronic control packages, requiring no
batteries or external power. Field-selectable Fuse or Relay Curves and Trip Settings are available. The controls
monitor current through the interrupter, and if an overcurrent condition is detected, send a signal to the vacuum
interrupters to trip open and interrupt the fault. Depending on the application, four electronic control options are
available for the MVI:
This control is integral to the unit (no separate control box) and
molded inside the current sensing device. It is accessible via
computer connection to view or modify settings. This control is
used on ganged three-phase or single-phase MVI mechanisms.
Phase and Ground trip, as well as Inrush restraint are available.
The E-Set software allows the user to connect to the internal
control either in the shop or the field to program or change
settings. MVI-STP programming connector is required to connect
between the PC and the MVI. With a computer connected to the
MVI control the user can view real-time currents, the number
of overcurrent protection operations, current magnitude of the
last trip, and the phase/ground fault targets. This is the default
control option.
Building Blocks
Relay Curves Fuse Curves
Curve # Curve Reference # Curve Type Curve # Curve Reference # Curve Type
01 MVI-TCC-01 E Slow 54 MVI-TCC-54 E Slow
02 MVI-TCC-02 E Standard 55 MVI-TCC-55 E Standard
03 MVI-TCC-03 Oil Fuse Cutout 56 MVI-TCC-56 Oil Fuse Cutout
04 MVI-TCC-04 K 57 MVI-TCC-57 K
05 MVI-TCC-05 Kearney QA 58 MVI-TCC-58 Kearney QA
06 MVI-TCC-06 Cooper EF 59 MVI-TCC-59 Cooper NX-C
07 MVI-TCC-07 Cooper NX-C 60 MVI-TCC-60 T
08 MVI-TCC-08 CO-11-1 61 MVI-TCC-61 Kearney KS
09 MVI-TCC-09 CO-11-2
10 MVI-TCC-10 T
11 MVI-TCC-11 CO-9-1
12 MVI-TCC-12 CO-9-2
13 MVI-TCC-13 Cooper 280ARX
14 MVI-TCC-14 F
16 MVI-TCC-16 Kearney KS
17 MVI-TCC-17 GE Relay
Building Blocks
The Elastimold MCAN Fuse Canister is a compact, lightweight
EPDM molded rubber Fuse Enclosure Package. MCAN Fuse Canisters
are maintenance free, completely sealed and submersible. Designs
are deadfront using molded rubber to insulate, shield and eliminate
exposed live parts. Units are ideally suited for padmount, subsurface
or vault applications. Construction is modular to allow for various
elbow connections or direct attachment to equipment mounted
bushings. The various end fittings and bushings allow fuse canisters to
be applied throughout the system in switchgear, junctions, transform-
ers, cable runs and tap installations. Standard 300 series stainless steel
mounting brackets accommodate a variety of mounting arrangements.
The MCAN will accommodate and has been thoroughly tested with
Elastimold EFX and Hi-Tech™ Trans-Guard FX fuses. MCAN
Catalog Number Figure (A) (B) (C)
MCAN-4B15-22 1 21.49 10.06 10.91
200 AMP. WELL & 600 AMP. 600 AMP. BUSHING & 600 AMP. MCAN-5B25-22 1 25.80 14.37 15.22
ELBOW END MODULE ELBOW END MODULE MCAN-6B25-22 1 28.68 17.25 18.10
MCAN-4B15-66 2 21.49 10.06 10.91
MCAN-5B25-66 2 25.80 14.37 15.22
MCAN-6B25-66 2 28.68 17.25 18.10
MCAN-4B15-6E2 3 23.90 10.06 12.91
MCAN-5B25-6E2 3 28.21 14.37 17.22
MCAN-6B25-6E2 3 31.08 17.25 20.09
MCAN-4B15-6E6 4 23.90 10.06 12.91
MCAN-5B25-6E6 4 28.21 14.37 17.22
MCAN-6B25-6E6 4 31.08 17.25 20.09
Building Blocks
* Without Fuse + Without de-rating ++3 amp fuse was tested @ 44kA
Note: See Catalog PC-Fuses for additional details on MCAN Fuses.
Cable Connection
Bushings or Wells
Elastimold Switchgear building blocks as described in the previous section can be combined into a
wide arrangement of configurations, and applied to solve different challenges in the distribution system.
Elastimold Switchgear products can be classified in three categories according to the function they
n Padmount
n Subsurface / Wet or Dry Vaults
n Pole
The switching or manually sectionalizing of loads can be accomplished with the use of Molded Vacuum
Switch (MVS) modules. The simplest manual sectionalizer is a single MVS switch, which can be installed in
a vault, pole, or inside a padmount enclosure. One of the most popular applications of this sectionalizer is
as a replacement of existing oil fuse cutouts. Two, three and four-way units are also available in vault and
padmount styles. These would aid in the manual reconfiguration of distribution loops by installing them
at the open point in the circuit.
Overcurrent protection is accomplished using Molded Fuse Canister (MCAN) or Molded Vaccum
Interrupter (MVI) modules. These can be used in combination with MVS modules. The simplest product
is a single MVI unit, which can be installed in a vault, pole, or inside a padmount enclosure. One of the
most popular applications of this configuration is as a replacement of existing oil fuse cutouts. Another
application could be three MCAN fuses installed inside a padmount enclosure to protect a tap load. Two,
three, and four-way units are also available in any combination of MVI, MCAN and MVS modules, and in
vault and padmount styles. These would be applied in underground loops to aid in the sectionalizing of
the main feeder and to provide protection to the loads along the loop.
Automatic Source Transfer packages are used to ensure the shortest interruption of power possible to
critical loads such as hospitals, factories, and financial institutions. These packages switch the load from
its normal source to a backup source of power in the event that the normal (preferred) source is lost.
Elastimold switchgear combines MVS and MVI modules with an Automatic Transfer Control and motor
operators to provide a complete package.
PADMOUNT UNIT: Tap (Load) Side
Top lifts up for ease of
operation and fuse removal Drop-over mild or stainless
steel enclosures available *
Ground rod
200 amp wells (shown)
600 amp bushings available
The remaining pages of this Product Guide are divided into three sections according to the function a
product performs:
n Switching and Sectionalizing
n Overcurrent Protection
n Source Transfer
From the following table, select the function and application specific to your system needs. The last column
will indicate the product to be used for the specific selection. With this information, go to the appropriate
section and finalize the construction of the catalog number that you would need to order.
The following graph shows how to construct the catalog number for multi-way switchgear or transfer
packages. Catalog numbers are shown on Tables 1-3 for the most common configurations:
EXAMPLE: The catalog number for an autotransfer package for padmount installation on a 3-phase, 27kV
system, with two MVI protected taps, 600 Amp terminals and standard mild-steel enclosure is:
Load switching is required when:
In any case, the use of a manual sectionalizer contributes to reduce the length of time that unfaulted or
unaffected portions of the system are exposed to an outage. This results in improved reliability of the
system as the duration of outages is reduced (i.e. the SAIDI and CAIDI reliability indices).
Switching products can be applied as replacement for existing Oil Fuse Cutouts or as Manual
Sectionalizers for loops or radial feeders. Depending on the application these sectionalizers may be
installed in a vault, or inside a padmount enclosure. Pole installations are also available.
Similar application of MVS switches in loop configurations contribute to significantly reduce the outage
duration. In these cases single or multi-way switch configurations can be applied.
Diagram Catalog Number Description W H D Wt.
Single-phase Vacuum Switches
MVS1-21-15-XX 15kV 2-way 1-phase Switch 6 24 14 30
* MVS1-21-15-6EX 15kV 2-way 1-phase Switch - Elbow Interface 6 26 15 30
MVS1-21-27-XX 25kV 2-way 1-phase Switch 6 24 14 30
MVS1-21-27-6EX 25kV 2-way 1-phase Switch - Elbow Interface 6 26 15 30
MVS1-21-38-XX 35kV 2-way 1-phase Switch 6 24 14 30
Three-phase Vacuum Switches
* MVS3-21-15-XX 15kV 2-way 3-phase Switch 21 26 19 135
MVS3-21-25-XX 25kV 2-way 3-phase Switch 21 26 19 135
MVS3-21-38-XX 35kV 2-way 3-phase Switch 21 26 19 135
Three-phase Multi-way Arrangements
ESV313-TTT-XXX 15kV 3-way 3-phase Switch 48 36 22 750
ESV323-TTT-XXX 25kV 3-way 3-phase Switch 48 36 22 750
ESV333-TTT-XXX 35kV 3-way 3-phase Switch 48 36 22 750
ESV314-TTTT-XXXX 15kV 4-way 3-phase Switch 48 36 22 880
ESV324-TTTT-XXXX 25kV 4-way 3-phase Switch 48 36 22 880
ESV334-TTTT-XXXX 35kV 4-way 3-phase Switch 48 36 22 880
Single-phase Vacuum Switches
PMVS1-21-15-XX 15kV 2-way 1-phase Switch 36 30 30 310
PMVS1-21-27-XX 25kV 2-way 1-phase Switch 36 30 30 310
PMVS1-21-38-XX 25kV 2-way 1-phase Switch 36 30 30 310
Three-phase Vacuum Switches
ESD312-T-XX 15kV 2-way 3-phase Switch 32 42 48 680
ESD322-T-XX 25kV 2-way 3-phase Switch 32 42 48 680
ESD332-T-XX 35kV 2-way 3-phase Switch 32 42 48 680
Three-phase Multi-way Arrangements
ESD313-TTT-XXX 15kV 3-way 3-phase Switch 54 42 48 1250
ESD323-TTT-XXX 25kV 3-way 3-phase Switch 54 42 48 1250
ESD333-TTT-XXX 35kV 3-way 3-phase Switch 54 42 48 1250
ESD314-TTTT-XXXX 15kV 4-way 3-phase Switch 54 42 48 1380
ESD324-TTTT-XXXX 25kV 4-way 3-phase Switch 54 42 48 1380
ESD334-TTTT-XXXX 35kV 4-way 3-phase Switch 54 42 48 1380
Other Configurations are Available. Please Consult Your Local Representative on Configurations Not Shown Here.
* Height includes handle
ACCESSORIES (Add the catalog number as a suffix to single- and three-phase units)
Catalog Number Description
MO120A 120 Vac Motor Operator for 3-phase Units. For Multi-Way Units, Replace T with V for a Motor Operated Switch.
MO12D 12 Vdc Motor Operator for 3-phase Units. For Multi-Way Units, Replace T with U for a Motor Operated Switch.
UAD 12 Vdc Cleveland Price Motor Operator. For Multi-Way Units, Replace T with Q for a Motor Operated Switch.
PS Parking Stand for MVS units
PS6 Double Parking Stand for MVS3 units
MPS Parking Stand for MVS3 units on Mechanism Cover
1. Feeders need to be split into smaller sections, so that if there is a fault only a small section of the
load is affected
2. Radial taps deriving from a main feeder or loop need to be protected
While a switching device contributes to improve the duration of outages, fault interrupters contribute
to reduce the duration AND frequency of outages (i.e. SAIDI, CAIDI, SAIFI, CAIFI reliability indices).
Similar improvements can be accomplished with the use of single and multi-way configurations of MVIs
and MVSs in loop systems. Elastimold switchgear will contribute to improve the reliability of distribution
systems, not only through their normal operation, but by reducing the operation and maintenance time
that is invested in keeping the system running.
Diagram Catalog Number Description W H D Wt
RISER POLE (Three-Phase Installations Only)
RMVI3-21-15-6ABX 15kV 2-way 3-phase Interrupter with Air Bushings on Top Terminals 30 45 25 150
RMVI3-21-27-6ABX 27kV 2-way 3-phase Interrupter with Air Bushings on Top Terminals 30 45 25 150
RMVI3-21-38-6ABX 35kV 2-way 3-phase Interrupter with Air Bushings on Top Terminals 30 45 25 150
Single-phase Vacuum Interrupters
MVI1-21-15-XX 15kV 2-way 1-phase Interrupter 6 31 9 45
MVI1-21-15-6EX 15kV 2-way 1-phase Interrupter - Elbow Interface 6 31 11 45
MVI1-21-27-XX 27kV 2-way 1-phase Interrupter 6 31 9 45
MVI1-21-27-6EX 27kV 2-way 1-phase Interrupter - Elbow Interface 6 31 11 45
MVI1-21-38-X2 38kV 2-way 1-phase Interrupter 6 31 9 45
MVI1-21-38-6E2 38kV 2-way 1-phase Interrupter - Elbow Interface 6 31 11 45
Three-phase Vacuum Interrupters
MVI1-21-15-XX-3YY 15kV 2-way 3-phase Interrupter - Single-phase Trip Selectable - Ext. Control 20 31 9 145
MVI1-21-27-XX-3YY 27kV 2-way 3-phase Interrupter - Single-phase Trip Selectable - Ext. Control 20 31 9 145
MVI1-21-38-XX-3YY 38kV 2-way 3-phase Interrupter - Single-phase Trip Selectable - Ext. Control 20 31 9 145
MVI3-21-15-XX 15kV 2-way 3-phase Interrupter 20 33 10 145
MVI3-21-38-XX 38kV 2-way 3-phase Interrupter 20 33 10 145
MVI3-21-27-XX 27kV 2-way 3-phase Interrupter 20 33 10 145
Three-phase Multi-way Arrangements (Fuses are not included and must be ordered separate)
ESV312-E2-XX 8.3kV 2-way 3-phase - One Fused Tap with Fuse Canisters 21 24 11 63
ESV322-F2-XX 15kV 2-way 3-phase - One Fused Tap with Fuse Canisters 21 29 11 69
ESV332-G2-XX 23kV 2-way 3-phase - One Fused Tap with Fuse Canisters 21 32 11 72
ESV312-TE-XX 8.3kV 2-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, One Fused Tap 24 36 22 350
ESV322-TF-XX 15kV 2-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, One Fused Tap 24 36 22 350
ESV332-TG-XX 23kV 2-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, One Fused Tap 24 39 22 350
ESV313-TEE-XXX 8.3kV 3-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Two Fused Taps 48 36 22 560
ESV323-TFF-XXX 15kV 3-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Two Fused Taps 48 36 22 560
ESV333-TGG-XXX 23kV 3-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Two Fused Taps 48 39 22 560
ESV313-TTE-XXX 8.3kV 3-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, One Fused Tap 48 36 22 560
ESV323-TTF-XXX 15kV 3-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, One Fused Tap 48 36 22 560
ESV333-TTG-XXX 23kV 3-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, One Fused Tap 48 39 22 560
ESV313-TPP-XXX 15kV 3-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Two Vacuum Interrupter Taps 48 40 22 660
ESV323-TPP-XXX 27kV 3-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Two Vacuum Interrupter Taps 48 40 22 660
ESV313-TTP-XXX 15kV 3-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, One Vacuum Interrupter Tap 48 40 22 660
ESV323-TTP-XXX 27kV 3-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, One Vacuum Interrupter Tap 48 40 22 660
ESV314-TEEE-XXXX 8.3kV 4-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Three Fused Taps 48 36 22 670
ESV324-TFFF-XXXX 15kV 4-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Three Fused Taps 48 36 22 670
ESV334-TGGG-XXXX 23kV 4-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Three Fused Taps 48 36 22 670
Diagram Catalog Number Description W H D Wt.
ESV314-TTEE-XXXX 8.3kV 4-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, Two Fused Taps 48 36 22 740
ESV324-TTFF-XXXX 15kV 4-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, Two Fused Taps 48 36 22 740
ESV334-TTGG-XXXX 23kV 4-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, Two Fused Taps 48 39 22 740
ESV314-TTTE-XXXX 8.3kV 4-way 3-phase - Three Source Switches, One Fused Tap 48 36 22 810
ESV324-TTTF-XXXX 15kV 4-way 3-phase - Three Source Switches, One Fused Tap 48 36 22 810
ESV334-TTTG-XXXX 23kV 4-way 3-phase - Three Source Switches, One Fused Tap 48 39 22 810
ESV314-TPPP-XXXX 15kV 4-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Three Vacuum Interrupter Taps 48 40 22 880
ESV324-TPPP-XXXX 27kV 4-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Three Vacuum Interrupter Tap 48 40 22 880
ESV314-TTPP-XXXX 15kV 4-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, Two Vacuum Interrupter Taps 48 40 22 880
ESV324-TTPP-XXXX 27kV 4-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, Two Vacuum Interrupter Taps 48 40 22 880
ESV314-TTTP-XXXX 15kV 4-way 3-phase - Three Source Switches, One Vacuum Interrupter Tap 48 40 22 880
ESV324-TTTP-XXXX 27kV 4-way 3-phase - Three Source Switches, One Vacuum Interrupter Tap 48 40 22 880
Single-phase Vacuum Interrupters
PMVI1-21-15-XX 15kV 2-way 1-phase Interrupter 36 30 30 310
PMVI1-21-27-XX 27kV 2-way 1-phase Interrupter 36 30 30 310
PMVI1-21-38-XX 38kV 2-way 1-phase Interrupter 36 30 30 310
Three-phase Vacuum Interrupters
PMVI1-21-15-XX-3YY 15kV 2-way 3-phase Interrupter - Single-phase Trip Selectable - Ext. Control 36 48 42 680
PMVI1-21-27-XX-3YY 27kV 2-way 3-phase Interrupter - Single-phase Trip Selectable - Ext. Control 36 48 42 680
PMVI1-21-38-XX-3YY 38kV 2-way 3-phase Interrupter - Single-phase Trip Selectable - Ext. Control 36 48 42 680
Three-phase Multi-way Arrangements (Fuses are not included and must be ordered separate)
ESD312-E-XX 8.3kV 2-way 3-phase - One Fused Tap 36 48 42 610
ESD322-F-XX 15kV 2-way 3-phase - One Fused Tap 36 48 42 610
ESD332-G-XX 23kV 2-way 3-phase - One Fused Tap 36 48 42 610
ESD312-TE-XX 8.3kV 2-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, One Fused Tap 36 48 42 750
ESD322-TF-XX 15kV 2-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, One Fused Tap 36 48 42 750
ESD332-TG-XX 23kV 2-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, One Fused Tap 36 48 42 750
ESD313-TEE-XXX 8.3kV 3-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Two Fused Taps 54 48 42 1050
ESD323-TFF-XXX 15kV 3-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Two Fused Taps 54 48 42 1050
ESD333-TGG-XXX 23kV 3-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Two Fused Taps 54 48 42 1050
ESD313-TTE-XXX 8.3kV 3-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, One Fused Tap 54 48 42 1050
ESD323-TTF-XXX 15kV 3-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, One Fused Tap 54 48 42 1050
ESD333-TTG-XXX 23kV 3-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, One Fused Tap 54 48 42 1050
ESD313-TPP-XXX 15kV 3-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Two Vacuum Interrupter Taps 54 48 42 1160
ESD323-TPP-XXX 27kV 3-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Two Vacuum Interrupter Taps 54 48 42 1160
Diagram Catalog Number Description W H D Wt.
ESD313-TTP-XXX 15kV 3-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, One Vacuum Interrupter Tap 54 48 42 1160
ESD323-TTP-XXX 27kV 3-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, One Vacuum Interrupter Tap 54 48 42 1160
ESD314-TEEE-XXXX 8.3kV 4-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Three Fused Taps 54 48 42 1170
ESD324-TFFF-XXXX 15kV 4-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Three Fused Taps 54 48 42 1170
ESD334-TGGG-XXXX 23kV 4-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Three Fused Taps 54 48 42 1170
ESD314-TTEE-XXXX 8.3kV 4-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, Two Fused Taps 64 48 42 1240
ESD324-TTFF-XXXX 15kV 4-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, Two Fused Taps 64 48 42 1240
ESD334-TTGG-XXXX 23kV 4-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, Two Fused Taps 64 48 42 1240
ESD314-TTTE-XXXX 8.3kV 4-way 3-phase - Three Source Switches, One Fused Tap 54 48 42 1310
ESD324-TTTF-XXXX 15kV 4-way 3-phase - Three Source Switches, One Fused Tap 54 48 42 1310
ESD334-TTTG-XXXX 23kV 4-way 3-phase - Three Source Switches, One Fused Tap 54 48 42 1310
ESD314-TPPP-XXXX 15kV 4-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Three Vacuum Interrupter Taps 54 48 42 1380
ESD324-TPPP-XXXX 27kV 4-way 3-phase - One Source Switch, Three Vacuum Interrupter Taps 54 48 42 1380
ESD314-TTPP-XXXX 15kV 4-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, Two Vacuum Interrupter Taps 54 48 42 1380
ESD324-TTPP-XXXX 27kV 4-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, Two Vacuum Interrupter Taps 54 48 42 1380
ESD314-TTTP-XXXX 15kV 4-way 3-phase - Three Source Switches, One Vacuum Interrupter Tap 54 48 42 1380
ESD324-TTTP-XXXX 27kV 4-way 3-phase - Three Source Switches, One Vacuum Interrupter Tap 54 48 42 1380
Catalog Number Description
MVI-STP Adapter for Connection Between MVI Units with Internal Control, and a Computer for Programming/
Viewing Settings
120 Vac Motor Operator for 3-phase Units
MO120A For Multi-way Units Replace T with V for a Motor Operated Switch
For Multi-way Units Replace P with W for a Motor Operated Interrupter
12-24Vdc Motor Operator for 3-phase Units
MO12D For Multi-way Units Replace T with U for a Motor Operated Switch
For Multi-way Units Replace P with R for a Motor Operated Interrupter
12 Vdc Cleveland Price Motor Operator and Control with SCADA Provisions
For Multi-way Units Replace T with Q for a Motor Operated Switch.
For Multi-way Units Replace P with Z for a Motor Operated Interrupter
PS Parking Stand for MVI1, MVI3, MVS1, MVS3 or PMVI1Between Bushings
PS6 Double Parking Stand for MVI3 or MVS3
BT Bail Tab Plate Installed
Weights and Dimensions are Approximate
X=6 for 600 Amp or 2 for 200 Amp
YY=10; or 20; or 30 For Different Electronic Controls
Accessories should be added as suffix to the main catalog number for Non-Multi-Way Units.
Other Configurations are Available. Please Consult Your Local Representative on Configurations Not Shown Here.
The main application of source transfer packages is to transfer a load from one power
source to another. In some cases, when the load is not critical, this is done manually using a
switching device (see switching section). In the case of critical loads such as hospitals, financial
institutions, manufacturing facilities, and any other load that would have computer-related
equipment, a fast transfer is required between the main (preferred) source and the backup
(alternate) source. It is important for the automatic source transfer not to affect the operation of
the load because any interruption of the business process translates into costly lost production
and setup time. The preferred and backup sources are normally utility feeders, but in some
cases the backup source may be a generator.
Elastimold Switchgear offers automatic transfer (AT) packages capable of performing a full
transfer in less than 2 seconds. The system monitors the voltage on the preferred source, and
initiates a transfer when the voltage is below the acceptable level for the customer. At this point
the preferred source is disconnected and the alternate source connected. AT packages include:
n Two three-phase MVS switches with motor operators (one for the preferred source, and
one for the alternate source)
n Six Voltage sensors (one for each phase of the MVS switches). These sensors monitor
voltage on every phase and feed their output to the AT control.
n An AT control which receives the output from the voltage sensors, and determines if
there is a loss of voltage. If there is a loss of voltage, the AT control sends an OPEN signal
to the preferred source MVS, and a CLOSE signal to the alternate source MVS. When the
voltage is restored the system transfers back to its normal state, either automatically or
at a set time.
n One or two protected taps. These can be MCAN or MVI modules, which protect the
critical load against overcurrent. Solid taps are also available.
** ATS313-AAP-XXX 15kV 3-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, One Vacuum Interrupter Tap 22 79 21 450
ATS323-AAP-XXX 25kV 3-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, One Vacuum Interrupter Tap 22 79 21 450
** ATS314-AAPP-XXXX 15kV 4-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, Two Vacuum Interrupter Taps 22 79 21 600
ATS324-AAPP-XXXX 25kV 4-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, Two Vacuum Interrupter Taps 22 79 21 600
VAULT (All Ways Mounted onto a Common Bus, and Supported by a Free-Standing Frame. For Floor Mounting.)
Three-phase Multi-way Arrangements
ATV313-AAB-XXX 15kV 3-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, One Solid Tap 48 36 22 620
ATV323-AAB-XXX 25kV 3-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, One Solid Tap 48 36 22 620
ATV313-AAP-XXX 15kV 3-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, One Vacuum Interrupter Tap 48 36 22 750
ATV323-AAP-XXX 25kV 3-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, One Vacuum Interrupter Tap 48 36 22 750
ATV314-AAPP-XXXX 15kV 4-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, Two Vacuum Interrupter Taps 48 36 22 880
ATV324-AAPP-XXXX 25kV 4-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, Two Vacuum Interrupter Taps 48 36 22 880
Three-phase Multi-way Arrangements
ATD313-AAP-XXX 15kV 3-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, One Vacuum Interrupter Tap 54 42 48 1160
ATD323-AAP-XXX 25kV 3-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, One Vacuum Interrupter Tap 54 42 48 1160
ATD314-AAPP-XXXX 15kV 4-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, Two Vacuum Interrupter Taps 54 42 48 1380
ATD324-AAPP-XXXX 25kV 4-way 3-phase - Two Source Switches, Two Vacuum Interrupter Taps 54 42 48 1380
Catalog Number Description
PS Parking Stand for MVI3, MVS3
MPS Parking Stand for MVI3 on Mechanism Cover
X=6 for 600 Amp or 2 for 200 Amp
Y=10, 20, 30 For Different Electronic Controls
Accessories Should Be Added as a Suffix to the Main Catalog Number Unless Noted Otherwise.
Other Configurations are Available. Please Consult Your Local Representative on Configurations Not Shown Here.
* Dimensions for One Switch
** Dimensions for 2-MVS3 Interconnected with Multi-Point Junctions. MVIs are Mounted Elsewhere in the Vault.
Protection and Control