Uses of Bottom Ash in The Replacement of Fine Aggregate For Making Concrete
Uses of Bottom Ash in The Replacement of Fine Aggregate For Making Concrete
Uses of Bottom Ash in The Replacement of Fine Aggregate For Making Concrete
Uses of bottom ash in the replacement of fine aggregate for making concrete.
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Research Article
Uses of Bottom ash in the Replacement of fine aggregate for Making Concrete
Dilip KumarȦ*, Ashish GuptaḂ and Sri RamȦ
Department of Civil Engineering, M.M.M.U.T. Gorakhpur, India
Department of Civil Engineering, B.I.E.T. Jhansi, India
Accepted 05 Nov 2014, Available online 01 Dec2014, Vol.4, No.6 (Dec 2014)
Many researchers have been carried out in the area of bottom ash utilization in the past. In present study A mix design
has been done for M30 Grade of concrete by IS method. Ordinary Portland cement of 43 Grade is selected and prepared
by mixing bottom ash with cement and water for making concrete. Which is a waste material of coal firing Thermal
power plants (TPPs) and its accumulation near power plant.The bottom ash is obtained from National Thermal Power
Plants (NTPC) Anpara in Sonbhadra District in Uttar Pradesh state. In this paper author investigate the Compressive
Strength and Flexural strength test of the concrete at different ages i.e. 7 days,14 days,28 days and 56 days. Bottom Ash
is replaced 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% in the place of fine aggregate. These explain the various utilization of Bottom
ash and its ordinary Portland cement and properties in concretecauses severe pollution problems. Its utilization as a raw
material for cube (Brick) making will be a very usefully solution in our economical and environmental aspects. This
paper presents the experimental investigations carried out to study the effect of use of bottom ash as a replacement of
fine aggregate.
Keyword: Bottom ash, Cement, Coarse aggregate, concrete, sands, strengths.
High transportation cost. Seals etal. (1972) presented data obtained from West
Non-availability of dry fly ash and bottom ash. Virginia bottom ash. The standard Proctor maximum
Lack of proper co-ordination. densities varied between 11.6 and 18.4 kN/m3; the
Easy availability of top soil. optimum water content ranged from 12 to 34%. They also
Variations in the quality of coal ash. performed a series of one-dimensional compression tests
on West Virginia bottom ash. They showed that, at low
2.5 Application of Bottom ash in major areas stress levels, the compressibility of bottom ash was
comparable to natural granular soils placed at the same
Ash has been investigated for its suitability for utilization
relative density.
in major areas as building material and other civil
Abernethy et al. (1969) investigated the common
engineering sectors. The areas mentioned below have
constituents of more than 600 ash samples from
tremendous scope of large scale use of Bottom ash.
commercial coals in the United States. They found that
Building bricks and block. coal ash was composed primarily of silica (SiO2), ferric
Road construction, Drainage media and Sound oxide (Fe2O3), and alumina (Al2O3), with smaller
insulating walls. quantities of calcium oxide (CaO), potassium oxide (K 2O),
It is used in mining mortar in such application as rock sodium oxide (Na2O), magnesium oxide (MgO), titanium
stabilization or filling of cavities. oxide (TiO2), phosphorous pent oxide (P2O5), and sulfur
It is used as a construction material for highway and trioxide (SO3). In bituminous coal, three major
pavement. components (SiO2, Fe2O3 and Al2O3) accounted for about
It is used for pressure grouting in concrete highways 90% of the total components, whereas lignite and sub-
and for other purposes viz, tunnel lining. bituminous coal ashes had relatively high percentages of
It is used as mineral filler in asphalt roads to minimize CaO, MgO, and SO3.
void content and increase the stability of bituminous Cheriafetal (1999) reported the morphological
wearing course during road construction. characteristics of bottom ash by scanning electron
It is used as a light weight synthetic aggregate in micrograph in terms of the shape and surface
block and concrete. characteristics of the particles; bottom ash was quite
It is used along with bottom ash as a growing media different from fly ash. Bottom ash particles were angular
for plants. and irregular in shape and had rough surface. In next page
In concrete, bottom ash is used as replacement of fine the Fig. no. 2.1 of morphology of bottom ash is shown and
aggregate in which concrete has advantageous has been taken from Brazilian coal ash.
properties like improved workability, resistance to
chemical attack.
3. Literature Review on Bottom ash
The following materials were used for preparing the test Sr. No. Physical Property Test Result
specimens 1. Maximum Size (mm) 20
2. Fineness modulus 7.10
Ordinary Portland cement 3. Specific Gravity 2.64
Aggregates (Coarse Aggregate)
4. Bulk Density(gm/cc) 1.42-1.61
Sand (Fine Aggregate)
5. Water Absorption (%) 0.15
Bottom ash
6. Aggregate Crushing Value (%) 17.50
5. Experimental Program 7. Aggregate Impact Value (%) 14.40
8. Maximum dry density (kN/m3) 13.70
Properties of Material 9. Aggregate abrasion value (%) 28.10
Fine Aggregate (Sand): The Fine aggregate use for Compressive strength of the specimen shall be calculated
casting in clean river sand from Ganga river Varanasi and by dividing the maximum compressive load taken by the
it was clean and dry. It is of size pass through 1.20 mm specimen by its cross-sectional area. Values of
sieve. Sand conforming to Zone-III was used as the fine compressive strength at different percentage of
aggregate, as per I.S 383-1970. The properties of the fine replacement at different age are given below.
aggregates are given in following Table No.2.
Compressive Strength variation with age
Table 5.2 Physical Properties of Fine Aggregates (Sand)
Compressive Strength (N/mm2)
6.2 Flexural Strength days, 14 days, 28 days and 56 days respectively at 40%
replacement of bottom ash in concrete while minimum
For flexural test beams of 150×150×700 cubic mm size flexural strength of concrete is found 2.20 N/mm2, 3.10
were adopted. The load was applied without shock and N/mm2, 3.40 N/mm2 and 4.27 N/mm2 is at 7 days, 14 days,
was increased until the specimen failed, and the maximum 28 days and 56 days respectively when there is no
load applied which is on the meter to the prism during the replacement of bottom ash in concrete. After 40%
test was recorded. The appearances of the fractured faces replacement of bottom ash in the concrete it is found that
of concrete failure were noted. Three-point load method the flexural strength is decreasing.
was used to measure the flexural strength of bottom ash To increase the speed of construction, enhance green
aggregate concrete. construction environment we can uselightweight concrete.
The possibility exists for the partial replacement of coarse
Flexural strength variation with ages aggregatewith bottom ash aggregate to produce in thermal
12 power plants waste materials. Bottomash is compatible
Flexural strength (N/mm2)
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