T Rec G.664 199907 S!!PDF e
T Rec G.664 199907 S!!PDF e
T Rec G.664 199907 S!!PDF e
ITU-T G.664
This Recommendation provides guidelines and requirements for techniques to provide optically safe
working conditions (of Hazard Level 3A or lower) on optical interfaces of the Optical Transport
Network, including conventional SDH systems, for equipment in restricted and controlled locations.
For SDH applications a transverse compatible Automatic Laser Shutdown and Restart procedure is
specified. Furthermore a clarification of the IEC 60825 standard on optical safety is provided.
ITU-T Recommendation G.664 was prepared by ITU-T Study Group 15 (1997-2000) and was
approved under the WTSC Resolution No. 1 procedure on the 22nd of June 1999.
In this Recommendation the term recognized operating agency (ROA) includes any individual, company,
corporation or governmental organization that operates a public correspondence service. The terms
Administration, ROA and public correspondence are defined in the Constitution of the ITU (Geneva, 1992).
ITU 1999
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the ITU.
2 References................................................................................................................... 1
4 Abbreviations.............................................................................................................. 2
6 Procedures................................................................................................................... 4
6.1 General........................................................................................................................ 4
6.2 Single-channel point-to-point SDH without line amplifiers....................................... 4
6.3 Single-channel point-to-point SDH with line amplifiers............................................ 9
6.4 Multichannel and OTN applications........................................................................... 10
6.5 Bidirectional applications ........................................................................................... 12
1 Scope
This Recommendation provides guidelines and requirements for techniques to provide optically safe
working conditions (of Hazard Level 3A or lower) on optical interfaces of the Optical Transport
Network, including conventional SDH systems, for equipment in restricted and controlled locations.
In order to provide transverse compatibility, i.e. the possibility of mixing various manufacturers’
equipments within a single optical section, this Recommendation also defines procedures for
Automatic Laser Shutdown (ALS) and Automatic Power Reduction (APR) at optical interfaces
where optical safety limits specified by recognized standards are exceeded. Furthermore, a
clarification of the alternatively existing term Automatic Power Shutdown (APSD) is given. The
definition of optical safety procedures for the Optical Access Network is regarded as being outside
the scope of this Recommendation.
Main fields of application are conventional SDH line systems (without optical amplifiers) as
specified in Recommendation G.957, SDH line systems with optical amplifiers and systems
designed for the Optical Transport Network.
The impact of bidirectional transmission as described in Recommendation G.692 has also been
Because of desired backwards compatibility with no longer existing Recommendations on the
subject of optical safety, this Recommendation provides (besides requirements) some options for
safety procedures in case of single- and multichannel SDH systems with line amplifiers.
2 References
The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions, which through
reference in this text constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the
editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision; all
users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently
valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published.
– ITU-T Recommendation G.662 (1998), Generic characteristics of optical fibre amplifier
devices and subsystems.
– ITU-T Recommendation G.692 (1998), Optical interfaces for multichannel systems with
optical amplifiers.
– ITU-T Recommendation G.783 (1997), Characteristics of synchronous digital hierarchy
(SDH) equipment functional blocks.
– ITU-T Recommendation G.872 (1999), Architecture of optical transport networks.
– ITU-T Recommendation G.957 (1995), Optical interfaces for equipments and systems
relating to the synchronous digital hierarchy.
3.1 Definitions
This Recommendation defines the following terms:
3.1.1 automatic laser shutdown (ALS): A technique (procedure) to automatically shutdown the
output power of laser transmitters and optical amplifiers to avoid exposure to hazardous levels.
3.1.2 automatic power reduction (APR): A technique (procedure) to automatically reduce the
output power of optical amplifiers to avoid exposure to hazardous levels.
3.1.3 automatic power shutdown (APSD): A technique (procedure) to automatically shutdown
the output power of optical amplifiers to avoid exposure to hazardous levels; within the context of
this recommendation the term APSD is equivalent to the term ALS.
3.1.4 main (optical) path: The fibre plant between the S or S' point of the transmitter equipment
and the R or R' point of the receiver equipment.
3.1.5 main path interfaces: The interfaces to the fibre plant.
4 Abbreviations
This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations:
ALS Automatic Laser Shutdown
APR Automatic Power Reduction
APSD Automatic Power Shutdown
BA Booster Amplifier
dLOS Loss of Signal defect
LA Line Amplifier
LOC-OTS Loss of Continuity on Optical Transmission Section
LOS Loss of Signal
MPI Main Path Interface
MPI-R Receive Main Path Interface reference point
6 Procedures
6.1 General
For eye safety considerations, according to IEC 60825-1 and IEC 60825-2, it may be necessary to
provide for a capability for Automatic (optical) Power Reduction (APR) in case of loss of optical
power within one section of the main optical path. For example, this loss of power can be caused by
cable break, equipment failure, connector unplugging, etc. To facilitate an easy restoration of the
system after reconnection of the link, an automatic (or manual) restart will be considered in this
As clarified under clause 5, it is not necessary to provide a power reduction procedure for systems of
Hazard Levels 1 and 3A according to IEC 60825-2. This is furthermore not necessary for systems
with Hazard Level 3B in Controlled Locations. However, in order to provide appropriate shutdown
operation of inserted stand-alone boosters and preamplifiers in point-to-point single-channel SDH
systems, it is considered useful to provide shutdown features also on Hazard Level 1 1550 nm
long-haul optical interfaces as specified in Recommendation G.957. Further details are provided
under 6.2.
Because of backwards compatibility with no longer existing Recommendations in the following, a
distinction is made between point-to-point single-channel SDH systems without line amplifiers,
SDH systems with line amplifiers and multichannel systems in general (including all OTN
West East
terminal terminal
The reference configuration for a single section from this configuration is shown in Figure 2.
"Tx" "Rx"
"Rx" "Tx"
Section in
ALS enabled
Automatic power shutdown at reference point MPI-S [accomplished within 800 ms after
the loss of receive signal (Figure 4)]
NOTE – "Receive signal from far end?" is also active when the transmitter is in the shutdown situation.
LOS recognition time Shutdown command after 500 ms after LOS recognition
"Tx" LA "Rx"
"Rx" LA "Tx"
T1 R2
West East
Multiplex Multiplex
R1 T2
In case a cable break happens at point A of Figure 6, the consecutive Loss of Continuity of Optical
Transmission Section (LOC-OTS) defect at receiving interface R2 is used to reduce the output power
of transmitting interface T2 which is the adjacent source in the opposite direction. This is detected in
receiving interface R1 which in its turn reduces the output power of transmitting interface T1. The
principle of detection at R1, and the definition of LOC-OTS for multichannel and OTN applications,
is for further study.
The power reduction to Hazard Level 3A for restricted locations on all optical outputs within the
impacted OTS shall be carried out within 3 s from the moment the continuity in the OTS is
NOTE 2 – Secondary actions on other amplifiers in the impacted OMS section, including those potentially
active on equipment (e.g. single-channel equipment) outside the OMS, are not excluded but a corresponding
specification is regarded outside the scope of this Recommendation. These secondary actions shall not
interfere with the safety procedures on the impacted OTS.
When the connection in the OTS has been repaired, either an automatic or a manual restart is
necessary to restore transmission within the OTS. A restart shall not be initiated within 100 s from
the moment the connection interruption occurred or from the finish of a previous (unsuccessful)
restart action, unless connectivity is guaranteed. During and after the restart action, the optical power
within the impacted OTS shall not exceed Hazard Level 3A until connectivity is guaranteed.
NOTE 3 – The actual power level permitted during the restart action depends on its duration.
The actual details of a restart procedure, suitable to support operation on transversely compatible
optical interfaces, is for further study.
The above-mentioned APR procedures shall not result in the generation of downstream
consequential alarms. In other words alarms will only be notified by the affected OTS.