Operating and Maintenance Manual Control Valve ECOTROL Series 8C
Operating and Maintenance Manual Control Valve ECOTROL Series 8C
Operating and Maintenance Manual Control Valve ECOTROL Series 8C
02.2019 / 1.2
Original instructions
© ARCA Regler GmbH. All rights reserved.
Cover picture background: Freepik.com
ARCA Regler GmbH Table of contents
Table of contents
1 General data........................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Validity of the manual .............................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Contact details......................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Other applicable documents.................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Place of storage of the manual................................................................................................ 5
1.5 ARCA ONSITE ........................................................................................................................ 5
2 Safety...................................................................................................................................... 7
2.1 General safety information ...................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Explanation of symbols and notices ........................................................................................ 7
2.3 Structure of the warning notices.............................................................................................. 7
2.4 Intended use............................................................................................................................ 8
2.5 Inappropriate use .................................................................................................................... 9
2.6 Residual risks .......................................................................................................................... 9
2.7 Qualification of the personnel.................................................................................................. 9
2.8 Operator's duty of care .......................................................................................................... 10
2.9 Personal protective equipment.............................................................................................. 11
3 Transport, storage and packaging .................................................................................... 12
3.1 Transport ............................................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Storage.................................................................................................................................. 12
3.3 Packaging.............................................................................................................................. 12
4 Nameplate ............................................................................................................................ 13
5 Type key ............................................................................................................................... 14
6 Sectional drawings.............................................................................................................. 15
6.1 Parts list................................................................................................................................. 15
6.2 8C1-P1 .................................................................................................................................. 17
6.3 8C1-P1 .................................................................................................................................. 17
6.4 8C1-L1-LK1 ........................................................................................................................... 18
6.5 8C1-P1-BG............................................................................................................................ 18
6.6 8C3-L1................................................................................................................................... 19
6.7 8C4-P1 .................................................................................................................................. 20
6.8 8C5-P1 to -50 °C ................................................................................................................... 21
6.9 8C7-P1 .................................................................................................................................. 22
7 Functional description........................................................................................................ 23
8 Fitting ................................................................................................................................... 24
9 Commissioning / Decommissioning ................................................................................. 26
10 Maintenance......................................................................................................................... 28
10.1 Care....................................................................................................................................... 28
10.2 Maintenance.......................................................................................................................... 28
1 General data
This operating manual contains instructions that enable the product to
be safely and properly installed, put into operation and maintained.
The target group for this operating manual is exclusively specially
trained and authorised technical personnel.
Please contact the manufacturer if you encounter problems that cannot
be solved with the aid of this operating manual.
The product is subject to technical changes at any time.
Entry example
2 Safety
means that death, serious injuries and/or considerable damage to
property will occur if the corresponding preventive measures are
not taken and maintained.
means that death, serious injuries and/or considerable damage to
property can occur if the corresponding preventive measures are
not taken and maintained.
means that minor injuries and/or damage to property can occur if
the corresponding preventive measures are not taken and main-
indicates an important item of information about the product itself
or how the product should be handled, to which special attention
should be paid.
Section-related warning notice Section-related warning notices refer to the entire chapter, sections or
several paragraphs within this operating manual. Section-related warn-
ing notices are structured as follows:
Type and source of the danger
Possible consequences of disregard
► Measure to avoid the danger
► Further measures
Embedded warning notice Embedded warning notices refer to a certain area within a section. They
apply to smaller information units than the section-related warning no-
tices. Embedded warning notices are structured as follows:
DANGER! Instructions for avoiding a dangerous situation.
Risk of death and serious injuries as well as damage to property
and the environment!
Risk of death and serious injuries as well as damage to property and the
environment due to hazardous operating media, high temperatures and
pressures as well as moving parts.
► The following requirements and conditions must be complied with
without fail.
► Observe warning notices.
▪ During work, always wear the protective equipment necessary for the
respective work
▪ Follow the notices about personal protective equipment displayed in
the working area.
Always wear
Protective clothing
Tight-fitting work clothes with a low tear
resistance, with narrow sleeves and
without protruding parts. They primarily
serve to protect against being caught up
by moving machine parts.
Do not wear rings, chains or other jew-
Safety shoes
To protect against heavy falling parts and
slipping on smooth floors.
To protect against falling and flying parts
and materials.
Hearing protection
To protect against hearing damage.
3.1 Transport
Tipping or falling load!
Danger of death and danger of damage to property due to load tipping
over or falling!
► Only suitable and approved means of transport and lifting equipment
may be used for transporting the product.
► Lifting equipment must generally be attached to the housing of the
product, not to attachments.
► Allow only instructed persons to select and attach the lifting equip-
► Do not stand under suspended loads.
3.2 Storage
Improper storage!
There is a danger of the product and in particular the attached electronic
accessories no longer functioning if stored improperly.
► Storage at a temperature lower than -40 °C or higher than +80 °C is
not permissible.
► It must be stored in roofed-over storage places and that are weather-
3.3 Packaging
The product is packed in a PE film inside the outer packaging (card-
board box, wooden crate, pallet, lattice box).
If the packaging, in particular the PE film, has been opened, the product
must be stored immediately in a heated room.
The product must be packed in weatherproof or seaworthy packaging for
transport by ship, airplane, rail or truck.
4 Nameplate
Illustration 2: Nameplate
Place of installation The nameplate is attached to the actuator yoke or the actuator head.
Serial no. The serial no. of the valve is stamped on the neck flange of the housing.
If it differs from the type plate, the serial no. on the housing is binding.
5 Type key
Bonnet (..X)
--1 Standard
--2 Double stuffing box
--3 Cooling fins
--4 Bellows
--5 Extension (insulating column)
--7 Standard balanced
--8 Cooling fins balanced
--9 Special design in acc. with order
Trim (…-XX)
P1 – P5 Parabolic plug (1 - 5 step)
L1 – L4 Perforated plug (1 - 4 step)
S On/off plug
LN Retainer (low-noise, single, double)
LK1 – LK4 Low noise cage (single to quad-
SLK1 – SLK3 Seat low noise cage (single to
LS1 – LS4 Perforated disc, welded in (single
to quadruple)
SS Dirt strainer
BG Additional lower stem guide in the
6 Sectional drawings
Some versions of the valve are illustrated below. Further versions are
possible by combining the different components.
Item Name
181 Clamping ring
182 Retainer
183 * O-ring
184 * Sealing element
185 Lower guide
186 * Plain bearing
198 * Sealing element
199 * Support ring
356 * Sealing element
523 Disc
* recommended spare part / wearing part
6.2 8C1-P1
Standard bonnet DEK1 with parabolic plug P1.
1 Housing
2 Bonnet
20 * Seat
26 * Plug (compl.)
50 * Stem
65 Guide bush
80 * Screw(bolt)
143 * Gasket
150 Slotted nut
180 * Sealing element
182 Retainer
* recommended spare part /
wearing part
Illustration 4: 8C1-P1
6.3 8C1-P1
Standard bonnet DEK1 with parabolic plug P1 and soft seal. See also
[11.11] Version with soft seal – Detail Y
1 Housing
2 Bonnet
20 * Seat
26 * Plug (compl.)
50 * Stem
65 Guide bush
80 * Screw(bolt)
143 * Gasket
150 Slotted nut
180 * Sealing element
182 Retainer
* recommended spare part /
wearing part
Illustration 5: 8C1-P1
6.4 8C1-L1-LK1
Standard bonnet DEK1 with perforated plug L1 and low noise cage LK1.
1 Housing
2 Bonnet
20 * Seat
26 * Plug (compl.)
50 * Stem
65 Guide bush
80 * Screw(bolt)
109 * Gasket
110 Low noise cage
143 * Gasket
150 Slotted nut
180 * Sealing element
182 Retainer
* recommended spare part /
wearing part
Illustration 6: 8C1-L1-LK1
6.5 8C1-P1-BG
Standard bonnet DEK1 with parabolic plug P1 and lower guide BG.
1 Housing
2 Bonnet
20 * Seat
26 * Plug (compl.)
50 * Stem
65 Guide bush
80 * Screw(bolt)
143 * Gasket
150 Slotted nut
180 * Sealing element
182 Retainer
185 Lower guide
186 * Plain bearing
* recommended spare part /
wearing part
Illustration 7: 8C1-P1-BG
6.6 8C3-L1
Bonnet with cooling fins DEK3 and perforated plug L1.
1 Housing
2 Bonnet
20 * Seat
26 * Plug (compl.)
50 * Stem
65 Guide bush
80 * Screw(bolt)
81 * Nut
143 * Gasket
150 Slotted nut
180 * Sealing element
182 Retainer
* recommended spare part /
wearing part
Illustration 8: 8C3-L1
6.7 8C4-P1
Bonnet with bellows DEK4 and parabolic plug P1.
1 Housing
2 Bonnet
6 Intermediate flange
20 * Seat
26 * Plug (compl.)
50 * Stem
65 Guide bush
80 * Screw(bolt)
90 * Screw(bolt)
140 * Gasket
142 * Bellows unit
143 * Gasket
150 Slotted nut
180 * Sealing element
182 Retainer
* recommended spare part /
wearing part
Illustration 9: 8C4-P1
1 Housing
2 Bonnet
6 Intermediate flange
20 * Seat
26 * Plug (compl.)
50 * Stem
65 Guide bush
80 * Screw(bolt)
90 * Screw(bolt)
140 * Gasket
143 * Gasket
150 Slotted nut
180 * Sealing element
182 Retainer
523 Disc
* recommended spare part /
wearing part
Illustration 10: 8C5-P1
6.9 8C7-P1
Bonnet with balancing system DEK7 and parabolic plug P1. See also
[11.10] Balancing seal – Detail Z
1 Housing
2 Bonnet
20 * Seat
26 * Plug (compl.)
50 * Stem
60 Cylinder tube
65 Guide bush
80 * Bolt / threaded bolt
143 * Gasket
144 * Gasket
150 Slotted nut
180 * Sealing element
182 Retainer
* recommended spare part /
wearing part
Illustration 11: 8C7-P1
7 Functional description
Valves from this series are usually used as actuators within the meaning
of DIN IEC 60050-351.
The valve serves to reduce the pressure and quantity of a flow of me-
dium through the plug.
The flow of medium through the seat (20) is regulated by the position of
the plug (26). The plug (26) is adjusted with the aid of an attached actu-
ator, which acts on the Stem (50) connected to the plug (26).
8 Fitting
Place of installation The valve should be easily accessible from at least one side.
Include a catwalk or similar in the planning in case of greater heights.
An electric crane or block and tackle should be provided, depending on
the weight.
Valve with flanges After removal of the protective caps from the inlet and outlet sealing sur-
faces, valves with flanges are installed in the pipeline using gaskets and
bolts provided by the customer. Following the installation, check the
flange connection and the surface coating, in particular the area around
the contact surfaces of the flange joints. Damage to the coating caused
by transport or installation in the pipeline is to be treated with a suitable
coating system in order to restore the factory corrosion protection.
Valve with welded ends Valves with welded ends are welded into the pipeline. Following the in-
stallation, check the welded connection and the surface coating. Dam-
age to the coating caused by transport or installation in the pipeline is to
be treated with a suitable coating system in order to restore the factory
corrosion protection.
Please note:
Mounting position
► Pipeline horizontal
► Actuator above the valve
► Pay attention to the flow direction arrow on the housing flange
Attachment of an actuator The valve enables the attachment of different actuators. Various mount-
ing kits and couplings are available for this.
The actuator must be mounted according to the actuator manufacturer's
operating manual. The maximum permissible actuating forces must be
DN Stem thread Max. actuating force
15 - 65 → ½“ - 2½“ M12 16
80 - 100 → 3“ - 4“ M18x1.5 41
The following must additionally be observed when constructing an
electric or hydraulic actuator:
► Switch-off in the closing direction via torque switch
► Switch-off in the opening direction via displacement switch
9 Commissioning / Decommissioning
Before the initial In order to avoid damage to the trim due to possible existing contamina-
commissioning tion in the piping network, the piping network must be cleaned by rinsing
and if necessary pickling.
The following procedures are recommended:
Rinsing with rinsing set A rinsing set and rinsing flange(s) is mounted in place of the trim.
▪ Completely dismantle the valve so that only the housing remains in
the pipeline
▪ Mount the rinsing set in place of the seat (to be ordered separately)
▪ Mount the rinsing flange(s) (to be ordered separately)
▪ Rinse and if necessary pickle
▪ Dismount the rinsing set and the rinsing flange(s)
▪ Clean the valve and replace the seal(s)
▪ Mount the trim and completely reassemble the valve
Rinsing with spacer A spacer is installed in the pipeline in place of the valve
▪ Remove the valve from the pipeline (flange-mounted valves only)
▪ Install the spacer in the pipeline
▪ Rinse and if necessary pickle
▪ Remove the spacer from the pipeline again
▪ Replace the seals
▪ Install the valve in the pipeline again
Decommissioning We recommend the following procedure for taking the valve out of ser-
The valve remains installed In case of lengthy standstills, the valve and the pipeline must be emptied
and rinsed, depending on the operating medium.
The valve is removed ▪ Pay attention to the chapter entitled [2] Safety
▪ Remove the valve from the pipeline
▪ Treat the interior of the housing with a suitable preservative and seal
the openings with suitable caps
Recommissioning NOTICE! All seals must be replaced if the valve has been out of service
for more than one year.
▪ Mount the valve in accordance with the chapter entitled [8] Fitting
▪ Carry out the work according to the chapter entitled [10.1] Care
▪ Commission the valve according to the chapter entitled [9] Commis-
10 Maintenance
10.1 Care
▪ Clean the stem (50) if necessary
– Clean the stem (50) of adhering dirt using a soft cloth
NOTICE! Never use sandpaper, since this will damage the sur-
face of the stem and reduce the lifetime of the stem sealing.
10.2 Maintenance
The valve is for the most part maintenance-free.
Nevertheless, the flange connections and the stuffing box seal must be
checked regularly for leaks. If necessary the work is to be carried out in
accordance with the chapter entitled [9] Commissioning. Depending on
the operating conditions of the valve, the operator is responsible for de-
fining appropriate checking and maintenance intervals.
Stuffing box seal with V-collar The stuffing box seal with V-collar is not adjustable. In case of leaks the
entire seal set must be exchanged.
Stuffing box seal with packing The stuffing box seal with packing rings is adjustable. The stuffing box
rings screw (152) can be tightened if the stuffing box seal should leak.
The stuffing box screw should only be tightened to the extent that the
force of the actuator still allows jerk-free movement of the stem (50).
If the stuffing box screw (152) is tightened too much and the stem (50)
jams or jerks, the stuffing box screw (152) must be loosened again until
jerk-free operation is possible. Nevertheless, the sealing integrity must
still be guaranteed.
Packing rings can be added if no further tightening of the stuffing box
screw (152) is possible. See section entitled Addition of packing rings.
Stuffing box seal with shaped The stuffing box seal with shaped ring is not adjustable. In case of leaks
ring the entire seal set must be exchanged.
▪ Carry out the work according to the chapter entitled [10.1] Care
▪ Insert a split packing ring
▪ Fit the stuffing box screw (152)
▪ Commission the valve according to the chapter entitled [9] Commis-
Stuffing box chamber sleeve In order to prevent corrosion of the stuffing box chamber, a sleeve (169)
made of stainless steel is inserted in the case of bonnets made of mater-
ials that are not rustproof.
10.3.1 V-collars
Illustration 13: V-collars
Packing rings
Variseal ring
11.1 Procedure
▪ Disassembly of the valve.
– Dismounted parts are to be secured carefully against falling down
(risk of injury or damage).
▪ Clean all components.
▪ Assembly in the reverse order using the new components.
– Seals and packings are generally to be replaced.
– Insert any existing dynamically loaded O-rings and shaped rings
using a suitable lubricant, provided that the process conditions al-
– Refer to the chapter entitled [12] Torque tables for the tightening
torques of bolted connections.
– Following assembly, the plug must be moved to the upper and
lower end positions by hand or using auxiliary energy. The plug
may neither jerk nor scrape when doing this.
– If necessary the bonnet connections must be loosened, the com-
ponents re-aligned to one another and the connections tightened
– Then commission the valve according to the chapter entitled [9]
11.2 Actuator
▪ WARNING! Drive the actuator to the central stroke position and
secure it.
▪ Decouple and remove the actuator.
– Follow the actuator manufacturer's mounting instructions!
11.3 Bonnet
V-collars ▪ Remove the seal set (156) consisting of V-collar, support disc and
– Refer also to the chapter entitled [10.3] Stem sealing – Detail X for
Packing rings ▪ Remove the sealing set (156) and the base ring (154)
– Refer also to the chapter entitled [10.3] Stem sealing – Detail X for
Variseal ring ▪ Remove the sealing element (356) and the base ring (154)
– Refer also to the chapter entitled [10.3] Stem sealing – Detail X for
Version with bellows The cylinder tube (60) can be taken off only after disassembly of the
plug (26). Refer to the chapter entitled Plug → version with bellows for
11.8 Plug
Depending on the version the plug (26) has already been dismantled.
Standard ▪ Pull the plug (26) with the stem (50) out of the housing (1)
Version with bellows The plug can be exchanged only in connection with new bellows (142).
However, the bellows (142) can be exchanged without a new plug (26).
Refer also to the chapter entitled [11.9] Stem → version with bellows for
11.9 Stem
Standard The stem (50) can only be exchanged complete with the plug (26).
26 * Plug (compl.)
50 * Stem
* recommended spare part /
wearing part
Version with bellows The stem can only be exchanged complete with bellows unit (142).
▪ Remove the clamping sleeve (51)
– To do this, compress the bellows unit (142) with the help of the
stem (50)
▪ Unscrew the plug (26)
CAUTION! The bellows unit (142) must not be subjected to twist-
ing forces!
▪ Replace the seal (140)
▪ Insert the new stem (50) with bellows (142) into the intermediate
flange (6), screw on the plug (26) and drill
6 Intermediate flange
26 * Plug (compl.)
50 * Stem
51 * Clamping sleeve
140 * Gasket
142 * Bellows unit
* recommended spare part /
wearing part
26 * Plug (compl.)
50 * Stem
51 * Clamping sleeve
* recommended spare part /
wearing part
26 * Plug (compl.)
50 * Stem
57 * Hex nut
59 * Lock washer
* recommended spare part /
wearing part
Quad ring ▪ Exchange the sealing element (198) and support rings (199)
Piston rings ▪ Dismount the piston rings (177) using a piston ring expander
NOTICE! During assembly, the piston rings must be positioned in ac-
cordance with the embossed marking "TOP" in relation to the re-
spective flow direction (FTO / FTC). The piston ring joints must be ar-
ranged with an offset of 180 degrees to one another.
Standard ▪ Take the retainer (182) and seat (20) out of the housing (1)
▪ Exchange sealing element (180)
Flat gasket & O-ring ▪ Take the retainer (182), clamping ring (181) and complete seat (20,
183, 184) out of the housing (1)
▪ Replace the sealing element (184) and O-ring (183)
▪ Exchange sealing element (180)
20 * Seat
180 * Sealing element
181 Clamping ring
182 Retainer
183 * O-ring
184 * Sealing element
* recommended spare part /
wearing part
Trapezoidal ring ▪ Take the retainer (182), clamping ring (181) and complete seat (20,
184) out of the housing (1)
▪ Exchange sealing element (184)
20 * Seat
180 * Sealing element
181 Clamping ring
182 Retainer
184 * Sealing element
* recommended spare part /
wearing part
13 Fault removal
Improper troubleshooting work on the valve
Risk of injury!
► For all troubleshooting work on the valve, observe the corresponding
notes in this operating manual or in the operating manuals for the ad-
ditionally installed components.
Please contact the manufacturer if problems occur that are not de-
scribed in this table.
Fault Possible causes Action
No flow Valve closed Open the valve by means of the ac-
Flange covers (transport protection) Remove flange covers
have not been removed
Inadequate flow Valve not opened sufficiently Open the valve by means of the ac-
Blockage in the piping system Check the pipeline
Incorrect valve or incorrect Kvs Use valve with correct Kvs value
value selected
Stem moves jerkily Stuffing box screw overtightened (in Slacken off the stuffing box screw a
case of valves with adjustable stem little
sealing) Sealing integrity must be main-
Stem or plug doesn't move Stuffing box screw overtightened (in Slacken off the stuffing box screw a
case of valves with adjustable stem little
sealing) Sealing integrity must be main-
Seat and plug very dirty Clean seat and plug
Due to contamination in the me- Replace the stem, plug and guides
dium, the stem or plug has eaten
into its guide
Stem seal is leaking Stuffing box seal damaged or worn Replace sealing element
Stuffing box pretension too low (in Tighten the stuffing box screw
case of valves with adjustable stem
Leakage rate too high in Sealing edges on the plug and/or Rework or replace plug and/or seat
the closed state seat damaged
Dirt/foreign bodies in the valve Clean the interior of the valve,
fit a dirt trap if necessary
Balancing seal worn in balanced Replace sealing element
Closing force of the actuator too low Use a more powerful actuator,
Check the operating data