Computer 10 4th MY ANSWER

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Name: Bernardino Allaine R.

Taeza Grade&Section: 10- Barbe



LEARNING PLAN 1: Working with Links and Embedded Content

Values Integration
I am creative, resourceful explorer and problem solver expressing my God-given charism

Formative Assessment

Activity I. What are the six steps in saving the HTML Files?

1. Go to the File menu

2. Select "Save as..."

3. In the Save As dialog box, type the name of your page.

4. Make sure that the file type in the Save As dialog box is set

5. Replace the part of the file name that says "txt" with ".html".

6. Click Save.
Activity II. Creating html forms.

Description: Create Html form that contains the user input for its first
name and last name.

Use these codes below:

Name: Bernardino Allaine R. Taeza Grade&Section: 10- Barbe

This is your sample Output: My output:

Summative Assessment

I. True or False. Write Alpha if the Statement is true otherwise write Bravo if the
Statement is false.

Alpha 1. Table Data Labels used on rows, columns or both. Table headings are
usually displayed as large or bold text.

Alpha 2. The name of the video or element.

Bravo 3. Programming Identifies the required plugin to run the video.

Alpha 4. Table Headings Labels used on rows, columns or both. Table headings are
usually displayed as large or bold text.

Alpha 5. Table Data Values in the table. These are usually the content.

Bravo 6. A heading elements h1 tags smallest headings.

Bravo 7. An anchor tag uses only when we call attribute like changing the font face
of the text.

Alpha 8. <img> tags use to display image file format like jpg, png and gif.

Alpha 9. <th>tag also know as Table heading which labels used on rows, columns
or both and usually displayed as large or bold text.

Alpha 10. In adding videos or music to your html page, we can use img tags to
display it.
Name: Bernardino Allaine R. Taeza Grade&Section: 10- Barbe

II. Fill me up! Write the correct word to complete the sentence.

1. HTML the video in relation to the Web page. Allowable values are abs bottom,
abs middle, baseline, bottom, left, middle, right, text top, and top.
2. The ID of the element. This is useful once you start using CSS or inline Sheets.
3. The web page between the video and other elements or contents in the page.
4. Adding graphics and other content to your Web pages makes it more attractive.
5. This is what we call alt attribute to define an alternate text for an image, if it
cannot be displayed.
6. <a href ="home.html">Go to Home Page</a>
7. The href is the most important aspect of the link which ninety-nine percent of
the time, Web developers use this attribute that refers to the links on the Internet.
8. <img src=”htmlimage.jpg” height=”150%” width=”450%” alt=”no image
9. Formatting table size the width of the table relative to the size of the browser
10. In formatting table size colspan assigns the size or width of a column relative
to the size of the table.
Name: Bernardino Allaine R. Taeza Grade&Section: 10- Barbe


LEARNING PLAN 1: HTML Cascading Style Sheets
Formative Assessment
• Creating your header and navigation bar.

• Creating you content and Footer

Name: Bernardino Allaine R. Taeza Grade&Section: 10- Barbe

Summative Assessment
Website Portfolio:
Name: Bernardino Allaine R. Taeza Grade&Section: 10- Barbe
Name: Bernardino Allaine R. Taeza Grade&Section: 10- Barbe
Name: Bernardino Allaine R. Taeza Grade&Section: 10- Barbe
Name: Bernardino Allaine R. Taeza Grade&Section: 10- Barbe
Name: Bernardino Allaine R. Taeza Grade&Section: 10- Barbe
Name: Bernardino Allaine R. Taeza Grade&Section: 10- Barbe

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