Effective Conflict Resolution and Teamwork Skills

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Calvin Emmanuel G. Manalo

May 25, 2021
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1. Identify the techniques of Conflict resolutions

2. Learn the importance of teamwork in the workplace

3. Identify possible obstacles in teamwork and possible

causes of conflicts.
What is a conflict? Have you ever had
a disagreement
N: a serious with someone?
disagreement or

V: be incompatible
or at variance; clash

How to resolve
this conflicts?
6 Techniques for Conflict Resolution

Listen, then Speak Out

6 Techniques for Conflict Resolution

Gather the Group

6 Techniques for Conflict Resolution
Be Impartial
6 Techniques for Conflict Resolution
Do not Postpone Conflict Resolution
6 Techniques for Conflict Resolution
Promote Teamwork
6 Techniques for Conflict Resolution
Broadcast Praise
Encouraging different points of view and evaluating each
fairly without any bias.
Do not look for blame.

Demonstrate respect for team members than resorting

to blame game.
Keeping issues within the team.
5 Reasons why Teamwork is Important
1. Teamwork 2. Teamwork offers
motivates unity in differing perspective
the workplace and feedback

3. Teamwork provides
efficiency and

4. Teamwork 5. Teamwork
provides great promotes workplace
learning opportunity. synergy.

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