High Voltage Engineering Breakdown Phenomena: SJB Institute of Techology
High Voltage Engineering Breakdown Phenomena: SJB Institute of Techology
High Voltage Engineering Breakdown Phenomena: SJB Institute of Techology
Breakdown Phenomena
Module 1
Dwarakanath S K
1. Classification of Breakdown
The most important material used in high voltage apparatus is ing to very high values. The electric breakdown strength of insu-
the insulation The principle media of insulation used are Gases/ lating materials depends on the following parameters.
Vaccum, Liquid and Solid or a combination of these
1) Pressure
(Composite).The dielectric strength of an insulating material is
defined as the maximum dielectric stress which the material can 2) Temperature
withstand. It is also the voltage at which the current starts increas-
3) Humidity
4) Field Configurations (iii) The electrical conductivity
5) Nature of applied voltage Other important properties are viscosity, thermal stability, specific
gravity, flash point etc. The most important factors which affect the
6) Imperfection in dielectric materials
dielectric strength of oil are the, presence of fine water droplets
7) Materials of electrodes and the fibrous impurities. The presence of even 0.01% water in oil
brings down the dielectric strength to 20% of the dry oil value and
8) Surface conditions of electrodes etc the presence of fibrous impurities brings down the dielectric
PROPERTIES OF IMPORTANT HV INSULATING MEDIA strength much sharply. Therefore, whenever these oils are used for
providing electrical insulation, these should be free from moisture,
The various properties required for providing insulation and arc products of oxidation and other contaminants.
interruption are:
(i) High dielectric strength.
1.The simplest and the most commonly found dielectrics are gases.
(ii) Thermal and chemical stability
2.Most of the electrical apparatus use air as the insulating medium,
(iii) Non-inflammability. and in a few cases other gases such as nitrogen (N^, carbon diox-
ide (CO^, freon (CC12F2) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF$) are also
(iv) High thermal conductivity. This assists cooling of current carry-
used. Various phenomena occur in gaseous dielectrics when a volt-
ing conductors immersed in the gas and also assists the arc-
age is applied.
extinction process.
3.When the applied voltage is low, small currents flow between the
(v) Arc extinguishing ability. It should have a low dissociation tem-
electrodes and the insulation retains its electrical properties.
perature, a short thermal time constant (ratio of energy contained
in an arc column at any instant to the rate of energy dissipation at 4.On the other hand, if the applied voltages are large, the current
the same instant) and should not produce conducting products flowing through the insulation increases very sharply, and an elec-
such as carbon during arcing. trical breakdown occurs.
The three most important properties of liquid dielectric are 5.The maximum voltage applied to the insulation at the moment of
breakdown is called the breakdown voltage.
(i) The dielectric strength
6.The electrical discharges in gases are of two types, i.e. (O non-
(ii) The dielectric constant and
sustaining discharges, and (U) self-sustaining types.
7.The breakdown in a gas, called spark breakdown is the transition All collision that occur in practice are inelastic collision.
of a non-sustaining discharge into a self-sustaining discharge. The
Example : ionization attachment excitation recombination or inelas-
build-up of high currents in a breakdown is due to the process
tic collision.
known as ionization in which electrons and ions are created from
neutral atoms or molecules, and their migration to the anode and
cathode respectively leads to high currents. At present two types of
theories, viz. (i) Townsend theory, and (U) Streamer theory are
Interactive 1.1 Breakdown Mechanism
known which explain the mechanism for breakdown under differ-
ent conditions. The various physical conditions of gases, namely,
pressure, temperature, electrode field configuration, nature of elec-
trode surfaces, and the availability of initial conducting particles
are known to govern the ionization processes.!
Collision process
Types of collision
Elastic collision
Inelastic collision
Ionization process Townsend introduced a coefficient α known as Townsend’s first
ionization coefficient and is defined as the number of electrons pro-
1.A gas and its normal state is almost the perfect insulation.
duced by an electron per unit length of path in the direction of
2.When High Voltage is applied between the two electrodes im- field. Let n0 be the number of electrons leaving the cathode and
mersed in a gaseous medium that gas becomes conductor and an when these have moved through a distance x from the cathode,
electrical breakdown occurs these become n.
3.The process that are primarily responsible for the breakdown of Now when these n electrons move through a distance dx produce
gas ionization by collision photo ionization and the secondary ioni-
zation process
Where, A is the atom, A+IS the positive ion and e~ is the electron.
Class E ! 120°C ! Polyethylene, terephthalate, cellulose trice-
trate, polyvinyl acetate enamel
Where Io is initial current at the cathode the term is called “ elec- Applications of insulation material
tron avalanche & it represents the no electrons produced by elec-
Power transformer, Circuit Breaker, Rotating machines, power ca-
trons travelling from cathode to anode.
bles, power capacitors, capacitor bushings.
Classification of HV insulating material
Class Y ! 90°C !Natural rubber, PVC, paper cotton, silk without im-
From the equation
lease electrons after collision with gas molecules and from the cath-
ode after photon impact.
When voltage between the anode and cathode is increased, the cur-
rent at the anode is given by
Therefore, the condition νeαd = 1 defines the threshold sparking
the current in the anode equals the current in the external cirrcuit. Here the current I is not self-sustained i.e., on removal of the
Theoretically the current becomes infinitely large under the above source the current I0 ceases to flow.
mentioned condition but practically it is limited by the resistance
of the external circuit and partially by the voltage drop in the arc.
tion of Townsend)
The condition νeαd = 1 defines the condition for beginning of
spark and is known as the Townsend criterion for spark formation Townsend mechanism when applied to breakdown at atmospheric
or Townsend breakdown criterion. Using the above equations, the pressure was found to have certain drawbacks. Firstly, according to
following three conditions are possible. the Townsend theory, current growth occurs as a result of ioniza-
tion processes only. But in practice, breakdown voltages were
(1) νeαd =1
found to depend on the gas pressure and the geometry of the gap.
The number of ion pairs produced in the gap by the passage of arc Secondly, the mechanism predicts time lags of the order of 1(T5S,
electron avalanche is sufficiently large and the resulting positive while in actual practice breakdown was observed to occur at very
ions on bombarding the cathode are able to relase one short times of the order of 1(T8S. Also, while the Townsend mecha-
nism predicts a very diffused form of discharge, in actual practice,
secondary electron and so cause a repetition of the avalanche proc- discharges were found to be filamentary and irregular. The Town-
ess. The discharge is then said send mechanism failed to explain all these observed phenomena
to be self-sustained as the discharge will sustain itself even if the and as a result, around 1940, Raether and, Meek and Loeb inde-
source producing I0 is removed. pendently proposed the Streamer theory. The theories predict the
development of a spark discharge directly from a single avalanche
in which the space charge developed by the avalanche itself is said
to transform the avalanche into a plasma streamer. Consider Fig. proaches the cathode, a cathode spot is formed and a stream of elec-
2.12. trons rush from the cathode to neutralize the positive space charge
in the streamer; the result is a spark, and
been successfully used for determining the corona onset voltages
of many non-uniform geometries. However, the condition for the
advancement of streamers has not been arrived at so far. Figures
Meek and Raether also discussed the non-uniform field break- 2.18 and 2.19 show the d.c. breakdown characteristics for a wire-
down process as applied to their Streamer theory, and the Meek's coaxial cylinder geometry in nitrogen and for a point-plane geome-
equation for the radial field at the head of an avalanche when it try in air, respectively.
has crossed a distance x is modified as
From the practical engineering point of view, rod-rod gap and
sphere-sphere gap are of great importance, as they are used for the
measurement of high voltages and for the protection of electrical
apparatus such as transformers. The breakdown characteristics of
rod-rod gaps are shown n Fig. 2.20. From this figure it can be seen
Breakdown characteristics for nitrogen between a wire
that the breakdown voltages are higher for negative polarity. The
and a coaxial cylinder of radii 0.083 and 2.3 cm. 1-wire positive, 2- breakdown voltages were also observed to depend on humidity in
wire negative air. In the case of rod gaps the field is non-uniform, while in the
case of sphere gaps field is uniform, if the gap is small compared
with the diameter. In the case of sphere gaps, the breakdown volt-
ages do not depend on humidity and are also independent of the
voltage waveform. The formative time lag is quite small (~ 0.5 |i s)
even with 5% over voltage. Hence sphere gaps are used for break-
down voltage (peak value) measurements.
Gallery 1.1 Corona discharge Image Collection around the world
Corona Discharges
where b is the atmospheric pressure in torr, and t is the tempera-
ture in 0C, d = 1 at 760 torr and 250C. The expressions were found
to hold good from atmospheric pressure down to a pressure of sev-
eral torr. On the high voltage conductors at high pressures there is
a distinct difference in
Review 1.1 Breakdown mechanism
Question 1 of 5
Maximum efficiency will occur, when copper loss
is_______to iron loss?
A. greater than
B. less than
C. equals to
Check Answer
It has been recognised that one process that gives high breakdown to produce ionization due to collisions, attachment represents an
strength to a gas is the electron attachment in which free electrons effective way of removing electrons which otherwise would have
get attached to neutral atoms or molecules to form negative ions. led to current growth and breakdown at low voltages. The gases
Since negative ions like positive ions are too massive in which attachment plays an active role are called electronegative
(a) the direct attachment in which an electron directly attaches to
form a negative ion, and
AB-H e »A + B
Interactive 1.2 Breakdown mechanism solid dielectrics
CONDUCTION AND BREAKDOWN IN LIQUID DIELECTRICS ! 2.! This is because both liquids and solids are usually 103
times denser than gases.
! 4.! Liquid dielectrics are used mainly as impregnants in !4.! With time
high voltage cables and capacitors, and for filling up of transform- the oil becomes
ers, circuit breakers etc. darker due to the
formation of acids
! 5.! Petroleum oils (Transformer oil) are the most commonly
and resins, or
used liquid dielectrics. Synthetic hydrocarbons and halogenated
sludge in the liq-
! 6.! When used for electrical insulation purposes they uid. Some of the
should be free from moisture, products of oxidation and other con- acids are corrosive
taminants. The most important factor that affects the electrical to the solid insulat-
strength of an insulating oil is the presence of water in the form of ing materials and
fine droplets suspended in the oil. The presence of even 0.01% wa- metal parts in the
ter in transformer oil reduces its electrical strength to 20% of the transformer.
dry oil value. The dielectric strength of oil reduces more sharply, if
!5.! Deposits of
it contains fibrous impurities in addition to water.
sludge on the
transformer core,
on the coils and
inside the oil ducts
Transformer Oil reduce circulation
of oil and thus its
! 1.! As already mentioned, transformer oil is the most com- heat transfer capa-
monly used liquid dielectric in power apparatus. bility gets considerably reduced.
(b) its resistivity down strength and lead to electrical breakdown of the liquid dielec-
trics are discussed in subsequent sections.
(c) its loss tangent (tan 5) or its power factor which is an indication
of the power loss under a.c. voltage application
(d) its ability to withstand high electric stresses. Suspended Particle Theory
Permittivities of most of the petroleum oils vary from 2.0 to 2.6 ! 1.! In commercial liquids, the presence of solid impurities
while those of askerels vary between 4.5 and 5.0 and those of sili- cannot be avoided. These impurities will be present as fibres or as
cone oils from 2.0 to 73 (see Table 3.1). In case of the non-polar liq- dispersed solid particles.
uids, the permittivity is independent of frequency but in the case
! 2.! The permittivity of these particles (t^) will be different
of polar liquids, such as water, it changes with frequency. For exam-
from the permittivity of the liquid (ei). If we consider these impuni-
ple, the permittivity of water is 78 at 50 Hz and reduces to about
ties to be spherical particles of radius r, and if the applied field is
5.0 at 1 MHz. Resistivities of insulating liquids used for high volt-
E9 then the particles experience a force F, where
age applications should be more than 1016 ohm-metre and most of
the liquids in their pure state exhibit this property.
! 6.! If there is only a single conducting particle between the (c) Gaseous products due to the dissociation of liquid molecules by
electrodes, it will give rise to local field enhancement depending electron collisions; and
on its shape.
(d) Vaporization of the liquid by corona type discharge from sharp
! 7.! If this field exceeds the breakdown strength of the liq- points and Irregularities on the electrode surfaces.
uid, local breakdown will occur near the particle, and this will re-
sult in the formation of gas bubbles which may lead to the break-
down of the liquid. 3. Once bubble is formed, it will elongate in the direction of the
electric field under the influence of electrostatic forces.
! 8.! The vales of the breakdown strength of liquids contain-
ing solid impurities was found to be much less than the vlaues for 4. Breakdown occurs when the voltage drop along the length of the
pure liquids. The impurity particles reduce the breakdown Bubble becomes equal to the minimum value of paschen’s curve
strength, and it was also observed that the larger the size of the par- for the gas in bubble. Breakdown field id given by
ticles the lower were the breakdown strengths.
(3) Stressed oil volume theory:
Breakdown in soil dielectrics:-
1. In commercial liquids, where minute traces of impurities are pre-
1. Solid dielectrics materials are used in all kinds of electrical appa-
sent, the V breakdown strength is determined by the “largest possi-
ratus & devices to insulate one current carrying part from another
ble impurity”or”weak link”.
when they operate at different voltage.
2. on statistical basis, the electrical breakdown strength of the oil is
2. A good dielectric should have low dielectrics loss, high mechani-
defined by the weakest region in the oil, namely, the region which
cal strength , should be free from gaseous inclusions & moisture &
is stressed to the maximum & by the volume of oil included in that
be resistant to thermal & chemical deterioration solid dielectrics
have higher breakdown Strength compared to liquids & gases.
3. According to this theory, the breakdown strength is inversely
3. Solid Insulating materials
proportional to the stressed oil volume.
a) Organic materials :
4. The breakdown voltage is highly influenced by the gas content
in the oil, the viscosity of the oil, presence of other impurities. ! eg: paper, wood, rubber
b) Inorganic materials
! a) Intrinsic or ionic breakdown 4. Intrinsic breakdown depends upon the presence of free electrons
which are capable of migration through the lattice of the dielectric.
! b) Electron mechanical
! c) Thermal
(B) Avalanche or Streamer Breakdown:
! d) Failure due to treeing & tracking
1. This is similar to breakdown in gases due to cumulative ioniza-
! e) Electro chemical
f) Breakdown due to internal discharge
2. Conduction electrons gain sufficient energy above a certain criti-
cal electric field & cause liberation of electrons from the lattice at-
oms by collisions.
3. Maximum electrical strength recorded is 15mv/cm For 7. Practically, breakdown does not occur by the formation of a sin-
polyvinyl-alcohol at -1960c. gle avalanche formed within the dielectric & extending step by
step through the entire thickness of the materials as shown on fig
Fig. Impulse voltage applied b/w point-plane electrode with point
embedded in a transparent solid dielectric such as perspex
1. When solid dielectrics are subjected to high electric fields, failure The above equation is only approximate as Y depends on the me-
occurs due to electrostatic compressive forces which can exceed the chanical stress. Also when the material is subjected to high stresses
mechanical compressive strength. the theory of elasticity does not hold good, and plastic deformation
has to be considered.
3. Equilibrium is reached when the heat used to raise the tempera-
ture of the dielectric, plus the heat radiated out, equals the heat gen-
erated. The heat generated under d.c. stress E is given as
the degree to which a specified material conducts electricity, calculated as the ratio of the cur-
rent density in the material to the electric field which causes the flow of current.
An electrical insulator is a material whose internal electric charges do not flow freely; very
little electric current will flow through it under the influence of an electric field. This con-
trasts with other materials, semiconductors and conductors, which conduct electric current
more easily.