Immaculada ES - English LLC's (1st and 2nd Quarters) - S.Y.-2020-2021

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Department of Education

Republic of the Philippines

Region XI
Lupon East District
Immaculada Elementary School
Sitio Immaculada, Don Mariano, Lupon Davao Oriental
S.Y. 2020-2021

List of Least Learned Competencies in English from Grade 2-6

(for the 1st and 2nd quarters)

English Competencies of Grade levels 2-6


 Recognize different kinds of sentences  Perform dialogues, drama, mock interview, TV
GRADE 2 (declarative, interrogative) (EN2G-Id-e-13) talk shows etc. (EN2A-IIa-e-7.4)

 Engage in a variety of ways to share  Supply rhyming words in response to spoken

information (eg. Role playing, summarizing, words (EN2PA-IIi-j-2.4)
retelling and show and tell) (EN2SS-If-i-1.2)
 Give the meaning of the words used in stories  Read aloud from familiar prose and poetry
GRADE 3 listened to (ENIV-Ia-b-01) consisting of long vowel words with fluency,
appropriate rhythm, pacing and intonation
 Describe literary elements of texts including (EN3F-IIa-j-1.10.1)
characters setting and plot(EN3RC-Ic-e-2.1)
 Sequence a series of events in a literary section
( EN3RC-IIi-j-2.10)

 Compose clear and coherent sentences using  Identify the important story elements sch as
GRADE 4 appropriate grammatical structures: Kinds of setting character and plot (EN4RC-IIa-1.1)
nouns (Possessive nouns) (EN4G-If-35)
 Write/compose clear coherent sentences using
 Read with accuracy words, phrases, poems, the correct order of adjectives ( EN4WC-IIId-
and stories with silent letters (EN4F-Ii-14 ) 29)
 Compose clear and coherent sentences using  Compose clear and coherent sentences using
GRADE 5 appropriate grammatical structures: subject-verb appropriate grammatical structures: aspects of
agreement; kinds of adjectives; subordinate and verbs, modals and conjunction (EN5G-Ia- 3.3)
coordinate conjunctions; and adverbs of intensity
and frequency
 Use compound and complex sentences to show cause
and effect and problem-solution relationship of ideas
 Infer the meaning of idiomatic expressions  Organize information from primary sources in
GRADE 6 using affixes (EN6V-Ib- preparation for writing reporting and similar
academic tasks in collaboration with others
 Compose clear and coherent sentences using ( EN6SS-IIe-3)
appropriate grammatical structures: aspects of
verbs (EN6G-Id-3.3)  Write a four-paragraph composition showing
cause and effect (EN6WC-IIf-2.2.5)

Prepared by:
School’s English Coor/Teacher-1 JOEL C. LACNO
Head teacher-II

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