An Approach For Supporting System of International Logistics Based On Ontological Engineering
An Approach For Supporting System of International Logistics Based On Ontological Engineering
An Approach For Supporting System of International Logistics Based On Ontological Engineering
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logistics domain. The logistics ontologies include the elements Fig. 2 shows the basic idea of optimizing document flow.
for describing both declarative and procedural aspects. The There are three processes in this optimizing documents flow
ontologies model consists of three layers, (1) a logistics shown below:
semantic layer, (2) a logistics service description layer, and (3)
a logistics process description layer. With the ontologies, terms • (1) Document flows are translated into information
in logistics service are defined clearly. flows.
Ontological technique has been also applied in food • (2) Information flows are optimized by using network
industry. MEat Supply Chain Ontology (MESCO) , which is science techniques.
an ontology model for traceability in meat supply chains, has • (3) From optimized information flows, new document
been proposed by Pizzuti et al. [10]. Important concepts of flow process is generated.
meat supply chains are defined in MESCO, such as activity,
food product, service product, lot and process. The main
features of MESCO are providing definitions of keyword of all
Document flow layer
activities which is using for tracing from the farmer to the final
consumer. The MESCO allows users to illustrate all
knowledge and information, which related to the meat
traceability domain with unified notification. Moreover, the
MESCO enables interoperability among different systems and Presentation layer
allows for integrating heterogeneous databases used by each Documents
actor involved in the supply chains. The main advantages in
using MESCO is providing platform for obtaining essential
data, fundamental in case of occurring sudden diseases of
foods. Information flow layer
Seedah et al. [11] proposed a standardized knowledge
representation method of freight data sources using ontological
technology. The method makes knowledge understandable Cross-bordering
from both of computer systems and humans. The ontology was database
developed by using the role based classification schema Document flow layer
(RBCS) that organizes and classifies data elements. The freight Cross-bordering
data ontology was developed to resolve users’ ontology
misunderstanding among different freight databases and
support the users to identify a proper data. By using their
ontologies, we can use multiple freight data seamless because Fig. 1. Framework of the proposed supporting system for cross-bordering
the semantic gaps are eliminated. Besides, it can identify transportations
similar data elements across different data sources, which is
Current system Optimization system
same principle with data mining.
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actor class family stand for persons who work in cross- Each class family has a hierarchical structure. For example,
bordering transportation processes. For example, exporters, class of invoice of a product is expressed as “Document::
importers, truck drivers and custom headers are classified into Invoice:: Product.”
this class. Classes in the document class family stand for
documents used in cross-bordering transportation processes. These classes can be used for describing flows of
For example, customs declaration, invoice, packing list, and documents and information during cross-bordering process.
other relevant are classified into this class.
Fig. 4 shows a diagram of typical document flow of cross- classes as shown in Fig. 5. This type of knowledge is described
bordering transportation procedure. These document flows can on the information flow layer shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.
be abstracted as information flows by using the proposed
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Fig. 4. Documents flow of cross-bordering process
As we can see in Fig. 4, each document has relationship class, the following classification information were developed,
with actors. For example: for example:
(a) Exporter is-a the actor and invoice of product is-a • Document:: Invoice ::Product
prepared by exporter (Actor:: Exporter has to prepare There are information as following: Invoice No. and
Document:: Invoice:: Product and Document::Packing list. date, Exporter name and address, Tax ID No.,
Consignee or importer name and address, Total value
(b) Customs header is-a actor and export declaration,
and currency and etc.
invoice of product, and packing list are required by customs
header (Actor:: CustomsHeader require Document:: • Document:: PackingList
CustomsDeclaration:: Export, Document:: Invoice:: Product, There are information as following: Packing list No.,
Document::Packing list from Actor::Exporter or Actor:: Packing date, Company of packing name and address,
CustomsBroker). Country of origin, Number of boxes and etc.
We can describe the information flow of the cross- • Document:: CustomsDeclaration:: Export
bordering process as shown in Fig. 5. It is expected that by There are information both detail of Document::
using the flow information, we can optimize the actual flow Invoice:: Product and Document:: Packing list. For
document process. Because document and information are example, Exporter’s name and address, Tax ID No.,
investigated by information flow model of cross-bordering Consignee or importer name and address, Country of
process. Each of these documents can be further divided into origin, Country of destination, Total value and
information. Therefore, from the actor class and document currency, Packing date, payment term, Total quantity of
items and etc. are defined in CustomDecration:: Export.
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Fig. 5. Information flow of cross-bordering process
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In this paper, two families of classes used for describing
information flows of international transportation have been
defined, and a framework of supporting system of international
transportation has been proposed. This system has been
designed aiming to realize a seamless international
transportation system. The authors plan to improve the system
design and implement is as an actual system. In addition, we
have to find the way to evaluate the proposed system.
This works was supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific
Research from Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
(no.26330376 and 26350013)
Authorized licensed use limited to: Institut Teknologi Bandung. Downloaded on March 26,2021 at 03:36:44 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.