PDF Nursing Care Plan Jaundice - Compress
PDF Nursing Care Plan Jaundice - Compress
PDF Nursing Care Plan Jaundice - Compress
Related to ne'born !rematurity Educate the neonate client’s !rimary "he mother and the baby should be &ong term goal, "he client’s
caregiver #mother* about client’s able to communicate through baby’s !rimary caregiver #mother* 'ill
cue for readiness to feed such cues and mother’s res!onse to such verbali5e neonate cues for readiness
o!ening mouth turning head from cues. "his !romotes feeding the to feed such as o!ening mouth
side to side( rooting( starring( baby on demand #6icci( 2)12*. turning head from side to side(
stretching( agitation and !utting rooting( starring( stretching(
hands in mouth as cues for readiness agitation and !utting hands in mouth
to feed 'ithin one hours. 'ithin one hour.
As Evidence By neonate inability Educate the neonate client’s !rimary 8reastfeeding mothers should be " +hort term goal, the client’s
to latch on to maternal breast caregiver #mother* to have the educated and assisted 'ith !rimary caregiver #mother* 'ill
correctly and client’s !rimary care areola into client’s mouth instead of breastfeeding. #6icci( 2)12*. !erform a return demonstration by
giver #mother* stating( :by baby is ust having the ni!!le in the mouth( having the ne'born client’s mouth
not able to em!tying the breasts; as a techniue for initiating and covering the areola 'ithin 2 hours.
and non-sustained suckling at the !romoting latch-on 'ithin 2 hour.