Occidental Quarterly 21.1 (Spring 2021)
Occidental Quarterly 21.1 (Spring 2021)
Occidental Quarterly 21.1 (Spring 2021)
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6/28/2021 Mark Leibler: Powerbroker for Australia’s Jewish Plutocracy :: Reader View
Michael Gawenda
Gawenda identifies as a child of “Holocaust survivors” despite
the fact his parents sat out World War Two in the far-east of
Russia. They were, he claims, part of “the influx of more than
20,000 Holocaust survivors [to Australia] after the war, more of
whom settled in Australia proportionately than in any other
country other than Israel.”[6] The father of his biographical
subject arrived in Australia just prior to World War Two. An
Orthodox religious Zionist and diamond dealer from Antwerp
who arrived in 1938 on a business trip, Abraham Leibler was
prompted to stay by the situation in Europe, and was joined by
his wife Rachel and firstborn son Isi in Melbourne later that year.
At that time, there were then no obstacles for Jews leaving
Belgium to sell their property and take their wealth with them.
Isi Leibler’s younger brother, Mark, was later born in Melbourne
in 1943.
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Since the late 1990s, when Isi settled in Israel, Mark Leibler has
been recognized as “Australia’s most influential and powerful
Jewish leader, and has become increasingly influential in
international Jewry.”[24] The Jerusalem Post accorded him the
status of one of the world’s 50 most influential Jews – a leader of
Jews both in Australia and around the world. Gawenda notes
that while Leibler “is not well known to most Australians,” his
influence “far exceeds his public profile” and he is “regularly
sought out by powerful people in all walks of life.”[25] Ultimately,
this power and influence is “built on the strength of the 120,000
in Australia’s Jewish community.”[26] In the subsequent parts of
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In her 1987 book, The New Boy Network, Jewish journalist Ruth
Ostrow chronicled the rise to wealth of the post-war Jewish
migrants to Australia. Less than thirty years after arriving in the
country, some were among the nation’s wealthiest people.
Included in her book were Marc Besen, John Gandel, Eddie
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The new law meant those who took up the tax avoidance
schemes or promoted them would be criminally liable.
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Among Australian Jews there was outrage and panic, and the
“ZFA was inundated with demands for help. Contrary to what
Australian immigration officials had always told them, not only
would adult Australians in Israel lose their citizenship, but so too
would their children who had been born in Israel.”[60] These
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Dear Paul,
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Keating wrote back, thanking Leibler for his note, and for his
“words of encouragement and support.”[69] Sniffing the
changing political winds, Leibler carefully positioned himself as
Keating’s Court Jew. Keating’s defeat of Hawke left the field open
for Mark Leibler to assume a position hitherto occupied by other
Jewish leaders like his brother Isi, “Almost all of whom had
developed a relationship with Hawke, whom they considered the
community’s and Israel’s greatest friend in the Labor
government.” Given Isi’s particularly close relationship to
Hawke, and the latter’s defeat “was particularly hard for Isi to
handle” and “with Hawke gone his contacts in and access to the
government were severely diminished. He had no real
relationship with Keating, and developing one would be difficult,
given his well-known closeness to Hawke. His brother Mark was
really the only Jewish leader with a significant relationship with
the new prime minister.”[70]
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risked the loss of political donations from wealthy Jews, and that
Australian Jewry had always been a source of ideological and
financial support for the ALP, noting, “That [support] will be
weakened whenever a government appears to be antagonistic
towards the state of Israel.”[75] The bad optics of Cohen’s open
threats troubled some Jews at the time, including Leibler. While
fiercely critical of Evans, Leibler was adamant “Jewish leaders
should not make any [public] threats about donations to political
parties or threaten to urge the Jewish community to vote against
the government because of its policies in the Middle East.”[76]
The rivalry between the Leibler brothers over who had the right
to speak on behalf of Australian Jewry was often fierce. One
catalyst for a rift between the two brothers was when Mark
Leibler and a delegation of ZFA officials met with the Keating
government’s immigration minister Nick Bolkus when the
government was considering the introduction of “racial
vilification legislation” into the federal parliament. Mark
Leibler’s Zionist Federation of Australia made a virtually
identical submission to the government as Isi Leibler’s Executive
Council of Australian Jewry. Gawenda notes that “Both
organizations had long advocated for such legislation; both
urged the government to include criminal sanctions for extreme
forms of racial vilification.”[96]
The Racial Hatred Act was passed in 1995, adding to the Racial
Discrimination Act of 1975 (itself a direct result of Jewish
activism) the totalitarian Section 18C, which made it unlawful to
offend, insult and humiliate or intimidate a person or group on
the basis of color, race or ethnic origin. The 1995 legislation was
a victory for Leibler and his communications director Helene
Teichmann who had organized the meetings of leaders of ethnic
communities that had “led to a unified position on the need for
racial vilification legislation.”[97] It was clear to immigration
minister Bolkus that “Leibler had been more active than any
other Jewish leader in the campaign for the proposed extension
of the Racial Discrimination Act.”[98]
Bolt fails to mention the only reason there are any Muslims in
Australia at all (with all their myriad problems and social
dysfunctions) is because Jewish activism succeeded in ending
the White Australia policy and establishing multiculturalism as
the basis for social policy. As the Jewish academic Dan Goldberg
proudly acknowledges: “In addition to their activism on
Aboriginal issues, Jews were instrumental in leading the
crusade against the White Australia policy, a series of laws from
1901 to 1973 that restricted non-White immigration to
Australia.”[99] As throughout the West, it is clear that the Jewish
fear and loathing of White Australia trumps any concern about
the anti-Semitic tendencies of the non-White immigrants that
are being imported into the nation.
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The Israelis also know that they have the upper hand in
this game, because the impoverished Palestinians will
not be able to outdo them when it comes to lavishing
hospitality on a willing media. That the Israeli
propaganda strategy of handpicking journalists and
others to come to Israel works was made abundantly
clear when The Australian’s Janet Albrechtsen visited
Israel last November as a guest of the Israeli government
and the New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies. …
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It’s not only journalists who are targeted with these elaborate
bribery schemes. During the 2013–2016 Australian
Parliamentary term, Leibler’s organization sponsored more
foreign trips for members of the House of Representatives than
any other country. AIJAC also brings high profile guest speakers
to Australia, mainly from Israel but also from the United States.
For example, Alan Dershowitz (of Jeffrey Epstein fame) spoke at
an AIJAC function held at the offices of Arnold Bloch Leibler in
2018. Australia’s premier Zionist lobby group also brings
politicians and officials from India, China and Southeast Asia to
Australia (as a proxy for Israel) because some are unable to take
up Rambam Fellowships because their Muslim-majority
countries forbid travel to Israel. AIJAC also funds and organizes
propaganda programs for these people in their home countries.
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The City of Sydney, one of the sponsors of the prize, which came
under fire from AIJAC, suddenly announced it would boycott the
ceremony. Professor Stuart Rees, head of the Sydney Peace
Foundation, was subjected to “severe pressure” including
abusive phone calls over the Ashwari decision. Rees noted that
threats were made to “our supporters to the effect that their
interests might be affected if they pursue their association with
the peace prize.”[133] Based on his experience as editor of The
Age, Gawenda has “no doubt Rees and Carr were subjected to
abusive phone calls from individuals who see anti-Semitism and
hatred of Israel everywhere.”
This incident underscored for Carr the power of the Israel Lobby
in Australia to distort and control Australian foreign policy.
Particularly egregious, in Carr’s view, was the influence exerted
by the people who ran AIJAC — Leibler and Rubinstein in
particular. Of the Lobby, Carr wrote:
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Carr was convinced that Bruce Wolpe, Gillard’s Court Jew and
“liaison with the Jewish community,” was Leibler’s spy in the
Prime Minister’s Office. Carr shared this view with Leibler at a
meeting at the ABL offices in Melbourne. According Leibler, Carr
spent an hour “ranting and raving and yelling to the point that it
could be heard all over the office.” Wolpe’s name got several
mentions. Afterwards, “the two men hardly spoke to each other
again and avoided each other as much as possible, such was the
level of distrust between them.”[139]
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Gawenda observes there “is little doubt that Leibler and AIJAC
push on open doors when it comes to having access to the Prime
Minister and senior ministers in his government.” This has been
the case for many years now: at an AIJAC function held at the
offices of ABL in 2013, then Prime Minister Tony Abbott was
asked what his position was on some aspect of the conflict
between Israel and the Palestinians. “Oh, my position is
whatever Mark and Colin’s position is,” he answered.[151]
This trend has been bolstered over the last few decades by the
arrival, since the end of apartheid, of over 15,000 South African
Jews in Australia. These Jews “are the world’s most educated
émigrés, 70.8 per cent at tertiary level, the most well-heeled, the
most cosmopolitan in the way they travel, the only migrant
group capable of spending time and money coming on visits
before selecting their relocation spots.”[159] They are also
among the most ethnocentric Jews in the world, with Tatz noting
how their mentality is encapsulated in “daily pontification about
the Jewish-goyishe divide” and in his grandfather’s refrain that
“The worst of ours are better than the best of theirs.”[160] Even
other Australian Jews have been taken aback by the insularity of
these newcomers, how “socially, spatially, culturally, religiously,
they huddle in enclaves of their own creation.” “Marrying out”
for these intensely parochial Jews means marrying a non-South
African Jewish spouse.
Given this infusion of South African Jews, and the high fertility
rates of existing groups of Orthodox Jews, Markus predicts the
proportion of Australian Jews “who are ultra-Orthodox or
Modern Orthodox will increase, and the community might
become even more conservative.”[163] Unlike in America,
Reform Jews, even today, represent only a small minority of
Australia’s Jewish population.
Mark Leibler is more sanguine than his brother Isi about the
future of Jews in the diaspora. Nevertheless, he thinks Jews are
far less safe in some diaspora communities, including the
United States, than he thought possible a decade or two ago:
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[3] Philip Mendes, “The many sides of Mark Leibler,” The Sydney
Morning Herald, September 11.
[6] Ibid., 7.
[9] Dan Goldberg “After 9/11: The Psyche of Australian Jews,” In:
New Under the Sun – Jewish Australians on Religion, Politics &
Culture, Ed. Michael Fagenblat, Melanie Landau & Nathan Wolski
(Melbourne: Black Inc., 2006) 140-152, 151.
[24] Ibid., 4.
[25] Ibid., 2.
[26] Ibid., 4.
[41] Ruth Ostrow, The New Boy Network: Taking Over Corporate
Australia (Sydney: William Heinemann, 1987).
[71] Ibid.
[72] Ibid.
[75] Ibid.
[79] Ibid.
[91] Ibid.
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[136] Bob Carr, Run For Your Life (Melbourne: MUP, 2018), 177.
[143] Ibid., 3.
[161] Ibid.
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6/28/2021 Global Jesus versus National Jesus: The Political Hermeneutics of Resurrection [Pt. I] - Sydney Trads :: Reader View
Jürgen Moltmann
Biblical interpretation is, if not the only, certainly the core task of
theological hermeneutics. Unfortunately, religious conflict and
biblical interpretation have always been joined at the hip. Is it
therefore the case that theologians engage in “politics” when
they offer authoritative interpretations? Is it too much of a
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For our sake [Jesus Christ] was crucified under Pontius Pilate; he
suffered death and was buried. On the third day he rose again in
accordance with the Scriptures; he ascended into heaven and is
seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no
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Carl Schmitt
Brian Robinette
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6/28/2021 Global Jesus versus National Jesus: The Political Hermeneutics of Resurrection [Pt. II] - Sydney Trads :: Reader View
In other words, Wright agrees that, linked as it was with the idea
of the covenant, the death of Jesus had a “corporate significance”
for Israel, rather than an “individual significance” for either
sinners or victims in other times and places. The crucified-and-
resurrected Jesus should be understood, therefore, “as a
redemptive representative of Israel, bearing her specific curse
and making it possible for her as a people to achieve her
intended national destiny”.2 In Jesus and the Victory of God,
Wright thus aligns himself with historical critics who have found
a “national Jesus” hidden beneath deeply-encrusted
ecclesiastical creeds and Tradition.3 In his more recent, studies
on Paul, however, the “global Jesus” literally rises from the grave
of “national Jesus”.
Alister McGrath
Brian Robinette
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Wright flatly rejects the suggestion that Paul was concerned with
any sort of “non-bodily survival of death”. Paul had no need,
Wright argues, to argue for the immortality of the soul: many
people in Corinth “believed in that anyway”. After all, even two
thousand years later, no such resurrection has occurred; history
has not witnessed millions of Christian believers rising from
their graves. Naturally enough, therefore, many in Corinth found
it hard to swallow the idea of a physical resurrection of the dead:
“everybody knew dead people didn’t and couldn’t come back to
bodily life”. Chapter 15, Wright argues, was intended to answer
that challenge. According to Wright, Paul’s argument ran “as
follows: what the creator god did for Jesus is both the model and
the means of what he will do for all Jesus’ people”. Throughout
the chapter, Jesus’ resurrection serves as “the prototype and
model for the future resurrection”.9 When Paul describes the
body into which Christians hope to be resurrected, “the unique,
prototypical image-bearing body of Jesus” is identified as “the
model for the new bodies that Jesus’ people will have”.10 Even
those presently alive on the last day, when the kingdom finally
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arrives, Paul promised, “will not lose their bodies, but have them
changed from their present state to the one required for God’s
scholarly warhorse” that “can be put out to grass once and for
all”.13 So too, Wright rejects “the suggestion that Paul was
hoping to bring about […] some kind of large-scale last-minute
conversion of Jews, and perhaps even the parousia itself […] Paul
did not think the parousia would necessarily happen at once,
and he certainly was not trying to provoke or hasten it by his
missionary work”.14 In Wright’s interpretation, Paul’s
cosmopolitan theology and over-the-horizon perspective were
firmly fixed on the transfiguration of the entire cosmos; Paul was
definitely not a present-minded apostle of “national Jesus”
warning of the apocalyptic judgement soon to fall upon Old
Covenant Israel according to the flesh.
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Don K. Preston
The problem Paul faced with his “brethren” in Corinth was not
that some doubted the resurrection of Christ or that others
denied the resurrection of anyone. Rather, some doubted the
resurrection of the Old Covenant saints. Paul’s concept of the
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ones are being raised (n.b., not how are the dead raised) and
with what manner of body are they coming (n.b., not do they
come). Now, if some Corinthian Christians expected “a
resurrection of biological bodies to certain dead persons,” such
questions would not arise. Dawson attributes a spiritual concept
of the resurrection to Paul breaking sharply with Wright’s
insistence on the transfigured but still bodily nature of the
resurrection. Dawson breaks even more dramatically with
Wright when he points out that Paul never speaks of resurrected
“bodies”. Instead, Paul refers only to “the resurrection of one
body, the Old Covenant faithful who were being transformed into
the body of Christ”. Dawson observes that the “prophets [e.g.
Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, and Isaiah] from which Paul preached
had foretold the resurrection of a single body”. The hermeneutic
problem here, Dawson concludes, “comes down to whether the
resurrection Paul spoke of was of one body in his present time or
of billions of bodies more than two thousand years in the
The present active tense shows how the subject of the sentence
is acting. An entirely different concept, the present passive tense
shows how the subject of the sentence is being acted upon. Yet
[in most translations of 1 Corinthians 15] this present passive
tense is often ignored, or completely changed to a future!21
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Scot McKnight
prescribe exactly what the learning of its skills lead to, it is open
to the suspicion that its workings are no longer answerable to
what they what they claim to answer to […] and thus integrity
disappears”.24 This is a political problem eating away at the
heart of theological hermeneutics. Unfortunately, those who
have done so much to re-discover “national Jesus” and “national
Paul” have failed to mount an effective political challenge to the
institutional defenders of “global Jesus” and “global Paul”.
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9. Ibid. p. 316.
10. Ibid. p. 54 (emphasis added), p. 348.
11. Ibid. p. 357.
12. Ibid. p. 336.
13. N. T. Wright, The New Testament and the People of God:
Christian Origins and the Question of God (Minneapolis:
Fortress Press, 1992) p. 462.
14. Wright, Paul and the Faithfulness of God, p. 1497.
15. N. T. Wright, “In Grateful Dialogue: A Response,” in Newman,
Jesus & the Restoration of Israel p. 267.
16. Wright, Paul and the Faithfulness of God, p. 1503.
17. Samuel G. Dawson, Essays on Eschatology: An Introductory
Overview of the Study of Last Things (Amarillo, TX: SGD
Press, 2009) pp. 105, 109.
18. Ibid. p. 144-146.
19. Ibid. p. 177-178, 184.
20. Ibid. p. 136.
21. Ibid. p. 135.
22. Ibid. p. 136, 145.
23. See, e.g., Samuel M. Frost, “Taking on Don K. Preston’s Jesus”
Vigilate Et Orate (blog) (22 February 2017) <vigil.blog>
(accessed 18 May 2020).
24. Rowan Williams, On Christian Theology (Oxford: Blackwell,
2000) p. 5.
25. See, e.g., Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, One with God: Salvation as
Deification and Justification (Collegeville, MI: Liturgical
Press, 2004).
26. Saint Athanasius, On the Incarnation (Yonkers, N.Y.: St.
Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 2011) p. 167.
27. Scot McKnight, “Why the Authentic Jesus is of No Use for the
Church,” in Chris Keith, et. al., Jesus, Criteria, and the
Demise of Authenticity (London: T&T Clark, 2012) pp. 173-
28. Dawson, op. cit., p. 455.
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6/28/2021 Global Jesus versus National Jesus: The Political Hermeneutics of Resurrection [Pt. II] - Sydney Trads :: Reader View
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6/28/2021 White Politics and Secession in South Africa :: Reader View
The Democratic Alliance (DA) had long been viewed as the party
of White people, but that was a handicap when Whites were just
eight percent of the population. The party traced its roots back
to the Progressive Party, the liberal opposition during the
apartheid era, but few Black voters cared about that. Instead, the
party drew most of its non-White support from the nation’s
“coloured” population, a mixed-race group that shared just one
thing in common with the nation’s Whites: a mutual fear of Black
domination in the allegedly harmonious “Rainbow Nation.”
The Afrikaners
It all could have worked out very differently. Nearly 30 years ago,
in November 1993, President F.W. de Klerk convened his cabinet
to inform them that he had accepted Nelson Mandela’s demands
for majority rule in the new government. Upon hearing the news,
Tertius Delport, one of his negotiators, was stunned. They had
given in on virtually everything. Resolved to resign, he walked
down the hall to confront the president directly.
It was not out of the question. De Klerk had always viewed the
military with a mixture of suspicion and disdain. Many of them
viewed him as a traitor. He had already removed Magnus Malan,
his widely respected defense minister. In late 1992, he resolved
to clean out the rest of the dissidents in the military ranks.
“We are not playing with children,” one of his ministers warned
him. “We are governing because the Defense Force allows us to
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do so. … The top command could decide to get rid of us and seize
power. And where are we then?”
“You and I and our men can take this country in an afternoon,”
Viljoen reportedly told him. “Yes,” Meiring replied, “but what do
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For Viljoen, the lack of support from the armed forces was
decisive. “I could have stirred things up in 1994—but for what
purpose?” he later said. “I don’t think any action from my side
would have resulted in a major part of the Defense Force siding
with me.”
In the 1994 elections, the first held after the end of apartheid,
Viljoen’s Freedom Front earned a little over two percent of the
vote. The party was, and remains, an important voice for
Afrikaners, as are advocacy organizations like AfriForum and
Suidlanders, a civil defense group. But their power is limited by
numbers. Whites are a small minority in South Africa.
Conservative Afrikaners are just a minority within the minority.
Viljoen never had any illusions about this. His primary focus had
always been the creation of an Afrikaner homeland. Consistent
with the accord he signed with the ANC, a council was soon
created to consider the creation of a such a volkstaat. But then,
as now, the council soon faced a major obstacle: Afrikaners were
spread too thinly across too many areas of the country for any
single region to stand out as the obvious location.
Orania had shown that the idea could work. And before long,
public opinion would change.
Democratic Alliance
With its principal competition for White voters now gone, the
newly renamed Democratic Alliance was free to expand its
outreach to other racial groups, first to the “coloured” vote and
later to the Black middle class. Like White establishment parties
just about everywhere, it downplayed race and emphasized
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After that election, Helen Zille, the party’s leader, began looking
for a successor. Her ideal candidate would be someone like
Barack Obama, who was then closing out his second term.
Mmusi Maimane seemed to fit the bill. With Zille’s backing, he
drew overwhelming support from the party in 2015. The party
then marketed him in ways that amounted to virtual plagiarism
— including blatantly copying Obama’s “Hope” poster and
substituting Maimane’s image instead.
But Maimane did not play along. He was not interested in being
the Black face of a White party. If the DA wanted his leadership to
reach Black voters, then he would force it to swallow his message
— and that message was one of Black nationalism.
woke left. “I don’t agree with those who say they don’t see color.
Because, if you don’t see that I’m Black, then you don’t see me.”
Neither were some of its other Black leaders, but for different
reasons. ”I feel powerless when my activists come to me and say
they are victims of racism from senior people in the party, who
say they should be grateful that the DA keeps them busy because
otherwise they would probably be out stealing and killing people
somewhere,” one grumbled. “I mean, what is that?”
The DA paid the price for these divisions at the ballot box. In the
2019 elections, the party lost ground for first time since 1994,
failing to gain any traction against the ANC and losing White
voters on the right to the Freedom Front Plus. The ANC also lost
ground, but not to the “colorblind” DA. Instead, it lost votes to
the explicitly Black nationalist Economic Freedom Fighters
(EFF) under Julius Malema, who had pledged to “cut the throat of
After the election, the knives came out. Helen Zille, the DA’s
previous leader, was elected to a powerful party position by the
old guard and she quickly challenged Maimane from within. Her
predecessor, Tony Leon, chaired an internal party review that
laid the blame squarely at Maimane’s feet. The Institute for Race
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Maimane saw the writing on the wall, but he did not go quietly. At
his resignation speech he called out the DA’s White leadership in
explicit terms. “Over the past few months it has become more
and more clear to me that there exists those in the DA who do
not see eye-to-eye with me, who do not share the vision for the
party and the direction it was taking,” he said. “There have been
several months of consistent and coordinated attacks on me and
my leadership, to ensure that this project failed, or I failed.”
Other Black party leaders followed him out the door. “I cannot
reconcile myself with a group of people who believe that race is
irrelevant in the discussion of inequality and poverty in South
Africa,” said Herman Mashaba as he resigned from the party and
as mayor of Johannesburg, the nation’s largest city.
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Local rule was a step in the right direction, but some activists
wanted more. In 2007, they formed the Cape Party to fight for
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These poll results, which drew wide attention, have put the DA in
a box. Much of its White leadership privately supports
independence, but it has remained publicly silent to avoid
alienating voters both inside and outside the province who do
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not support the effort. The Freedom Front Plus, which has
endorsed independence, sees this as an opportunity. They plan
to challenge the DA on this issue in the upcoming 2021
municipal elections.
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It is a simple answer, one that anyone could have given, but now
more people are beginning to realize that it is something that
cannot be taken for granted. Self-rule has long been an
aspiration for many White South Africans. Now, after all these
years, it may finally be within reach.
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6/28/2021 Review of Josh Neal’s <i>American Extremist</i> :: Reader View
Josh Neal
If I had any problem with these podcasters at all, it was that they
didn’t write enough, because putting opinions systematically to
paper, where one’s sources can be scrutinized and one’s logical
progression of thought more clearly laid bare, certainly makes
such opinions more personal, vulnerable, and accountable.
Being something of a Luddite, I also harbor a personal antipathy
to what I see as the transience of the podcast as opposed to the
permanence of the essay or the book (it being much easier in my
view to turn to a page for a quote than to click through a
succession of time-stamps).
Systemic Alienation
Perhaps most important of all is the fact both Left and Right
insist that Americanism itself “is not bound in anything real, but
rather is simply a result of the choice to live in America.”
Because of this deeply problematic, but ubiquitous,
understanding of what it means to be American, we are forced
into the realization that “the problem of political extremism is to
understand that the problem is America.” Here I was reminded
strongly of Sam Dickson’s remarkable NPI 2013 speech on
“America: The God That Failed.” When I mentioned this speech
to Dickson several years ago, he told me that he had been
criticized for it at the time. Now, however, it seems prophetic, at
least in the sense that a growing segment of the younger
American, and indeed international, movement is rejecting what
it perceives as an American imperialism and internationalism
that enriches elites and individualistic traitors while destroying
the ethnic and cultural fabric of the nation. In fact, Neal, echoing
Dickson, insists that “the country can only be regarded as a
dismal failure.” One can only add that any nation that reduces its
self-concept to merely “a choice to live in ‘X’” is a failure, and
this goes for every country in the Anglosphere, and, increasingly,
most of the nations of Europe, that have redefined themselves in
the image of the ideology of Americanism.
The first hurdle faced when dealing with extremism is the issue
of definition. Our conception of extremism is, for the most part,
set in stone by organizations like the ADL and the SPLC who use
it as shorthand for White, rightwing dissent from the
multicultural neoliberal status quo. This tunnel vision isn’t just
an issue of partisanship, but of wholly malicious intent, as
evidenced in the documentary Alt-Right: Age of Rage when a
chart illustrating White demographic decline was captured ‘in
shot’ during an interview with the SPLC’s Mark Potok. Of the
SPLC and the ADL Neal remarks:
The mission of the ADL and the SPLC has been boosted in recent
years by increasing cooperation from the press, with Neal noting
that “the language of the top press outlets radically shifted in
favour of extreme intersectional neoliberal ideology.” Thus,
while the mantra is that White nationalist extremism is on the
rise, “one can only conclude that, institutionally, the ideology of
the intersectional left rose to prominence, not White supremacy.
Ideological White supremacists, nationalists, immigration
skeptics, racists, and patriots (who are all regarded as
indistinguishable from one another and thus equally evil) hold
no sway in the media, the government, and are hard pressed to
locally organize.” Neal argues that the real nature of extremism
takes the form of a “high and low versus the middle” pincer
strategy, in which elites cooperate with the lowest (rank and file
anarchists, antifa, etc.) in order to mobilize against the middle
(working classes and members of the recently dubbed
precariat). The result is that the pincer “squeezes the center out
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but not the self.” Many, of course, also become ambitious for
advancement within the status quo, and are only all too aware of
the price for admission—one they are in many cases quite willing
to pay:
The Internet
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Final Remarks
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[1] Eric Striker and the TRS team share some of the thinking of
this group, but have a longer history of movement prominence,
and differ enough in approach, to be considered distinct from
this new grouping.
[2] One is also reminded of that famous line from Bukowski that
“the best at hate are those who preach love, and the best at war
finally are those who preach peace.”
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6/28/2021 LARPing Towards Victory? – The Occidental Observer :: Reader View
William S. Lind
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William Pierce also served a stint with the JBS during the 1960s.
In his well-known essay “Why Conservatives Can’t Win,” Piece
writes, “Some of my best friends are conservatives,” but he goes
on to state that conservatives do not understand the forces that
oppose them, and only a revolutionary counter force can defeat
the Left.
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In 2009 Lind and the late Paul Weyrich co-authored The Next
Conservatism, a highly critical look at neo-conservatism. The
authors made a number of cogent points such as the primacy of
culture over politics. Election victories by so-called
conservatives have not stopped the Left’s cultural revolution, nor
have they halted demographic replacement. Neoconservative
economics favors Wall Street over Main Street, and its foreign
policy supports costly military interventions. Unlike most
conservatives Lind and Weyrich supported environmental
protection and the New Urbanism. Presently Lind writes for the
American Conservative and the online journal traditional Right.
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6/28/2021 LARPing Towards Victory? – The Occidental Observer :: Reader View
At the end of the chapter Lind asks, “Is it all just nostalgia? Or is
something more happening here — something big?” (10). First,
this book is saturated with nostalgia, though several times Lind
denies indulging in those sentiments. Yet if nostalgia is strong
enough and widespread enough, it would indeed be something
big. Nostalgia is a form of alienation, and collective alienation
can be the first step towards fundamental change.
rejects the idea that ‘you can’t go back’” (11). Almost every
student of history would disagree. As with many paleocons, the
author sees the 1960s as the great watershed, so going back
means pre 1960.
Optics has been an issue for the Dissident Right, and in Chapter
Six Lind offers some sound sartorial advice. The decline in
American standards of dress has been precipitous across the
board. He recommends buying fewer articles of quality
conservative clothes. This will save you time and money in the
long run because your apparel will look better and last longer.
The author points out that men’s fashions have not changed
much in the last three generations. “Lapels shrink and grow,
shoulders fatten and thin, and the fashion trade tries to make a
big deal of it all. In fact, its piffle” (94). Some shopping advice:
“By needing fewer things, you can also frequent better shops
when you buy, thus avoiding the degradation of the discount
house and the silliness of the boutique.” In a decent men’s shop
“you get real value, good American and British stuff, not some
wog creation that makes you look like a pimp” (94). One last
fashion tip, leave Hawaiian shirts to Hawaiians in Hawaii.
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6/28/2021 Guillaume Faye Remembered – The Occidental Observer :: Reader View
Pierre-Émile Blairon
Arktos, 2020.
Just how correct Faye was in this respect remains to be seen, but
it is clear, in this age of increasing surveillance technologies and
the mechanization of almost all aspects of life, that the question
of technology is only going to become ever more prominent.
Much as my own instincts tend to the anti-technological, it’s
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In so many ways, Faye was a man ahead of his time — a fact that
rises to the fore in the volume’s second essay, “Farewell,
Guillaume Faye, after forty-four years of common struggle.” At a
time when the youngest generation appears to believe it more or
less invented shock humor tactics in politics, we gain some
insight from this essay on Faye’s outlandish detour into prank
comedy as the “Skyman” persona for the Skyrock radio station.
This occurred in part due to his declining fortunes in G.R.E.C.E.,
which was in turn a result of the suppression or sabotage of his
work. In one memorable instance, he was more or less forced by
his superiors to follow up an intellectual exploration of
Heidegger with an unironic piece on, of all things, Atlantis.
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6/28/2021 Guillaume Faye Remembered – The Occidental Observer :: Reader View
Faye would toil in relative obscurity for several more years until
friendships with Americans like Jared Taylor and Sam Dickson,
and a new relationship with Arktos Publishing under Daniel
Friberg, brought Faye and his ideas into the Anglosphere in a
serious way for the first time. Unlike the French scene, “within
the vast American movement, no attempt to sabotage his books
has ever taken place.” Within the American scene, Faye’s work
received generous praise and treatment by websites like
American Renaissance and Counter-Currents, and there are 20
essays at the Occidental Observer that touch in some way upon
Faye’s writings. Anglosphere academics like Michael O’Meara
have also given major attention to Faye, with O’Meara publishing
his Guillaume Faye and the Battle of Europe in 2013. Faye’s
books have been very well-received in the Anglosphere, as my
own review of his last book indicates.
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6/28/2021 A Review of Alexander Jacob’s “European Perspectives” – The Occidental Observer :: Reader View
Alexander Jacob
European Perspectives
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6/28/2021 A Review of Alexander Jacob’s “European Perspectives” – The Occidental Observer :: Reader View
The second essay looks at two books written in the early 1950s
by two “authentic noblemen.” One is Erik von Kuehnelt-
Leddihn’s Liberty or Equality: The Challenge of Our Time and the
other Julius Evola’s Men Among the Ruins. Kuehnelt-Leddihn,
born into the Habsburg aristocracy of the early twentieth
century, was a Catholic monarchist who opposed both
democracy and capitalism. He believed there was an
“inextricable connection between democracy and tyranny,” and
that the “rule of money and technology . . . was culturally sterile”
(29). “Kuehnelt-Leddihn squarely places the blame for
democratic degeneration on Protestantism” (35). The solution
was not to be found in national socialism for he opposed a mass
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The Sicilian nobleman Julius Evola, who wrote the second book
surveyed in this chapter, was critical of many of the same forces
that troubled Kuehnelt-Leddihn — liberalism, individualism,
materialism and utilitarianism — which he saw as originating
from the bourgeoisie. Yet he did see a role for mass politics, and
he was sympathetic to fascism, especially as expressed by the
philosopher and fellow Sicilian Giovanni Gentile. As do many on
the European Right, Evola favored a corporate economy:
“autarky should be encouraged rather than the internationalism
of global commerce” (42).
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In the fourth essay Jacob shifts gears to examine two books, both
written in 2011, that analyze the success of Western civilization:
The Uniqueness of Western Civilization by Ricardo Duchesne
and The West and the Rest by Niall Ferguson.
In the remainder of this essay Jacob traces how the English, and
later the Americans, deviated from traditional European values.
In essence: the rise of Puritanism and its anti-monarchical ideas
led to the English Civil War, the Revolution of 1688, the
American Revolution, and the French Revolution. Puritans with
their individualism and industry came to see “citizens as
economic units of production not unlike those of the later
Communist utopia of Marx” (106). Plus, according to Jacob,
Puritanism has always been heavily influenced by Judaism.
Then, increasingly during the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries, the Jews in America were able to transform the
remnant of Puritanism into their own political/economic system.
It was “the re-entry of the Jews into England during the Puritan
revolution” that began the unraveling of European culture, with
the end results that we see today (121).
Jacob writes that from the beginning Zionism was much more of
a secular than a religious project, and there were, and are, some
anti-Zionist Jews. Also, in the early years there was the idea of a
one-state solution with an “Arab-Jewish bi-nationalism and [this
proposal] was supported by Arendt herself” (134). Over the
decades the left-wing socialist faction of Zionism has weakened
while the far-right parties gained ascendency. “Arendt thus came
to consider Israel as a capitalist and colonialist — and perhaps
also imperialist — state” (138).
So, what can the reader take away from Perspectives? First a
couple of lesser criticisms: At this critical time, is it wise to
accentuate the religious and national divisions among
Westerners? Is there a need to refight the wars of religion? Jacob
supports the Catholic Church, but today Protestants are not
Catholics staunchest opponents. Plus, there is an inconsistency
here as Jacob has a particular regard for Prussian culture, yet
Prussia was a predominately Protestant nation. Second, as an
American who has lived and worked in Europe, I do not
minimize the cultural differences between these two branches of
Western civilization. Nor will I defend the disgusting American
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political and cultural establishment. That said, there can be, and
should be, more that binds us together than separates us.
Jacob looks to the church and monarchy to save the West. But
look at the present Pope and the current royal families of
Europe. It is hard to see the practical application of Catholicism
and monarchism to twenty-first century Europe’s existential
crisis. Yet Jacob is an erudite analyst who makes some
perceptive points. There is a desperate need for a new
aristocracy in Western societies. It is a truism that every society,
except perhaps the most primitive, is ruled by one or more elite
groups. In social science, this is sometimes referred to as the
iron law of oligarchy. Not every elite, however, is aristocratic, and
aristocracies take time to develop, time the West does not have.
At present we are ruled by elites who are hostile to the interests
of Western peoples. Before an aristocracy can develop, we need
to create a revolutionary cadre from which a new elite will
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