Finite Element Analysis of A Seismically Excited Cylindrical Storage Tank, Ground Supported, and Partially Filled With Liquid

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Sponsored by: National Science Foundation Research Applied to National Needs (RANN) Division of Advanced Environmental Research and Technology Earthquake Engineering Program, Grant GI 39644 ee FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF A SEISMICALLY EXCITED CYLINDRICAL STORAGE TANK, GROUND SUPPORTED, AND PARTIALLY FILLED WITH LIQUID Samia Hafiz Shaaban William A. Nash Department of Civil Engineering University of Massachusetts Amherst, Massachusetts 01002 duly, 1976 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT BACKGROUND ANALYSIS Governing Equations Boundary Conditions Finite Element Ideali zation Free Vibrations of the Coupled System Response of the Coupled System to Base Excitation Modal Analysis Solutions Reactions of the Base Liquid Oscillations in a Rigid Container COMPUTER IMPLEMENTATION Computer Prograns Nature and Size of System Matrices EXAMPLES. Free Vibrations of Completely Filled Rigid Tank Free Vibrations of a Completely Filled Elastic Tank Free Vibrations of a Partially Filled Elastic Tank Cylindrical Tank Whose Base Slab is Subject to Artificial Earthquake Excitation ABRIDGED METHOD OF COMPUTATION . ‘ACKNOWLEDGMENT REFERENCES APPENDIX A. DEVELOPMENT OF MATRICES EMPLOYED IN FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS APPENDIX B. PROGRAM LISTING FREE VIBRATIONS OF LIQUID FILLED RIGID TANK ” APPENDIX C. PROGRAM LISTING - FREE VIBRATIONS OF LIQUID FILLED ELASTIC TANK APPENDIX D. PROGRAM LISTING - RESPONSE OF LIQUID FILLED TANK TO BASE EXCITATION 4 44 57 59 67 69 70 Ad B-1 D-1 ABSTRACT The structure under consideration is an elastic cylindrical liquid storage tank attached to a rigid base slab. The tank is filled to an arbitrary depth with an inviscid, imcompressible liquid. A finite element analysis is presented for the free vibrations of the coupled system permitting determination of natural frequencies and associated mode shapes. The response of the partially-filled tank to artificial earthquake excitation is also determined through use of finite elements. Examples, together with program listing, are offered. uu) BACKGROUND A previous report [1] by these same investigators developed a Finite element approach for determination of small amplitude elastic responses of an empty slab-supported cylindrical liquid storage tank subject to arbitrary base excitation. It was assumed that the base slab supporting the tank is rigid and that the tank does not separate from the slab during excitation. The present investigation continues the work presented in [1], but with the significant addition of an inviscid, incompressible liquid filling the tank to an arbitrary depth. Again, finite elements are employed to represent both the elastic tank as well as the liquid. Natural frequencies and associated mode shapes of the coupled liquid-elastic system are found through use of finite elements. Also, the special case of the natural frequencies and associated mode shapes of a liquid in a rigid container is investigated. Next, using modal superposition, a program is developed for determination of the response of the coupled liquid-elastic system to arbitrary base exci tation. (2] ANALYSIS, Governing Equations For the elastic circular cylindrical tank with a vertical geo- metric axis under consideration here, we shall employ a series of ring-shaped finite elements extending from the base slab-to the tank top, with each ring being bounded by a horizontal plane normal to the shell axis. Both in-plane as well as out-of-plane displacements and forces in the shell must be considered. Again, as in [1], the shell theory due to J. L. Sander, Jr. [2] is employed to represent the small, elastic deformations of the cylindrical tank. Let the radius of the tank be R and its thickness beh. Further, let the quantities r, 8, and z denote radial, circumferential, and axial coordinates respectively of a point on the middle surface of the shell. The corresponding dis- placement components are denoted by w, v, and u. The equations of motion of the elastic tank in terms of w, v, and u are given in [1]. The liquid in the tank is assumed to be homogeneous, incompressible, and inviscid. Further, the flow is taken to be irrotational and only smaii amplitude liquid motions are considered. Lastly, it is assumed that there are no Sources, sinks, or cavities anywhere in the liquid. Under these conditions the motion obeys the Laplace equation vp (r, 6, 2) = 0 a) where p represents total pressure at any point. The total pressure is the sum of the static and dynamic pressures, viz: [3] P= Pst * Payn where p,, is the pressure that would exist if there were no motion and Pyyq arises because of motion of the liquid. Since the static pressure obeys Laplace's equation, obviously the dynamic pressure does also. Henceforth, the dynamic pressure will be denoted by p for brevity. The Bernoulli equation may be expressed in the form: gz + Bo Pts yes Bo (2) Pe PE ot where z is as defined for the shell with origin at the \iquid surface, g is the gravitational constant, pg denotes liquid density, v the magnitude of velocity at any point in the liquid, t denotes time, and ® is the velocity potential. Since the liquid is nonviscous, the motion is irrotational, and the oscillations are of small amplitude, the velocity squared term in (2) may be neglected in comparison with other terms. Also, for z measured positive upward from the liquid surface we have: P, ae 0 (3) Thus, (2) becomes: Py Be. a taf 0 4) (4) Boundary Conditions At the liquid free surface, the vertical velocity component is given by: vy (rs 85 0) = | free) [2] (3) a 20 1 9 where € is the superelevation of the free surface over the undisturbed surface level. The linearized free surface condition may be expressed in the form: 2, ao ao odie O ogy |e 0) (6) [sox] Using (4) together with the relation o-gé = p, this may be expressed in the form: 2, 1 p,m. Ge 7 For the liquid under consideration the velocity vector V may be written in the form: V = grad ee (8) Consequently, the boundary conditions expressing liquid-solid inter- action along the elastic wall of the cylindrical tank as well as at the rigid bottom of the tank may be written as: (5) ow [| in the wetted part of the tank wall cone r=Rk (3) [o] at the rigid tank bottom ae Here, 1 is a unit vector normal to the liquid-shell boundary and H denotes depth of liquid in the tank. Thus, along the wetted elastic tank wall denoted by = we have: ao Ow a [2 - =| : FR where w is the radial displacement of the tank wall at any point (R,z,6). Again, using (4), this becomes: 2 4.22 7 (10) [% Pe ar | FR Since the liquid velocity in the z-direction is zero at the tank bottom, it follows from that: a) In summary, motion of the liquid is completely defined by the Laplace equation (1) together with boundary conditions. (6] In a finite element approach to the coupled liquid-elastic tank problem, the finite element matrix equation is obtained either from the governing differential equation by using Galerkin's method, or from the variational equation by using a minimization technique [3]. Use of the Galerkin procedure necessitates knowledge of the governing differentia] equations of motion together with selection of a weighting function which may be chosen to be the same as the element shape function. Setting the first variation of the resulting integral equal to zero yields the desired finite element matrix equation. Use of the Euler-Lagrange method necessitates formulation of the kinetic energy (found by integrating over the liquid voTume), the potential energy (found by integrating over the free surface), and the work done on the liquid by external effects (such as solid-liquid interface forces). Minimization of energy then yields the governing equations. In [3], it is demonstrated that both approaches yield the same finite element matrix equation provided the same type of element and the same shape function are employed in both treatments. In [3], it is shown that an appropriate variational functional for the liquid is t, ref? r= n- wat (1a) 4 where T, Il, and W represent the kinetic energy, the potential energy of the liquid, and the work done on the liquid respectively. These 07] a are given by [3] : T =(12) 05 { vo + vodv ’ a=(/2)[ Elo, 96) 6s (13) F We Pf ay ods z where p¢ denotes liquid density and £ is the deviation of the liquid elevation from the static configuration. The kinetic energy is evaluated by integration over the liquid volume V, the potential energy by inte- gration over the free surface F, and the work by integration over the Tiquid-tank interface 2. In the present investigation, it is most convenient to investigate the dynamic problem in terms of the liquid dynamic pressure p. If damping is neglected, this leads to a matrix differential equation involving only the pressure together with its second derivative with respect to time. In [3], Eq. 3.9 it is shown that the functional per- tinent to the governing equation (1) together with boundary conditions (7) and (10) may be written in the form: 2 1/2)/ Ws vp dy =k [c2y?as = 04 [ep Was 4 : i at’ (4) where the definitions of I), I,, and I, are evident from (14). [8] Finite Element Idealization The liquid is discretized into annular elements of rectangular cross-section. These elements may by considered to be formed from the intersection of concentric annular cylindrical surfaces with a set of horizontal planes. The intersection of these surfaces with, the planes gives rise to nodal circles, as shown in Figure 1. @0 FIGURE 1 This three-dimensional problem can essentially be transformed into a two dimensional one by developing the pressure p in a Fourier series in the circumferential direction, viz: par hy cos mo (15) The problem of forced motion of the slab supported tank when excited by horizontal ground accelerations can be reasonably well described through consideration of only the first harmonic, m= 1 provided that (9] one is concerned with obtaining the motions about the neutral equili- brium configuration. However, for the sake of generality, the following finite element matrices will be developed for an arbitrary number of harmonics min the circumferential direction. Thus, let us set Py (fs 2, 6) = Ph (r, z, 0) cos mo (16) Henceforth, the subscript m will be omitted for brevity. Thus, the problem has been reduced to a two dimensional one in the plane indicated by r, z, 0 = 0 in Figure 1. Henceforth, we shall use (x,y) as local coordinates, which origin at the geometric center of the element, to denote the position of any point in this plane. The liquid pressure at any point in this plane is described using the nodal Pressure parameters of the corresponding rectangular element surrounding it. Thus: Plxsy) = EN} 4&)) (7) where [N] represents the element shape function and {6,) is the element nodal pressure vector. The shape function is obtained by assuming a suitable interpolation function which here is taken to be a linear variation of liquid pressure in both the x and y directions. Thus: Py 5p 6P3 504 Pxay) = gg E(a-x)(b-y) (24x) (b-y) (a4x)(b4y) (ax) (D4y) (18) {10} Figure 2 indicates a typical element of length 2a in the radial (r) direction, 2b in the z (axial) direction, whose center (0,0) lies at a distance x, from the geometric axis of the tank. FIGURE 2 Liquid Element From (16), we have: vp = 2 cosima)7,, + # cos (ne), - ® sin(me) PF, 2 wp vp 2? cos” (me) + (2)? cos? (mo) + 85 sin? (me) P2 4 (19) (20) oy It is now necessary to determine the functional (13). Substi- tution of the pressure (15) into the integral defining I, and inte- gration over the liquid volume v yields: (1/2)| vp + vp dv 2 -072){ { { (a? cos 46) + ey? cos4na)+ My singe] rdedz dr rz6 Fe a 5 ((e +e? “5 dr dz ra 2 p2 = BL { |B? rey? 4 P| (xy + axe i | ae (x +) oo (21) oe (1/2) 16,)"[K,1 (6) (22) The element stiffness matrix [K,] is developed in detail in Appendix A. The integral defining I is found by integrating over the liquid free surface F to be: toed [eras 2°29 IGE F ne} )? (xy + x) dx a F [6 PTO INI Gp) (ag + 0) ae (23) x = 1/2 6)" IM] 6) (24) (es DA a) The element mass matrix [M,] is found using (18) and is given in detail ‘in Appendix A. The integral defining I, is found by integrating over the liquid-elastic shell interface = to be 2 = a] S 13 = oF |p a a. z e = bg { [P ay cos” (ne) R dodz at 8 2, : = pg fp Wa (25) at’ 2 where R is the tank radius and w(z, 6) = W(z, 5) cos (may (26) The generalized radial displacement of the tank W may be represented in terms of the finite element generalized coordinates {6} through the following: W(z, 0) = [Ny] {5} (27) 13] Thus, (28) (29) From this the force matrix (s,] representing the coupling effect is determined. This is developed in detail in Appendix A. The assenbled liquid mass and stiffness matrices are denoted by [Mp] and [Kg] respectively, and the coupling force matrix is assembled in [S]. The partial differentia) equations, in matrix form, governing liquid motion may be found by first realizing that the functional 1 (14) is of the form: t. 2 . . = A eee eee a 30) re [4 1° Spa" 01° 8p, ) at (30) a Then, setting the first variation of this equal to zero, viz: 61-0 au An Euler-Lagrange equation for each independent variable 6, i may be obtained from the expression: (32) 4] Substitution of (22), (24), and (29) into (14) yields: T= 1/2 (6) Ekp](5 3 - 1/2 (5) EMp]S,) - petd,)ESIS} (33) eee | dah ine oe u Thus, (32) leads to: Ukp]&6,} + [Mp](5,} - ofS]és,3 = (OF (34) Also, the equation of motion of the elastic shell may be written in the form: (M}t5) + (K]6y} = (6p) (35) where {6-} denotes the generalized force vector at (z, 0) which may be expressed as {5p} = {5-3 + {6_ } (36) F FS Fp where (5, } represents external nodal forces including the static e pressure of the liquid and {6- } represents nodal forces exerted on P the shell arising from oscillations of the liquid. Also, (MJ and [K] are the shell mass and stiffness matrices corresponding to a prescribed circumferential harmonic nunber m. Free Vibrations of the Coupled System Since we are interested in the free vibrations of the shell about the static equilibrium configuration (35) yields: IMIG) + EIS, = Cp (37) a5] The generalized force vector corresponding to the dynamic pressure p,, on the inner surface of the shell is given by [5]: Pn Gp) == aR [INIT ONI(9,) dz p = et = - [s]'6} . : 7 “ [MI{5,} + [k]{5,} + [5] {55} = 0 (38) Thus, the free vibrations of the coupled liquid-elastic tank system may be expressed in the form: : ~P¢S Mp is oO ke : Pp at (39) Let us redefine the mass and stiffness matrices of the liquid as: (40) | 9 (4) fe) These system matrices are nonsymmetric and extraction of eigen- values and modes becomes extremely difficuJt, particularly when very large size matrices are concerned. In view of these serious numerical difficulties, let us adopt the approximation suggested by Hsiung and Weingarten [3] which consists of neglecting the free surface boundary condition (5). This simplification implies that (a) the liquid mass matrix [M¢] corresponding to the free surface potential energy vani- shes, and (b) the free surface pressure is zero, It is to be noted that in the present investigation the free surface condition was evaluated at the mean liquid level. Thus, the degrees of freedom corresponding to the free surface are constrained and can be omitted. Because of (a), we immediately have: ~ [8] 6} + Ukp]€6,} = 0 . Peo (42) (6p) = Kel SH) Thus: . (Mytsy) + (kts, + (81745,) = (0) (43) Lon + sisi] 6) + HIG) = 0 7 wu wu This means that the shell mass matrix is augmented by an added mass matrix: from) = (s1"tk,J"'¢s7 (44) 07 For the case of free vibrations of the system 6) = -u? (6,) (45) u 0 where w is the natural frequency of the coupled system and the equation for eigenvalues is: | [Sut ——} + My " 6 ut which #s identical with Equation (2) in [1]. Here, {5,4} and {8,41 are the known support displacements and accelerations, respectively, and O91 [Syp) and (5,4) are the total off-base displacements and accelerations corresponding to this response analysis. All elements in the top line of Equation (49) pertain to base node parameters. Thus, Ky, and M,., denote forces at base nodes due to unit displacements at the base nodes and the superscript T, of course, denotes matrix transpose. ky and M, in the bottom row are coupling effects between the base nodes and the other (non-base) nodes. All other elements in the bottom row of Equation (49) pertain to non-base nodal parameters. Thus, K and M are’ redefined to represent stiffness and mass matrices of all non-base nodes. At any time, the displacement vectors of the non-base nodes can be considered as a summation of two vectors. The first vector {U,} is a function of the instantaneous ground displacement, thus it can be called static. The second vector (U4) is a function of the ground acceleration history, thus it is termed dynamic. This approach furnishes a suitable method to reduce the equations of motion to the familiar form of forced vibrations: IM](Ug) + [K]Ug} = (FD (50) } = (U} + Wy) (51) [20] The equations of motion are: 7 : . é aa 6 Ie WL Abe |e | & ( we | |p (52) iM " feo, oF (4 | The equations of the off-base elements are TH] yye) + (MICU,) + EMU? + Ok Heyyy? + (53) [k]{U,} + [k]{Uy} = 0 Now it is attractive to define U, as a displacement vector so that when it is associated with the ground displacement vector U, + the resulting motion of the structure corresponds to no internal strain energy. Hereafter, 54); will be denoted by U,, for brevity. This condition implies that: (K,JtU,,) + [K1tU,) = 0 (54) In other words, the vector {U,} is developed through rigid body displacements consistent with {U,,}. Thus, from (54) = uy! (Ug) = -UKT EK) Ope This phenomena has also been demonstrated numerically and the resulting static displacement U, is nothing but a series of U,, or [a1] Ys) oe Use Yoe U, U tu.) = i (55) Yon Ube where N is the total number of elements and {U.;} is the displacement vector of node i = (Uy,) for all values of {and (Uy) is a (4 x 1) vector representing the axial, tangential, and radial displacements as well as the rotation of the generator at the base. Thus, the off-base node equations yield IN](Ug) + CKIUg) = -[¥,]U,,) - [MICU (MUU) + OKLUg) = -C0M] - CMIOKT EK, 1, = [effective mass matrix] (U,4) = Meee] Ue? (56) [22] It should be pointed out that for most practical tank dimensions the- driving forces developed due to the mass [M][K][K,] are much larger than those developed by [M,]. This has been demonstrated numerically. The ground acceleration vector U,, will be proved to be equal to: 0 TD 1 Ug(t } where Ug(t) is the ground acceleration amplitude at tine t. Since the base of the tank is excited by a ground displacement and acceleration acting in its plane and in the constant direction 8 = 0, no axial acceleration component develops and the ground accel- eration will be completely defined by its amplitude value Uytt): Uglt) = Peak + #(+) 7) The peak is an acceleration value independent of time and f(t) is a non-dimensional function of time. The associated base-node displacement vector U., is derived by use of Fig. 3, viz: u(o,6,t) = 0 v(0,8,t) =-Ug(t) + sin @ = -Peak + f(t) + sino w(0,8,t) = -Ug(t) + cos @ = +eak + f(t) + cos 6 Mo,0,t) = 0.0 (58) [23] FIGURE 3 Since the excitation function is described in the previous form to be associated with m= 1, obviously only the first circumferential harmonic will be excited, and thus the vibration of the tank can be Prescribed by superposition of certain contributions of different. axial modes corresponding to m= 1 only (see Appendix A, in [1], for assumed form of loads and displacements) . . Up(t) = Peak + #(t) + |“ a (39) [24] Let 0 : lel Were) cee rd a) 0 ., The equations of motion reduce to: IM]{Ug} + [K1(Ug} = (Poggh + Ft) which is the desired form of forced vibration to which the modal analysis technique will be applied. Modal Analysis, Solutions [M]Ug) + [K]{Ug} = {Pope > f(t) Let fy) = DA® {Ug} = DXA} ., [X] is the rectangular mode matrix formed as a set of mode vectors (n x k) where n = number of degrees of freedom of the non-base elements k = number of modes considered in the analysis {A}= mode participation factor vector = k x 1 J. [MIDIAY + OKIEKHAD = Pyggh + Ft) {Ay = (A(t) 5D = A(t} U,(t) f(t) = Be [25] Premul tiply by (X1"s (k x n) . T, " T Be iT es w DTIMIDCAY + [XD TKIEXI(AY = [XT Poggh + F(t) = fer} + F(t) Now, use the orthogonality condition: OTK = 0 ken Obviously the resulting matrix [X]'[MI[X] = [6M] is a diagonal matrix since the (generalized k x k mass matrix) nonvanishing terms are only Dx," EMIDX,] = GM(nsn). The same concept holds for [X]"[KI[X] = [6S] diagonal matrix where 2 is the squared eigenvalue diagonal matrix = [0°][6M): a 1 kKxk Thus, GM, as well as GS can be considered as vectors, eB] 2 GM(1,1) GM) wt GM(2,2) j and respectively. 6M(3,3) 6m(2.2) w2 GM(k sk) pe °2 Gw(k.k) wo? n [26] Thus, k independent equations result: GM(I,1) + ACI) + a(1) + w(1) + ACL) + GM(I,T) = @P(I) + #(t) where I refers to the mode number . Ray + wc) + acy = thy « ete) which are the equations of k independent lumped masses each representing the participation of the corresponding I-th mode, Now, A(I) can be found using Duhamel integration to account for the initial conditions (just before the instant t), i.e. to consider the whole acceleration record imposed on the structure, viz: te ACI) = GPCL : { f(x) + sin u(ter)dr 0 t where PIN(I) = ( f(r) sin a{t-t}dt) + GP(1) ° J AUD = felts Fey = Got? + ac) Now from the origina? equations of motion the displacement and acceleration nodal vectors are determined: (U4) > DH) tp = Day The accuracy of the modal analysis approach depends on the number of modes involved in the superposition. The latter depends on how close or scarce the natural frequencies of the structure are spaced. (27) The accuracy of the method can be examined through the satis- faction of the original external equilibrium equation: TH] (Ug) + [K] Ug) = (agg) + Ft) For the structure considered, it was found that the superposition of a few modes offered only a crude approximation since the external equilibrium equation failed to be satisfied by as much as thirty percent. Use of ten modes reduced the maximum discrepancy to about ten percent. Reactions of the Base From the equations of base vibrations: U T bt T TH, 145] eat * Coble? s + Ug Now, {U,} and {U,} were proved to be equal to: 1 I 1 I fu} = 1 r « {Upp} and (U.} = Upset I 1 [28] where [I] is a (4x4) identity matrix, N/4 of which form the relating matrix between the resulting static non-base node displacements and ‘the base node imposed displacements. Also N = number of non-base node degrees of freedom and since " contains nonzero elements only in the first four colums Mj. U, can be expressed as: IME} C1104? b be where [M[]' is the 4x 4 matrix including the nonzero elements My + ME TDU yg) + EMT CU) + ky + KE'THCU,)? 0K, Uy) = CF} Ty but (Ky, + Ky‘ 1U, 4) : : host 1 2's GpF = yy + MTD, + IMU) + [xu (60) Of course, the most significant part of the base force is attributed to the displacements of the non-base nodes, i.e. [k,]"(U,). [29] Liquid Oscillations in a Rigid Cylindrical Container The fluid dynamic pressure arising due to liquid motion in a rigid cylindrical tank will be governed by a special case of (34). Since the rigid container degrees of freedom {6,} are restricted, {6,} can obviously be omitted and the governing equations yield: Ukg]C6,) + [Mg](6,) = (0 (61) Although the fluid "mass" matrix [Mp] is defined to be Nope x Nope (where Nore is the total nunber of degrees of freedom of the liquid), the nonzero elements are those corresponding to the free surface generalized pressure vector only. A matrix condensation approach is employed to minimize the computer Storage area as follows: th 2 |} (62) where the second set of equations corresponds to the free surface nodes (n, in number) and the first set corresponds to the remainder of the liquid nodes (nj). This leads directly to: 1 8, * Ki2 8p 79 (63) -1 8, = nT! Kaley) [30] Substituting this into the second set of equations (61) yields: T -1 = Chie ii Sig ate cpes ee o (64) [Keonal 6) + [Meonal 16, =0 (65) where Bae T yo Ueonad = [Koa] - Kya] (Ky, J 'tKy2I The condensed stiffness matrix Myo = (mp x ng) (67) (my Xn,) (66) Meonad = The condensed mass matrix The submatrix Ky» (nj x np) also has a significantly smaller nonzero submatrix =n x Ny and the second matrix of (63) can be efficiently evaluated by use of this fact as follows: “1 0 n Ky 1 1 Wat Kiel —_— 1 The direct inversion of [ky] is avoided and the last (ny x ny) matrix resulting from the multiplication ky,"'Ky2 15 the only portion treated, through the use of Gaussian elimination back substitution [4]. This, in fact, corresponds to the generalized nodal pressure vector {8pq} of the row immediately below the free surface. Therefore, in the assembly of the stiffness matrix three sub- matrices are considered: Kj, = my x M3 Kyo = ny X My (non-zero terms [31] are ny x np), and Koy = My x My. tn the assembly of the mass matrix only the Mp9 = ny x Ny matrix is formulated. The liquid matrices numbering schemes (for a rigid tank) are given in Figures 4a through 4d. FIGURE 4a Liquid Degrees of Freedom numbering scheme pertinent to the stiffness matrix generated in program RIGID for symmetric harmonic modes. ¢ MMC HNN) #1 [WL (M1) (NNT) rt ma(NN+1) wall 2(NN)+3 Pt ; tf 3(NN#1) nme? | 2(nns1) Rese eemee J=1, MMT t 1 2 3 ieee NN+T ‘ NNNH) * mean water level [32] FIGURE 4b Liquid Degrees of Freedom numbering scheme pertinent to the condensed mass matrix generated in program RIGID for synmetric harmonic modes. NNeT T (+1 NN MM(NN) fe 2NN + al 3NN eT ,MMe1 | 2NN Peeeeeeeeeeee tee ee eee ae NN +1 ——> 1 = 1,NN FIGURE 4c Liquid Degrees of Freedom numbering scheme pertinent to the stiffness matrix generated in program RIGID for asymmetric harmonic modes. [33] COM = (NNN) FIGURE 4d Liquid Degrees of Freedom numbering scheme pertinent to the condensed mass matrix generated in program RIGID for asymmetric harmonic modes. [34] COMPUTER IMPLEMENTATION Computer Programs Three separate programs were developed in the present work. The first, program RIGID, determines liquid oscillation natura frequencies and associated mode shapes in a rigid circular cylin- drical container fixed to a rigid base. In the early stages of this work this program served as a check on the formulation of the liquid mass" and "stiffness" matrices and thus on the validity of the entire liquid idealization process. This is because in many cases, the data obtained were in good agreement with existing work involving rigid containers. The second program, COUPLE, is employed to investigate natura’ frequencies and associated mode shapes of the coupled liquid-elastic tank system described by Equation (46). To this end the first main program described in [1] (MAIN) was modified slightly so as to cor- respond to two sets of ring-shaped finite elements representing the cylindrical tank. The first set of elements corresponds to the lower (wetted) surface of the tank and the second set to the portion of the tank above the liquid level (dry). The program corresponding to this representation is henceforth termed SHELL. A single run string was prepared of COUPLE and SHELL so as to be able to investigate the coupled liquid-elastic tank system. This also serves to retrieve the “added mass matrix" stored on a disc file by program COUPLE and to then add its terms to the corresponding shell mass matrix terms. [35] Program COUPLE carries out the following operations: a) It devises a numbering scheme for the liquid finite element mesh. This is accomplished in subroutine FLGEN which requires as input the nunber of liquid finite elements NN along the tank radius in a single row, the number of liquid finite elements MM in a single colum, and the specified number of circumferential harmonics, m. This is illustrated in Figures 5a and 5b. FIGURE 5a Liquid Degrees of Freedom nunbering schene generated in program COUPLE for asymmetric harmonics pertinent to the liquid "stiffness" matrix. (m= 1, 3, 5, ....) t MeWeL.* = ™ 3M 2 cfc ee 2 5 ° = = = g = : (NN=1) : hc me |S 3 TPMT MIT (NN-1) 4 —F1=1,NN adius of = IN] elements ) * mean water level a [36] ¢ Lape Re mt MH) (NNT) 1 MM . = 4 8 ' = . ‘s 1M 2 5 1 8 TAT NN (MM) Radius of tank I = 1,NN+1 FIGURE 5b Liquid Degrees of Freedom numbering scheme generated in program COUPLE for synmetric harmonics pertinent to the liquid "stiffness" matrix (m= 0, 2, 4, ....) b) It evaluates a set of different liquid stiffness and coupling element matrices [K,] and (s.1, each corresponding to a column: of elements in the liquid idealization scheme. It is assumed that the Tiquid has been discretized into equal rectangular areas. This is accomplished in subroutines FSTIFF and FFORCE. c) It assembles the liquid stiffness matrix [kK] im accordance with the numbering scheme mentioned in (a) above into a half-banded matrix stored in a linear array so as to minimize core allocation. The condensed coupling matrix is also assembled into an (MM, 2MM) matrix, [S].d) It evaluates the Viquid added mass matrix defined in (44) and stores it on a disc file to be retrieved by SHELL. [37] The third program, RESPONSE, which follows after SHELL in the run string, accomplishes the following: e) It evaluates the generalized forces developed at the tank wall nodes due to a unit ground acceleration in the horizontal direction. f) It transforms the system properties into modal coordinates. That is, the generalized mass vector GM and the generalized force vector GP are evaluated. These operations are performed in the first section, PARTI. g) It retrieves in PARTII the ground acceleration record ACC previously generated utilizing program PSEQGN available through the National Information Service-Earthquake Engineering - Computer Program Applications, and which was stored on a disc fite [7]. To improve the accuracy of the response computation the total time history under consideration is arbitrarily divided into smaller time intervals by "guiding" time stations, the modal velocities {A} and displacements {A} of which are first determined independently in subroutine CONTROL. CONTROL calls subroutine RES at each time station to evaluate the Duhamel integral of the previous acceleration record. The vectors {A} and {A} are stored in the core array to be used as illustrated below: h) It evaluates the specified nodes generalized displacements and prints the response history and stores it in disc files to be re- trieved for automatic plotting purposes. The responses of the speci- fied degrees-of-freedom designated as NDI, ND2, and ND3 are stored on tapes number 4, 5, and 6 respectively. These degrees-of-freedom are explained in detail on page (60) together with Figures 17 and 19. [38] Knowing the response history at any degree-of-freedom, the corresponding stresses can be found from the program RESP given in [1]. This is with regard to the internal forces developed, the reactions at the tank base, and the force equilibrium check if so desired. Nature and Size of System Matrices The original sizes of the system matrices are indicated in Equation (46) together with the numbering schemes shown in Figures 4 and 5 to be indicated below. For brevity, the following programming symbols were employed: 8, = NDFST x1 p 7 NOFF x1 Mand K = NDFST x NDFST Mp and Kp = NDFF x NDFF S = NDFF x NDFST where NN = number of liquid element in one row along the tank radius "M = number of liquid elements in one column along the tank generator MMT = total number of shell ring elenents NDFST = total number of shell degrees of freedom = A(MMT + 1) NDFF = I.d where I = NN for asymmetric harmonic modes = (NN +1) symmetric harmonic modes J = MM for the coupled case with zero pressure assumption at the free surface = (MM + 1) for the fluid oscillation in a rigid cylin- drical container

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