3 Symbaroum - Throne of Thorns
3 Symbaroum - Throne of Thorns
3 Symbaroum - Throne of Thorns
This document contains numerous
revelations regarding the Chronicle of the
Throne of Thorns and is written for Game
Masters only. If you plan to experience the
chronicle as a player you really shouldn’t
continue past this sentence.
Again, this document contains numerous
revelations regarding the Chronicle of the
Throne of Thorns and is written for Game
Masters only. If you plan to experience the
chronicle as a player you really shouldn’t
continue past this sentence.
“… and at the dawn of days was Wyrhta, the power that creates.
Where Nothing had reigned supreme, Wyrhta gave life to All;
shaped here and there, spawned now and then,
formed the one and in chorus the other.
And where attraction arose,
the wild thrived and multiplied …
… but out of the untamed Wielda appeared, the power that rules:
the power of willful violence, that bends here and there,
that curves now and then according to ideals and cravings;
that harvests the one and rejects the other.
With time, Wielda’s appetite grew,
and the birth was inevitable …
… because violence begets hate begets Wratha, the power that reacts.
Born of Wielda’s hunger for Wyrhta’s design, Wratha is everywhere and nowhere,
always close where mother meets mother,
always mounting in strength with the force of the violence.
The arrival of the black fruit is fated,
as inescapable as terrible …
The Factions
The Throne of Thorns features an interesting mix of power Figureheads: Individuals/creatures who act as leaders of
ful factions. Aside from the ones described in this section, the faction, for a longer or shorter period of time. The leaders
other organizations, groups, and individuals will appear in of smaller groupings within the faction take orders from and
single episodes, but the ones listed below have a crucial role are accountable to the figureheads.
to play in all or most of the adventures. Principle: States which principle is represented by the
A majority of the factions can be said to act in line with agents of the faction, in some cases more than one. Note
Wielda, and it is the actions of these groups that propel the that defectors and infiltrators can be found within all major
developing events. Initially, they will also come off as the most organizations.
powerful factions, but never forget that they are competing Goal: The vision or dream that explains the actions of the
with each other, and also that their actions contribute to faction. However, single agents who appear in the episodes
making the factions of Wratha grow stronger. Finally, it can be totally unaware of its faction’s “higher purpose” or
should be noted that the Iron Pact and the Witches (in other have goals of their own.
words, the factions fighting for Wyrhta) have a defensive and Strength: That which speaks in favor of the faction and
reactive stance – their primary objective is to overthrow the is its most important weapon in the competition with others.
plans of the others. Weakness: That which speaks against the faction and is
Every faction is described based the following characteristics: a liability that others can exploit.
Relations: The overall relationship between the faction
Role: The faction’s part in the story at large. Depending on and other groupings – often closely tied to the principle it
what decisions the players make, this role may come to vary. represents but not solely.
All factions will have agents or representatives in Thistle The main theme of the episode is about uncovering the
Hold that the characters can encounter. The only exception historical connections between Symbaroum, Lindaros and the
is the Sacred of the Old Blood, whose agent in town is the root realm of the Dark Lords – connections that Queen Korinthia
of the adventure’s plot but without stepping out from the apparently wants to be kept in the dark. Several other factions
shadows other than in the form of fleeting rumors. learn about the cover-up and the characters start to unravel
the situation, on their own or together with allied parties.
Karvosti: The Witch Hammer Of course, in Yndaros all factions are present and all con-
The second book focuses on Karvosti and its surroundings. flicts both between and within them will come into play – the
The characters will enter the labyrinthine tunnels inside the only exception being the Sovereign’s Oath, whose agents are
cliff but will also have reason to visit remote outposts, islands occupied laying siege to Karvosti.
in Lake Volgoma, ancient Symbarian ruins and a couple of
barbarian settlements. Symbar: Mother of the Wilds
The theme of the episode is the escalating conflict between The turning point of the chronicle is set deep inside Davokar,
various factions – primarily between House Kohinoor, the where Symbaroum’s last emperor once had his seat. Besides
witches and groupings within the Church of Prios. The Queen the grand adventure setting itself, a large part of the book will
wants to force the witches to reveal the location of Symbar, describe the journey to the deeper, darker parts of the woods.
and the situation grows tense when the Templar’s leave In the ruined city that was called Symbar during its prime,
the Curia hunting for that same information. And to make the characters will unearth a deeper understanding of what is
matters worse, the tensions within the Priesthood flare up. at stake. It is revealed that the name Symbar not only alludes
The characters can become involved in multiple ways, but to a place, but also to a man and to the power that comes into
irrespective of how, they will come to learn a thing or two being when the creation of Wyrhta is ravaged (the one called
about the civilization of Symbaroum and what eventually Wratha by the barbarians). And the characters are not alone
caused the empire to crumble. in trying to uncover the secrets of the ancient ruins …
Aside from the factions mentioned above, a warband from In this episode all major factions clash for the first time,
the Iron Pact and a group of warriors from the The Sovereign’s and this happens in a remote location from which no one but
Oath will appear in the episode. The latter’s attempt to take the victors will return with tales of what actually transpired
out the High Chieftain is actually what sets the ball rolling ... in the dark of the woods. However, we are not talking about
large armies here, but of smaller groups of potent explorers,
Yndaros: The Darkest Star reduced in numbers on their way to the site.
The third episode of the chronicle is mainly set in Ambria’s
capital Yndaros. Aside from adventures in the city and a trip Alberetor: The Haunted Waste
to a struggling rural settlement, the player characters will Alberetor, the once so beautiful, now blackened homeland of
visit Lindaros – both its sunken ruins and, by mystical means, the Ambrians, is the setting for the fifth episode. Important
the citystate as it appeared during its glory days. locations are the fortress where Korinthia was imprisoned by