44 Sounds of A Us English

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The 44 Sounds

Note that the 44 sounds (phonemes) have multiple spellings (graphemes) and only the most common
ones have been provided in this summary.

20 Vowel Sounds
6 Short Vowels
a e i o u oo u
cat leg sit top rub book

5 Long Vowels
ai ay ee ea ie igh oe ow oo ue
paid bee pie toe moon
tray beat high flow cue

3 R-Controlled Vowels
ar er ir ur or
car her bird hurt cork

5 Other Vowels
ow ou oy oi eer ear air ere our
cow out boy void deer near hair there tour

1 Unstressed Vowel
trumpet across suppose
24 Consonant Sounds
PLACE  Bilabial Labio-dental Inter-dental Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Where in the mouth

MANNER How the sound with both lips with lips and teeth between teeth front of mouth front of mouth top of mouth back of mouth voice box
is made

Stops p b t d k c g
air stopped pet bet tip dip cap gap

Nasal m n ng
through nose met net sing

Fricative f v th th s z sh ge “zh” h
high pressure air fan van thin this sue zoo ship beige hat

Affricates ch j
stop + fricative chain Jane

Approximants w r y
partial closure of wet rat yak

Lateral l
air around side of leg

Additional consonant sounds : k + s = x k + w = qu

box quit

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