Coating Fine Copper Powder With Poly Aniline
Coating Fine Copper Powder With Poly Aniline
Coating Fine Copper Powder With Poly Aniline
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To cite this article: Jizhong Chen , Yanhui Guo , Binbo Jiang & Shijie Zhang (2008) Coating Fine
Copper Powder with Polyaniline, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 29:1, 97-100, DOI:
Article views: 79
To improve the stability of fine copper powder, three methods were tried to coat it with
polyaniline. Pretreated, the powder was put into aniline solution. As ammonium persulfate
solution was added slowly, aniline changed into polyaniline and coated on copper powder. It
is proved that one of the methods is effective and can form good core-shell structure. The
shell of the composite contains reduced undoped polyaniline and a little cuprous oxide. The
composite has four stages of degradation in nitrogen and is more stable than fine copper
powder in air.
Copper is widely used in microelectronics for wiring, of good morphology. The thermal stability and degradation
electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding, electrostatic dis- behaviors of the composite were studied by thermogravimetric
sipation, etc.[1] As a noble metal, it is inert in air, but when its analysis (TGA) under nitrogen and air atmosphere.
size reduces, oxidation becomes apparent. To improve copper
powder’s stability, many materials were coated on it such as 2 EXPERIMENTAL
surfactant, conducting polymers, Benzotriazole, silver, silicon,
titanium, etc.[2 – 13] 2.1 Materials
Polyaniline (PANI) is one of the promising conducting In this article, A.R grade chemicals were used. Aniline,
polymers due to its comparative stability in air, easy synthesis, ammonium persulfate ((NH4)2S2O8, APS), polyethylene
low price, and high conductivity.[14 – 19] Until now, polyaniline glycol (PEG), polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), ethanol, and distilled
successfully has been coated on many metals, such as Cu, Ni, water were used as received.
Al, Pt, Fe, Zn,[20 – 27] etc. To get the polyaniline film, two Before used, copper powder was dipped in 1 M H2SO4 for
methods were used: electro-polymerization and chemical 30 minutes to remove oxide layer. Then rinsed by distilled
polymerization. Electro-polymerization is mainly used to water and ethanol three times, the powder was dried in
coat metal plates or poles with PANI, and chemical polymeriz- vacuum at 608C for 45 minutes. The number average
ation method is used when the matrixes are inert enough to diameter of the copper powder is 1.57 mm.
resist the corrosion action of aggressive media.
As fine copper powder is so small and active, it is difficult to 2.2 Coating Copper Powder with Polyaniline
coat it with polyaniline by electro-polymerization or just Polyethylene glycol, PVA was dissolved in distilled water
chemical polymerization method. In the present work, four and then some copper powder was added in these solutions,
methods were tried to form a pre-protective film first. Then after 1 hour, the pretreated copper powder was dissociated;
chemical polymerization method was applied to coat copper in another pretreatment method, copper powder was oxidized
with polyaniline. The morphologies of the composites in air at 1508C for 20 minutes.
obtained were characterized by transmission electron micro- The resulting 3.0 g pretreated powder in a beaker, then
scope (TEM) and field emission scanning electron microscope 40 mL distilled water and 0.4 mL aniline added at 208C.
(FESEM). Then infrared spectra (IR) and x-ray diffraction Next, the suspension was stirred for 15 minutes by a
(XRD) were used to analyze the components of the composite magnetic stirrer; 15 mL 5.3% APS solution was added
slowly within 1.5 hours. After another 2 hours, the composite
was filtered and dried in air at 608C for 2 hours. Composites
Received 9 November 2006; Accepted 20 November 2006.
Address correspondence to Binbo Jiang, College of Materials
synthesized with copper pretreated by PEG, PVA, and oxi-
Science & Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou dation are labeled as composite-PEG, composite-PVA, and
310027, China. E-mail: [email protected] composite-oxidation, respectively.
FIG. 1. SEM image of original copper powder (a), SEM and TEM images of the composite-PEG (b) (c), composite-PVA (d) (e), composite-oxidation (f) (g).
FIG. 3. IR spectra of the composite-oxidation. FIG. 5. TG and DTG curves under air atmosphere of copper powder.
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