Idoped 2
Idoped 2
Idoped 2
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Al doped BiFeO3-BaTiO3 (BFA-BT) systems with a defined composition were prepared by a conventional
Received 17 February 2019 solid-state method. From SEM and XRD analyses, the high-density of the ceramics and the high lattice
Received in revised form parameters ratio cT /aT traducing large distortions of the rhombohedral phase play a dominant role in the
29 April 2019
enhanced piezoelectric properties. The high polarization and large strain were achieved in the
Accepted 2 May 2019
Available online 6 May 2019
BF 0.970A 0.030-BT system. 57Fe M€ossbauer spectra revealed the large disorder of Fe 3þ at B sites preferen-
tially occupied by more Al3þ doping ions, forming the diffusive phase transition for diele ctric behaviors
in ceramics. Grain and grain-boundary effects were pointed out from the dielectric modulus and its
BiFeO 3
related thermal evolution. AC capacitances indicated two relaxation processes marked by the grains and
Structural disorder interfaces involved in the polycrystalline ceramics for highly doped systems.
Microstructures © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Dielectric behavior
[(K 0.48Na0.52) 0.95Li0.05Nb 1-xSbx O3]-0.04[BaZrO3] is u p to 175 C [11]. optimal composition offering the highest remnant polarization
The depolarization temperature of 160 C for KBT-BT-NBT is not along with high piezoelectric d 33 coefficient [20,21]. Moreover, it
suitable for piezoelectric materials [12] with high temperature was reported that Sc, Ga, Al, La, In, Co, Gd, Nd and Ni doping at B
sites can promote the piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties of
BiFeO 3 -BaTiO3 system as ABO3 perovskite materials [22e25]. Thus,
* Corresponding author. the design of suitable doped microstructure contributes to fine-
** Corresponding author. tune the ferroelectric and piezoelectric peculiarities of BiFeO 3
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J. Peng), [email protected] based systems.
(G. Li), [email protected] (A. Kassiba).
0925-8388/© 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.