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Principles of Accident Prevention


causation of accidents, it is obviously essential to understand the
principles and techniques of accident prevention. But before that we
will see the types of accidents first.

Types of Accidents:

1. First Aid: Injured Person is fit to work after giving First Aid
2. Minor or Non-Reportable: Injured Person is disabled for 48
hours or less after the Accident
3. Major or Reportable: Injured Person is disabled for more than
48 hours after the Accident
4. Fatal: Injured person dies after the Accident or as a consequence
of the Accident
5. Near miss: Incident occur without injury
6. Disaster: Incident where there is extensive loss of property &
/or life

Fundamentals of Accident Prevention: As explained by Heinrich,

accident prevention is both, science and art. It represents control of
performance of man, machine and physical environment
(Ventilation, Light and Storage).The word ‘control’ includes
prevention as well as correction of unsafe conditions and actions.
Prevention is the first or initial part of ‘control’ which if practiced,
subsequent control for consequence or effect may not be needed.
Thus accident control is a vital factor in every industry, which if
ignored or practiced unskillfully, leads to needless human suffering
and business bankruptcy.

The accident-prevention task requires both, the short term

approach (direct control of personal performance and environment)
and the long-term approach of instruction, training and education.
This task must be performed before an accident and injury occur.
Subsequent efforts after accidents are also necessary.

Thus accident prevention may be defined as an integrated

programme, a series of co-ordinated activities, directed to the control
of unsafe acts and unsafe conditions and based on knowledge, attitude
and ability for safety. It aims to serve industry, country and humanity.

Five basic or fundamental steps for accident prevention (safe and

efficient production), suggested by H.W. Heinrich, are;

1. Organization. (Policy & Safety Structure)

2. Fact finding. (Investigation)
3. Analysis of the facts found (for immediate cause & Root cause)
4. Selection of remedy and (Corrective & Preventive action)
5. Application of the remedy (Actual Implementation for closure)
Sixth step of ‘Monitoring’ (i.e. measurement o: result, assessment
i.e. comparison with legal criteria or standard, feedback and
further improvement) is also suggested. Such review is
necessary after all safety programs.

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