LRHO1002202 Selection Handout

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LOGICAL REASONING HANDOUT (Selection, Double line up. Distribution) Ref: LRHO1002202 Directions for questions 1 to 3: Select the correct altemative from the given choices. 4. Eachofthe five pens A, B, ©, D and E is ofadiiferent make among Reynolds, Parkes, Rotomac, Cello and Lazer, not necessaniy in the same order. & is Parker, Neliner A nor D is Rotomac. © is eter Lazer of Reynolds, Which pen is of Rotomac? aod BC CB OA 2. Eachof P,Q, R, S and Tbelongs toa diferent colony ‘among I Il, 1V and V, not necessarily inthe same order. R and $ belong t0 IT and IV. Netther @ nor T belongs to I. Who belongs to colony V? (a) a ®@T () P (D) Cannot be determined 3. Nine students — P through X — participated in a quiz ‘competition and the students are fram the colleges A, B and ©, such that each of these coleges Is represented by three students. Further, (). B.Qand $ are from aiferent collages. (i) Nettner R nor Us trom B oF C. (li) Q and W ate from ¢, (iv) T and W are from the same colege. Who amang the following students are from college B? (a) Pana x (B) Xanav (C) Sanav (0) Pandy Directions for questions 4 t0 based on the folowing information ‘These questions are Each of the six persons — Aman, Boman, Charan, Dhanya, Eshwar and Fara — wears a different branded shirt among Adidas, Gap, Polo, Reebok, Lava and Millan, each ofa diferent colour among Red, Blue, Green, White ink and Black, but not necessarlly in the same order. Furtner itis known that (0) Charan wears a Red shit, which s nether Plo nor Lava ‘Aman wears Reebok, which is neither Black nor Pink (il) Ether Eshwar or Fara wears White shirt (iv) Boman wears Gap, which is not Pink in colour. (v) hanya wears either Adicas or Blue shin. (ul) Eshwar wears Blue shir, whieh is not Lava. 4. Who wears Black shirt? (A) Boman (C) Fara (6) Dranya (0) Boman or Dhanya 5. What brand is Fara’s shirt? (A) Milan (B) Adidas (C) Polo (0) Lava ‘6. Which of the following stare tue? 1. Charan wears Adidas. 1. Lavalis White in colour. LL, Adidas Is not Pink in colour. (A) Only (8) Onyu (©) Onlytand ar = (D) Only anda Directions for questions 7 to 9: These questions are ‘based on the following information, aon of the tve students P, Q, R, $ and T buysa diferent stationery tem among Book, Eraser, Pen, Penoll and Sharpener irom a different shop among A, 8, ©, D and E ‘and Is from a alfferent school among J, i, Hl, IV and V, but not necessarily in the same order, The following information is known about them: buys Book from B and is from IV. {(W)_ Sbuys Sharpener but Is nat from V. {li)_In shop C, neither Erasers nor Sharpeners are sol. {iv) The student who bought Eraser is nat from I. (¥)_ Ether P or Qs from I {()_ The student who bought rom E fs from V, butis not Q. (il) Tid not buy Pen, but is from 11 (il) The student who is from i, Bought from D. 7. Who bought Eraser? AP BA |S OT 8 From which shop was the Sharpener bought? (AB GA (CD OE ‘9. Which of the following is the correct combination of the item te student bought and the schoo! trom hich the student is? (A) Eraser —1 (8) Pen-1 (6) Pencil —nt (0) Sharpener —1 Directions for questions 10 to 12: These questions are ‘based on the folowing information. Each of the eight students - P to W — studies in a college ‘among A, B and C and specialises in a stream among X Y and Z! No two sludents, who specialise In the same stream siugy n the same college. At least two and at most thee students specialise in each stream and study in each college. P does not study in college C, and Q does not specialise In stream ¥, R and Q study in the same college; P and V ‘specialise inthe same stream. T and W study in the same college. S specializes in either stream Y or stream Z. U and Q specialise in the same stream. R specialises in stream Z and studles in college A. V does not specialize instream Y.T studies in ether the college A or college C. 'S and W specialise in the same stream, 40. Who among the fllowing speactalises in stream Y? WP @Ss OU Oa ‘© Tnumphant insttute of Managorven! Education PVi Lid. (AME) 936, Siddansciy Complex Paik Lana Sevuderabad — 300005 All ights reserved, No par ofthis mataril may 6 reproduced, aan form or by ny means, thout pormision in waiing This course matenal i only forthe use of bonafide students of Thumphant insttute of Management Education Pvt.Ltd. and its licensees fachnees ards ot fr sale. pages) (age age) TRHOI0O22021 ‘1 Inymich of tne folowing streams does T speacialse? @) ZB) Y (C)xX © Ethervorz 412. Who among the folowing studies n college B? we BR OT OY Directions for questions 13 t0 15: These questions are based on the folowing information ‘A consultant to the government Is evaluating the space budgets (in millon $) of five countriesiregions, viz. China, Europe, India, Russia and The United States (US). Each of the mentioned countiesiregions allocates its space budget on satelites that serve one of the two purposes — Defence and Non-Detence. Moreover, tne space budgets of each country is diferent and’ is a multiple of 1100. Further, the folowing information is known: (@)_ Among the five countries, India has the lowest space budget, and also spends ine lowest on defence satelite, (©) US, which has the highest space budget, and China are the only counties 19 spend 50 percent of the ‘space budget on defence satellites. (©) Europe matches its detence satelites budget win that of the Chinese defence satelite budget Moreover, its non-defence satelite budget is daubie Of India’s non-defence satelite budget. (©) Russia Is second to only US and ahead of other countries in overall space budgel as well as the corresponding defence and non-defence budget. (6) India's defence satelite budget Is 10% of the highest dofence satelite budget, which is $ $00 m. (f) Except India's defense’ satelite budget, the other entire ‘countries/regions' detence saielite budgets are a multiple of $100 m. Direotions for questions 13 to 15: Write your answer In the input box provided below the question. 19. Russia's space budget is equal to (in million §) 14, How much more is Europe's non-sefence satelite budget when compared with the Chinese non- defence satelite budget? (in milion $) 15. How many times Is Indla’s non-detence satelite budget to its defence satelite buaget? Directions for questions 16 to 19: Select the correct altemative from the given choices. 16. Wnicn among i, iil and iv jsfare valid for te statement if Ais selected, hen 8 must be selected”? () Ais selected without B (i) Bs selected without A. (i) Som And B are selected. (Wy) Neither A nor B is selected (A) Only () ana (ip (8) Ony ly ang (i) (©) Oniy (iy anc (iv) () Only (i, a) ana cry 47. Which among |, i, il and Iv is/are valid for the statement “Only if'A Is selected, then 8 can be selected”? () Als selected without B. (il) Bis selected without A (ii) Both A and B are selected (iv) Nether A1nor B is selected. (A) Only i) and (i) (B) Oniy Gi and (i) (€) Only (, (i) anc (rv) (©) Oniy i, (at) and (rv) 18, Which among 1, i, il and iv is/are valid for the (0) Bis selected without A. (i) Als selected without 8 (il) Both A and B are selected (wv) Netther AnorB is selected. (A) Only (i) and (ip (8) Only () ana (i) (2) Oni (), ena cm) (0) Only i, ly end (u) 19, Which among 1 i, i and Iv is/are valid for the Statement "Either Aor Bis selected"? (i) Ais selected without 8. (i). Bis selected without A (ii) Both A and B are selected. (tv) Netiner A1nor B is selected. (A) Only (and iy (8) Oni (i) and (it) (©) Ont (i), ) ana (vy (D) Only), ana ci Directions for questions 20 to 22: These questions are ‘based on the following information, From the tive stusents of group I= P, Q, R, $ and T, and five students of group Il - J, L. Mand N, a team of five sludents, consisting of exactly three students trom group T,Is to be selected, It's also known tha, (). Tand K cannot be selected together. (@) IFSis selected, nether M nor N will be selected, (il) Among P,Q, R and L, exactly two students are to be selected (W) ifPor Ris selected, then none among K, L and Mis, tobe selected 20. Who among the members of group 1 willbe selected”? @a "@R Cs OT 21. If K is selected, who among the following will be selected? AT @s OM ON 22. Inhow many ways the team can be selected? (A) Two (8) Three (C) Four (0) Five TTumphantinsttuie of Management Education Pvt Lid (FAME) HO, 658, 2 Floor, Siidansity Complex, Sunderabad— S00 008 Tel: 040-40085400_ Fax : 040-27847334 email: info@timeteducationcom website: wo timeseducaton com LRHOI0O22022 Directions for question 23 to 25: These questions are based on the folowing information ‘Among eight national teams — Alghanistan, Iretang Hong Kong, the UAE, Italy, Namibia, Canada and Uganda, coniy four teams will quaily for the T~ 20 cricket world cup. (@) Uganda and Canada will not be qualtfed together. (i) Atleast one team among Ireland and Hong Kong will be qualified (ii) Hong Kong wil be qualified only i aly is qualifies. (iv) At most one team among Namibia, the UAE and Aighanistan will be qualified. (y) ‘aly and ireland wil not be qualified together. 23, Which team wil definitely qualify for the T —20 cricket world cup? (A) Canada () Uganaa (©) lay (0) More than one ofthe above 24, Which ofthe following is not a possible combination ‘fteanrs which quay fr the T~20 crexet world cup? (A) Hong Kong, afghanistan, tay, retand (8) Hong Kong, lialy, Namibia, Uganda (©) Italy, the UAE, Hong Kong, Canada (©) Namibia, Canada, Hong Kong, ily 25, Inhow many ways can the teams qualfy for the world ‘up, iitis known that Uganda will not be qualified for the world cup? (A) Three (B) Two (©) Four (D) Six ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS FOR PRACTICE Directions for question 1: Select the correct alternallve from the given choices. 41. Two baskets are Kept beside each other. Three balls of colours Green, Yellow and Blue are placed in one bucket and three bas of colours Red, Black and Pink ‘are placed in the other basket. Raluis to select four fut of the six bas. Ihe selects the Red ball, he cannot take the Blue ball and ithe selects the Pink ball then he cannot take the Yellaw one. In haw many ways the balls can be selected if te Biue bal s on ofthe selected balls? (A) Two. (©) One (8) Three (D) None of nese Directions for questions 2 to 4: These questions are based on the folowing information Five students who soored more than 85% In the board exam vere asked to provide four options each for admission ino one of the seven top colleges of Hyderapaa. (1) Student A opted tor P, T, Sand R. (2) Student 8 opted for UG, S and | {G) Student Copted for QR. T and P. (@) Student D opted for RP, and U (6) Student € was for, T and S 2. Which pair of students opted for colleges Q and S but dic nt want io goto P and R? (A) Bande (®) Dang (0) Cans (©) Aanas 3. Which palr of students did not opt for college $ but opted for college P? (A) Cand a’ (®) Canae. (C) Dandc. (0) Eandd. 4. Which student opted for college S and T but ald not opt for 'and U? Ao Bo OB OA Directions for questions 5 to 7: These questions are based on the folowing information ‘A ccticket coaching center has to select a team of 5 players trom a group of eleven players P through Z for a National level cricket tournament. The experts in each (of the three areas of cricket are as follows. Baling : PS, U, T and Z, Bowing : WS, 7,0, Rand V. Fielging : P, 8,7, V, X and ¥. Its known tha, the team must consist of (0) Only one player, who is expert inal the three areas. {W), Only one player who is expert in exactly wo areas. {i One person from eact ofthe tree areas, wo fs an ‘expert ony in that particular ara, Further, {(@) If S's selected, X must not be selected. (©) IFY is selected, neither R nor Zs selected. (C) Uand R must be selected together. Q/and ¥ must not be selacted together. Ai most one among P and Z Is tobe selected. ‘5. _Inhow many ways can the team be selected? (A) Thee (B) Four (C) Two (D) Five ‘6. Who among the following cannot be selected into the team? AMY @a ju oP 7. IV 18 selected, who among the following must be selected? aw @a @R Ox Directions for questions 8 to 10: These questions are ‘based on the folawing information, ‘A group of five players, consisting of three batsmen and {two bowlers, is fo be selected from five batsmen P, QR, ‘Sand T and three bowers L, Mand N. IfPis selected, ‘cannot be selected, IFS is selected, T cannot be selected but Mmust be selected ‘8, Who among the folowing players must be selected? ws ~@a OR OF 9. IT Is not selected, then who among the folowing must be selected? aM @L (a (0) None of these 40. If M is not selected, then wha among the folowing must be selected? we ®a @T Os TTumphantinsttuie of Management Education Pvt Lid (FAME) HO. 658, 2 Floor, Sildaneity Complex, Sunderabad— S00 008 Tel: 040-40085400_ Fax : 040-27847334 email: info@timeteducationcom website: wo timeseducaton com LRHO10022023

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