Diagnostic Procedure

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Maria Marquez
STUDENT NAME______________________________________
Brain natriuretic peptide ( BNP)
PROCEDURE NAME_____________________________________________________________________ REVIEW MODULE CHAPTER____________

Description of Procedure
measures the amount of the BNP hormone in your blood. BNP is made by your heart and shows how well your heart is
working, as well as how much the ventricles are overstretchingas a result of heart failure. normally, only a low amount of BNP
is found in your blood


BNP levels helpyour doctor figure out if you

Nursing Interventions (pre, intra, post)
have heart faulure or something else that
has similar symptoms such as shortness of treatment with angiotensin-converting enzyme
breath. the test also shows if your heart inhibitors, angiotensin-II receptor blockers,
failure has worsened. it will help your doctor spironolactone, and diuretics reduces BNP
levels, suggesting that BNP testing may have a
decide what treatments you need and if you
role in monitoring patients with heart failure.
need to be hospitalized
let patient know they need to be NPO for 4 hrs
before the test as well

Interpretation of Findings
Client Education
- NP levels go up when the heart cannot pump
explain to the patient that BNP is neurohormone
the way it should. a result greater than 100 pg/
secreted by the heart in response to expansion
mL is abnormal. the higher the number, the more
of ventricular volume and pressure overload. it
likely heart failure is present and the more severe
helps maintain the bodys salt and water balance
it is. sometimes other conditions can cause in the face of the neuroendocrine stimulation that
high BNP levels. occurs with heart failure.
- generally, BNP levels below 100 picograms
per milliliters are considered normal. levels
above 400 pg/mL are considered high

Potential Complications Nursing Interventions

patient is recieving nesritide may have limit fluid appropriate, assess for peripheral
transiety and significatly elevated BNP levels edema, JVD, adventitious lung sounds such
at the time of administration and must be as crackles. monitor blood pressure, heart
interpreted with caution rate and intake versus output. administer
prescribed diuretics, restric sodium intake
and order a low sodium diet.


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