Stage 1 - Desired Results Unit Title: American Indian Groups of Texas Established Goals
Stage 1 - Desired Results Unit Title: American Indian Groups of Texas Established Goals
Stage 1 - Desired Results Unit Title: American Indian Groups of Texas Established Goals
Established Goals:
- Learners will plan and make their own virtual museum showcasing the American Indian
group of Texas of their choice.
- TEKS: 4.1A, 4.1B, 4.1C, 4.1D, 4.7A, 4.8A, 4.8B, 4.9A, and 4.12A
1. Class will go on a 360 virtual field trip to an American Indian Reserve (H)
2. Class will engage in a discussion of what type of information might you see at a
museum. What information is important about the American Indian groups of Texas to
tell others? (W)
3. Key vocabulary terms and maps will be displayed in class on anchor charts to keep
students on track. (E)
4. Students will pick a tribe to research and will copy and paste information and images in
a shared google doc with group members who chose same tribe. (E,O)
• Constraint: limited to pebblego, discovery, and other research apps on classlink
5. Students will begin to choose and organize information from googledoc they want to use
for their own virtual museum (E2,T, O)
6. Discussion: What additional information do we now think is important to include in a
museum exhibit about American Indian groups of Texas? Has it changed? (R)
7. Students will begin viewing examples of virtual museums on CoSpaces EDU. (E)
8. In their groups, students will begin designing and coding the exhibit structure. (E, T)
9. Once the design is how student wants, they will begin adding their images, videos,
information, and voice overs. Student will choose to do some or all of these things,
however they see fit for their exhibit. (T, O)
10. Student will choose a peer from their group to show exhibit to and receive feedback
from. (E2, R)
11. Students will make any final edits based on feedback received from peer and teacher.
(E2, R)
12. Students will rotate computers to view everyone’s virtual museum presentations (E)
13. Students will reflect and self-evaluate their experience and museum in a reflection
essay. (E2)