321 Syllabus

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MLSC 321
FALL 2010



CPT Jeffrey Hazard Trigon Rm. 325 845-2814 [email protected]
CPT Trevor Voelkel Trigon Rm. 325 845-2814 [email protected]
MSG Jeffrey Campbell Trigon Rm. 312 845-2814 [email protected]
MSG Tommy Sadberry Trigon Rm. 312 845-2814 [email protected]

OFFICE HOURS: 0900-1100 & 1300-1500 Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Our door is always open to cadets by
appointment or just to walk in and talk - be in uniform (clean shaven and with haircut).

Challenges cadets to study, practice, and evaluate adaptive leadership skills as they are presented with challenging
scenarios related to squad tactical operations. Cadets receive systematic and specific feedback on their leadership
attributes and actions. Cadets will negotiate the Field Leadership Reaction Course, Day and Night Land Navigation, Basic
Rifle Marksmanship as well as Situational Training Exercises which are conducted during Labs. Based on such feedback,
as well as their own self evaluations, cadets continue to develop their leadership and critical thinking abilities. The focus is
developing cadet's tactical leadership abilities to enable them to succeed at the ROTC summer Leadership Development
and Assessment Course (LDAC).
The MS tli program educates, contracts, and retains the most talented young Americans that are accepted into Texas
A&M and volunteer for the Corps of Cadets. We search for the Cadets that demonstrate potential as scholars, athletes,
and leaders. The MS III program focuses on building the character of these Cadets into an outstanding Lieutenant that
truly believes in the Army Values (Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage), as
well as preparing them for the rigors of Warrior Forge. We mentally prepare and educate the Cadets through the use of
experiential training in leadership scenarios and Infantry tactics. These skills are critical to success in the Contemporary
Operating Environment.
Your first objective asa 'Warrior" is to prepare yourself to excel at the U.S. Army Cadet Command's Leadership
Development Assessment Course (Warrior Forge). MLSC 321 and 322 are designed to help you maximize your
performance at Warrior Forge. Success at LDAC is one step to becoming a commissioned officer. Overall academic
performance is also critical and plays a large part in branch selection prior to commissioning. Remember, the final
destination is commissioning and service as a commissioned officer. Your work ethic and performance now witllay the
foundation for your success after graduation.

The courses outcome is to provide quality, tactically grounded, and aggressively decisive Cadets, who are ethically
and morally sound, to the MS IV program in preparation for their role as the Senior Leaders of the Army in 2032 via
precise execution of our commissioning mission and to prepare them to anticipate the challenges of 21 Century Warfare.



Aggie Honor Code: "An Aaaie does not lie. cheat or steal. or tolerate those who do. "
I expect that the students in the class will act in a manner keeping with the highest standards of academic honesty. I
encourage you to help each other out when studying and working on out-of-class assignments.
However, all work that is handed in should be written up independently so that it reflects your own understanding.
Cheating will not be tolerated and the ramifications of cheating are elaborated in the Texas A&M Student Rules. See
http://www.tamu.edu/aggiehonorfor more information.


All students who have the need for adjustments to enable their learning will be accommodated. The
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides comprehensiVe civil rights
protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires that all students with disabilities be
guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you
have a disability requiring accommodation, please contact the Department of Student Life, Services for Students with
Disabilities in Cain Hall, Rm B118, so the professor can best accommodate your needs. The phone number is 845-1637.



You will be provided your primary textbook MSL 301 during the first week of class. Field Manual (FM) 3-21.8 will be
the class's other primary textbook; a digital copy is located on the course content webpage for MLSC-321. You are not
required to bring your textbook to class each section but it is encouraged.

Cadets in Corps uniform are expected to comply with uniform standards as specified in The Standard. Whife
wearing the Army Combat Uniform or the Army Physical Fitness Uniform Cadets are expected to comply with the
standards specified in Army Regulation 670-1.
• Cadets will be clean shaven
• Maintain regulation haircut
• Groomed, regulation sideburns
• Boots will be cleaned-free of mud/dirt
Cadets failing to meet the standards as specified by the corresponding regulations will be asked to leave the
attended event and will subsequently receive an unexcused absence. Standards of appearance apply for all ROTC
related activities, to include early morning/afternoon Physical Training.


B: The Corps of Cadet uniform of the day as directed by the Corps commander

C: ACU, web belt, boot desert tan, Cap ACU

C2: ACU w/Kevlar helmet and lCE.

C3: PLUS additional packing list as stated in OPORD.

PT: APFU - Army Grey PT Uniform, reflective belt.


"Record APFT 150 Points Unexcused Warrior FTX - 100 Points

Land Navigation (Written) 100 Points Unexcused Warrior Lab - 25 Points
*land Navigation (Practical) 100 Points Unexcused PT (Each) - 25 Points
Mid-Term Exam 150 Points Class/lab Absence (Each) - 25 Points
Quizzes 100 Points late Assignment (1 day) - 25 Points
Formal OPORD Brief 200 Points late Assignment (2 days) - 50 Points
Final Exam 200 Points Late Assignment (3 days) -75 Points
" Non-Contract seeking students are exempt Late Assignment (4 days) - 100 Points
Failure to Turn in TA-50: - 50 Points
Failure to complete 104R: - 50 Points
TOTAL 1000 Points

Grading Scale Contract Cadets: Grading Scale Non-Contract Seeking Students:

900-1000 = A 675-750= A
800-900 = B 600-675= B
700-800 = C 525-600= C
600-700 = *D 450-525= D
Below600= F Below 450= F
" letter grade of D is considered failing for contract cadets



It is mandatory for you to complete at least five evaluated leadership positions using the leadership
Assessment Report (Blue Card). Positions will be assigned during the school year, and may be of short «24 hrs.) or
long (week) duration. A position may be ROTC specific or Corps of Cadets related. The actual rating on the report
does not affect your grade but it does have an impact on your overall cadet evaluation prior to assessment for


1) Class:
i. Section 501 meets T & TH at 0935-1050 in room 316
ii. Section 502 meets T & TH at 1110-1225 in room 316
iii. Section 503 meets T & TH at 1245-1400 in room 316

2) Labs: Either Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, all starting at 1500. Optional labs for material review may
be given.

3) Two mandatory PT sessions a week on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 0525 at the Wellborn Tunnel.

4) If you fail to make 70 points in each event on the ARMY physical fitness test (APFT) you will be placed on
the remedial physical fitness program which will meet on Wednesday and Friday at 0525 at the grassy knoll
located in front of the Trigon. To be removed from the remedial pt program you are required to score 80 points
in each event on the following diagnostic physical fitness test.


There will be no more than 25 points of extra credit offered over the course of the semester. Opportunities will
be announced during the course of the semester. Students may exceed the 25 point limit by scoring on the extended
APFT scale. Cadets will be awarded an extra credit point for every three points above 300 (l.e. 360 equals 20 extra credit


We may excuse you from a class, PT session, or lab for a valid reason IF you exhibit the responsibility to coordinate
PRIOR to the absence. You may contact us in person or by phone call prior to 1200 ONE DAY BEFORE the actual day
of the absence. We will let you know on the spot whether it will be excused or not. Remember this often-quoted maxim,
"The lack of prior planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part." Be proactive. You must get in the
habit now of looking ahead, anticipating conflicts and taking action early to neutralize them. If you miss class without prior
notification it is unexcused. NOTE: Calling and leaving a message with a secretary or other cadre is unacceptable
and will not be considered as a request prior to the absence; also, EMAIL should not be your primary means of
contact for request to be excused. If you have tried to reach cadre by phone and in person but still cannot contact us
then and only then is email an acceptable form of communication. The one exception is for legitimate emergencies or
sudden illness. If you become too ill to report to training, go to Beutel clinic or your physician within 48 hours and bring
documentation to the cadre showing that they examined and/or treated you. We will take these situations into
consideration. You are still required to attend formations even with a valid physical profile. The only times you are not
required to attend formation are when you are sick and are required to stay in bed or if your physician has diagnosed you
as being contagious. Use common sense! (EX- A broken wrist= come to formation/ high fever-stay in bed, do not attend

13. Culture and Language Proficiency (CULP) Program

Cadet Command Culture and Language programs work together to promote and accomplish the desired
outcome of commissioning ROTC officers with the right blend of culture and language competencies to prepare
them for future BOLC training and beyond. Two common programs are CLlIP and CLIP-B. Detailed information can
be found in Cadet Command Pamphlet 145-3-2 which is located on the WEB-CT course content page for MLSC-

1) Cadet Culture and Language Immersion Internship Program (CLlIP)

CLlIP was established in 2007 and sends ROTC Cadets overseas on Culture Immersion Internships
during summer months. The CLlIP immersion internships are planned and conducted by Cadet Command
G3 Culture and Language Branch. The intent of this program is to provide Cadets overseas culture and
language immersion opportunities through mil to-mil engagements and/or humanitarian service projects as
well as visits to historically Significant sites and serendipitous culture immersion opportunities. Itineraries
are host country dependent and vary. Mil-to-mil engagements involve training with junior leaders and/or
Cadets of host country military academies. Humanitarian service projects may involve work at orphanages
or hospices or other on-going projects.

2) Critical Language Incentive Pay (CLIP-B)

a. Open to any contracted Cadet taking an approved list of 17 languages OR culture courses.
b. Estimated pay per course can be found on pgs 40-41 of CC Pam 145-3-2. Pay will not exceed
c. Cadet must pass course with "C" or better.

3) Foreign Language Scholarship Program.

Effective SY 07-08 U.S. Army Cadet Command began providing a centrally funded scholarship for
individuals majoring in specific foreign languages. The intent of this scholarship program is to encourage
enrollment of individuals studying specific languages. It is expected that the list of foreign languages will change
across time. A list of eligible languages will be provided on an annual basis. Individuals already receiving the
scholarship will be retained on scholarship even if the specific language is removed.

4) Foreign Study/Off·Campus Internships

SROTC Cadets are encouraged to spend a semester, special or summer session in academic
studies abroad if feasible. Special incentives are available to further attract qualified Cadets to these
valuable programs.

14. MILITARY SCIENCE AND ROTC REQUIREMENTS All contracted cadets are expected to maintain the standards
outlined in AR 145-1 to include, but not limited to the following areas of interest:

o Maintain a cumulative academic GPA of 2.0 (or better)

o Maintain a semester academic GPA of 2.0 (or better)
o Maintain a cumulative Military Science GPA of 3.0 (or better)
o Maintain a semester Military Science GPA of 3.0 (or better)
o Pass a full academic load (12 hours per semester)
o Pass the APFT each semester
o Continuously meet Army HeightlWeight Standards
o Complete PME requirements prior to graduation.

In addition to the above requirements, Scholarship cadets must comply with the following:

o Fail no course

Failure to comply with the aforementioned minimum requirements may result(PMS discretion) in the following:

o 1 \ Offense: Academic Suspension (loss of benefits)
o 2nd Offense: Automatic Disenrollment

15. All MSIIf Cadets are required to check WebCT a minimum of 2 times daily, once in the morning and once in the
evening. WebCT is the primary mechanism of communicating schedule changes and course requirements outside of
normal class hours.

16. POC for this syllabus is the undersigned. Comments for revision or correction may be forwarded via email to
[email protected] or call at 845-2814.

Jeffrey W. Hazard
MS III Course Director

ANNEX A: MS321 Course Schedule
ANNEX B: MS Department Policies

MSIII Class Schedule - Fall 2010
1 31AUG lesson 1: Course Overvlew/Warrior Forge Over View MLSC 316 8 As Scheduled All
02SEP Lesson 2: The Army Leader MLSC 316 8 As Scheduled CPT Hazard
31 AUG - 02 SEP Lab 1: 0&(1 Roster Scrub Drill Pad C 1500-1700 All
2 7SEP Lesson 3: lOP Ml5C316 8 As Scheduled Review LOP Handout prior to lesson 4 MSGCampbell
7SEP PT: Diagnostic APFT Reed Arena PT 0525·UTC All
9SEP lesson 4: LOP PE MLSC 316 8 As Scheduled MSGCampbeil
95EP PT: Intra PD-l/D&C Tunnel PT 0525-0630 All
7·9SEP Lab 2: TA-50 Issue CIF C IS()()'1700 All
3 14 SEP Lesson 5: eRB Update! Contracting Paperwork MLSC 316 B As Scheduled MSG Campbell
14SEP PT: Abs & Intervals Tunnel PT 0525-0630 All
16SEP Lesson 6: Map Reading 1/2 Ml5C316 8 As Scheduled FM 3-25.26/ MSl 301 pg. 129 and bring completed home work assignment MSGCampbell
16SEP nCWST Rec Center C 0525·UTC • take off all patches, wear tennis shces, bring PT gear in trash bag to change All
14-16SEP Lab 3: TA~SO InsDection/PCCs & PCls Grassv Knoll C3 1500·1700 All
4 21SEP Lesson 7: Map Reading 3/PE MLSC 316 8 As Scheduled Protractors/maps FM 3~2S.26/ MSl301 pg. 129 MSG Campbell
21SEP PT: Abdominals RecCenter PT 0525·0630 All
235EP Lesson 8: TLPs/Combat Orders MLSC 316 8 As Scheduled Read FM 3-21.8 pgl-29, All CHP 5, TAMUTACSOP, MSl301 pg 212-233 CPT Voelkel
235EP PT: Swim PT Tunnel PT 0525·0630 All
21-23 5EP Lab 4: Land Nav PE Bravton FTC C2 1500·1700 Protractors/maps FM 3~25.26/ MSl 301 pg. 129 Sadberry/Campbell
5 28SEP Lesson 9: Application of TLPs/PE MlSC316 8 As Scheduled Read FM 3~21.8 pg1·29, All CHP 5, TAMUTACSOP, MSL 301 pg 212~233 CPT Voelkel
28SEP PT: Circuit Drills Tunnel PT 0525-0630 All
lOSEP lesson 10: Intro to Army Problem Solving MLSC 316 8 As Scheduled MSl301 pg 208·220 CPT Hazard
305EP PT: Foot March Tunnel T8D 0525·0630 All
28-30SfP Lab 5: FLRC & FTX pec/pcl Obstacle Course C2 IS00-1700 All
1-3 OCT land Nav FTX/FlRC Bravton/Bastrop C3 As Scheduled All
6 OSOCT lesson 11: Employment of CRM MLSC316 8 As Scheduled MSl 301 pg 112~ 127 CPT Hazard
05 OCT PT: Company Run Tunnel PT 0525·0630 All
07 OCT Lesson 12: Warrior Ethos/Ethical Decision Making PE MLSC 316 8 As Scheduled M5l301 pg <JO.l11 MSGCampbell
07 OCT PT: Diagnostic APFT Reed Arena PT 0525-UTC PT Box, 20 MS IV All
05-07 OCT Lab 6: Moyement 'rechnlaues Bravton FTC C2 1$()().1700 MSG Campbell
7 12 OCT Lesson 13: Principles of War case Study MLSC 316 8 As Scheduled Read MSL 302 pg 71·97 (WEBCT) CPT Voelkel
12 OCT PT; Abs/Swim PT Rec Center PT 0525.0630 All
14 OCT Lesson 14: Midterm MLSC316 B As Scheduled CPT Voelkel
14 OCT PT: Foot March Tunnel T80 0525-0630 All
12-14 OCT tab 7, TlP Demo fMSIV1/PE Bravtcn Fl'C C2 1$()().1700 Read FM 3-21.8 pgl-29. All CHP 5, TAMU TAC50P, M5l301 pg 212-233 CPT Voelkel
8 190CT Lesson 15: SQD Tactics Attack/KOAB MLSC 316 8 As Scheduled FM 3~21.8 / MSl301 Text pg. 344 MSGSadbenv
19 OCT PT: Circuit Drills Tunnel PT 0525-0630 All
21 OCT lesson 16: SQD Taede Attaek/KOAB PE MLSC 316 8 As Scheduled FM 3-21.8/ MSl 30tTe'" pg. 344 M5GSadbenv
21 OCT PT: Total Body Wortc:out Tunnel PT 0525-0630 All
19-21 OCT Lab 8: SQD Tactics Attack KOAB Employ AT·4 Bravtcn FTC C2 1$()().1700 FM 3-21.8/ MSl301 Te'" pg. 344 MSGSadbenv
9 260CT lesson 17: SQD Tactics Ambush MlSC 316 8 As Scheduled Read FM 3-21.8 pg 9~10 to 9~22, MSl301 pages 326-339 CPT Voelkel
26 OCT PT: Abs/lntervals Tunnel PT 0525-0630 All
28 OCT Lesson 18: Squad Tactics Ambush PE MLSC316 8 As Scheduled Read FM 3~21.8 PI 9--10 to 9--22, MSl301 pages 326·339 CPT Voelkel
2BOCT PT: Total Body Workout Tunnel PT 0525·0630 All
26-28 OCT lab 9: SQD Tactics Ambush/Em lov Clavmore Bravton FTC C2 1500-1700 Claymore Interactive Vide-o(link on WEBCT), Reference FM 23~23(Claymore) CPT Voelkel
002 NOV Lesson 19: SQD Tactics Reeon MlSC 316 8 As Scheduled FM 3-21.8/ M5l301 pg 312·324/TAMU TACSOP MSG Campbell
02NOV PT: Abdominals Rec Center PT 0525-0630 All
04NOV lesson 20: SQD Tactics Reean Pt: ML5C 316 6 As Scheduled FM 3~21.81 MSL 301 pg 312~3241 TAMU TACSOP MSG Campbl!:l1
O4NOV PT:Swim PT Tunnel/REC PT 0525·0630 All
02-04 NOV Lab 10: SQD Tactics Reece Bravton nc C2 1500-1700 FM 3-21.8/ MSl301 pg312-324/TAMU TACSOP MSG Campbell
1 09 NOV Lesson 21: Issue OPORO MlSC 316 8 As Scheduled CPT Hazard
09NOV PT: Abs/lntervals Tunnel PT 0525·0630 All
llNOV lesson 22: Army Brleflng Techniques MLSC 316 8 As Scheduled MSl301 pg 64-73 CPT Hazard
llNOV PT: Foot March Tunnel T8D 0525·0630 All
09·11 NOV lab 11: SQD Tactics Variable & FTX PCI Brayton FTC C2 1500-1700 TAMU TACSOP / FTX PackIng list CPT Hazard
12~14 NOV MSIII FTX: SQD STX Bravtcn FTC C3 As Scheduled All
Z 16 NOV lesson 23: Brief OPORD MLSC 316 8 8y Appointment All
18NOV Lesson 24: Brief OPORD MLSC316 8 By Appointment All
18NOV PT: Record APFT Reed Arena PT 052S·UTC All
16-18 NOV Lab 12: Battle Simulation COE MlSC 316 C 1500-1700
3 23NOV lesson 25: Final MlSC316 8 As Scheduled
23NOV PT:Circuit Drills Tunnel PT 052.5--0630 All
2SNOV lesson 26: No Class (ThanksgivlnJ) N/A N/A N/A
25NOV Thanksgiving HOME N/A N/A
Lab 13 CLX: Alchohol Awareness Brief/Suicide Prevention Duncan / Rudder C 1500-1700
14 30NOV Lesson 27: Counseling MLSC 316 8 By Appointment All
3ONOV PT: Company Run Tunnel PT 0525-0630 All
02DEC Lesson 28: Counsellnc Ml5C316 8 By Appointment All
02DEC PT: Foot March Tunnel T8D 0525-0630 All
30 NOV--02 DEC Lab 14: Battle Simulation COE MLSC 316 C 1$()().1700
15 070EC Lesson 29: Redefined Day / No class N/A N/A N/A
070EC PT: No PT N/A N/A N/A
090EC lesson 27: Reading Day / No class N/A N/A N/A
090EC PT: No PT N/A N/A N/A
07~09 DEC NO LAS N/A N/A N/A

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