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PPST - RP Module7, June2018

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Plan, manage and implement developmentally sequenced

teaching strategies to meet curriculum requirements

through various teaching contexts



Hello, dear Teacher!

Welcome to this Resource Package.

I am Teacher Jen!

And I am Teacher Mike!

We are members of your support group. Together with

your principal, master teacher, and co-teachers, we are
pleased to be your guides and companions as you walk
through the modules.

These modules Are you ready?

are standalone
sections that We begin by letting you know how the journey started for
you can select us in putting together this resource package.
based on your
needs and In August 2017, Department of Education Secretary
interests. This Leonor Briones signed the Philippine Professional Standards
means that for Teachers (PPST) into policy through DepEd Order No.
you can choose 42, S. 2017. The policy states, among others, that the PPST
and read any “shall be used as a basis for all learning and development
module that is programs for teachers.”
most relevant
to you. You can The Department of Education is committed to supporting
take your time your continuing professional development. This resource
in familiarizing package hopes to contribute to this commitment.
with any one As a teacher, understanding the PPST is crucial in order
module with for you to grow and flourish in your profession. The PPST
no pressure to identifies what you are expected to know, be able to do, and
finish reading value in your profession.
all 12.

Plan, manage and implementtodevelopmentally
Introduction sequenced
Teacher Resource Package
teaching strategies to meet curriculum requirements

through various teaching contexts

This resource package:

• serves as your guidebook towards becoming better acquainted with the PPST;
• comprises 12 modules corresponding to the 12 indicators that are aligned with
the Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS); and
• contains illustrative and instructive information that you will find realistic,
sensible and workable and can help you achieve the target indicators across
curriculum teaching areas and key stages of learners’ education.

We are happy to say that this resource package has been created and compiled by
teachers in support of other teachers.

You will find the materials here useful if you:

• reflect on your own classroom practices, and ensure that your teaching
practices are aligned with the indicators;
• want to mentor beginning teachers so they become better in their practice;
• are a part of a group of teachers who need materials for your school-
based Learning Action Cell (LAC) sessions in order to (i) learn more about
the PPST and (ii) innovate on practices using the samples in the resource
material as guide; and
• want to develop or expand the current work by (i) providing more examples
of practices or (ii) working on other career stages or indicators other than
the 12 presented in this package.

If learning is your passion,

this resource package is for you.



What can you expect to find in each module?

You will discover that each module discusses a specific

indicator, defines its key concepts and provides relevant
illustrations of practice that may help you understand and attain
the indicator.

The modules explore the following indicators:

1.1.2 Apply knowledge of content within and
across curriculum teaching areas. MODULE 7
4.1.2 Plan, manage and implement
MODULE 2 developmentally sequenced teaching and
1.4.2 Use a range of teaching strategies learning processes to meet curriculum
that enhance learner achievement in requirements through various teaching
literacy and numeracy skills. contexts.

4.4.2 Participate in collegial discussions
1.5.2 Apply a range of teaching strategies
that use teacher and learner feedback to
to develop critical and creative thinking, as
enrich teaching practice.
well as other higher-order thinking skills.
MODULE 4 4.5.2 Select, develop, organize and
2.3.2 Manage classroom structure to use appropriate teaching and learning
engage learners, individually or in groups, resources, including ICT, to address
in meaningful exploration, discovery and learning goals.
hands-on activities within a range of
physical learning environments. MODULE 10
5.1.2 Design, select, organize and use
MODULE 5 diagnostic, formative and summative
2.6.2 Manage learner behavior assessment strategies consistent with
constructively by applying positive and curriculum requirements.
non-violent discipline to ensure learning-
focused environments. MODULE 11
5.2.2 Monitor and evaluate learner
MODULE 6 progress and achievement using learner
3.1.2 Use differentiated, developmentally attainment data.
appropriate learning experiences
to address learners’ gender, needs, MODULE 12
strengths, interests and experiences. 5.4.2 Communicate promptly and
clearly the learners’ needs, progress
and achievement to key stakeholders,
including parents/guardians.

Plan, manage and implementtodevelopmentally
Introduction Teacher Resourcesequenced
teaching strategies to meet curriculum requirements


through various teaching contexts

The module contains the following parts:


indicator and why you need to walks you through sample
achieve the indicator; illustrations of specific teaching
practices that show how the
SELF-REFLECTION allows you Standards are put into action;
to reflect on your knowledge,
skills and attitude related to the PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT
indicator; PLAN helps you identify your
strengths and development
KEY CONCEPTS defines key needs and plans for specific
concepts pertinent to the action for professional
indicator; development; and


consult and collaborate with our you with resources (which may
teacher-friends who will provide include bibliography, forms,
suggestions on how to improve templates, appendices and
your current practice; links) that can help you further
understand the indicator.

Each module takes you through a journey of exploration and discovery, while you learn more
about the indicator and you apply it in your teaching context.

We encourage you to actively engage with the text as you read through the module.

We hope you find the information, materials and resources in this package helpful as you engage
with the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers towards your professional development.

We, Teacher Jen and Teacher Mike, will be

with you every step of the way.

Have a happy journey.








- Probing
- Suggestions for Improvement

- Illustration of Practice No. 1: PLANNING FOR
- Illustration of Practice No. 2: MANAGING AND
- Other Illustrations of Practice


- Annotated Bibliography




Hello! I am Teacher Mike and with me is Teacher Jen. Welcome

to Module 7. Together, we will delve into the content of this module,
which focuses on how to plan and manage developmentally-
sequenced teaching and learning processes. Before going into
details, let us look at what Teacher Abby is thinking about her task
as a language teacher.

What does Teacher Abby consider as one of her goals in teaching? Looking at
the image, we can see that she imagines her learners being activated to climb up
the ladder of education and eventually succeed. Regardless of learners’ background,
skills, and abilities, Teacher Abby is ought to nurture effective teaching and learning
processes in her classroom. Adding up to this task is to ensure that learners step
into developmental stages in learning, which is the result of developmentally-fashioned
teaching episodes. This crucial task of fostering developmentally-sequenced teaching
and learning processes encourage teachers, like Teacher Abby, to be mindful of effective
instructional planning which also includes successfully managing and implementing

In this module, we will be identifying concepts in planning and managing

developmentally-sequenced teaching and learning processes, following curriculum
requirements and anchoring these processes on various teaching contexts. The module
also includes discussions on how to specifically plan for a lesson – from the Daily
Lesson Log (DLL) template to knowing appropriate management and implementation
procedures to effectively execute instructional plans. Careful planning and management
preserves quality teaching and learning processes in our respective classrooms. Let us
learn and fulfill these tasks together!

In this module, we will focus on:

STRAND: Planning and management of teaching and learning


INDICATOR: 4.1.2 Plan, manage and implement developmentally

sequenced teaching and learning processes to meet curriculum
requirements through various teaching contexts.
Plan, manage and implement developmentally sequenced
teaching strategies to meet curriculum requirements

through various teaching contexts


“ To better understand the purpose of this module and

to help you clearly realize your role as an effective planner,
manager, and implementer of developmentally-sequenced
teaching and learning processes, key concepts have to be
unlocked. Let’s get to know each of them in this module!

CURRICULUM AREAS These are different learning/subject areas taught

and learned in the basic education curriculum.


PROCESSES. These refer to the order of activities that keeps learners
engaged in the content and purposely scaffolds learners towards
achieving the lesson’s objectives by maximizing allotted class time.

INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING. This refers to the process of systematically

preparing, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional process
by using principles of teaching and learning.

TEACHING/LEARNING CONTEXTS. These refer to teaching/learning

situations and all the circumstances in which learners learn from



This time, let us reflect on our current practice in

terms of planning, managing, and implementing teaching
and learning processes in our respective classrooms.
In keeping with the key concepts previously given, my
reflections are the following:

As a Proficient Teacher, As a Proficient Teacher, As a Proficient Teacher,
I know… I do… I feel…
… that planning lessons …create developmentally- …that consistent efforts and
entails carefully aligning sequenced teaching and patience lead to successful
objectives and activities to learning encounters inside planning, management,
the competencies laid out the classroom, coupled with and implementation of
in the Curriculum Guide effective management and developmentally-sequenced
(CG), taking into account implementation of lessons. teaching and learning
different teaching/learning processes.


Good reflection, Mike! Now, it is your turn to reflect on your

knowledge, skills and attitudes in relation to the indicator. You
may write it in the boxes below.


As a Proficient Teacher, As a Proficient Teacher, As a Proficient Teacher,
I know… I do… I feel…
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
________________________ ________________________ ________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________ _________________________
__________________. __________________. __________________.
Plan, manage and implement developmentally sequenced
teaching strategies to meet curriculum requirements

through various teaching contexts


Hi there! Once again, this is Mike. How’s everything going?

I hope that you are getting the rationale behind this Module. I
welcome you now to our Support Group, where we can examine
and address teaching-related concerns. Still remember Teacher
Abby? She is our first case. Let us see what she does in terms
of planning and managing lessons. Get ready to help Teacher
Abby. Are you ready?

Teacher Abby is a Grade 10 English Teacher. One of her practices is to plan her lessons
before the next day comes. She believes that preparation is everything, so she always tries
to think of how she will come up with engaging activities in her Daily Lesson Log (DLL) and
imagine all her plans get concretized during teaching-learning encounters.

First, we will look closely into her plans which she writes down in her personal notebook.
Her topic concerns a literary piece, “The Gorgon’s Head” written by Anne Terry White.
Let us see what’s on the page of Teacher Abby’s notebook and evaluate if she plans for
developmentally-sequenced teaching and learning processes for her lesson.

My Plans for “Gorgon’s Head”

1. Refer to the Curriculum Guide and the Learner’s Material (pp. 35-36).
2. Fill in the needed parts in the DLL.
3. Make the reviews engaging for women.
4. Give thought-provoking questions.
5. Integrate Mulan’s story (from Grade 8).
6. Have learners do sustained silent reading.
7. Focus on discrimination in the society.
8. Use the activities/tasks from the Learner’s Material.
9. Assessment - if time will permit...
10. Identify famous oral literary pieces for homework.

We’ll give you time to think about this and we’ll surely get
back to you.


Now, let us look intently at the plans
of Teacher Abby for her lesson. Using the
enumerated plans from the notebook, provide
answers to the questions presented below.

1 What can you say about Teacher Abby’s practice of keeping a notebook that
contains her plans for the day’s lesson? Do you think it is helpful in instructional
planning? Why do you say so?


2 Are the plans written down by Teacher Abby logically sequenced? If “yes,” provide your


3 If you were Teacher Abby, what item/s from your plans will you remove or improve? Justify
your answer.

Plan, manage and implement developmentally sequenced

teaching strategies to meet curriculum requirements

through various teaching contexts

For us to better visualize the plans laid out by

Teacher Abby for her day’s lesson, let us examine
an excerpt from her actual Daily Lesson Log (DLL).
Only the plans for the first day (July 11, 2017) were
retained for purposes of review and critiquing. Provide
answers to the succeeding questions given below.
This time, we will focus on the excerpted DLL given

Date: July 11, 2017
I. OBJECTIVES Determine the effect of textual aids on the understanding of the text.
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and
other text types serve as ways of expressing and resolving personal
conflicts; how strategies in linking textual information, repairing,
enhancing communication and public speaking, and in incorporating
emphasis markers in persuasive texts, different forms of modals,
reflexive and intensive pronouns are used.
B. Performance Standards The learner composes a short but powerful persuasive text using a
variety of persuasive techniques and devices.
C. Learning Competencies/ EN10RC-lb-2.15
Write the LC Code for each
II. CONTENT Mythological Story: The Gorgon’s Head by Anne Terry
III. LEARNING RESOURCES Learners’ Material and Multimedia Presentation
A. References
1. Teacher's Guide Pages pp. 24-26
2. Learner's Materials Pages pp. 35-36
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Review the plight of a discriminated woman through a song.
presenting new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the Ask learners the connection of Mulan's life to the concept of
lesson discrimination.
C. Presenting examples/instances Relay other instances where discrimination occurs in the society.
of the new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts and Task 2 - DISCRIMINATION CHECK, p. 32
practicing new skills #1
E. Discussing new concepts and Task 12 - MY COAT OF ARMS, pp. 43-44
practicing new skills #2

J. Additional activities for Have learners identify famous oral literary pieces and share them
application or remediation before the class.


1 Revisit the plans Teacher Abby wrote in her notebook. Are they consistently reflected in the
given Daily Lesson Log (DLL)? Please note any missing item/s if there is/are.


2 Refer to the objective set in the Daily Lesson Log (DLL). In reference to the activities presented,
will the objective for the day’s lesson be achieved by Teacher Abby? How about the time? Will
the plans be accomplished in a 60-minute class period? Justify your answers.


3 Are the activities in the Procedures developmentally sequenced in such a way that learners
are guided from understanding basic concepts until they master and apply the competency
needed to be developed? Why? Why not?


Plan, manage and implement developmentally sequenced
teaching strategies to meet curriculum requirements

through various teaching contexts

Suggestions for Improvement

It’s good that Teacher Abby carefully takes into

account the practice of consistently planning her
lessons. Keeping with her a notebook for her plans is
also a good way to strengthen instructional planning,
but does it all end with writing the plans? How about
checking if the plans are appropriate for our aim – to
plan for developmentally-sequenced lessons? Let us
consider some suggestions for improvement to help
Teacher Abby!

1. SCAFFOLDING IS EVERYTHING. Scaffolding refers to a variety of instructional

strategies used to guide or support learners progressively toward better
understanding and greater independence in the learning process (The Glossary
of Education Reform, 2015). Scaffolding is crucial for learners to move from
one ladder of learning to another. To concretize things, the learners need to be
guided using simple, basic activities at the beginning, leading to more complex
learning encounters so as to reach the point where learners are able to master
a specific learning competency.


coming up with developmentally-sequenced teaching and learning processes
is to make learning activities contextualized, if possible, tailor-made for the
context of situation and the type of learners that we have. For instance, if
issues about discrimination are highlighted in the lesson, it is better to anchor
discussions and activities on discrimination issues in the Philippines or on
the learners’ immediate community. Activities to acquaint learners about
discrimination should not only involve women but also situations where men
are discriminated or ostracized, too. The appropriateness of activities to the
age and pacing of the learners are also crucial to make the teaching and
learning processes meaningful and developmental.

3. FOCUS ATTENTION ON THE OBJECTIVE. The objective of the lesson goes

hand-in-hand with the target learning competency from the curriculum guide.
To match our aim of providing developmentally-sequenced teaching and
learning processes, our activities should be geared towards the objective of
the lesson. Enabling activities like preliminary ones would help the learners
shape prerequisite knowledge and skills that lead to the attainment of the
learning competency. On the one hand, culminating or final activities are given
to gauge where the learners are in terms of mastering the competency or if
the set objective was successfully met or not.


4. ASSESSMENT IS A MUST. In trying to help learners develop the competencies

set in the curriculum guide, the teacher should not only give inputs but also
provide assessment activities to identify learners’ learning status and, at the
same time, create appropriate instructional decisions. Two important types of
assessment are formative and summative assessments. Formative assessment
is used to identify misconceptions, struggles, and learning gaps during the
teaching and learning processes. How to close such gaps is also involved in
this type of assessment (Trumbull & Lash, 2013). Remember that formative
assessment is recorded but not included in the computation of learners’ final
grades/ratings. Summative assessment helps the teacher evaluate student
learning, knowledge, proficiency or success at the end of an instructional
period like a unit, course or program (Theall & Franklin, 2010). This kind of
assessment is heavily graded or weighted. Hence, assessment in the teaching
and learning processes is not optional but is significantly obligatory.

Great job! We hope that you find these suggestions

To further guide your planning, management and

implementation of developmentally sequenced teaching and
learning proceses, we have provided some teacher practices
in the succeeding pages.

Plan, manage and implement developmentally sequenced
teaching strategies to meet curriculum requirements

through various teaching contexts


Hi! It’s Teacher Mike once again. We will now continue

our journey through this module with our aim of developing
developmentally-sequenced teaching and learning processes.
For this part, we will be illustrating model practices that
would address some issues raised from reviewing the way
Teacher Abby planned her lesson. Since keeping a notebook
for instructional plans is optional for teachers, we will focus
on recalibrating the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) of Teacher Abby,
underscoring more developmentally-sequenced activities for
her class.

Planning is everything. The planning aspect of teaching is very important that

it alone can determine the failure or success of a teacher. However, it is the weekly
lesson plan and the specific day-to-day task of planning for instruction that are most
lacking in teachers’ educational preparation (Arnold, 2010). Planning for a lesson does
not end with enumerating the things the teacher will implement in the classroom once
the delivery of the lesson has commenced. The bigger challenge is to make the lesson
or the embedded activities more developmental.

As Proficient Teachers, we are driven to design lessons that satisfy the need to
make teaching and learning processes seamless and progressive for our learners. We
start by familiarizing ourselves with the content of the curriculum as the “Bible” from
which we refer to in planning our lessons. The competencies found in the curriculum
guide (hereafter, CG), are what should be mastered by the learners at the end of every
lesson. In terms of designing a developmentally-sequenced learning plan, teachers
just need to religiously follow the parts of the Daily Lesson Log (DLL) template. As
per DepEd Order 42, s. 2016 also known as the “Policy Guidelines on Daily Lesson
Preparation for the K to 12 Basic Education Program,” the use of the Daily Lesson Log
(DLL) or the Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) enables the teacher to guide, mentor, and
support learners in developing and assessing their learning across the curriculum.
Even in this Department Order, learner scaffolding is given much attention. Hence,
teachers need to be guided by what the DLL or the DLP suggests to capture the
conduct of more developmental teaching and learning procedures.

For the first illustration of practice, we will be breezing through the procedures
set in the DLL to have a better grasp of how to plan for developmentally-sequenced
teaching and learning processes. Once these are established in the lesson preparation,
we will then be able to fulfill our role as effective facilitators of learning.



Planning for Developmentally Sequenced Lessons

Get ready to look at how planning for developmentally-sequenced
lessons can be done in your Daily Lesson Log. We are to see how the
lessons from Ma’am Abby’s DLL could be made more developmental. You
will notice that the procedures are modified and calibrated to encompass
a more engaging and progressive series of learning activities. We will
strictly adhere to the developmental nature of the DLL template, which
starts with reviewing previous lessons, going to evaluation of learning
and provision for additional activities in the form of an assignment or
homework. We basically track how a lesson is delivered in a regular lesson
plan. However, you have to remember that the following illustration of
practice is suggestive in nature. Still, the teacher is the one who will design
for developmentally-sequenced lessons applicable to his or her learners.
The illustration, hence, is only a recommendation that may provide more
inputs towards the realization of the focus of this module.

Date: July 11, 2017
I. OBJECTIVES Determine the effect of textual aids on the
understanding of the text (EN10RC-IB-2.15).

Your springboard will be the objective of the

lesson which also reflects the competency (in
code) to be mastered.

Plan, manage and implement developmentally sequenced
teaching strategies to meet curriculum requirements

through various teaching contexts

For a developmentally-sequenced teaching and learning

processes, we start with the REVIEW of the previous lesson to
activate learners’ schema or prior knowledge. In this DLL, the
review taps on the life story of an inspirational speaker who also
survived challenges brought about by his physical condition. The
review will help the learners begin with combining their prior
knowledge to the new knowledge they will be developing from the
main lesson.

Date: July 11, 2017
A. Reviewing previous Have learners share the life lessons they learned from
lesson or presenting new the story of Nick Vujicic.
B. Establishing a purpose Make learners listen to the song, “Reflection” from the
for the lesson movie Mulan and react on its message

Helping learners establish the purpose of the lesson could be a form

of MOTIVATION. A motivation may be a creative activity that could
help engage learners to the new lesson. It gives ideas or clues on
what to expect with the new lesson, thereby touching on its purpose.
The use of the song “Reflection” is a motivation or a way to establish
the purpose of the text the learners will be dealing with. The text
relates to the message of the song which centers on discrimination.


To make the activities more developmental, it is

necessary for the teacher to provide learners with
prerequisite information about the texts they are to
explore. This is also a form of establishing their mood
to ensure a smooth flow of lesson delivery. Hence,
for this particular lesson, they are to read about the
background of the author and the genre to which
the main text is related. The learners will also be
accomplishing a prereading activity which requires
them to give their anticipations/expectations about
the text.

Date: July 11, 2017
E. Discussing new Group the class into five (5) and let each group do
concepts and practicing sustained silent reading of the featured text.
new skills #2
F. Developing mastery As a group, let them dissect the main text by answering
( Leads to Formative relevant questions.
Assessment 3)

This part of the procedure touches on the accomplishment

of the learners during reading activities. This is in
connection to the prereading activity which will collect
learners’ anticipations about the text. The teacher could
incorporate collaborative activities in the process of
“actually reading” the text. Sustained silent reading, where
learners read the text silently together, is highlighted in
this lesson procedure. On the one hand, after reading
the text, the next activity could be one that will activate
the new knowledge the learners have developed out of
reading the main text. In this case, the teacher may ask a
series of questions in relation to the text or the featured
narrative. This underscores the formative assessment
that teachers need to provide to confirm how well the
learners have understood the text. It also allows for
important instructional decisions like reteaching the
concept or moving forward to the next activities.

Plan, manage and implement developmentally sequenced
teaching strategies to meet curriculum requirements

through various teaching contexts

Date: July 11, 2017
G. Finding practical Have learners discuss how the characters from the
applications of concepts text conquered discrimination issues, and encourage
and skills in daily living them to relate it to real-life scenarios.
H. Making generalizations Lead learners into completing “The Hero in Me” Chart
and abstractions where they will be listing the acts of heroism and
struggles of the main character of the narrative. They
are to provide their realizations about these details.

After making sense of the text through the reading

activities, post reading activities have to be dealt with.
They include applying what they learned from the text
to practical means or real-life scenarios. This makes
learning new knowledge more relatable and meaningful.
Generalizations and abstractions of learning also count
as postreading activities because the learners need to
encapsulate what they have produced out of reading the
text. For this particular lesson, the learners will be listing
the acts of heroism and struggles of the characters found
in the text which aligns with the concept of battling out
discrimination. Realizations about these details are also
expected from the learners.

Date: July 11, 2017
I. Evaluating Learning Prompt each group to design a coat of arms featuring
Perseus’ line of defenses to kill the Gorgon. A holistic
rubric will be used.

Evaluating learning outcomes is the last step towards

planning for developmentally-sequenced teaching and
learning processes. It comes with either a paper-and-
pencil or a performance-based activity that will gauge
where learners at in terms of the competencies they
need to master. This lesson features a performance-
based evaluation of students’ learning which has to be
coupled with a rubric. This is because assigning scores
or grades for performances must be based on criteria
or standards which should be communicated to the
learners prior to the accomplishment of the task.


Date: July 11, 2017
J. Additional activities for Have learners identify famous oral literary pieces
application or remediation that center on heroism and human fallacies for class

It is also crucial for the teacher to extend any

learning encounter in the classroom beyond it.
Follow-up activities or homework may be given to
strengthen new knowledge acquired by the learners
or to remediate or further lead them towards better
understanding of the lesson for the day. This will
make the concepts taught more memorable for the


Managing and Implementing Developmentally Sequenced Lessons

Hi there! I hope you were able to grasp the progressive

nature of the procedures found in the previously given DLL for a
Grade 10 English lesson, which targets a competency in reading
comprehension. At this point, let us take note of the ways on how
to appropriately manage and implement the learning activities
you included in your DLL. Again, these are only suggested
procedures to keep up with this module’s aim to help teachers
manage and implement developmentally-sequenced teaching
and learning processes. We take a closer look at how these
plans could be better actualized in the classroom. Let us see
how Teacher Adz, a Head Teacher III in English, made sense of
the embedded developmentally-sequenced activities from the
previously-given DLL using her observation notes.

Plan, manage and implement developmentally sequenced
teaching strategies to meet curriculum requirements

through various teaching contexts

Observation Notes:
planned activities
The teacher was able to manage and implement all the
previous concepts
written on her DLL. She started with a review of the
ured lesson. The
which relate to the new knowledge presented in the feat
use they are
motivation engaged the learners well with the lesson beca
relate realistic
familiar to the song the teacher played and were able to
udices. I think
examples of issues with regard to discrimination and prej
wledge about the
the story-anticipation guide helped the learners build kno
how to teach learners
narrative text on their own. It gave a little hint about
the collaborative
independent learning. That’s commendable. In terms of
ing, at first, they
activity, where learners need to do sustained silent read
p, but this mechanism
were unsure of how to start reading the text as a grou
She scaffolded each
was given clarification and justifications by the teacher.
tive activity. After
group until they were able to get a feel of the collabora
job to finish the given
which, each member of the group was doing his or her
s provided in the
task. Another difficulty is the complexity of the question
challenging for a
learners’ material. It seemed that the questions are too
, changed the way
majority of learners. The teacher, right there and then
made accomplishing
questions were structured for easy understanding. This
were already
the task easier for the learners until such time that they
It was a successful
accomplishing the postreading activities independently.
was met and the
delivery of the lesson because the objective of the lesson
the text. All
learners were able to generalize or abstract learning from
ented their coat of
the groups artistically and effectively produced and pres
presentation! The
arms as part of the evaluation. They really enjoyed each
teacher started and
assignment given allows for extension of learning. The
It was an excellent
ended her delivery of the lesson within the given time .
job for the teacher.


The observations of the Head Teacher on the management

and implementation of the planned activities are actually
describing developmentally-sequenced teaching and learning
processes. The lesson started with a review and followed by the
motivation, the during reading activity, the postreading tasks, and
finally, the evaluation and the giving of homework or additional
activities. What is more meritorious with the management
and implementation skills of the teacher was her “instructional
instinct” to modify what has been planned to accommodate
learners who are at different levels of cognition in the classroom.
She also made sure that everything was understood and made
clear before proceeding to the next tasks or activities. Scaffolding

and guidance were apparent at the beginning until such time that
learners were independently working on the other tasks. What the
teacher did as regards management and implementation of the
teaching and learning processes is progressive and successful.

“ Having been acquainted with the things you need to know

to meet Indicator 4.1.2, you are now ready to plan, manage, and
implement developmentally-sequenced teaching and learning
processes in your classroom. Whatever the learning area is,
it is imperative that we give the best teaching and learning
experiences to our learners. Remember that learning becomes
successful when the teacher is able to guide the learners in each
step of the teaching-learning process leading to independent

To give you more inputs, you may consider other illustrations

of practice that will make teaching and learning processes in the
classroom developmental, considering the requirements of the
curriculum and the varied teaching contexts at hand.

Plan, manage and implement developmentally sequenced
teaching strategies to meet curriculum requirements

through various teaching contexts


The curriculum guide (CG), as mentioned before, should dictate the competencies and standards
of learning to be set in a given lesson or teaching-learning encounter. It is a must that the teacher
reviews or familiarizes himself or herself with how the curriculum works to meet teaching and
learning requirements. As you plan, manage, and implement developmentally-sequenced lessons,
the use of the curriculum guide (CG), the teacher’s guide (TG), and the learner’s material (LM) would
make teachers adhere to the requirements of the learning area and the curriculum at large.

The teacher should not be afraid of modifying or changing what has been planned in terms of
instruction. Versatility in effectively delivering lessons requires teachers to be sensitive to their
learners’ needs during the fulfillment of the teaching and learning processes. Remember that the
learners will not have the same pacing or levels of learning. For as long as the changes would still
meet the objective/s set, then, this should not be considered as a deviation from the actual lesson
but rather, it should be seen as a form of shaping a lesson based on a given teaching context.

Be careful with observing the minor but still important details in planning, management, and
implementation of lessons. For instance, the time allotted for the learning area should be strictly
followed, or else, it will create a ripple of problems in terms of budgeting time to develop necessary
competencies. Also, the use of other references or materials to supplement learning should be within
the scope of the curriculum and must be carefully screened or reviewed in consonance with the
characteristics and learning contexts experienced by Filipino learners in the classroom.



After you have explored the different key concepts on the planning,
management, and implementation of developmentally-sequenced
teaching and learning processes to meet curriculum requirements and
varied teaching contexts, you now have a better grasp of the featured

Fill in the personal action plan below.


What are the skills you are What are the skills you What can you recommend When will you implement What assistance/
good at? need to improve? for your development your plan? resources do you need to
intervention? implement the plan?

Happy planning!

Plan, manage and implement developmentally sequenced
teaching strategies to meet curriculum requirements

through various teaching contexts


Annotated Bibliography
This section provides you resources that can help you further
understand the indicator.

Arnold, V. D. (2010). Planning for effective instruction. Retrieved from https://www.tandfonline.com/
This article discusses how planning of lessons determines the failure or success of a teacher in
delivering meaningful learning experience inside the classroom.

Department of Education (2016). DO 42, s. 2016 - Policy guidelines on daily lesson preparation for
the K to 12 Basic Education Program. Retrieved from http://www.deped.gov.ph/orders/do-
This order presents the guidelines on daily lesson preparation aligned with the K to 12 curriculum
and highlights the essence of instructional planning through Daily Lesson Log (DLL) or Detailed
Lesson Plan (DLP) preparation in upholding quality education standards.

The Glossary of Education Reform (2015). Scaffolding. Retrieved from https://www.edglossary.org/

This webpage explores the definition of scaffolding and its distinction from instructional
differentiation. Some examples to illustrate a few common scaffolding strategies were also listed.

Theall, M. & Franklin, J.L. (2010). Assessing teaching practices and effectiveness for formative
purposes. In: A guide to faculty development. KJ Gillespie and DL Robertson (Eds). Jossey
Bass: San Francisco, CA.
This article focuses on identifying sources of data that may be useful for improving teaching
and learning as part of ongoing programs that support professional development and learner

Trumbull, E. & Lash, A. (2013). Understanding formative assessment: Insights from learning theory
and measurement theory. Retrieved from https://www.wested.org/online_pubs/resource1307.
This paper explores formative assessment, a process intended to yield information about learner
learning – information that teachers can use to shape instruction to meet learners’ needs.

Leonor Magtolis Briones Evelyn G. Chavez, Ph.D. Lorina Y. Calingasan, Ph.D.
Secretary Mindanao Zonal Representative Social Studies Subject Representative
Department of Education
Lourdes R. Baetiong, Ph.D. SECRETARIAT
Allan B. De Guzman, Ph.D. Language Subject Representative Runvi V. Manguerra, Ph.D.
Luzon Zonal Representative Executive Director II
Myrna B. Libutaque, Ph.D.
Rita May P. Tagalog, Ph.D. Mathematics Subject Jayson A. Peñafiel
Visayas Zonal Representative Representative Education Program Supervisor

Glinore Morales Sandra A. Garcia
PROJECT TEAM Beverly Estocapio Eduard O. Gonong
Ruby Gantalao Ryan H. Homan
Gina O. Gonong, Ph.D. Luis Angelo Abergas Glen P. Honrado
Joint Project Team Leader and Director Lyndon Morales Neri D. Mangalindan
PNU-RCTQ Guillen Nabong Amparo M. Muñoz
Ezra de Jesus Natividad V. Nacino
John Pegg, Ph.D. Aufric Alma N. Navarro
Joint Project Team Leader and Director WRITER-COORDINATORS Carlo Donato E. Olivan
UNE-SiMERR Jose Ariel S. Padsoyan
Jennifer E. Lopez Jennifer M. Rojo
Christine Reading, Ph.D. Education Program Supervisor Gemma A. Realo
Senior Research Fellow Region IV-A Neil Vincent C. Sandoval
Maria Concepcion Beltran - Montenegro EDITOR
Michael Wilson I. Rosero Faculty, Ateneo de Manila University Myrna L. Macalinao, Ph.D.
Senior Research Officer
Adelyn R. Bartolome Raymond S. Bermudez
Mikkey Mari M. Tuazon Domingo R. Cueto
Research Officer Alfred James A. Ellar AUSTRALIAN EMBASSY
PNU-RCTQ Mark Anthony P. Idang
Gerlie C. Lopez Francesca Lawe-Davies
PNU-RCTQ and UNE-SiMERR National Francis Victor A. Medrano First Secretary-Education
Research Centre May Grace D. Salazar
Jennie V. Jocson, Ph.D. Ryan G. dela Torre TRANSFORMATION (BEST)
Deputy Director, PNU-RCTQ John Paul dela Rosa PROGRAM
Grace Urbien-Salvatus
Allan S. Reyes. Ph.D. Karina Angela C. Celestial Kaye Cox
Senior Program Manager, PNU-RCTQ Arlene M. Hernandez Team Leader
Christian Mespher A. Hernandez
Joy Hardy, Ph.D. Alison Atwell, Ph.D.
Deputy Director, UNE-SiMERR Component Lead
Teaching and Learning
Ken Vine, Ph.D. Shirley N. Cerbo
Principal Research Adviser Jerome A. Chavez, Ed.D.
Soledad L. Lecaroz
UNE-SiMERR Mary Leigh Ann C. Perez
Teacher Development Specialist
Vivian I. Buhain, Ed.D.
Support Staff Philip Jay N. Alcoberes, Ph.D.
Allen U. Bautista, Ed.D. Special thanks: All Regional
Silvia Danieli
June Billings Maricel D. Ambid Directors, Superintendents and
Ambrose McDermott Manuel R. Apuli Principals who supported the
Florpina B. Galay
22 project
Plan, manage and implement developmentally sequenced
teaching strategies to meet curriculum requirements

through various teaching contexts



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