Lectura Complementaria. Método de Referencia para El Recuento de Plaquetas
Lectura Complementaria. Método de Referencia para El Recuento de Plaquetas
Lectura Complementaria. Método de Referencia para El Recuento de Plaquetas
Key Words: Flow cytometry; Platelets; Platelet count; Reference method; Value assignment; Whole blood calibration
With the increasing use of fluorescent flow cytometry, anticoagulated with EDTA, dipotassium salt, or tripotassium
there has been renewed interest in indirect platelet counting, salt, 3.7 to 5.4 µmol/mL of blood (K2EDTA, anhydrous,
ie, the determination of the RBC/PLT ratio. These indirect Chemical Abstracts Service [CAS] 25102-12-9, formula
counting methods are performed on a flow cytometer after the weight of 368.4, 1.4-2.0 mg/mL; K3EDTA, dihydrate, CAS
platelets have been labeled fluorescently with a monoclonal 6550-24-8, formula weight of 442.5, 1.6-2.4 mg/mL). Only
antibody specific to a cluster of differentiation common to all K2EDTA should be used when the same specimens also are
(resting and activated) platelets. A number of such antibodies required for hematocrit and mean corpuscular volume
have been described, including anti-CD42a6-8; anti-CD41b8; measurements.12 The containers must have sufficient air
anti-CD619; and anti-CD41, anti-CD42, and anti-CD61.10,11 remaining to allow for proper mixing. The specimen should
Studies have shown that fluorescent labeling with any one of a be rejected if there is visual hemolysis or if microclots are
number of commercially available monoclonal antibodies present. Maintain the specimens at room temperature (18 C-
seems to be specific and is claimed to be essentially universal, 22 C), and process within 4 hours of obtaining the specimen.
ie, all platelets are labeled in a large variety of blood speci- Do not place specimens on a rocking or other “mixing”
mens.9,11 The preparation and counting with modern flow device. To ensure a homogeneous distribution of RBCs and
cytometers is practical, with good separation between the cell platelets, thoroughly mix the specimen by at least 8 gentle,
types for discrimination purposes. However, RBC-RBC, complete inversions before predilution and antibody
RBC-platelet, and WBC-platelet coincidences remain a labeling.13
problem for cell counting by flow cytometry, since the sensing
zone generally is defined only by the Gaussian distribution of
the laser light and is typically greater than 1,000 µm. Because Glassware
the sensing volume is defined poorly, coincidence correction Care must be taken to avoid the adherence of platelets to
generally is precluded, and serial dilutions must be used to any surface of any container used in storing the original
verify the absence of errors due to coincidence. specimen or any diluted sample. Therefore, plain glass
surfaces must be avoided, and polypropylene or polystyrene
must be used throughout specimen processing.
The ICSH now recommends that an indirect platelet
count, ie, the counting of specifically labeled platelets rela- Instrument Specifications
tive to the RBCs with a fluorescence flow cytometer, For platelet and RBC enumeration, a fluorescent flow
together with an accurate RBC count determined with a cytometer with hydrodynamic focusing and the capability of
semiautomated, single-channel, aperture-impedance particle measuring forward light scatter and fluorescence is used. The
counter, provides a method sufficiently accurate and precise instrument should have sufficient sensitivity to scattered and
to be used for whole blood calibration of cell counters and fluorescein fluorescent light to reliably count fluorescein
for assigning values to calibration materials. isothiocyanate–labeled spherical particles of 2 µm in diameter.
For the whole blood RBC count, a semiautomated,
single-channel, aperture-impedance particle counter is used.
Principle of the Method The instrument should have an orifice diameter of 80 to 100
An EDTA-anticoagulated blood specimen is prediluted µm and a length 70% to 100% of the diameter, and the
in a sterile buffered solution. The platelets then are stained volume displaced during the counting period must be known
with specific fluorescent antibodies. The stained platelets in to within an accuracy of 1%, traceable to a national or inter-
solution are diluted to the counting concentration, and the national metrologic standard.3 (NOTE: At present, no optical
platelets and RBCs are counted on a flow cytometer with particle counters are available that meet the requirement of
thresholds set to discriminate platelets from RBCs on the an accurately known and traceable volume displacement.)
basis of fluorescence amplitude and scatter amplitude. The
RBC/PLT ratio is determined, and the platelet count is calcu-
lated from an accurate RBC count of the sample, obtained Reagents
using a cell counter that meets previous ICSH specifications.3
The diluent is phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), 0.01
Blood Specimens mol/L, pH 7.2 to 7.4 with 0.1% bovine serum albumin
Fresh venous blood specimens are collected from appar- (BSA). Steps are as follows:
ently healthy donors by syringe or evacuated container and 1. Dissolve 1.15 g dibasic, anhydrous sodium phosphate
(Na2HPO4; CAS, 7558-79-4; formula weight, 142.0) in gentle inversions of the specimen tube) blood specimen into
approximately 750 mL of deionized or distilled water. 100 µL of the filtered PBS-BSA diluent.
2. Add 210 mg monobasic, anhydrous potassium phos- 2. Add 5 µL of the anti-CD41 and 5 µL of the anti-
phate (KH2PO4; CAS, 7778-77-0; formula weight, 136.1), CD61 staining solution and incubate for 15 minutes, in the
8.0 g sodium chloride (NaCl; CAS, 7647-14-5; formula dark, at ambient temperature (18 C-22 C).
weight, 58.44), 200 mg potassium chloride (KCl; CAS, NOTE: Consistent results have been obtained when the
7447-40-7; formula weight, 74.55), and 1.0 mL BSA, frac- blood and the anti-CD41 and anti-CD61 staining solutions
tion V. Dilute to 1,000 mL with deionized or distilled water. are pipetted as separate beads in the bottom of the reaction
Store at 4 C to 8 C. tube and the PBS-BSA diluent is added.13
3. Filter the diluent through a low-binding, low-release 3. After 15 minutes, prepare a final 1:1,000 dilution for
membrane filter, with a mean pore diameter of 0.20 to 0.25 counting by adding 4.85 mL of the PBS-BSA diluent. Mix
µm before use. (Good results have been obtained with, eg, well by gentle inversions to ensure proper and equal distribu-
Millex-GV filters, Millipore Intertech, Bradford, MA.13) tion of RBCs and platelets.
4. With the flow cytometer, count a minimum of 50,000
Staining Solution events with a minimum of 1,000 platelet events. The flow
For the staining solution, directly conjugated, fluores- cytometer settings must ensure an acquisition rate of less
cein isothiocyanate–labeled, antibodies against 2 distinct than 3,000 events per second. Events that are positive for
epitopes on the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa complex of platelets are RBC scatter signal, as well as for platelet fluorescence, are
used: antibodies to CD41 and CD61. considered RBC-platelet coincidence events and are added to
NOTE: In a series of 65 blood specimens with platelet both the RBC and the platelet events.
counts ranging from 15 to 900 ·103/µL (15-900 ·109/L), no Either quadrant or bitmap analysis is acceptable, but
difference in labeling was found in 17 specimens; in 25 spec- bitmap analysis is recommended. The use of positive
imens, more platelets were stained by anti-CD41 than by displacement pipettes is recommended.
anti-CD61; and in 23 specimens, more were stained by anti-
CD61 than by anti-CD41 ❚Table 1❚. The reference method Determination of RBC Concentration
thus requires a double-staining technique. Following the ICSH reference method for enumeration
Laboratories must verify that a specific clone or batch of of erythrocytes (and leukocytes), 3 determine the RBC
antibodies results in adequate fluorescent staining of the concentration of the original blood specimen using a semiau-
platelets. The antibody (antibodies) must give a high enough tomated, single-channel, aperture-impedance particle
fluorescent signal of the entire platelet population so that it is counter.
completely resolved from noise and debris and the RBCs on
a plot of log FL1 (fluorescence at 528 nm) vs log FS
(forward scatter). (This usually was greater than the first log
Platelet Count Determination
decade when the background fluorescence was set with a
matched isotype control.) From the flow cytometry data, determine the RBC/PLT
ratio, R, to at least 3 decimal places by using the following
Procedure R = RBC Events/Platelet Events
Divide the RBC count determined in the original spec-
Enumeration of RBCs and Platelets imen by this ratio, R, to arrive at the platelet count.
Steps are as follows: For example:
1. Pipette 5 µL of the well-mixed (at least 8 complete, RBC Count, 5.44 ·106/µL (5.44 ·1012/L); R = 20.4896
❚Table 1❚
Staining Results
Difference (%)
No difference (± 1%) 17 0 — —
Anti-CD41 greater than anti-CD61 (> 1%) 25 4.8 3.04 1.1-12.2
Anti-CD41 less than anti-CD61 (< –1%) 23 4.8 4.62 1.02-19.9
Platelet Count = 5.44 ·106/µL (5.44 ·1012/L) Divided equation can be simplified and expressed as a function of the
by 20.4896 = 265.5 ·103/µL (265.5 ·109/L) RBC/PLT ratio:
NOTE: In a series of 357 apparently healthy, racially CV2 = (R + 1)/Ntotal
mixed, male and female volunteers, median age 26 years, a and
mean ± SD ratio of 21.572 ± 5.134 was found. CV (%) = [ (R + 1)/Ntotal] ·100
The mean of normal values for the RBC/PLT ratio is
around 20. At this value and with an Ntotal of 50,000, the
statistical imprecision is 2%. Practical experience has
demonstrated the replicate precision for the method to be
Once the assay has been optimally set up, application of about 1.7% and 3% at platelet counts of 280 and 40 ·103/µL
a coincidence correction is not required. However, applica- (280 and 40 ·109/L), respectively.
tion of the coincidence correction equations given in
Appendix 113 is recommended during setup of the assay to
ensure optimal conditions (eg, dilution, flow, or acquisition
Sources of Interference
rate) are achieved and to monitor potential problems with
some pathologic specimens (eg, very high platelet counts). Although labeling with the monoclonal antibodies used
in this method has been shown to be effective with a wide
variety of specimens,12 there exists the potential for spec-
imen-specific interference. Interference could result from an
absence of the binding sites or blocking of the staining reac-
As in all cell counting methods, a fundamental limita- tion in certain specimens. A summary of potential interfer-
tion on the reproducibility of the result is provided by the ences is listed in ❚Table 2❚. Thus, it is important to ensure
statistical variation in the number of cells sampled: the coef- that whole blood specimens used for the calibration of hema-
ficient of variation (CV) is the square root of the reciprocal tology analyzers do not exhibit any of the conditions listed.
of the number of cells counted. In the reference method
described, a proportion, R, is derived from the ratio of the
two counts (number of platelets, NPlt, and number of RBCs,
Evaluation and Transferability
N RBC ) after a fixed number, N, of total cells has been
analyzed. The method, staining with anti-CD41 and anti-CD61 in
The theory of propagation of errors indicates that the parallel, has been tested in 11 laboratories (in France, Japan,
CV of a ratio is given by the variation of the individual the United Kingdom, and the United States); staining with a
measurements added in quadrature: combination of anti-CD41 and anti-CD61 has been tested in
CV2 = (1/NPlt) + (1/NRBC) 4 laboratories (in the United Kingdom and the United
Owing to the relatively large number of RBCs (NRBC = States). Each laboratory analyzed stabilized material and at
approximately Ntotal) and substituting (NRBC/R) for NPlt, the least 60 patient specimens with a range of platelet counts.
❚Table 2❚
Potential Sources of Interference With Platelet Counts in Selected Conditions*
All laboratories demonstrated excellent intra-assay and 6. Groner W, Mayer K, Chapman ES. An indirect platelet count
acceptable interlaboratory precision. The overall correlations using a platelet-specific monoclonal antibody and flow
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between anti-CD41 and anti-CD61 and each with anti-CD41 thrombocytopenia. Blood. 1994;84(suppl 1):687a.
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bias. The method, using a calibrated automated hematology enumeration utilizing monoclonal antibody CD42a. Clin Lab
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tool for determining the accuracy of platelet counting in antibodies and fluorescent reference particles. Clin Lab
thrombocytopenia.13 Haematol. 1995;17:163-172.
9. Harrison P, Horton A, Grant D, et al. Immunoplatelet
Address reprint requests to Dr Rowan: Executive Secretary ICSH, counting: a proposed new reference procedure. Br J Haematol.
13 Buchanan St, MILNGAVIE, Glasgow G62 8AW, Scotland, UK. 2000;108:228-235.
* Chair: George Klee, MD, Rochester, MN; Secretary: 10. Ault K. Platelet counting: is there room for improvement? Lab
Haematol. 1996;2:139-143.
Guiseppe d’Onofrio, Rome, Italy; and Members: Onno W. van
11. Davis RH, Bigelow NC. Evaluation of flow cytometric
Assendelft, MD, PhD, Atlanta, GA; Brian Bull, MD, Loma Linda, indirect immunoplatelet counting as a reference method for
CA; Ahnond Bunyaratvej, MD, Bangkok, Thailand; M. Buttarello, platelet count calibration. Lab Haematol. 1999;5:15-21.
MD, Padova, Italy; George Colella, PhD, Tarrytown, NY; Bruce
12. International Council for Standardization in Haematology
Davis, MD, South Portland, ME; Keiji Fujimoto, MEng, Kobe, Expert Panel on Cytometry. Recommendations of the
Japan; Warren Groner, Great Neck, NY; Berend Houwen, MD, International Council for Standardization in Haematology for
PhD, Loma Linda, CA; Luc van Hove, MD, PhD, Santa Clara, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid anticoagulation of blood for
CA; John A. Koepke, MD, Durham, NC; Mitchell Lewis, MD, blood cell counting and sizing. Am J Clin Pathol.
London, England; Sam Machin, MD, London, England; Robert 1993;100:371-372.
Raynor, PhD, Miami, FL; Martin Rowan, MD, Glasgow, 13. Harrison P, Ault KA, Chapman S, et al. An interlaboratory
Scotland; and Noriyuki Tatsumi, MD, Osaka, Japan. study of a candidate reference method for platelet counting.
† Chair: Onno W. van Assendelft, MD, PhD, Atlanta, GA; Am J Clin Pathol. 2001;115:448-459.
and Members: Kenneth A. Ault, MD, South Portland, ME; Bruce
Davis, MD, South Portland, ME; Keiji Fujimoto, MEng, Kobe,
Japan; Paul Harrison, PhD, London, England; Berend Houwen,
MD, PhD, Atlanta, GA; Luc van Hove, MD, PhD, Santa Clara,
CA; Jolanta Kunicka, PhD, Tarrytown, NY; Francis Lacombe,
MD, Pessac, France; Didier Lakomsky, MD, Montpelier, France;
Sam Machin, MD, London, England; and Robert Raynor, PhD,
Miami, FL.
The use of trade names is for identification only and does not
constitute endorsement by the Public Health Service of the US
Department of Health and Human Services.
1. Zwart A, van Assendelft OW, Bull BS, et al. Recommen-
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