Joy Alignment Prayer With Archangel Gabriel
Joy Alignment Prayer With Archangel Gabriel
Joy Alignment Prayer With Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel,
please light up the radiant joy of my soul’s light
with God’s pure white divine light frequency of His perfect purity and joy.
I allow the light to instruct my consciousness in my return to the true joy of my spirit.
The white light is purifying all disappointments and illusionary beliefs
that shadow my light and cause me to temporarily forget my true radiance.
I willingly choose to align my heart and soul with the joy within me
so I may experience, create, and attract true joyful experiences in my life.
Thank you.
It is done!
Archangel Gabriel
(God is my strength)
Archangel Gabriel is a remarkable messenger angel who appears in both the Old and New
Testaments of the Holy Bible, although he is not directly referred to as an archangel. Known as the
angel of revelation and annunciation, Archangel Gabriel can help us to achieve clarity and purity of
mind by revealing divine truth and intuitive understanding within our consciousness. Universally he
is recognized as a very important divine messenger of God, especially as he announces the planned
births of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. This magnificent archangel can help us tocommunicate
the divine light expression of our soul in a harmonious and pure manner. Archangel Gabriel is
intimately connected to harmonizing the divine feminine within all souls, and his divine light
frequency also assists all those who desire help with conception, pregnancy, and the welfare of
“Joy originates from the dazzling radiant light of your soul’s divine spark. Therefore, you do not
need to seek the feeling of joy elsewhere as it is already alight within you; it just needs to be
amplified. Joyful experiences simply add more joy to the light of joy that is you, which can help
you to glimpse your true self. At this time an aspect of your consciousness is seeking to discover the
path of greater joy. This joyfulness-boosting prayer will instruct your consciousness in your
graceful return to the true radiant joy of your spirit. Radiant joy creates an energy frequency so
powerful that the light it emits can heal illness, relieve chronic pain, overcome depression, and
inspire longevity. You have probably heard that laughter is the best medicine; this is because it
positively alters the chemistry of your physiology. True radiant joy is even more powerful than
laughter for it radiates inner peace, truth, love, and vitality throughout your entire being. Positivity,
laughter, and happiness are wonderful side effects of true radiant joy. Over time, life’s hurdles and
disappointments often diminish the light of your radiant joy and it can become harder to remember
the natural joy that you are. There is a pull to look elsewhere for joyful experiences instead of
focusing on the light within you. This prayer will help you to refocus in the correct direction so you
begin to amplify your soul’s radiant joy. You will then feel, express, create, and attract more joyful
life experiences.”