Lab 3 With Vim

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vi/vim : Hard to Learn - Easy to Use

➢ vi – console terminal-based (non-GUI) text editor, standard version (vi may have limited
➢ vim – vi text editor (as above) but an improved version (vim has full features that vi may
➢ gvim – vim text editor - graphical version for X11 GUI (full features) - may not be installed
➢ vimtutor – vim text editor interactive tutorial - type this command at any shell prompt

• The vi text editor is the standard editor available on most every Unix-derived system, including
Linux, MacOSX, and BSD. It can be used on most any terminal, over the slowest of dial-up links. It
is a pure console terminal-based program that needs no mouse or graphical display screen. No
• Similar to learning to touch-type on a keyboard, the vim editor is difficult to learn but easy to use
once you have some mastery of it. Until you master it, you will find using vi awkward. Once you
master it, you will easily outperform anyone using a mouse-based editor such as Notepad. Learn
the tool!
• The single-character command keys used in vi have found their way into other programs. The
bash shell supports a vi mode for editing command lines, and the less and more pager programs
(used by the man command) use vi commands to move around the screen and search for text.
• vi is incredibly powerful. Most students refuse to learn it well enough to get out of the awkward
stage. They never master many vi commands. They go into vi insert mode and perform all text
editing using the arrow and backspace keys, turning vi into a slower, mouseless version of Notepad.
If you want a Unix/Linux job, learn the editor tool! If you want to use arrow keys, us the Pico or
Nano editors instead.

.1 Exercise and practice in text editing - Read All The Words

• Work in your own HOME directory. You will be creating files in your own HOME directory.
• Open the recommended vi reference card before you begin. All the commands needed for this
lab are there, including "redo last change" which is control-R in vim (not available in old
versions of vi).
• Before you begin, complete the vimtutor tutorial program that teaches you vim basics.
• The following text editing exercise requires absolute precision. You are system technicians;
small errors in configuration files can disable systems. Accuracy is important. You can work on
each section of this exercise repeatedly until you get it letter-perfect, then move on to the next
• In the underlined spaces below, enter what you typed into vi/vim to make the given edit using
the given number of vi/vim command characters (or fewer, if you can). Do not use any arrow
• If you make a mistake, simply type the vim undo command character repeatedly to undo your
mistake(s). You can undo (and redo) multiple times to get the file back to a state you recognize.
• You don't have to save and exit the editor to check your work, below. Use a second terminal so
that you don't have to leave and re-enter vim every time. Save your work, then use the other
terminal to run the file, wc, and sum commands shown below.
• Do not use insert mode and the arrow keys to move around the text file. Use command mode
and the motion commands - they are much faster once you learn them. Do not use the arrow
• When below it says "insert a word", it means the word and the space(s) around the word, not just
the letters of the word. Make sure each word is separated from adjacent words with one space.
• Inserting text always means "insert the text then return to command mode". Do not remain in
insert mode. Always return to command mode after an edit, so you are ready for the next
• Do not enter multiple spaces between words. Do not enter spaces at the start or end of lines.
◦ If you want to see the extra spaces at the end of lines, enter: :set list
◦ Turn off list view using: :set nolist
• Do not enter extra blank lines, especially blank lines at the bottom of the file. No extra blank
• Save your work after each successful section, so that you can return to this point if you don't get
the next section correct. Think of these save files as little snapshots of your editor session.

.1.1 Section save1.txt

1. Create a bash terminal window that is at least 80 columns wide by 24 lines long. Larger is
2. Start the vim editor with this (new) file name as an argument: lab06.txt
3. Turn on the vim showmode option so you know what mode you are in :set showmode
(This is often enabled by default.) Also useful inside vim is: :set ruler
4. Go into insert mode, enter this single line of text (mouse copy and paste) and save your work:
Royal Rhonda's repulsive, roaring rabbits ruined Randy's
• You must only mouse-paste text into vim when in insert mode. Pasting into command
mode will run your mouse-pasted text as vim commands! Always mouse-paste into
insert mode!
• Case matters in everything in this exercise. Use one space only between each word.
• There is no final punctuation yet. Those are ASCII apostrophes, not UTF-8 smart quotes.
• There are no leading or trailing spaces on the one line.
• There are no leading or trailing blank lines. The file should be exactly one line long.
5. Check your work with file, wc, and sum. You should see these results for your one-line text
[user@host ~]$ file lab06.txt ; wc lab06.txt
lab06.txt: ASCII text
1 8 67 lab06.txt
6. When you are successful, make a backup copy of your new one-line text file in save1.txt
and optionally make the save file read-only so that you don’t change it by mistake.

.1.2 Section save2.txt

1. Continue editing the lab06.txt file. Let's review some basic commands (see your reference
2. With one command keystroke, go to the beginning (first character) of the line. That key is: ___
3. Move across the line by next words, from left to right. That key is: ___
4. Move back across the line by beginnings of words, from right to left. That key is: ___
5. Move across the line by blank-delimited words left to right. That key is: ___
6. Move back across the line by blank-delimited words right to left. Key used: ___
7. Type one single character to go to the end of the line and simultaneously enter insert mode (one
character: ___ ). Type a space and the word today after rutabagas. Do not add any
punctuation yet. Remember to leave insert mode. Never stay in insert mode.
8. Type one single character to go to the beginning of the line and simultaneously enter insert
mode (one character: ___ ) Type the word Oh! at the beginning of the line (followed by a space)
before Royal. Remember to leave insert mode. Never stay in insert mode.
9. Save and check your work (two more words!) with wc and sum: 1 10 77 and 58465
10. When you are successful, make a backup copy of your edited one-line text file in
save2.txt and optionally make the save file read-only so that you don’t change it by

.1.3 Section save3.txt

1. Continue editing the lab06.txt file.
2. Move to the start of the line (one character: ___ ). Move forward to the first upper-case R (two
characters: ___ ). Efficiently delete the word Royal (two characters: ___ ).
3. Undo the previous deletion using one character: ___
4. Redo the previous deletion using one (control) character: ___
5. Add an exclamation point to the end of the line using only three characters. including the
character used to get out of insert mode: ___ Remember to leave insert mode. Never stay in
insert mode.
6. Using only four characters, duplicate the first word in the line. Hint: Move to the beginning of
the line (one character: ___ ). Yank the blank-delimited word into the cut buffer (two characters
___ ) and put the word before the cursor position (one character: ___ ). Make sure you put
before not after.
7. Save and check your work (ten words) with wc and sum: 1 10 76 and 35211
8. When you are successful, make a copy of your edited one-line text file in save3.txt and
make the save file read-only so that you don’t change it by mistake.

.1.4 Section save4.txt

9. Continue editing the lab06.txt file.
10. Turn on line numbers using: :set number
The line numbers appear inside vi/vim only; they will not be saved to the edited file.
11. Using only three or four characters, duplicate the one line in the file 9 times; you should end up
with 10 identical lines in the file. Hint: use one or two characters to yank the current line into the
cut buffer: ___ then use a repeat count to put the buffer after the current line 9 times (one digit
[the repeat count] and one letter: ___ ). Make sure you have 10 identical lines. Save the 10
identical lines and check your work with wc and sum: 10 100 760 and 52495
12. When you are successful, make a backup copy of your edited 10-line text file in save4.txt
and optionally make the save file read-only so that you don’t change it by mistake.
13. Continue editing the lab06.txt file. Using only six characters, yank all 10 lines in the file (the
whole file) then put it back 9 times, giving 100 lines total. Hint: two characters to go to the
beginning (first line) of the file: ___ two characters to yank from here to end-of-file into the cut
buffer ___ one digit and one character to put the cut buffer 9 times before the top line: ___ You
can type control-G to show the current file and number of lines, to confirm that the file is 100
lines. Make sure you put before the current line when you put.
14. Using three characters (two digits and a letter), go to line 70: ___
15. Using one character, move to the top line on your screen (the top line on your screen is not the
same as the beginning of the file): ___
16. Type multiple k to move straight up, and watch the screen scroll down one line at a time.
17. Using one character, move to the middle line on your screen: ___
18. Using one character, move to the bottom line on your screen (the bottom line of your screen is
not the same as the last line of the file): ___
19. Type multiple j to move straight down, and watch the screen scroll up one line at a time.
20. Use one character to move to the bottom line of the file (move to end-of-file): ___
21. Type three characters plus [Enter] to search forward for the two-letter pattern: ru ___
22. Type one character to repeat the search forward (in the same direction) for the next match: ___
23. Move to find match number 50 in the file using two digits (repeat count) and one character: ___
24. Type one character to repeat the search backward (reverse direction) for the previous match:
25. Undo the most recent text change(s) using the undo character: ___ . Your file should be back to
10 lines again. (Use control-G to check!) Make sure the file has ten identical lines before
26. Optionally, turn off line numbering if you don't like it (some people do): :set nonumber

.1.5 Section save5.txt

27. Continue editing the 10-line lab06.txt file that contains 10 identical lines. (Same as
save4.txt )
28. Go to line 8 (use one digit and one letter: ___ ). Move forward to the first lower-case r (two
characters: ___ )
29. Now use six characters to change the word repulsive to ill Hint: use two command
characters to change a word and enter insert mode, type three letters "ill", type one mode-change
character: ___ . Remember to leave insert mode. Never stay in insert mode.
30. Move forward to the next lower-case r on this line (two characters [a repeat move is just one
character if you know how!]: ___ ) and type one single character to repeat the last text-changing
command (one character: ___ ). Repeating the change will also change the word roaring to
ill on this line (line 8). You can save a lot of typing using the repeat command.
31. Using only eight command characters, go to line 6 and replace the same two words with ill.
Hint: go to line 6 takes two characters: ___ move forward to r takes two characters (only one
if you know how): ___ repeat the last text change takes one character: ___ move forward takes
two characters (only one if you know how): ___ repeat the last text change takes one character:
32. Undo the last change so that roaring re-appears in line 6 (one character undo: ___ ).
33. Redo the last change so that ill re-appears in line 6 (one control-character redo: ___ ).
34. Undo the last change so that roaring re-appears again in line 6 (one character undo: ___ ).
35. Use nine characters to go line 4 and change everything from the start of the line forward to the
first comma (inclusive) to the word How. Hint: go to line 4 takes two characters ___ change text
forward to comma takes three characters (a change command followed by a forward motion to a
comma - it goes into insert mode) ___ typing How takes three characters and exit insert mode
takes one character.
36. Save and check your work with wc and sum: 10 97 720 and 05436
37. When you are successful, make a backup copy of your edited 10-line text file in save5.txt
and optionally make the save file read-only so that you don’t change it by mistake.
.1.6 Section save6.txt
38. Continue editing the lab06.txt file.
39. Using five characters (or less), toggle upper/lower case on every character on line two. Hint: go to
line two takes two characters: ___ toggling 99 characters (more than the length of line two)
takes two digits and one character: ___ Most of the line will now be upper-case letters. (There is
also a three-character way to make this same change that works for any line length. One of the
reference sheets has it.)
40. Use four characters to delete the first four blank-separated words on this line (line two). Hint: one
character takes you to the beginning of the line ___ deleting four blank-separated words takes
one digit and two characters: ___ )
41. Use four characters to replace the only lower-case letter in this line (line two) with upper-case C
so that it says CANDY'S Hint: use two characters to move forward to the r: ___ use two
characters to replace the single r with C: ___ Make sure all six words on this line (line two) are
now upper-case.
42. Save and check your work with wc and sum: 10 93 692 and 64996
43. When you are successful, make a backup copy of your edited 10-line text file in save6.txt
and optionally make the save file read-only so that you don’t change it by mistake.

.1.7 Section save7.txt

44. Continue editing the lab06.txt file.
45. Use four characters to go to the last line of the file (move to end of file) and delete everything
from the comma to the end of the line. Hint: one character to move to end-of-file ___ two
characters to move forward to the character comma ___ one character to delete from the cursor
to end-of-line ___
46. Use three characters to make the same change to the line above (to line 9). Hint: one character to
go straight up one line ___ one character to move right one character (onto the comma) ___
one character to repeat the last text change (that deletes to end-of-line) ___
47. Use four characters to make the same change to line 7. Hint: two characters to go straight up
two lines ___ one character to move right one character (onto the comma) ___ one character to
repeat the last text change (that deletes to end-of-line) ___
48. Use the same four characters to make the same change to line 5.
49. Use two or three characters to undo the last three text changes, restoring the deleted text at the
end of lines 5, 7, and 9: ___ (You can repeat the undo command three times, or use a digit 3
followed by the undo command letter to repeat undo three times.) The text remains missing from
line 10 only.
50. Save and check your work with wc and sum: 10 87 643 and 48878
51. When you are successful, make a backup copy of your edited 10-line text file in save7.txt
and optionally make the save file read-only so that you don’t change it by mistake.

.1.8 Section save8.txt

52. Continue editing the lab06.txt file.
53. Use five characters to go to line three and delete the first 69 characters, leaving only the word
today! Hint: two characters go to line three ___ then use two digits (the repeat count) and one
character to delete 69 characters moving to the right ___
54. You are currently on line three. Insert the word Not (and a space) at the start of line three, in
front of today! Remember to leave insert mode. Never stay in insert mode.
55. Use three characters to exchange lines three and four. Hint: two characters delete the current line
three (into the cut buffer; line four moves up and becomes the new current line three) ___ one
character puts the cut buffer after the current line ___ Line four, containing the contents of the
put cut buffer, becomes the current line: Not today!
56. Starting where you are on line four, use two characters to join line four onto the end of line three.
Hint: use one character to move straight up to line three and one character to join the two lines:
57. Move line one down to be line three, so that all the lines starting with Oh! are together. Hint:
move to line one; delete line one into the cut buffer; move down one line (to line two) and put the
cut buffer after the current line. Line one is now line three. All lines starting with Oh! are
58. Move to the start of line three, the first line starting with Oh!
59. Use two characters to delete the first word (including the punctuation) on this line (line three):
60. Use three characters to move to the next line (line four) and delete the first two words. Hint: one
character moves straight down to the same place on the line below ___ and you can repeat the
last text change (delete a word) twice using a digit followed by one character to repeat the last
text-changing command ___
61. Use just two characters to delete the first two words on the next line (line five) ___ . Hint: one
character moves straight down to the same place on the line below and one character repeats the
last text change, which was to delete two words.
62. Use just three characters to skip a line and delete the first two words on the next line (line seven).
Hint: two characters move straight down two lines ___ one character repeats the last change
(which was to delete two words) ___ You can save a lot of typing using the repeat last change
63. Save and check your work with wc and sum: 9 72 551 and 54341
64. When you are successful, make a backup copy of your edited 9-line text file in save8.txt
and optionally make the save file read-only so that you don’t change it by mistake.

.1.9 Verification Section

You have created one lab06.txt file and eight save[1-8].txt files in your HOME directory.
The lab06.txt and save8.txt files should be identical. (Use the wc and sum commands to make
Execute the following shell command lines to save your work in a new lab06 directory. You will create
the directory, move all the files into the directory, make all the files read-only (mode 400), then create a
hidden verification file with the output of two commands appended to it.
Make sure you get the typing exactly correct in these next five lines. (Use copy-and-paste to be sure!)
cd ; mkdir -p lab06
mv lab06.txt save?.txt lab06/
chmod 400 lab06/*
ls -dils lab06/* >lab06/.verify.txt
sum lab06/* >>lab06/.verify.txt

Note the use of >> append redirection on the sum command line. Note the use of a hidden file name
for both the output redirection lines. This hidden name will not be matched by the shell GLOB patterns.
Changing permissions with chmod will be covered fully toward the middle of the semester.
Check to ensure that you have 9+9=18 lines of output in the .verify.txt file. (Recall the command
that counts lines inside a file. Use it to count the lines in your .verify.txt file. There should be 18

CENG 200 – Lab 3

1. Redirection (12 marks)
The purpose of this exercise is to give you practice with shell metacharacters for redirecting input
and output. At the end you should understand the use of > >> < << 1> 2> ( ) | , ; the 4
different quotation symbols $ and the HERE file. (12 marks/2 each)

Run the following sets of commands. Observe what is output to the screen and examine the
contensts of the files that get created. A short 1-2 line English explanation of what's happening is all
that's needed. The paired commands are similar, but different in some way – note the differences.

a) Explain he difference in the result of the following sets of commands?

i. cal 10 2014 > October ; cal 10 2015 > October ; cal 10 2016 > October
ii. (cal 10 2014; cal 2 2007; cal 2 2008) > FebV2

b) What is the difference in the result of the following commands? Note that the file October
should still exists from 1a) and that the file November should not exist.
i. cat October November 1> result-b1
ii. cat October November 2> result-b2

c) What is the difference in the result of the of following sets of commands. Explain what happens:
i. cat October November 1> result-c1 2> result-c2
ii. cat October November 2> /dev/null

d) What is the difference in the result of the following sets of commands.

i. date > logfile; date > logfile; date > logfile;
ii. date > logfile2; date >> logfile2; date >> logfile2

e) Refer to the man pages on the tee command and pay attention to the -a option. Run the following
commands and check the contents of the result file after each one. Explain the contents of the
resulting files, especially the number of lines
i. date | tee r1 r1 r1
ii. date | tee -a r2 r2 r2

f) Type in the following commands, enter a few lines of text and then press <CTRL>D (end of file.)
Explain what the commands do
i. cat </dev/tty >/dev/tty
ii. cat | tee copy1 copy2 >copy
2. Redirection Using the exec Command (6 marks)

In class we discussed the exec command which can be used to set up redirection between a
file descriptor and file for the duration of your shell login session. To review:

exec fileDescriptorNum>fileName sets up fileName for output using the specified number.
exec fileDescriptorNum<fileName sets it up for input
exec fileDescriptorNum<>filename sets it up for input and output

ie: exec 122<>abc.dat

To write to abc.dat: date >&122

To read from abc.dat wc <&122
a) Record the process id (pid) of your current bash shell. (2 marks)
Create 3 files using touch.
Using randomly selected file descriptor numbers between 10 and 400, Use the exec
command set up the first file as an input file, the second as an output file and the 3rd as
both input and output.

Record the commands used.

Issue the following command: ls –la /proc/pid/fd
Provide a screenshot of the result. Explain how this verifies that your exec commands
were successful.

b) Try each of the following, recording what you did: (1 mark each)

i) The maximum fileDescriptor number you can use? Compare this number to the
result reported by issuing the command. ulimit –a

ii) Associate a file descriptor with a symbolic link and show that you can read (or write)
to the file. Does this work?

iii) Associate file descriptor 2 with a file and record the command you used. Even though
you won’t see a prompt, enter a couple of good commands – they should work even
though you won’t see them at the terminal. Now enter a couple of bad commands.

To restore your prompt enter the command: exec 2>/dev/tty

Now look at the contents of the file and provide a listing in the report. Explain why
you didn’t see your prompt and your commands.
iv) What happens if you try and associate a file descriptor with a file that doesn’t exist?
Prove that this does or does not have an effect and describe how you did it.

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