2021 Genius Olympiad Research Paper Yejin Kong
2021 Genius Olympiad Research Paper Yejin Kong
2021 Genius Olympiad Research Paper Yejin Kong
Huntington’s disease (HD) kills approximately 2.27 per million per population every year and slowly
makes everyday activities more difficult for those with the genetic mutation. Key symptoms of HD
include chorea, forgetfulness, impaired judgement, personality change, mood swings, and depression. HD
is clinically diagnosed by the HD mutation in the huntingtin gene: overly repeated C-A-G nucleotide
sequences. Abnormal sequencing in the gene causes abnormal protein synthesis in the huntingtin protein,
the impact of which compounds over time as the proteins create more clumps in the brain, which is why
HD is mostly diagnosed in middle-aged individuals - when the proteins have had enough time to cause
symptoms. HD is caused by prolonged damage to the striatum caused by the abnormal HD gene and
protein which makes brain cells eventually die. The link between miRNAs and HD have been studied
before but this study takes a step further by examining how this link can be exploited to create a cure.
Using three types of strategically selected miRNA types, this study showed that encapsulating the
miRNAs in exosomes for delivery into heavily damaged neurons increased cell proliferation. Mimicking
conditions of HD through the use of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), this lab tested the impacts of the
three different miRNA types when delivered by exosomes into the damaged neuron cells and proved that
all three miRNAs did increase cell proliferation. Overall, this research focuses on the potential of miRNA
with exosome use in therapeutic treatment for blocking neuronal cell death of HD patients. As current
techniques evolve, this research can be used for the development of personalized therapy for HD patients.
Table of Contents
Question 3
Hypothesis 3
1. Background Information 4
1.1 Exosomes 4
1.2 Relationship between miRNAs and Exosomes 4
1.3 Huntington’s Disease 4
1.4 A172 Glioblastoma Cell 5
1.5 Dopamine and Huntington’s Disease Relationship 5
1.6 Purpose and Hypothesis of this Experiment 6
5. Conclusion 13
6. Research Impact 13
8. Reference 14
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How does the insertion of potentially protective miRNA types encapsulated by isolated exosomes
positively or negatively impact brain cells dying from HD?
The insertion of the chosen miRNA types will increase cell proliferation in previously dying brain cells.
Through research, several candidates of miRNA types were identified referring to previously published
papers that retrieved data from patients suffering from HD. By narrowing down these options to three
miRNA types that were clearly under or overregulated in patients, the degree of efficacy for this
experiment increased as the potential impact of the specific miRNA type was backed up by research.
Although the insertion of these miRNA types was not yet extensively researched, this experiment aims to
ameliorate this shortcoming to potentially develop a very efficient therapeutic method against HD.
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1. Background Information
1.1 Exosomes
Among many of its functions, such as maintaining the division amongst micro and
macromolecules, exosomes are also produced by almost every cell in the body and are shown to impact
distant cell signaling.1 Since they are so commonly produced and are mobile extracellular vesicles,
exosomes function as escape routes for different proteins and microRNAs (miRNAs) to move from one
cell to another even if it is far away. 2
Due to this property, however, the abnormal export of an exosome(s) just from one cell can cause
the death of key proteins and miRNAs, eventually causing misexpression. Recently, many studies have
been conducted to find a relationship between exosomes secreted from specific cells and their impact on
certain diseases. The many functions of exosomes leads to a variety of potential use cases, such as being
used as therapeutic tools in an array of different diseases, such as HD.
MicroRNAs are small, non-coding strings of RNA with several functions that heavily impact
gene expression which is why their specific role in genetic diseases and the overall human anatomy are
being studied extensively. For example, one known function is how miRNAs regulate genes by creating
bonds with the three untranslated regions (UTR) of messenger RNAs (mRNAs) to cause the deregulation
of the target gene's expression, essentially giving them the power to change the expression of multiple
genes within a cell. This unique characteristic can be linked to potential positive or negative impacts the
lack or abundance of specific miRNAs can have in a genetic disease. 2
Some recent studies have even proposed links between miRNAs and exosomes as there has been
speculation around miRNA secretion being controlled by vesicular/exosomal controlled mechanisms.
Either way, exosomes do have a significant role within circulatory miRNA biology which is why
exosomes have been used as transportation methods for miRNAs in some studies in order to facilitate
gene exchange amongst different cells. Since miRNAs can't move on their own, scientists have found that
by being encapsulated by exosomes, the miRNAs can be protected when leaving or entering cells. 3
Although this phenomenon affects the entire brain, the striatum is most heavily impacted. The
striatum is located deep within the brain and is in control of movement, mood, and behavior control. So,
prolonged damage to the striatum caused by the initial mutation in the huntingtin gene, and therefore the
huntingtin protein causes HD. HD does not have a cure at the moment partially because there simply is
not enough information on the specifics of what happens to those with the mutation. 5
In order to maintain its viability, the A172 cell requires a cell culture media and buffer. To
provide the cell with its necessary nutrition for growth like glucose glutamate, this experiment will use
RPMI 1640. In addition, to check on the nutrition of the cell, phenol red will be used as it is able to
visually show when the pH levels have fallen under 7.5. These cells need to be resupplied with new
media every two to three days to maintain their vitality because otherwise the cell’s characteristics would
change, causing inaccurate results. However, the RPMI 1640 cell culture media is not enough to fulfill all
the cell’s nutritional needs, necessitating the use of a growth factor. For this cell, Fetal Bovine Serum
(FBS) was identified as the fitting growth factor (American Type Culture Collection [ATCC]). In an
effort to make the cell management process more safe, the 0.25% Trypsin-EDTA cell dissociation agent
will be used. The ATCC has recognized this as the appropriate dissociation solution as the trypsin
protease is able to cut proteins therefore helping the transportation of the cell when moving from one petri
dish to another. As the A172 cell is adherent to its surface through peptides, the trypsin protease is needed
to degrade the adherent protein, preventing cell damage from forceful detachment.
Although the reason behind cell loss in HD is unclear it can involve too much glutamate being
released from cortical and thalamic terminals or an increased sensitivity of glutamate receptors (Cepeda
et.al). Glutamate is another neurotransmitter that helps nerve cells signal to one another. Glutamate
receptor function is controlled by the activation of dopamine receptors, and this relationship suggests that
an alteration in dopamine function and neurotransmission would significantly impact the motor and
cognitive symptoms of HD. 8
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Using this relationship, this experiment uses 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), a form of dopamine
that has been used in previous Parkinson’s studies to induce neuron damage. 6-OHDA causes massive
destruction of neurons and experts have been focusing on 6-OHDA’s “intracellular mechanisms at the
striatal level” 9. Therefore, 6-OHDA is a prime chemical to use in mimicking the effects of HD on neuron
cells and the central nervous system.
Also, this study uses former knowledge regarding the CAG repeat expansions in HD to
manipulate neuron cells so they mimic this characteristic. Acquiring human cells with HD is not always
possible nor is animal testing which is why this method proposes the manipulation of healthy cells to
replicate that of HD-riddled ones in order to make the entire process more time and cost-efficient. To do
so, this study uses 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), a pro-oxidant neurotoxic compound that was used in
other studies to mimic HD. Scientists found that 6-OHDA increased mutated huntingtin (mHTT)
expression while suppressing HTT phosphorylation at Ser421, a modification that would have protected
against mHTT accumulation. 10 If the data gathered is significant enough, the method can later be used on
animals and potentially humans rather than on mimicked neuron cells but in its early stages, manipulating
isolated cells is a wiser course of action.
In this experiment, the A172 Glioblastoma cell was used for two main reasons: accessibility and
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manipulation. This cell line is very common and meets the two initial cell line requirements this
experiment had - first, that the cell originated from the homosapiens species and second, that it was from
brain tissue. In the early stages of this lab, the SH-SY5Y cell line was going to be used but because it did
not grow well and it was not a brain cell, the A172 cell was a more appropriate alternative. As evident
from figure 1, this cell was able to be manipulated to have neuron-like characteristics using retinoic acid,
a very conventional agent used for cell differentiation. Also, referring to section 1.4, this cell line also has
a very typical viability maintenance procedure consisting of a cell culture media and buffer. Considering
these benefits, the A172 cell was chosen as it would produce relevant results in an efficient manner.
Figure 1. Microscopic images of A172 Glioblastoma cells treated by varying levels of retinoic acid (RA)
for 24 hours.
This image shows several cell samples that have all been differentiated using retinoic acid.
Looking at the cell’s morphology, the sample treated with 0 μM of retinoic acid has several small pieces
with the occasional dark or white spot. The rest of the samples, treated with 10, 30, and 50 μM of retinoic
acid, all have a generally round shape that grows in size as the concentration of retinoic acid increases,
showing the progression of cell division. These samples seem to be epithelial with a long, stretched
morphology. All cell samples are attached to the bottom layer of the petri dish and the image was taken
from a bird’s eye view.
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Figure 2. Graphical representation of the IC50 level of the A172 Glioblastoma cell, a quantitative
measure of how much 6-OHDA is needed to inhibit 50% of the sample cell.
This graph compares the concentration of 6-OHDA to its impact on the cell absorbance of the
A172 Glioblastoma cell. Six data points were taken because there was not any change after 600 μM as the
last three data points showed very similar levels of absorbance. Absorbance levels show the amount of
light that can pass through a sample. If there are a lot of molecules in the cell, the light would have to hit
more molecules as it passes through meaning a high level of absorbance also indicates a high level of cell
viability, vice versa 16. When the cell was not treated with 6-OHDA, the cell’s absorbance was at
approximately 2.7 absorbance (ABS) and evidently started to decrease exponentially as soon as it got
treated with 6-OHDA, showing that the cell was getting killed by increasing the concentration of 6-
OHDA. The second and third data points did have some error bars but these do not impact the conclusion
that 6-OHDA kills the cell because the error bars do not intersect with another data point’s absorbance
levels. After the fitting curve was identified, IC50 was discovered as 49.73 μM, the concentration of 6-
OHDA that induces 50% of cell death. For the next experiment, we used 49.73 μM 6-OHDA to induce
cell death on A172.
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Figure 3. Results of the experiment testing the impact of three different miRNA types on cells impacted
by 6-OHDA observed up to 96 hours at 24 hours intervals.
These four bar graphs indicate the cell proliferation of the A172 Glioblastoma cell treated under
eight different conditions. Using the presto blue reagent to test for cell viability, two samples of cells in
different conditions were analyzed daily to allow for average and standard deviation calculations. Other
than the results after 24 hours, all three bar graphs showed a very low standard deviation, supporting this
experiment’s degree of accuracy. The overall levels of cell proliferation dropped in the 48 hours graph but
this sudden decrease is presumably due to human error as all eight conditions were impacted.
All four graphs show that 6-OHDA definitely decreased the cell proliferation of the sample cell
and its impact increased over time. Also, there was quite a significant increase in cell proliferation for the
three samples treated with the miRNA type and exosome combination without 6-OHDA when compared
to the no treatment control group. There was also an increase in cell proliferation between the cell sample
treated only with 6-OHDA and the three samples treated the combination of miRNA + exosome + 6-
OHDA showing there is a positive effect from this combination, whether this is from the miRNA or
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exosome. As time passed, the difference between the second bar graph compared to the last three
Figure 4. Results of the experiment comparing the protective effects of the exosome + reagent
combination versus the effects of the exosome + reagent + miRNA combination on cells impacted by 6-
OHDA over 96 hours.
Data from figure 4 shows there was a significant positive impact of the miRNA + exosome +
reagent on cell proliferation after they were treated with 6-OHDA. However, the positive effect on cell
proliferation may be induced either by exosomes with reagent or miRNA itself. To find out which factor
derives the protective effect against 6-OHDA induced cell death, two conditions were tested with the
addition of 6-OHDA: 1) exosomes with reagents 2) exosomes with reagents + miRNA.
Figure 4 shows that there is almost no difference in cell proliferation between cells treated only
with 6-OHDA versus those treated with the exosome + reagent combination while there’s a clear increase
in cell proliferation in samples treated with the miRNA types as well showing that the impact of the last
three bars is solely due to the addition of different miRNA types. Also, the error bars in the second and
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third bar graphs are almost none meaning this data is very reliable, again proving that the exosome +
reagent combination had no positive impact on cell proliferation. On the other hand, the error bars fourth
and last bars are quite significant but still show an increase in cell proliferation since the lower and upper
bounds of all error bars still have a higher level of cell proliferation when compared to the second, 6-
OHDA only bar. Therefore, the protective abilities of all three miRNA types against cells dying from 6-
OHDA has been proven.
5. Conclusion
Prior to the experiment, it was predicted that the insertion of certain miRNA types would increase
proliferation in cells dying from HD, mimicked using 6-OHDA. Since the miRNA types were chosen
based on pre-existing data about miRNA types impacted in the brains of HD patients, an experiment
targeted towards ameliorating this shortcoming should have positively impacted cell growth that was
already dying from HD. This hypothesis was supported as shown by figures 3 and 4 as they clearly show
that the miRNA types were able to cause an increase in cell proliferation.
While the change may seem trivial, considering that this experiment is exploring unknown topics
with a lot of room to grow, this initial data seems promising. Not only does it use 6-OHDA to mimic HD,
a relatively novel approach, but it also proves that miRNA types are effective in increasing cell
proliferation in damaged neuron cells. This study is one of the first to explore how miRNAs can be a
therapeutic method against HD and unlike some others that focus on one specific type, miR-124, this lab
explores the possibility of three types. One extension this research can take is to use combinations of the
three types tested above. Since all three miRNAs have shown a positive impact on cell proliferation,
theoretically, the combination should result in an exaggerated increase. If miRNAs prove to be an
effective therapeutic in fighting HD, this disease might have its first cure. Granted, not every patient is
under the same circumstances so there can not be just one solution but by finding protective miRNAs and
potentially using different combinations for each patient can be an effective way to at least slow down
disease progression.
6. Research Impact
In other studies that have used miRNAs and exosomes to discover more about HD, most have
used cells from another species to transfect into a miRNA vector. For example, a previous study used
genetic cloning technology to replicate their target miRNA into a plasmid to create miRNA vectors. They
then transfected HEK 293 human cells with the miRNA vector and the resulting cells were put into a
medium where scientists later chose cells that overexpressed the target miRNA. 17 The chosen cells were
cultured into an exosome-free medium where the exosomes in the cell were isolated and the level of
target miRNA left was quantified. To finish, the scientists injected the exosomes they harvested, that now
had their target miRNA, into transgenic mice using a syringe.
This experiment, on the other hand, has differences that improve the efficacy and accuracy of the
previously mentioned process. First, this experiment eliminates the need for vectors and cultured cells,
allowing for the target and origin cell for exosome isolation to be from the same subject. Much like the
idea behind organ transplants, it is much more preferable and beneficial if the original cell where an
exosome was derived has a similar genetic makeup as the target cell as there is a significantly lower
possibility of the target cell rejecting the exosome. However, this concept is not applied to the current,
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widespread method of miRNA delivery which is why this study proposes a method that theoretically
would work. Therefore, this study would be able to explore the possibility of a method that can produce
remarkably more accurate results thanks to the use of native cells.
As a whole, discovering effective miRNA types to recover and heal the neuron cells damaged
from HD will be the first plausible cure/management method for the disease. While the specific method
for injecting miRNAs into living human brains can be a future extension, this study shows the strong
possibility of this treatment method panning out theoretically.
8. Reference
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(4) McColgan, P.; Tabrizi, S. J. Huntington’s Disease: A Clinical Review. Eur. J. Neurol. 2018, 25
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(5) Ehrlich, M. E. Huntington’s Disease and the Striatal Medium Spiny Neuron: Cell-Autonomous
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(6) Jäkel, S.; Dimou, L. Glial Cells and Their Function in the Adult Brain: A Journey through the
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(7) Cepeda, C.; Levine, M. S. Synaptic Dysfunction in Huntington’s Disease: Lessons from Genetic
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