The three main duties of the Indonesian National Police are to maintain security and public order, enforce laws, and provide protection and service to the community. In carrying out these duties, their tasks include performing patrols and community control, ensuring safe traffic flow, developing community awareness of laws, investigating crimes, and providing public services and disaster relief while upholding human rights.
The three main duties of the Indonesian National Police are to maintain security and public order, enforce laws, and provide protection and service to the community. In carrying out these duties, their tasks include performing patrols and community control, ensuring safe traffic flow, developing community awareness of laws, investigating crimes, and providing public services and disaster relief while upholding human rights.
The three main duties of the Indonesian National Police are to maintain security and public order, enforce laws, and provide protection and service to the community. In carrying out these duties, their tasks include performing patrols and community control, ensuring safe traffic flow, developing community awareness of laws, investigating crimes, and providing public services and disaster relief while upholding human rights.
The three main duties of the Indonesian National Police are to maintain security and public order, enforce laws, and provide protection and service to the community. In carrying out these duties, their tasks include performing patrols and community control, ensuring safe traffic flow, developing community awareness of laws, investigating crimes, and providing public services and disaster relief while upholding human rights.
2. Enforce the law, and 3. Provide protection, and service to the community. 4. In carrying out these basic tasks, Police are to: 5. Perform control, guard, escort and patrol of the community and government activities as needed; 6. Supplying all activities to ensure the safety and smoothness of traffic on the road; 7. To develop community awareness; 8. As well as in the development of national law; 9. Implement order and ensure public safety; 10.Implement co-ordination, supervision, and technical guidance to the investigators, civil servants/authorities, and the forms of private security; 11.Implement the investigation against all criminal acts in accordance with the criminal procedure law and other legislation; 12.Implement identification such as police medical operations, psychology, and police forensic laboratory for the interests of the police task; 13.Protect soul safety, property, society, and the environment from disturbances and/or disaster, including providing aid and relief to uphold human rights; 14.Serving interests of citizens for a while before it is handled by the agency and/or authorities; 15.Give services to the public in accordance with the interests of the police task environment; 16.To implement other duties in accordance with the legislation, which in practice regulated by Government Regulation; 17.Receive reports and/or complaints; 18.Crowd and public control; 19.Help resolve community disputes that may interfere with the public order; 20.Supervising the flow that can lead to the dismemberment or threaten the unity of the nation; 21.Publicizing police regulations within the scope of police administrative authority; 22.Implementing special examination as part of the police identification; 23.Respond first and rapid action to a scene; 24.Take the identity, fingerprints and photograph of a person for identification purposes; 25.Looking for information and evidence; 26.Organizing National Crime Information Centre; 27.Issuing license and / or certificate that is required to service the community; 28.Give security assistance in the trial and execution of court decisions, the activities of other agencies, as well as community activities; and 29. To Receive, secure, and keep founded lost items for a while until further identification