Lesson Exemplar in Grade 10 Unit 3 Biodiversity and Stability

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(Duration: _______________________)

S10LT-IIIh-41 suggest ways to minimize human impact on the environment.

During Grade 9, learners have learned how changes in the environment may affect
species extinction. For Grade 10, the learners should be able to demonstrate understanding of
influence of biodiversity on the stability of ecosystem; and an ecosystem as being capable of
supporting a limited number of organisms.
I. OBJECTIVE/S: At the end of the lesson/activity, the students should be able to:
a. Analyze the impact of biodiversity to the stability of an ecosystem.
b. Identify species and determined their value.
c. Appreciate the importance of biodiversity.
a. Topic: Biodiversity and Stability
b. Reference/s: Science 10 Learner’s Material page 330-331 and Teacher’s Guide page
242 and Internet
c. Material/s: Laptop, Cellphone, Wifi, Pictures


a. Recall
Last meeting we discuss the Flow of
Energy and Matter through an
ecosystem you learned on how species
diversity increases the probability of In Flow of Energy, sun as the source of energy
adaptation and survival of organisms in wherein 50% are visible light waves in solar
changing environments. radiation. In most favorable conditions plant can
convert only 5% of 45% (consider as 100%) energy
absorb by surface. This 5% energy GROSS
only 50-80% of GPP. Only 0.2 S.R enters into tropic

Will somebody define Food Chain? Food Chain is the series of processes by which
How about Food Web? food is grown or produced, sold, and eventually

Food Web is a system of interlocking and

interdependent food chains.

Show pictures to students and let them analyze the

different of the two;
b. Motivation
Look and analyze the pictures that I
present. What have you notice in
different pictures and you will be
unlock the hidden word. I will give
you 3 minutes to answer the hidden

B __ __ D __ __ E __ __ I __ Y_

Biodiversity refers to the variety of life on Earth at

From your answer how will you define a all its levels, genes to ecosystem, and can
Biodiversity? encompass the evolutionary, ecological, and
cultural process that sustain life.

c. Activity
1. Pre-Lab Activity
 Groupings and preparation of OPTIONAL:
 Do Activity 1 Classifying the
Value of Biodiversity LM
page 330-331
d. Analysis
 Presentation of Group
Outputs/Oral Presentation
 Discussion
 Every living organisms
around us has its own
important role or value for
us to live. It can be
economical, ecological
and aesthetical valuable.
 The value of species can Direct Economic Value, Indirect Economic Value
be divided into three and Aesthetic Value.
various categories. What
are those various
categories? The species is considered to have DIRECT
 What is Direct Economic ECONOMIC VALUE if their products are sources of
Value? Give an example food, medicine, clothing, shelter, and energy.
 What is Indirect For example, some medicines being used
Economic Value? Give an nowadays have formulations extracted from plants
example animals.
 How about Aesthetic
Value? Also give an
 Biodiversity is very
important because it
sustains through flow of
energy the food web on
earth and contributes to
environmental stability.
 All the species in an
ecosystem rely one A species has an INDIRECT ECONOMIC VALUE if
another. For example, is there are benefits produced by the organisms
the food web the 1st without using them.
consumer always For example, certain species maintain the chemical
depends on the producer, quality of natural bodies of water, prevent soil
if there is no producer erosion and floods, cycle materials in the soil, and
then all species in absorb pollutants.
ecosystem will be
affected. In some way,
with less biodiversity, the
ecosystem will become
unstable. But the greater
the biodiversity the more
chances that stability can
attained in an ecosystem.

AESTHETIC VALUE if the species provides visual

or artistic enjoyment.
For example, forested landscape and calming
beauty of a natural park; or they may be used for
spiritual meditation like the prayer mountains.

e. Abstraction
As a beginning of the lesson we
defined clearly the Biodiversity and Biodiversity affect the stability of an ecosystem, the
also already enumerate the three greater the biodiversity the more chances that
categories of value of an species. stability can be attained in an ecosystem.
How does biodiversity affect stability
of an ecosystem?

f. Application
We will have an activity. Each 2 The students will do the activity.
groups will discuss the value of
biodiversity and complete the table 1. Table 1. Organism and their value
(Organisms and their value) found Organism Value Direct Indirect Aesthetic
here in screen. Write many as you Ex: Trees Freshen ̷
can avoid repeated answer. I will give the air
you 3 minutes to accomplish that
activity the group that will have most
numerous answer will be given points.

Each 2 groups will present their work:

Group 1 will presents their output

(Students will do so)

Group 2 will presents their output

(Students will do so)
g. Evaluation
Answer the question carefully. Write your answer on your paper.
1. This describes how varied are life forms in different ecosystems.
2. ___is a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical
3. ___ if their products are sources of food, medicine, clothing, shelter, and energy.
4. The greater the biodiversity, the more chances that ___ can be attained in an
5. Humans benefit from a healthy ecosystem because the ecosystem provides the
service of good drinking water. This is an example of ___.

IV. Closure
Using your knowledge about biodiversity and stability, show their importance in our daily lives.
Show it using a pictures:

For your assignment, read the next lesson on pages 331-331 of your module which is entitled:
Population Growth and Carrying Capacity.

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