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PDF Nursing Care Plan Jaundice - Compress

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Fill out two nursing diagnosis on your patient.

Nursing Diagnosis R/T AEB Nursing Interventions Rationales Outcomes

 Remember this must match what is This is measureable. How often will  Ask yourself why are you doing this This is measurable in longer term.
written in your assessment.  you do this intervention? intervention? Usually Q 2!" hours or by
 Neonatal Jaundice
Jaundice Evaluate the
the neonate client’s
client’s total Visual skin color assessment is not a +hort term goal, Neonate client lab
and direct serum bilirubin values sufficient indicator in determining values for bilirubin 'ill be less than
every 12-24 hours. the levels of serum bilirubin. 2 mgd& by discharge.
easurements of bilirubin is
im!ortant in evaluating the risk of
 !athology "he !ur!ose
!ur!ose in
monitoring and evaluating neonatal
hy!erbilirubinemia is to !revent
neonatal ence!halo!athy #$ckley %
&ad'ig( 2)14*.
Related to !r
 !re ma
mature birth $ssess the // 'eeker neonate cl
client &ate !reterm infants are at higher +hort term goal, "he client’s
for ability to breastfeed successfully risk for breastfeeding and  !rimary care giver #mother*
#mother* 'ill
and teach the client’s !rimary care inadeuate milk intake and they are demonstrate back by collecting
giver #mother* to ho' to collect at a much higher risk for severe  breast milk
milk via hand e0!ression
 breast milk
milk via hand e0!ression and
and  aundice than
than term counter!arts(
counter!arts( and 'ithin one hour of client contact
feed the neonate client in order to therefore it is im!ortant to !romote and the neonate client 'ill feed at
 !romote adeuate
adeuate hydration(
hydration( and educated mothers about least once very t'o to three hours
feeding( and stooling 'ithin the one alternate feeding methods that on the third day of life.
hour of client contact. 'ould also !romote stooling and
enhance bilirubin e0cretion( during
 !hotothera!y #$ckley % &ad'ig(
As Evidence By  total serum Educate the neonate client’s !rimary "he client undergoes !hotothera!y +hort term goal, "he client’s
 bilirubin level
level of 3. mgd& for care giver #mother* ho' to care for 'hile naked( but the genitals and the  !rimary caregiver
caregiver #mother*
#mother* 'ill
 blood dra'n
dra'n at 2 hours
hours of life a client undergoing !hotothera!y for  eyes should be covered to minimi5e  !erform a return
return demonstration
demonstration by
yello' mucous membranes and the treatment of hy!erbilirubinemia risk of damaging the retinal. covering the client genitals 'ith
yello' skin. 'ithin three hours. +uch care  Neonates undergoing
undergoing !hotothera!y dia!er and eyes 'ith eye shields and
includes covering client’s genitals are at risk of dehydration and they feeding the client 'ith the collected
and eyes( and turning and feeding should be fed regularly to re!lace  breast milk
milk 'ithin three
three hours.
the client. any insensible 'ater loss #6icci(
Nursing Diagnosis R/T AEB Nursing Interventions Rationales Outcomes
7neffective 8reastfeeding Educate the neonate client’s !rimary 9ositioning a neonate in a breast &ong term goal, "he client’s
care giver #mother* about breast- feeding !osition !romotes latching  !rimary caregiver
caregiver #mother*
#mother* 'ill
feeding !osition that !romotes #6icci( 2)12*. !erform a return demonstration by
neonate latching such as football(  !ositioning the neonate client
cradle( across-the-la!( and side lying football( cradle( across-the-la!( and
hold 'ithin 2 hours. side lying hold 'ithin 2 hours.

Related to ne'born !rematurity Educate the neonate client’s !rimary "he mother and the baby should be &ong term goal, "he client’s
caregiver #mother* about client’s able to communicate through baby’s  !rimary caregiver #mother* 'ill
cue for readiness to feed such cues and mother’s res!onse to such verbali5e neonate cues for readiness
o!ening mouth turning head from cues. "his !romotes feeding the to feed such as o!ening mouth
side to side( rooting( starring(  baby on demand #6icci( 2)12*. turning head from side to side(
stretching( agitation and !utting rooting( starring( stretching(
hands in mouth as cues for readiness agitation and !utting hands in mouth
to feed 'ithin one hours. 'ithin one hour.

As Evidence By neonate inability Educate the neonate client’s !rimary 8reastfeeding mothers should be " +hort term goal, the client’s
to latch on to maternal breast caregiver #mother* to have the educated and assisted 'ith  !rimary caregiver #mother* 'ill
correctly and client’s !rimary care areola into client’s mouth instead of  breastfeeding. #6icci( 2)12*.  !erform a return demonstration by
giver #mother* stating( :by baby is  ust having the ni!!le in the mouth( having the ne'born client’s mouth
not able to em!tying the breasts; as a techniue for initiating and covering the areola 'ithin 2 hours.
and non-sustained suckling at the  !romoting latch-on 'ithin 2 hour.

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