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Instrumentation II (EX602)

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IJNI\/ERS ITY Exam" :Back
Examination Control Divisiom Progrannme BEI-, BEX, tsCT Pass Marks 32
;2 2074 Ashwin Year I Part lLU l Tirne 3 hrs.

F:!i rst ; In Yrygn gtl?Jlgt Il qxoozS

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Attempt All qwestions.
./ Thefigures in the margin indicate Fuil.Msrb|
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

(l) Ifthe speeds ofIIO devices do not match the speed ofthe microprocessor, what types ofdata Eansfer techniques are
used? Describe them with necessary block diagrams and control signals. t6I

@ A microprocessor kit has an onboard 8255. Interface to the 8255 eight single-poledouble+hrow (SPDT) switches
numbered S0 to S7 and a seven segnent common anode LED display. Draw the complete cireuit setup. Defrne
clearly the flrnctions of all ports, write a program to initialize 8255, detect a switch closure, and display ths value of
the switch number on t}e LED display. t8] .

(3) (a) Explain the design of a USB to R$-232 adapter with the aid of a neat circuit diagram, appropriate voltage translation
chips, and trecessary handshakelcontrol signals. t6l
(b) What is the time required for transmission of a character with one start bit, seven data bits, one pmity bit, and one
stop bit with l200.baud? pj
(a) Tle data converter that is being used in your pmject is suffering &om differential nonlinearity and harmonic
distortion. Instead ofpurchasing a new converter, you are required to use the defective converter. Discuss technical
measurcs that can be irnplemented to mitigate the aforementioned enors. t6l
(5) Signals from ttree different transducers need to be recorded in a data togger. The analog sigrals supplied by the three
tansducers are dual polarity (- 50 mV to 50 mV) having frequencies of 5 KHa l0 KHz and 15 KHz Explain the
design ofthe following stages ofthe data logger:
(a) Input scanner stage of the data logger such that it can appropriately sample the incoming signals t3I
(b) Sig'al conditioner stage if the 8-bit ADC used inside the data logger accepts only positive polariry signals
ranging from 0 volts to 5 volts. t3]
(6) Explain the mechanism of filtering line noise with the aid of chokes. How does a choke differentiate between the
signal that it needs to pass and the noise that it needs to srrppress? Describe the circumstances where chokes are
prefened over other noise filtering approaches. t8l
(7) Drring circuit design process, what are some generill technical dilemmas faced by engineers? Explain how an
engineer can arrive at an optimal solution given the requirements of a customer? t8l
(8) (a) In a multi-layer PCB, describe how grounding is performed and how coupling amongst the layers is minimized. t4l
(b) A faulty computer rnotherboard has severe clock jitter, The crystal producing the clock pulses is functioning
properly, but clock signals arriving at various motherboard chips suffer from jitter. Discuss the source of the problem
and provide some remedies. t4j
(9) (a) Discuss the shortcomings of existing software development models, and suggest measures to overcome them. t5l
O) The testing tirne for software cannot be too long, yet software needs to be thoroughly tested before it can be
commercialized. Explain how this paradox is overcome in a real-world software development environment. tjl
(I 0) Answer the following questions with regard to your case srudy:
(a) Discuss the main architectural differences between the existing system and the proposed sysrem. i1l
(b) Does your proposed system use a rnicrocontroller or a microprocessor? Justi$r your choice, and make a neatly [3J
labeled block diagram of your proposed system"
(c) In your proposed system, explain in detail the interfacing process of peripheral devices with tlre microcontroller or [5]
microprocessor in terms of data format, dala ,rate, data converlers, comrnunication protocols, timing diagrarns, anri
handshaking signals
io) Lix tlie tociinical oiawuactis prcseni i:'t ;'o'u; proposec,lesign" a4i

Examination Control Division Prograrnme BEL,BEX, BCT Pass Marks 32

2074 Chaitra Year / Part III/I Time 3 hrs.

ubject : - Instrumentation II (EX602)

./ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
. ,/ Attempt AII questions.
'/ The figures in the ntargin indicctte Full. Marks.
./ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) Describe various well-known techniques while interfacing an I/O device with a

personnel computer system. t3l
b) Differentiate I/O rnapped I/O and memory mapped I/O with suitable examples. How
can you generate I/O mapped and memory mapped signals using IO/M, RD and WR
signals? tsl
2. Explain the different schemes of parallel data transfer with suitable timing diagram.
Explain the functional block diagram of 82554 PPI with neat diagram. [4+4)
3. a) Describe the various error detection techniques used in serial data transmission. t3l
b) Explain the functions of USB Host, USB Hub and USB Device. Discuss different
packets used in USB protocol. tsl
4. What arc the different types dynamic el'rors in ADC and DAC? What will be the control
word for interfacing as shown figure belor,v? Also write the subroutine program to read
the digital data fiom ADC. [4+6]

Rn Vcs
WR Vini*)
iil GNn
INTR ":x:!-

5. Explaiir the advantages of optical fiber over copper rvire? Explain each block of data
logger. {2+61
6. a) What are the different noise coupling mechanism? t3l
b) tr{orv can you reduce the conductive noise coupling? Explain in detail. i3l
7. What are general appioaches of establishing requirements f,or circuit design? \Vhat are the
two factors that drive reliability of a product? [4+2]
8. Poor circuit iayout and signai propagating principle may cause many problems in the
circuit operation, manulacturing ease and probability of design errols. What factors will
you consider while routing the signal traces on PCB. t6]
9. Explairr Prototyping it4ociel lor softr,vare developrnent in brief. Explain different phases of
introduction of bugs in software. [3+s]
10. Describe the difi'erent processing plants that you have studied in case study. With neat
and ciean btrock diagrarn explain hou, the further improvement of, these plants can
TRIBHIIV..\N L]I'{IVERSITY Iiranr. Ififfin#rr"f}offi . ;ii'ftI,.'.
Llg.sL I, E_E
I}]STITU] E OF ENGII{EERING _ j-ggl}n*rlF_" i-6*'r
i P*ogra*me M'It il'T l?
Examination Comtrol Bivisiom ,
2073 Shrawan

$v*ir :! : : Ip"*roPgryeti glrr {{x!ry

ow'tt iu''otds ::s i'ar as pracil*tabie"
Candiciries ar* rcquired ta gi,,'e tlteir answer:s in the ir
Itterryt 4!!questions.
Tlu, fgriis in the rnargin.intiicote *$N!rylg^
.,4 s s tune sui t ab le tlrstq ti ne ce't s sry "

i. a) lrxpiain the fr:atures of micrr")processor based lnslnirnenlatiott

s-Vstem' [3]
systenr aiong rvitl-l
b) Ilifi'erenliate between open lo0p and *losecl loop instrunieiltation
block diagrarns' [5.|

2. Assunie maLe microprocessclr based instrunenlatlOn

tild yaur group has tieci,d*d ttl
system ibr zur {ce iream Fasiory using an 8255
PPI card at hase address 500011 in
***"ry rna,nped i/o inocle fcir controlling purpose. YOu nee':l to measute pressure arrf;
temperature o{ a manrifacturl,ng piant. i1+1+2 F2+4]

i) List out the collected docurnents and components'

iil i,lut oui clifferent signals you need to derive and or ca-n be ilirecti-v* cor"ner:ted to 'vour
interfacing circuir.
iiii Draw minin:um mapping cireuit for a'n':ve s.Y-stflm
lVtrat are the addresses-..,aptured by your sard'i Generate the control word for
vi vrite a Frc$am moduie for nieasuring ternperatrue and control if the temperature ls
not iir the range" Assurne suitabie data if neeessary"
a) iixplain ra&y system that u:;es the RS 427A cantransmit dala over l*nger Cistarrc* and
iigher t'and rate tiian Rs 232C and RS 423A-

.t:l 'fhe a pack':'t'

funrlamental elemeats of coti'imuriication t;n the USB rlata Bus is
Disr:uss va-rious types oipaekets useri i* USB protccol' 14l
criteria for
A a) \\hy analog signal needs to be convertecl to digital'l V/hat are the seiection
selecting ADC?
b) l,Vhat are the sharacteristics oi ADC snd DAC?
5. a) $&at is spread spectflrrn frequency hopping in tsiuetooth? write the application of
Bluetooth. I

h\ What is data iogger? Explain the operation of data logger along with its block
diagram. t5l
shielding meoiratistrt
E. Horn'inousiivr noise js intioiluoe,i in elecl.rr.rnic system? Iliscuss the
fr:r capacitiv* c+'-rPling. [-:r-3]

?. requirements is tlre most difficult part of circuit desigii. what could bc the
basic tips thoughts for setting requiroments towards seleciing tire appropria.te
technology which h"t| yo,, tc achieve a new circuit design? [6]
8. Write absut tlie factors we should eonsider rvhiie doing eomponent placement. Explain
the role of grounding and shielding to reduce noise in FCB. [3+3]
9. The essential components o{ softwa.re development interact in different ways in different
process arodels whicir heips to plan the development of a project and estimate the effort
for it" Describe differeni t;rp.-s of software models used in Software tr)eveloprnent
platform. Also mention the merits and denierits of each model. I8l
10. What chairges do you recommend in the visited indusuy* during your case study? Why rlo
you think that the management should implernent these changes? Assume that you have a
senior reporting engineer closely looking at work from the system development level,
apart from ccnvincing the management team at the visited industry to implement new
system, you also need to conrrince the seni*r engineer techricaliy so tirat youl"
recommendations will be implemented. Haw do you want tc achieve tiiis teciuric.ally?
Debate on your technical design to replace the ourrent system and also relate probable
problems you rnight face after system iinplementation. t12]
Exarnination Control Division Frogramme BE,L, BEX, BCT Pass Marks 32
2073 Chaitra Year I Part IIIiI Time 3 hrs,

Suhiect: - {nstruirentation Il frxOa;1

'/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
{ Atternpt A,E questians.
/ Thefigures in the margin indicate {ull Mqrks.
{ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) Define Microprocessor Based Instrumentation System. Explain, inith suitable

exampie, why microeomputer is an imporlant consideration in instrumentation design.
What are the basic features of microprocessor based instnlmentation system? u+2+21
b) Erplain the interrupt driven data transfer scheme. t3l
2. a) List out the technical benefit of using 8255 PPI in I\4BI system. Explain PCI bus in
brief. t1+)j
b) Explain horv the base address of 82554 is changed with change in address lines of
8085 connection with 8255,4? l3l
3. a) Descrii:e the functions of RS-232C signals used in handshaking. Why RS-422A can
kansf,er data in longer distance and at higher rate than [l+3+1]
b) Exptain USB-OTG in brief. Discuss the types of data packets in USB protocol. 12+31
4" a) Why analog signals need to be transferred to digital? What are the emors associated
wirh ADC and DAC? [1+3]
b) Explain the way you can interface a 10-bit DAC with 8085. t4l
5, a) Explain the characteristics of data logger. i4l
b) Explain the Bluetooth network tapology. t4l
6. a) Hou,can,vou protect a circuit from electrostatic discharge? 12)
b) A new model sports car had a disconcerning problern: occasionally the dashboard
lights would all illuminate simultaneously. Two service calls later, replacement of a
wire hamess for the spark plugs solved the problem. Eiplain what the coupling
mechanism was and how it can be reduced? IO]
?. Kathmandu Milk Supply Scheme has planned to automatize the rnilk refilling process. As
an engineer, what rvould be your design consirlerations to reduce the probability of failure
of the s1'stem? tsl
B" What is crosstalk? Explain the guidelines for low power design. [l+5]
L ENpiain the approach for good programming practice. What are the basic criteria for
selecting a cornpany ftrr purchasing reliable software? 14+4)
10. Discuss the current control mechanism of the industrial process control system involved
in your case study with the help of block diagram. \lrhat was your recornmendation for
further improvement of this system? Explain why the management should implement
your recom.mendation. Do you foresee any problems after implementing this control
system? l12l
Examination Control Division Programme i BgL, BEX, BCT i fry ryat*

Subject: - Instrumentation lt (8X602)

Candidates are requiredto give their answers in their own words as far as
Aaempt 4,ll questions.
The figures in the margin indicate Full Marks.
,Assume suitable data if necessary.

a) ,,Microprocessors are indispensible tools in modern industrial instrumentation
' systerns". As an engineer, provide a technical explanation including block diagrams
this statement UV r"-fyi"g on observations from your case-study. t4l
b) What benefit are obtained from a memory-mapped VO design? Design an interface
arrangerneat for 8085 rnicrcprocessor to rnap output ports in address space 1000H to
2000H and input ports in address space 3000H to 4000H. t4l

2. a) Consider a double handshake scheme that allows data transfer from an input
perrpheral device to an 8085-microprocessor through an 8255-PPI. t5l
i) List all controi signals that get exchanged between the devices.
il; fraw a detailed timing diagram showing the exctrange of, control and data
signals. trnclude the cause and effect ,urows in your timing diagram.
iiil Vlittr a neat sketch how the ov-erall system diagram be.tween the modules
mentioned above
iv) Generate an appropriate control word based upon your drawing and derive the
address ofthe control register ofthe 8255-PPI used in your design.

b) List the control signals used by the ISA bus. Provide convincing axguments to
the replacement oithe ISA bus by the PCI bus. Calculate the brandwidth of a 64 bit
PCIbus operatingatl6-MEz. t3l
,,--,3. a) What are the criteria should be involved during the design of RS-232A in Simplex,
Half Duplex and Full Duplex modes. t4l
b)- Explain the USB signals and associated bus states. Also mention the signal levels to
u"hi"r" these bus states. t4]

4. a) Why do we need to digitize a signal? What are the errors associated with A/D or D/A
converlers? t6]

b) what are the seiection criteria for A/D or DiA converter? t2l
c) To convert an analog signal into digital form, 8-bit ADC is used. The ADC has eight
input channels, and cha:rnel four is used to capture the incoming analog signal. The
uddr*r. of the desired channel is sent through pins PBO, PBI and PB2. After at least
S0-nanoseconds, this address must be latched. The latching signal is sent using PB4.
After another 2.5-microseconds, PB3 is used to initiate the conversion process. The
completion of the process is signaled via PC5. The output latch of the ADC can be
through PIi6, and digital data can be read through port A of 8255-PPI. t8l
0 Draw a circuit showing the interfacing of the ADC module, 8255-PPI and 8085
microprocsssor on the basis of the connections described ahove.
ii) Draw the timing waveforms of all the contol and data signals inyolved in the process.
iii) Provide a flowchart that depicts the ADC process
iv) Derive port addresses from your circuit diagram and provide the control word
a) high-speed circuits, "ground" is a meaningless concept, the important question is,
' In.whai puth do"r return current follow?" Justify the above statement with proper
reasonJand exarnPles. t4l
b) Discuss the importance of an interface unit. What factors need to be accounted for
while designing input and output interface units? 14l

6. a) Define impedance matching. What is the impact of impedance discontinuities? 121

b) How do you reduce crosstalk when routing signal traces on a PCB? 14l

7. What are the basic principles of signal propagation and circuit layout for Routing Signal
Traces which are predominant of effective circuit layout? t6l '\-
prograrns ale to be read by humans" For programs to be useful, reliable and maintainable,
yorimust make them readable and understandable. Good design and programming
practices can make programs more readable' Explain in brief how you can make
progru*r more readable. t8]

9. Answer the following questions *ith respect to your case study: U2l
i) What is techno-commercial feasibility of a system? Provide examples from your case-
study experience.
ii) List the major technical drawbacks present in the existing MBI system that you
witnessed at the industrial site.
iii) Give at least three feasible technical solutions to overcome the drarvbacks that you
witnessed. Show how your solution wiil offer higher reliability and incorporate fault-
tolerant design practices. lnclude block diagrams.
iv) If you had to present your design to the cornpany's management team, what sort of
question would you anticipate? Frovide a list of at least five questions that would be
asked from a management point of view. How would you cope with the questions,
and how would you convinee the team to accept your design?
v) Repeat part (d); but now you are trying to convince senior engineers. How will the
quistion and answer session change compared to part (d)?
vi)' iompare and contrast your design with the existing design in terms of the following
*"tirr, cosVperformance'ratio, technical specifications (hardware and software) and
design cnmplexity (provide diagrams)
23 'fF.iEIjir\IAN iJNI-,/irRSil'Y $[arn, ,-,,,,,',,!--_
IN STi-ILr TE Of' Di\iGI]"lEER IN C iii ]-evef n
, Ful_11\{11$ _, qq _ i

f,xarnination Contr*l Division ]l...Progranarne , BEL, BEX, BCT ' Pass Marks i 32

I Year / Part , III i I

2072 Chaitra _ -_ltlt
!1-s_r: -] I

Subject: * Instrumeniation 11 (8X602)

/ Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable"
'/ Attempt 4!l.questions.
'/ The /ig.ures in the margin indicate Fall,Markl
/ Assume suitahle dctc if necess*ry"

l. a) What da you understand by a closed loop LIBI systcm'? lll

b) iiifferentiate unique vs non utrique address riecoding. t4l
c) Specifl. the addresses for the ports oi 8255PPI shorvn in figure below. 13l

1r E; E:

Deccder A0 8255


2. a) l,is{ r-rur rhe technical Lrenellts of using 8255 PPI in a lr4ilI svstem. t2)
b) \\iih a ncaitiming diagram and an appropriate exarnpie, explain the operaticrn of 8255
PFI in niode 2" Ycu shouid ciearly show the necessary controi signals antl an
itierfacing circuit to connect B255PPI to 80t5 mieroprocessor. Also ',l'rite the
ne(ressary ccnrrol words to configure the 8255 in this fashion. [3+3+2]
3. a) What are the enc,rs associated u,'ith serial data transler and their errcr checking
mechanism? 14]

bt Wh;rt is USB on the Gb? Write sl:ort nt'rte on USB packet types. [l-t-3]
4. a) \,Vith necessai'y iilustrations, explain the cause l:ehind the DNI- and INL errcrs in AD
end DiA conversion. t21
b) Interface a suitable DAC using 8255 PPI to a 8085 microprocessor to generate a
square wave csciilating between 0V and -5V having a frequency of 1 KHz. Show the
interfacing circuit and the necessary progmm. [3+3.|
-5. A ciatalogger receit'es signals irom Bluetooth Scatternet which consists of diff'eront
Bluerooth devices. The data rctri,,'veC neecis to be transriitted via *piion fiber iinils.
a) \r;'hal is tic.qri*cy hoi-"ping? Relate it with the tsluetoor.h technology. trr
b) Wrile in brief a}:out l"he
tvpical characterislii:s oI a datallgger. I1l
ci Draw a neat an.J iabelleri block diagra;.u oi'the cortrolete systen"i. t)1
d; Compare ard contrast tiic trrrm:; r1:i,la archiving and data srrlrage.
6. ai trxplain the remediai strategies for various energy coupling mechanisms. t41

iri An elr:clronic circuii receives n*ise from a sn'it-ching elernenr. Ii voltage *n the
swik:liing ce vice s".iings iri;m 4V to 6V r,vithiir l00ps. during wliich currenl rnakcs a
transiiion liom 10,*A to 25 pA in i0 ns" that might be the noise coupling
mechanism? ldentii;' it using suitable caiculations. I2.l
7 . DOECE is lcoking lbr an exosrl engincer tc u,ork in the research projects of high
frequeucy, high speeri applicatians. What guidelines woulil yor"r suggest as an engineer to
design hrgh speed anii high iiequency circuiis? Explain in deiail,
8. Cil'cuit boiucis combine electratiic componenis and connectors in ia a fr-rnctirural system
ihrough cler:trical connectiotis and meciranical support. E;rplain the factors that need to be
considered ivhile creating treces to connect the electronic components.
9. A sofrware rrolnpan) is planning 'io rnake ncw soflware. Suggest good procedure to
deveiop scftware. E;<plain ditferent t_vpes of saftwaie models.
10. i)raw ihe cornplete blor:le di3gtrm <.,f the inciustrial proaess control invoived in your case
study. What are the cri"ical lactors af'fucting the production you have noticed in the
visited industry arid what are ihe measures can'r'ou suggest lar the same? Also menlron
advantages and disadvanr-ages of suggested system.
7) t.--*- -.-^".-"--*
i*--- -- -'
. E{auination Control Divisiorr ..,ii,gggrpqg P__E! qP5ggl
2071 Shawan LIgIG3I1_.. IU/I Time

Subject: - lnstrumentation II (8X602)

Candi&tes are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attemp AII questions.
Thefig4res in the margin indicate Full Marks.
Assum* suitable data if necessary.

l. Draw and explain the block diagram of microprocessor based instrumentation system.
Also tist out advantages of implementing an MBI system. Explain briefly the concept of
DMA. [4+2+2]
2- Assume that your group has decided to make a PC based instrumentation control system
for automatic concrete purifying factory using an 8255 PPi card at base address 4000H in tr
memory mapped I/O mode for controlling purpose. u+l+2+2+41
a) List out the collected documents and components.
t-l b) List out the different signals you need to derive and or can_!3, connected directly to
you?inteitacing circui t.
c) Draw minimum mapping circuits for the above system.
d) What are the addresses captured b1' y'our card? Generate the control word for the

e) Write a program module to read ten set of raw data from port A and port B; add the
data and store the resuit starting from address 4040H.

3' a) Describe the problem that occurs rvhen you attempt to connect together two Rs.232
devices that are both configured as DTE. Draw a diagram which shows how this
problem can be resolved.
[5,] l

b) Explain USB protocols which should be foilowed during the uSB design. tsl
4. What are characteristics of A/D or D/A converters? With necessary diagram explain the

), s.
interfacing of 10 bit DAC with 8085 along with timing diagram.
a) What is data logger? Explain the characteristics for a data logger.
12+4) \t
b) write the adiantages and disadvantages of opticat fiber communication. t3l

6' Elucidate the principle of grounding? Mention how many configurations are available to
provide the basic principle of grounding.
7. a) What are the reasons for using low power design?
b) Write about ground bounce, cross talk, impedance matching and timing skew. 14]

failure- It has three distinct areas: careful design, testibte firnctions and reciundant
architecture. Explain how we can avoid many lailures using these three approaches
9' tOE is pianning to apply new software lor its database management sysrem. Suggest the
best setcction ald purchase proceclLrre? Explain in detait about gor,rcl programming
practice. fj-5J
li)' \y..i-i;1r have you leamed iirrm czisi: -"ludy? Drir..,,, the co;rpiete i:.lcck cliagriiu-r of th,,,
' :='":-''- inilGtiial pr;'ibss: conirotli'n"olr,'ed i,, yau;:1,d(j*;furt','6it-'lire ttre critical lactors :- -.;. i.:.
af lecting the production you have noticed in the visited industry and rvirat measures car)
you suggest for the same? What problems you might face atier inrplcnrenting your
suggested process controi system.

BEXi pu..
Examination Control ilivisinn PlLj Mirt<s
2071 Chaitr*

Swblect: * Instrumentation II {8X602)

Candidates are required to give their ansq,ers in their own words as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
The figures in tfue margin indicate Full fr{arks.
Assume switqble data if neeessary.

1. a) How do you select a microprocessor or a microconffoller for your project? [3]

b) Explain the block diagram of a microprocessor based instrumentation system. What are
the basic features cf a microprocessor based instrumentation system? [5]
2. a) Write a short note on PCtr Bus. 12)
b) Interface a keyboarcl and a printer in rnode 1. Port A is designed as input for keyboard
with intemrpt tr/O port B is designed as output fnr printer with status check I/O. Draw the
mapping circuit and rvrite the control word and address map. t6l
J. a)Design a cabie ihat has a USB connector at one end and an RS-422 connector at the other
end. Assume the USB is connected to a laptop and the RS-422 connector is attached to a
printer. Your design should include the foilowing: [6]
i) Technical names of the pins and wires involved in the design.
ir) Intermediate chips to maintain voltage uniformity between the two standards.
iii) Neat and labeled sketch cf the wiring between the two standards.
b) What is a USB interface chip? Why are thei, reqr"rired? Compare and contrast [.lSB device
interface chips and USB host interface chips. I4l
4. a) Calculatethevalues of the LSB, MSB, resolution and full-scale output foran 8-bit DAC
forthe Oto l0vrange. 121

b) How can you design a DAC with 12 bit resolution with the 8085 microprocessor having 8
) bits data lines? Explain with suitable block diagram. t6l
5. a) What are the essential components of data acquisition system? Explain with the help of
block diagrarn. t4l
b) Explain Bluetooth network topology in brief. What are the advantages of Bluetooth
applications? t4l
6. a) What are the characteristics of a safety ground? t21
b) Describe different types of noise coupling mechanism in brief. How do you check their
predominance in the circujt? t4l

7" A data logger receives signals from

a Bluetooth scattemet. The scattemet
piconets and within iactr picon.t consists of three
rhere *" f*,;ir"toott, devices.
communicate within themselves
and amongst each
The piconels
other using the master/slave protocor.
a) Describe an analog transmission
me1lanlsry. to capture the brue
data logger.D*y complete systern Ufo.f. Aiug.u,{---' tooth signals by the
b) l
Describe the materlslav*'ptoi"JJiirut
i, p."..n? ii, brue tooth piconets and
c) Draw the scattemet.topology aepicting scattemets
sure you adhere to the rules of
ti," iiin,u,n.a in the question. Make
the mastersisfuo. proto"oi.
8. a) While designing an electronic
characteristi"cs to maintain,h- ;#;;t fi:il;l'0"?'"J;.;":#:,1"'fffl11- tT:
during grouping components and
circuits ano wirat is the impa*
rffiffs'"ns of such
b) what are the factors that derive
9' compare and contrast the three traditional models
reriabirity of an erectronic
their strenghs and weaknesses. nr"r":. of software development with respect
ourperforms the crassicar methods
a fourth .ott**" deveropment moder thatto
maintainability, flexibility, portability
ind justify ,;r;-;;;e in terms of relial
--- -e In reriabiriry,
ana reusauiiity.
l0' Draw the complete block diagram of industrial V]
process contror system involved
study' Explain why.yo.u wanito implement in your case
plant automation' what proble*r il# lver existing one in terms of
til,;fr1iJ,"J[and viu-*ighr face after implementating
..4 TRIBHUVANI.JNIVERSITY Exam. Nerv rflcK (zrro0 6, Lauer Dilrcrl, ----r


Exdmination Control Division Programme BEL, BEX. BCT Pass Marks 32

2070 Ashad Year / Part lil/r Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Instrumentation II (EX602i

Candiclates are required ta give their ansivers in their ciwn r,r'crds as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
T'he Jigures in rhe margin indicaie FAllMgrks.
Assume suiiable data if necessary.

1. Draw and explain the biock diagram of rnicroprocessol' based instrumentation system'
Aiso, list out arlvantages of implementating an MIll s1'siem in industrial plants for control
and automation. 14+41

The addresses captured by S255 FPI are A0A0H to A0A3H. Sketch the interfacing circuit
i,,iih 8085 microprocessor in memory mapped I/O fbr san"ie. What u'ill be the control
w-ords fbr failoi.v'ing configurations of 8255 PPI? 14+'41
a) Port A: Ivlode 0 output
Port B: Mode 0 input
Port C: Mode 0 output
b) Port A: Mode I output
Port ts: Mode 1 input
PC+,s: output
c) Port A: Mode 2
Port B: Mode I output
d) Set PC5 in BSR mode
3. a) Serial data transfei mechanisms are rnry! more complicated than parallel data transfer
mechanisms. But still, serial data transfeis a@e*ed-over parallel data transfers.
whv? r?l
b) How can serial data transfer using RS423A standard transfers data at longer distances
- compared to RS232A standard for the same data rates? L-t
c) Whit is On-The-Go protocol in USB 2.0? Explain the basic data transfer mechanisms
- used in USB standards? L2+41

4. Explain the error associated with A/D and D/A converters. t8l
5. a) What are the characteristics of Compact data logger? Explain with block diagram. t6l
b) What are piconet and scatemet in Bluetooth device? l2l
6. a) What is a ground loop? How can we eliminate them? [1+1]
b) A commercial bank has placed its ATM counter inside a 5-star hotel. Customers
would walk through carpeted hallways to reach the ATM and insert their debit card
into the machine to retrieve cash. However, the bank faced a distu:bing problem: the
electronics in the card reader circuitry was failing frequently causing an adverse eflect
to the bank's reputation. What could have caused the problem? Explain the measures
to prevent this problem. L2+2)

7. Explain ho.w the reliability of a oircuit can be iricreased by using testable architectures
and redundant architectures in circuit clesign" [3+ 3]

8. How can cross talk can be minimized during routing the signal tlace in PCB, Deseribe
with trace impedance matching techniques. t6l
L a) Most microprocessor bassil s,v:rtems use emiredded, real time softrvares for
processing. F{or r can you incrcase the reliability of such sofiwares? t3]
b) bpiral madel of soil.,vare development comtrines the elentents of br:lh u'aterfall and
piototyping rnoclel. Expiain the process of- softrvare deveiopment using spiral nlodel' [5.1

10. Draw and explain the block diagram cf existing industrial process control syst€m
Level BE
}}rnor*mm€ T]EL, B[X, BCT Pass Marks )/
Exanrination Control Division Year / Part II]1I Time
j hls.
20?0 Chaitra
-"'iiiji iii' - Inilrumenlation II {Ex6a 2 )

/ 'inr
/ indicate Fult l4ar&s
lis"G in the wargin
/ Assiie suitahle data ij'necessurv'
pc interfacing techniques in'oived
while interfacing an i/o device
1. Describe the vari{.lus system over open loop
rvith a pC. crifn:rerrtiate closed i""p'Ini.t"pro"""ot basecl lJ*{l
mic.roProcessor based system'
2. ExPlain briefl-Y about PCI bus'
circuit given beiow is 5500 H:
The base arldress ftrr the interiacing
a) IdentiiY the Porl address
rvorrls to initialize thc 8255
bJ Write the eecessaty coltrol

between tlvc data terminal equii:menr
1 a) Explain how communication takes t4l
moclem connectlon' t4l
b) Compare between R-S 237-tl' i{S422A and [2j
c) C)ompare the stanCards: USBf i anci tiSB
rvith AiD and DIA converters'
4. Explain the error associated
5, W[at are the componeuts used in Data Acqrrisition s]'stcm, explain with necessary biock
diagrarn. Why optica-l fiber is dorninating the other guided medium used in riata
tralsmission schemes. [5r j.l
6. a) Describe the working principle of decoupling capacitor in short. i2l
b) Explain dill'ereni tl'pes of ncise coupling mechanisrn. t4i
'1. Starting iiom lhe converting the requiremeni irito design, Expiain the procedure of
designing eiectronics r:ircuit. t6]
8. lVrite about ihe factors we shculd considere<l while doing component placement. What
rule does a designer have follorv rvhile routing signal tracks in PcBs in order to avoid the
effect of impeciance mistnatch an,l cross talk. [3+3]
9. Once ;,ou have te-cted. i'erified and release software, you have to maintain it. As w-ith
testing. )'ou camot separate softw'are maintenance from system concerns. Discuss at
length hou I'ou get common bugs in softu'are and devclop a good corrective action to fix
sottr.r.are bugs in 1'our distributed solirvare. t8]
10" Explain existing svsten-] invoivei in your case study rvith necessar-v trlock diagram" What
was )'our recontir]en,jaiion o.,er the existing system in term of cost, manpower and plant
automation. {121
1\lDrau vnl\ Lll\t v DMt t I .t]xalu. rrsx,rlIAI'
Ex.af inetion Contrql Division BEL, BEX,
Programnr-e. .BCT' Pas,sM4tks.
2069 Chaitra Year / Part III/I Time 3lrrs.

{ u_11_i. : c!, : F_1[yqgn!{i on tt ( EX6 q

Candidates are required to give their answers in their ou,n words as far as practicable.
Attempt All questions.
Thefigures in the margin indicate Futl Marks.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1- Explain briefly the concept of DMA. Draw circuit Diagram of an interfacing circuit
containing 4 KB ROM and 8 KB RAM. Assuming Base address in 40@H. you also
- =-a need
to draw write and read cycle timing diagram. e+61
2- In a microprocessor based system, an 8255,4. PPI card is used to interface a keyboard and
a printer to the processor. The 8255,A PPI is interfaced w,ith the 8085 microprocessor in
thesystem such that the base address of 8255 A PPI is 4044 H.
a) What are the addresses captured b1,the card? ill
b) Draw the complete interfacing circuit of 8255A PPI with 8085 microprocessor fbr the
given systern. t3l
c) If the printer is interfaced to port A and the keyboard is interfaced to port B of the PPI
geperate the control word to initialize the 8255A PPI with proper eiplanations. Both
piinter and keyboard use 8-bit parallel data transfer rvith handshaking.
d)r Derive the control word to enable interrupt request to the microprocessor by port A of
8255A PPI in above system, with propcr explanations.
3. a) Compare the USB standards: USB 1.1 and USB 2.0
b) Describe simplex, half duplex and fulL duplex operation using RS-232 port.
4. What are types of errors present in a A/D or D/A converters? With necessary diagram
explain the interfacing a ADC usinu intem.rpt
5. a) Explain different netr.vork topologies of Bluetooth device with appropriate diagrams. t4l
) b) What is adata logger? Explain the desirable characteristics for a data logger.
[1+3 j
(-') Explain differdnt types of \oise coupling Mechanism rvith concept of Pseudo
\'/ impedance.
7. What are the reasons for using lorv polr,er? Mention the guidelines to be considered for
Jr_r 1

8' A careful circuit layout not only makes the production of circuit boards easier but also
makes them less error prone. What rules does a designer have to follow while routing
'' 'signaltracks';in,PCBs.in order to avoid the effects of impeciance misrnatch and crosstalk? []+3]
9' What is fault tolerance in software? What do you mearr by roll-back recor,ery and roll-
lorward recovery? Explain different types of bugs in soliu.are.
lz+2+ 4)
10' a) What are the types of Micrcprocessor based svstem used in instrumentation system?
How it makes more benefits in industry? '-'/ l3]
b) Explain detail about clifferent processinu plant u'hich 1,oLL have str-rdied in casc stud\,.
.. rr-l5o draw;ire blocll diagranr lor further riilpl.o\/em.irp ollh_q,se all plant and overali
syste m.



Examination Control Division BEL, BEX,

Programme Pass Marks 32
2068 Chaitra Year / Part ilI II Time 3 hrs.

Subject: - Instrumentation lI (EX 6A2)

r' Candidates are required to give their answers in their own rvords as far as practicable.
/ Attempt AUquestions.
,/ The figares in the margin indicate Full Marks.
/ Assume suitable data if necessary.

1. a) One thing embedded real time s1,'stems have in common is that they include some type
of processor. They range anv rvhere frorn a serial-program input device to a full-
flcdgeci PC on a ehip or board. At some point, an engineer decided on the type of Y
processor to use. How did he pick it? Are there any rational reasons for picking one
over another? Or are ali processor selections based on personal bias? And what are the
situational factors imposing selection of a microprocessor or microcontroller fbr a
design. Discuss at lenglh. {71

,:_b) Give a short introduction of ISA bus. [3I

1 2. You have to interface ADC rvith E085 using 8255A pcirls. Interlace a fan and a heater
I using opto couplcrs to derire the i,'0 device:r. llthe tentperature is less iha.n i0"C. rum crn
\ _ thc heltcr aud if t.irc Lct:rpcr':i:ir:r is hjshe : ih:r l-<'C. tlim on the fan. Iise port A oi S.,<i
fc-'r transferring digital data output of ADC to rhe CPU and part C for control signals.
- Assume that an analog input is present at second input of the nrultiplexer and a clock
input of suitabie frequency is availablc fur ADC. Aiso write an appropriate flow chart and
algorithm to facilitate your design. Draw the diagram oi'your design. l8l
3f u) What is disaster recovgry in software? How could it be irnplemented at your
\/ organization', t3l
b) In the soft.a'are developments process. prcper planning is essential in deiivering the
finished product to the client. Equaii)' it is irnportant that bugs have to be remo'u'ed
frorn the product. Discuss in cietails about the nature of bugs in softrvare developr.nent
process. What arc the prer,entive steps i'ou rvould take to minimize introduction of the
bugs? t6l
4. . How stub discontinuity cause impedance mismatch. Also point out the causes rif
,,,r/ ..orrtulk. Explain in your or.vn wordi rvith relevant f,rgure.
. [4+2]
5, "[stabiishing requirement is the most difficult part of circuit design". While designing the
\7 electronic circuit, specif,v and explain the procedure of converting the requirerrenis into
design. t6l
6. q'
a),"Differentiatc between USB 1.1 and LJSts 2.0" State briefly horv LrSB 2.0 identifies
itself with the interfacing unit and establishes communiiation protocol. Draw the 'L
nccessary diagrarns. t6l
b) Explain the funciions the DSR, DT'lt, ltTS, CI'S, TXD and I(XD signals. L2l
Signals from ilrree clifferent transducers (A, B and C) lqcated 100 rneters away fi<-rm a
controi room in a factory are very important to oontrol stepper motors to give final tune to p
the products. The strength of these signals ranges from lOmV to 20mV and separated at
4YrILz. Transducer A, B and C generate 6KHz,l0KHz and 14KHz signals

b) If your A/D converter do not have S/H hold circuits, what specification of S/H chip
you select for your design? Discuss also the errors associate wittr the converter. 16]
g. SiWhV protecting against ESD should be considered in design? \ t2j
b).,2escribe different types of noise coupling rnechanism in brief and ho'*' do you check
\/ their predominance in the circuit 7 ').'
9. al What is Bluetooth device? How does it transmit data --*---o pico and scatter net? r{-,i
------ using t3l
,r' '
p).{rraw the block diagram of a data logger and explain its operation in details. -)_ l4l
tr4...o**end the changes that you deern necessary in the visited inclustry during your case
r' study? Explain the reasons why management should implement these changes? Assume
that you have a senior reporting Computer,Electronics engineering ciosely looking at
work ftom the system development level, apart from convincing the management team at
the visited industry to implement ne\\,s\st'::'r1. rou also need to convince the senior
engineer technically so thri:four recoinnrcniaiion riiil be iniplemented. How cio you
R'ant tc echieve ihis tecirnicalll'? Debarc .rn ',.rrii' tcchnical design to replace the currenl
s]stenr and al::o rclate pre5rllf ie prcblcrr:s
"i"r n:irnr ilce aiier svsten implemcntation. lf 2]

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