Question Paper Code:: Reg. No.

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Reg. No. :

Question Paper Code : X10374

B.E./B.Tech. Degree Examinations, november/december 2020

Seventh Semester
Electronics and Communication Engineering
EC 8751 – optical communication
(Common to Computer and Communication Engineering)
(Regulations 2017)

Time : Three Hours Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer all questions

Part – A (10×2=20 Marks)

1. Why do we calculate mode field diameter ? Write its significance.

2. What is called as fiber pigtail flylead ?

3. A continuous 12 km long optical fiber link has a loss of 1.5 dB/Km. Propose a proper
solution to find the minimum optical power that must be launched into the fiber
to maintain the optical power level of 0.3 µw at the receiving end.

4. Consider a single mode fiber having core refractive index n1 = 1.5. The fiber length
is 12 meter. Find the time taken by the axial ray to travel along the fiber.

5. Compare and contrast between surface and edge emitting LEDs.

6. The carrier recombination life time for an LED operating at 50 mA DC drive

current is 1 nsec. Estimate the values of electrical and optical bandwidth of LED.

7. What are the advantages of a trans-impedance amplifier ?

8. What are the techniques used in splicing ?

9. Consider a spectral band of 0.8 nm (or equivalently, a mean frequency spacing of

100 GHz at a 1550 nm wavelength) within which lasers with narrow linewidths
are transmitting. How many of such signal channels fit into the C band ?

10. Define power penalty.

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Part – B (5×13=65 Marks)

11. a) i) Suppose that an incoming ray from a light source is not within the acceptance
angle limits. What will happen to the light to be transmitted ? Suggest a
proper solution so that the whole of information to be transmitted is properly
sent through the fiber. (8)
ii) Step index fiber has an acceptance angle of 18 degrees in air. The fiber has a
relative refractive index difference of 2.5%. Estimate the value of the critical
angle at the core-cladding interface of the fiber and also the NA of the fiber. (5)
b) i) Explain about any two fiber fabrication techniques. (9)
ii) Calculate the value of critical angle (with respect to the interface) when
light travels from glass (n1 = 1.5) into water (n2 = 1.33). What is the value
of critical angle with respect to the normal drawn on the interface plane at
the point of incidence ? (4)

12. a) What is birefringence ? Explain how this phenomenon gives rise to PMD in
SMF. How would you design a single mode fiber to combat dispersion and
attenuation simultaneously at a given operating wavelength ? (13)
b) What is material dispersion ? How does this parameter affect the bit rate
of transmission ? Also derive the mathematical equation for material
dispersion. (13)

13. a) i) With a schematic of double heterojunction LED explain how carrier

confinement and optical confinement can be achieved simultaneously. (5)
ii) Define quantum efficiency of an LED. Derive an expression for internal
quantum efficiency of an LED and hence discuss the effect of various
recombination mechanisms on the quantum efficiency. (8)
b) Develop the schematics of PIN photodiode and APD and also explain in
detail. (13)

14. a) Demonstrate the following in detail :

i) Optical Power Measurements (6)
ii) Attenuation Measurements. (7)
b) Explain in detail about various lensing schemes for coupling improvement. (13)
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15. a) Demonstrate SONET layers and frame structure with diagram. (13)
b) Explain about Link power budget and rise time budget. (13)

Part – C (1×15=15 Marks)

16. a) An InGaAsP light source that has a refractive index of 3.540 is coupled to a step
index fiber that has a core refractive index of 1.480. Assume that the source
size is smaller than the fiber core and that there is a small gap between the
source and fiber.
i) If the gap is filled with a gel that has a refractive index of 1.520, what is
the power loss in decibels from the source into fiber ? (10)
ii) What is the power loss if no gel is used in the small gap ? (5)
b) i) Derive Laser diode rate equation. (10)
ii) A GaAs laser operating at 850 nm has 500 µm length and a refractive index
n = 3.7. (5)
a) What are its frequency spacing and wavelength spacing ?
b) If at the half power point λ – λ0 = 2 nm, what is the spectral width of the
gain ?

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