Single-Tone and Two-Tone AM-FM Spectral Calculations For Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectros

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Single-tone and two-tone AM-FM spectral calculations

for tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy

Nee-Yin Chou and Glen W. Sachse

A generalized theory for optical heterodyne spectroscopy with phase modulated laser radiation is used which
allows the calculation of signal line shapes for frequency modulation spectroscopy of Lorentzian gas absorp-
tion lines. In particular, synthetic spectral line shapes for both single-tone and two-tone modulation of lead-
salt diode lasers are presented in whichthe contributions from both amplitude and frequency modulations are

1. Introduction (21) are easily achieved. However, the current modu-

Laser frequency modulation (FM) spectroscopy de- lation causes simultaneous frequency modulation and
veloped by Bjorklund' has gained great interest. In amplitude modulation (AM).3 4 Amplitude modula-
conventional FM spectroscopy using external modula- tion produces beat notes in the absence of absorption;
tors the modulation frequency wCmis usually in the rf thus the advantage of near zero base line associated
regime from several hundred megahertz to several with pure FM does not always exist in the direct laser
gigahertz, and the frequency modulation index f is modulation case.4 5 Previous work on single-modula-
usually less than one.1' 2 By operating in a high fre- tion-frequency (single-tone) FM spectroscopy consid-
quency region removed from 1/f laser noise, high sensi- ered either the pure FM casel 2 or the simultaneous
tivity spectroscopic measurements are possible. In AM and FM with the small approximation.4 5 This
the limit of low modulation index, only the first-order paper, however, presents the absorption spectral cal-
FM sidebands are prominent. The beat notes of each culations of single-tone FM that include simultaneous
sideband with the carrier are 1800 out of phase. The AM and FM for higher ,3 values (e.g., not the A << 1
spectroscopic feature is probed by only one FM side- limit). The algorithm developed for the calculations
band at a time for Wi,> r, where r is the full width at of synthetic spectra presented in this paper is neces-
half-maximum (FWHM) of the spectral feature of in- sary, particularly for optimization of the design of
terest. Both sample absorption and dispersion signals TDL instrumentation.
can be obtained, and they can be distinguished from The signal in single-tone FM spectroscopy is typical-
each other with a phase sensitive detector because the ly phase detected at the modulation frequency. FM
first is in phase with the modulating field, while the detection of atmospheric pressure broadened spectral
latter is 900 out of phase with it. In the absence of lines requires a photodetector with a high response
absorption, pure FM gives a zero base line. The ab- bandwidth. Such high bandwidth photodetectors are
sorption line shapes of the FM spectroscopy signals expensive and have small and highly damage-sensitive
depend sensitively on the relative rf phase of the two active areas. Recently a new approach to FM spec-
unbalanced beat notes impinging on the detection troscopy was proposed by Lotem6 and demonstrated
photomixer and on the ratio of w to r.2 by Janik et al. 7 This technique is able to relax the
Tunable diode lasers (TDLs) are particularly attrac- bandwidth constraint in single-tone FM spectroscopy.
tive for FM spectroscopy since they lase in the impor- Called two-tone FM spectroscopy, it is implemented
3 30 by modulating the laser at two different frequencies, wi
tant - -,gm spectral region where many gases pos-
sess absorption features, and they may serve as both and 2. The signal is extracted using narrowband
laser source and modulator.3 -5 Frequencymodulation heterodyne detection at the difference frequency of
is achieved by simply modulating the diode junction W1-0)2, which is denoted by . This eliminates the
current. By directly modulating TDLs, large A values need for a high bandwidth detector. The theoretical
two-tone computations with both AM and FM terms
and with the considerations of higher-order sideband
contributions were conducted concurrently by both
Cooper and Warren8 and this group. Our original
approach of the two-tone computations with both AM
Nee-Yin Chou is with Science & Technology Corporation, 101 and FM terms included contributions from the first-
Research Drive, Hampton, Virginia 23666, and G. W. Sachse is with and second-order sidebands and up to the third-order
NASA Langley Research Center, Flight Electronics Division, sidebands were considered for the single-tone case.
Hampton, Virginia 23665. For this paper, however, the more general approach of
Received 13 March 1987. Cooper and Warren, which may include the contribu-

3584 APPLIEDOPTICS / Vol. 26, No. 17 / 1 September 1987

tions from arbitrarily large order sidebands, is adopted the previous equation of the single-tone case. The
for both single-tone and two-tone calculations. The laser carrier is being modulated by two AM terms and
general effects of parameters, AM index M, 13, and the two FM terms,
ratio of womto r on the signal line shape, are demon- ET-T(t) = exp(icoot)[l+ M1 sin(wlt + Lo)]
strated in Ref. 8. The major difference between the
X [1 + M 2 sin(w 2t + 2 )]
two-tone calculations in Ref. 8 and this paper is that
fixed ratios of M/ are applied in the present computa- X exp[iol sin(wlt)] exp[ifl2 sin(o 2 t)]. (4)
tions. This format for presenting the two-tone spectra
was used since, for a given TDL and modulation fre- The above equation becomes more manageable by as-
quency, the ratio of M/ was found to be constant.5 - 9 suming that the two modulation frequencies, an and W2,
This paper is divided into two parts: a brief presenta- are close to each other (i.e., 1 -2 << r) and A1= 2-
tion of the FM theory; then the FM signal shapes for With these assumptions the followingapproximations
both single-tone and two-tone cases. can be made: NF1 T2; M 1 - M 2. Our synthetic two-
tone spectra are obtained with these assumptions.
II. FM Theory The two-tone beat notes occur at all combinations of
There are numerous references on this subject.1-8 the sum and the difference frequencies of co and W2 and
However, it is still worthwhile to review the basic their higher harmonics. For the two-tone spectral
mathematics that are involved in the computation. calculations the detection of the beat note at co - 2 is
For single-tone AM and FM, the modulated optical considered.
wave can be written as
Ill. Signal Line Shapes and Discussion
Es-T(t) = exp(iwot)[l + M sin(wmt + i!)]
X exp[i3 sin(wmt)], (1) Single-tone and two-tone absorption line shape cal-
culations are presented for the case in which the TDL
where wo is the laser carrier frequency and T is the carrier with its associated sidebands is tuned across a
phase difference between AM and FM. Equation (1) Lorentzian-shaped gas absorption line. For all syn-
shows that the original wave train is modified by an thetic spectra, co,, is set to be 5 times r, and the peak
AM and FM term. If M is negligible compared to A, absorption of the line speak is assumed to be 1%.
the above equation can be simplified to contain only Single-tone line shapes for the limiting cases of pure
the original laser carrier and an FM term, which is the AM and pure FM are shown in Figs. 1 and 2, respec-
case for using the external modulation technique.1 2 tively. In each case, in-phase signal line shapes (aris-
The above equation can also be written as ing from sample absorption) and quadrature signal
+1 line shapes (arising from sample dispersion) are plot-
ES-T(t) = exp(iwot) ap exp(ipcmt) ted. Horizontal axes are the normalized laser carrier
frequency denoted by the ratio (o - res)/(0.5 F),
where Wres is the absorption line resonant frequency.
=-1 Vertical axes are relative signal amplitudes. In the
pure AM case (Fig. 1) the assumption M = 1 was made.
However, identical line shapes are obtained for arbi-
where ao = 1, a±1 = +(M/2i) exp(+iT), and Jn(o) is the trary M. For the in-phase signal, the height of the
Bessel function of order n and argument 13.The mod- central profile is proportional to M, while the side-
ulated laser beam is then transmitted through a gas bands have approximately one-half of the value of the
sample of interest. Due to the interaction of various central profile. The base line level is proportional to
components of the optical field with the sample mate- M. For the quadrature case, the maximum peak-to-
rial, the transmitted field is given by ES-T(t) T(w), peak signal amplitude is proportional to M, and the
where T(w) is generally a complex parameter which base line is zero.
represents the interaction of the optical field at X with For the pure FM case (Fig. 2) line shapes are calcu-
the sample material. Assuming a weak linear interac- lated for three 1 values, 13=0.1, 1.0, and 2.0. As shown
tion, T(co) can be written as in the figure both in-phase and quadrature signals
have zero base lines. The typical FM pattern becomes
T(w) = exp[-b(w) - iko(w)], (3)
obvious when one compares the line shapes of different
where 5() and ¢(X) represent sample absorption and 1curves; more and more sidebands are generated when
dispersion at co,respectively. When the probe beam is 1 is increased. With more sidebands spreading the
incident on a square-law detector, the generated cur- power, the maximum peak-to-peak signal amplitudes
rent I(t) is proportional to IEs-T(t) . T(w)12. The de- actually decrease.
tector output is composed of various rf beat notes due With direct current modulation of the TDLs, both
to the interaction of the sidebands with the medium. AM and FM contribute to the sideband intensity. 3 4
For the single-tone spectral calculations presented in In our single-tone AM-FM calculations, the phase dif-
this paper, the detection of the beat note at wm is ference is assumed to be 7r/2,and M is assumed to be
considered. 12% of P. These values are the approximate experi-
The spectral distribution of the laser field for the mental values for the lead-salt diode lasers modulated
two-tone AM-FM case can be obtained by modifying at several hundred megahertz by Gehrtz et al. 5 The

1 September 1987 / Vol. 26, No. 17 / APPLIEDOPTICS 3585




Id -j
4 CD

-J L'i


-40 -20 0 20 40
Fig. 1. Inphase and quadrature spectral signals for the single-tone I I
n runsI
pure AM modulation with M = 1, w = 5, and peak = 001- -40 -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40
Fig. 3. Inphase and quadrature spectral signals for the single-tone
case with simultaneous AM and FM modulations: wm = 5, peak =
0.01,M = 0.120, 4I = 7r/2,and / = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, or 2.0.
0.001 0 0002
6=0.1 A _ M02

0 '- experimentally demonstrated that by properly choos-

ing the phase of the detection electronics a combina-
-I0ool - -0.002 tion of the in-phase and quadrature spectra may be
-j obtained that yields a zero base line for arbitrary '.
.4 0.01 -1.0 0.01- The two-tone AM-FM spectra for three fixed ratios
- if I of M/ are calculated. Figure 4 compares the theoreti-
0 0 cal two-tone spectra of five 13values: 1 12=1 =

0.01, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0, and with ' = 2 = 7r/2, cw =
I: -0.01 -0.01 W2 = 5r, peak = 0.01, and M1 = M2 = 6,9 12,5 or 24% of 13.
0.01 0.004 Due to the constraint, (1 - 2) << ronly the in-phase
I= 2.0 FM signals are obtained. Even for the smallest M/
ratio chosen, the asymmetry due to the presence of the
o 0 AM component is readily apparent. This asymmetry
between the sideband profiles becomes more pro-
-0.0I ' ' 0.004 I nounced for larger 1 and M values. Whereas in the
_ -20 0 20 40 -40 -20 0 20 40 single-tone case, a zero base line can be achieved even
NORMALIZED LASER CARRIER FREQUENCY in the presence of AM,5 a drawback of the two-tone
Fig. 2. In phase and quadrature spectral signals for the single-tone modulation technique is that a zero base line is not
pure FM n iodulation with m = sr, peak = 0.01, and 3= 0.1, 1.0, or achievable if AM is present.8 This base line level goes
2.0. as AM 2; consequently
the desirability of TDLs possess-
ing low M/ ratios is readily apparent for the two-tone
modulation technique.
To find the values that correspond to the maxi-
spectra; ire calculated for four 1 values: 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, mum peak-to-peak signal amplitudes of both single-
and 2.0. The signal line shapes for both in-phase and tone and two-tone cases, the peak-to-peak signal am-
quadrati ire components are illustrated in Fig. 3. The plitudes have been calculated vs 13.Figure 5 shows
AM stru cture is manifested by the appearance of the qualitatively the peak-to-peak single-tone signal am-
central )rofiles and the nonzero base line in the in- plitudes for both in-phase and quadrature components
phase c )mponent line shapes. An asymmetry be- vs 13for an M/13ratio of 0.12. For small 1,the peak-to-
tween th .e sidebands that is caused by the AM contri- peak signal amplitude is proportional to 1. As 13in-
bution issalso observed. A zero base line exists for the creases, more and more sidebands are generated.
quadrati ire case only for = r/2(the assumed ' value With more sidebands spreading the power, the peak-
in these calculations). However, Gehrtz et al.5 have to-peak signal amplitude decreases. The maximum

3586 APPLIEDOPTICS / Vol. 26, No. 17 / 1 September 1987

M-0.240 peak-to-peak amplitude occurs at 13equals 1.4 and 1.0
for single-tone in-phase and quadrature components,
0.0015 0.006
respectively. The peak-to-peak two-tone signal am-
plitudes are plotted vs 1 in Fig. 6 again for an M/13ratio
0.0005L 0.005- of 0.12. For small 1,the two-tone peak-to-peak ampli-
2 P-0 05 tude is proportional to 2. The maximum peak-to-
peak amplitude occurs at 1 = 1. As in the single-tone
case, the peak-to-peak amplitude decreases when
2 more and more sidebands are generated.
20- In conclusion, the frequency modulated absorption
spectra have been calculated for TDLs for both single-
tone and two-tone modulation cases. These calcula-
12 L tions include both AM and FM terms and are applica-
ble for the high 13values that are attainable by the
direct modulation of TDLs. The treatment considers
131 the maximum peak-to-peak signal amplitude and how
the signal power is distributed among the various side-
bands as a function of the modulation parameters.
23 The signal-to-background ratio is not considered. For
both single-tone and two-tone modulation, the largest
absorption signals are observed for 13values in the 1-
-40 -20 0 20 40 -40-20 0 20 40 -40-20 0 20 40 1.4 range. Relative sensitivities of single-tone and
NORMALIZEDLASERCARRIERFREQUENCY two-tone modulation schemes are not discussed since
Fig. 4. Two-tone spectral signals with simultaneous AM and FM they are functions of many related parameters. The
modulations: WI= 2 = 5r, speak= 0.01, *1 = '2 = /2, Ml = M2 = algorithm that computed these synthetic spectra will
0.63, 0.12p, or 0.243, and AI = /32 = 0.01, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, or 2.0. be used for optimizing the adaptation of frequency
modulation techniques to an existing airborne gas sen-
sor denoted as differential absorption CO measure-
ment (DACOM).1 0
The authors wish to thank Leonard W. Winchester,
Jr., for the useful discussions of the computer compu-
suzU tations.
-J ---- IN- PHASE
i- ,
QUADRATURE s References
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1 September 1987 / Vol. 26, No. 17 / APPLIEDOPTICS 3587

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