Single-Tone and Two-Tone AM-FM Spectral Calculations For Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectros
Single-Tone and Two-Tone AM-FM Spectral Calculations For Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectros
Single-Tone and Two-Tone AM-FM Spectral Calculations For Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectros
A generalized theory for optical heterodyne spectroscopy with phase modulated laser radiation is used which
allows the calculation of signal line shapes for frequency modulation spectroscopy of Lorentzian gas absorp-
tion lines. In particular, synthetic spectral line shapes for both single-tone and two-tone modulation of lead-
salt diode lasers are presented in whichthe contributions from both amplitude and frequency modulations are
Id -j
4 CD
-J L'i
-40 -20 0 20 40
Fig. 1. Inphase and quadrature spectral signals for the single-tone I I
n runsI
pure AM modulation with M = 1, w = 5, and peak = 001- -40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40
Fig. 3. Inphase and quadrature spectral signals for the single-tone
case with simultaneous AM and FM modulations: wm = 5, peak =
0.01,M = 0.120, 4I = 7r/2,and / = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, or 2.0.
0.001 0 0002
6=0.1 A _ M02
0.01, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0, and with ' = 2 = 7r/2, cw =
I: -0.01 -0.01 W2 = 5r, peak = 0.01, and M1 = M2 = 6,9 12,5 or 24% of 13.
0.01 0.004 Due to the constraint, (1 - 2) << ronly the in-phase
I= 2.0 FM signals are obtained. Even for the smallest M/
ratio chosen, the asymmetry due to the presence of the
o 0 AM component is readily apparent. This asymmetry
between the sideband profiles becomes more pro-
-0.0I ' ' 0.004 I nounced for larger 1 and M values. Whereas in the
_ -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40 single-tone case, a zero base line can be achieved even
NORMALIZED LASER CARRIER FREQUENCY in the presence of AM,5 a drawback of the two-tone
Fig. 2. In phase and quadrature spectral signals for the single-tone modulation technique is that a zero base line is not
pure FM n iodulation with m = sr, peak = 0.01, and 3= 0.1, 1.0, or achievable if AM is present.8 This base line level goes
2.0. as AM 2; consequently
the desirability of TDLs possess-
ing low M/ ratios is readily apparent for the two-tone
modulation technique.
To find the values that correspond to the maxi-
spectra; ire calculated for four 1 values: 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, mum peak-to-peak signal amplitudes of both single-
and 2.0. The signal line shapes for both in-phase and tone and two-tone cases, the peak-to-peak signal am-
quadrati ire components are illustrated in Fig. 3. The plitudes have been calculated vs 13.Figure 5 shows
AM stru cture is manifested by the appearance of the qualitatively the peak-to-peak single-tone signal am-
central )rofiles and the nonzero base line in the in- plitudes for both in-phase and quadrature components
phase c )mponent line shapes. An asymmetry be- vs 13for an M/13ratio of 0.12. For small 1,the peak-to-
tween th .e sidebands that is caused by the AM contri- peak signal amplitude is proportional to 1. As 13in-
bution issalso observed. A zero base line exists for the creases, more and more sidebands are generated.
quadrati ire case only for = r/2(the assumed ' value With more sidebands spreading the power, the peak-
in these calculations). However, Gehrtz et al.5 have to-peak signal amplitude decreases. The maximum
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