Prototype Behavior of Morning-Glory Shaft Spillways
Prototype Behavior of Morning-Glory Shaft Spillways
Prototype Behavior of Morning-Glory Shaft Spillways
J. N. Bradley
Engineer, Bureau of Reclamation
Design and Construction Division
Denver, Colorado
The morning-glory spillway may operate with free flow or, de-
signed properly, it can operate submerged. For free flow, the discharge
characteristics are similar to those for a straight overfall dam section,
where an increase of discharge is proportional to the three halves power of
the head, When operated submerged, the flow characteristics change com-
pletely, An increase in discharge is then proportional to the square root of
the head but, if part of the shaft flows full, the effective head may exceed
the head measured above the crest. A point to be remembered is that, once
submerged flow occurs, a further increase in head on the crest results in
a very limited increase in discharge. Thus, if a morning-glory spillway is
designed to operate submerged, an additional factor of safety should be ap-
plied to flood predictions to guard against the spillway capacity ever being
With .the construction of the Heart Butte Dam spillway, which con-
sists of a morning-glory designed for submerged flow with as much as 54
feet of head on the crest, and the design of the Hungry Horse Dam spillway,
which will feature a total drop of 475 feet from headwater to tail water, the
above questions take on added significance. For example, vibration of the
Heart Butte spillway, which is embedded directly in the earth dam, would
create a serious situation. Erosion of the tunnel lining in the Hungry Horse
spillway at the very high velocities contemplated would produce intolerable
In an attempt to par'tially clarify some of these questions in light
of prototype experience, a questionnaire was sent to persons connected
with morningeglory shaft spillways throughout the world, The text of the
questionnaire varied, but these three questions were common to all .of them:
The response and cooperation received in reply to this inquiry were ex-
cellent. As to the value of the information collected, you may be the
Why the anxiety over morning-glory spillways? The following
example should illustrate the point: The Arizona spillway at Hoover
Darn, which has a fall of approximately 570 feet, went into operation for
the first time in August 1941. A week later, the gates were raised and
a hurried inspection was made of the tunnel, No erosion was apparent,
and operation was continued until December of the same year, The average
flow during the 4-month period was 13, 500 cfs. The maximum flow was
38, 000 cfs, which lasted for only a few hours. At the end of this period,
a hole was discovered 115 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 45 feet below in-
vert grade, immediately downstream from the vertical bend. The veloc-
ity was approximately 150 feet per second, The spillway was designed
for 200, 000 cfs, so the average flow was about 7 percent of capacity. You
have probably heard this story before, but we have not forgotten it.
The Hoover Darn spillways are not the morning-glory type, but
the tunnel arrangement is similar to some morning-glory spillways. There
are a number of theories as to what actually happened at Hoover Dam, but
nothing conclusive, In short, there was a misalignment of the invert of the
tunnel, there was evidence of cavitation, and the large hole is indicative of
impact and scaling. This we do not want to happen again in any structure.
But a question presents itself: If this can happen to an inclined shaft, what
can be expected in the case of a vertical shaft terminating in a sharp 90 0
Davis Bridge spillway on the Deerfield River near Whitingham. Vermont,
was completed .about 1925, This spillway (Figure 2) was designed for a
maximum discharge of 27,000 cfs„ a .drop of 180 feet, and a head on the
crest of 8 feet,. Reports indicate that this structure has discharged a cum-
bet' .of. times for short period,s, The maximum discharge occurred in the .
.September hurricane flood of 1938 when the water reached an elevation of
6 feet on.. the crest„ The computed discharge at that time was about 19,000. .
second feet„ or 72 percent of 1:„:apacity. The spiaduringthis flood exceeded
10, 000 second. feet, for about 15 hours" duration. Inspection after the flood
showed n.o appreciable erosion of the concrete in the horizontal part of the
tunnel, Several smal). erosion pockets were apparent at the vertical bend,
but it was not certain whether this was caused by erosion, due to velocity .
or 'spalling due to freezing and thawing of the concrete surfaces, In any
event, the repairs were of a minor nature, The report goes on to .say that
.all ice and debris which passed over the crest between the piers has readily
gone through the spillway„ Logs and trees 50 to 60 feet long have passed
through the spillway at times, The spillway makes some noise when it is
in operation, but this can be heard only a short distance from the dam, and .
vibration appears to be no problem,
The Gibson spillway on the North Fork of the Sun River in Montana,
a Bureau of Reclamation dam, was completed about 19260 This structure
(Figure 2) was designed for 50, 000 cfs, a drop of 160 feet, with 20 feet of
head over the crest. Later the crest portion was altered and six radial
gates were installed, The :report states that during the month of May 1938,
a total, of 435„ 00.0 acre feet of water flowed through the spillway.. The peak
of this flow amounted to 13, 000 second feet, or 26 percent of capacity. Upon
inspection. of the tunnel in :1,948, two spots about 5 feet in greatest dimension,
ovol in shape„ and about 2 inches deep, prominently displayed erosion in the
vertical bend, Water passing through the spillway in the 1948 season caused
them to show additional erosion. From the irregular and misaligned nature
of the vertical bend, it would be unfair to tie down the responsibility for this
•erosion to any one cause, The report goes on to state that no ice has passed
through the spillway, but large trees have passed. through it during flood sea-
son with no apparent damage. Noise was reported to have been considerable.,
increasing as the discharge, but this was not particularly objectionable,
Vibreion was considered normal, and in. no way detrimental, With radial
gates, vortex actioti is no problem,
Max. W.S:-% ,
- - 66'Clici: -
W . 4' Fins 9" wide
61.5 DIA. -
77 31' 36 DIA.-
22.5 DIA
02.42 29.5' DIA.
55 R.
22.5 DIA.
Figure 1 Figure 2
80 Duo
r •
Figure 3
Figure 4
these have passed through the spillway without damage. Antivortex devices
consist of four fins on the Silent Valley spillway and 15 piers on the Pontian
water from the chamber, All reports from the Owyhee spillway (on which
we have kept special watch) are favorable, A large flow occurred through
the spillway during a. 3-month period in the spring of 1936, when approxi-
mately 300,000 ac:iee feet of water was passed. The maximum discharge
recorded was 15,000 second feet, or one-half capacity. Since then smaller
discharges have passed through the spillway frequently. The spillway op-
erated at 18,000 cfs or 60 percent of capacity in 1952. Inspection of the
vertical shaft, elbow, and horizontal tunnel downstream has disclosed no
indication of erosion of any kind, These inspections have been conducted
frequently since the spillway first operated in 1936. No evidence of vibra-
tion has been apparent in the spillway and the jet does not flutter even with
the gate in a raised position. Incidentally a: single pier serves as an anti-
vortex device and also houses the ring gate operating equipment,
The spiliway for the Heart Butte (Figure 8), recently constructed by
the Bureau. of Reclamation, is unique in that it is designed to operate prin-
cipally submerged, Both operate in conjunction with retention reservoirs.
The Heart Butte Dam .spillway is located in North Dakota. It was designed
.... ..,
WA - 2625
' / '
El. 2645
E1.2670) ±-601x 12'
--- 1 ! R1NG GATE
--PI 9658 -x
50' R.
El- 9 6' D1A
•777-H.-1 OWYHEE
Figure 5
Figure 6
32.5' DIA.-,
111114111 - 27' DIA.
j,-- E1.2064.5
° --El 2053 85
11.67 DIA.
El 20 33
11D1A. 59.5'
4•::1 ,
A -21R.
Figure 7 Figure 8
for a capacity of 5, 600 cfs, with a drop from headwater to tail water of
106 feet, and operates submerged at a maximum head of 54 feet on the
crest. Free flow occurs for heads up to 6 feet. Submerged flow occurs
for heads above 6 feet. A large vortex forms for heads from 6 to 20 feet,
For heads from 20 to 54 feet, vortices are either small or nonexistent.
The six piers on the crest serve to break up the large vortex into a num-
ber of smaller ones reducing fluctuations in discharge and resulting in
improved flow conditions, This dam was completed in 1949, and in the
Spring of 1950 passed a major flood. The spillway operated for approxi-
mately 1 month and passed 148, 000 acre feet of water. The maximum flow
into the reservoir during the flood was 24,000 cfs, while the maximum dis-
charge released through the spillway amounted to 3, 800 cfs. An inspec-
tion after this flood showed erosion at two points in the vertical bend. In
each case the eroded areas were about 8 inches in diameter and a maxi-
mum of 1 inch deep. This spillway again went into operation in 1951 and
time by the Bureau of Reclamation on all types of tunnel spillways. It
stands to reason that once a surface has been roughened, it is more sus-
ceptible to scaling, impact forces and cavitation when exposed to high
velocity water„
In closing I would like to encourage the collection of data and the
preparation of reports on the prototype operation of hydraulic structures.
It is actually a small investment compared to the benefits which can be
derived. What better method is there of detecting defects, of effecting
economy and improvink, future designs?
Interior - Reclamation - Denver, Colo„