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2 Dynamics of Single Charged Particle

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Dynamics of single charged particle

February 9, 2021

1 Constant electric Field

Newton’s second law is,
F d2 r
= 2 (1)
m dt
where r = xî + y ĵ + z k̂ is the position of a charged particle in stationary frame of reference defined
by cartesian coordinate system. m is the mass of the particle and F is the force experienced by the
charged particle. We assume F = qE (E = Ex î + Ey ĵ + Ez k̂) to be constant and electrostatic in
nature. Our objective is to find the solution of equation (1). We first consider the x-component of
equation (1),
Fx dvx
= (2)
m dt
Integrating equation (2),
Z t Z t
dvx Fx
dτ = dτ (3)
t0 dτ t0 m
where τ is introduced as a dummy variable.
vx (t) − vx (t0 ) =(t − t0 ) (4)
where vx (t0 ) = vx0 is the velocity of the particle at reference time t0 . Integrating once again,
Z t Z t
dx Fx
dτ = { (τ − t0 ) + vx0 }dτ (5)
t0 dτ t0 m
Z t Z t Z t
Fx Fx
x(t) − x0 = τ dτ − t0 dτ + vx0 dτ (6)
t0 m t0 m t0
Fx (t2 − t20 ) Fx
x(t) = − t0 (t − t0 ) + vx0 (t − t0 ) + x0 (7)
m 2 m
Fx t2 Fx t20 Fx Fx 2
x(t) = − − t0 t + t + vx0 (t − t0 ) + x0 (8)
m 2 m 2 m m 0
Fx t2 Fx t20 2 Fx
x(t) = + − t0 t + vx0 (t − t0 ) + x0 (9)
m 2 m 2 2m
Fx (t − t0 )2
x(t) = + vx0 (t − t0 ) + x0 (10)
m 2
Similarly the solution of y and z-component of equation (1) is,
Fy (t − t0 )2
y(t) = + vy0 (t − t0 ) + y0 (11)
m 2
Fz (t − t0 )2
z(t) = + vz0 (t − t0 ) + z0 (12)
m 2
Since r = xî + y ĵ + z k̂,
qE (t − t0 )2
r(t) = + v0 (t − t0 ) + r0 (13)
m 2

2 Constant magnetic field
If F = q(v × B0 ), where B0 is the constant external magnetic field, then equation (1) can be written
dv q
= (v × B0 ) (14)
dt m
It is not easy to solve equation (14) because magnetic field only acts on the charged particle if the
charged particle is in motion. In other words, velocity is being modified by the velocity of charged
particle in the presence of magnetic field.
We assume B0 = B0 ẑ, hence equation (14) becomes,
dv q
= {(vy B0 )î − (vx B0 )ĵ} (15)
dt m
Separating into x, y and z-components,
dvx qB0
= vy (16)
dt m
dvy qB0
=− vx (17)
dt m
=0 (18)
The magnetic force does not affect the z-component of particle’s velocity. The solution of equation
(18) is given by equation (12) where Fz = 0.
Taking derivative of equation (16) with respect to time,

d2 vx qB0 dvy
= (19)
dt2 m dt
and using equation (17), we find
d 2 vx qB0 2
= −( ) vx (20)
dt2 m
d 2 vy qB0 2
= −( ) vy (21)
dt m
These are the equations of simple harmonic oscillator (a second order linear homogeneous ordinary
differential equation). The characteristic roots of equations (20) and (21) are r = ± qB
m ι. Since the

characteristic polynomial is complex, the solution of equations (20) and (21) are,

vx = v⊥ exp[ι{±Ω(t − t0 ) + δx }] (22)

vy = v⊥ exp[ι{±Ω(t − t0 ) + δy }] (23)
where v⊥ is the maximum amplitude, Ω = mis the gyro frequency and δx,y is the phase. Since
magnetic field can not add or remove energy from the particle, the maximum amplitude will remain
constant. Equation (22) and (23) can be rewritten as,

vx = v⊥ cos{±Ω(t − t0 ) + δx } (24)

vy = v⊥ cos{±Ω(t − t0 ) + δy } (25)
We assume that at reference time t0 , vx = v⊥ and vy = 0. Therefore we must choose δx = 0 and
δy = π/2.
vx = v⊥ cos{Ω(t − t0 )} (26)
vy = ±ι2 v⊥ sin{Ω(t − t0 )} (27)

Integrating these equations, Z x Z t
dx = v⊥ cos{Ω(τ − t0 )}dτ (28)
x0 t0
Z y Z t
dy = ±ι2 v⊥ sin{Ω(τ − t0 )}dτ (29)
y0 t0
x − x0 = sin{(t − t0 )} (30)

v⊥ v⊥
y − y0 = ± cos{(t − t0 )} − (± ) (31)
v⊥ v⊥
y − y0 ± = ± cos{(t − t0 )} (32)
y − y0 = ± cos{(t − t0 )} (33)

where y0 = y0 − (± vΩ⊥ ).
v⊥ 2
(x − x0 )2 + (y − y0 )2 = () (34)

This is the equation of circle with center coordinates (x0 , y0 ) and radius rL = vΩ⊥ . Hence the charged
particle will move in a circular trajectory in the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field and move
with constant velocity parallel to magnetic field. This type of trajectory is known as a helix.

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