ALMA - A Story Based 2D Game Using Unity
ALMA - A Story Based 2D Game Using Unity
ALMA - A Story Based 2D Game Using Unity
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Computer gaming is a key component of the typically shielded from the standard computer class. Our
rapidly growing entertainment industry. Building game delivers a dynamic story telling and environment, The
computer games has typically been a commercial story switches between characters that lives in totally
endeavor, we believe that designing and constructing a different eras. The game is strictly linear and not open world
computer game is also a useful activity for educating us but the players will have various side quests that will help
about geometric modeling, rendering, collision detection, towards finishing the main game. The game will be released
character animation and graphical design[1]. Moreover, in 2 parts with the initial release covering first 2 chapters.
building an advanced game provides us exposure to the
real-world side of software engineering that they are II. EXISTING SYSTEMS
typically shielded from in the standard computer class.
Our project is a story based 2D game. The game is Demon’s Souls
developed using unity and various other tools such as Demon’s Souls[5] is an action role-playing game
blender to model[2]/animate/cutscenes and photoshop[3] developed by Bluepoint Games, with assistance from Japan
to design/concept art. The game delivers dynamic story Studio, and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment.
telling and environment. The story is set in a dystopian
era with dark elements clearly indicating the dreary and Our game will feature a similar saving system to that
horrific background of the game. The story switches of Demon’s Souls where the player sits at a bonfire/campfire
between characters that lives in totally different eras. and the game saves the data. Also, the player will lose all
The game is strictly linear and not open-world but the progress upon death and the player has to retrieve the lost
players will have various side quests that will help items. A second death before retrieval will result in losing
towards finishing the main game. The story is set in items permanently. The players must be more cautious when
chapters and genre of the game is horror/adventure. The it comes to retrieving the items to avoid death. The items
programming language going to be used is C# (for lost will always be non-essential to the quest/plot, therefore
unity)[4]. The game will be released in two parts with the the player can continue the run.
initial release covering first two chapters.
Don’t Starve
I. INTRODUCTION Don’t Starve[6] is a firm wild endurance game
brimming with science and magic.Where we can play as
2D games are also known as Platform game. The word Wilson, an intrepid Gentleman Scientist who has been
platform describes that something held on a platform. Here trapped by a devil and transported to a mysterious wild
the player can run, jump, shoot, collect powers on a world. Wilson must learn to exploit his environment and its
platform. In 2D gaming, there are two types of perspective inhabitants if he ever hopes to escape and find his way back
i.e. home. Our game will feature similar play-styles as that of
Don’t Starve:
• First person shooter/perspective • Uncompromising Survival and World Exploration: No
• Third person perspective instructions. No help.No hand holding. Start with
nothing and craft, hunt, research, farm and fight to
Orthogonal view is arranged in level editors here it is survive.
dividing the screen into small squares which are called tiles. • Dark and Whimsical Visuals: 2D characters and odd
The simplest view to implement as game developers is the creatures inhabiting a unique 3D world.
orthogonal view because its map coordinate matches screen
coordinates and game objects or sprites can easily be Skyrim
manipulated.So we use orthogonal view for our game[1]. Skyrim[7] is an open world action role-playing video
game created by Bethesda Game Studios and distributed by
Our primary objective is to create a story based 2D Bethesda Softworks. It is the fifth primary portion in The
game and the genre of the game is adventure and horror. In Elder Scrolls arrangement, following The Elder Scrolls IV:
particular we are exposed to the practical issues surrounding Oblivion, and was delivered worldwide for Microsoft
topic such as geometric modeling, rendering, collision Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 on November 11,
detection, character animation and graphical design. 2011.
Moreover building an advanced game provides us exposure
to the real world side of software engineering that they are
• Game Mechanics
Game mechanics are the principles that administer and
guide the player’s activities, just as the game’s reaction to
them. A game’s mechanics consequently viably determines
how the game will function for individuals who play it.All
games use mechanics; nonetheless, there are extraordinary
hypotheses regarding their definitive significance to the
game. As a rule, the cycle and investigation of game plan are
endeavors to concoct game mechanics that take into account
individuals playing a game to have a drawing in, yet not Fig. 3. System Design.
• Blender[2]
• Photoshop[3]
• Unity[4]
• Scripting Language : C#
• Digital audio recording : Ardour
• Audio editing : Audacity